INITAL RESEARCH. ECHO. Focusing on the theme “Echo,” it was decided to research the theme individually by cretaing personal moodboards to begin the initial brainstorm for the final group idea. It was apparent that the current affects that COVID-19 is having on the world, heavily inspired the ideas for the chosen theme, with the idea of the echoing affects the virus is having on each country as well daily lives. In addition to this, it is clear that another overlapping theme for our ideas was a state of futuristic urban dystopias created from technology. Another overlapping theme was political issues related to the coronavirus with Donald Trump and Boris Johnson being the main focus point of this, suggesting that the fear of their attitude or actions towards the virus is arguably a concern to some.
Prioir to begining this collaborative module, each member of the group completed the 16 Personality Test to strengthen our understanding of our strengths and weaknesses before allocating roles.
Personality Test - PROTAGONIST
Personality Test - ENTREPRENEUR
Strengths- Tolerant - Reliable - Charismatic - Natural Leader
Strengths- Rational - Direct - Direct - Perceptive
Strengths- Tolerant - Reliable - Charismatic - Natural Leader
Weaknesses- Too Selfless - Struggle To Make Decisions - Sensitive - Overly Iealistic
Weaknesses- Slight Leaper - May Miss The Bigger Picture - Can Be Impatient - Taking Lead
Weaknesses- Too Selfless - Struggle To Make Decisions - Sensitive - Overly Iealistic
Personality Test - PROTAGONIST
Personality Test - ADVOCATE
Strengths- Researching - Construction - Computer Designing - Organising
Strengths- Creative - Insightful - Determined - Decisive
Strengths- Sensitive To Others - Imaginative - Passionate - Curious
Don’t Enjoy- Pattern Cutting - Bossing - Paper Drawing - Extended Writing (Very Visual Person)
Weaknesses- Private - Perfectionist - Sensitive - Can Burn Out Easily
Weaknesses- Overly Competitive - Easily Stressed - Fiercely Independent - Unpredictable
Personality Test - PROTAGONIST
Personality Test - ADVENTURER
PROJECT DESCRIPTION. OUR IDEA: Currently living within a world in full lockdown, for the first time in everyones lives normality has drastically changed. Fearing the unknown of the coronavirus and the future, the virus has had echoing affects on all industries in additon to day to day life for the nation. Focusing on the current time the world is living in or this futuristic apocylptic time that it could be refured to, we want to capture this unusual experience in a futuristic and digital aesthetic.
CAPSULE COLLECTION A unisex collection echoing the stay at home culture during the coronavirus and providing a sustainable, comfortable and smart alternative to workfrom home and feel comfortable with a futuristic style. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO Capturing key social and political factors during the coronavi-
rus pandemic within the UK, whilst showing the capsule collection in a short video, capturing the futuristic feel within the national lockdown with a glitchy aesthetic throughout.
MAGAZINE / LOOKBOOK An online magazine that echoes this current time during the coronavirus pandemic. In addtion to focusing on sustainablity and the affects the coronavirus is having on the fashion indsustry now and potentially in the future.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION. OBJECTIVES: The objective is to document the coronavirus through the futuristic capsule collection, in addition to the visuals of the magazine and promotional video capturing the fashion industry and social and political impacts of the pandemic. The uniquness of an event like this is an important factor of everyones lives either economically, socially or even politicallty. As society is facing the unknown even after the pandemic, day to day life will most certianly be changed for the forseable future. That is why Outlook captures all edges of the pandemic in a visual and abstract perception focusing in the future of fashion and the impacts of the pandemic.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Outlook is directly targeted at young modern women and men aimed at the age ranging of 18-26, interested in the purchase of lockdown fashion with its unique sense of normality during quarantine. Individuals who are searching for clothing brands and styles that are now trending online from the rigid response to the lockdown. This brand fits the purpose of young adults looking for something relaxing or comfortable yet looks stylish and appealing to the eye at home as well as in public. The combination of lounge wear and a futuristic element brings a new spin to anyone wanting to shop online by purchasing garments that create a whole new meaning to their quarantine life stuck at home.
Aa. Silom.
Aa. Helvetica Neue in Bold.
Due to Outlook’s three final outcomes, the decision to was to have two logo types. This is due to having the more glitchy effect on the video to fit the aesthetic more clearly than the capsule and magazine logo which is more mutted. Both logos are bold and eye-catching and clearly reflecting the asthetic of Outlook’s futuristic and glitchy concept.
The group decided that two fonts will be used throughout. Firstly Helvetica Neue in Bold for the logo of the brand due to being clear and modern, in addition to Silcom for the magazine content due to its futuristic asthetic to portray the glitchy design throughout the magazine.
The colour scheme mainly consists of a neutral pallette throughout collection mainly, reflecting urban areas from brick buildings as well as the more eye catching colours of red, blue and green to reflect the glitchy theme throughout all final outcomes.
