Gender and Sexuality Books 2024-2025
Welcome to our latest gender and sexuality book catalogue
We’re thrilled to present you with our latest catalogue of books that celebrate the rich and diverse range of experiences from the LGBTQIA+ rainbow. Every book is written by people in our community, for our community and alongside your favourites, look our for new releases like It Ain’t Over Til The Bisexual Speaks – the latest book by best-selling authors Vaneet Mehta and Lois Shearing, Monogomy? In This Economy?, a guide that gets into the nitty gritty of living in polyamorous household, and The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide by asexual TikTok star Cody Diagle-Orians.
We have plenty for kids and families too including A Grand Love – stories for grandparents of transgender children, Pride Families – a celebration of all kinds of rainbow families and Rainbow, Unicorns and Triangles – a beautifully illustrated guide to queer symbols used throughout history. We hope you’ll find books that will excite and interest you – if you have feedback or an idea for our future publishing please do get in touch!

Publishing Director, Amy Lankester-Owen (she/her) amy.lankesterowen@jkp.com
Senior Commissioning Editor, Jane Evans (she/her) jane.evans@jkp.com
Senior Marketing Executive, Harry Taylor (he/they) harry.taylor@jkp.com
Commissioning Editor, Alex DiFrancesco (they/he) alex.difrancesco@hbgusa.com
Marketing Executive, Megan Donny (she/her) megan.donny@hbgusa.com
UK Sales
For bulk orders and special sales contact: Sales Manager, Emily Short (she/her) emily.short@hodder.co.uk

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Healthy Chest Binding for Trans and Non-Binary People
A Practical Guide
Frances ReedBinding is a crucial strategy in many transgender and non-binary people’s lives for coping with gender dysphoria, yet the vast majority of those who bind report some negative physical symptoms. Written by Frances Reed, a licensed bodywork and massage therapist specialising in gender transition, this comprehensive guide helps you make the healthiest choices from the very start of your binding journey. Including guidance for choosing the right binder, approaching your first bind, an overview of potential health risks and complications, a range of selfmassage and self-fascial release exercises to minimize pain and dysphoria, as well as tips and tricks for exercising safely in a binder - this is the ultimate resource for anyone that practices chest binding.
ISBN-9781787759497 | April 2024 | £19.99

Surviving Transphobia
Edited by Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-RThe transgender and gender nonbinary community is forever under siege. Institutional transphobia is enacted by those who would return us to the shadows, the closets, or worse.
Surviving Transphobia is an anthology by transgender and gender nonbinary celebrities and experts on endurance during times of severe hostility. We share the moments when we were vulnerable, were bullied, had needs dismissed, or were discriminated against, revealing our determination and how we have (sometimes) managed to thrive. We offer loving support as you brave agony and seek joy. We also speak to our allies.
We are activists, actors, athletes, authors, lawyers, doctors, nurses, therapists, sex workers, clergy, diplomats, and military veterans. We are of many ethnicities. We vary socioeconomically, educationally, and geographically. Some are neurodivergent. Several are disabled or have chronic illnesses. A few are HIV+. A small number were born elsewhere.
We have survived, here’s how. And if we can survive... so can you.
ISBN-9781787759664 | September 2023 | £14.99

Transition to Success A Self-Esteem and Confidence Workbook for Trans People
Matthew WaitesIdentifying as a trans and/or non-binary person in today’s society can be a daily challenge. However, these challenges can also lead you to experience a spectrum of emotions and experiences others can only dream of, and untold strength and power - if you know how to harness it!
Drawing upon the author’s personal experiences as a trans man, and using life-coaching and mentoring techniques throughout, this workbook will give you the tools to defeat imposter syndrome, nourish your relationships, make strides in your career, and exercise safely, without compromising on that tuck or bind. With activities, tips and self-reflective exercises to enable you to reflect on your goals, challenges and life experiences, as well as your self-limiting behaviours, this workbook is here to support you during transition, on coming out, in your relationships, at work and with your physical and mental health. Trans joy is real - so seize every opportunity that comes your way.
ISBN-9781839970528 | June 2023 | £17.99
coming soon

Trans and Disabled
An Anthology of Identities and Experiences
Edited by Alex IantaffiTo be trans and disabled means to have experienced harassment, discrimination, loneliness, often poverty, to have struggled with feeling unworthy of love.
To be trans and disabled means experiencing ableism within our trans communities and transphobia within our disabled communities.
To be trans and disabled means to love our fellow trans and disabled people harder than we could ever love ourselves.
This anthology brings together vulnerable stories, poems, plays, drawings, and personal essays. They explore how we make sense of ourselves, our intersections of identities and experiences, of how we are treated, and how much love we are capable of.
ISBN-9781839970818 | January 2025 | £14.99

