University Chaplaincy - Here for you!

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✔ Meet new people ✔ Make new friends ✔ Join a community ✔ Unwind and relax ✔ Grab a tea or coffee ✔ Drop in at our office ✔ Small meeting/study rooms ✔ Luggage depository Look us up on social media: ‘Chaplaincy Uni’ ALWAYS HERE TO WELCOME YOU!

✔ Daily Mass at 7.20am & 12.30pm ✔ Saturday Mass at 7.30pm ✔ Sunday Mass in English at 11am ✔ Priests available for confession & spiritual accompaniment ✔ Prayer sessions in different styles every Wednesday at 7.00pm ✔ Directed retreats ✔ Spiritual exercises for students & staff ✔ All faiths, no faith... EVERYBODY IS MOST WELCOME!

✔ Voluntary experiences abroad*: Palermo - Florence Ethiopia - Egypt Romania - Albania ✔ Lend a hand giving voluntary service in Malta* *as part of the Degree Plus Programme ✔ Help with our food provision for those in need at this time LENDING A HAND TO THOSE WHO MAY NEED IT


✔ A home away from home ✔ Follow online lectures with fibre-optic connection ✔ Study spaces ✔ A place to meet ✔ Relax, have fun ✔ Find support ✔ Common areas with seating, desks & large screen TV ✔ Meeting rooms & meeting halls A JESUIT HOUSE THAT IS YOUR HOME


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