MAGAZINE INSPIRATION. Focusing on the coronavirus and the future for the fashion industry during and after the pandemic.In addition to digital reliance during lockdown are main focal points for the magazine. Furthermore, another key issue during the pandemic is the impact on fake news and how this is being tackled by social media and the government to protect misinterptretation and spread of information. Due to the capsule collection being sustainable, Outlook magazine will focus on the impacts of fast fashion and the future for fashion post lockdown. This will question how stores will shift their stock with their doors closed dueing lockdown to how the highstreet will recover or if it ever will.
Written Content: During research process, digital magazines such as Dazed and ID, and articles from newspapers such as The Guardian helped strengthen the knowledge and understanding of what key factors of COVID-19 and what fashion trends the target audience are interested in. Especially surrounding the coronavirus and how magazines and newspapers are adressing the pandemic. For the written content for the magazine key areas of interest include: - Political / Social (Fake News) - The impacts of fast fashion and the importance of sustainability - Digital reliance during the lockdown - The impact the coronavirus is having on the fashion industry, especially fast fashion, as well as the future for the industry post-lockdown.
How much FAKE corona NEW have we been EXPOSED to?
CAPSULE INSPIRATION. YEEZY. Initally begining the research for the collection, looking up alternative takes to loungewear, the group especially liked Yeezy’s 2016 collection. The fabrics and cuts were modifcations of those used tradtionally however the proportion play within the styling is what made this collection stand out. The group intend to carry forewards, into the designs. Loving the neutral tone used throughout, this stops the colours distracting from the cuts and testures which are the highlight of this collection, also by using a lot of earth tones it looks more unisex which could help to use when deciding on a colour palette. All the fabrics are used to make the clothing look comfortable and lounge wear appropraite, this coupled with the movement provided is a typical of loungewear and something to need to emulate in the collection when depicting loungewear elements. Analysing this collection reflected that the capsule collection would look at more options for printed fabrics as the group liked the neutral tones however thought it was too plain without these and wouldn’t work for the message of echo. The inclusion of print in this outft has made the group think the capsule collection will include print or patterns in the designs.
Like the contrast in this silhouette.
Browne has created what appears to be caractures of suiting. The group liked the use of silhoutte and patching although the colours don’t work with the capsule collection. This is a very non traditonal approach to work wear.
Brownes collection uses deconstrcuted elemnts to make up abstract suiting, the group liked the intent behind the deconstrcution however his reformulation is not appropraite for Outlook’s collection.
Lee has a femine take towards workwear, encorporating lingerie inspired elements. This is non-traditional and links well to the at home atmosphere of Outlook’s collection, The group intend to take inspiration from this, especially liking the cut out effect.
GARETH PUGH. Pugh takes a non traditional approach to workwear design which included elements of futuristic fashion such as the cut outs. Through discussing this as a group, the group think the silhouttes he creates are really strong and could help inspire the collection. Liking the bold silhouttes he creates, this fits well to the pixalation inspirations. However all Pugh’s clothing have a visual lack of comfort, which aposes the loungewear aspect Outlook wants to encorporate. This means only certain elements of his designs are acsesible as inspiration.
Don’t like the excess fabric and the draping used on the jacket. It makes it look to inherently femine for a unisex collection. It is also impractical for loungewear or workwear.
Really like the cut outs, and the twist the showing bodysuit gives to work wear.
Really like the pinstripes and the silhouette used here. The big shoulers really inspire the designs for the final collection.
They have already paired a blazer with tracksuit bottoms. This shows the kind of juxtapsoitions between workwear and loungewear the capsule collection intends to create. Find it interesting that these links were already being made before the lockdown.
Don’t like how bright the collection is, will avoid this when designing Outlook.
Unisex clothing is best described as clothing designed to be suitable for both sexes in order to make men and women look similar, it has changed a lot since it first existed. Collusion is a brand owned by ASOS which makes modern/ futristic unisex clothing. Wanting to look into a unisex loungewear brand, Collusion reflects the difference from taditional gendered loungewear, however as loungewear is normally not tailored anyway the only significant differnce was the colour scheme collusion have used. They have avoided traditionally gendered colours and stuck to brights. This is good to know as i will now avoid particularly femanine or masculine shades within my colour pallette. All bottoms included are trousers also, high fashion designers may use skirts/dresses in the unisex ranges however this hasn’t filtered down yet, therfore avoiding skirts is important. All the clothes have a very relaxed fit, hoowever crops are still included, this is important to know as traditionally they wouldn’t have been considered unisex.
We all all under the same restrictions regardless and i want the collection to be a true echo of this unity through Outlook’s genderless collection.
Crops wouldn’t have considered traditionally unisex however they ahve been included a few times in this collection. They also link well to the cut outs used in futuristic fashion. Wanting to use this as inspiration during the design process.
FUTURISTIC WEAR. Glitch prints in fashion.
Really like how the trouer legs and different pannels of the jacket are asymetric.
Really like that while the whole look is monochromatic there are subtleties of other shades running through.
Because of the running theme of glitches being shown through the video and magazine. When researching, we started looking into glitch prints used in textiles. Kay kwok has become known for his futuristic designs using glitched fabric. The group really liked this effect and the monochromatic way in which it has been put together, rather than traditional glitch prints, it will use this as inspire when designing by potentially making my own glitch printed fabric. We eally liked how the print was asymetric throughout the garments and will experiment with other ways of using asymetry in the collection. This collection is very futuristic in print, therefore decided then to look into designs which are futuristic in other ways, due to thinking this could help inspire the collection.
