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Attentionall travellers...
It’stimetocheck-inonlineforthedepartureof‘J-ZINE:The JourneyintoInspirationEdit’!
Onceyou’veclearedpassportcontrolandhavesafely boarded,youradventureintotheessenceofAfrikanjewellery, itsinspirationsanditerations,beginsfromthecomfortofyour ownseat.It’satripintothecontinentwhichwilldelightat everyturn,everylanding,everyportofarrival-albeitrealor virtual.
JewelleryinspirationacrossAfrikaisnotonlybornoutoflove ofone’scountry,cultureandtraditionbutbythelife experienceswediscover,embraceandnurturealongour creativedesignjourneys-oftenintotheunknownyetalways withapromiseofexcitementateveryturn. Andofcourse,the routeswetake -plannedorunplannedoftenshapeor reshapeforthatmatter,thenarrativesourjewellerydesigns weaveandtell.
It'saboutsteppingoutofyourcomfortzone,immersing yourselfinnewthoughtsandideas,andcreating unforgettablememories. Travelisareminderofthebeauty anddiversityofourworld,andtheendlessopportunities whichawait.
Mayyourfootprintsleavealegacyandalwaystellofmagical journeysandextraordinarydestinations.
Destination diamonds
Oftenreferredtoasthecradleofhumanity,Afrikaholdsamongstitstreasures,someof theworld'smostpreciousgems,diamondsbeingoneoftheforemost.Thevery mentionofdiamondsconjuresimagesofopulence,glamour,andtimelesselegance.; ofa ‘MotherContinent’ withtaleswovenwithintrigue,adventureanddaring expeditions.Anddiamondjewelleryismorethanjustadornment:it'sasymboloflove, commitment,andstatus.
Havingthese-andotherpreciousgems-certifiediscrucialforensuringtheir authenticity,quality,andethicalsourcing.Certificationprovidesconfidencetobuyers, protectsagainstfraud,andsupportsethicalpractices.Italsohelpsupholdstandards andtransparencyinthediamondindustry,fosteringtrustandsustainability.
EGLisanindependentGemmologicalLaboratorywhichbelievesAfrikannatural resourcesandbeautyshouldconstantlypromotedandtakesprideinourAfrikan heritage.IthasinvestedinauniqueAfricanReportwhichspecificallyhighlightsAfrikan gemstones. Whetheracollector’sitemorafashionchoice,diamondsandother Afrikangemstones-areagreatreminderofthevastrichnessandvarietyofour continent. Toensureyoursarecertifiedandrequesta copyoftheEGLAfricanReport,contact:
the route to creativity
Travelandjewellerydesignaretwo creativerealmsthatintersectinprofound ways,eachinfluencingandenrichingthe other.
Travelopensupnewvistasofinspiration, exposingdesignerstodiversecultures, landscapes,andtraditions.Itoffersafresh perspective,sparkingcreativityand imbuingdesignswithasenseof wanderlustandadventure.
Ontheotherhand,jewellerydesignitself isaformoftravel,ajourneyintothe depthsofhumanhistoryandculture. Eachpiecetellsastory,reflectingthe aestheticsandvaluesofitstimeandplace oforigin.
Byexploringdifferentstylesand techniques,designerscantraverse throughtimeandspace,creatingpieces thatresonatewiththepastwhilespeaking tothepresent. Moreover,bothtravelandjewellery designaredeeplypersonalandemotional experiences.Theyareaboutselfexpression,identity,andconnection to oneself,toothers,andtotheworldat large.Justastravelbroadensour horizons,jewellerydesignallowsusto expressfacetsofourselvesthatmay otherwiseremainhidden,forging connectionsacrosstimeandspace.
Thecreativesignificanceoftraveland jewellerydesignliesintheirabilityto transcendboundaries geographical, cultural,andtemporal.Theyarenotjust abouttheplaceswevisitorthe adornmentswewear,butaboutthestories wecarrywithusandtheconnectionswe forgealongtheway.Together,theyforma tapestryofexperiencesandexpressions, weavingtogetherthethreadsofourlives intoarichandvibrantfabricofcreativity andinspiration.