Gender Confirmation Surgery
A Guide for Trans and Non-Binary People
Edward WhelanThis accessible guide covers the range of gender confirmation surgeries available for all trans and non-binary people, including breast augmentation, chest reconstruction, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, vocal surgery and facial feminisation.
With personal stories and illustrations throughout, this comprehensive resource will help you understand the full range of surgical options available. The guide offers an overview of the whole process, with information and advice about each procedure, including planning and recovery, sexual health and fertility, and insight into what to expect in the years following an operation.
This is essential reading for any trans or non-binary people considering gender confirmation surgery and will help you make the decision that’s right for you.
ISBN-9781839970979 | August 2023 | £14.99

All the Things They Said We Couldn’t Have
Stories of Trans Joy
T. C. Oakes-Monger, illustrated by Flatboy
‘Transition has not been something linear for me, my joy has come in seasons.’
Now, more than ever, trans people deserve to hear stories of joy and hope, where being trans doesn’t have to be defined by fear and dysphoria, but can be experienced through courage, freedom, and the love and acceptance of their chosen families.
Through a series of uplifting, generous and beautifully crafted vignettes, T. C. Oakes-Monger gently leads you through the cycle of the seasons - beginning in Autumn and the shedding of leaves and identity, moving through the darkness of Winter, its cold days, and the reality of daily life, into Spring, newness, and change, and ending with the joy of long Summer days and being out and proud - and invites you to find similar moments of joy in your life.
Celebratory and empowering, these stories are a reminder of the power joy can bring.
ISBN-9781839971501 | January 2023 | £12.99

A Trans Man Walks Into a Gay Bar
A Journey of Self (and Sexual) Discovery
Harry Nicholas‘On the bookshelves, there was plenty of stuff on being gay, and much needed, joyous accounts of what it is to be trans, but nothing really that encapsulates what is it to be both - to exist in the hazy terrain between.’
After his relationship with his girlfriend of 5 years ended, Harry realised he was a single adult for the first time - not only that, but a single, transmasculine and newly out gay man.
Despite knowing it was the right decision, the reality of his new situation was terrifying. How could he be a gay man, when he was still learning what it was to be a man? Would the gay community embrace him or reject him? What would gay sex be like? And most importantly, would finding love again be possible?
In this raw, intimate and unflinchingly honest book, we follow Harry as he navigates the sometimes fraught and contradictory worlds of contemporary gay culture as a trans gay man, from Grindr, dating and gay bars, to saunas, sex and ultimately, falling in love. Harry’s brave and uplifting journey will show you there is joy in finding who you are.
ISBN-9781839971846 | May 2023 | £12.99

Accepting Gender
An ACT Workbook for Trans and Non-
Binary People
Alex StittSometimes it is difficult to identify and express our genuine gender identity. When we don’t fit the ideal, the gender role, or the social script, we can feel trapped in ourselves. This “stuck” feeling is often reinforced by intrusive thoughts, mental rigidity, and self-judgement. Where do you even begin?
Non-binary counselor, Alex Stitt, lays the foundations for addressing these feelings with reflective exercises and activities rooted in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that help you understand what gender is, the spectrum of different gender identities, how to identify and accept your gender, coming out, selfactualization and much more.
This interactive and humanizing workbook will help you identify your values so you can accept and embody what’s most important to you in your gender exploration.
ISBN-9781839974335 | April 2023 | £14.99

Gender is Really Strange
Teddy G. Goetz, MD, MSWhat does it mean to be trans? Non-Binary? Gender Expansive?
What parts of gender come from society? What parts come from within?
How much is biology, and how much is socialization?
Part of the Really Strange series, this science-based graphic medicine comic addresses these questions and more, revealing the inherent messiness of gender identity and sex. A mysterious amalgam of biology and society, inherently sensed, yet societally-defined, the complexity of gender is revealed through examining neuroscience, biology, hormones, mental health, behaviour and how much of gender comes from society.
Exploring theories, thinkers, terminology, history and gender cultures around the world and across different religions, this easy-to-understand and engaging book will help you to question perceived norms and engage critically with your own gender identity. Get ready to break down the binary B.S. and celebrate gender in all its messy glory!
ISBN-9781839975288 | October 2023 | £9.99