Like the cut outs included here. I intend use these as insporation during my designing process.
A lot of these pieces have very high necks. this also fits with the workwear. This is something the collection could try encorporating.
Futuristic shapes in fashion.
There is a lot of panneling used in futuristic fashion.
The group really liked the running asymetry in these pieces. This is something to be used when designing my collection. Also liking how the padding has been used to change the silhouette, such as on the arm. The collection could experiment with other ways to do such as shoulder pads or quilting.
Don’t like the use of a scuba mask, this feels too comical and this will be avoided in the collection.
The group like that the mask and the outfit are in matching prints. Also likeing the simplicity in the mask shaping.
GUCCI 2018
Like the use of colour in the mask against the monochrome.
Masks have been used recently a lot on catwalks and fashion editorials. The group wanted to look into ways they have been used to inspire the collection. Most of these masks lack the practicality of the ones used in the pandemic however this could merge the asthetic element in with the practical when designing the collection to combat this.
SOCIETY LEVELED MASKS. Different maks used can cannote different societal levels.
Maks can be maipulated to any deemed societ level. McQueens collection (left) takes insporations from high society. wheras the band pussy riot also use masks, they are punk band and use the maks as a pull to riot culture, a more working class take. This shows how masks can be maipulated through colour material adorments etc to fit the requirments of the wearer. The high societ use maks for lavish accsesarys whereas the punk moveemnt used them for identification protection while going against society. Knowing how masks can suit each edge of society is important when understanding the status of the character being designed for.
TOKYO STREET STYLE. Face masks have become an essential currently, with a lot of people wearing home made ones however big retailers such as Pretty Little Thing and Missguided have started selling them commerically in the UK. This is still a very new trend through the epidemic as masks in the UK had only previously reached the high end catwalks. However in Japan, because of the air polluation levels many people wear masks daily, meaning they have a lot more fashionable versions available, as they are often used to accsesories an outfit.
Like the matching prints and branding on the mask to the shorts. This is something that will inspire the designs.
the masks look more cohessive with the outfit when the colours are matched. This gives a high quality look to the outfit.
The concept video for OUTLOOK explores our reliance on digital technology, particularly that of video calls during these unprecedented times. Digital distortion has been prevalent in our society but is echoed more than ever due to this worldwide pandemic. However, is our ability to communicate wherever and whenever through our devices vastly overtaking our grip on social reality? This concept video takes you on a journey that echos current difficulties through a one minute FaceTime call. It’s glitchiness highlights the brokenness and uncertainty of everyday life and acts as a representation of a moment in time.
What has been I learnt from this? There has been a 50/50 split between people who wear workwear, or atleast encorporate it into their outfits. Because of this the group don’t want the whole collection to be work wear but want to show a clear influence in the collection. Also wanting to edit the loungewear to show how is slowly morphing into workwear. For this Evie will look into alternate work wear and ways it can be ecorporated. The group found it interesting that key workers were mantioning they are still uniform, however this isnt something we want to take any further as the collection is specifically looking into fashion while quarentining at home.
Do you wear work clothes when working digitally/ during uni times?
What has been learnt from this? Everyone in these questions is age 19-25, while at home every one of these people have been in some form of loungewear. This shows that loungewear has been a key trend in quarentine and should be included in the collection. They will have been wearing these due to the comfort factors they provide, as while at home there is no need to dress up in anything constricting. This shows that not only loungewear but also comfort needs to be key in the collection.
What have you been wearing during lockdown?
MAGAZINE SURVEYInitally, seeing if a magazine was of interest to our young consumer was key, therefore asked numerous questions regarding our Outlook magazine. over 80% of respondents stated that for a digital magazine they would be willing to spend under five pounds each issue. Due to no printing fees, the cost would be dramatically less for readers.
In addition, 40% of respondents stated they purchase magazines once a month, therefore a monthly overview of topics of interest. 11% of respodents stated that they purchase once a week and 14% stating they purchase every fortnight.
TOPICS OF INTEREST FOR THE MAGAZINE? 83% of respondents stated that fashion is the most enjoyable topic they wish to read within a magazine, which was followed with 41% stating they are interested in culture. Furthermore, 21% of respondents also included topics such as wellbeing, travel (slightly challenging during a global pandemic), and tabloids.
An Insta Poll was carried out regarding the content of the magazine in addition if individuals would be willing to download the issue if it was FREE to the target audience for download. Due to the youthful audiece, this poll of respondents of both genders between the ages of 16-28 which Outlook wishes to target. The poll revealed that 85% of respondents would wish to download a free digital issue online, this large postive therefore made us decide to release the magazine as a free digital resource. Furthermore, 88% of respondents felt that brand interactions with their customers through social media, videos and other resources was important, which Outlook will achieve through its three outcomes as well as the application of the brand on social media and advertisments. 90% of respondents stated that they would be interested in a focus on the lasting impacts covid-19
could have on the fashion industry, in addition to 79% of respondents stating they would be interested in content regarding digital reliance during lockdown. Therefore the content for the magazine would be recieved well by the target reader.