Intotheblue...avoyagewith Tuesday’sChildJewellery
We set sail for the fairest Cape where we weighed anchor and chatted to Jane Merrifield, founder and the creative force behind Tuesday’s Child Jewellery, and thirdplaced winner in the 2020 Plat Africa Awards.
What initially drew you to oceanic themes as inspiration for your jewellery designs? I think living on the coast and being so close to the sea it’s hard to be unaffected by the ocean. As a surfer I am also often in the midst of the waves and although I am not a natural water baby the ocean has given me so much in terms of fitness and a sense of peace and wellbeing.
I also have a very healthy respect for the sea and often a little bit of fear as well -which I think serves to make it that much more intriguing.
Everything in the water has such a unique design and so many of the creatures have such a fascinating fluidity which inspires me to try and recreate that in my jewellery and capture some of that flow and movement.
Are there specific ocean species (flora and/or fauna or materials which particularly appeal to you? If so, why? Definitely the octopus! With eight arms and so many other gorgeous characteristics they lend themselves perfectly to many designs. I think the fact that they also seem to have such unique and special personalities makes me want to tell their stories in away.
I also love the way the ocean shapes anything and everything within it, particularly the tumbled stones and pieces of coral driftwood which I often pick up along the shore in certain areas, you can really find some lovely shapes which I use either in the jewellery or in my display.
Could you share a story or experience which directly influenced one or more of your creations/collections? Another of my favorite collections is the Geometric rings.
While the pieces seem very rigid and in opposition the flow of the Oceanic range, they are also based on nature. Being in Muizenberg, living between the sea and the mountain, I think you can’t
help being influenced by both. The original idea for the geometric rings was born when I entered the 2020 PlatAfrica Platinum competition and ended up winning 3rd place! The theme was ‘Men of Platinum’ and I designed my piece based on the lifestyle of a Cape Town rock climber, incorporating the idea of a rocky cliff face into a double finger ring.
Is there a symbolic significance behind any of your collections? Every range is quite personal to me, they all hold a bit of me in them.
Whether it’s the ocean which has had such a big part of my life for many years now, the geometric range which came from a great experience I had or it could just be shapes, colours or textures that really appeal to me and make me feel happy and want to share them with others.
In what ways do you incorporate sustainability into your jewellery-making process, especially when using natural materials? Obviously in the jewellery trade we rely heavily on the earth for almost all of our raw materials. I do my best to make sure that the metals I need are used as efficiently as possible and saved and recycled for new pieces. When working with gemstones as well as certain woods I use local and reputable suppliers.
I try to run as clean a workshop as possible using eco-friendly products and processes where possible. As jewellers we also have a big responsibility to dispose of any potentially harmful products in a safe way using approved companies and procedures.
What do you hope wearers of your jewellery take away from the connection between the ocean and your designs? I always hope my clients feel a connection with nature when they wear one of my nature inspired pieces, whether it’s just a whimsical enjoyment of the playfulness of a tentacle ring or strength they take from the facets of the rocky faced Geometric rings. I hope they attach their own personal meanings to the jewellery as well, to make it their own and carry along with them as a symbol of hope, inspiration or just plain joy.
Share five words you feel best describe your jewellery/style. Organic, unique, quirky, strong, evolving.
Colour pop jewellery adds an exhilarating burst of vibrancy to any outfit, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. With its bold hues and playful designs, it exudes a sense of fun and adventure, making every day feel like a celebration of style and individuality. Here are a few of our travel ‘souveniers!’
TOKTAM - The Majestic Qajar Ring inspired by the artistry of Persia's 18th century Qajar period, this ring is an homage to Toktam Shekarriz's homeland.
Bagliore - Sole Pendant
The brand's signature collection came to life after the founder's jewellery was continuously praised by passersby on her exotic travels.
Aariya Diamonds - Petra'The brand's high jewellery collection pays homage to the beautiful landscapes and terrains of Jordan's lost city.