Am I Trans Enough?
How to Overcome Your Doubts and Find Your Authentic Self
Alo JohnstonAm I Trans Enough? The answer is undoubtably yes. You are.
Alo Johnston has been where you are. From watching every transition story on YouTube and navigating online message boards for answers to finally starting testosterone and transitioning himself, he now walks alongside you every step of the way to guide you towards acceptance of who you truly are.
Born out of thousands of hours of research and conversations with hundreds of trans people, Am I Trans Enough? digs deep into internalized transphobia and the historical narratives that fuel it. It unveils what happens after you come out, or begin questioning living as a trans person, in a world that works against you.
Use this book as a space to engage with your fears and explore your doubts without the pressure of needing to be a perfect trans representative. If you are just beginning your trans journey, are twenty years into transition or have no idea if you are even trans at all, this book will help you to become your most authentic self.
ISBN-9781839975356 | February 2023 | £14.99
Bisexual Men Exist
A Handbook for Bisexual, Pansexual and M-Spec Men
Vaneet Mehta
Vaneet shares his own lived experience as well as personal stories from others in the community to help validate and uplift other bisexual men. Discussing the treatment of m-spec men in LGBTQ+ places, breaking down stereotypes and highlighting the importance of representation and education, this empowering book is a rallying call for m-spec men everywhere.
ISBN-9781787757202 | January 2023 | £14.99
It Ain’t Over Til the Bisexual Speaks
An Anthology of Bisexual Voices
Vaneet Mehta and Lois Shearing
The bisexual experience is, by necessity, incredibly diversewe are likely to be attracted to different genders, form part of multiple marginalised groups, and be perceived (depending on the gender of our partner) in wildly different ways..

Bisexuality: The Basics
Your Q&A Guide to Coming Out, Dating, Parenting and Beyond
Lewis Oakley
My partner doesn’t believe I’m bisexual, what should I do?

How should I approach sex with someone of a different gender for the first time?
Can I reconcile being bisexual with wanting a biological child?
This anthology is a radical and ambitious attempt to capture the incredible multiplicity of bisexual identities. With essays that unpack the intersectionality and conflict of bisexuality with history, language, sexual violence, class identity, religion, polyamory, gender critical ideology, fatness, trans activism, the asylum system, literature and anarchy - this collection of bi voices demands to be heard.
With contributions from Shiri Eisner, Hafsa Qureshi, Zachary Zane, Heron Greenesmith, and many, many more...
ISBN-9781839971969 | May 2024 | £14.99
Identifying as bisexual can be a pretty confusing experience - navigating experimentation versus orientation, at times presenting as a straight-passing member of a queer community, at other times having people discredit your attraction to multiple genders. Lewis Oakley, creator of the Ask A Bi Dad olumn, knows every trick in the book - and he’s here to answer your most burning questions...
Warm, chatty, wise and startlingly honest - this is your new bi bible.
ISBN-9781839976483 | May 2024 | £12.99
Live, Laugh, Lesbian
Navigating Life as a Lesbian in the 21st Century
Helen Scott
From strap-ons and Lesbian Bed Death to dealing with homophobic microaggressions in the workplace and finding your second family, Helen Scott, lesbian big sister and lipstick femme in chief is here to hold your hand as you travel your own unique path to Gay Town.
Half memoir, half guide, and 100% big lesbian hug, plunge with Helen into the highs and lows of navigating lesbian life in the modern world and emerge with all the lesbian life hacks you’ll need to get out there and live the life of your dreams.
Candid, wise, bold and hilarious - it’s time to reclaim the L in LGBTQ+
ISBN-9781839978159 | October 2023 | £12.99
Gay Man Talking
All The Conversations We Never Had
Daniel Harding
Son, Brother, Gay Best Friend. Lover, Enemy, Homo. Twink, Otter, Bear.

Through candid and humorous conversations with those closest to him, Daniel Harding unpacks modern gay relationships - from parents, siblings and friends, through to lovers, enemies, technology and ourselves - to explore how it’s the relationships around us, breaking us down and making us back up, that are our defining moments.
Combining poignant and entertaining anecdotes with powerful interviews with other gay men and influential figures, alongside valuable insight from behavioural expert Judi James, this wise and witty book will help you to challenge the relationships you have with others - and yourself - allowing you to be truly proud of who you are.
ISBN-9781839970948 | September 2022 | £12.99

Monogamy? In this Economy? Finances, Childrearing, and Other Practical Concerns of Polyamory
Laura Boyle

More and more queer and not-so-queer partners are taking the plunge and deciding to live and parent together. But wait - who lives with who? How do you navigate parenting children? How do you set up your home/finances/bathrooms? Laura Boyle, having interviewed over three hundred people living in every polygamous configuration under the sun - has answers for you. Forget 101s on jealousy and New Relationship Energy - this wise and pragmatic guide gets into the nitty gritty of living in polyamorous households long-term.
ISBN-9781805011194 | August 2024 | £14.99
I Am Ace
Advice on Living Your Best Asexual Life
Cody Daigle-Orians
How do I know if I’m actually asexual?
How do I come out as asexual?
What kinds of relationship can I have as an ace person?
If you are looking for answers to these questions, Cody is here to help. Within these pages lie all the advice you need as a questioning ace teen.
Tackling everything from what asexuality is, the asexual spectrum and tips on coming out, to intimacy, relationships, acephobia and finding joy, this guide will help you better understand your asexual identity alongside deeply relatable anecdotes drawn from Cody’s personal experience.
ISBN-9781839972638 | February 2023 | £12.99
Hopeless Aromantic
An Affirmative Guide to Aromanticism
Samantha Rendle
Aromanticism is defined as experiencing little to no romantic attraction to others. Sam Rendle, onetime aromantic asexual, sometime aroaceflux, and present-day label unspecified, knows a thing or two about the aro spectrum - and she has some answers for you.

