The Tomorrow People- Brand Development

Page 1

Jessica Gillett


Contents Part 1: Generation Alpha........................................... 6-11 Christopher Raeburn (case study)............... 12-13 Movers & Shakers ......................................... 14-17 Sustainable Brand Story................................ 18-21 Part 2: Patagonia......................................................... 24-51 Sunspel............................................................. 52-77 Part 3: Collaboration.................................................. 80-81 Brand Story...................................................... 82-83 Consumer Profile............................................ 84-85 Logo Development......................................... 86-87 Brand Development....................................... 88-89 What I’m taking from.................................... 90-91 Final Product.................................................. 92-93 Promotion....................................................... 94-95 Packaging........................................................ 96-97 Swing Tag........................................................ 98-99 References...................................................... 100-107



Part 1 5


Generation Alpha: Generation Alpha is the cohort born between 2010 (the oldest only 11 years old) and 2025, (making youngest still yet to be born), by which time there will be an astronomical amount of 2 billion alphas or otherwise known as ‘screenagers’, ‘glass generations’ on our planet. Generation Alpha (the children of the millennials) will be growing up in an entirely different world. We will begin to see them take over the workforce (and arguably the world) by 2030, they will become the wealthiest and longest living generation yet. Although generation alpha is still developing, they compare in many ways to generation Z, it is already possible to identify noticeable features. Generation Alpha are the next generation to shape the future, as they will undoubtedly face challenging

climates, sustainability is key to this generation. Despite their current age, this cohort are already highly conscientious and will prioritize the planet over all else. Even starting a family will be put to a hault, generation alpha wants to put their full attention to improving the world around them, they will be hesitant to bring a new generation into the world before positive changes are made for the better and future. Ensuring that they are recycling and leaving the minimalist of footprint are just two examples of how this generation are seen already to be tackling this concern, it is likely to see plant-based diets grow in popularity as they find alternative ways to keep tackling the issue.


Technology will define Generation Alpha; they will be the most technology supTechnology will define Alpha; they will will be the first mostgeneration technology plied generation ever. Generation The ‘tech savvy’ cohort to have Technology will define Generation Alpha; they willbebethe the most technology supplied generation ever. The ‘tech savvy’ cohort will be the first generation their life fully emerged in The technology (as 2010 was also supplied generation ever. ‘tech savvy’ cohort will bethe theyear firstInstagram generationwas toborn haveand their life fully emerged in technology (as 2010 was also the year Insthe life launch the I-pad). Since 2010(as when ‘app’ to have their fullyofemerged in technology 2010 waswas alsothe theword yearof the tagram was born and the launch of the I-pad). Since 2010 when ‘app’ was year, technology has and not stopped there, artificial suchthe as AlInstagram was born the launch of the I-pad).intelligence Since 2010devices when ‘app’ was word of the year, technology has not stopped there, artificial intelligence deexa,word Siri and Google manyhas households own) are artificial especiallyintelligence aimed at this the of the year, (which technology not stopped there, vices such as Alexa, Siri and Google (which many households own) are espeage group. devices such as Alexa, Siri and Google (which many households own) are cially aimed atfavour this age group. over human connection, these interactive voice Alphas willaimed especially attechnology this age group. Alphas will favour over human connection, interactive voice technologies will technology therefore provide interaction theythese desire. Being totally Alphas will favour technology over the human connection, these interactive technologies will provide thegeneration interactionalpha they eats, desire. Being comfortable withtherefore electronic devices, sleep andtotally breath tech. voice technologies will therefore provide the interaction they desire. Being comfortable with electronic devices, generation alpha eats, sleep and breath These devices offer substantial education, and eats, distraction, generatotally comfortable with electronic devices,entertainment generation alpha sleep and tech. These devices offer substantial education, entertainment and distraction, tion alphas be devices highly developed visual learners. breath tech.will These offer substantial education, entertainment and generation alphas will be highly developed visual learners. The Alpha generation already a unique aesthetic being fashdistraction, generationare alphas willcreating be highly developed visual(whilst learners. The alpha generation are already creating a unique aesthetic (whilst being ion conscious). Childrenswear is creating certainlyabooming, with parent runbeing Instagram The alpha generation are already unique aesthetic (whilst fashion conscious). Childrenswear is certainly booming, with parent run accounts, generationChildrenswear alpha is entering the influencer market. fashion conscious). is certainly booming, withGeneration parent run alpha Instagram accounts, generation alpha is entering the influencer market. Gencan expect accounts, an element of social media their profession. Furthermore, Instagram generation alpha isinentering the influencer market. social eration alpha can expect an element of social media in their profession. media is alsoalpha a platform which use to theprofession. latestFurnews Generation can expect anyounger elementgenerations of social media in get their thermore, social media is also a platform which younger generations use to and stories; they deem it as isa trustworthy platform older generations Furthermore, social media also a platform whichunlike younger generations get the latest news and stories; they deem it as a trustworthy platform unlike which preference traditional newspaper. Alongside this, shopping has beuse to get the latestthe news and stories; they deem it as a trustworthy platform older generations which preference the traditional newspaper. Alongside this, come even for generation alpha, theythe favour an online experience, without unlike oldereasier generations which preference traditional newspaper. Alongshopping has become even easier for generation alpha, they favour an online the requirement to has leavebecome the house generation can be forecasted work and side this, shopping eventhis easier for generation alpha, theytofavour experience, without the requirement to leave the house this generation can be an online experience, without the requirement to leave the house this


generation can be forecasted to work and forecasted to work and shop from their home environment. Impatient may be a key characteristic which is recognisable within this generation. Given that technology has offered speed and responsiveness throughout their early years of life it is likely they will hold high expectations elsewhere to offer the same response. Generation Alpha will have a huge impact on the sport industry (a sport industry not like we know today). Traditional sports will eventually become less popular, football, basketball and tennis are deemed boring by generation alpha, e-sport and virtual reality sports are desired and favoured. We can expect to see the Alpha’s highly skilled in the sports (e-sports) they participate in, due to human interaction being discontinued and artificial intelligence taking over the training and coaching role. Gamification provides opportunities for this cohort to compete all around the world, alphas will globalise sports as technology has no boundaries. The percentage of non-whites is rising by 22%, due to this growing diversity generation alpha will without exception be a group of inclusive and accepting set of individuals. Race, gender, sexuality will be a selection of categories which will become less of an issue. The concept for being accepted as you are is important to generation alpha, they want to create an equal society. Open to accommodating differently cultures, tribes and races will create an explosion of multi race relationships.


