YourFiveFavoriteTowns Family NewspaperDistributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & BrooklynAugust 25, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around Communitythe PAGES 31 & BACK COVER This Week We’re Talking to… Hillel Day Camp 53 Local Bike4Chai Riders Hit the Road48 Local Politicians Address Antisemitism51

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Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana
MostlySunnyMostlySunny PMStormsThunder ThunderIsolatedstorms ThunderScatteredstorms
T his
CloudyPartlyCloudyPartly week, when I was speak ing with someone, he told me, it. It’s over. The kids are back from camp, and they’re soon starting school. Summer is officially what he’s saying. There are a few blissful, carefree weeks of sum mer with no homework and with lat er wake-up. Kids play outside more, and they go to sleep exhausted after hours of play, dreaming of another popsicle-smeared relaxed day. Work, too, in a way, is more relaxed, as many people go on vacation during this sea son. And now, summer, in that sense, is drawing to a close. But summer is not yet over. The sun still reigns supreme in the sky and heats the air with its pleasant warmth. There’s still a need for ices and ice creams and slurpees, too. The parks and the swimming pools beckon. Still, in a week or two, the children will be hopping onto school buses in the morning with their heavy knap sacks and sharpened pencils. But they shouldn’t ignore the beautiful day that will greet them when they come home. They should utilize those delightful after-school hours and spend them outdoors, playing and jumping and swimming and biking. They should pack watermelon slices and frozen wa ter bottles in their backpacks to enjoy during the day. They should breathe in the fragrant air deeply and enjoy the bliss that it brings. We can hold onto summer, if we wantWeto.can still have barbecues for dinner – and s’mores for dessert. We can still slather on sunscreen and go for a swim. We can still take walks during the day when there’s time to get away from our desks. We can still spend time outside, gazing at the stars under the still sky. We just have to be mind ful that it’s in our power to keep the summer going, if we want to. I’m going to try. I’m going to try to hold on as much as I can. I hope you will too.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 6 The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Aliza Nugiel Lani White Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM classifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comtext443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS Dear Readers, Shabbos Zemanim Friday, August 26 Parshas Re’eh Candle Lighting: 7:18 pm Shabbos Ends: 8:18 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:47 pm Weekly Weather | August 26 – September 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 84°71° 83°71° 82°71° 83°73° 84°72° 6883°° 6882°°

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take a four-hour road trip to your destination? 42% 58% Drive Fly LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 36 This Week We’re Talking to…Hillel Day Camp 53 NEWS Global 12 National 26 That’s Odd 34 ISRAEL Israel News 22 Pilfering From the Public for Pluralism by Martin Oliner 73 Flying High by Rafi Sackville 74 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha 62 Search Required by Rav Moshe Weinberger 64 Krias Yam Suf – Every Day by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman 68 Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 72 PEOPLE Firsts on the Battlefield by Avi Heiligman 102 HEALTH & FITNESS Life with Lyme by Chaia Frishman 76 Polio: What It Means for Us by Dr. Hylton I. Lightman 84 FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Eggplant Tomato Salad 90 LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 80 Parenting Pearls 86 JWOW! 88 Mind Your Business 92 Your Money 110 The Difference Between Men and Boys by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 111 HUMOR Centerfold 58 POLITICAL CROSSFIRE Notable Quotes 94 Abbott is Playing Hardball by Marc A. Thiessen 100 Why Republicans Don’t Want to Join Liz Cheney by Marc A. Thiessen 98 CLASSIFIEDS 104 8874 Continued on page 8
Would you
I wonder, often, why certain things con cern writers as much as they do. Maybe it’s a part of not being mature enough to know or face some of life’s serious issues. While I enjoy the column, I am begin ning to view the panel’s adage of “Hash em is the Ultimate Shadchan,” or similar phrasing, as a non-pragmatic platitude. I know numerous friends who have been single for many years. They have tried almost every means to find their bashert via singles’ functions, weekends, shul, gyms, Shabbat meals, on-line sites and shadchanim, to name a few. They are in telligent, hard-working people, with var ied interests, who, for some reason, hav en’t had the mazal to find their bashert. When I told one of them that they just need faith in Hashem, she responded that she davens, plenty, and has plenty of faith in Hashem. She has also met with dating coaches, psychologists and near ly every idea that the panelists have re peatedly advised to nearly every writer. However, Hashem has decided that she should remain single the rest of her life, and she has given up trying. She is not happy but has resigned herself to Hash em’s decision. rather fly four hours or
Sincerely, Elaine Rockoff Dear Editor, I read the Navidater’s column week ly. Most of the time, I find the questions amusing and, frequently, “wondrous.”
Dear Editor, I am an avid reader of The Jewish Home and especially enjoy the articles by Hershel Lieber. They are always an in teresting and enjoyable read. This week’s article, “El Paso and Santa Fe,” was of particular interest to me, and I wonder if you would be so kind as to share this email to Rabbi Lieber. My family has a strong connection to the El Paso community. My uncle, Louis Rosenbaum, settled in El Paso after the Shoah and was truly a pillar of the com munity. He supported many worthwhile causes and notably was a founder of the El Paso Holocaust Museum that is described in the article. My uncle left no stone un turned in ensuring that the museum was of high quality and would be an institu tion that would educate El Pasoans about the horrors of the Holocaust.
to your vacation destination
Several years ago, my husband and I visited El Paso to celebrate my uncle’s 90th and my aunt’s 85th birthdays, which took place that weekend at Chabad Lubavitch of El Paso, where they were supporters and active members. We vis ited the museum and met with a group of school children from a local public school. My uncle shared his story with the students, and we had a chance to speak with them and their teachers. They were all incredibly moved hearing direct ly from a survivor and meeting descen dants of Sadly,survivors.myuncle passed away a little over three years ago, and my aunt two years ago (on his birthday). El Paso will always have a special place in my heart for all the memories through the years. Thank you for writing about this import ant memorial to the Shoah that my uncle was so proud to have been a major part of. Wishing you good Shabbos and I look forward to continuing to enjoy your won derful articles for years to come!
8 Contents

