YOUR FAMILY IS OUR FAMILY It is virtually impossible to quantify all the ways in which the untiring dedication of our students, parents, alumni, faculty, and staff have shaped our beloved School. Our legacy at Jesuit Dallas has been achieved by doing more than providing students with an exceptional, high-quality curriculum. We are blessed by a community—a family— that is unparalleled in its love and understanding of what is possible because of our commitment to form men of conscience and compassion.
ABOUT US Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas (Jesuit Dallas) was founded in 1942 as a private Catholic institution for young men under the direction of the Society of Jesus. Located on a 34-acre campus in North Dallas, the School provides a rigorous student-centered Jesuit education to approximately 1,150 students in grades 9-12 with a 9:1 student-faculty ratio. The faculty, of which 76% hold an advanced degree, totals over 135 professionals. The School's focus on formation of the whole person results in men who exemplify The Profile of the Graduate, which describes the characteristics of a man who seeks the fullest development of his God-given talents and puts his faith in action. The more than 11,000 graduates—Men for Others—serve as community leaders throughout the globe. As described by Jesuit Dallas President Mike Earsing, "Our students are not just called to be the best in the world; they are called to be the best for the world."
THE PROFILE OF THE GRADUATE The Profile of the Graduate touches every aspect of life at Jesuit Dallas. At graduation, the Jesuit student has come to embody the ideal described in the Profile.
esuit Dallas emphasizes academic excellence and intellectual challenge. It also recognizes the importance of educating the whole person, and thus every aspect of the School seeks the fullest possible development of every dimension of its students. Jesuit’s education strives to inspire a joy in learning and a thirst for greater and deeper knowledge. At graduation, the Jesuit student will have experienced a curriculum designed to open him to the richness of his own intellect, as well as to the world of nature and man.
• Average SAT scores exceed the national average by more than 200 points. • 208 students have been recognized by the College Board National Recognition Program in the last five years. • 635 students have earned designation through the AP Scholarship program and over 165 have earned recognition by the National Merit Scholarship program in the last five years • In the last five years, students have received college scholarship offers totaling over $150 million.
Jesuit Dallas was one of five private high schools from across the country and the only private high school in Texas honored as a 2022-23 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. Following a nomination by the Council for American Private Education, Jesuit’s recognition was based on exemplary achievement and the School’s overall academic performance.
Jesuit Dallas has eight different academic departments and nearly 130 courses. The School partners with the College Board to offer upwards of 25 Advanced Placement courses each year, which changes based on the pursuits of the individuals in the courses. Students who remain in-state and attend a public college or university are automatically awarded credit for passing scores.
Introduction to Computer Programming Introduction to Computer Programming: Robotics Programming 2: Web Development Programming 2: Game Design Honors Advanced Java AP Computer Programming
English 1, 2, 3 Honors English 1, 2 AP Literature and Composition* AP Language and Composition English 4 Non-Fiction* English 4 World Literature* English 4 Modern American Literature* Honors English Seminar
Art Survey Theater Arts Theater Directing Stage & Film Writing Stagecraft Photography Music Composition and Film Scoring Filmmaking Art of Film Ceramics Throwing Ceramics Hand-Building Advanced Ceramics Drawing 2D Design: Digital Media AP Studio Art: Drawing AP Studio Art: 2D Design Architectual Design Music Appreciation Music Theory Jazz History & Improvisation 1, 2 Chamber Orchestra Men’s Chorus Band Broadcast Journalism
Latin 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors Latin 2, 3, 4 Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 Honors Spanish 2, 3*, 4 AP Spanish Language Spanish Heritage Learner French 1, 2, 3 Honors French 2, 3 Honors Advanced French AP French Mandarin 1, 2, 3 Honors Mandarin 2, 3, 4
MATHEMATICS Algebra 1, 2 Honors Algebra I Geometry Honors Geometry
Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry Statistics AP Statistics Precalculus AP Precalculus Calculus AP AB Calculus AP BC Calculus Multivariable Calculus
Biology Honors Biology AP Biology Microbiology Chemistry Honors Chemistry AP Chemistry Physics AP Physics 1, 2 AP Physics C Mechanics AP Physics C Electromagnetism Anatomy & Physiology Forensic Science Engineering: Design Process AP Environmental Science Marine Biology
SOCIAL STUDIES Geography and Foundations Rhetoric and Civics World History AP World History U.S. History AP U.S. History Government * AP US Government AP US Comparative Government* Government Close-Up Economics AP Macroeconomics International Relations* Mass Media and Cultural Studies History of Hip Hop AP Human Geography Psychology AP Psychology Historical Concepts of War AP European History Social Justice and Public Policy
