Music Crossroads 2010

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Bringing musical opportunities and prospects to young people who otherwise would have little chance to succeed. The world of tomorrow belongs to the young people of today. They are the agents of change and by investing in them - building capacity, awareness and skills, - we lay the foundations for a better future for all.

Music is the dedicated expression of young people. Music is also one of the most

expansive industries of our time, employing millions worldwide and using the natural resources of the cultural traditions and creativity of people. Many developing countries - in Africa and other world regions - have a tremendous yet relatively unexplored potential through their rich and varied cultural traditions. In combination with the increased interest in “new” music worldwide, the local music industries are poised to become ways for people to improve their lives. Relevant music education combined with professional training and promotion on local levels will empower more competitive artists and create more enlightened music consumers: an integrated boost to domestic cultural industries. In a social context, music defines you - whether as an amateur or professional, as an international artist or a local teacher, music is a powerful identifier of who you are and where you belong – music can bring purpose to your life.

“Music Crossroads is a brilliant program providing very valuable opportunities for young people in Africa.” 2

Richard Letts Executive Director, Music Council of Australia President, International Music Council

WHO ARE WE? The Music Crossroads program was initiated in 1995 by Jeunesses Musicales International, the world’s largest youth-music network. Since 2008 the management has been outsourced to a dedicated expert organization Music Crossroads International (MCI), a nongovernmental, non-profit association based in Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain. MCI provides standardized services and concept for cross-border youth music activities for NGO’s in developing countries, built on unified objectives and shared values, to develop common sustainable activities, capacity building and branding, locally owned and with flexibility to incorporate specific local needs. MCI coordinates the Music Crossroads strategy on local, national and international levels in cooperation with the local Music Crossroads partners in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Music Crossroads activities in Southern Africa have been supported by SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNESCO since 1996. From 2009, MCI is also supported by the Spanish Cooperation Agency (AECID) and the City of Barcelona to reinforce existing activities and implement expansion of the project. In 2010, MCI will assess the potential introduction of Music Crossroads into West Africa and in 2011, the geographical expansion into more countries in Southern Africa and other parts of the world.

Music Crossroads has become one of the most exciting cultural development initiatives of the past decades; one of Africa’s biggest cultural programs – and the continent’s largest youth empowerment initiative!

Please visit our website for more information, photos videos and music - on activities and up and coming bands! 4

OBJECTIVES At a musical level:

: To enhance skills development and professionalism of young musicians. : To present all styles of music – from traditional to contemporary urban - for young musicians and listeners. : To assist in providing relevant music education for all.

At a social level:


To offer opportunities for meetings, training and interaction of young people across cultural, social, ethnic, linguistic and national divides. : To stimulate self-awareness by assisting young individuals to realize their full potential and to make a positive difference in their immediate environment.

At an infrastructural level:

: To develop sustainable Music Crossroads structures, support and resource centers. : To encourage existing music industry stakeholders to become committed partners creating an open dialogue to help develop the music sector.

“Having had the pleasure of attending the Music Crossroads IRF ‘09 in Livingstone and witnessing what a difference MC makes in the lives of so many young people through music, I can only take my hat off!“ 6

Janneke Strijdonk Xulu
 Project Coordinator, Mmino South African National Arts Council

VALUES The Music Crossroads program meets each young participant with respect, developing individual growth and self-expression and offering opportunities for young people to realize their full potential: as musicians and as human beings. Simultaneously, the aim is to encourage a sense of collective spirit, social conscience and responsibility. The national Music Crossroads partners intend to become membership-based organizations where young people can have an influence and develop a deeper understanding of democratic values, gender equality and human rights. Music Crossroads stands for hope, opportunity and for belief in the future – providing the basic tools which, combined with the necessary talent, personality and perseverance, can enable young people to pursue a professional musical career on local, national or international levels.

“As a young female musician who has tried over the years to find a music school or college and to have the opportunity to perform on stage, without any success, it was like a dream come true when I learnt about the Music Crossroads program. Just the idea of under-going some form of training to help me develop my skills, and a chance to gauge my abilities through the competitions, gave me so much hope that it was like seeing some kind of a light at the end of the tunnel.� 8

Olivia Chanda Bass player, Music Crossroads Zambia Participant

MUSIC CROSSROADS TODAY Music Crossroads is a unique youth empowerment program, working through music. Initiated in 1995 it provides young people 15-25 years with musical opportunities, training and exposure in Zimbabwe (1996), Mozambique (1997), Malawi (1999), Tanzania (2000) and Zambia (2003). In 2008, the network reached 75.000 musicians with an audience of more than 100.000 people spread across the five countries, through over 40 festivals and numerous other activities. At the heart of the program are the 34 provincial and 5 national festivals – followed by the InterRegional Festival: the culmination of the year and the big showcase where the best two bands from each country come together, share their music with bands from across the world, and compete for international tours and instrument prizes. All festivals incorporate concerts, competitions, social interaction and workshops in music skills and performance training as well as mandatory interactive life skills training. The “Relationship Workshops”, with focus on HIV/AIDS prevention and gender issues, have become a much appreciated hallmark of Music Crossroads festivals. Between festival periods, Music Crossroads offers lvocal opportunities for children, young artists and bands to develop their creative, instrumental, vocal and life skills in the national Music Crossroads Training Centers – and the best are promoted on national and international levels. Since 2006, the strategy has focused on: : Developing professionalism in the music sector through extensive band training, music management and music rights – including the publication of “Your Rights”, an information booklet on copyright issues produced in collaboration with UNESCO. : Increasing young women’s participation in the music industry through the “NGOMA GIRLS” project. : Using the power of music to boost self-expression and HIV/Aids awareness in the “Songs4Life” songwriting workshops and studio recordings.