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 9

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home.
Please send all correspondence
I’d like to see the panelists address this issue and offer more practical advice to the numerous singles in this situation. What happens when all your suggestions don’t work? Do you give up suggesting, or do you try to come up with a new idea?
LarrySincerely,Penner, Great Neck, NY Dear Editor, Once in a while, you come along a speaker that gives a derech of understand ing life with simplicity and elegance. Rab bi Ezra Zafrani is such a person. He has deep wisdom and a practical approach on how to grow in spirituality in a way that is doable and lasting. He has a realistic point of view that can be appreciated by all listeners, and he has a positive take on our ability to grow with an attitude of pos itivity. I hope many can find his lectures invigorating on
Elisha Israel Dear Editor, Over 65% of our national popula tion has doubts about our present voting system. To regain voters’ trust, we need to junk all electronic voting machines –which house manipulative software – pri or to the forthcoming November election. To assure accurate voting results in the future, we need to go back to our former voting system. Voting in person and absen tee voting are the only answer! In both cas es, there must be voter verification. There must be NO MORE foreign vot ing machines with dubious software and NO MORE mail-in voting! If we do not end the current voting practices, it will open the door to massive irregularities and fraud. Why can’t we submit our vote into a machine by simply switching a lever? Not doing so will eventually lead to a one-party set-up and it will be the end of our well-respected democracy. The time is now to make the changes!
Heinz Mayer, Garden City, NY Dear Editor, Four weeks ago, we heard horrible news about a man killed by a passing car on a Delaware highway after his Lyft driver tossed him and his fellow passen gers out of the car in the middle of the night on a desolate highway. Sydney Wolf was 43 years old and left behind a wife and two young children. He was an aide to former Governor An drew Cuomo and his death was nation al news for about 24 hours. Then poof, there has been zero coverage of the kill ing since the Lyft driver turned himself in. NOTHING. Not a word. No descrip tion of the Lyft driver and no update as to why the Lyft driver tossed the passen gers out of the car at 1:30am on a high way. While the driver of the passing car should not be held liable, the Lyft driv er is most definitely responsible for Mr. Wolf’sHasdeath.anyone heard anything further about this horrible killing? Has any media outlet covered this in the past 4 weeks? I can’t find a single follow up, not even a press conference from Governor Hochul or Andrew Cuomo. Don’t Jew ish lives matter? Apparently not. If the Lyft driver was a white male, with any sort of antisemitic background, the me dia would have published his name and address, even his kids’ school. He would have been doxxed and exposed. But alas, we can assume he wasn’t a white male but rather a member of the leftist/social ist/Marxist/Islamism club of Jew haters who commit 95% of anti-Semitic attacks throughout this country.
We have approximately three-thou sand (3,000) low income apartments that is called “affordable housing” that just went up near the Lawrence border, mostly around the A train subway stop on Mott Avenue. That will cause con gestion and bring other issues not only to Far Rockaway but to Lawrence and Cedarhurst as well. Now, additional low income housing is being proposed or al ready happening at the Inwood train sta tion (near Seasons Express ) and another group of low income housing at the Law rence train station, near Rabbi Zakutin sky’ know what this is going to do to theWhereneighborhood?werethefrum people at this meeting? What else was so important that nobody from the frum community could bother themselves to show up at the Peoplemeeting?may not care now, but they will care when the entire neighborhood
Ari DearKirschbaumEditor, I had the privilege to attend the pro test meeting at the Lawrence Country Club last week about the pending devel opments going up around Far Rockaway and the Five Towns. There was an in credibly large turnout. However, sadly, most of the attendees were not from the frum community. I didn’t see many frum leaders, rabbanim, or reporters. I have no issue with being honest regarding my opinions and apologize for being candid and not politically correct, but where was the article in The Jewish Home about the meeting? I didn’t see it because it wasn’t written. The few secular Jews and Ital ians in the Five Towns packed the house from wall to wall because they get it, but, shockingly, the frum community is sleep ing at the wheel.
Reuven Guttman, Lawrence, NY
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 10 Continued from page 8
Daniel Feldman Dear Editor, There is a better way to spend $80 billion in additional funding for the In ternal Revenue Service (IRS) including hiring 87,000 new agents. Assign these dollars to the federal General Accounting Office (GAO) or the Border Patrol instead. This would give the GAO more resourc es to look into how much of the trillions spent annually under various federal agencies and programs, including CARE COVID 19 relief, are lost to waste, fraud and abuse. This would give the Border Patrol more resources to deal with over 2 million illegal immigrants coming into our nation in 2022.
Make your voice heard! Be part of TJH’s weekly poll. Email the editor to be included in the weekly poll at 5 TOWN TIRE CO. RETAIL - WHOLESALE - EXPORT 525 Burnside Avenue Inwood, NY 11096 Tel: 516-239-1000 Fax: 516-239-5515 Email: Yakov Alkobi, Owner
changes. You think that your local poli ticians will protect you? That’s laughable – there will be thousands of people who have very different views – “no bail for violent offenders”— that will vote in new politicians; they will live in the neighbor hood; they will decide who the local poli ticians are, not you! Think AOC. One day, when you live in Lakewood or Florida or “anywhere but the New York city area” you will all reminisce about how the Five Towns/Far Rockaway was such a nice area and had so many shuls and yeshivas and restaurants…what great restaurants. You will lament how it’s all gone. How does that happen? Well, it happened in East New York and other areas that used to be very vibrant frum communities and now you won’t find a frum person there unless their Waze stopped working. How did that happen? Well, they built buildings around the houses and the neighborhoods changed so frum people got out of there. The same exact thing will happen here when your beautiful backyard is in the shadow of a low-income high-rise. And remember, once it starts, it does not stop. Mark my words, in 20 years, this area will look like Queens – you will have a few houses, a few buildings, a few more houses, a few more buildings, etc. Think it can’t happen? Well, it is happen ing. This neighborhood is about to have thousands and thousands of additional people in high-rises all around you. You can take action now and protest or do nothing and allow it to happen. Your choice.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 11

