JESS Sixth Form Gazette - June 2024

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JESS Sixth Form Gazette

Editor’s introduction-

As the summer holidays approach, excitement and anticipation fill the air. It's a time for well-deserved rest, adventures with friends, and the opportunity to pursue personal passions. Whether you're planning a sunsoaked getaway, a series of day trips, or simply enjoying the comfort of home, summer offers a chance to recharge and reflect.

But while the holidays are a perfect time to unwind, they also present an excellent opportunity to prepare for the academic challenges ahead. Balancing relaxation with a bit of revision can set you up for success in the coming school year. Finding a routine that blends study with leisure can help you stay on top of your game without missing out on the joys of summer.

In this issue, we've got tips on effective revision strategies, stories from fellow students on how they make the most of their summer, and insights into balancing work and play. We hope to inspire you to make this summer both memorable and productive.

Tips for Staying Organized and Calm Towards the End of the Year

I think we can all agree that term 3 is beginning to get a bit hectic. However, with all these deadlines coming up, we have to make sure to stay on top of them because if our Year 13s who graduated last Saturday made it out alive, so can we!

Before becoming overwhelmed by everything you have to do, make a detailed list of everything you have to get done, it might look intimidating at first, but it probably isn’t as bad as you think. Include the deadline of your work, date of the test, etc., and what you have to do until then to make sure it is successful.

Next, create a schedule! Allocate a few hours per day- before, during, or after school- to getting little pieces of everything done. Make sure to include breaks (very important!) and any extracurricular, sporting, or social commitments because balance is extremely necessary to avoid burning out.

Keep this schedule somewhere where you will see it and remember to stay on top of everything- this can be on your phone, a whiteboard/window in our room, on your wall, a planner journal, etc.

When creating this schedule don’t forget to break down large assignments or revision into smaller, more manageable tasks. It will feel wayyy less overwhelming and you can be sure you will get everything done in time.

Learn to prioritize tasks based on how soon the deadline is and how long each one will take you, do not leave long difficult assignments until last simply because you dislike the thought of doing them…

Finally, some days you might not have the energy to do everything you had planned and that’s okay, doing a little bit is better than nothing at all. Get enough sleep, eat good food (treat yourself too!), and exercising regularly. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teachers if you are struggling- remember you are lucky to go to JESS and be surrounded by understanding and caring teachers.

Good luck everyone!

JESS Sixth Form

Visual arts showcase

As a Year 12 Visual Arts student, it was really inspiring to visit the final BTEC Art exhibition. Each of the participants showcased a clear passion for the course in their presentation of a diverse range of themes, indicating their personal interests. The exhibition covered all art forms, from fine to digital, providing students with plenty of opportunities to showcase their own style. Staff and students in the JESS community were invited to appreciate the pieces produced over the 2-year term of the BTEC course.

Some of the themes included the implications of artificial intelligence in the creative field, natural forms and sea life, as well as expressions of cultural notions and social media addictiondisplaying a consideration of contemporary social and political themes as well as an appreciation for nature in multiple mediums.

The new student executive team, at the school, this year is a vibrant group, full of creative ideas and boundless enthusiasm.


as a community cannot wait to see what is achieved in our time as class as 2025!

Our Deputy Head Girl, Thea Lalkaka, encapsulates the feeling as she considers the importance of her role: "Working with such a broad group of team members who are always coming up with new ideas has been an exciting being part of the student executive team. Seeing how important JESS is to our community highlights the significant difference we can make. I take this responsibility seriously; it's exhilarating to have earned the trust of my peers as well as being eager to work with elementary school pupils, helping them to value their cultures and uniqueness while giving them a voice and leading by example."

Our student executive team has been divided into the following: Head students, Deputy Head students, Wellbeing, Diversity, Social, Eco Coordinators, Service, Creative, Digital, Heritage and our House Captains. As evident, our sixth form team ranges for a variety of strengths and attributes. All our students are dedicated and incredibly talented in the roles that they encompass for our following year ahead of us. This being said, we hope to see the sixth form team around and wish them the best!

If you see any member of the student council around, feel free to give suggestions and give your opinions on what can make our sixth form better.

JESS Sixth Form Gazette

Summer revision

Revision is on the horizon for our Year 12’s and year 10’s, although summer is a time for relaxation, you also need to review you school work so that you are ready for the next academic year. This reminder nudges them to carve out some time for revision. To ensure a smooth transition into the new academic year, consider incorporating these revision tips: Craft a personalized schedule that fits your preferred study times and breaks down the workload into manageable chunks. Utilize resources beyond textbooks, like revision guides and online quizzes. Actively engage with the material through mind maps, flashcards, and practice exams

Explain concepts to a study buddy to solidify understanding and develop clear explanations. Create a dedicated study space free from distractions and schedule regular breaks to avoid burnout. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with balanced meals, quality sleep, and regular exercise to fuel your brain for optimal learning. By strategically combining these techniques with summer fun, students can enter the new year feeling prepared and confident

However, don’t forget to take a well needed break for all your effort this year. While year 10 and 12 students deserve a well-earned break for relaxation, a strategic sprinkle of revision can make the transition back to studies much smoother. Think of it as an investment in your future success. Taking a break allows you to recharge your mental batteries, reducing stress and boosting your focus when you return to the books. It also provides an opportunity to explore new hobbies or interests, sparking creativity and potentially even revealing unexpected connections to your academic pursuits. Remember, a balanced summer fuels both your physical and mental well-being, setting you up for a productive and successful academic year ahead.

A revision plan will allow you to allow your summer to run smoothly and avoid a burn out. The key to a successful summer break is balance. While some dedicated revision can be helpful, it shouldn't come at the expense of relaxation. By incorporating breaks, hobbies, and healthy habits into their summer routine, students can return to their studies feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to succeed.

JESS Dance Show

Held at our very own JESS Ranches, this was the first dance show ever to exist at JESS. An event brought together students from JESS Secondary, JESS Primary, and JESS Jumeirah in a celebration of dance that had the audience in awe.

The night kicked off with our very own year 12s with an infectious energy that set the tone for the evening. Filled with grace, talent and joy they represented our school with pride.

Act after act from primary to secondary each dancer filled our hearts with warmth. showcasing their versatility and dedication.

The choreography was both intricate and emotive, leaving the audience mesmerized. The students also tackled many high-energy routines that was a burst of color and excitement, complete with daring lifts and spins. Some dances followed the themes of; Mean Girls, Barbie, a Stranger Things solo, Lion king, Matilda, Bridgeton, Lala Land, Pirates of the Caribbean and many more! While the dancers undoubtedly stole the show, we must not forget the incredible effort that went on behind the scenes. The choreography, music selection, costumes, and stage design were all meticulously planned and executed by our dedicated teachers and volunteers. Special thanks to Ms. Tomlinson and Ms. Mcloud, who coordinated the entire event with their usual grace and efficiency, ensuring that every detail was perfect.

JESS Sixth Form

Quote of the month"Summertime, and the livin' is easy," –Lana del Rey

Contact for interest in joining the team and contributing your talents (writing, art, photography) to the gazette!

Upcoming Dates:

• 5 July- Schools ends

• 26th August- School starts

• 27th August- Mocks start

Fun fact of the month-

The word summer is quite old. It's recorded before the year 900 and comes from the Old English word for the season, sumor!

Comic of the month – brought to you by the artistic talents of Sky Javaherian

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