Ace and Aro
A Guide to Embracing Your Asexual or Aromantic Identity
The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project

You’ll explore what aromanticism is, how aromantic people form relationships, how to know if you’re aromantic and deal with internalised shame and societal stigma. With a history of aromantic representation, guidance on queerplatonic relationships, and testimony from your worldwide aro family - this is the affirmatory aro companion to have in your back pocket.
ISBN-9781839973680 | July 2023 | £12.99

Join the The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (TAAAP) for a deep dive into the process of discovering and embracing your ace and aro identities. Empower yourself to explore the nuances of your identity, find and develop support networks, explore different kinds of partnership, come out to your communities and find real joy within.
Combining a rigorous exploration of identity and sexuality models with hundreds of candid and poignant testimonials - this companion vouches for your personal truth, wherever you lie on the aspec spectrum. You are not invisible! You are among friends.
ISBN-9781839976391 | April 2023 | £14.99
Ace Notes
Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World
Michele KirichanskayaWhat is the ace lens?
Is my relationship queerplatonic?
Am I sex-favorable, sex-averse or sex-repulsed?
As an ace or questioning person in an oh-so-allo world, you’re probably in desperate need of a cheat sheet. Allow us to introduce your new asexual best friend, an essential resource serving up the life hacks you need to fully embrace the ace. Expect interviews with remarkable aces across the spectrum, advice on navigating different communities , and low-key ways to flaunt your ace identity.

Covering everything from coming out, explaining asexuality and understanding different types of attraction, to marriage, relationships, sex, consent, gatekeeping, religion, ace culture and more, this is the ultimate arsenal for whatever the allo world throws at you.
ISBN-9781839975233 | March 2023 | £12.99
Amazing Ace, Awesome Aro
An Illustrated Exploration
Victoria Barron
The split attraction model? Alterous Love? Queerplatonic relationships?
From the creator of Perfectly Queer: An Illustrated Introduction, this bold and brilliantly illustrated guide is written for anyone looking to explore the beautiful ace and aro communities; the acefluxes, the arospikes, the demis, the greys, the frays and more.

The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide
Making It Work in Friendship, Love, and Sex
Cody Daigle-Orians
Should I be upfront with someone I’m interested in that I’m ace or aro?

How do I get people to respect my boundaries around intimacy?
What if I don’t want intimacy at all?
Separate the myths and stereotypes, and discover some of the wonderful intricacies that shape each spectrum, including: forms of love and attraction, common identities, microlabels, flags, and the entertaining community-led culture.
Packed with quizzes, activity sheets and a directory of further resources, this is a celebration of all things ace and aro!
ISBN-9781839977152 | June 2023 | £10.99
These questions are not only a source of deep anxiety and frustration for ace and aro people - but limit the heights that ace and aro folks believe they can reach for in their lives. These questions make us believe that we should settle for less, when in fact we all deserve more.Whether we’re talking about friendships, romantic relationships, casual dates or casual intimate partners, this guide will help you not only live authentically in your ace and aro identity, but joyfully share it with others.
ISBN-9781839977350 | October 2024 | £12.99

Ace Voices
Eris YoungHow do we experience attraction?
What does love mean to us?
When did you realise you were ace?
This is the ace community in their own words.
Drawing upon interviews with a wide range of people across the asexual spectrum, Eris Young is here to take you on an empowering, enriching journey through the rich multitudes of asexual life.
With chapters spanning everything from dating, relationships and sex, to mental and emotional health, family, community and joy, the inspirational stories and personal experiences within these pages speak to aces living and loving in unique ways. Find support amongst the diverse narratives of aces sex-repulsed and sex-favourable, alongside voices exploring what it means to be black and ace, to be queer and ace, or ace and multi-partnered - and use it as a springboard for your own ace growth.
Do you see a story like your own?
ISBN-9781787756984 | December 2022 | £16.99