During a support rally outside of Khan’s home on Saturday, senior PTI ac tivist and former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said, “Imran Khan [was] our red line,” warning that “every child and adult of Pakistan will respond to Khan’s call and (Prime Minister) Shah baz Sharif will be responsible for the con sequences that follow.”
Khan’s threats came after his onetime chief of staff, Shahbaz Gill, was ar rested for calling on the military to dis obey“Listen,orders. Director Inspector General (of police), we’re not going to let you go. We’re going to file a case against you. And madam magistrate, you should also get ready. We will take action against you,” Khan said during a protest in support of his former aide. Khan has called for Gill’s immediate release, going so far as accusing Islam abad police of torturing his close ally. While stopping short of arresting the former leader, authorities promised to take action against Khan, banning him from making live TV appearances. Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) party called charges against the former premier “frivolous,” threatening to “take over” Is lamabad if their leader was detained.
12 The Week In News
Saturday night’s car bomb killing of 29-year-old Darya Dugina, a pro-regime journalist and daughter of prominent political philosopher Alexander Dugin, an influencing figure behind President Putin’s expansionist worldview, has left many in Russia wondering who was be hind the attack and what punitive mea sures the Kremlin has in mind. With the invasion of Ukraine, dubbed a “special operation” by Mos cow, showing no signs of progress and Ukrainian troops recently shelling a military base in occupied Crimea as well as arms caches within Russia ter ritory, local residents are beginning to doubt government promises of a “short victory.” At the same time, the Kremlin’s repressive actions, closing down social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, further limit ing press freedoms, and coming down hard on any sign of political protest are causing more people to question the regime.The killing of the Kremlin-backed reporter sent ripple-waves not only in Russia. Nearby states are concerned that Putin may be planning further invasions once he’s done with Ukraine. Some are concerned Moscow may use the car bomb
Former Pakistan PM Deposed Imran Khan, Pakistan’s former prime minister, who was ousted after a no-con fidence vote last April, has made waves over the past weeks, leading to a police investigation under Pakistan’s anti-terror laws. According to police, Khan vowed to “take action” against the chief of police and a local magistrate during a speech in the country’s capital on Saturday.
Since his ouster, Khan’s party has made an unexpected comeback, winning a number of local elections. Khan, him self, has accused the current administra tion of collaborating with the American government to topple his regime – a claim vehemently denied by both Wash ington and new Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. Khan’s claims have struck a chord with the country’s disenchanted younger population. Many in the impoverished country’s poorer neighborhoods detest the West for its alleged disrespect to wards Pakistan and other Muslim-ma jority countries, as well as Washington’s increased support for arch-enemy India.
Russian Reporter Killed in Car Bomb

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 13

The bombing also raises the ques tion of whether Darya’s ultranationalist father, whom some credit with having formed Putin’s policy vis-a-vis Ukraine and Russia’s overall disposition towards the West, was the real target of the at tack. According to reports, while the car Darya was traveling in was registered solely in her name, her father had origi nally planned to make the trip alongside his daughter, changing his mind at the last moment.
Skirting a Nuclear Disaster
The UN has urged both sides to cease strikes around the station, warning that a failure to do so could spell instant disas ter not only for the two countries but also for the world as a whole.
Ukraine and Russia again traded
Turkey’s economy has suffered in re
Turkey’s Economy Suffers
released on Monday, Russia’s FSB Security Service claimed that Ukrainian operatives fled to Es tonia after blowing up Dugina’s car. State TV, meanwhile, paid tribute to the woman who “gave her life for the idea of the ‘Russian World.’”
14 attack as an excuse for greater repression both from within and as part of the war in Ukraine, while others pointed out how fast the regime was to place blame with Kyiv for the attack despite Ukrainian of ficials denying responsibility. State-run media eagerly pounced on the story as proof that everyday Russians were being targeted by West ern agents as a means of sowing panic to shore up pro-war sentiment among locals. A TV program showed images of mortar shells apparently intended for fighting in Ukraine, one with the words, “This is for Darya!” scrawled on the Inside.astatement
cent years, with millions from neighbor ing Syria taking refuge in the country. Erdogan, however, remains confident Turkey can recover after a series of dip lomatic overtures to oil-rich Gulf states including the UAE, the recent return of diplomatic relations with Israel, and con tinued ties with Russia, which finds itself engulfed in a lengthy military campaign in Ukraine.
Turkey’s lira slid further against the U.S. dollar following the move, now trad ing at more than 18.1 to the greenback — near a record low. The lira has lost 26% of its value against the dollar this year alone, plunging 80% over the past five years. The country’s weakening economy has kept local businesses from seeing the growth they had become accustomed to in previous years and residents from hav ing enough money to channel back into the Despitesystem. the government employing a number of unconventional methods aimed to reinvigorate the local market, including spending significant foreign ex change reserves or blocking lira loans to companies seen as holding too much for eign currency, the Turkish central bank appears poised to prove critics wrong, even announcing expectations of a disin flation process in the near future.
In a questionable market move that has faced strong criticism from leading financial experts, Turkey’s central bank slashed its main policy rate from 14% to 13% despite a local inflation rate of around 80%. The central bank (CBRT) is said to be under the sole control of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who believes his country can rebound from a lengthy economic cri sis. Western analysts, however, maintain Erdogan has made a chain of unorthodox moves that fail to take Turkey’s financial predicaments into consideration.
The UN has accused the Kremlin of risking a nuclear disaster as Russian troops have reportedly stored heavy equipment and even launched attacks on Ukrainian forces from Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. For its part, Russia has accused Ukrainian forces of target ing the site, which it seized in March. Ukraine, however, cannot return fire without risking hitting one of the plant’s six reactors – a mistake that could spell nuclear catastrophe for the entire region.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 15