In order for the concept video to be created, iMovie was the main form of software used. Experimenting with a mix of overlays and green screening effects to blend a combination of found clips and images, resulted in a short concept video to underpin the collection. This software was used due it its familiarity and ease of use. Some of the clips were created through Adobe Photoshop edits, before being merged together and finalised in iMovie. Both main softwares proved to be manageable and helped to complete a successful end result.
CAPSULE DEVELOPMENT. When designing the group wanted to bring the work wear infunce throughout the collection. When thinking about typicalities in workwear the group was interested in pinstripe. The group liked the way it has the traditional use in tayloring but also can be altered through colour and encoporating words to become more unique and futuristic. Therefore, wanted to work from the colour pallete when designing different pinstripe options. By using words in place of stripes this made another oppetunity for branding, and made the fabric options unique to this collection. This hightens the quality and adds a sense on individuality.
Grey and white are traitonal pinstripe colours and because of this I didn’t anticipate to like this one as much, however it feels really neautral and futuristic and it has a place in this collection. Therefore intend to use this when designing.
By mixing up the lines and using both grey and green this felt glitchy to the group and blended the workwear and glitching element of my collection really well.
GLITCH PRINT OPTIONS. When developing fabric print ideas, Evie decided to try and glitch an image which encorporates my colour palette. This is due to the group wanting to experiment with encorporating a print into the designs and this seemed a good place to work from as the group wanted to keep the neutral colour pallete rather then traditional glitching colours. 1 and 5 are the strongest fabric designs as the glitching used has taken then further away from the origonal image and these will be carred into the designing stage.
The image is equally pixalated through length and height, this means the image has been completely lost, the group really like the effect of this and i thik it will create the most appropraite fabric print.
Taking inspitation from the theme picture of the glitch print on the board, before Adorna created samples she assessed the colours the group were working with and using the prominent features, she transferred them into a series of knit samples. The quality of yarns she chose is luxury to match the colours chosen for the project, by observing the type of garments designed determined the structure of the knitted fabric to be used within the collection. This which means the yarn size must be taken into consideration. Yarns include: - Fine crepe - Viscose - Sable Crepe - Tweed - Wool
INITIAL SKETCHES. The corset was better placed in this design as the relaxed fit of the suit trousers contrasted nicely to show the loungwear element whilst including the restrictions. Therefore, decided to continue this design forwards. Evie thought about adding a jumper or shirt under the suit jacket however the bare chest gave it a more relaxed feel suiting the loungewear element as well as being more unisex, which is influencing this collection.
The idea behind including corsets was the echo the restrictions currently in place from the lockdown. The group really like this and will carry it through to other designs however didn’t like the rest of this outfit as it was both too femanine and workwear. Because of this the design was rejected.
This design shows both workwear through the suit trousers and loungewear with the jumper while continuing the asymetic feel through the juxtaposition in the halves of the jumper. Evie who designed this really thinks this embodies the message of the collection so will be taking this forward.
Designer of the collection, Evie loved the relaxed feel of the shirt and trousers while still carrying on the asymetical feel. Evie will keep the collection asymetrical as the group think this works with the futuristic element included. The group also loved this stirup trousers as they gave the cut out feeling that was carried on from the futuristic research. The group think this look accomodated both workwear and loungewear so will be carrying it on to the final collection.
Evie really liked the asthetic of this piece however didn’t think it reflected loungewear at all and came across far too military inspired. Also, she thought the fit of it being a dress made it femanine rather than unisex. However, the collar piece works well. The group then decided to reject this design.
Evie really didnt like the hood added to this design. She liked the look of the helf jacket however looking foreward she thought from the back it could look less appealing. She thought this outfit pushed the idea of assyemtry too far so won’t be including it however she’s glad she got to see this or wouldn’t have realised the extent to which Evie want ed asymetry to influence this collection. This was a valuable design to learn from.
INITIAL SKETCHES. The group liked how this design emcorporated loungwera and workwear however the overall silhouette didn’t inspire the the concept and although the cut outs worked, it was prefered the other form of cuy out Evie had used with the buckles. The bodysuit also looked too feminine, disregarding the unisex factor therefore Evie rejected this design.
This look worked well for loungewear and clearly embodied some of the futuristic research done. However despite the intention to include the workwear elements through the bottom of the suit trouser and a turtleneck, it still reads as purely loungewear so it was e decided to reject it.
Group really liked the shorts in this design and Eviewanted to utilise the rips inspired from the yeezy collection researched. However this collections reads apocolyptic with the jacket which is not something the collection aimed to convey. Because of this the design is reject from the final collection.
On completion, this design looked a lot like outside wear, with the jacket looking waterproof. Evie didn’t like this because a main influence of the collection is the restrictions to stay home. This look didn’t embody that so decided to reject it. However, the group really liked the use of the high neck so Evie decided to include that in other outfits that will make the final collection.