Whoever you come across in this cohort is likely to be a rule breaker, someone who does not play by the rules and anti-sharing. They are likely to be selfish and require immediate gratification, this is due to the popularity of one child families, their parents most likely spoilt them growing up. Without sibling’s they have not had to understand the concept of sharing with others. For the future of generation alpha, this can possibly create a demanding generation. I conducted some primary research to see how predominant and reliant generation alpha are on these mentioned factors, as a result of the short questionnaire, it confirmed that 100% of participants (aged 11 and below) owned a technological device, some from as young as three years of age. Secondly, the questionnaire certifies that they have an understanding and


duty of care to look after the planet, 80% confirmed they are passionate about protecting the planet. Finally, I asked the participants whether they prefer to play e-sports or physical sports, again 80% reported they favoured e-sports, this could therefore be the beginning of the sport industry changing. Although it will be tougher to win over Generation alpha, their loyalties will lay with the brands who have similar beliefs and passions as they do. A sustainable, ethnically diverse, technological advanced company may be at an advantage over its competitors, a brand needs to be on trend and targeting the upcoming generation to succeed and thrive in the market. A great pressure has evolved for companies to create a better society, standing for more than just generating a profit, alpha’s will be particular when settling with a workforce, they must align with their values.


Christopher Raeburn (Case Study): A key name to mention as a mover and shaker in the sustainable streetwear race most certainly be British fashion designer Christopher Raeburn. Christopher has built his career on uncovering the significance of sustainability within the fashion industry. Christopher reported that the start of his fashion label was a ‘happy accident’, and since he has evolved into one of fashions leading sustainability lights, it is evident that he has been fighting the good his entire career. Along the neighbourhood trail ‘Hackney Life’ in London, Christopher in 2009 set up his own lab to inspire and educate others. Remade, Reduced and Recycled are three underpinning approaches Raeburn uses. Remade: reworking surplus materials, products and artefacts into new functional designs (these items are limited edition). Reduced: all designs produced at the Raeburn lab are carefully considered for their impact on the environment, reducing waste is key and can be achieved by minimising carbon footprint, produce small batches and reworking excess materials. Recycled: recycling pre exciting materials and harnessing green technologies. Christopher Raeburn tackles sustainability holistically, whilst using the ethos mentioned above, he ensures all aspects of production are considered. Sustainability is covered in all areas of Raeburn’s business strategy, the logo (made from vegetable inks), the packaging (wrapped in corn-starch, a bag which is completely compostable), the fabrics (repurposed unexpected and rare materials), even to how Christopher commutes to work (bicycle) all highlight how sustainability is at the heart of the brands DNA. Where there is increasingly rapid pressure for designers to produce collections in a way that does not harm the planet, Christopher is certainly one that reaches the challenge, and produces exactly that.



Movers and Shakers: EBYAK, is an award-winning sustainable menswear brand, specialises in premium sustainable streetwear. The committed sustainable brand finds a balance between admired commercial streetwear and increasing awareness of the damaging fast fashion effects on our planet. EBYAK produces collections with sustainability at its core, from start to finish the garments are sustainably and ethnically made. EBYAK claim that all decisions made are to positively define the future of fashion for the greater good, with hope to enrich the world and support it for the future, the brand is committed to sourcing as many sustainable materials possible. “The Collection” EBYAK’s ‘on-trend’ sustainable menswear collection that empowers, inspired by art and self-power to uplift the wearer consciously and subconsciously. Ranging from T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies, EBYAK provides ready-to-wear men’s sustainable streetwear at an accessible price, proving that sustainable clothing does not have to come at a great cost. The uniqueness of “The Collection” is that the line is sustainable, eco-friendly, Peta-Approved, ethnically made and animal free. The brand has here designed a line which combines powerful messages with ethnics and style.


When Stella McCartney first opened her brand, she prompted a cruelty free and ethical philosophy, she stood against the use of leather, fur, skins and feathers in catwalks and collections. Since the brands focus has been to invest in pushing towards circularity, taking steps in a direction which decreases the brands environmental impact. Referred to as agents to change the world, every decision the brand makes is a symbol of their commitment, Stella McCartney’s mission is to produce luxurious products that are beautiful yet sustainable, no compromises. The brand ensures the materials are sourced and products manufactured through a carefully curated selection of suppliers around the globe, many in which the brand has been in partnership with since 2001. Furthermore, the brand uses the ground-breaking tool EP&L, a tool which aids the understanding of the brands environmental impacts, Stella McCartney uses EP&L to measure the impact the company curates in all areas. Although a transition to a circular economy will be challenging and require exceptional changes, Stella McCarntey is a sustainable streetwear brand which has been notably recognised at tackling this, making changes for the future of fashion.