According to an individual familiar with the circumstances of the abduction
“This is a serious hour, grave hour, and the IAEA must be allowed to conduct its mission in Zaporizhzhia as soon as possible,” he was quoted as saying. While the Zaporizhzhia station is pro tected by reinforced concrete shells, and a direct hit on a reactor remains unlikely, Russian forces have reportedly continued to shell the nearby city of Nikopol, killing at least 13 people in overnight shelling last Tuesday, and injuring a number of others over the next two days, according to officials.Thismakes it increasingly difficult for Ukraine to hold off directly firing on the plant despite the understanding that such a strike could invariably bring about a ca lamity bigger than the Chernobyl blast in 1986, the worst nuclear disaster to date.
“The criminal acts of Tomorrow Hold ings and Xiao Jianhua seriously damaged the financial management order, serious ly endangered the country’s financial se curity, seriously infringed on the integrity of the state staff, and should be severely punished according to law,” the court said in a statement.
The Canadian government said China has not allowed its representatives to at tend the trial. “Canada made several re quests to attend the trial proceedings of Canadian citizen, Mr. Xiao Jianhua. Our attendance was denied by Chinese au thorities,” said the embassy.
ognize dual citizenship, Xiao could not be afforded a foreign country’s consular protection. Iran’s Demands for Nuclear Deal
According to a spokesman for the Islamic Republic’s nuclear negotiating team, Iran will not sign onto a treaty until the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ceases to investigate undeclared nuclear sites. “No deal will be implemented be fore the IAEA Board of Governors PERMANENTLY closes the false ac cusations file,” Seyed Mohammad Ma randi“Iran’stweeted.nuclear program will not be dismantled,” he added, even though that was not reported to be part of the deal.
that took place five years ago, Chinese agents arriving at the hotel Jianhua was staying at were involved in a short scuffle with the businessman’s own security out fit before taking him captive. The billion aire, who also happens to hold Canadian citizenship, has not been seen in the five years since his capture. Following the trial, the Shanghai First Intermediate Court announced that Xiao and his company Tomorrow Holdings were convicted of crimes including ille gally absorbing public deposits, betraying the use of entrusted property, and illegal use of funds and bribery.
A spokesman for the Chinese govern ment said that since China does not rec
16 blame after more shelling around the plant overnight on Thursday, just hours after the United Nations called on both sides to cease military activities near the power station, warning of the worst if theyOndidn’t.Thursday, head of the Internation al Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, told members of the UN Securi ty Council that attacks had knocked out parts of the plant, risking an “unaccept able” potential radiation leak. Referring to the recent escalations around the plant, Grossi urged both sides to use extreme vigilance.
Email your
Chinese-Canadian tycoon and one of the richest men in the country Xiao Jian hua was sentenced to a 13-years prison term on Friday, in a closed-doors trial. Ji anhua was abducted by Chinese security personnel sent at the bequest of President Xi Jinping, who had ordered a crackdown on leading businessmen. The billionaire, listed 32nd in a Chinese magazine’s “rich list” in 2016, had taken refuge in Taiwan, fearing he was next in line on Xi’s hitlist.
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The Iranian representative made the resume


He also confirmed that Iran had dropped its demand that the U.S. State Department remove the Islamic Revo lutionary Guard Corps from its Foreign Terrorist Organizations list. Marandi on Tuesday tweeted he has “said for MONTHS, removing the Guards from the FTO is not a precondition.”
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Iran had dropped its demand to close the Aprobe.dayearlier,
The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action lifted sanctions on Iran, allow ing the flow of billions of dollars into its economy, in exchange for limitations on its nuclear program. The Trump adminis tration left the deal in 2018, implement ing additional sanctions. The Biden ad ministration began negotiating a return to the JCPOA early last year.
Germany has launched a preliminary investigation into PA President Mah moud Abbas’s comments accusing Israel of perpetrating “50 holocausts” against the Palestinian people while responding to a reporter’s question about the up coming 50th anniversary of the Munich Olympic massacre in which 11 Israeli athletes and a German police officer were murdered by the Black September terror ist group.Theathletes were killed during a failed rescue operation by German security forc es after they were taken hostages at the Olympic Village on September 5, 1972. At the time of the attack, Black Septem ber was backed by Abbas’s current Fatah party.
IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi said his agency would not end the investigation into traces of en riched uranium found in undeclared lo cations until Iran cooperates.
18 statement in response to a Reuters report that
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on Tuesday said most countries involved in nuclear talks with Iran support the EU’s“Mostproposalofthem agree, but I still don’t have the answer from the United States, who I understand have to discuss it, and we expect during this week to receive an answer,” he said in an interview with Spain’s national broadcaster TVE.
Senior Israeli officials also held dis cussions with the five other signatories to the Iran deal: Russia, China, France, Ger many and the UK. Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel “will do all that we can to influence the Israelagreement.”“isincontact with our American partners and countries in the region who are no less threatened by Iran,” he added.
U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price noted, “Iran needs to answer the IAEA’s questions... Our position is not going to change.”
“We must remember, this is not an agreement between us and the Iranians,” Gantz said at an Israel Democracy In stitute event. “Israel is not a side to this agreement and will know how to protect itself and maintain its freedom of action as necessary.”Gantzisexpected to meet with CENT COM Commander Gen. Michael Kurilla in Florida on Thursday and Sullivan in Washington on Friday, before traveling to Japan.Inaddition to dropping the IAEA probe, Iran has continued to demand guarantees from the U.S. that future presidents will not leave the deal as for mer President Donald Trump did in 2018, which is a commitment that U.S. Presi dent Joe Biden cannot legally make, and that Western corporations will do busi ness with the Islamic Republic, which is something that free-market economies cannot promise.
Abbas’ CommentsHolocaustDraw
“So far, Iran has not given us the technically credible explanations that we need to explain the origin of many traces of uranium; the presence of equipment at places,” he told CNN. “Let us have an explanation,” Grossi said. “If there was nuclear material there, where is it now? If there was equipment there, where is it now?”
Despite his assertions, Iran had held up negotiations for more than five months in response to Washington’s refusal to lift the terrorist designation.
Iran’s Nour News, which is tied to the Supreme National Security Council, tweeted: “The continued adoption of po litical approaches by the [director-gen eral] of IAEA in a situation [in which] Western officials are optimistic about reaching an agreement shows that Ra phael Grossi is still the main obstacle to the finalization of Vienna Talks, along with the Zionist regime.”