The group enjoyed this design, although it currently looks heavily loungewear inspired through including workwear fabrics. The dungarees apealed to the group from the futurstic research and also loved the subtle asymetrys such as the fabric insert on the left leg and the collar being sloped to the right. Evie will continue this design to the final collection.
At this stage this is potentially the favorite design. the workwear to loungewear is balenced well and the asyemtry looks poerfectly in place. This design even included the cut outs loved from the futuristic research.
CAPSULE DEVELOPMENT. The group really liked the beige base fabric on this however the colour pallete doesn’t fit with the darker theme of the actual collection. This would also clash with the green.
Evie didn’t like the plain fabric used on this and thinks either a textured fabric or the print works better. This looks too basic.
Evie thought about the idea of adding in shoes, however with the collection being based solely on lockdown and wanted it to show that it was all meant to be at home. By not adding in shoes it shows the collection is soley inside wear only.
Evie didn’t like how filling in the fabic insert on the left leg looked. This was the inital plan, however it has been decided from here to use the same fabric on this insert as the rest of the body.
This of the final version of this design for the collection. The group loved the way the pockets carry through the design used on the jumper previous and tie them in to the collection, by using the knit aswell. The suiting fabric also transforms the more relaxed fit of the dungarees into being more workwear appropriate. The green used on the buckles in this piece aswell not only ties nicely to the pockets but helps carry this succinct elment through the collection. The group also like how the straps for the dungarees contrast the main dungarees fabric, it helps the stand out as a feature.
Evie didn’t like the use of this green glitched fabric.
Evie really liked the subtle green in this outcome. it stood out against an all neutral background and created a subtle clash. It also helped highlight the key details of this outfit which is the stirup trousers.
Evie thought the trousers looked better with the fabric matching to the garter. With the different fabrics it seporated them into being different items rather then looking like a cut out, which is what was prefered.
This brown was hard to balence with another colour for the corset. This is where the group realised this brown could be more of an accennt fabric than a base.
Initally, Evie really liked the suiting fabric on this design, however when starting to work on the corset she didnt like the effect of the dark corset on a light fabric.She thought it dragged attention away from the suit and overpowered the outfit. The shades of brown and black don’t work either. Therefore she decided to carry on with this design but by making the base suit a darker colour and the corset light.
Evie really liked the light corset against a darker background. The pinstripe also helps keep the background from being faded out. Having one pannel of the corset in the light pinstripe also joined the strong asymetic designs running through the collection.
This design is too heavily using the tabacco colour.
The brown on the trousers doesnt work here. But the group really like the jaxtaposing collar.
The group really liked the pockets on this outcome. The patterns in this outcome all clashed enough to create a juxtaposition but were tied together through colour.
Evie initally really liked the glitched fabric however having seen it utalised bur changed her mind on it. Evie didn’t feel it worked well for the jacket and distracted froma workwear or loungewear element.
Evie really liked the juxtaposition of the knit fabric against the jersey. However the colour tones in this Didn’t work.
was for Abbie to design the layout of the magazine due to having strong photoshop skills and creating a glitchy and futuristic design which clearly portays the theme of Edge and the capsule collection.
By working together, Abbie and Nia began mocking up magazine pages to show the group and to brainstorm their own ideas for the magazine. This allowed them to understand eachothers strengths and work collaboratively to complete the magazine and to assure the theme is reflected strongly throughout. Sharing ideas with the group assured consistancy throughout the collection, video and magazine were met and the theme of ‘Edge’ was shown throughout. Due to discussing their strengths and weaknesses and what they are confident in doing, the final decision
The desired aesthetic for the magazine was minimalistic and neutral with lots of negative space, whilst including vaporwave and futuristic elements such as bright greens, reds and blues along with glitches and graphics. We wanted the magazine cover to look linear with the use of straight lines and large, block lettering. The initial design of the magazine cover included paint splatter and a brown corrugated card effect as the background, even though the group liked this design it did not appear as futuristic as we would have liked. With it currently not resembling the magazine well or fitting with the aesthetic, it was decided to make the cover background darker and to add a halftone filter in order to add a grainy effect. With trial and error, the desired aesthetic for the cover was reached with the use of Adobe Photoshop, with the final design appearing very digital and giving off a polaroid filter effect. The use of visual distortion and transparency also helped the cover to look glitchy and futuristic
OUTLOOK MAGAZINE: https://issuu.com/abbierichardson/docs/issu_20submission_20magazine_20 OUTLOOK PROMOTIONAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/0_VxgLia7J0
PR LETTER. The PR letter for Outlook would predominatly be sent to influencers within the target audience, in additon to magazines such as Dazed and ID which the audience of Outlook enjoy reading. The PR letter focuses on the concept behind Outlook in additon to the three aspects of the brand including the collection, promotional video and magazine.
Sustainable, sleek and bold packaging for the Outlook collection will reflect the brands ethos clearly. Packaged within a recycable box which is minimalistic and a sense of luxury to the consumer due to the sleek packaging chosen for each order. The dark muted colour used reflects the modern aesthetic in additon to drawing the main focus to the colours within the garments within the box. The Outlook logo will we shown in a glossy black fond muting the glitchy affect of the logo but is still shown on the box lid, clearly representing to the cosnumer of the brand. The same style is used for the swing tags of the capsule collection. Keeping them muted to bring the attraction to the garment. Furthermore the swing tags will also be 100% recycable such like the boxes. The swing tags will be simplistic, only containing key information such as the brand name, the season of the collection, size, price and materials.
