Welcome to Jesuit High School.
I sincerely hope that as you weigh your options for your high school education that you will find Jesuit High School to be a good fit: academically, athletically, socially, and spiritually.
Your education is not only about the satisfaction you’ll experience for the next five years, but about the formation you’ll receive to become the man you were made to be.

Fr. John Brown, S.J. President

Since its founding nearly two centuries ago, Jesuit High School has formed boys into men of faith and men for others—men who relentlessly pursue God’s greater glory. Educating students from every walk of life and from the entire greater New Orleans area, Jesuit is animated by a 500-year Ignatian tradition to deliver a transformational education that forms beyond the intellect.
Above all things, Jesuit is oriented ad majorem Dei gloriam: for the greater glory of God. Forming generations of young men to become sharp tools in God’s hands—men for others who are equipped to make a difference in the world— Jesuit offers a classically grounded academic program that is marked by rigor, high expectations, and an emphasis on personal responsibility. As a Catholic, collegepreparatory school for boys in grades 8-12, Jesuit has served the New Orleans area since 1847.
Jesuit education is animated by the principle that every academic discipline and intellectual pursuit are connected by a thread that points to God’s glory. While preparation for college is indeed an outcome of Jesuit’s academic program, the school also focuses on equipping students with the freedom of self-mastery that will enable them to become men for others. Each of Jesuit’s 118 courses is designed with this end in mind, and each of Jesuit’s 160 faculty and staff members are tirelessly dedicated to it.
The mission of Jesuit High School as a Catholic, college preparatory school is to develop in its students the competence, conscience, and compassion that will enable them to be men of faith and men for others.
Relentlessly pursuing God’s greater glory, Jesuit’s program of Christian formation animates every aspect of school life for Blue Jay students, teachers, parents, and alumni.
The motto of the Society of Jesus is ad majorem Dei gloriam: for the greater glory of God. Jesuit’s radical commitment to this transformative principle defines and elevates every aspect of the Jesuit experience for students and families. As a part of every Blue Jay’s journey at Jesuit, spiritual formation is both explicit and implicit, both intellectual and embodied.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, serve as the cornerstone for spiritual formation at Jesuit. All students are offered opportunities to evaluate their spiritual life and relationship with God. Practical training in Christian living is realized through:
• Daily community prayer
• Daily examination of conscience
• Religion classes
• Retreats
• Days of reflection
• Liturgies
• Personal spiritual formation
• Adoration in the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel
• Student Altar Servers
• Student Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Jesuit’s theology curriculum provides an immersive five-year exploration of the Christian faith within the Catholic tradition. The curriculum integrates intellectual rigor with practical application, supporting Jesuit’s mission of shaping students for a life of purpose and spiritual depth.
• Christ in Scripture
• Christology
• Ecclesiology
• Sacraments
• Personal and Social Morality
• Christian Vocations
• Catholic Social Teaching
• The Theology of C.S. Lewis
Student Campus Ministry is composed of a group of juniors and seniors who have been trained to accept the role of spiritual leaders among the student body. They assist in the planning and execution of various liturgical activities throughout the year, serving as lectors at schoolwide Masses and leaders of retreats for each grade level. They are committed to building up the Body of Christ at Jesuit in their formal roles as student ministers and informally by their good example in daily student life.
The Sodality of Our Lady is collaborative work of Campus Ministry and the Jesuits in residence at Jesuit High School. The Sodality aims to foster brotherhood in the community of its members, form them spiritually, and promote charitable acts of service. Sodality promises a commitment to daily prayers and devotions, Mass before school once a week, and an annual retreat with fellow Sodalists. Their brotherhood is strengthened by their ongoing spiritual formation at weekly meetings and service projects.

