Exciting Events on the Horizon for Jewish National Fund This Fall

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Exciting Events on the Horizon for Jewish National Fund This Fall Marina Brodetsky September 13, 2016 - 10 Elul 5776

September is shaping up to be a busy month for the Mountain States Region of Jewish National Fund (JNF). There are many exciting visitors and events taking place that will allow participants to gain a better understanding and knowledge of JNF. Attendees will gain insight into JNF’s vision and how it provides a unique voice in building a prosperous and secure future for the land and people of Israel. JNF strives to bring an enhanced quality of life to all of Israel’s citizens and translate these advancements to the world beyond. JNF is “greening” the desert with millions of trees, building thousands of parks across Israel, creating new communities and cities for generations of Israelis to call home, bolstering Israel’s water supply, helping develop innovative arid agriculture techniques, ensuring that no citizen is left behind by making parks and public spaces inclusive for people with disabilities and special needs, and educating both young and old about the founding and importance of Israel and Zionism.

Aharon Lavi, a serial social entrepreneur and a professional community developer, will be in town to discuss the mission-driven communities that he founded. He can be heard at East Side Kosher Deli on Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 pm.

JNF-KKL Chief Israel Emissary Talia Tzour Avner, and Mayor of the Eilot Regional Council Dr. Hanan Ginat, will be in Denver discussing the impact and developments JNF is responsible for in the Negev’s Arava and Eilot regions. They can be heard at a breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn Cherry Creek (600 S Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80246) on Tuesday, September 20 at 8:30 am. Kosher breakfast will be provided. Yedidya Harush, JNF-Halutza Liaison for Negev Community Development, will be speaking at the Women for Israel Speakers Series on September 21 at 7:00 pm at a private home. The work JNF is doing with the Bedouin community will also be highlighted when Dr. Mohammad Alnabari, Mayor of Hura, one of the major Bedouin townships in Israel’s Negev Desert, will be in

town to speak about JNF’s partner Project Wadi Attir. Dr. Alnabari will be in Denver on Friday, September 23 and can be heard at the Hilton Garden Inn Cherry Creek at 8:30 am.

To register for the events listed above or to learn more about the work JNF is doing, please contact Matthew Leebove, Senior Campaign Executive, Mountain States, at 303.573.7095 ext. 976 or via mleebove@jnf.org.

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