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Students Sebastian Gonzalez '16, Anna Wanner '17, Josh DeKlotz '17, Ashlyn Bronson '17, Ruby Gray '17, and Tayz Hernandez-Campero '17 and chaperones Michele Gray, Kathleen Myers, and Don Clarke spent a weekend in Philadelphia for Pope Francis' visit. The group was hosted by St. Joe's Prep and shared the experience with 400 pilgrims from other Jesuit schools. Photo by Kathleen Myers.
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On August 16, Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus purchases a 56-acre tract for approximately $165,000, with plans to open a high school on Bertha-Beaverton Highway.
Jesuit High School enrolls first freshman class of 88 students. Tuition is $75 per semester.
Freshmen at JHS make their first retreat led by Fr. Luke Kreuzer, S.J., with talks adapted from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
In honor of Jesuit’s 60th anniversary, we created a 25-foot wall mural that spans the six decades of Jesuit High School history. With pictures dating back to 1956, the wall features events that our students, alumni and extended community will be able to explore for years to come.
Freshmen crowd into a telephone booth on campus in 1969.
Fr. Pat Howell, S.J., with student government officers in the late 1960s
The sophomore class starts the 1957-58 school year with a new classroom wing.
Jesuit High School • Portland, Oregon • Fall 2015
1956 - 2016
6 0 Y E AR S
Jesuit High School 9000 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Portland, OR 97225-2491
Students play soccer in the late 1970s
Hanging out before class
Eighty-one graduates receive diplomas at the first Commencement.
Fr. Steve Sundborg, S.J., becomes Jesuit’s first Campus Minister.
Yearbook dedicated to Fr. Tom Sexton, S.J., who leaves JHS after six years of service as President and Superior.
The first Friday liturgy held at JHS.
“Student Season Ticket” good for five games of Jesuit football at Cronin Field in fall 1967. An article about Jesuit’s groundbreaking ceremony appears in an issue of the Crusader student newspaper.
Students during football practice on a dirt field
The 1959-60 freshman squad and their coach, Fr. Larry Robinson, S.J.
Jesuit’s first female faculty member, Collette Herrick, is hired as a French teacher. For the last decade of her 22 years at Jesuit, Mme. Herrick serves as Chair of Modern Language Department. At the time of her retirement in 1989, nine women are teaching and another is assisting in the library.
Crusaders are Oregon A-1 Football Champions for the first time.
Faculty members strike a pose in the mid-1970s.
Fr. Frank Masterson, S.J., becomes President and Rector of the Jesuit community at JHS. Senator Ted Kennedy is a surprise guest at his installation.
The Board of Directors established as an advisory board.
Jesuit sells 25 acres on east side of campus to repay the Oregon Province and to establish the Endowment.
Jim Galluzzo ’63 becomes first alumnus and first lay person to serve as Principal. Tree of Learning (now Edison High School), an alternative high school for students with special learning needs, moves to campus. Creative Arts Center constructed to provide home for band and drama departments.
The front page of the 1957 Crusader student newspaper highlights Jesuit’s future building plans for the next four years, which include “a beautiful cafeteria, an excellent library, handsome classrooms, a gym, football field, and even a baseball diamond.”
Thirty-three Juniors attend the first Encounter at St. Benedict's Lodge, which remains the site of current Encounters.
The student cafeteria opens in January 1957.
Student cheer squad in the late 1950s
Fr. Louie Haven, S.J., Jesuit’s second President, offers summer break advice to students.
Front page of Crusader News (October-NovemberDecember 1969 issue), the school’s newsletter
Page that appears in Crusader News detailing Jesuit’s “two-phase program” and an architect’s vision of the school’s campus in the upcoming 1970s
Jesuit’s reader board congratulates football and cross country on their metro championships in the late 1970s.
Students congr