BoxHuman fashion is a stylish ready-to-wear unisex sustainable streetwear collection. The label is a part of ‘BoxHuman’, a platform providing positivity through inspiring stories, bitesize news, music, style and fashion. The London based brand designs items which empower the wearer through powerful statement fashion. BoxHuman fashion takes into consideration each step of production to ensure they are reaching substantial sustainability standards. Considering their farming, processing, manufacturing, printing and packaging BoxHuman are working for a circular economy. Save the Duck is a smart and ethnical company that looks to the future, in contrast to capturing the latest trends. Save the Duck are committed to improving sustainability by prioritizing animals (their designs are totally animal free), their environment


and those individuals that live in it. Producing fashionable collections with guarantee comfort and arguably most important, respect to the environment and animals. With strong determination to produce everything animal free, Save the Duck invest in sustainable materials to respect animals. Other brand values consist of a responsibility to protect human rights, their commitment to the future and love for nature, Save the Duck prompt a transparent business model that manages natural resources responsibly. The long lifecycle products (manufactured with trustworthy and long-term relations) generate a 1% of incomes donation every year to support animal and environmental charities. Save the Duck are recognised for taking many approaches in the sustainable direction.


In my opinion, how can brands create a sustainable brand story? Storytelling is indefinitely a powerful tool for retailers. Every retailer has a unique story to tell, one that resonates with their collation of brand advocates, all of which stand behind and support the story. A compilation of employees and consumers create a sense of community and association to the brands core. For a brand to establish a sustainable story the brand needs to view sustainability as a lifestyle, rather than just a step in a sustainable direction. All aspects of the product and production need to be considered, right from the beginning of the process up until the product has been sold, to the highest standard it can possibly be done. Sustainability should truly be at the heart of their DNA, it is understandable as to why sustainability has become a key feature of brand architecture, as to create a genuine sustainable brand story, sustainability cannot only be recognisable in one area of the business strategy. A brand should take a holistic approach to sustainability, and be clear with its overall focus as audiences are quick to notice unauthentic content. Raeburn is one brand which is seen to tackle sustainability holistically, from the fabrics he uses, to chosen manufactures, packaging, labels, to even how he commutes to work, it is all considered carefully and decided on what is best for the environment. Discovering the brands ‘why’ will aid the creation of a sustainable brand story. Uncovering the vision reveals the human emotion behind it, allowing the consumer to create a real emotional connection. Establishing the reasoning behind the sustainable movement creates trustworthy connections (which later turns into revenue). A purpose-led brand will thrive and become a key player in its market. It is the principle to share ‘why’ (why the brand is being sustainable) as to the ‘what’ (what the brand is doing to tackle sustainability).



Christopher Raeburn states “I think as a designer you have an obligation to consider what you are doing and why; ultimately, we want to make strong, responsible choices that provide our customers with a completely unique and desirable product”. Showcasing human stories and humanizing the business demonstrates the brand’s impact. This further aids in the emotional connection, producing a strong sense of community. It is key for authentic information to be shared to reflect on the true values and emotions. Current-day issues (including environmental and social) are exceedingly growing, the public knows these matters are not a quick fix and a large time frame is needed to tackle the challenges, therefore a brand should approach a realistic sustainable story that targets high-scale change over an exceedingly longer timeframe. The brand should hold consistency and be specific. Documenting actions taken keeps the audience in close communication, further creating this sustainable story. All actions that are taken and where the brand plans to go will be available to educate yourself on. A brand that wants to create a strong sustainable brand story should provide educational messages rather than peddling products. After all, it is the brand’s responsibility to educate their target market on the importance of looking after the planet. Social media is a great platform to achieve this, immediately you can reach across the globe in a fun and friendly way (something which sustainability is not so much of).




Part 2


What products do Patagonia offer?

Background knowledge: Patagonia is a United States label founded in 1973 by Yvon Chouinard. Since the young age of 14, Yvon Chouinard found a passion and spark for a lifelong love of rock climbing (he took lessons in Southern California). Before Yvon knew it, he came into business by producing the gear he needed to face the mountains, the word spread and soon he was selling these products to fellow climbers. Despite profits slim and selling gear out the boot of his car, by 1970 Chouinard equipment had become the largest supplier of climbing hardware in the United States. With the company growing, himself and his partner Frost began to see clothing as a way to support the marginally profitable hardware business, and the rest his history… Originating from Monte Fitz Roy in Southern Patagonia (one of the world’s toughest mountains to climb), Patagonia took this name to resemble their products ability to withstand even the hardest environments.


Patagonia offer a diverse product line of outdoor clothing and gear marketed as sustainable. Ranging from a variety of sports including skiing, snowboarding, climbing, hiking, trail running and many others, there products cover both men and women. Their outerwear products can be seen to come in a variety of colours, most known for their bright, vibrant array of yellow’s, red’s, purple’s, green’s and blue’s, they are certainly recognisable for their choice of colour. I think the reasoning behind this is that they want to resemble their products with the sunrise peering over the Monte Fit Roy mountain (as seen in their logo) to further make the link between the two. The products are minimalistic with their items being block colours with branding noticeable on most if not all products. Materials and designs alternate throughout the product line depending on which climate and sport the garment is designed for. Patagonia have participated in a shy number of collaborations; however, they did partner up with the well-established brand Danner to create a high quality, lifelong fishing boot. This brand has similar qualities to Patagonia, therefore applied to their already habitual audience. Patagonia can be in the luxury market due to their costly price point and high quality, durable items.

