Signs, After Care And Prevention of Heatstroke In Dogs

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Signs, Aftercare & Prevention of Heatstroke In Dogs

Bright sunny day is the best time for pet-parents to enjoy outdoors with their Fido. It’s such a boon to have a furry companion to spent time with. Either completely relaxing at a beach, jumping through sprinklers or planning a travel with your pet, summertime is the great opportunity to have fun in sun with your Fido. However, it is imperative for pet parents to also know that sun is not all about fun as it can also be a danger in disguise. Therefore, as a pet parent, you need to be vigilant about recognizing how the heat can affect your pup. Spending time outdoors in the scorching summer requires you to be aware of the symptoms that cause heatstroke in dogs. Moreover, it is also crucial for you to know the preventions in order to beat the heat even before it catches your pup. Unfortunately, if your dog’s body temperature reaches 40 degree or exhibits the symptoms of heatstroke, you should provide immediate treatment. Check below to have a clear idea of symptoms, treatment and prevention method of heatstroke in dogs, let’s check-out how.

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