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 19

saying Scholz “should have contradicted the Palestinian president in no uncertain terms and asked him to leave the house!”
The chancellor’s foreign and security policy adviser joined a chorus of officials blasting Abbas, accusing him of “cast[ing] a dark shadow over Germany’s relations with the Palestinian Authority.”
We're Coming to the FIVE TOWNS... . . . a n d w e ' r e h i r i n g ! W E ’ R E N O W E M P L O Y E E O W N E D & O P E R A T E D . C o n s i d e r i n g a m o v e i n t h e f u t u r e ? T a k e y o u r j o b w i t h y o u W e h a v e o f f i c e s i n B r o o k l y n , L a k e w o o d , M o n s e y , S c r a n t o n , H o u s t o n , S o u t h F l o r i d a & I s r a e l . A t t h e e n d o f 2 0 2 1 , F u t u r e C a r e s o l d 1 0 0 % o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s s h a r e s t o t h e M y F u t u r e E S O P , s o e m p l o y e e s n o w o w n t h e e n t i r e c o m
Police confirmed that Abbas was be ing investigated for possible incitement to hatred for his comments since denying or downplaying the Holocaust is a crimi nal offense in Germany.
While Germany does not recognize the PA as a sovereign state, the country’s Foreign Ministry said Abbas would enjoy immunity from legal prosecution since he was visiting the country as an official rep resentative.
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Fifty-seven of the students survived the massacre, fleeing to the nearby hills. While 14 of them made it back to their families, the remaining 43 have never been found. Body parts of three of the 43 students have been identified, but the rest remain unaccounted for to this day. The mass disappearance led to one of the big gest controversies in the country’s histo ry, amplified by years of nationwide pro tests, some of which turned violent, with activists assaulting police and attacking organiza tions, including the UN, have been in p a n y T h e M y F u t u r e E S O P i s d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e i t s e m p l o y e e s w i t h t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s h a r e i n F u t u r e C a r e ’ s s u c c e s s b y g i v i n g t h e m s t o c k i n t h e c o m p a n y E v e r y d a y y o u w o r k h e r e b e c o m e s a n i n v e s t m e n t i n y o u r l o n g t e r m f i n a n c i a l f u t u r e , w i t h m o r e m o n e y e a r n e d t h e l o n g e r y o u w o r k
Following the uproar, Abbas tried to walk back the comments, with the Pal estinian WAFA news agency quoting the leader as saying that “the Holocaust is the most heinous crime in modern human history.”Facing extensive criticism, Scholz, who appeared to ignore Abbas’s com ments at the time they were said, later claimed to have been “disgusted” by the remarks. Germany’s opposition leader Friedrich Merz slammed his opponent,
202225,AUGUST| 20
A truth commission in Mexico has revealed that the previous government had close knowledge of the unsolved dis appearance of 43 students in 2014. The commission concluded that both feder al and local authorities were involved in the coverup and did nothing to prevent a drug cartel known as the Guerreros Uni dos (“United Warriors”) from kidnapping the Thestudents.event began when around 100 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College in Tixtla, Guerrero, Mexico, set out for the city of Iguala with the purpose of commandeering buses for an upcoming political protest in Mexico City. The students were intercepted by police upon arriving in the city and re portedly handed over to the United War riors cartel. According to some reports, gang members believed the activists be longed to a rival group, and most were shot after being taken to a rural town.
Abbas made the statement while an swering questions at a news conference alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz last week. The PA chairman had been asked whether he’d like to apologize to Germany and Israel for the massacre. In stead, the Palestinian leader accused Is rael of crimes against local Arabs. “If we want to go over the past, go ahead,” Abbas retorted. “I have 50 slaughters that Israel committed in 50 Palestinian villages…50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts.”

President Andrés Manuel López Ob rador has promised family members of the missing students to “get to the truth” of the case, while swearing that no gov ernment official, past or present, would be immune to prosecution as a result of the incident. Deputy director of Mexico’s Human Rights Commission Alejandro Encinas was quoted as saying that “there is no evidence that [the students] are alive,” pointing out that “to the contrary, all testimony and evidence suggest they were cunningly killed and disappeared.”
The scorching sun, combined with excessive desert sand, results in many discolored stones with return the Matzeivah to its original pristine condition, using special chemicals to restore the stone to its initial color and repainting the letters, the legacy for future
faded letters. We
It’s hard to predict the world’s future vis-à-vis China, but China’s response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s re cent visit to Taiwan may help predict its actions in the future. The communist country dispatched warships and military aircraft to all sides of the self-governing island democracy and fired ballistic mis siles into the waters nearby after Pelosi greeted Taiwanese leaders. Of course, Taiwan responded to the belligerence, conducting drills of its own. Since then, Beijing has announced even moreDuringmaneuvers.thenearly weeklong maneu vers that followed Pelosi’s early August visit, China sailed ships and flew air craft regularly across the median line in the Taiwan Strait, claiming the de facto boundary did not exist, fired missiles over Taiwan itself, and challenged established norms by firing missiles into Japan›s exclusive economic zone.
The U.S. and China came perhaps the closest to blows in 1996, when China, irked by what it saw as increasing Amer ican support for Taiwan, fired missiles into the waters some 30 kilometers (20 miles) from Taiwan’s coast ahead of Tai wan’s first popular presidential election.
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21volved in the case, with top officials being arrested or resigning from their posts. The current truth commission has published a report based on more than 41,000 doc uments – including transcripts of phone calls, text messages and reports – as well as 50 videos documenting the torture of detainees by gang members.
“I think we are in for a risky period of testing boundaries and finding out who can achieve escalatory dominance across the diplomatic, military and economic domains,” opined David Chen, an analyst with CENTRA Technology, a U.S.-based consulting firm. Pelosi was the highest-level member of the U.S. government to visit Taiwan in 25 years. Her visit, which was officially “unofficial,” came at a particularly sensi tive time, as Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares to seek a third five-year term as leader of the ruling Communist Party lat er thisUnderyear.Xi, China has been increasing ly forceful in declaring that Taiwan must be brought under its control — by force if necessary — and U.S. military officials have said that Beijing may seek a military solution within the next few years. China has accused the U.S. of encour aging the island’s independence through the sale of weapons and engagement be tween U.S. politicians and the island’s government.ChineseForeign Ministry spokesper son Hua Chunying called Pelosi’s vis it a “serious provocation” and accused Washington of breaking the status quo and “interfering in China’s internal affairs.”“China is not the old China of 120 years ago, and we are not Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan — we will not allow any for eign force to bully, suppress or enslave us,” she told reporters in Beijing. “Who ever wants to do so will be on a collision course with the Great Wall of steel forged by the 1.4 billion Chinese people.”
The U.S. responded with its own show of force, sending two aircraft carrier groups to the region. At the time, China had no aircraft carriers and little means to threaten the American ships, and it backedChinadown.subsequently embarked on a massive modernization of its mili tary. The recent exercises demonstrate a “quantum leap” of improvement from
Give Your Loved Ones Buried in Eretz Yisrael Respect & Dignity Would you believe this is the same Matzeivah?
What Can We Expect From China?
According to the recently-published report, all branches of the Mexican mil itary, including the marines and national guard, all provided documents, video and wiretaps to the truth commission.
The U.S. continues to insist it has not deviated from its “one-China” policy, rec ognizing the government in Beijing while allowing for informal relations and de fense ties with Taipei. Last week, the U.S. announced that it was opening talks with Taiwan on a wideranging trade agreement.