Sounds Fake But Okay
An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else
SarahCostello and Kayla Kaszyca
Somehow, over time, we forgot that the rituals behind dating and sex were constructs made up by human beings and eventually, they became hard and fast rules that society imposed on us all. True Love. Third Wheels. Dick pics. ‘Dying alone’. Who decided this was normal?
Sarah and Kayla invite you to put on your purple aspec glasses - and rethink everything you thought you knew about society, friendship, sex, romance and more.
Drawing on their personal stories, and those of aspec friends all over the world, prepare to explore your microlabels, investigate different models of partnership, delve into the intersection of gender norms and compulsory sexuality and reconsider the meaning of sex - when allosexual attraction is out of the equation.
Spanning the whole range of relationships we have in our lives - to family, friends, lovers, society, our gender, and ourselves, this book asks you to let your imagination roam, and think again what human connection really is.
Includes exclusive ‘Sounds Fake But Okay’ podcast episodes.
ISBN-9781839970023 | February 2023 | £14.99

Queer Body Power
Essie DennisAs a young, queer, plus-size person, Essie Dennis has spent a lot of time feeling like they weren’t enoughnot queer enough, not feminine enough, not perfect enough. When they took to social media to share how they felt, they were overwhelmed by how many others felt the same.
I look too masculine to be non-binary
I look too feminine to be a lesbian
Am I too fat for drag?
Inviting you to challenge accepted beauty standards and the concept of ‘the perfect body’, Essie takes everything they have learned on their journey to self-acceptance and body satisfaction to help guide you towards loving your queer body. From gender, sexuality and reclaiming your body, through to food, politics, social media and fatphobia, this radical book starts a conversation about body image and mental health that queer people are so often left out of. Fiercely and unapologetically written, and with honest advice and powerful stories from a diverse range of queer people throughout, this is an inspiring and necessary book that will show you that you are enough.
ISBN-9781787759046 | March 2022 | £14.99

Perfectly Queer
An Illustrated Introduction
Victoria BarronThe alphabet mafia? The queer umbrella? A little confused by--or curious about--the terminology and identities that make up the LGBTQIA+ community? For allies and queer folks alike, this visual introduction uses bright and fabulous illustrations to explain the rainbow of gender identities and sexualities.
Activity pages, featuring a rainbow mascot--The Rainboa Constrictor--divide chapters on gender identity, assigned sex, sexual and romantic orientations, acronyms, and common queer-ies, to make things (hopefully) more Perfectly Queer!
ISBN-9781839974090 | February 2023 | £9.99

Queerly Autistic
The Ultimate Guide to LGBTQIA+ Teens on the Spectum
In this empowering and honest guide for LGBTQIA+ autistic teens, Erin Ekins gives you all the tools you need to figure out and explore your gender identity and sexuality.
From coming out to friends and family, staying safe in relationships and practicing safe sex, through to self-care and coping with bullying, being out and about in the LGBTQIA+ community and undergoing gender transition, this book is filled with essential information, advice, support and resources to help you on your journey, and also works as a primer on all things LGBTQIA+ for non-autistic teens who are just figuring it all out.
Written by an inspirational autistic queer woman, this is a must-read for every autistic teen wanting to live their very best queer life.
ISBN-9781787751712 | April 2021 | £12.99

Fat and Queer
An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives
Editedby Bruce Owens Grimm, Miguel M. Morales and Tiff Joshua TJ Ferentini
We’re here. We’re queer. We’re fat.
This one-of-a-kind collection of prose and poetry radically explores the intersection of fat and queer identities, showcasing new, emerging and established queer and trans writers from around the world.
Celebrating fat and queer bodies and lives, this book challenges negative and damaging representations of queer and fat bodies and offers readers ways to reclaim their bodies, providing stories of support, inspiration and empowerment.
In writing that is intimate, luminous and emotionally raw, this anthology is a testament to the diversity and power of fat queer voices and experiences, and they deserve to be heard.
ISBN-9781787755062 | May 2021 | £14.99

My Child Told Me They’re Trans...What Do I Do?
A Q&A Guide for Parents of Trans Children
Brynn TannehillMy child just came out to me as trans: What should I do?’
If you are a parent looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place. Gathering together practical advice and personal experiences from a range of parents, activists and experts, this FAQ book provides answers to the most common questions you will have as a parent of a transgender child.
What if they change their minds?
How do I make sure my child is safe at school?
How do we tell our other children?
Sharing their experiences of how they navigated their child’s transition to raise a happy and healthy child, the parents in this book will give you the tools you need to support your trans child to thrive, while the experts provide a research-based perspective on supporting trans youth. With answers to everything you need to know - from social transition, mental health and medical care, through to schools, faith and your personal feelings as a parent - this is the ultimate resource for any family with a trans child.
ISBN-9781839972782 | February 2023 | £12.99

A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Your LGBTQIA+ Kid Through Coming Out and Beyond
Offering essential guidance and advice, this book is here to help you with chapters that explore LGBTQIA+ terminology, understanding the coming out process, effective communication strategies, talking to your LGBTQIA+ kid about sex, the parents’ process of acceptance, and the family coming out process. Importantly, this guide also covers a wide range of lesser-known orientations such as pansexuality and asexuality as well as dedicated chapters on trans youth and the often overlooked grieving process for parents with stories of lived experience throughout. With a unique three step strategy, you and your family can support your LGBTQIA+ child’s newly shared identity, create a stronger family unit, and move towards a more open, affirming relationship based on honest communication and understanding.
ISBN-9781839974250 | April 2023 | £12.99
Parent S and Familie S

