Age Quod Agis Spring/Summer 2021

Page 11

Athletics When Teamwork was Quarantined BY MIKE HUGHES ‘79, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR

The global pandemic inflicted many negative consequences on high school athletics in the first half of the 2020-21 school year. Students stuck in their houses often did not exercise which resulted in more depression, anxiety, lack of fitness and reduced blood flow to the heart and brain. Some students in Oregon lost potential scholarship opportunities by not being able to showcase their talent to college coaches. But perhaps the greatest casualties during the half-year off from athletics were the reduction of comradery, fellowship and friendship among players. Teamwork was quarantined. Students in high school sports often speak fondly about the friendships they make on their teams. At Jesuit High School, we often advise incoming freshmen to go out for a fall sport in mid-August so that when they walk down the halls on the first day of school in September, they will already have close friends. Our women’s lacrosse, soccer, volleyball and basketball teams speak of the sisterhood they share with their teammates. Football chapel services often involve sermons from the seniors about the The women’s lacrosse team played several of the top teams in the state during culmination week and “band of brothers” they have in their unit. finished the tournament as champions. Cross country and track athletes quickly learn to run as a pack, for they are pulled along to faster times Trinity teaches us that God at God’s core – what theologians than they could ever run on their own. All athletes realize that call God’s ontology – is a divine friendship. The Father, Son they train harder when they are competing for a team than just and Holy Spirit is a right relationship. Since we are created in for themselves. Teamwork is one of the secrets of our success at God’s image, then fundamentally, we are created for loving Jesuit. Or, put more succinctly by Michael Jordan, “Talent wins friendships. games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” In late winter and spring of 2021, Jesuit’s student-athletes were For much of this past year, our lives drastically changed. allowed back onto the fields and into the gyms. A glow returned Trapped in our homes, alienated from our classmates and team- to the faces of our athletes. Yes, it was the glow of rosy cheeks mates, we suffered a great deal. On the positive side, our fam- that results from healthy exercise. Yes, it was radiant smiles that ily relationships hopefully flourished. Zoom calls and online come from playing a sport one loves. But perhaps the greatest classes provided some form of community experience. But the light was the glow of love and fellowship. Having that comradsadness, restlessness, and emptiness many of our student-ath- ery back restored the spirits of many student-athletes, evident letes felt was due to a lack of connection – comradery and fel- in all aspects of their lives at Jesuit. Student-athletes thrived in lowship lost over the course of many months of missing sports. their sports, in their academics, and in the greater community, supported by the companionship of their teammates. TeamAs a Catholic school, Jesuit offers students a theological work climbed out of the quarantine shadow. And as Christian explanation for their feelings of loneliness. Our Christian tradition teaches, that joy of friendship, comradery and right tradition clearly teaches us that at a fundamental level, we are relationship became a light that overcame the darkness of the made to live in right relationship. The theology of the Holy COVID pandemic.


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