4 minute read
Dr. Dawn’s Mighty Fears series is designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives. The perfect guides for parents and mental health professionals.
Everyone has a body, although not all bodies are the same.
Some bodies are tall or short. Lean or curvy. Dark or light or a shade that’s in between.
20 But none of that matters, because every body—no matter the shape, the size, the color—can do all sorts of wonderful things. When you stop to think about it, your body is a remarkable thing. It can:
Blink Swallow
ReachScrunch down Grow
Repair itself Wave
Digest Make noises ChewBlow bubblesSee hear Smell Taste
and so much more…
Even now, as you sit wherever you are sitting, your body is humming along, doing what it needs to do. Your heart is beating, and your lungs are expanding, and your intestines are digesting.
We can get used to scary‑but‑safe animals the same way we get used to cold water, loud noises, and smelly smells. We can expose ourselves to them and we’ll get used to them.
Your senses are taking in information and so is your brain, which is thinking, and thinking, and thinking. FUN FACT Dogs lick their lips when they are nervous. They also lick their lips after delicious meals. FUN FACT Each dog has a unique smell that comes from glands near its rear end. That’s why dogs sniff one another’s bott oms, so they can get to know each other.
FUN FACT Your ears and nose kee p growing your whole life.
9 That might sound hard, but you get to be in charge of how to do this.
Think about the swimming pool again.
You have a choice about how to get in, right?
You can jump in, or you can go step by step.
Facing Mighty Fears About Throwing Up
Dawn Huebner, PhD
Illustrated by Liza Stevens
No one like to throw up, but emetophobia is different, turning disgust into dread. Facing Mighty Fears About Throwing Up presents techniques to help shrink this common fear.
Apr 2022 | £10.99 | 6–12 yeArs | 80pp | pB | 39 B&W illustrAtiOns | isBn-9781787759251
Facing Mighty Fears About Health
Dawn Huebner, PhD
Illustrated by Liza Stevens
Thinking about our body’s functions can be scary, especially when it morphs into Health Anxiety that gets in the way of everyday life. Facing Mighty Fears About Health teaches 4 steps to manage ‘false alarm’ fears.
Apr 2022 | £10.99 | 6–12 yeArs | 80pp | pB | 39 B&W illustrAtiOns | isBn-9781787759282
Facing Mighty Fears About Animals
Dawn Huebner, PhD
Illustrated by Liza Stevens
Fear of animals that slither, bite, and sting can get in the way of going places and doing things. Facing Might Fears About Animals teaches children techniques to shrink over-size fears.
Apr 2022 | £10.99 | 6–10 yeArs | 96pp | pB | 40 B&W illustrAtiOns | isBn-9781787759466
Facing Mighty Fears About Trying New Things
Dawn Huebner, PhD
Illustrated by Liza Stevens
First time jitters are normal, but when they turn into tears and outright refusal, the world shrinks in problematic ways. Facing Mighty Fears About Trying New Things teaches children to manage uncertainty about new experiences.
Apr 2022 | £10.99 | 6–10 yeArs | 80pp | pB | 35 B&W illustrAtiOns | isBn-9781787759503
Outsmarting Worry
An Older Kid’s Guide to Managing Anxiety Dawn Huebner PhD
Illustrated by Kara McHale
Tried and tested strategies from a best-selling author to help 9–13 year olds tackle their worries and fears. Worry has a way of growing, shifting from not-a-big-deal to a VERY BIG DEAL in the blink of an eye. This big-deal Worry is tricky, luring children into behaviours that keep the anxiety cycle going. Children often find it hard to fight back against Worry, but not anymore.
– Barbara Band, School Library Association
Oct 2017 | £9.99 | 9–13 yeArs | 112pp | pB | 10–12 B&W illustrAtiOns | rigHts sOld: cHinese (cOmpleX), icelAndic | isBn-9781785927829
The Sibling Survival Guide
Surefire Ways to Solve Conflicts, Reduce Rivalry, and Have More Fun with your Brothers and Sisters Dawn Huebner
Illustrated by Kara McHale
Why can’t they just get along?! This indispensable guide from best-selling author Dawn Huebner helps 9–12-year olds manage feelings, resolve conflicts, and strengthen bonds with brothers and sisters. Warm, witty, practical and effective, this book will help children live in peace.
Jun 2021 | £12.99 | 9–12 yeArs | 128pp | pB | B&W illustrAtiOns tHrOugHOut | isBn-9781787754911
Something Bad Happened
A Kid’s Guide to Coping With Events in the News Dawn Huebner
Illustrated by Kara McHale
Expert advice from best-selling author Dawn Huebner to help 6 to 12 year olds manage sadness and fear about troubling world events
sep 2019 | £10.99 | 6–12 yeArs | 80pp | pB | isBn-9781787750746