ADVERTISING & QR CODES. To improve awareness of Outlook, the magazine issue and collection would be advertised arround cities and towns to increse public awareness. Although the brand advertises the cureent time during lockdown, awareness of the brand will still be reached due to people on their daily walks around their area, especially in cities such as London and Birmingham. The QR code for the video will be present on all the physcial advertisments around cities to ecnourage people to use the code and watch the promotional video to help increase awareness of Outlook and the concept behind it. The QR code for the video will also be stuck onto pavements, walls and streets to increase awareness and directly show the video to the public. Using a QR code reflects the digital ethos of the brand and this futuristic concept in which Outlook represents throughout all the final outcomes. The code helps merge all final outcomes together giving the public a clearer understnding of Outlook as a whole over the three final outcomes.
BILLBOARDS. In addition to billboards advertising the magazine, the Outlook logo and QR code will also be advertised on billboards due to its eyecatching and bold approach whilst leaving a sense of curiosity of the public to what the brand is about, encouraging them to scan the QR code.
Furthermore, the promotional video would be mocked up on billboards playing the video on repeat to increase awareness of outlook. APPLICATION OF VIDEO BILLBOARD FOR PROMOTIONAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/iinNho671W0
Reflecting Outlooks digital aesthetic and youthful target audience, the brand will use social media to connect with it’s consumers, in additon to creating awareness of the brand . This free platform including Instagram allows Outlook to focus on the capsule collection, the video and magazine by having the link to the video in the profile BIO, in addition to degments from the magazine and snippets of the collection and packaging.
Video could be based on dystopian world and how it’s changed in last 6 months
“UTOPIA” - Could be an ironicutopia as key word
Aesthetics- very glitchy/futuristic/ linear/ squares/ neautral colours
Could do PR Video/ style edit video?
Decided final outcome- Fashion Collection.
Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Nia, Fatima, Adorna CC:
TUESDAY 28th April 2020 MEETING 2 - 12:00 12:30PM
Each meeting the group carried out, Abbie recorded the minutes to assure we were all on track and to keep on track. By communicated through Microsoft Teams through video calls and messages, we were able to share our ideas and keep up to date with tasks.
THURSDAY 24th April 2020 MEETING 1 - 12:00 12:30PM Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Nia, Fatima CC: Adorna MINUTES: Everybody going through what they’ve researched- potential theme as lockdown? Research includes memory of the world, how it’s changed due to corona/ Artificial intelligence and how could technology be overtaking/ memory of fashion e.g. Alexander McQueen. Discussing what outcome it could be- Fashion magazine/ Creative campaign/ digital fashion/ video. ACTION: Continue with research and try come up with a solid idea which could be linked to a word and pitch. Need to delegate roles tomorrow and decide aesthetics. Decide on potential route of work. i.e what word we are using and get started.
Add magazine and video to outcome ACTION:
Think of brand name- nothing too cliche.
Collection- have a play with online CADs and flats/ style draw online.
Research current trends and how they are changing due to COVID-19.
Could use backgrounds on skype/ Teams/ Face-time.
Need to establish a timeline and who’s doing what now we have finalised outcomes.
Look on WGSN reports for research and “futuristic” typography.
MONDAY 11th MAYl 2020 MEETING 2 - 12:00 12:40PM
GROUP MINUTES. THURSDAY 30 th April 2020 MEETING 3 - 12:00 12:30PM
Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Nia, Fatima, Adorna CC:
Decided on Outlook Magazine.
Nia giving layout options - done magazines before
Fathema come up with branding mock ups.
How are we putting it together- Jess to try overlaying illustration onto video in flashing bit
Decided on final 6 collection pieces.
Abbie to send up to date meeting sheets to group
Timeline to be established- Jess work on that
Group report- decide who’s putting together- decided Nia to build it and everyone send seperate bits via email.
Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Fatima CC: Adorna, Nia MINUTES: Decide on group roles (Adorna- textiles, Fathema- branding, Jess- video, Evalene= producing garments, Abbie- working on magazine layout/design, Nia-writing articles for magazine) Magazine- what are we putting in it? could be a style edit and include collection as well as relevant lockdown articles. Follow eachothers Pinterest and add images to moodboard together. Brand name still not thought of- decided latest by Tuesday. ACTION: To do list includes: Jess have 1 min video done by tuesday, Abbie to have 3 pages of magazine, Fathema brand name, Adorona have couple fabrics done to show, Nia research for articles. Possible extra marks- SUSTAINABILITY? Do research.
Changed colour scheme slightly to green to make futuristi, ACTION:
Look on Pentagon for design inspiration
To Do- Abbie carry on, Jess write context paragraph, Fathema branding summary, Evalene put fabrics on designs, Adorna finalise samples, Nia start building report .
