“THE LOUVRE FROM PONT NEUF” Small & Thin Brushstrokes Impressionist was about truth
The eye then drifts off with the
and accuracy but it was also the
boats, up to the horizon where the
birth of a technique involving small
eye then observes the architecture.
and thin brush strokes, to still
Lastly the eye is drawn to the
represent direct observation. Artist
foreground where the civilians are
Camille Pissaro uses this technique
placed, up the tree branches and off
in the painting “The Louvre from the
into the skyline. When viewing the
Pont Neuf” (1902).
piece, it is noticeable that the image is balanced due to the use of
piece is
and having
composed of
the view from a
closer and
famous bridge
others in
in Paris,
the horizon.
France, Pont
Neuf. The
aspect that
painting is
units the
entire art
work is the
of the view
technique of
with the incorporation of everyday
small thing brush strokes used
life and individuals. The view looks
throughout the painting. This
upon the water along with the
technique units all of the subject
Louvre Museum. The foreground of
matter, regardless of their distance
the image consists of boats drifting
from the artist or viewer. The use of
into the horizon and at the bottom
light to contrast the image reflects
left corner, there are four individuals
the realism of the piece. With the
walking along a bridge or platform.
combination of the small bursh
At first glance, the eye is focused
strokes and light, the image is given
into the center of the image where
a realistic effect due to the way the
the source of light is highlighting the
source of light (the sun) is
water in different hues of orange.
highlighting the water in which the [Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]
“Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.”
- Pissarro
boats are placed. Just light the use of
Color, in the use of small brush
observe it if they were present at the
light to give accuracy to the
strokes, adds to the “truth” of the
Pont Neuf. Lastly, with the addition
landscape, the use of dark colors to
landscape. The different hues and
of definition in shapes, such as the
contrast demonstrates the theme of
shades of yellow/orange used as a
structure of the bridge and building
accuracy. The contrast in dark used
highlight on the water is an effect
in the far distance, there is a strong
on the trees and architecture adds
one would see if they were
demonstration of direct observation.
depth to the image. At first glance, a
physically present in Paris. Along
The technique of framing the objects
viewer cannot help but feel the
with color, the visual path in which
with shadows as if they were exactly
“awe” they would feel if they were
the eye travels through the image
how they would be with the light
physically standing in this
corresponds to the value of truth.
highlighting other places
landscape. The mood of calm and
The line in which the eye takes into
demonstrates accuracy of the artist.
awe is demonstrated through the
account of the subject matter is
realistic features and perspective.
similar to the way one would
Written by Jessica Eve Shetler