“We are in mission to save our home planet” Where can you find Patagonia? Despite originating from the US, Patagonia has become a worldwide retailer. Alongside physical stores around the globe, Patagonia also trade through ecommerce, a platform which is significantly becoming the most popular way to shop. Who is Patagonia’s competition? Patagonia’s competition consists of other outwear and sporting retailers (The North Face and Columbia Sportwear Company are two to mention). Despite being in the same market I believe Patagonia are at a competitor advantage as they do not specialise in one sport alone, and instead they cater for a wider majority. Also, Patagonia have established a different style of advertisement, they incorporate humour and environment conversation to create their bold, eye-catching advertisement. Across many accounts they hold on social media platforms they tally up to millions of followers, Patagonia use this space to inform their audience of key events, new product lines, the brand has been successful as communicating with its audience through this usage. 25

Who is the consumer? The current consumer base for Patagonia consists of middle to young, aged individuals (those who fall into the categories between generation Z and X). It is reasonable to assume most of the consumers have a passion and interest for sport and the outdoors, however a percentage may be purchasing Patagonia products as casual/ streetwear attire. As Patagonia offers long lasting luxurious items, the consumer is willing to spend more on quality, rather than disposable throwaway garments. As a consumer base who think about the environment, they are passionate about decreasing the impact they make on the planet, they are open to purchasing second-hand garments.





Is Patagonia a sustainable brand?


Patagonia is in mission to save our home planet. Patagonia are seen in many ways to be tackling the issue on sustainability, and this has been evident since they started to devote time and money to the increasingly apparent environmental crisis when they were a start-up small business. Countless acts have been taken since, including becoming fair trade certified, a Certified B Corporation, launching Patagonia action works, using 100 percent organic and recyclable materials, plus many more to mention Yvon Chouinard (the founder) alongside Craig Matthews started a huge sustainability movement by creating 1% for the Planet. Patagonia give 1% of their sales back to the environment. Worn wear is Patagonia’s hub for keeping gear in play, the brand aims to extend the life of the gear for as long as possible by repairing, reselling and recycling. Here Patagonia are seen to be meeting one of their missions to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis. The brand has been successful in persuading their audience to reduce consumerism by offering free repairs and second-hand clothing. Patagonia are strong believers that consumers need to think twice before they buy. Stated as ‘Better Than New’ their consumer is proud to own a worn wear item as it stands them out for their movement, a worn wear label is proudly attached. I believe that a worn wear item adds value to the product as it tells a story. Patagonia stands out by being one company which controversially asks their audience to buy less on black Friday. The company ran a poster and PR campaign telling consumers “Don’t buy this jacket”, this was intended to spread a sustainable message.

This buy less, more quality philosophy was placed in the most important national newspaper the Times. This advertisement is another example of how Patagonia have approached the matter of sustainability, they are attempting to re-shape the way their audience thinks, whilst establishing a strong sense of community as the brands values become more respected. All sales from the black Friday event were donated to environmental non-profits. As stated by Patagonia’s head of PR “there is no business” said Dean “if there is no planet”.


What does Patagonia represent? I believe that Patagonia is certainly representative, the brand can represent the wearers personality and lifestyle. Firstly, Patagonia can represent an individual of class. You can be expected to spend up to £800 on a Patagonia jacket, £300 for a pair of pants and £120 for a single T-shirt, wearing this brand therefore creates an illusion the wearer is wealthy with great disposable income coming in to spend, even if this is not the case. Patagonia further represents a person who wants to make a difference, somebody that is a conscious buyer. Whether the wearer has a great understanding of the current day sustainable issue or not, the consumer can be seen to be a part of the movement. Many may purchase from Patagonia because they resonate with the brands value and beliefs, I picture a person who has close correlation with a rural environment, spends most of their time submerged in nature and participating in outdoor sports regularly. However, despite this healthy active lifestyle pictured, a polar opposite case is likely.



Have Patagonia found a niche in the market? Patagonia is individual in comparison to its competitors in the market. Patagonia has found a niche in focusing on anything outside related, in both men and women’s clothing and gear. Patagonia is one of few retailers that provide this, separating them for the likes of ‘The North face’ who specialise in mountains and ‘Columbia Sportwear Company’ who specialise in bodies of water. Although all outdoor clothing companies claim to be the best for an outdoor quest, I think that Patagonia have made a greater success noticing this gap in the market. As Patagonia have a high price point and fall into the luxury category, offering this variety will not only benefit them competitively but also financially.



How materialistic is Patagonia? Patagonia, I believe are materialistic, the brand’s products are heavily branded with a bold, unmissable logo imprinted across the chest or most commonly on the left shoulder. In a selection of products, the branding takes over the entire front of the garment making it easily identifiable to others. Alongside heavy branding on mainstream items, materialism can also be evident in Patagonia’s worn wear collection. On worn wear items a tag which states ‘worn wear’ is sewn on to ensure identification. Their target market may favour this branding for reasons being, the items come at a high price point, this creates an instant judgement that the wearer is wealthy and in a strong financial position to purchase outerwear products that come at a price. The consumer may also want to flaunt they participate in said sports and are acknowledged as a professional, or someone who is superior to an individual who participates in more accessible activities. Furthermore, people may want to wear Patagonia’s worn wear to resonate as someone who cares for the planet, they may be proud that they are a part of the movement and feel the need to make others aware they done a good deed for self-fulfilment.



Why did Patagonia collaborate with Danner? “We knew it was the start of something good” as Danner stated, knowingly that Patagonia never truly collaborated prior on a product. Danner and Patagonia go hand in hand with experience and long histories in the outdoor space (Danner specialises in making rugged hiking boots). Patagonia have not chosen a brand at random; it has been carefully curated to find a company which strive for similar outcomes. This sensible match both wanted a product with durability, and therefore welcomed the two fly fishing boots, in which are comfortable, practical and durable. This partnership shows that Patagonia are not interested in exploring other areas in the market and producing something completely controversial to a new target audience and instead want to continue producing high quality products for their exciting loyal customers.