GROUP MINUTES. TUESDAY 12th May 2020 MEETING 5 Tutorial - 10:30- 11.05am Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Fatima, Adorna, Nia CC: MINUTES: Jess’ video coming along, need to just add last bit and lay in collection Adorna knitted colour cards and finished samples Logo needs to be done- if having something different to outlook Group report needs to be no bigger than 2MG- CAN UPLOAD WORD DOC Add mock up of pages from mag to report
MONDAY 19th MAY 2020 MEETING 6 - 10:30 11:30PM
Present: Abbie, Jessica, Evaline, Nia, Fatima, Adorna CC: MINUTES:
Adorna’s tutor Amara joined today
Everyone doing delegated bits
Collection is COMPLETE- needs adding to magazine
Have we linked to the word?? NEEDS CLASSIFICATION- echo current times/ glitches and white noise/ echoes city due to abandonment of workplaces etc. ACTION:
Get textile information/ summary and research paragraph Put collections into magazine Build and fnalise report
ACTION: Logo to be done
Everyone work on individual appraisal SATURDAY 23RD MAY 2020 MEETING 6 - 12:00 12:30PM
Magazine and video to be continued BRANDING BY FATHEMA TO BE DONE. Sort references for group report
Present: Abbie, Evaline, Nia CC: Jess, Fatima, Adorna MINUTES: Clarrified what needs to be done for report and sent to Nia.
References need to be sent by all
Havent seen Fathema’s branding? ACTION:
Send development boards to Nia and references
Starting this project, it was evident that collaboration would be critical to a strong outcome. Throughout this collaborative module members of the group consistently reported back to the group how their individual tasks were going and keeping to the assigned schedule. As a group also decided to arrange additional meetings once a week and as the deadline approached twice a week to assure all work was on track. We also passed work between each other making sure to all have an input such as Eveline and Adorna working on the collection together, with Adorna providing all the knit options and also by providing an article for the magazine. In addition to Abbie and Nia working together to create the final magazine, which Abbie created the layout and Nia created the written content as well as suggesting ideas to Abbie. By collaborating together and listening to each other’s ideas, the outcome is at a high standard. Without this regular communication and support between our group members our three final outcomes wouldn’t have been to the high standard they are or as cohesive, which was a strength within our work. Working coherently together, each member of the group was set their personal roles at the beginning with a clear understanding of what was expected and by sharing work weekly using Microsoft Teams, members of the group were able to suggest ideas or areas to be improved to strengthen the final outcomes. Listening to each members strengths and weaknesses resulted in easy role allocation and assuring everyone was able to complete their tasks. This collaborative module has benefitted each members experience of teamworking due to in industry, often teams of specialists work on one item, so by getting in more practice of creative collaboration will help prepare the group for the workplace. During this collaborative module, there has been some problem solving that we have overcome. Firstly, the initial introductory stages, as the majority had never physically met. This was resolved by all members introducing themselves and their main areas of interest, alongside their strengths and weakness. This enabled the team to collaborate more successful as we understood each other’s abilities, making role distribution fair. Secondly, communication at times was difficult as some meetings were missed or deadlines set by the group were not for filled by all members. As a group, this was overcome by doing regular check-ins and online calls to ensure we were on track. Back up options of work was also completed, incase miscommunications causes specific tasks or roles not be for filled. Overall, as team a high level of collaboration has been demonstrated throughout as we used each other’s strengths to form the basis of our outcomes.
INITIAL IDEAS BOARD (1)Jess1) Bashooka. 2020. 33 Incredible Typographic Posters – Bashooka. [online] Available at: <https://bashooka.com/inspiration/incredible-typographic-posters/> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 2) Urbanloftart.com. 2020. Ecco Echo Square I By J.P. Clive. [online] Available at: <https://www.urbanloftart.com/clive-696153/ecco-echo-square-i-art-print.htm> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 3) Pinterest. 2020. Beethoven Concert Poster - Josef Müller-Brockmann . [online] Available at: <https://pin.it/5rAkiiX> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 4) Inspiration, B. and One, T., 2020. The One. [online] The Book Design Blog. Available at: <http://thebookdesignblog.com/book-design-inspiration/the-one> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 5) Hall, C., 2020. Amazon Echo Dot With Clock Review - Pocket-Lint. [online] Pocket-lint. Available at: <https://www.pocket-lint.com/smart-home/reviews/amazon/149562amazon-echo-dot-with-clock-review> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 6) Kuchiki, V., 2020. #WTF?: Fashion Design E Sofisticação. [online] RG PRÓPRIO by Lu K!. Available at: <https://rgproprio.com/2019/03/14/wtf-fashion-design-e-sofisticacao/> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 7) Refinery29.com. 2020. Surreal Gifs By FASHGIF - London Fashion Week SS17. [online] Available at: <https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2016/09/123417/fashgif-lfw-ss17greta-larkins?