Old Testament Scripture New Testament and Christian Discipleship Sacrament/Morality/Justice Christian Relationships Interreligious Dialogue History of the Catholic Church* Catholic Social Teaching: Economic Justice Catholic Social Teaching: Environmental Justice Catholic Social Teaching: Peace and Conflict *Dual Credit Courses
Jesuit Dallas offers several opportunities for students to earn college credit as part of progressing through the School’s college-preparatory curriculum. Jesuit maintains a prestigious dual-credit partnership with St. Louis University, and each year students enroll in advanced online courses at universities throughout the country where they earn credit at Jesuit as well as through each college’s individual program. Additionally, students have the ability to attend classes on site at local colleges and can have their Jesuit class schedules arranged to accommodate those opportunities. While dual credit might not be a selection or desire for every Jesuit student, it is important to note that Jesuit classes, regardless of honors status or grade level, have a noticed impact on the success of our graduates in college. It is routine for our counselors to receive unsolicited compliments from college professors and recruiters about our graduates. From being prepared for the rigors of the curricula to excelling in high-level courses, colleges know they can expect well-rounded and deep thinkers from Jesuit alumni.
STUDENT ENRICHMENT & GLOBAL EDUCATION The academic experience at Jesuit Dallas is enriched through research projects, field trips, lab tours, participation in competitions, special projects, and extracurricular opportunities. Our local Jesuit community is enriched through our innovative service and mission driven approach to international exchange programs. Jesuit global educational partners include Toulouse, France; Milan, Italy; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Lima, Peru. Throughout the academic year and summer months, academic, social justice, and cultural immersion programs take our students all over the globe. These experiences provide the opportunity for our students to take learning outside of the classroom, serve the poor and marginalized, and understand more fully the diverse cultures of the world.
TRAVEL DESTINATIONS... Shanghai, China Washington, D.C. The Cayman Islands Rome, Italy Lake Atitlan, Guatemala Guadalajara, Mexico Monterrey, Mexico Los Angeles, California Waco, Texas Quispicanchi, Peru Quito, Ecuador
ur faculty and staff are committed to forming young men who are well-rounded academically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. We strive to meet the multi-faceted interests and talents of our community and invite students and families to embrace the rich traditions of our School. From the very beginning, Jesuit works to make sure new students feel comfortable and become involved. Counselors meet individually with students to guide their transition into Jesuit, while each freshman homeroom has four senior Big Brothers who help guide and mentor their Little Brothers.
• Housing hundreds of works by internationallycelebrated artists, the School doubles as a nationally accredited fine arts museum. • Students in the medical society gain practical experience through an on-campus sim clinic, rotations at area hospitals, and an annual mission trip. • The Jesuit Dallas debate team is a perennial state and national-contending program. In 2023, Jesuit continued a 24-year streak of at least one team in the top 20 at the state championships.
The Jesuit Dallas robotics team has received every technical award offered by FIRST in the last 10 years; finished in the top three at the FIRST World Championships multiple times – including a first-place finish at the 2014 World Championships; and won multiple Texas state championships.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) has been a priority at Jesuit for many years. Whether it has been through facility upgrades, programmatic commitments, faculty training, or curricular adjustments, Jesuit continues to be at the forefront of preparing students for enacting change in the 21st century. Jesuit is proud to be nationally competitive in regards to preparing students for the 21st century fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.
For over 500 years, the arts have been at the core of an Ignatian education. In addition to cultivating interests in traditional subjects such as studio art and ceramics, the curriculum has expanded to include emerging media with many students pursuing interests in filmmaking and broadcasting. The performing arts have played a vital part in the curricula since Jesuit Dallas first opened its doors. The stage & film program, which produces four major productions each year, includes opportunities for growth in stage acting, directing, theater arts, and technical theater (stagecraft). The instrumental and vocal music program offers exciting and challenging musical opportunities, including marching band, concert band, string orchestra, men’s chorus, jazz ensemble, and wind and percussion ensembles. Performing groups are open to all, including students with a desire to learn a new instrument.
