Ignis Fatuus a pale night sometimes seen at night over marshy ground
Daftar Isi Latar Belakang .................................................................3 Paintings ..........................................................................4 Sculptures .......................................................................13 Behid The Masterpiece ...................................................16 Big Thanks .....................................................................20
terkait dengan fantasi yang ada di benak kita sebenarnya mencerminkan
inginkan. Kami mengambil tema Fantasi untuk mengajak
para pengunjung melihat berbagai macam fantasi melalui karya - karya yang ditumpahkan di pameran kami.
fantasi yang ada di dunia lain di dalam benak kita. Fantasi
kita maupun dunia untuk terus
menemukan menakjubkan.
Pameran kami berisikan lukisan dan patung yang rata-rata
beraliran kita
seperti James
Disini Caitlin
Julie Bell, Linda Escaron Lundqvist, Luigi Spano, Raffaello Ossola, dan Vladimir Kush. Kami menghadirkan pelukis dari berbagai
ide-ide ditampilkan mempunyai rentangan waktu yang beragam. Dari (earliest year) sampai (latest year) dapat dipastikan pameran ini akan memberikan variasi dalam karya.
“The first version was too busy and a little stiff. I had a lot of detail in there that was unnecessary. When I got the chance to paint it again, I corrected the whole design. I took a lot out. The second version is far superior to artistically." - Frank Frazetta
Carson of Venus
by Frank Frazetta 15 x 24 inches
Beyond the Tangle 18 October 2020
by Julie Bell
18 x 24 inches
“When I’m painting animals with all their beauty and wild nature, I experience the kind of at-onewith-the-universe feeling described by people who meditate. It’s both soothing and exciting, the way nature itself is. I know without a doubt that this is what I was meant to do.”
first version
second version
“Delirium”, 10" by 10", watercolor, acrylic, pen and ink and colored pencil on paper mounted to cradled birch panel. 2016. Available for sale through Arch Enemy Arts gallery “After the Wolves Have Gone”, 11" by 14", watercolor, pen and ink, acrylic on paper mounted to cradled birch panel. Part of my solo show “For your Bones We Wait” at Arch Enemy Arts.
Winged Ship
by Caitlin Hackett
Departure of the
by Vladimir Kush 31 x 39 inches
Death Dealer
by Frank Frazetta
18 x 24 inches
Death Dealer depicts a menacing armor-clad warrior with a horned helmet, whose facial features are obscured by shadow, atop a horse, holding a bloody bearded axe and shield.
Departure of the Winged Ship symbolically conveys to us the feelings of happiness and beauty of the world arousing in everyone bound on a distant voyage. In Japan, seeing a butterfly in one's home is considered good luck and the image of the butterfly is always associated with the best moments in life.
Gollum by Frank Frazetta
30.5 x 41.9 cm
Gollum from J. R. R. Tolkien's novel The Hobbit, and its sequel The Lord of the Rings. Frazetta's amazing moody depiction of the corrupted Hobbit once known as Smeagol uses browns and dark greens to suggest the eerie ill-lit subterranean cave pool in which readers first meet him.
Monthman by Frank Frazetta
17 x 23 inches
Mothman by Frank Frazetta. This first appeared as a High Times magazine cover, Beware The Mothman, 1980. It was later used as a paperback cover for The Mothman Prophesies by John A. Keel
Mr. Spaceman
by Julie Bell 20 x 16 inches
- oil on wood - fantasy
11" by 15", graphite, watercolor, and colored pencil on watercolor paper.
28 August 2019
by Caitlin Hackett
Nibiinaabe by Julie Bell
The Nibiinaabe are a race of water sprites from Anishinabe folklore. Nibinabe are usually described as being shaped like mermaids, with human torsos and fish tails. Mermaids and mermen are also used as a clan symbol in the Ojibwe tribe (whose Mermaid Clan and its totem are called Nibiinaabe or Nibanaba.)
The Huntress
by Caitlin Hackett
inspired by the Orchid Mantis
“The Huntress, a masked orchid mantis piece painted in watercolor and ballpoint pen”
In world mythology, the Tree of Life connects heaven and earth.The Tree aids man in aspiring to spiritual heights, reminds us of the cycles of life, death, and revival. It also embodies the universal journey of perpetual renewal.The Tree as metaphor reflects the phenomena of human life. Tree of Life
by Vladimir Kush
The Tower on the Edge of Infinity
by James McCarthy 18 x 24 inches
oil on canvas
As quoted by McCarthy, "My work is often season-themed. It deals with creation, the passing of time and mortality"
by Raffaello Ossola Ossola uses acrylic and has a distinctive style that incorporates elements such as architecture, pools, clouds, rocks, shrubs, and obelisks in surreal landscapes. His style uses characteristic light reflections and projections.
