$1 million donation to expand Federation's Israel engagement

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$1 million donation to expand Federation's Israel engagement

Delray Beach residents and philanthropists Judi and Allan Schuman recently gave $1 million to the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, leading to the creation of the Federation’s Judi and Allan Schuman Center for Israel Engagement. (COURTESY)

By Randall P. Lieberman Contact Reporter South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Delray Beach residents and philanthropists Judi and Allan Schuman have given a gift of $1 million to the Boca Raton-based Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. This gift has led to the creation of the Judi and Allan Schuman Center for Israel Engagement at the Federation. "We are thrilled and grateful for Judi and Allan's heartfelt and generous gift, which will go far to bring our community to Israel — and Israel to our

community — by supporting missions, study and volunteering, and expanding Israel programming," said Federation president and CEO Matthew C. Levin. "It has been deeply rewarding for all of us to be able to match their desire to make a major impact for our community and our people with Federation's longstanding desire to significantly expand our Israel engagement. "Together, we have created a vehicle to fulfill both our dreams." Despite very modest upbringings, both Judi and Allan Schuman learned from their families the importance of helping the global Jewish family. As a child, Judi walked her Brooklyn neighborhood with her tiny grandmother and a blue Hadassah tin. "All I knew was that we were collecting money to help Jews," Judi remembered. Her husband, Allan, recalls the Jewish National Fund tin in the small threeroom apartment his family shared in the Bronx. "My father worked 12 hours a day in his butcher shop trying to make ends meet, but still my parents gave," Allan recalled. Though they began married life in what Allan calls "the minus column," as Judi puts it, "Helping just got into our blood and stayed there." As their union thrived and prospered, they became able to help in ways they could not have imagined. And the most recent of these ways is their gift to the South Palm Beach County Federation to establish this center. Moving to Delray Beach in 2004, the Schumans are Prime Minister Council donors to the local Federation and members of its Ketubah Society. Judi has endowed her Lion of Judah gift — and the couple has made a significant legacy gift to the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center as well.

As leaders in Jewish South Palm Beach County, the Schumans have served in many capacities. At the Federation, they currently chair the King David Society; Judi is a Federation vice chair; and Allan chairs the INSPIRE mentoring program for Federation's Business & Professional Division. Judi chaired Women's Philanthropy at the Federation from 2014-16 — and both serve on the Levis JCC board as well. The Schumans' efforts have been recognized with the 2017 Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) National Endowment Achievement Award and the 2015 Levis JCC Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Crystal Award. Yet, both Schumans say their proudest achievement is how their children and grandchildren have followed their footsteps into philanthropy and Jewish life. Missions to Israel and across the globe have been instrumental to the couple's philanthropy. Joining Federation's Israel & Overseas Task Force Mission last fall was pivotal for Judi. "After personally touching so much of our work in Israel and seeing so many opportunities to connect people with our homeland, our gift to create the Center for Israel Engagement really began to take shape," Judi said. Added Allan, "We are deeply concerned with keeping new generations involved. To help Israel remain thriving and secure, we must keep Jewish life thriving and secure, and vice versa. Federation does so much toward this and is a terrific organization for our investment. I only wish that my parents could have seen and understood what our gifts will accomplish." One unique opportunity for those in the South Palm Beach Jewish community to engage with Israel is coming up with the Federation's Spirit of Israel Community Mission set for Nov. 5-11.

The itinerary includes: • Exploring Israel through a new lens with visits to classic historical sites as well as exclusive opportunities and access to inspirational people; • Discovering the beautiful land from Tel Aviv to the hills of Jerusalem and up to the Golan Heights; • Enjoying a genuine taste of Israel by sampling its distinctive cuisine and exceptional wines, and experiencing its cultural attractions; • A festive celebration deep in Israel's wine country in honor of the Federation's new sister city, Zichron Yaakov, founded by Baron Edmund de Rothschild. • Unique pre- and post-mission options. For more information about this mission, visit www.jewishboca.org/engage/spirit or contact Barbara Kabatznik at barbarak@bocafed.org or 561-852-6050. Copyright © 2017, Jewish Journal

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