OTC March 09 Newsletter

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The Olive Tree Community MARCH’S UPDATE: February was wonderful! God was really at work in the OTC. We started a new series called The Facebook Series…Helping you connect and share with the people in your life.

I don't know what it is but we have momentum. It is like God lit us on fire. We are all so excited and passion and Ideas have just been flowing out of our team. People are taking their passions and using them for the Lord. February also marked the launch of Surfing with Jesus…A Board and the Lord.

Superbowl, Facebook Series, Messianic Leader, and Much More…

On Friday morning a group of us get together at 8am at the beach for a devotional time, and then we surf.

It has been rainy lately so we have had more devos than surfing, but it is still fantastic! People are trying to use the gifts and passions God has already given them to serve the Lord with. It is the way it should be. God has gifted you and put passions in you as if He already knew what you were going to do…Oh wait…He did know. You are not good at some things for no reason. Use your gifts and passions for God!

Our friends at Jews for Jesus have decided to partner with us and do an outreach table on UCLA's Campus. We are going give out spiritual surveys and try to connect with UCLA students. We are excited to partner with J for J and see what God does with it.

In February we spoke at the SWBC Senior Adult Conference. This group earlier in 2008 had given us a gift that helped us get into the place we were renting and helped OTC get off the ground. Praise God! They asked us to comeback to give them an update on how things were going. Unbeknownst to us they took another offering…and it was another God thing. The OTC is filled with people in the entertainment industry. Actors, Editors, Directors, Make up, Etc. We were asking how to best use the gifts of the people God has given us, and we determined it would be through making film, videos, and shorts that would communicate Christ to the community and the world. The one thing we needed was a tv quality video camera. The gift the senior adult ministry is almost exactly what we will need to get that camera and empower our people to serve the Lord with their gifts. God is sooo AWESOME!

Next up for us is a huge youth event. We are in the

planning stages now to have a huge event to reach the teens in our area and then hopefully their parents too. YESHUA THE MOSHIACH!

enjoyed. We met and talked and we are going to move forward doing ministry together. We are both excited to see what God is going to do! YAY GOD! Thank you for praying! Those of you who read this section every month and pray for us…Thank You!!! PRAY God leads us and blesses our efforts together.

We have been praying for a Jewish Leader since we felt God leading us to Brentwood. The first week we arrived in LA (Jan 08) we met with the Jews for Jesus and they spoke of a man from Chosen People Ministries that might be a good fit to partner with us. He was in Israel and was expected back soon. We began praying for this man, and after many inquiries, we were told that there was no new information on him, or when he would be back in the states. Two weeks ago I received an email from a woman saying her and her husband were referred to me through a mutual friend. We exchanged numbers and her husband called me. He was a Jewish man wanting to start a Messianic movement on the westside very similar to what we were doing. After talking with him for a while and being excited about how like minded we were, I realized that he was the man that J for J had spoke of over a year ago. He said his name and I remembered it. I was almost speechless…almost…I blurted out, "We have been praying for you!" I told him the story. He and his family came and ate dinner with mine. They visited the OTC, and

THE OTC BABY! Vision: To Love People, See them Transformed, and Help them Change the World. We are rolling! Your prayers are being answered and we see God’s mission being accomplished in Brentwood…soon LA, and next the World.

PRAYER TEAM If you are interested in being a part of my personal prayer team please reply to this email with Prayer Team in the memo and I will add you to my team.

SUPPORT UPDATE PRAY - BELIEVE 2009 In February 09 our support was $1850. How do I ask for support in an economy like this? I won't…I'll ask for faith. Handle all your money with faith. If you scoff at that statement, check your heart. Fear is from the devil…Fear Not! I am here trusting God to provide for me and my wife and my children…trust Him too. He wants you to trust Him. PRAY God crushes us financially if that is what He needs to do to cause us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. PRAY God allows us to get into a place that will increase our effectiveness for the kingdom, and lower our rent. We want to steward all of your support and God's resources wisely. PRAY God gets the OTC self sufficient by the end of 2009! PRAY for my Family too. That God would use the kids in the lives of their friends and at their school. That Lisa will be a light to the parents and in this community! In 2009 PRAY that God lowers our monthly bills and ups our support. Money has kept ministers and churches out of this area for years, but we refuse to let it stand in the way of the gospel. PRAY God provides for us.

