Olive Tree Community Newsletter for July 09

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The Olive Tree Community OTC, but it was about Him and me. I grew close with God and got really clear about why I am in LA and following God wherever He leads me.

said yes. She had to move a few things but said we were her top priority…WOW! We were floored! God is so good! Our landlord has been such a blessing to us too! The landlord said that I needed to stop by and sign the contract, and those words hung on me.

The fast was extremely difficult and extremely good. Thank you for praying for me! :)

A Short Update with Big News JULY’S UPDATE: June was a month of growth. I began my fast and God showed me a lot. I thought my fast was about what He wanted me to do with TV and

At our last launch team meeting we were brainstorming about the OTC future and it came up about meeting in the morning. FYI, meeting in the mornings in Brentwood is so unheard of that we don't even have it in a five year plan. None the less, we dreamed and talked about it. We couldn't remember why we couldn't meet at MNR in the morning so we started doing research and saw that nothing immovable was scheduled. We determined that if we started at 10am we would not be in the way that much. I decided to call our landlord and ask if we could meet in the morning…she could only say no. I was a total wuss and beat around the bush and eventually the landlord got it out of me and she

I woke up on the 13th and I didn't want to quit my fast, but I had a feeling like I shouldn't go on. The words in the beginning of my fast were connected to signing a contract…a tv contract. I would have guessed that I signed 10 tv contracts to proclaim Jesus on tv before the OTC ever met in the mornings in Brentwood. Lisa and I talked about me ending my fast because I thought that the OTC contract could be what I was fasting about. Lisa told me to go pray about it. I went upstairs and as I laid my head down, my phone rang. It was a pastor

friend. I believe in providence, so I answered. We talked and he affirmed my leanings, but nothing solid came from our talk. He prayed for me and he prayed words that hit me at my core. "God, we know that Joe is not doing this fast to get on tv." That was it. If I continued my fast it would only have been to get on tv, and that is not what I was doing. I want to proclaim Jesus from the highest stage…not be on tv. I ended the fast that day. I went and signed the OTC contract and broke fast. Carl's Jr tasted awesome!

Following the Picnic we will have our first baptism at Will Rogers Beach. YAY!!!

I thank God for how He is moving in LA (Brentwood)! I love the journey He us leading us on! Thank you for being a part of this amazing mission from God. I am honored to partner with you! OTC MISSIONS Here is an update from our OTC Missionaries in Israel.

God is sooo good! We will have our first 10am gathering on July 12th.

Following our first 10am gathering we will have a picnic and BBQ at Temescal Canyon.

Hey guys, We're (Sterling Reed and Talia Katz) here in Israel. Just finished our 2nd full week. Its been pretty crazy since we got here two weeks ago. Our entire first week was street evangelism the good'ol fashion way in jews for jesus bright shirts handing out tracts. Ugh it was actually really hard, harder than we expected for both of us actually. We (just me and talia) just had really discouraging interactions for most of the week, in addition to me (sterling) just hating that kind of evangelism. But God is faithful and I had a really good last day of evangelism and just had a lot of good interactions and was able to share the gospel with a bunch of israelis. Talia

is way better at the street evangelism thing, but she also had a really hard time for some reason. We ended the week by going to the Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade and passing out tracts and talking with ppl. It was awesome! There were 100,000 ppl there and since we went out that day, the phones at the jews for jesus branch here have been ringing off the hooks from ppl who interacted with us. So God is faithful and He's always good :) Please be praying for the two of us. Its been really difficult adjusting to working as a couple being a part of a small intimate team. Its like we're together but we can't actually be together. Its taking a lot of work and getting used to, so just be praying that we'll find a good balance and be able to get past that aspect. We started doing music this week too! We did an open mic in Tel Aviv and played in a pub an hour south, and played in a couple's home that we met in India last summer. So God is giving us opportunities, pray that we can know which to focus on specifically. We love you guys and we're just so thankful that God brought us into your lives. We miss you and we wanna skype you guys soon. Let us know, our skype name is tals.katz and check out our blog at massah.us love love love :) Sterling & Talia

Pray for our continued partnership with our Jewish brothers and sisters in Jews for Jesus and Tikkun Olam.


Col 4:2-3

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.

OTC FILMS The OTC has purchased it's first TV quality Camera and Editing software to begin filming videos, dramas, short films, and webisodes. We determined that God has given us a lot of people in the entertainment industry and we are responsible to steward their gifts wisely. We felt God leading us to create media that will encourage and teach believers and or cause the world to consider Jesus as their Messiah. Sweet! We will post them on Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and Godtube. I will send emails so you can check them out. :) THE OTC BABY! Vision: To Love People, See them Transformed, and Help them Change the World. We are rolling! Your prayers are being answered and we see God’s mission being accomplished in Brentwood‌soon LA, and next the World.