A Grand Love
Stories for Grandparents of Transgender Grandchildren
Janna BarkinBe Love. Be Patience. Be Curiosity. Be Approachable. Be Supported.
Being a grandparent to a trans child can feel isolating. Generational differences can make it challenging for you to understand what they’re going through, and you might not have the vocabulary to discuss it with them, or have found peers who are experiencing something similar. At the same time - your love, understanding and acceptance will play a huge role in the flourishing of your trans grandchild. With up-to-date research on gender identity, letters and stories from grandparents on the same journey, resources for transgender youth and their families, and a selection of online and local support groupsthis book provides uplifting, educational guidance on how to support your grandchild - and yourself!
ISBN-9781839977657 | August 2024 | £12.99

About Bliss
Fighting for My Trans Son’s Life, Joy, and Fertility
Cristina OlivettiCristina’s son was about to embark on genderaffirming care that would likely cause infertility, when she realised the need to support both her child and the adult he would become, and give him the right to have children of his own. In doing so she discovered a future - where living your life authentically doesn’t mean giving up your fertility - that may be accessible to many, many more trans people in the coming years.
Through interviews with trans thought leaders, letters to her son, and missives about the struggle for reproductive rights of trans people, as well as practical advice for parents, Cristina weaves together a tapestry of voices from the trans community to tell a story that has never been told before -- of transformation, and hormones, and hope. An amazing resource for parents of children undergoing gender affirming care, and a beautiful meditation on the euphoria and challenge of transition
ISBN-9781805010401 | October 2024 | £14.99
Children’ S Book S
Gender Heroes
25 Amazing Transgender, Non-Binary and Genderqueer Trailblazers from Past and Present!
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Prepare to meet the gender trailblazers of past and present - who dress and express themselves however they choose!
Featuring icons from across art, sports, fashion, music, politics, civil rights and the media, this vibrantly illustrated book introduces children age 5+ to transgender, non-binary and genderqueer role-models who dare to be different - and are conquering the world as they go.

Packed with the triumphant tales of 25 gender heroes - including Laverne Cox, Elliott Page, Marsha P. Johnson, Gavin Grimm and Alok Vaid-Menon, as well as a glossary of key terms, this is an inspirational introduction for kids and educators alike - and a timely reminder that not all heroes wear capes.
ISBN-9781839973260 | April 2023 | £14.99
Pride and Joy
A Story About Becoming an LGBTQIA+ Ally
Frank J. Sileo and Kate Lum-Potvin. Foreword by Vanessa Williams
Joy loves her big brother, Noah. He’s the best brother, skateboarder and cookie baker there is! So, when Noah is teased for being gay, Joy wants to help. But how?
Joy decides to become an ally - someone who supports others through their words and actions. With her best friend, Elliott, Joy takes action, baking ‘Pride and Joy’ cookies to raise money for the local LGBTQIA+ center. But when the bully tries to put an end to the bake sale, Joy learns that being an ally means using your words, too.
Written by an award-winning author team, and with charming illustrations throughout, Pride and Joy introduces children to LGBTQIA+ allyship and teaches them the value of inclusion and courage. Featuring a reading guide for adults and questions for discussion, this beautiful, uplifting picture book is a must-have for every young ally.
ISBN-9781839975271 | May 2023 | £12.99
Your Gender Book
Helping You Be You!
Ben Pechey
This book is here to hold your hand; to answer your questions; soothe your soul; help you understand yourself in new ways. The best place to start is at the beginning. The best time is now! So, turn the page and let’s explore who you are!’

If you are at the start of your journey with gender identity, or looking to help someone who is, this insightful guide offers a safe space to celebrate you becoming your true - and most joyful - self. With fun activities, resources and LGBTQ+ role models throughout, this book sheds light on everything from gender identity, sex, pronouns and expression, to barriers, mental health, allyship and finding happiness.
Written in Ben Pechey’s trademark witty, upbeat and vibrant style, this empowering tool will help you engage with your gender creatively and become your most authentic self.
ISBN-9781839976117 | November 2023 | £12.99
Children’ S Book S
Pride Families
Amie TaylorFamilies come in all different shapes and sizes, and each one is perfect! Come and celebrate what it means to be a PRIDE FAMILY in this beautifully illustrated book written by LGBTQIA+ author, Amie Taylor and Illustrated by Kaspa Clarke.
LGBTQIA+ families come in all the colours of the rainbow. Perhaps you belong to a Pride family, or maybe you have a friend who belongs to a Pride Family?

