Plaque dedicated in memory of fallen Israeli soldier

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Plaque dedicated in memory of fallen Israeli soldier

Weston resident Vivian Grossman, far right, recently participated in a ceremony at Ammunition Hill in Israel to unveil a plaque she dedicated in memory of Hadar Goldin, a fallen IDF soldier. (COURTESY)

By Sergio Carmona Contact Reporter

Vivian Grossman of Weston dedicated a plaque in honor of a fallen Israeli solider that was recently unveiled during a ceremony that she participated in at Ammunition Hill in Israel. The plaque, dedicated in memory of Hadar Goldin, a lieutenant in the Givati Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces who was killed in 2014 by Hamas terrorists two hours after a cease-fire was declared in Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, was placed at Ammunition Hill's Wall of Honor, a Jewish National Fund initiative that pays tribute to the heroism and courage

of Jewish soldiers who, throughout history, have fought in defense of the countries in which they lived. The recent ceremony at Ammunition Hill, which is the site of a Six-Day War battle in 1967 that made possible the reunification of Jerusalem, was held in the presence of Goldin's family, Israeli politician Ze'ev Elkin, United States Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Deputy Supreme Court President to Israel Elyakim Rubinstein and other invited guests. Grossman described the ceremony as "amazing." "It was incredibly warm and beautiful," Grossman continued. "The family is really special. They're really positive, lovely and very intelligent people. He was a very special young man and the reason that we thought it was important to honor him there was because he fought with courage, he was a hero and the world should never forget what this family has been through." The terrorists who killed Goldin dragged his body through an underground tunnel deep into Gaza and, at press time, his body has not been returned to Israel and his family. "We believe no soldier is ever left behind and it's our obligation to do all we can to support this family and encourage people to be aware that Hadar needs to be brought home," Grossman said. Grossman has been working with the Goldin family to bring awareness to their plight and they thought it would be a great idea to honor him at the Ammunition Hill's Wall of Honor. The family reached out to her to help with the social media awareness campaign, "I've been working with the family for probably the past six months and I've grown to respect and admire them despite all that they have been through and how difficult this has been," Grossman said. "They are people of the most utmost integrity, they bring such a positive outlook to a grim situation and I've

grown to admire them tremendously and thought this was a way to make sure that the world will never forget what this family has been through." Goldin's parents Leah and Simcha Goldin praised Grossman and her efforts. "She is a great person and she's part of our team that works hard to bring awareness, mainly on social networks," Leah said. "The most inspiring thing that Vivian brings is her love. She comes up with ideas like a photo essay done about us that was just published in the Jerusalem Post and the activities she suggests are outstanding as they are simple, meaningful and raise awareness. We love Vivian very much." Grossman discussed the impact Goldin's story has had on her. "It's made me reflect on family values and on values within Israel as there are so many different sides to a story there. Everything is complicated and nothing is as simple as it appears. People who simplify anything going on in Israel really miss the point. It's a very layered situation and you really have to try and keep saying, 'This family has been through so much difficulty and they just try very hard to keep focused on their goal." Grossman sits on JNF's national board, is the organization's national chairperson of its social media committee and is the co-chair of the Nefesh B'Nefesh Task Force. She is a lifelong Zionist. "I've always loved Israel and I've always been involved in some way, some times in my life stronger than others, but once my son had his bar mitzvah, I looked at my legacy and really wanted to make a difference," Grossman said. Copyright Š 2017, Jewish Journal

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