SUPPORT UPDATE PRAY - BELIEVE 2009 In June 09 our support was $2300. PRAY God crushes us financially if that is what He needs to do to cause us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (I have said this a lot, but it is still true!). PRAY God allows us to get into a place that will increase our effectiveness for the kingdom, and lower our rent. We want to steward all of your support and God's resources wisely. PRAY God gets the OTC self sufficient by the end of 2009! PRAY for my Family too. That God would use the kids in the lives of their friends and at their school. That Lisa will be a light to the parents and in this community! In 2009 PRAY that God lowers our monthly bills and ups our support.

PRAYER TEAM PRAY for favor, a good reputation, and opportunity in the Jewish community in Brentwood.

If you are interested in being a part of my personal prayer team please reply to this email with Prayer Team in the memo and I will add you to my team.

Money has kept ministers and churches out of this area for years, but we refuse to let it stand in the way of the gospel. PRAY God provides for us.

Please consider forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your contacts list at least one time, explaining our mission and need, and maybe God will move in someone's heart to support God's mission to LA! Please have courage and faith no matter what you do!

online using goodshop we receive money. It is easy and it helps us accomplish our mission.

Cards for California

You can give your support through online banking using the SWBC reference number that goes to The Olive Tree Community: #2057-2-80

Thank you for all of your support! GIVE ONLINE? YES! SWBC reference number for paying your support to The Olive Tree Community through online banking: Reference #2057-2-80

Pray that God moves others to join the mission of reaching a community that has the ability to impact the world. Pray God provides the remainder $60,200 that my family will need to minister here in Brentwood.

GOODSEARCH Hey, I heard of an easy way to support OTC. Go to goodsearch.com and put The Olive Tree Community as your charity and then set it as your homepage. Every time you search using good search or purchase

This Newsletter is also a reminder to send in your Support for July 2009

Go to our Myspace profile or www.cardsforcalifornia.com to see anther way you can support OTC . Check out Cards For California‌It is an unbelievable effort coming out of Chicago to support us and see God influence LA!

Upcoming Events:

July 12 th , 1 9 th , 2 6 th OTC Sunday MO RNI NG Gatherings OTC Li ving: Tues Hi kes, Wed Tennis, Thurs Golf, Friday S urfing

Or The Commitment Card is attached to this Newsletter. You can simply print it off, fill it out, and send it in with your monthly support, and/or special gift. Payment and mailing instructions are on the commitment card. Thank you for your support.

Find out more about The Olive Tree Community at: myspace.com/ olivetreeCommunity Follow OTC on Twitter or become friends with Joe on Facebook and Join The Olive Tree Community Group

Check out The Olive Tree Community’s Videos: The Daily D, Heath Ledger Tribute Video, and more at… Youtube.com and Godtube.com Myspace Facebook Simply Search Olive Tree Community Email them to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers as conversation pieces that can lead to discussions about Jesus.

This Week’s Celebrity Prayer Focus: Michael Jackson

When you hear his name mentioned on TV, or Radio this month…please pray a short prayer that God would reveal Himself to his family and friends and they would experience Jesus’ love.

The Big Commitments † Read your Bible for a ½ hour every day. Pray for a ½ half hour every day. † Bring your Bible with you to work or school. † Invite 5 people to OTC parties a week. † Fast once a month for 24 hrs for God to bring our friends, co-workers, and neighbors to Christ.

Prayers for the Mission to LA/Brentwood  Pray God Provides for the Basile’s  Pray God Blesses the Airing of LA Ink and Joe’s opportunities to Share Jesus on TV  Pray OTC sees 1000 people come to Christ!  Pray God Protects Joe and Gives Him Vision  Pray God Blesses our efforts this messianic leader  Pray the Brentwood Community and Surrounding Area will experience revival o General Population o Jewish Community o Celebrity Community

OTC The Olive Tree Community is a Church/Synagogue plant in Brentwood/LA. Our purpose is to reach out to Celebrities/Jews/The Wealthy/The Common Person with the love of Jesus. If you have any Questions send us a message and we'll reply promptly.

Blessings! Joe and Lisa Basile

You can contact The Olive Tree Community at: 310-339-4137 theolivetreecommunity@gmail.c om UN-SUBSCRIBE If you do not wish to receive the weekly email from me please respond to theolivetreecommunity@gmail.com with "no email please" in the heading.

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