Please consider forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your contacts list at least one time, explaining our mission and need, and maybe God will move in someone's heart to support God's mission to LA! Please have courage and faith no matter what you do!

Cards for California

Thank you for all of your support! GIVE ONLINE? YES! SWBC reference number for paying your support to The Olive Tree Community through online banking: Reference #2057-2-80 Go to our Myspace profile or www.cardsforcalifornia.co m to see anther way you can support OTC . Check out Cards For California…It is an unbelievable effort coming out of Chicago to support us and see God influence LA!

MEMORY VERSE: Pray that God moves others to join the mission of reaching a community that has the ability to impact the world. Pray God provides the remainder $65,800 that my family will need to minister here in Brentwood.

GOODSEARCH Hey, I heard of an easy way to support OTC. Go to goodsearch.com and put The Olive Tree Community as your charity and then set it as your homepage. Every time you search using good search or purchase online using goodshop we receive money. It is easy and it helps us accomplish our mission.

1Cor 11:23-26


For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

Find out more about The Olive Tree Community at:

Upcoming Events:

March 8 t h ,15 th ,22 n d 29 th OTC Gatherings March 1 3 th -15 th O TC Volunteer/Staff Retreat Friday Morni ngs in March S urfing with Jes us Wed Nights O TC Community Groups This Newsletter is also a reminder to send in your Support for MARCH 2009 You can give your support through online banking using the SWBC reference number that goes to The Olive Tree Community: #2057-2-80 Or The Commitment Card is attached to this Newsletter. You can simply print it off, fill it out, and send it in with your monthly support, and/or special gift. Payment and mailing instructions are on the commitment card. Thank you for your support.

myspace.com/ olivetreeCommunity Or become friends with Joe on Facebook and Join The Olive Tree Community Group

This Week’s Celebrity Prayer Focus: Ashton Kutcher

When you hear his name mentioned on TV, or Radio this month…please pray a short prayer that God would reveal Himself to him and he would experience Christ’s love. Check out The Olive Tree Community’s Videos: The Daily D, Heath Ledger Tribute Video, and more at… Youtube.com and Godtube.com Myspace Facebook Simply Search Olive Tree Community Email them to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers as conversation pieces that can lead to discussions about Jesus.

The Big Commitments † Read your Bible for a ½ hour every day. Pray for a ½ half hour every day. † Bring your Bible with you to work or school. † Invite 5 people to OTC parties a week. † Fast once a month for 24 hrs for God to bring our friends, coworkers, and neighbors to Christ.

Prayers for the Mission to LA/Brentwood  Pray God Provides for the Basile’s  Pray God Blesses the Airing of LA Ink  Pray OTC sees 1000 people come to Christ!  Pray God Protects Joe and Gives Him Vision  Pray God Blesses our efforts this messianic leader  Pray the Brentwood Community and Surrounding Area will experience revival o General Population o Jewish Community o Celebrity Community

OTC The Olive Tree Community is a Church/Synagogue plant in Brentwood/LA. Our purpose is to reach out to Celebrities/Jews/The Wealthy/The Common Person with the love of Jesus. If you have any Questions send us a message and we'll reply promptly.

Blessings! Joe and Lisa Basile

You can contact The Olive Tree Community at: 310-339-4137 theolivetreecommunity@gmail.com UN-SUBSCRIBE If you do not wish to receive the weekly email from me please respond to theolivetreecommunity@gmail.com with "no email please" in the heading.

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