With alcohol sales in Japan taking a nosedive during the coronavirus cri sis, the Japanese government is trying out some unconventional methods for reviving the drinking industry. The Na tional Tax Agency recently announced a nationwide contest for the best business ideas to put alcohol back on the map.
While some expect excessive drinking to be frowned upon (alcohol consump tion is considered as one of the leading causes of death in the Western world), alcohol sales have dropped so much in Japan that the country is trying to revive the industry. One of the leading reasons for the massive decline is the coronavirus pandemic, which has brought multiple lockdowns to Japan. Since drinking is known as a social activity, local revenues fell by $800 million in 2020 alone, mark ing the largest decrease in alcohol tax rev enues since 1989, according to the Japan Times. But many in Japan aren’t taking too kindly to the idea, especially with the image of the “drunk salary man” mak ing the rounds on social media prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. While some have criticized the government’s initiative for encouraging an unhealthy lifestyle, others have asked why they learned of the campaign from foreign media – and not a local source. The “problem” is compounded when you look at Japan’s drinking statistics. A of the Rising Sun ranks 38 out of 49 coun tries surveyed when it comes to drinking. In comparison, the U.S. comes in at No. 22, with 9.3 liters per capita. The mini mum age for selling alcohol is 20, one of the highest across all OECD nations.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe trol coordination not seen before.
The first flight from an Israeli airport carrying dozens of Palestinians to Cyprus took off from Ramon International Air port in southern Israel on Monday. Isra el’s Arkia Airlines operated the flight. COGAT, the Israeli military body re sponsible for governing civil affairs in Judea and Samaria, said it was working on instating direct flights for Palestinian residents to Turkey, Dubai, and possibly Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai Peninsula. Contrary to previous reports, however, Turkey is not currently a destination for flights from Ramon Airport. Amir Assi, a strategic consultant working with the Arab sector, said 43 res idents of the West Bank cities of Bethle hem, Jericho, Ramallah and Nablus were flown from Israel to Larnaca, Cyprus.
recent OECD study found that the Land
The campaign, dubbed “Saka Viva!” is asking young people aged 20 to 39 to come up with innovative plans for revitalizing the industry. Some ideas put forth by the Agency are promoting consumption with the help of artificial intelligence and the metaverse.
China has refused all contact with Tai wan’s government since shortly after the 2016 election of President Tsai Ing-wen of the pro-independence Democratic Pro gressive Party. Tsai was overwhelmingly reelected in 2020.
Palestinians OKed for Flying
22 1996, showing a joint command and con
Japan: Drink More
“They will be driven in chartered local buses to the Armistice Line that serves as a temporary border with Israel until the completion of formal peace negotiations. After a security check, they will be trans ferred to an Israeli bus that will take them to Ramon Airport, a drive of about two and a half hours,” he was quoted as saying. It appears that in addition to the regu lar security inspection upon returning to Israel, Palestinian travelers will undergo an additional check similar to the routine security checks undertaken by all passen gers flying worldwide. They will be free to move around the terminal, enjoying all airport facilities until the plane takes off.
Despite reports of Palestinian Au thority officials contacting passengers to

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 23

Indonesia, which is home to the larg est population of Muslims around the world, has defended Palestinian efforts to create an independent state, while re peating anti-Semitic tropes common in the Muslim world. Ben-Anan had entered the country on a Portuguese passport, as Israel does not have ties with Indonesia. Officials said Ben-Anan, 37, died after reaching a height of approximately 3,760 meters while climbing Mt. Rinjani, before apparently falling into a 150-meter-deep crevice. His body was recovered three days after the fatal fall.
Fatal Fall
Russia Holds Off on Closing of Jewish Agency
In a statement ahead of the flight,
Rescue workers in Indonesia, assisted by Magnus, an Israel organization oper ating in the country, said they have recov ered the body of Israeli mountain climber Boaz Ben-Anan of Tel Aviv. Ben-Anan’s body will be returned to Israel for burial despite a lack of diplomatic ties between the countries and Indonesia’s leader’s outspoken criticism of the Jewish State.
This week, a historic flight flew over Saudi airspace. This was the first time an Israeli commercial flight flew over Saudi airspace to a non-Gulf destination. The flight, from Ben Gurion to the Republic of Seychelles, departed after midnight on Tuesday, with the new route shortening the duration of the flight by 20 minutes.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe mand for flights remains very high among potential travelers.
24 convince them to turn down the offer, de
Russian media has reported that a lo cal court has postponed the Kremlin’s de cision on the closing of the Jewish Agen cy in the hopes of reaching an agreement with Israel before steps are taken to shut ter the Duringorganization.thehearing on Friday, Jewish Agency lawyers asked the judge for addi tional time to gather new evidence that could prove that it hadn’t violated any said the agency had already taken steps to change its policy in accordance with requests by government officials. Despite the court overthrowing a re quest by the defense team to move the tri al to a direct mediation process with the Russian government, the agency’s lawyer said he still hopes to move the proceed ings outside of the court system.
“I hope things work out, but it’s out of our control,” attorney Andrei Grishayev said outside the courthouse.
laws. According to reports, officials also
In late June, Russia warned the Agen cy of its intentions to close down its op erations in the country due to claims it was urging prominent Jewish residents to move to Israel as a result of the war in Ukraine. Though Israeli officials initially saw Russia’s moves against the Jewish Agen cy as a diplomatic maneuver aimed at putting pressure on Jerusalem, they now consider it part of a broader Russian crackdown on all civil society. In recent years, Moscow has forced a number of international organizations to shut down or severely curtail their operations in the country.Last week, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog spoke to Russia’s President Pu tin, with the two promising to continue discussing the issue.
Prime Minister Lapid has warned that banning the Jewish Agency would be “a grave event” with “consequences” for bilateral ties between the two coun tries, before appearing to tone down his comments and voicing optimism that the issue could be decided within the frame works of diplomatic dialogue.
“The rescue efforts were carried out while dealing with difficult, mountainous terrain and extreme weather conditions,” the group was quoted as saying.
Flying Over Saudi Airspace