Are Patagonia Authentic? I think that Patagonia carry an unappealing aesthetic in their collections, through their use of colours and style fonts ‘Belwe Bold’ a daring look is created. A preponderance of pockets, zippers and pulls, far more than what be deemed necessary, located around the moody brown or bright pops of colour products can be viewed as overpowering and too much for the human eye. I think that Patagonia have certainly identified their own aesthetic, the brand is not trend driven and instead designs are made for practicality reasons rather than look. How beautiful the product looks are not a priority for this brand and is it the bottom of the list for their concerns. Despite the bright array of colours used, Patagonia I think have used this to ensure the wearer remains visible (even in the worst weather conditions) when in the mountains participating in their activity. As their aesthetic consists of block colours, the wearer is extremely distinctive and recognised for what brand they are wearing. I think this allows the wearer to easily identify with the tribe they are apart of. By being authentic, I think this is where Patagonia finds its fame. As stated by the director “We can’t control whether or not our brand is deemed cool or uncool, and we really don’t care”, I think the brand is rebellious.



Is Patagonia on trend for the current and future generation? Patagonia’s current consumer base consists of middle to young aged individuals (A collation of Generation Z and X). Generation Z may end up saving the fashion industry, they understand the importance of sustainability (a key principle of Patagonia) and are willing to think outside the box when recycling clothing. Also following recent events (Covid-19) consumers are becoming more concious buyers. Patagonia is a retailer a person can contribute to fashion and feel as though theyre taking part in the movement due to their countless efforts on tackling the issue. Alongside Patagonia targetting this market, they are already prepaired and on trend for the upcoming generations. Generaltion Alpha, although currently too young to purchase, will eventually favour a brand like Patagonia as they have similar belifs and qualities. As this cohort are mad about priotising the planet, Patagonia would be a perfect match and likely to be favourtized in years to come.



How do Patagonia bring humour into their branding? As Patagonia tackle the serious issue of sustainability (quite a dull boring subject to some), they attempt to engage their audience with an up beat humourous approach in their advertisement. Patagonia are known for using informal/ humourous images in their advertisement. Said images include a hiker substituting binoculars with two beer cans, a fisher with a rod in one hard and a can of beer in the other, and images with exaggerated facial expressions, often these images are alongside a catchphrase “get hooked”, “get wet”. I think that Patagonia have been daring whith this advertisement approach, however I feel it has created a friendly talking point, their audience through word of mouth are likely to discuss about the humourous, eye catching images (a great free promotional method). To ‘Build a movement’ more than just traditional advertisement needs to be done.



Do Patagonia prioritse their male consumer? Despite the website offering selections for both genders, it is certainly acceptable and likely an individual will purchase an item from the opposite geneder’s category. Between the two there appears to be slim differentiation and an item is indetermined whether it is female or male. Designs, materials and colours are simultanious. Although Patagonia provides clothing for both sex’s, I think that it is most popular amongst men. I think that as the products are minimilisticly designed with a block colour, they therefore have a masculine presence about them. Due to the products having a masculine origin, the brand will drive in the male consumer. Furthermore, in many photography images, it is a male model. Although some capture a female, this is less likely.



How do Patagonia target a global consumer? Patagonia targets consumers globally which means they must provide consumers from all regions the opportunity to shop both in store and online. To ensure this is achieved Patagonia have opened independent stores around the globe. For those who can’t easily access a store, patagonia have e-commerce available. I believe this has benefited Patagonia’s success.





Background knowledge: Sunspel is a United Kingdom label founded by Thomas Arthur Hill. Thomas, being the 11th of twelve children followed his father’s footsteps into the hosiery and lace trade, he found himself at the heart of the textile industry. His vision to create everyday clothing from beautiful fabrics continues to this day to be Sunspel’s philosophy. Nottingham being the centre of the British lace making industry, Thomas decided to open his factory here. Lightweight, soft clothing in fine cotton is what was expected from some of the earliest garments. What products do Sunspel offer? Sunspel offer a diverse product line of luxury everyday clothing. Ranging from classic Ts, knitwear, shirts, trousers, coats and more for both genders, however being mainly known and popular for their male ranges. The luxury products can be seen to come in a minimalistic and neutral colour palette, many items and best sellers in a classic white. I think the reasoning being this is that neutral tones add


to the luxury feel, however, if preferable darker colour choices can be made (each item comes with a wide range of colour selection). The items are minimalistic with their products being block colours, even branding is not visible. Materials alternate between luxury fabrics that are entirely unique. Despite originating from the United Kingdom, Sunspel has began to export globally. The brand has opened five stores in London and offer ecommerce to those who can access a store.


Who is the consumer? The consumer base for Sunspel consists of middle to young, aged individuals (Generation Z and X) who are predominantly male. It is reasonable to assume that most of the consumers live a luxury and wealthy lifestyle. Sunspel offer long lasting luxury products and therefore the consumers are willing to spend more on quality, rather than disposable throwaway garments. Sunspel’s consumer likely has the disposable income to make luxury and sustainable choices when filling their wardrobes.