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=pinterest_share> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 8) Kuchiki, V., 2020. #WTF?: Design Gráfico E Futurista. [online] RG PRÓPRIO by Lu K!. Available at: <https://rgproprio.com/2019/10/17/wtf-arte-design/> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 9) Antwerp Fashion Department. 2020. 2016 BA3 / Show Images / Stefan Kartchev. [online] Available at: <https://antwerp-fashion.be/show-2016/2016-third-year/2016-ba3show-images-stefan-kartchev/> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. 10) Dazed. 2020. London Graduate Designer — Spring 2017. [online] Available at: <https://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/gallery/23432/2/london-graduate-designer-spring-2017> [Accessed 15 May 2020]. EVALINEUnknown. 2020. Boris Johnson and Donal trump. [online image]. Sky news. Available at https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-americans-are-praying-for-boris-johnson-trump-contacts-pms-doctors-11969649. [accessed 17th of April 2020] Polozov, L. [n.d]. Empty street with graffiti on walls of old buildings in old town. [online image]. Stock image. Available at https://www.dreamstime.com/empty-street-graffiti-walls-old-buildings-old-town-empty-street-graffiti-painting-walls-old-buildings-im-
age150514099. [accessed 17th of April 2020]. Groovy, A. [18th of august 2010]. Cat in empty street stock photo. [online image]. Stock image. Available at https://www.istockphoto.com/gb/photo/cat-in-empty-streetgm106447361-13912208. [accessed 17th of April 2020]. Dr.D [n.d] panicky in the uk exhibition poster. [online image.] Art rabbit. Available at https://www.artrabbit.com/events/panicky-in-the-uk. [accessed 17h of April 2020]. Unknown [n.d]. Boris Johnson is a pure fanny Graffiti. [online image] Glasgow live. Available at https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/speak-person-behind-infamous-boris-16431633. [accessed 17th of April 2020]. Unknown. [n.d] coronavirus spread map. [online image]. time.com. Available at https:// time.com/5800901/coronavirus-map/. [accessed 17th of may 2020]. Vierig, C. [n.d]. Fashion week face masks. [online image] Getty images. Available at https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fashion-brand-debuts-face-masks-at-parisfashion-week-coronavirus-1281590. [accessed 17th of April 2020]. Unknown [n.d] smartphone showings Siri. [online image]. 9to5mac. Available at https://9to5mac.com/2019/10/02/apple-messaging-and-phone/. [accessed 17th of April 2020]. Unknown. [n.d]. 5G tower. [online image]. CNBC.com. Available at https://www.cnbc. com/2020/04/06/coronavirus-uk-cell-towers-set-on-fire-amid-5g-conspiracy-theories. html. [accessed 17th of April 2020.] Maxur, K. [27th of January 2020]. Billie Eilish at the 2020 Grammys. [online image]. Pop sugar. Available at https://www.popsugar.co.uk/fashion/billie-eilish-gucci-outfit-grammys-2020-47145891?utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=US:GB&utm_source=www. google.com. [accessed 17th of April 2020].
INITIAL IDEAS BOARD (2)Adorna- https://www.google.com/search?q=what+echoes+today%27s {Accessed 25 May 2020} FathemaArticle title: Glitch Distortion Website title: The Dots URL: https://the-dots.com/projects/glitch-distortion-15359 NiaBienkov.A (2020) Boris Johnson……’apoplectic’ fury. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/boris-johnson-cancels-visit-donald-trump-slammed-phone-down-apoplectic-2020-2?r=US&IR=T [Accessed 24/5/20] Caboosequeen (2016) High Res Wallpaper Dump. Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/offsite/?token=7-294&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fgallery%2FJ4L 6z&pin=396809417172680475&client_tracking_params=CwABAAAAEDc5OTUyODc2NzA2OTQ1NDYA~0&aux_data=%7B%7D [Accessed 26/5/20] Chen.F (2020) People fighting Coronavirus: the pictures of Fangbin Chen. Available at: https://www.domusweb.it/en/art/gallery/2020/03/17/fangbin-chen-and-his-pictures-oncoronavirus-we-must-cherish-nature.html [Accessed 19/5/20]
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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: BLOODMILK (2020)- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/298996862735819644/ [Accessed 23/5/20] Browne.T (2015) Spring 2015 Menswear. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2015-menswear/thom-browne/slideshow/details#9 [Accessed 20/5/20] Herm the Younger (-) Abstract Drawing Wallpapers. Available at: https://www.pinterest. co.uk/pin/598838081683356176/ [Accessed 23/5/20] Pinterest (-) 13+Mind Blowing Urban Clothing Mens Ideas. Available at: https://www. pinterest.co.uk/pin/356488126753236910/ [Accessed 23/5/20] Pinterest (-)There gets to a point where you know you have no future. Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/757449231060429304/ [Accessed 23/5/20] Pinterest (-) Glitch. Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/410179478532659444/ [Accessed 23/5/20] Serre.M (2020 Winter 2020-2021 Marine Serre. Available at: https://www.vogue.de/fashion-shows/herbst-winter-2020-2021-ready-to-wear/marine-serre [Accessed 23/5/20] Yoshi Sodeoka: Distorion 1. Available at: https://sbagliata.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/ yoshi-sodeoka-distorion-i/ [Accessed 22/5/20]
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MAGAZINE INSPIRATION (1): BBC Reality Check Team (2020) Coronavirus: Fake news…. About Covid-19 for Africa. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori-51764759 [Accessed 10/5/20]
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