Inventum Magazine

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INVENTUM Your Source For Science Intelligence Issue

Exclusive Images fro m Space pg.7

April 2016

Our interview with


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & their emotions pg.8

Scientist Discover

Male Birth Control

25 TOP

Space Images


We Talk Atoms Exsistence


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Editor In Chief Ashlea Spitz

Image Consultant Mana Tsuda


PHOTOGRAPHY Inside Cover Full Spread Image Courtesy of NASA Pages 4-5 Full Spread Image Courtesy of Vadim Gromov Pages 8-9 Full Spread Image Courtesy of Sebastian Unrau Page 10 Top Left Image Courtesy of Sai Kiran Anagani Page 11 Bottom Right Image Courtesy of Mark A M Kramer Page 12 Bottom Half Image Courtesy of James Garcia Page 14 Full Page Image Courtesy of Teddy Kelley Page 15 Full Page Image Courtesy of Jake Campbell Back Cover Full Page Image Courtesy of Tim Gouw

INVENTUM magazine is published monthly by Inventum Electric Corporation. Inventum Magazine is your fix for everything science. It’s time to learn, grown and experience with INVENTUM.

CONTENTS Chemistry: Things that Matter: Does The Atom Really Exist?

Pages 4-6

Humanity & Technology: Can Artificial Intelligence Feel Empathy?

Pages 8-11

Humanity & Technology: Pages Humor: Artificial Intelligence’s Greatest Obstacle 12-14





Chemistry: Things That Matter

Does The Atom Really Exist? By: Kevin Luckerson Image By: Vadim Gromov

So the question is ... what is the mass of an atom? Well, if you take the time to investigate ... you’ll find that scientists designate the terms atomic weight and atomic mass to designate the mass of atoms.


o the question is ... what is the

and classrooms are no substitute

mass of an atom? Well, if you

for the critical thinking process.

take the time to investigate ...

you’ll find that scientists designate the

Found out that the mass of an atom is

terms atomic weight and atomic mass

not an actual mass ... but a theoretical

to designate the mass of atoms.

mass. The reason why is that we cannot directly observe or directly measure

You’ll also find that atoms can exist as

individual atoms. From what I have

solid metals, noble gases, radioactive

read...light (essentially photons) interact

materials, or any of a number of

with atoms introducing a subjective

different forms or atomic configurations.

element to the measurement (which

These different atomic configurations

of course needs to be objective). This

are designated in the Periodic Table

subjective element is essentially a wave

Of Elements. The Periodic Table lists

interaction that changes the structural

atomic numbers and atomic weights

integrity of the atom and in many cases

for all of the matter in the universe.

also changes the velocity and position of the atom and/or subatomic particles.

OK so...this makes sense. But how did scientists come up with the mass of atoms? Good questions. Well, I actually didn’t know myself ... so I had to investigate. I found out that modern science is not so modern after all...and that teachers, textbooks,




Chemistry: Things That Matter This subjective element is

the mass and acceleration

the ratio of e to m yields

addressed in the Heisenberg

ideas. These ideas give us a

the charge to mass ratio.

Uncertainty Principle

relationship that we know

which states that there

of as the mathematical

Also...Thompson is

is a fundamental limit to

equation F=ma. This force

treating electric field as

the precision with which

idea and it’s relationship

mathematically analogous to

certain pairs of physical

to the mass idea and

the gravitational field ... the

properties of a particle,

acceleration idea are part of

magnetic field seems to have

known as complementary

Sir Isaac Newton’s 2nd Law

a mathematical derivation

variables, such as position x

of Motion. These ideas were

based on frequency. Taking

and momentum p, can be

developed in the late 1600’s.

a step back ... you will also

known simultaneously. These

see that the Electric Field

subjective influences make

The idea that force is

Force and the Magnetic Field

it virtually impossible to get

equivalent to multiples of

Force are treated as Force

an objective and accurate

mass helped JJ Thompson

ideas that are ... of course

measurement of a true atom.

calculate the mass of

... related to the Mass Idea

an electron back in the

and the Acceleration Idea

So right ... if we want to figure

1800s. This calculation

(Remember that F=ma is the

out the mass of physical

helped scientists come

idea that force is equivalent

objects in the universe ... we

up with atomic mass

to multiples of mass.) Using

just use a scale in order to

and atomic weights.

these ideasFree Web Content,

measure its weight/mass. So

Thompson came up with the

then we just put an atom

You will see that he uses

charge to mass ratio. This is

on a scale and measure its

the projectile motion

the most accurate measure

weight. Of course, we can’t

equations in order to solve

of theoretical atomic mass

do this because atoms are

for mass using known

that scientist actually have.

very small ... so we can’t

quantities of 1.Magnetic

The actual mass of an atom

pick them up with our

Field as Frequency (1/s) ...

is unknown and therefore the

hands. The other problem

physically generated by an

actual existence of the atom

is in uncertainty introduced

Electromagnet and 2. Electric

is unknown. We only know of

by scientific measurement

Field as Acceleration (m/

its mathematical existence

and subjective influences.

s2) physically generated

or theoretical existence.//

This gets you to the double

by Electric Field Plates...

slit experiment and particle wave theory ... If I get a

It is very confusing ... but there

chance I’ll address this later ...

seem to be two different expressions for the mass of

So if we can’t measure the

the electron (e and m). The

mass of an atom or see it

mass (m) seems to emerge

... then how do scientists

from a Force Idea based

come up with atomic mass

on a projectile, projectile

and atomic weight. I found

motion, a gravitational

out that atomic mass is a

field, and F=ma. While the

theoretical mass and not an

mass (e) seems to emerge

actual mass. This theoretical

from a Force Idea based

mass is calculated using

on an electron, an electric

the force idea along with

field, and F=Ee. Solving for


Humanity & Technology: Artificial Intelligence

CAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FEEL EMPATHY? By: Barbara Young // Image By: Bastian Unrau

For centuries, humans have given a lot of thought to what separates them from the animals. Though there are a lot of differences between us and animals, many argue that it is our superior reasoning abilities that truly sets us apart.