This educational children’s book explores what these families look like with a focus on trans, non-binary, gay, lesbian and polyamorous family set ups. Covering themes such as, pregnancy, donor conception and surrogacy alongside a guide for adults that helps explain terminology, this book is an invaluable resource for sharing and celebrating what it means to be a Pride family.
ISBN-9781839976827 | January 2024 | £12.99
My Culture, My Gender, Me
Cassandra Jules CorriganGender diversity knows no borders...

Exploring identities that span the Indigenous Two Spirit people, the hijras of the Indian subcontinent, the mahu people of Hawaii, the female husbands of the Igbo tribe and many more, Cassandra Corrigan beautifully demonstrates that gender identities beyond the binary are a world-wide phenomenon.
This lovingly illustrated guide is an important testament that genders other than male and female have always existed - around the globe - and comes with additional materials to help children uncover the gender identities from their own cultures.
Perfect for parents, children, educators and professionals who work with gender-diverse children.
ISBN-9781839977633 | September 2023 | £11.99
The Gender Book
Girls, Boys, Non-binary, and Beyond
Cassandra Jules CorriganEllie and Casey are back to talk about gender!

In this gloriously illustrated guide to gender identity, you’ll meet demiboys and demigirls, agender people, greygender people, those who are AFAB and AMAB, and many more as Ellie and Casey guide curious children through the world of people who don’t identify as their assigned gender at birth.
An invaluable resource for parents, classrooms and children alike.
ISBN-9781839977114 | August 2023 | £12.99

Rainbows, Unicorns, and Triangles
Queer Symbols Throughout History
Jessica Kingsley Publishers; Jem MiltonIn the past, being different has often been dangerous, and people couldn’t always be open about how they wanted to dress, what gender they wanted to be, and who they loved...
Within these pages, you’ll learn about how LGBTQIA2S+ people have used signs and symbols throughout history to communicate with each other, create safe spaces, and celebrate who they are!
You’ll recognise the rainbow flags of Pride Month, but what about the Labrys, the Lambda or the Lavender Rhino? This beautifully illustrated guide takes you on a journey through everything from the green carnations of Oscar Wilde and the violets of Sappho to the black rings of asexuality and the reclaimed pink triangles of persecution. A wonderful guide for children 5+ to the visual worlds of queer life.
ISBN-9781805010449 | March 2024 | £12.99

The Every Body Book of Consent
An LGBTQIA-Inclusive Guide to Respecting Boundaries, Bodies, and Beyond
Rachel E. SimonWe often think about consent in a sexual context, but it actually lies at the heart of our daily life - in interactions with family and friends, and in the respect and empathy we show ourselves and others!
From the bestselling author of The Every Body Book, this lovingly illustrated guide introduces consent in all its many forms - in a way that is inclusive of orientation, neurodiversity, gender identity, faith and ethnicity. Delving into issues of body safety, verbal and nonverbal cues, boundaries, puberty and privacy, the correct terminology for body parts, developing a safe adult support system, and recognizing gut feelings - this will help children build confidence and shame-free knowledge. It will also offer ideas around consent nuances, like power dynamics, intellectual disabilities, pornography, sexism, and transphobia.
With a glossary and further discussion questions - this is the perfect book for young people and their families to explore together.
ISBN-9781839976841 | August 2024 | £14.99

It’s Totally Normal!
An LGBTQIA+ Guide to Puberty, Sex, and Gender
Monica Gupta Mehta and Asha Lily Mehta Does fingering count as losing my virginity? How do I know if I am ready for sex? Does penis size actually matter?
Mother and teen duo Monica and Asha Mehta work together to answer your most pressing questions. Forget the penis-in-vagina basics - this is a queer friendly guide that’ll have you rethinking the very definition of sex. Combining expert advice with the personal experiences of teens all over the world, prepare to plunge into the topics they don’t cover in sex ed. Masturbation, pornography, fetishesif you’re not afraid to ask, they’re not afraid to answer.
ISBN-9781839973567 | May 2023 | £12.99

Fox Fisher‘I wish I had a book like this when I was growing up’ PARIS LEES
‘Wonderful and ground-breaking’ MERMAIDS
Frank, friendly and funny, the Trans Teen Survival Guide will leave transgender and nonbinary teens informed, empowered and armed with all the tips, confidence and practical advice they need to navigate life as a trans teen.
Wondering how to come out to your family and friends, what it’s like to go through cross hormonal therapy or how to put on a packer?
Trans youth activists Fox and Owl have stepped in to answer everything that trans teens and their families need to know.
With a focus on self-care, expression and being proud of your unique identity, the guide is packed full of invaluable advice from people who understand the realities and complexities of growing up trans. Having been there, done that, Fox and Owl are able to honestly chart the course of life as a trans teen, from potentially life-saving advice on dealing with dysphoria or depression, to hilarious real-life awkward trans stories.
ISBN-9781785923418 | September 2018 | £12.99