The sun is drawn directly in the middle of the painting. The sky is not drawn with much color, appearing to by a shade of gray, showing the early hours of dawn before the sun has illuminated the sky. There are a few clouds in the sky directly over the sun. These clouds are dark gray in color and very thin. The rays of light that shine out from the sun cut through these clouds. The sun is at a point in its ascent that it barely sits on the water. by Vladimir Kush Sunrise by the Ocean Leaping Lizard
by Frank Frazetta The Lizard-Men leap to the attack in this spectacular color preliminary painting by master fantasy painter Frank Frazetta. The finished oil painting version appeared as the cover to Writers of the Future (Bridge Publications, 1987). In Testament: The Life and Art of Frank Frazetta, the artist commented, " I was never much of a fan of nuts-and-bolts science fiction. There always had to be at least a hint of fantasy to keep me interested." This sensitively drawn mixedmedia vision is nothing short of a gem-like masterwork by Frazetta.
Oil on canvas Homage to the Hudson River School.
by James McCarthy Sonntag's Dream Phaedra by James McCarthy
Oil on Canvas, Wood. Inspired by the song/album by Tangerine Dream.
The Forgotten Garden
by James McCarthy Surrealism and the Landscape is James McCarthy's theme. He likes to paint spontaneous organic imagery ('biomorphism') but he also consider himself a landscape painter. His work is influenced by the seasons.
Why animals? I have always had a bewitching attraction to the otherness of animals. Knowing them is to know other nations and ways of being in and experiencing this world. I want the psychological impact of my work to express some of the expansive gulf between the human and non-human animal experience of being and connecting in this world. by Ellen Jewett The Dreaming of Winter
Amaterasu by Linda Escaron Lundqvist
She has stepped down from the heavens to once again repel evil with her solar disk and the power to paint the world. Sun goddess Amaterasu is here
Understanding more about Ellen’s broad array of experiences and personal insights is not only a pleasure to help us see her otherworldly sculptures in a new light. They allow us to better see into the heart and mind of this elusive artist who chooses, often, to keep behind the scenes and let her art just speak for itself. by Ellen Jewett White Dragon
The Ghost by Linda Escaron Lundqvist
The creature is wise and powerful, able to keep the many parallel worlds apart when they blend, and it is not the only one of its kind, they are many. It is not known just how many but they exist in hundreds all over the world. They may look scary but they are not harmful
Behind The Masterpiece
Frank Frazetta Frazetta (February 9, 1928 – May 10, 2010) was an American fantasy and science fiction artist, noted for paperback book covers, paintings, LP record album covers and other media. He is often referred to as the "Godfather" of fantasy art, and one of the most renowned illustrators of the 20th century. He was the subject of a 2003 documentary Painting with Fire.
I am a surrealist but I also consider myself a landscape painter. I like to depict the seasons. Much of my paintings are inspired by 'mindscape' music such as prog rock, psychedelic, new age, medieval and certain classical music
James McCarthy
Julie Bell
Bell (born October 21, 1958) is an American fantasy artist and a wildlife painter. She is one of the main representatives of the heroic fantasy and fantastic realism genres. Bell has won numerous Chesley Awards and was the designer of the Dragons of Destiny series. She also has won numerous first place awards in the Art Renewal Center's International Salon.
Raffaello Ossola Raffaello Ossola is a painter, born in Locarno, Switzerland, who has lived in Italy since 1990. Ossola uses acrylic and has a distinctive style that incorporates elements such as architecture, pools, clouds, rocks, shrubs, and obelisks in surreal landscapes. His style uses characteristic light reflections and projections.
Vladimir Kush
Vladimir Kush (born 1965) is a Russian born surrealist painter and sculptor. He studied at the Surikov Moscow Art Institute, and after several years working as an artist in Moscow, he emigrated to the United States, eventually establishing his own gallery on the island of Maui in Hawaii. In 2011 Kush won the First Prize in Painting at the Artistes du Monde international exhibition in Cannes.
Ellen Jewett Ellen was born in Markham Ontario Canada and took to shaping three dimensional forms naturally at a young age. In 2007 Ellen completed her post secondary honours degree in Anthropology and Fine Art at McMaster University. While finishing her undergraduate degrees Ellen worked in medical illustration, exotic animal care and was teaching a children’s class on stop motion animation. By the time she presented her thesis, Ellen's academic and artistic interests in the biological where intrinsically interwoven.
Linda Escaron Lundqvist
Linda Escaron Lundqvist, who’s not a nature enthusiast, but a nature freak in its truest sense! She shares her small basement apartment with two ‘beautiful’ tarantulas and hundreds of other spiders…and she loves them all. Linda’s lovely natural surroundings had infused creativity in her since childhood. She had to express her creativity through painting, etc. However, it was in the spring of 2013, when she discovered sculpting and immediately fell in love with it. This was like a homecoming for her.
Big Thanks Kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Caitin Hackett, Ellen Jewett, Frank Frazetta, James McCarthy, Julie Bell Linda Escaron Lundqvist, Rafaello Ossala, dan Vladimir Kush atas karya-karya yang telah dipamerkan dalam pameran ini. Kami juga ingin mengcupkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Nuriko Dwiyandra karena telah memberi kami kesempatan dan dukungan atas berjalannya pameran virtual seni rupa ini. Semoga buku panduan ini bermanfaat dan selamat menikmati pameran virtual ini.
Ignis Fatuus a pale night sometimes seen at night over marshy ground