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Notable Quotes
The Jewish Home | JULY 7, 2022 Notable Quotes
My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.
- Tweet by Pres. Biden about how to address inflation
Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.
- Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in response
Working on it, Mr. President. In the meantime – have a Happy 4th and please make sure the WH intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester.
- Tweet by the U.S. Oil & Gas Association mocking Pres. Biden’s tweet
I don’t need to have numbers. I don’t need to have a data point to say this.
Therein lies the truth about BDS… They are not interested in healing. They are not interested in conflict-resolution. It’s clear enough on their website: “The BDS movement does not advocate for a particular solution to the conflict and does not call for either a ‘one state solution’ or a ‘two state solution.”
More alarming still is their statement of intent. It cites “ending [Israel’s] occupation and colonization of all Arab lands,” which is a coded denial of Israel’s right to exist.
BDS organizers are so blinded by their political ambitions that they lose their sense of humanity.
- Winston Marshall, former guitarist for Mumford & Sons, in an Op-Ed in the Jewish Chronicle, after a popular band canceled a concert in Israel because of pressure by BDS
What do you say to those families that say, “Listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?“
- CNN in an interview with Biden’s National Economic Council Director Brian Deese
This is about the future of the Liberal World Order, and we have to stand firm.
- Deese’s response
Do you really? You really spend five hours a day? Get a life!
- Martin Cooper, 92, who invented the cellphone, during an interview with “BBC Breakfast,” responding to a co-host who claimed she spends upwards of five hours per day on her phone

I think Ron DeSantis would work as a good president. I mean, what he’s done for Florida has been admirable. I feel like what he did for Florida, a lot of people gave him a lot of grief, but ultimately, he was correct. He was correct when it comes to like deaths – he was correct. And when it comes to protecting all vulnerable populations, he was correct in terms of distribution of monoclonal antibodies.
– Joe Rogan
When I grew up, you had family, you didn’t have drugs, you didn’t have gang-banging. You could walk down the street. There was a change in our society. I think that these programs certainly had an impact. Just go back to Savannah and take a look around you. Our worst fears were realized. We didn’t want to be right; we wanted to be wrong. It wasn’t about winning an argument. No, we wanted to lose the argument. We did not want the damage to occur; that’s why we were involved.
I don’t particularly like public life; I never wanted to be in public life. I’d like to go to football games. I’d like not to make decisions about other people’s lives, but what drags you into it is when you see these principles being undermined, which leads to such destruction. The policies destroy people, and, ultimately, I think, we’re going to destroy the very thing that allows us to have liberty and to have a free society.
– Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in his newly released book
I want to enjoy life without walking and even traveling. I’m so over it right now. I just want to be in one place and get into a rhythm.
- Tom Turcich, of New Jersey, who recently became the 10th person on record to travel the entire world by foot (29,826 miles in seven years), in an interview with CNN Trump’s not a little guy, right? And the space to actually be able to lunge towards the wheel is not that big. I don’t mean to sound disparaging to the former president, but just his girth would prevent him from actually getting to the steering wheel.

- An unnamed Secret Service agent explaining to Business Insider why the story about Pres. Trump trying grabbing the steering wheel of “the Beast” on Jan 6th in order to get the driver to go to the Capitol is false

I don’t know how they wanted to get undressed…. But I think it would be a disgusting sight in any case.
– Russian leader Vladimir Putin responding to the G7 leaders mocking him by saying that they should take their shirts off in a photo-op in order to look tough, as Putin has presumably done in the past
Everything in a person should be harmonious: both body and soul, but for that to happen it’s necessary to stop abusing alcohol and other bad habits, do physical exercise and take part in sports.
My dad died two years ago today. I miss him, but he’s always with me. And knowing how much he loved a good comeuppance story, he’d be thrilled to see what’s happening to Trump.
– Tweet by filmmaker Rob Reiner
Nothing is sacred to a TDS sufferer.
- One of many response tweets pointing out Reiner’s absurdity
I kept telling them, “I have a shotgun with three shells in it.”
- Homeowner Joe Teague, age 93, of Moreno Valley, California, explaining to reporters what happened before he shot and critically wounded one of several thieves that broke into his home in the middle of the night
The President launched this inappropriate attack when he was asked about whether or not we are on the right track as a country. The President needs to take a look in the mirror. The Supreme Court isn’t responsible for inflation, high gas prices, crime in the streets or chaos at the border. He is. No amount of blame shifting on the global stage will change that.
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel (R-KY) responding to Pres. Biden’s attacks on the Supreme Court during a press conference at the G7 Summit The only people who care about January 6 are the Democrats in Washington, D.C. These are the same people who have given us five and six dollars a gallon for gasoline.

- Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)