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5 IMPORTANT FAQS ABOUT TAPEWORMS IN DOGS Tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) infestations are one of the most common intestinal worm infestations in dogs. With an average length of 8 inches, tapeworms are flat tape or ribbon-like segmented worms with each segment being 3–5 mm long. They attach themselves to your pooch’s intestinal wall and feed on your pooch’s blood and nutrients to grow into adults. They shed their rare-end segments (proglottids) in the course of their development, which is then excreted out with feces and appear like a rice grain or a cucumber seed and can also be seen at the end of the rectum of your pooch. Severe tapeworm infestations can cause vomiting, anemia, stunted growth, etc. Therefore, as a dog parent, you need to prevent and treat these segmented parasites. So, read on, the FAQs regarding tapeworms will be helpful.

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