A regular recipient of a First Class rating by the National Scholastic Press Association, Jesuit’s award-winning student paper, The Roundup, includes over 70 students across all grade levels among its team of editors and writers.
s a community, our goal is to model love for our students through action. Love is a gift; it is an invitation from God to be one with Christ. While in formation, we seek opportunities to celebrate and encourage our students when they demonstrate love and, when necessary, redirect them when they fail to demonstrate love for themselves or for one another. To love is to encourage; it is compassionate, selfless, empathetic and respectful. St. Ignatius calls upon us to seek to find God in all things. This orients us toward a place where we can better receive God’s love and, in receiving that love, are more capable of sharing that love as God’s hands on earth.
• The School offers a wellness resource program throughout the year with students, parents, and staff that explores contemporary issues through an Ignatian lens. • With 12 different languages being spoken by our students at home, Jesuit Dallas offers a translation service program for the many families for whom English is not a first language. • Staffed by 12 full-time counselors and advisors, Jesuit provides a highly-regarded counseling program to support the emotional, mental, and academic experience of our students.
We are called to model Christ’s love in all of our thoughts and actions, and as such Jesuit Dallas stands against bigotry, racism, and hatred of any kind. One of our goals is to foster a community that reflects the rich diversity of the Dallas metroplex so that students and families are introduced to the vibrant cultures that make us unique. A diverse population encourages dialogue, growth, and inclusivity, which are vital elements in forming young men to become true community servants as Men for Others. Jesuit is committed to helping students discover the magis (the more) in themselves and in the members of their diverse community, which include race, religion, gender, age, ability, geography, and socioeconomic status. This discovery better prepares students to contribute to a multicultural world, one in which local, national, and international tensions are often grounded in cultural, religious, and linguistic differences.
36% OF THE STUDENT BODY IDENTIFIES AS RACIALLY AND ETHNICALLY DIVERSE Hispanic – 21%, Asian – 6%, African-American – 4%, Multi-racial – 4%, Native American – 1%
ur students are part of a community which seeks to nurture the seeds of religious faith and commitment to growth in each individual. In light of the Catholic tradition and the vision of St. Ignatius of Loyola, students and staff alike are supported in their individual call to proclaim their faith, promote justice, and grow in their personal relationship with God. All members of the Jesuit Dallas family, regardless of their religious background, are invited and welcomed to participate in the spiritual offerings of the School as they develop their own individual relationship with God.
• Jesuit Dallas celebrates School-wide Mass each month as well as a weekly prayer service. • Daily reflection is offered to students and staff through the morning prayer and the Examen. • Every student participates in annual retreats where he is invited into reflection and dialogue rooted in the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. • 69% of students identify as Catholic, although Jesuit Dallas embraces students of all religious backgrounds.
Prayer is the key way an individual develops his relationship with God. Students at Jesuit Dallas are offered many opportunities to experience prayer as a large community including weekly prayer services, morning prayer, and the Examen. Additional opportunities like Rosary Wednesdays, Adoration Fridays, and Stations of the Cross during the Lenten season are also available.
The liturgy, the central prayer of the Catholic Church, is celebrated every day in the Jesuit Dallas chapel at times convenient for students who might want to take a few minutes out of their lunch period or come a little early in the morning to celebrate the Eucharist with their brothers. In addition, the entire School community celebrates liturgies once a month throughout the year.
Students are asked to deepen their understanding of who they are and who God is calling them to be through annual retreats. Every student participates in an annual retreat culminating in their Kairos Retreat experience senior year. During retreat, students are invited into reflection and dialogue rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
ommunity service and social justice are cornerstones in the educational ethos at Jesuit Dallas. Our programs are designed to be contextdriven and student-centered with the core belief that when student formation is given highest priority, everyone benefits in the long-term. As a student serves in the community, he proceeds toward greater awareness of his place as a servant-leader while recognizing his responsibility as a Man for Others in the Jesuit tradition of service that is inspired by Christ’s life and the teachings of St. Ignatius.