Humanity & Technology: Artificial Intelligence

The Backbones of Technology // Image by: Sai Kiran Anagani


a short amount of time, artificial intelligence science has advanced so quickly that computers now seem more

human than ever. The greatest obstacle in creating artificial intelligence is not creating something intelligent. The challenge is creating something that seems human. Throughout the short history of artificial intelligence science, a number of tests have been proposed that will differentiate between true artificial intelligence and a wannabe.


THE TURING TEST Alan Turing, a British code breaker who inspired the movie The Imitation Game, was one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence science. He proposed a test he called the imitation game, later renamed the Turing Test, that would distinguish whether a machine could be said to be artificially intelligent. The test is

“...human emotions that set us apart from machines.” used to distinguish man from machine. For the Lovelace Test, a human judge asks an artificial-

simple in concept but extremely difficult to actually

ly intelligence machine to create some piece of

pass. The test works by having a machine carry on a conversation with a human acting as judge. If the human cannot distinguish a machine from a human through conversation alone (the human doesn’t get to see the machine so it doesn’t have to look hu-

art, either a poem, story, or picture. Next the human judge gives a criterion, for example, write a poem about a cat. If a machine can follow this direction, it’s said to be sufficiently human. If a machine could feel empathy, humans won’t

man) then it is said to have passed the Turing Test.

need to fear artificial intelligence as we tend to do. //

TRICKING THE TURING TEST What Alan Turing couldn’t have predicted is the devious nature of computer programmers who would set out to devise a machine that could trick his test rather than embody true artificial intelligence. Only in the last couple of years have machines been able to trick human judges into believing they’re carrying on a conversation with another human. The problem with these machines is they can do one thing, and one thing only.

WHAT ABOUT EMPATHY? Recently, there has been some thought about what society really wants out of an artificially intelligent machine. It’s great if they can carry on a conversation or produce art, but what about those human emotions that set us apart from machines. In a recent panel discussion at Robotronica 2015, panelists discussed what human emotions it would

Alan Turning, The Father of the Modern Computer

be important for artificial intelligence to obtain.

// Image by: Mark A M Kramer

Empathy was first on the list. If a machine could.

THE LOVELACE TEST Now that the Turing Test has been bested, a test proposed in 2001 by Selmer Bringsjord, Paul Bello, and David Ferrucci called the Lovelace Test is being




Humanity & Technology: Artificial Intelligence: Humor

Humor: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE’S Greatest Obstacle By: Mitchelle Dover Image By: James Garcia It’s been said that the true test of mastering a foreign language is the ability to make a joke in that language. While a sense of humor is usually second nature for most native speakers, it’s surprisingly difficult—if not impossible—to teach. It’s so difficult, in fact, that some reason that the development of a sense of humor will be the ultimate test for artificial intelligence. To understand the difficulty in teaching artificial intelligence to be humorous, consider what goes into making a joke.




o understand the difficulty in

to human S and M ultimately settling

jokes that they were programmed to

teaching artificial intelligence

on Fifty Shades of Grey. Then it would

say in response to specific questions,

to be humorous, consider

need the ability to appreciate the pun,

not generating their own humor.

what goes into making a joke.

understand the rhyme of “ray” and “grey,” and gauge the audience’s


ability to get the joke. Finally, artificial intelligence would need to do all of this

On a recent trip to Australia, comedy

in a blink of an eye to achieve good

writer, David Misch observed two

comedic timing (the joke wouldn’t

manta rays engaged in—shall we say—

have been funny five minutes later).

extracurricular activities. With perfect

“It would need to be able to connect the two very different topics of manta ray intercourse and human S and M...”

comedic timing, he quipped “Hey!

The moral of this story is that a lot goes

It’s fifty shades of ray!” The joke led his

into the making of a good joke and

friend, a former computer programmer

artificial intelligence is still far away

interested in artificial intelligence, to

from being able to replicate it.



Some have theorized that in order for

think about whether a computer could ever be programmed to make that

AI to reach its full potential, humans will

joke—not merely be programmed to repeat it, but truly generate

Though artificial intelligence is still a

need to feel comfortable interacting

it were it exposed to the same

long way away from developing a

with it. Developing a sense of humor

circumstances that David Misch was.

sense of humor, that hasn’t stopped

will certainly need to be a part of

humans from trying. Apple executives,

that process. Of course, that’s easier

In the end, it was determined that

for instance, were not overly thrilled

said than done. For the time being,

in order for an artificially intelligent

to learn that those who programmed

we’ll have to be content with Siri’s

computer to make that joke, it would

Siri, the iPhone’s built-in personal

dry sense of humor that she inherited

need to be able to perform numerous,

assistant, had managed to work in

from computer programmers.//

instant calculations. It would need

a few jokes. Microsoft’s counterpart,

to be able to connect the two

Cortana, is likewise programmed to

very different topics of manta ray

give humorous responses to certain

intercourse and human S and M, then

questions. Of course the major

it would need to be able to access

difference is that these artificial

the entirety of pop culture references

intelligences are merely parroting back




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