Jesuit’s service program provides students with a dynamic learning experience that allows them to grow as Christians in service to others.
Jesuit students have a long history of volunteering their time and talent to people in need both locally and globally. This work is motivated by Christ’s example in the gospels, the Catholic Church’s commitment to the dignity of every person, and Jesuit’s mission of educating leaders who are capable men for others. When serving others, students gain immediate and lasting rewards of their own: a better understanding of the challenges faced by the elderly, disabled, and impoverished; a deeper empathy for people from all walks of life; and the development of skills applicable to any student’s future career path. Jesuit’s service program broadens the student’s concerns beyond the self and forms him as an agent for good in his community.

Jesuit enables its students to become men of faith motivated by genuine Gospel charity; new men transformed by the message of Christ, open to their own time and the future; and leaders who have acquired a way of life that proclaims the love of Christ, faith, and justice.
Before each student receives his diploma at graduation, he is required to take part in a variety of service activities. This includes a single day of service during his sophomore year, as well as a 100-hour service project beginning in his junior year. In addition, all students participate in Jesuit’s Thanksgiving Drive, a tradition that dates back almost a century.
Throughout the school year, Jesuit encourages students to participate in a wide variety of voluntary service activities. Common opportunities include tutoring at local elementary schools, rebuilding blighted houses, participating in public beautification projects, or assisting the homeless.
Between required and voluntary service, Blue Jays contribute over 30,000 volunteer hours annually to more than 40 charitable organizations. These efforts include participation in the Junior Service Project, Sophomore Day of Service, Winter Clothing Drive, Thanksgiving Drive, Grace at the Green Light, Operation Upgrade, International Service–Courts for Kids, Border Mission Trip, Krewe d’ Camp, and more.
Dear prospective families,
There is no more decisive time for a young man’s life than the period between middle school and college.
Jesuit education has long been about forming young men to take responsibility for themselves and for others. Deep down, the Jesuit student wants to be the type of person that others trust with their needs, and our program of academic formation and discipline prepares students to be relentless in pursuing God’s greater glory as men for others. Students will be more than prepared for life’s journey after graduation.
The Jesuit approach to learning opens students to larger issues from a Catholic worldview. Our integrated, classically-grounded curriculum allows our students to pursue wisdom, seeing the whole of life as God sees it and finding their unique purpose as authentic believers. Our faculty are unparalleled in their ability to inspire students to their highest ambitions in service to God and to pursue a life of virtue.
Our numerous athletic teams and co-curricular organizations help students find their place, hone their talents, form their character, and make friendships that last a lifetime. Student life at Jesuit is electric, and the joys of daily life as a Blue Jay will become memories that are treasured through all the days of life.
We are thrilled that you are interested in Jesuit High School. Our alumni cherish their connection to their alma mater because they know that they experienced something truly special here. We hope you get a taste of that as you visit our wonderful school.

Jeremy M. Reuther ’01 Principal

Daily Life at Jesuit
The entire student body gathers in Traditions Courtyard for morning assembly on Mondays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, announcements are broadcast by WJHS in each homeroom.
The class schedule rotates daily, consisting of six 55-minute classes, a 10-minute morning break, and a 50-minute lunch. After lunch, students pause briefly for the Examen, an examination of conscience. For academic support, students have access to teachers, counselors, and academic learning labs staffed by faculty.