Puberty can hit at different times for different people.Those who were assigned female at birth (AFAB) generally start their puberty between the ages of 10 and 14 whereas those assigned male at birth (AMAB) generally start theirs between 12 and 16 years. This is when your body starts changing and your secondary sex characteristics start developing. For trans people, these physical changes can be absolutely devastating – having to go through physical changes that don’t align with your identity and how you want your body to develop can cripple people with fear, anxiety and distress. It’s therefore vital that those who require them can access hormone blockers, which can alleviate and halt the effects of puberty until people can make a choice of whether to start cross-hormones and start a physical transition or not. We will talk further on puberty blockers below, but let’s start with some of the physical changes that occur when you hit puberty.

born with a penis, testicles and XY chromosomes. Female refers to those born with a vagina, ovaries, uterus and XX chromosomes. Intersex people are those who fall into neither of these categories – their sex characteristics somehow challenge these categories, whether that has to do with genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs or hormone production. There are over 40 different

Forging Queer Leaders
How the LGBTQIA+ Community Creates Impact from Adversity
Bree Fram; Liz CavallaroLGBTQ+ individuals disproportionately encounter bias, adversity, stigma, and marginalization throughout their lives. It’s an enormous obstacle - but also prepares them for leadership in a fastmoving, volatile, uncertain, complex, and adaptive working world.
The book explores the unique and inspiring developmental experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, the amazing capabilities they bring to teams, and what that means for everyone pursuing positive and inclusive organizational strategy. With stories from the armed forces, lawyers, entrepreneurs, authors, academics, thought-leaders, medical professionalsyou name it - this shows how queer folk everywhere are harnessing their hard-won power and resilience to excel.
With a history of excellence in queer leadership, the contextual underpinning of adversity and resilience theory, and uplifting stories and soundbites from queer game-changers in every field - this is an essential resource for LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, advocates, business professionals and leaders of all kinds.
ISBN-9781839978401 | May 2024 | £16.99

LGBTQ+ People and Dementia
A Good Practice Guide
Sue Westwood and Elizabeth PriceBringing together research, policy and the voices of LGBTQ+ people with dementia, this good practice guide highlights the importance of a person-centred approach.
Care and support should recognise and validate different - and often intersectional - LGBTQ+ identities. Readers are encouraged to move away from the idea of equality as treating everyone the same, towards treating everyone as individuals.
The vast changes in the social and legal status of LGBTQ+ people through recent decades can uniquely affect their later lives. Dementia services are often under-prepared to meet their needs, and there can be prejudice and discrimination.
Creating LGBTQ+ inclusive services can be challenging. The book explains how to deal with these challenges, giving lots of practical examples. ‘Food for thought’ sections offer opportunities for reflection.
Becoming more informed about LGBTQ+ lives and creating services which are LGBTQ+ inclusive will improve the experiences of LGBTQ+ people living with dementia and encourage the best possible quality care.
ISBN-9781839973314 | August 2023 | £16.99

Supporting Trans People of Colour
How to make your practice more inclusive
Sabah ChoudreyProviding an accessible and authoritative introduction to issues around People of Colour (POC) trans inclusion, this book uses case studies, tips, checklists and anonymous survey results to set out best practice for any professionals working with trans people to create safer spaces, support and awareness.
Trans people of colour are often excluded because gender and race are treated as separate issues. They are therefore left out from movements and services and in trans and non-binary spaces, their POC identities are overlooked. Choudrey’s guide introduces the theory of intersectionality from the start, giving practical tips and steps to ensure that the community as a whole may be represented and creates a safer space for trans people of colour to thrive.
An empowering and self-preserving tool, Supporting Trans People of Colour is an invaluable resource for therapists, counsellors, healthcare professionals, and those working in education and charities, as well as those wanting to make their approach and service more inclusive.
ISBN-9781787750593 | January 2022 | £16.99

Person-Centred Counselling for Trans and Gender
Diverse People A Practical Guide
Sam HopeTrans clients are frequently doubted, misunderstood, infantilised and judged by professionals, and this book presents an approach that ensures psychological wellbeing and trust is built between counsellor and client. This person-centred, affirmative approach is based around unlearning assumptions about gender and destabilising professionals’ ideas of ‘knowing better’ than, and judging the client, so that they can forge a relationship and connection that is on an equal footing. The book explores a range of topics such as the overlap of gender diversity and autism, sex and sexuality, intersectionality, unconscious bias and reflective practice. Essential reading for professionals that want to support trans people’s mental health and social wellbeing.
ISBN-9781785925429 | August 2019 | £24.99