How is Sunspel sustainable? How is Sunspel sustainable? Sunspel are actively seen to be tackling the sustainability although I believe the brand Sunspel areissue, actively seen to be tackling the susare not doing all they possibly could,the a step in tainability issue, although I believe brand the direction is certainly are sustainable not doing all they possibly could,apparent. a step in Sunspel work with factories within the UK (less the sustainable direction is certainly apparent. carbon worldwide, Sunspelfootprint) work withand factories withinand thewhen UK they do, brandfootprint) applies theand knowledge andand experi(lessthe carbon worldwide, ence own factory to find best. The whenfrom theytheir do, the brand applies thethe knowlbrand educates themselves on potential factories edge and experience from their own factory to to ensure theyThe share the same beliefs about qualifind the best. brand educates themselves ty, practices and environmental onethnical potentialworking factories to ensure they share the responsibility (manyquality, of these are small famisame beliefs about ethnical working ly-owned practices factories). and environmental responsibility As oppose to fastare fashion (throw away garments), (many of these small family-owned factoSunspel ries). have always prioritized to make products with lastingtoquality. The company do not produce As oppose fast fashion (throw away garitems onSunspel quick demand nor depending ments), have always prioritizedon to the latest Sunspel Making maketrend, products with value lastingtimeless The comclothes using items natural, and recypany dothat notlast produce onorganic quick demand clable materials on wherever possible. think that nor depending the latest trend, ISunspel the brand here style. tackling the issue of disposable value timeless Making clothes that last clothing and consumerism, in order tomaterials tackle using natural, organic and recyclable sustainability, the brand produce high quality wherever possible. I think that the brand here products which should not needclothing to be replaced, tackling the issue of disposable and an item a person invest in sustainabiland cherish. consumerism, inwould order to tackle In they came up with idea of ‘no waste’ ity,1940 the brand produce highthe quality products luxury ensure could make which to should notthey need to becontinue replaced,toan item clothes ofwould the highest the face of wara person investquality in andin cherish. time rationing, still up to this Sunspel In 1940 they came withday thedo idea of ‘no stand by this luxury philosophy. waste’ to ensure they could continue to make clothes of the highest quality in the face of wartime rationing, still to this day do Sunspel stand by this philosophy.



What is the purpose of Sunspel’s Essential collection? Sunspel have created a never out of style, never out of season and never out of stock collection, Essential. The fifteen-piece collection of classic Sunspel’s menswear staples are said to endure years of wear, made from luxurious fabrics. The collection is designed to cover all necessities with the simplicity of mixing and matching, encouraging its consumers to invest in responsible clothing. T-shirts, polo shirts, trousers, shirts, knitwear and jackets are the selection of garments available for a male to fill his wardrobe up with staple pieces. Producing versatile and trans seasonal items is Sunspel’s approach on tackling sustainability. I think that Sunspel are implying that purchasing fifteen items which can be alternated for numerous occasions is all a male need in his closet, as Sunspel stated however “these timeless clothing essentials are the building blocks of the modern menswear wardrobe”.



How does Sunspel achieve a minimal aesthetic? Throughout all products Sunspel has to offer, a minimalistic, clean and simple design runs throughout. A perfect fit with the Japanese ethos of simplicity design is certainly recognisable, in fact Sunspel offer a ‘Sunspel and Japan Collection’ on their website to share the appreciation of craftsmanship, luxury fabrics and refines style which for over 50 years has linked the two. Designs remain minimal throughout the products, often block colours with the occasional tripe pattern to add some creativity into the simple designs. With a wide range of colour’s available, a neutral colour is the typical go to when purchasing (however the consumer has the flexibility to alternate to a darker option). To keep the minimalistic feel running throughout, shorts, trousers and jackets are rarely accessorized with pockets, zippers or pull ties.



How materialistic is Sunspel? Sunspel, I believe are not materialistic, the brands products are not heavily branded, and in fact the logo is rarely printed onto the garment. Instead, the brand label’s the item on the inside collar out of eyesight. Their target market does not purchase items for the brands name, instead they look to purchase items which meet their needs (in this case luxury everyday clothing). Making others aware of the label they wear is not important to them, they do not feel to need to show others they have a high disposable income and can afford luxury products.



Who have Sunspel collaborated with? The likes of ‘Lemaire’ and ‘Troubadour’ are examples of brands Sunspel have been in partnership with. Sunspel have not chosen these brands at random and “When we do a collaboration, we like to work with brands that have similar attitudes” said Sunspel’s chief executive, Nicholas Brooke. I think that Sunspel have made sensible choices to ensure their brand philosophies remain when in partnership. Sunspel’s collaboration with ‘Lemaire’ provides simple, luxurious loungewear to prove the Brits and French can do beautiful things together. I think that this collaboration would have been great for Sunspel as they would have reached a new target audience (Lemaire’s consumers) in a completely different region. ‘Troubadour’ a leading brand in contemporary British design, collaborated with Sunspel to produce a collection of luggage bags, these lightweight bags offered a different characteristic than what Sunspel are usually familiar with, they were waterproof.



How is Sunspel iconic? Making British design history, Sunspel produced the worlds’ first luxury ‘White T-Shirt’ in the late nineteenth century and introduced ‘The Boxer Short’ to the United Kingdom in 1947. Alongside these two iconic pieces ‘The Riviera Polo Shirt’ is another iconic staple of theirs. The unique polo shirt provided the look for James Bond in Casino Royale, James Bond is therefore a walking face for the brand, many A-list fans would have adopted the look due to his influential presence. Alongside this, ‘The Boxer Short’ appeared in the famous Levi’s 501 advert in 1985. The advert featured Nick Kamen whipping off his Levi’s in a laundrette whilst he then waited in his best cotton boxer short. This one advert changed underwear history and the classic white boxer short sealed its position as a fashionable choice.



Has Sunspel began to export globally? Sunspel has opened five stores in some of London’s most fashionable places including Shoreditch, Soho, Piccadilly, Marlyebone and Notting Hill. These stores hold both the luxury menswear and womenswear products, however, more specifically the newly opened Notting Hill store also holds a selection of exciting collaborations and guest brands. I think this would have been great for Sunspel as by offering different brands they are in bringing in a new audience, I think that people are more likely to enter a store if a variety is on offer. Sunspel as a British brand, work with factories within the UK, in the 20th century the brand started exporting worldwide and in fact became one of the earliest British companies to export to the Far East. As an example, Sunspel developed its unique ‘Sea island Cotton’ fabric, sourced from the West Indies. This could have been a great way for Sunspel to expand their target audience across seas, other populations (who may not have heard of the brand before) may now come across them. Sunspel have previously collaborated with a French brand and ecommerce has also allowed individuals from all around the globe to shop Sunspel’s products.