• Partnering with hundreds of organizations, Jesuit Dallas supports the largest high school community service department in the State of Texas and offers one of the most comprehensive programs nationwide. • The School conducts urban and poverty immersion missions locally and abroad, including mission trips to Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Central Texas, and Los Angeles.
Jesuit Dallas is the first high school in the United States to sponsor an on-campus chapter of Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS), whose mission is focused on outreach arriving in the United States and supporting those living in refugee camps abroad.
Through our program, we engage with local, national, and international partners to create formative experiences that compel our students to carefully consider the intersections of faith and justice, and engage in meaningful encounters with those experiencing marginalization.
AGENCY PARTNERS INCLUDE AIDS Services of Dallas Austin Street Center Catholic Charities of Dallas Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum The Human Impact Notre Dame School of Dallas Project Unity St. Vincent de Paul United to Learn
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Adopt-a-Family Be the Match Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas Swim Camp Jesuit Special Games Meals on Wheels Thanksgiving Program Notre Dame Christmas Dance St. Patrick’s Refugee Outreach
esuit Dallas students come to value the ideal of a sound mind in a sound body. As part of their formational experience, students have been introduced to means and the importance of maintaining good physical condition throughout their lives. Through participation in intramural and interscholastic team sports, each student is challenged to see these activities, not simply as a way of developing his physical abilities, but also as a means for enhancing his growth as a wellrounded gentleman.
• The School supports a robust athletic performance program that emphasizes all areas of strength & conditioning as well as nutrition education and mental preparation. • Opening this year, The Dove Fieldhouse is a 26,000-square foot, two-story multi-use center that offers innovative solutions for sport-specific training throughout the year and provides an indoor training home for golf, crew, wrestling, and cycling. • In addition to ample fields and court space, students have access to the Dell Performance Center, a fully-equipped 9,000-square foot weight training facility.
As one of the most celebrated high school programs in the history of Texas, Jesuit Dallas athletic teams have enjoyed significant success through every decade since the 1940s, setting a standard of excellence reflective in all aspects of campus life. The Rangers have won 127 team state championships, while Jesuit Dallas alumni have gone on to compete professionally in the NFL, MLB, NBA, PGA, MLS, Premier League (England), and Bundesliga (Germany). The School offers 22 varsity sports and competes in the largest classification of the University Interscholastic League (UIL), the athletic and extracurricular governing body for the state’s public and charter schools. In recent years, soccer, baseball, and rugby have reached the top of the high school national rankings, while crew, cycling, and lacrosse are considered benchmark programs throughout the region.
Baseball Basketball Bowling Cheerleading Competitive Shooting Crew Cross Country Cycling Fencing Football Golf Hockey Lacrosse Powerlifting Rugby Soccer Swimming & Diving Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling
The David A. Segal Family Aquatic Center is a 28,000-square foot state-of-the-art natatorium complete with two swimming pools. The facility, which opened in 2021, benefits a vast majority of Jesuit students through academic labs, injury rehab therapy, endurance and flexibility training for all sports, learn-to-swim programs, scuba certification instruction, and lifeguard training and certification.
OUR FAMILY IS… FOREVER One of the most unique and enriching aspects of the Jesuit experience is the lifelong brotherhood of our young men. Through their formation as students, Jesuit Dallas alumni are forever connected and forever changed, and many relationships remain intact throughout the rest of their lives. After students graduate, the Jesuit Dallas Alumni Association offers a number of annual events, services, and programs for former Jesuit students. Even non-graduates are included in these opportunities, as the Jesuit experience has such a profound impact on all those who have been shaped by the journey into becoming a Man for Others.