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Chacham Shalom Cohen, zt”l
an Arkia plane will become the first Israe li licensed plane to fly over Saudi Arabia – not to Dubai, but to the Seychelles. The route will go through Jordan in the area of the Dead Sea and turn left to Petra, continuing along Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea shores. From there, it will continue on its regular route through Eritrea…We soon hope to see shorter flights to India and Sri SinceLanka.”the
That deal was reached during U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to the Mideast, with Washington and Jerusalem framing the Saudi decision to open its airspace to all commercial flights as a first step toward normalization with Israel, given that no other country had been barred from such flyovers until then. Riyadh, though, insists that its decision to allow the flights does not have anything to do withJerusalemnormalization.hopes that Oman will fol low Saudi Arabia’s lead, which would open up entirely new routes for destina tions in the Far East, such as India and Thailand — popular vacation spots for Israelis. Using Saudi and Omani airspace to reach those destinations would re duce travel time by two to four hours and would potentially reduce ticket prices as well, given that airlines would save mon ey on fuel.
Turkey, Israel to Restore Ties After restoring full diplomatic ties and announcing that their ambassadors would return to each other’s countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo
Turkey, currently facing an economic crisis and regional isolation, was eager to engage Israel in a conciliatory process that began with the first El Al flight to the country in 10 years and gained strength when local security thwarted an Irani an assassination plot in July, arresting agents who were planning to kidnap and kill Israeli tourists and diplomats.
Tensions between Israel and Turkey came to a boiling point following the 2010 commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza. Ten Turkish activists were killed when they attacked Israeli soldiers trying to board the boat, hitting them with metal rods and other self-improvised weapons. A number of IDF soldiers were also badly injured in the melee. This was followed by a series of ac cusations from both sides, with Erdogan calling Israel a “child-murdering” coun try and comparing current Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked to Hitler. ThenPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in turn, took a swipe at Erdogan, blasting him for killing Kurdish civilians.
26 Arkia’s chief pilot Din Gal said, “Tonight,
On Monday, Rav Shalom Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Porat Yosef in
Lightning Strike in DC Amber Escudero-Kontostathis, the sole survivor of a deadly lightning strike outside the White House earlier this month, says she is still dealing with “sur vivor’s guilt,” despite making good prog ress in her recovery. She continues suffering from nerve damage from her waist down resulting in a complete lack of feeling in her legs, but Escudero-Kontostathis is now able to get around with the help of a walker. According to a CNN report, while James Mueller, his wife, Donna Mueller, and Brooks Lambertson, 29, died of their
gan spoke to his Israeli counterpart Isaac Herzog, thanking him for playing a signif icant role in the process. The two leaders discussed steps to strengthen the bonds between their countries, with Herzog praising Erdogan for his peace-making efforts in the war in Ukraine. Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid also credited Herzog with much of the progress made in talks with Turkey. “This restoration of diplomatic rela tions is a continuation of the positive di rection in the development of relations over the past year, since President Her zog’s diplomatic visit to Ankara, and the reciprocal visits of the foreign ministers to Jerusalem and Ankara,” read a statement on behalf of the Prime Minister’s office.
Shas party chairman Aryeh Deri an nounced Rav Cohen’s death in a state ment, calling Chacham Shalom “our fa ther, our teacher and our leader.” Deri likened the rav’s death to “a ship losing its captain.” Chacham Shalom had taken over Rav Ovadia Yosef’s zt”l role in the Shas party after Rav Ovadia passed away in 2014. Chacham Shalom was vocal in his views. He predicted the demise of the current government, run by Bennett and Lapid, noting it would not withstand. Earlier this year, when the government collapsed, Chacham Shalom said, “A gov ernment that harmed and tried to destroy Judaism and the sanctity of Israel and harmed the weak has been driven from the Thousandsworld.” came from all over Israel in respect to join in the levaya of the tzad dik. He was buried in Sanhedria near Rav Ovadia. Yeshivas urged their bochurim to go. Stores and yeshivas were closed so men and boys could attend the levaya of the tzaddik.
2020 Abraham Accords nor malization agreements, Saudi Arabia has allowed Israeli airlines to use its airspace for flights to and from the UAE and Bah rain. But that authorization was not ex tended to flights departing and arriving at other destinations until last month as part of a multilateral agreement to trans fer control of a pair of Red Sea islands from Egypt to Saudi Arabia that was bro kered by the Biden administration.
Rav Cohen was influential in the Shas political party, leading the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah.
Yerushalayim, passed away. He was 91.