Although Sunspel offer a women’s range why is Sunspel so popular amongst men? Sunspel have always offered a womens range alongside their mens, however, in comparison the male products have always had more popularity. A masculine feel is present through the lack of accessorized garments, the block colours and the occasional stripe. Men are enjoying the minimalist look of clothing more, especially when they see icon James Bond wearing the products. Furthermore, their famous ‘Icon’ products including ‘The Boxer Short’, ‘The White T-Shirt’ and ‘Riviera Polo Shirt’ are all targeting, specifically the male consumer. Being famously known for these products, undoubtable drives in a male consumer.



How do Sunspel create a luxury feel? Sunspel have been producing everyday luxury essentials since 1860. An uncompromising commitment to quality is at the core of the business, the brand has always worked with exceptional luxury fabrics, which include ‘Sea Island’, ‘Pima Cottons’ and the finest cashmere, lambswool and merino wool. The brand numbers each of their developments and prefix them with the word ‘Quality’ (often shortened to ‘Q’). Clearly Sunspel prioritise their products to have a luxury feel about them, for over 150 years, the brand has been sourcing the finest raw materials from around the globe and innovating to develop luxury fabrics that are unique. Sunspel’s products are possibly bought on an irregular basis due to the high price point and the durability of the fabrics, the consumer will therefore care for the product and take more responsibility in comparison to a disposable throw away garment (fast fashion). I think that due to the high price point, the consumer will want to feel as though they are wearing a rich product, ensuring the product feels and looks luxurious (achieved by fabric choices) will aid this.



Who does Sunspel represent? I believe that Sunspel is certainly representative, the brand can represent the wearers personality and lifestyle. Firstly, Sunspel can represent an individual who is wealthy. You can be expected to spend up to £575 on a sweatshirt, £595 on a jacket and £495 on a pair of trousers. Wearing a product from Sunspel therefore creates an image that the consumer has a high disposable income, that they are wealthy and an individual of class. Wearing these luxury items creates an illusion the consumer lives a luxury life. Sunspel, can further represent a person who wants to be seen tackling the sustainability movement, a consumer that purchased into the essential collection may be an individual that wants to create a more versatile and trans seasonal wardrobe to reduce their consumption. Many may purchase from Sunspel because they resonate with the brands values and beliefs, I picture an individual in a British City, somebody that needs to dress smart and portray a wealthy image.






Part 3


Collaboration: Patagonia and Sunspel are the two brands which I decided to collaborate, I believed this would be successful as they both align with similar values (both look to prioritise the planet). Although Sunspel are seen to tackle the sustainable issue, Patagonia certainly do more in their power, I therefore felt it was a perfect opportunity for Sunspel to partner up with a brand which are arguably in the sustainable light. Whilst Patagonia would be the leading brand in this collaboration, the partnership with Sunspel will benefit this brand in the future as sustainable efforts become less optional and more of a necessity (due to generation alphas loyalties). Strategically I chose two brands which are non-competing, I believe that this offers great potential for audience expansion as both brands can introduce their consumers to the partner. As both brands will be entering into each other’s markets, the brand collaboration can help advertise the business in a new way to a modern consumer.



Brand Story: The story behind my research is entirely based on the findings in my 10x10, I focused the collaboration on the key characteristics which stood out to me in part 2, being sustainability, materialistic and minimalistic. Overall, sustainability is the key and most important word. As discussed in the 10x10s both brands are seen to tackle the sustainable issue and generate awareness of the hot topic, not to mention how important the issue is to generation alpha. Generation Alpha are the consumer for this collaboration, the messages and story portrayed therefore need to resonate to this cohort. My campaign idea is that the consumer views the garment as though it is their ‘best friend’, they wear the versatile product to a wide variety of occasions and throughout any weather condition. The product is a reliable essential to have in your wardrobe and the consumer always has the product with them, it will have you covered for a lifetime. This campaign would be suitable for generation alpha as they will favour such a versatile product over a one functional piece of clothing. By purchasing such a multi-functional item, it will reduce their consumerism, all in a bid to be sustainable. Not only has the product been designed with sustainability in mind, so has its functions. It was a challenge to design a product which could be both materialistic and minimalistic in one. Yet as these were two key words which resonated with my chosen brands it was vital that they were incorporated and were a big part of the collaboration.



Consumer Profile:



Logo Development: When designing a logo, I decided that I did not want to create a new logo for a new ‘brand’, and I simply wanted to call the collaboration ‘Patagonia X Sunspel’. Because of this decision, I felt that taking each of the brands existing logos would ensure that the two brands do not lose their identities as individuals. I originally started by simply putting the two logos’ together on photoshop, however after trying different configurations I decided that these designs did not look effective nor the aesthetic I was trying to achieve. I wanted to final logo to look minimal and luxurious, I therefore felt this could be achieved by stripping back the colour (although not completely) from Patagonia’s branding. I specifically placed the small strip of colour in this position as I wanted it to resemble the sunrise/ sunset peering over the Patagonia mountains, its as though the sky is reflecting off water under the mountain creating a shadowed effect. Patagonia are the leading brand in this collaboration, I therefore felt it was necessary for their word placement to be larger and more centred.