Regular Daily Schedule
7:45 a.m.
7:50 - 8 a.m.
8:05 - 9 a.m.
9:05 - 10 a.m.
10 - 10:10 a.m.
10:15 - 11:10 a.m.
11:15 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
12:10 - 1 p.m.
1:05 - 2 p.m.
2:05 - 3 p.m.
Warning Bell
First Period
Second Period
Morning Break
Third Period
Fourth Period
Fifth Period
Sixth Period
To ensure that each student thrives academically, Jesuit pairs every Blue Jay with an appropriately challenging academic experience.
Incoming pre-freshmen students at Jesuit are initially placed in either “on-level” (eighth-grade) or “accelerated” (ninth-grade) classes in English, math, and science. After a year of assessment and adjustment to the Jesuit environment, students are then assigned to a specific academic program for the beginning of freshman year. Jesuit offers three academic programs.
The College Preparatory Program is a robust curriculum with a minimum of three years of foreign language courses. The courses of study more than fulfill the entrance requirements of all colleges.
The Alternative Accelerated Program allows students to take accelerated classes in some subjects but not others depending on the unique academic gifts of the student. This program requires four years of foreign language study.
The Accelerated Program is the most rigorous curriculum, and requires four years of Latin plus three years of a second foreign language.
Students in all programs have the opportunity to take honors and advanced placement courses.
Placing students in an academic program following their pre-freshman year provides students with a tailored and supportive educational experience.
Students not placed in accelerated courses who wish to be will have the opportunity to take a readiness test, which will assist teachers and administrators in determining if the student has the prerequisite background for accelerated placement.
Scan the QR code to learn more about Jesuit’s curriculum.
School Mascot
School Colors
ad majorem Dei gloriam for the greater glory of God Motto
1,275 STUDENTS from over ZIP CODES
61+ Hold Advanced Degrees | 11 Hold Doctoral Degrees
Including 5 Ancient and Modern Languages
The Jesuit approach to education is based on nearly five hundred years of tradition initiated by St. Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus (“the Jesuits”) in 1540.
Jesuit alumni remain loyal Blue Jays “through all the days of life.” Four or five years on Banks Street are just the start of a lifelong journey as a man for others.
With more than 14,000 Blue Jay alumni living across the nation and around the world, they serve their families and communities in a wide variety of fields and professions. This strong network reflects the enduring impact of a Jesuit education.

Athletic excellence at Jesuit extends beyond championships and achievements. It is embodied in the sweat and grind of practice and in the brotherhood developed among teammates.
The expertise and passion of Jesuit’s coaches inform the conduct of Jesuit’s student athletes on and off the field. Jesuit’s athletic philosophy emphasizes virtue, personal growth, and teamwork.
Jesuit’s athletic program features 17 varsity sports. Athletes are guided to build character and become leaders as they participate in Jesuit’s mission of building Christ’s kingdom as members of a team— “one body with many parts.” Jesuit’s Hall of Champions preserves the legacy of over a century of district, state, and national championships.
Jesuit student-athletes enjoy the use of John Ryan Stadium, a multi-sport athletic facility. Jesuit’s athletic teams also make use of an array of other athletic facilities, including Will Clark Field, Benson Arena, and the Louis J. Roussel, Jr. physical education building.

Acoustic Guitar Club
Anime Club
Art Club
Barbershop Blue Jays
Beach Volleyball Club
Big 23 Club
Biology Club
Books with Beignets
Bowling Club
Chess Team/Chess Club
Classic Rock Club
Creative Writing Club
Fishing Club
French Club
Green Club
Ice Cream Social IKON
Intramural Sports
Investment Club
J-Troupe Improv Group
Jesuit Medical Society
Jesuit Men of Color
Movie Critics Club
Paintball Club
Philosophy Club
Pickleball Club
Poker Club
Politics & Pastries
Produce Club
Spanish Club
Sports Analysis Club
Tabletop Gaming Society Club
Gizzard Gaming – Esports Team
Sailing Team
Media Club
Jesuit News Network (WJHS)
The Blue Jay Newspaper
The Blue Jay Annual (Yearbook)
Calliope Arts & Literary Magazine
Academic Games
Debate Team
Mock Trial Team
Model United Nation
Prep Quiz Bowl Team
Robotics Club
Green Club
Peer Support
Pro-Life Club
Sodality of Our Lady
Student Ministry
Blue Jay Band
Philelectic Society
Student Council
Chi Alpha Mu
Mu Alpha Theta
National Honor Society
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Société Honoraire De Français

Jesuit’s co-curricular offerings include artistic, honors, spiritual, serviceoriented, and recreational clubs, organizations, and teams. These opportunities allow students to realize the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis, the care of the whole person. The school’s co-curricular program dates back to the 1850s with the founding of the Sodality and the Philelectic Society. Blue Jays are encouraged to explore their passions and cultivate their God-given gifts through a multitude of student activities.