The impact of Jesuit Dallas alumni in the world is far-reaching and filled with extraordinary accomplishments in the fields of medicine, business, education, law, athletics, and entertainment. Josh Bell ’11, MLB All-Star
Tom Bernard ’70, Founder, Sony Pictures Classics
Doug Brooks ’70, President and CEO, Brinker International (Chili’s, Corner Bakery)
Ryan Cabrera ’00, American musician and Billboard Top 100 singles artist
L.M. Kit Carson ’59, Celebrated and award-winning feature film scriptwriter
Wyatt Cenac ’94, Stand-up comedian and actor
Tripper Clancy ’98, Acclaimed and award-winning screenwriter Most Rev. Robert Coerver ’72, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Lubbock
Kenny Cooper ’03, Manchester United alumnus and MLS All-Star Bill DeOre ’65, National award-winning political cartoonist Jerry Fowler ’79, Prominent human rights activist Hugh Hayden ’02, Renowned sculpture artist
Dr. Andrew Jordan ’93, Award-winning researcher and author in theoretical quantum physics William Lynch ’88, Former President, Peloton Interactive Inc. Thad Matula ’97, Emmy and Peabody Award-winning director Michael McCaul ’80, U.S. Representative and former Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security Tom Melsheimer ’79, Award-winning and highly sought after trial lawyer Nic Nicosia ’69, Internationally renowned and award-winning photographer Brooks Oliver ’06, Award-winning ceramic artist and designer Tom Scott ’08, U.S. Olympian and National Champion in Karate Dr. Rick Snyder ’79, President, Texas Medical Association; Renowned cardiologist Jordan Spieth ’11, Three-time PGA Major winner Kip Tindell ’71, Founder, The Container Store Adm. Patrick Walsh, USN ’73, Retired Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet; President of Cristo Rey Dallas Dr. Kneeland Youngblood ’74, Physician and Presidential Appointee
OUTCOMES The college readiness of our students is continually noted by the admissions staff of universities across the country. Jesuit Dallas not only maintains a near-100% college enrollment rate, but graduates thrive in their post-secondary studies. Jesuit Dallas is among the nation’s leaders in appointments to the U.S. service academies, and within the last five years students have been accepted or enrolled at nearly all of the top 20 “National Universities” in America as listed by U.S. News & World Report.
• Over the last five years, 83% of Jesuit graduates have reported earning a college scholarship or award. • Since 2019, 14 Jesuit Dallas graduates have received Congressional appointments to attend one of the nation’s U.S. service academies. • In the last five years, Jesuit Dallas students were accepted at 398 different colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.
THE ALL-BOY ADVANTAGE Jesuit Dallas believes that an all-boys environment allows for effective implementation of teaching strategies geared for teenage boys, lessens social pressures, and results in a meaningful brotherhood that most of our alumni carry with them throughout the rest of their lives. Our boys do have lots of opportunities to meet girls through organized social gatherings, community events and coed activities such as band, theater, and cheerleading.
• Jesuit Dallas is not just a school comprised of boys, but a school specifically for boys. Every aspect of our formational program is designed to respond to the needs of our young men and guide them along the journey towards full and responsible manhood. Our teachers have mastered developing the full potential of our students and the techniques to optimize student motivation. • With no girls to impress, the daily academic environment gives our boys the freedom to be themselves. Conformity gives way to individuality. Our students are able to discover their true identity in the safety of the community. • Our students are encouraged and feel more comfortable pursuing a variety of interests. Research shows that young men who attend an all-boys school are more than twice as likely to study subjects such as art, music, and foreign language at an advanced level and to engage in a wider array of experiences. It is common for a Jesuit student to participate in the arts, athletics, and student council. • A study by the U.S. Department of Education found that parents who switched their sons to an all-boys school observed an increased eagerness to learn and compete academically. • The learning environment at Jesuit fosters camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Our students come from many different backgrounds, and they have unique interests, personalities, and skills, just like at many other schools. Our students embrace the differences in one another and treat each other like brothers.
Jesuit Dallas has established a tradition of scholastic and personal achievement that is second-to-none among secondary schools. We understand that the cost of an excellent program is significant, and we are committed to making this experience available for all students, regardless of their ability to pay. Candidates for admission are considered solely on the merits of their academic ability and character, and the need for financial aid has no bearing on admission. Most financial assistance is based on demonstrated financial need although meritbased scholarships are awarded each year across all grade levels. During the 2022-23 academic year, Jesuit Dallas granted more than $3.3 million in financial assistance to over 30% of the student body, with the average financial aid package covering 53% of tuition. Additionally, all students have the ability to assist in covering the cost of tuition by earning a work grant scholarship of $1,000 per year.