Final Logo:



Product Development: Originally when I was designing the collaborative product, I was producing garments including hoodie’s, sweatshirts, and tank tops. However, as my research developed and I gained a greater understanding of the two brands I had chosen, I was soon to realise this was not the product design I should go ahead with. I had come to this conclusion as the designs were not representative of the two brands, it was important for me to ensure both brands were identifiable for it to be a successful collaboration, and these designs were not satisfying this standard. My current illustrations (at the time) had great resemblance to Patagonia yet lacked any significance to Sunspel, fortunately I recognised this early into my development and prioritised my time gaining a greater understanding of what type of brand Sunspel is. Understanding both brands into as much depth as possible was essential for me to successfully pull this off. A key turning point for my collaborative piece was when I discovered The North Face and Gucci collaboration. I was inspirated how one brand (in my opinion, The North Face) took the lead and Gucci flavoured them. I felt this was suitable for my collaboration as Patagonia are certainly ahead with the sustainable movement, it felt reasonable to similarly collab the brands. Brands including Off-White, Louis Vuitton and Vetements are also examples of brands which I gained inspiration off. This selection mentioned are famously known for saturating their entire product with branding, this was where the final design of my product started to come together. Maintaining both brands consumer trust and interest remained prominent throughout my development, it was something I remained conscious of throughout. Although it was a challenge to design a product to two very different target markets, I am confident I met this ultimatum.



What am I taking from Christopher Raeburn? Recycled materials were important for me to incorporate, Christopher Raeburn has been incredibly successful designing garments with recyclable materials. I would hope this success can also be achieved with my collaboration, certainly as generation alpha will favour these sustainable efforts. Alongside this, like Christopher Raeburn, I decided the logo on the collar (which I have designed) will be printed with vegetable ink, again to ensure sustainability and favour generation alpha’s interests. Finally, the product will be packaged and sent off in compostable packaging, similarly to Raeburn.

What am I taking from Patagonia? From Patagonia I am taking their fabrication, this is because I want to ensure that the product would still be fit for purpose. After exploring Patagonia’s materials and fabrics I decided ‘Recycled Down’, ‘Recycled Nylon’ and ‘Recycled Cotton’ would be most suitable, the consumer can therefore still wear the luxurious product during the toughest environments and activities. The product needed to be suitable for all weather conditions including rain and low degree temperatures, I therefore envision the product to be available in the three materials to allow the consumer to choose the fabric which is personally suited to their needs. In my opinion, Patagonia are brand focused and many of their garments have the logo imprinted on the front or back of the item (in some cases both). For me, this was something which certainly stood out as a recognisable feature of Patagonia’s, I therefore wanted to ensure this is reflected in the final collaborative product.


Patagonia have a very distinctive and recognisable colour palette, one which resembles the sun coming over the Patagonia mountains. I wanted to ensure the collaborative product kept this in mind as I believe their choice of colour is something they are recognised and remembered for.

What am I taking from Sunspel? It was important to me to ensure Sunspel’s luxury and smart aesthetic was still recognisable in the collaborative piece, I therefore took great inspiration from the items that Sunspel already have on the market. In complete contrast to Patagonia, Sunspel offer a neutral and minimalistic colour palette, as their choice of colour is something which they are famously known for it was vital this was represented in the collaborate piece. Minimalism is a key feature which resonates with Sunspel, therefore despite collaborating I felt this still needed to be present.


Product/ Price: The product is a smart and luxury garment which is practical for the outdoor environment, yet also stylish enough to walk the Highstreet. Priced at a high yet reasonable price point (£300), the luxury consumer is purchasing into a sustainable and lifelong garment. Perfect for the upcoming generation (generation alpha). The previously designed logo has been transferred onto some black fabric and placed at the collar. This design uses a neutral tone as the body of the garment with a pop of red in the lining and stitching. The product is saturated with Patagonia branding with one overly large pocket added to the side. Front:




Promotion: To promote this collaboration, I believe the most beneficial form of advertisement will be through social media platforms. Patagonia currently hold over 4 million followers on Instagram and Sunspel with 85 thousand, therefore this method will not only reach an astonishing amount of people, but it will also target the correct audience (generation alpha). I am therefore confident that this will be the most effective way to promote the collaboration. Across social media, posts will include close-up images and videos. Before the full product is revealed the two brands will tease the consumers with snippets to generate excitement about the drop. The collaborative piece will be available across both Patagonia’s and Sunspel’s ecommerce, I have decided to make the piece an on-line exclusive as after all, this generation favour technology and will be their preferred method of shopping. Ecommerce also enables the product to be sold worldwide. Generation Alpha are a demanding cohort, impatient may be a key characteristic which is recognisable within this generation. Given that technology has offered speed and responsiveness throughout their early years of life it is likely they will hold high expectations elsewhere to offer the same response. I am therefore going to ensure that when a consumer purchases the product, they will receive the product in the following 24 hours on next day delivery.



Packaging: As the consumers are purchasing a luxury garment, I felt it was only necessary for the packaging to match the luxury aesthetic. Therefore, I decided that the product will be packaged and delivered in a ‘Patagonia X Sunspel’ signature box. When the product is shipped, the box ensures the high valued product will not experience any damages. The box is designed using the same colour pallet, stamped with the collaborative logo on the roof. With each purchase, a Patagonia X Sunspel tote bag will be packaged up with the garment. The tote bag is designed similarly to the collaborative piece with the logo printed across the front. The idea behind the fashionable yet functional tote bag is to provide the consumer with an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags. The consumer will be proud to wear the merchandized bag alongside their purchased item as it shows they are taking part in the sustainable movement and bought into brands which are acting upon the matter. Also, I have decided to do this as it is a great form of advertisement.



Swing Tag: It was important to align the swing tags with the collaboration’s ethos, sustainability. I therefore decided to use surplus materials from the production process (which are recyclable) to attach the tag to the garment, this will loop through a hole at the top of the tag and attached to the garment at the point of the collar logo. Furthermore, the main body of the tag will also be recyclable as this will be made from cardboard, which can be recyclable worldwide. I chose for the tag to be white; this resembles what Sunspel are famously known for (their classic white T-shirt) and finally to complete the tag, the collaboration logo will be placed on it. As the piece is an online exclusive, this was all I felt necessary to be on the swing tag, the price nor barcode would not need to be displayed.

Final Swing Tag:



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