MUSIC EDUCATION FOR ALL In the five Southern African target countries – with a total population of some 100 million people – the local music industry is struggling. There are few record companies, distributors and professional artist managers; high levels of piracy and an immense “brain drain” with artists leaving countries to pursue markets and audiences elsewhere. Only a handful of educational institutions exist to develop music skills and shape the musical careers of the future. The needs and interest are enormous, but there is only so much Music Crossroads and their partners can do to offer tools and support aspiring musicians. With so much talent and so many rich cultural traditions but a scarcity of opportunities, it is time to bring existing stakeholders together in each country, to join forces to contribute to a common and relevant national music education platform. Both public institutions and private initiatives can pull together with one objective: better trained professional musicians and more enlightened music consumers! This will make local music industries and their artists more competitive and successful worldwide. Music Crossroads is well placed to bridge and create commitment between local stakeholders due to its non-formal local activities combined with an extensive international contact network of important music educational institutions. In building national platforms for cooperation, Music Crossroads can assist in developing relevant and effective national music education structures, from primary school up to university level.

“My participation in the Music Crossroads program was one of the most moving experiences of my life. It is truly inspiring to know how this program is affecting not only the lives of the local participants but also public across the world.” 14

Bill Smith Director, Eye for Talent

RESOURCES & TRAINING CENTERS All the national Music Crossroads partners in Africa are independent NGO’s, having received basic funding for offices, committed staff and volunteers. This has resulted in operational and cost-effective local resource bases in each of the five countries. Through regional coordination, capacity building and exchange of best practices, these partners have today increased their own organizational skills in local/international fund-raising, PR/marketing and communication, and are developing local strategies and income generating activities to ensure their future. In addition, all African Music Crossroads partners have established training centers in their capital cities. Although the centers are rented venues with inadequately adapted and equipped facilities, they provide unique opportunities for up and coming musicians. In 2008, the MC Training Centers were visited by almost 70.000 young musicians, receiving skills training, rehearsal and practice space, access to the internet and enjoying interaction with their peers – sharing their musical ambitions and aspirations. These national training centers need to be owned, renovated, refurbished and managed by the local Music Crossroads partners, with a growing need for additional centers in each country. A partnership between MCI and ‘Architects Without Borders’ has led to the creation of a standardized blueprint for these Youth Performing Arts Centers based on needs identified by the African partners. These centers should also service other local performing arts organizations and the community. MCI and the national MC partners will present concrete plans to obtain the physical spaces, materials and funding required for construction and maintenance, but these centers will become beneficial for all like-minded stakeholders.

“Music Crossroads is the best ‘music project’ I have ever seen: a brilliant concept, a highly professional team and an incredible enthusiasm.” 16

Thomas Rietschel President, University of Music and Drama Frankfurt am Main


MAKE A DONATION YOU can help us making a difference!

The Music Crossroads program is partly funded by donor organizations and local governments, but the needs are big and the resources limited. In most developing countries, there are so few instruments, so few training and education possibilities, so few human and material resources – but so much talent: YOU can help turn that talent into good use! Whatever YOU can do can make a difference to young individuals’ lives – enabling them to realize their full potential, experience the exhilaration of creativity and self-fulfillment as well as peak moments of musical performance – and to understand that everyone has something valuable to offer to their peers, their music industry and their society!

Become INSTRUMENTAL - Become a Music Crossroads Friend! By:

: Getting involved, visit our events and link up to our international band tours. : Offering your personal assistance - as a volunteer or an intern. : Providing new or 2nd hand instruments, equipment & PA’s. : Helping to fund activities, bands and structures. : Contributing to healthy lifestyles and equal opportunities. : Assisting in constructing and equipping the Music Crossroads Training Centers. Please go to to see how YOU can contribute - or contact the MCI Office for further information (see coordinates on back cover).

“Music is the most direct way to communicate important messages among young people and it empowers them to stand up for their rights!” 18

Mayke Huijbregts Chief Social Policy, UNICEF

Phone: +34 933 118 204 Fax: +34 933 451 514 Email:

Supported by

A Program of

design: Matt Clark images: Matt Clark/Andrea Marino

Music Crossroads International Fàbrica de Creació - Fabra i Coats ES-08030 Barcelona Spain

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