Five Towns Jewish Home 7.14.22

Page 94

The Jewish Home | JULY 14, 2022


I n

M e M o r y

“Canada’s Rabbi” But First a [Grand]father Remembering Rav Reuven Pinchas Bulka, z”l, On His First Yahrtzeit By Nochum Aharon Shonek


hen asked to relate the significance of June 6, 1944 (15 Sivan 5704), most historians will likely begin elaborating on how the Allied Army stormed the beaches of Normandy, marking that day as a beginning to an end to World War II. Few, however, will think of D-Day as the day that my grandfather, Rabbi Reuven Bulka, z”l, came into this world. Born in London to Rabbi Chaim Yaakov and Mrs. Yehudis Bulka, my grandfather moved as a toddler with his family to the United States, where they eventually settled in the Bronx, with the senior Rabbi Bulka becoming the rav of the local shul, Khal Adas Yeshurun. After first enrolling in the Rabbi Jacob Joseph Rabbinical Seminary (RJJ) as an elementary school student, the young Reuven would eventually receive his semichah there in 1965 from Rav Nissan Telushkin, z”l. That year, he also got his bachelor’s degree from the City University of New York, paving the way to eventually receive his Master’s followed by his doctorate, in psychology (specifically Logotherapy), from the University of Ottawa, in 1971. At the age of 23, after a short stint as associate rav to his father in KAJ, Rabbi Bulka was offered a rabbinical position in Ottawa, then a very small Jewish community comprised mainly of older people. He accepted the offer, and, a week after his marriage to his first wife,

Naomi (nee Jakobovits, from Montreal), a”h, Rabbi Bulka assumed the position of rav of Congregation Machazikei HaDaas, a position he would hold for the next 48 years. In 2015, he took on the title of Rabbi Emeritus (he never wanted to say he was “retiring”) and handed over the reins to the current rav, Rabbi Idan Scher. Rabbi Bulka and his first wife had six children together, including my

ka was stricken with the machalah a second time, after having beaten it previously. Despite the experimental stem-cell transplant operation that was attempted, Hashem had decided the time had come, and, at the age of 55, my grandmother returned her special neshama to its Maker. Within a year of the petirah, Rabbi Bulka remarried to Mrs. Leah Kalish (nee Rosenblum), who brought

He never liked other people going out of their way for him; that, he felt, was his job to do for them.

mother, her sister, and four brothers, one of whom was niftar, r”l, within a few weeks of his birth. Another tragedy came upon the family in 2001, when Mrs. Naomi Bul-

two sons from her marriage with her late husband, R’ Mendel Kalish, z”l. Writing about all the honors and awards my grandfather received throughout his life, as well as the nu-

merous positions he held in his efforts to bring the concept of kindness to the non-Jewish world, would require an entire book (a project currently in the works by one of the grandchildren). I’m here to remember him in his capacity of Sabba (“Sabba Rabba” for the great-grandchildren!), the grandfather I knew I could call at any time of day or night. The grandfather who bought me, and all the rest of his grandsons, a pair of the most mehudar tefillin for my bar mitzvah. Who, despite his myriad responsibilities as a rav, an author, and a public figure, had enough headspace to know me and relate to me in a way that made me feel that he understood me better than I understood myself. Having the geographically closest of his children living in New York made attending any family simcha require a flight or a drive upwards of seven hours. Though an easy excuse to use, coupled with an incredibly busy schedule, missing a bar mitzvah, wedding, or bris was not in my grandfather’s vocabulary. The trip to New York became frequent enough that he eventually purchased an apartment in Lawrence to stay in for his extended visits. It was in that apartment that my grandfather spent the last six months of his life. After collapsing from a stroke in his Ottawa home during the COVID-19 lockdown, he had been admitted to Ot-

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Articles inside

The Costs of Costco by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 103-104

Your Money

page 102

“Canada’s Rabbi” But First a [Grand]father by Nochum Aharon Shonek

pages 94-95

Legends in the Marines by Avi Heiligman

pages 92-93

When the IRS Targeted Jewish Activists by Dr. Rafael Medoff

page 91

A Court Case Shows the Limits of Saudi Tolerance by David Ignatius

pages 88-89

Biden’s Reckless Spending Set Off Inflation by Marc A. Thiessen

page 90

Notable Quotes

pages 84-87

Mind Your Business

pages 82-83

The Aussie Gourmet: Bouillabaisse

pages 80-81

What Does an Ideal Therapy Approach Look Like? by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 76-77

Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW

pages 70-73

The Seeds of David HaMelech in Shivah Asar B’Tammuz by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

pages 62-65

The Wandering Jew

pages 66-67

Eating Meals Later in the Day by Cindy Weinberger, MS RD CDN

pages 74-75

The Shuk by Mrs. Barbara Deutsch

pages 68-69

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 60-61

Lessons from a Blind Seer by Rechie Eisner

pages 58-59


pages 50-53


pages 28-31

Toras Moshe by Rav Moshe Weinberger

pages 56-57

Community Happenings

pages 34-47

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 54-55

That’s Odd

pages 32-33

This Week We’re Talking to…Camp Funshine

pages 48-49

Israel News

pages 22-27
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