FHK by Style Gallery - Al Fakhr Pearl Necklace - 'Paying homage to the UAE, FHK's Al Fakhr Pearl Necklace celebrates exquisite craftsmanship.''
JewelYara - Ship Pendant
'Located about 55 kilometres from the Tabuk region, this piece is inspired by its gorgeous beach landscape and coastline.
TOi Fine Jewelry - Paris Sparkle
The Paris Sparkle was named after the city it launched in, during Paris Fashion Week in September 2022.
Travelopensoureyestothe beautyoftheworld,andfor thesejewellerybrands,ithas alwaysservedasa springboardofinspiration. EachpieceinthisEdit encapsulatestheessenceof adestination,aculture,a landscapeoranuniquestory thatmakestravelso transformative.
Travelswhichshareaworld cultureofhumanity,oflife,of cross-culturalandcrosscontinent influences.
Infusingasafarithemewith jewelleryevokesafusionof adventureandcultureonwhimsical journeysthroughuntamedAfrikan landscapes.Everyaccessory becomesapassporttothewild, celebratingthethrillofdiscovery witheverywear.
Inspiredbythevacations,summer days,excitingflightstodesired destinations,mixedwiththe anticipationofpicturesqueseaside andsunsets,NeverNoT‘s‘Travel Collection’includesthe ‘Safari Heat’suitcase-craftedinhard stonesindifferentcoloursand diamonds-includingthefirstever pieceinwhitegoldforthebrand.
Theallureofthissafari-inspired pendantliesinitsabilitytocapture theessenceofadventurewhile exudingsophistication.Whether wornonsafariexcursionsorin urbansettings,itservesasa reminderoftheuntamedbeauty andboundlesspossibilitiesofthe Afrikanwilderness.
StarTrek -designtravelsthrough spaceandtime
Inthe21stcentury,thecosmosremainsa captivatingmuseforjewellerydesigners,offeringa wealthofinspirationinitsvastexpanse;arich tapestryoftextures,colors,andshapes.
Jewelleryinspiredbythestars,planetsandcosmos mightfeaturegemstonesarrangedlikeplanetsin bit designsechoingthedelicatefilamentsofa heconceptofspacetravel,oncetherealm ncefiction,nowsymboliseshumanity's andquestforknowledge,resonatingdeeply wellerythatcapturestheessenceofthe cosmos. spiredbythecosmosbecomemorethan ment;theyembodyourinnatedesireto retheunknownandreachforthestars.
Thingo JewelleryInalldirections-beadingtogether
Embarkonacaptivatingjourneythrough Africa,wherebeadedjewellerydesignstell storiesoftradition,spiritualiy,andcultural heritage. ceremoniesandcelebrations.
BegininKenya,whereMaasaiwarriors adornthemselveswithintricatebeadwork, eachpatternandcolorreflectingtheirage, socialstatus,andlifeexperiences.Travel southtotheZulutribesofSouthAfrica, knownfortheirbeadednecklaces,
bracelets,andanklets,oftenwornduring ceremoniesandcelebrations.
InWestAfrica,theYorubapeopleof Nigeriacreatebeadedcrowns,symbolsof royaltyanddivineconnection.Further west,theFulaniwomenofMaliand Mauritaniawearelaboratebeaded earringsandheaddresses,showcasing theirbeautyandculturalpride.
CrossthecontinenttoEastAfrica,where theSamburupeopleofKenyaand Tanzaniacraftbeadedcollarsand headpieceswithgeometricpatterns, symbolizingunityandcommunity. JourneytoEthiopia,whereintricate beadworkisintegraltothetraditional attireofmanytribes,representing identity,status,andprotectionfromevil spirits.celebrationofcreativity, craftsmanship,andtheenduringbeauty oftradition.
ThroughoutAfrica,beadsaremorethan adornments;theyarealanguage, conveyinghistory,beliefs,andemotions. Eachbeadisabrushstrokeinalarger narrative,connectingpastandpresent, personandcommunity.