Jesuit Dallas offers a truly unique educational experience that goes beyond intellectual mastery and addresses the formation of the whole student. It does so at a tuition rate that remains far below its academic peers because of our deeply generous and devoted community. The benevolence of parents, alumni, parents of graduates, faculty, and friends, not only ensures that every academically qualified student has the opportunity to attend Jesuit, but annual and major gifts are also used to enhance the classroom experience, programmatic opportunities, and extracurricular pursuits. We are very blessed by this unwavering spirit of giving, as it is an integral part of what makes Jesuit Dallas special.
Jesuit offers a wide variety of fresh-made and nutritious menu items for breakfast and lunch each day school is in session and the quality of the food is consistently excellent. With a focus on allergy awareness, menus can be custom-tailored to fit each student’s needs, while all foods are prepared from scratch by a dedicated team of chefs using seasonal, locally sourced ingredients. Students are also encouraged to provide feedback to the dining services team.
Instead of a specific uniform, students must follow a dress code that allows for the freedom to wear clothes that reflect everyone’s personality within class-specific guidelines.
The counseling staff meets individually with each new student to determine how best to make their transition to Jesuit as easy as possible. Weekly guidance classes help orient new students with the traditions and events at Jesuit, and with over 100 extracurricular clubs, teams, and programs, there is something for everyone and plenty of opportunities to meet new friends.
Jesuit leverages an expansive network of volunteers to support students, faculty, and staff, and there are numerous ways for parents to become quickly connected. Among the most notable organizational opportunities are Jesuit Parents Appreciate Administration, Teachers, and Staff (JPATS), Jesuit Women’s Auxiliary (JWA), Mentor Parents, and Moms in Prayer, as well as many program-specific opportunities.
The School does not provide daily transportation to campus from home but does offer reserved student parking. In addition, current parents serve as mentors for new families to help arrange carpools.
Jesuit Dallas students originate from 108 zip codes and 48 cities in the State of Texas. 792 students live in the City of Dallas with more than 350 coming from the surrounding cities and neighborhoods. 700+ students Dallas
20 - 99 students
Carrollton Farmers Branch Frisco Irving Plano Richardson
1 - 19 students
Addison Allen Argyle Arlington Aubrey Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Corinth Denton Desoto Double Oak Duncanville Flower Mound Forney Fort Worth Garland Grapevine Heath Josephine Kaufman Keller Lewisville Little Elm Lucas Mansfield McKinney Mesquite Murphy Nevada North Richland Hills Parker Prosper Rockwall Rowlett Sachse Seagoville Southlake Soutlake The Colony University Park Waxahachie
ADMISSIONS We’re happy that you’re interested in learning more about becoming a part of the Jesuit Dallas community! Since 1942, Jesuit Dallas has been equipping young men to become leaders who demonstrate knowledge joined with virtue. We admit students without regard for race, creed, religion, national origin or ability to pay-resulting in an economically, ethnically and racially diverse student body and community. Explore to learn more about our history and approach to education as well as the many experiences the School offers beyond the classroom. For more specific information about admissions, visit
Visit to schedule a tour of the Jesuit Dallas campus.
On November 5, the admissions office hosts a day of presentations, tours and question-and-answer sessions. Visit for details.
Take a tour of campus and meet with administrators, faculty, and students at one of our monthly Parent Coffee events. Visit to sign up.
Please apply online at
2023-24 ADMISSIONS CALENDAR November 5 | Jesuit Open House January 12 | Freshman Application Deadline January 13 & 20 | Interview Dates February 2 | Transcripts & Recommendations Due February 3 | On-Campus ISEE Test Date March 8 | Freshman Decision Release April 19 | Sophomore/Junior Application Deadline April 26 | Sophomore/Junior Decision Release Ongoing | Campus Tours Available *Check website for up-to-date information
Director of Admissions: Tim Host Assistant Director of Admissions: Corey Marr Learning Specialist: Maureen Miramontes Admissions Officer: Kathy Leitnick
While we can’t wait to have you on campus, you can take a virtual tour of Jesuit Dallas at any time. Scan the QR code for a sneak peek.
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