Jesuit’s admissions process is “need-blind.” Since the school’s founding, no qualified young man has been refused admission for financial
Jesuit boasts a substantial tuition assistance program supported by the school’s endowment, which began with a gift from alumnus and parent Henry C. Prevost in 1926. Today, benefactors continue to support Jesuit’s endowment through scholarships and extraordinary gifts.
Beyond scholarships and tuition assistance, every Jesuit family benefits from the annual support of loyal alumni, parents, and benefactors. Rather than compromising between offering a worldclass education or charging an affordable tuition, Jesuit’s financial model is structured to do both.
While the true cost to educate a Blue Jay for the 2024–25 school year is $16,654, tuition is set significantly below this, making Jesuit one of the most affordable choices among Catholic and private high schools in the New Orleans area.
Financial Information
Application Fee
$30 due before taking the High School Placement Test
2024-25 Registration Fee (non-refundable)
$350 due upon acceptance
2024-25 Tuition
Books & Supplies
$300–$700 — The amount varies according to grade level, courses taken, and whether used/new books are purchased
More than $1.4 million awarded in financial aid each year.
Tuition assistance is based solely on financial need. Jesuit does not award academic, athletic, or other merit-based scholarships or financial awards.
• Families can receive partial or full aid depending on demonstrated need.
• Aid is re-evaluated each year.
• Families can apply for aid in light of new or extenuating circumstances.
Contact Jesuit’s finance office with any questions about tuition assistance: tuition@jesuitnola.org
Scan the QR code to learn more about financial aid at Jesuit.
The House System
As of the 2024-25 school year, Blue Jays enjoy a new way of Jesuit student life—the House System. The House System provides a framework for new students to become a part of the Blue Jay community through house mentorship, friendly competition, and fraternity. Under this model, the student body is divided into four groups under the patronage of historical Jesuits.

Choosing Jesuit is choosing to become the man you were made to be. We are honored and excited that you are considering Jesuit for some of the most important formative years of your life.
Just as you are much more than your grades or your test scores, Jesuit is much more than its peerless academic program and its storied athletic and co-curricular offerings. We invite you to help us get to know you and to learn more about Jesuit through the application process.
Apply to Jesuit
– Create an account in Ravenna, Jesuit’s online application management system.
Archdiocesan Application Form
– Catholic elementary schools will make the Archdiocesan Application Form available to their students directly. On the last line of this application form, identify the Selected High School your child hopes to attend for the 2025-2026 school year. Once the form is completed, return it to your son’s elementary school, which will forward it, along with all of the required records*, to Jesuit High School.
– All other elementary schools (public or private) can download the Archdiocesan Application Form at jesuitnola.org/ admissions. Once completed, submit the application form and required student records* to Jesuit High School.
* Required Student Records
– Along with the application form please submit the following: cumulative school record, any standardized test scores, copies of all report cards (including their most recent report card or first semester grades), discipline reports, and attendance records.
– All applicants to Jesuit High School will take the High School Placement Test (HSPT). The $30 one time, non-refundable, non-transferable fee is included with the application fee paid on Ravenna. Applicants are expected to arrive at Jesuit High School by 7:30 a.m. The test will begin promptly at 8 a.m. and lasts approximately four hours.
– Applicants must complete the online Jesuit Application prior to testing, as it also serves as registration for the HSPT.
– Although all records are taken into consideration, results of testing administered on this day may be used not only to determine high school placement, but also to determine admission.
Acceptance Notification
– Acceptance letters are mailed to applicants notifying them of their acceptance to Jesuit High School. Applicants not accepted to Jesuit will be informed by the high school, as soon as a determination is made.
Scan the QR code to learn more about Jesuit’s application process and dates.
Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to seek reward, save that of knowing that I do Your will.
— St. Ignatius Loyola Prayer for Generosity