The Columbus Education Association union, representing over 4,000 teach
Teaching unions in both Ohio and Philadelphia are slated to strike days be fore the 2022-2023 school year gets un derway. In a statement, teachers alluded to a number of issues they were unhap py with, including oversized classrooms, stricter rules on what is allowed to be taught, school violence, low pay, and a lack of functional heating and air conditioning.
The district said that Columbus City Schools serve approximately 47,000 stu dents. With no time left for replacing the striking teachers, schools will be forced to provide online classes with substitute teachers. Since a majority of sports class es are also taught by regular teachers, most of these will have to be rescheduled or cancelled.TheAmerican school system has been plagued by low morale as a result of Covid and other changes to the education sys tem.The Columbus Board of Education slammed the planned strike, saying it was “disappointed” with the decision.
ing professionals, voted to go on strike for the first time since 1975 when 94% of its members voted to reject the school board’s final proposal. A day ahead of the Ohio vote, a union of about 2,000 teach ers in Philadelphia made the same move, vowing to fight for higher pay and better training programs.
Busing Migrants from TX to NY, DC
One school employee told the media of classroom conditions and how stu dents and teachers have to deal with fluc tuating temperatures depending on the classroom. She said that even in classes with adequate air conditioning in place, the system still needs fixing.
“The notion of trusting G-d is com mon across faiths,” CAIR’s director Corey Saylor said. “Applied through that lens, the posters can foster discussions among Texas students about their various faiths and enhance understanding.”
28 wounds, Escudero-Kontostathis survived the lightning strike, hiding beneath a tree in Lafayette Park, directly across from the WhiteEscudero-KontostathisHouse.
“Tonight’s vote by the Columbus Ed ucation Association (CEA) is incredibly disappointing. We are saddened by the unfortunate situation our families, our community and, most importantly, our children now face,” read a statement by the school board, which called an emer gency meeting on SuperintendentMonday.Talisa Dixon, in the meantime, reacted in a similar fashion, calling for a speedy resolution to the cri sis.
Liberal critics are protesting a new Texas law requiring state schools to dis play posters with the national motto of “In G-d We Trust” in every campus build ing along with a picture of the American and state flag.
“It is my hope that we are able to come to a resolution quickly and get all of our students back in their classrooms with their teachers as soon as possible. It’s what our students deserve,” she stated, also vowing to open nine rec reation centers in city parks to provide students with “safe, adult-supervised locations and easy internet access” to fill up their time before the strike runs its course.
The largest group of migrants, num bering at least 140, arrived in NYC from Texas last week, according to the mayor’s office of immigrant affairs. The group, consisting of at least 10 children, was the latest to be sent by Texas Governor Greg
Teachers’ Strike
was canvass ing the park for a grassroots organization, collecting money for non-profits when the strike occurred. She happened to be wearing Doc Martin shoes with thick rubber soles. She believes they may have helped save her life by absorbing part of the shock from the Escudero-Kontostathisstrike.
recounts how doctors told her they’ve never seen a pa tient survive an incident of her nature. “I’m not sure why I’m the one that made it,” she told reporters. “I definitely have survivor’s guilt because if I were to be this lucky, I feel everyone should be.”
While the bill, dubbed SB 797, also states that the required insignia must be donated by private institutions, some view the move as an infringement on reli gious liberty and the separation of church andBackersstate. of the new law, however, see it as an indication that America is still a country governed by Christian ideals and that schoolchildren should be proud of their national heritage.
“The emergency nurses actually brought my heartbeat back twice, and there were 10 minutes between those two heartbeats where I didn’t have oxygen to my brain; I didn’t have a heartbeat at all,” she“Don’trecollects.just go out in a thunderstorm wearing Docs because that will not save you, that’s for sure,” says the lucky survi vor, pointing out that the Secret Service agents and ER employees who brought her back to life deserve credit for the op eration. “In G-d We Trust” in TX Schools
State Rep. Tom Oliverson, one of the co-authors of the bill, referred to it as a “great opportunity” to display the na tional motto, while Sen. Bryan Hughes, another co-author, praised the measure for “asserting our collective trust in a sov ereignOpponentsG-d.” of the law believe it im poses religion in public schools. “In the broader context, it’s hard not to see them as part of the larger Christian nationalist project,” Sophie Ellman-Golan, director of strategic communications at Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), told TheEllman-GolanGuardian. said the bill also affected other issues such as women’s health and education.TheCouncil on American-Islamic Re lations (CAIR) took a different approach, saying the initiative could pave the way for inter-faith dialogue.

A store in Beverly Hills in California is banning face masks to prevent theft and violence aimed at staff and merchandise. Fraser Ross owns the boutique chain Kitson.According to a sign in the window of the store, face masks in his largest store are banned out of concern for the “safety
“Texas has also bused over 7,000 mi grants to our nation’s capital since April and over 900 migrants to New York City since August 5,” read a press release from Governor Abbott’s office. “The busing mis sion is providing much-needed relief to our overwhelmed border communities.”
D.C.: $1K Per Family
Store Bans Face Masks
“The idea is to help people turn the page and start their new beginning here in New York in a better way,” Masbia Executive Director Alexander Rapaport was quoted as saying following the day’s events.
New York Mayor Eric Adams and other Democratic Party officials, in the meantime, have accused Abbott of using the crisis as a cynical political ruse aimed at undermining his political opponents despite the governor’s claims that the mi grants have come willingly after signing a waiver consenting to the trip. Mayor Ad ams has repeatedly said in the past that New York City is a sanctuary city that wel comesIncludingmigrants.the hundreds bused in from Texas, about 6,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York from border states since May, according to the mayor’s immigrant affairs office.
The one-time payments are just one of several programs offering financial as sistance to D.C. families after the district updated its TANF priorities from focus ing solely on helping adults find work to also including provisions for families and schoolchildren.Thedistrictwill also provide up to $41 million in food assistance through the summer’s Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer program that was announced in July, providing more than 80,000 children and teenagers access to healthy meals during the summer and school year. Schools in D.C. start on August 29.
29Abbott, who blames the Biden adminis tration for fomenting the current migrant crisis.
Last week, Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that low-in come families in the district will be re ceiving a one-time payment of $1,000 ahead of the school year. Families who are enrolled in the Tem porary Assistance for Needy Families are going to be getting the money, which is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, over the coming weeks. Roughly 1,500 families are enrolled in the TANF program, according to the mayor’s office.“We know that back-to-school time can be an expensive time of year for fam ilies — new uniforms, haircuts, supplies.
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Jewish groups have been at the fore front of efforts to ease the plight for migrants in the Big Apple. Aid workers from the Jewish community response group Masbia Relief were on hand on Friday providing basic amenities to the newcomers while welcoming the refu gees with signs in English, Hebrew, and Spanish.
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While the asylum seekers themselves say they are happy to be bused out of Tex as to be headed for destinations such as Washington, D.C., and New York City, border officials and representatives con tinue to point the finger at President Biden’s border policies which have seen hundreds of thousands enter the U.S. in the past year alone.
There are a lot of expenses all at once,” Bowser said. “So we are disbursing these funds now to give families an extra cash bump during a busy time of year so that our students and families can have a strong start to an important school year.”

“We’re living in Gotham City,” he went on, comparing the wealthy commer cial district of Beverly Hills to the fiction al crime-filled city that prompts Batman to become a vigilante. Crime, he said, “is at an all-time level.”
Like humans, dogs have tear ducts that well up with tears to keep their eyes clean and healthy. But tears in dogs, which tend not to fall as they do when humans cry, haven’t been linked with emotion until now.
Ross has been vocal about his criti cism of Covid protocols implemented by California Gov. Gavin Newsom and L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, calling them “rules for thee, not for me.”
Ross’ ban of face masks comes just weeks after Los Angeles County weighed the possibility of implementing an indoor mask mandate amid rising Covid-19 in fections.
It’s been a year-and-a-half since the event of January 6, 2021. Since then, at least 896 people have been arrested and charged with crimes. The FBI says there are more people to charge and is asking for the public’s help in tracking those down who were in the Capitol that day. Only 363 federally charged rioters have entered guilty pleas so far. The number of people charged in the event is expected to keep growing as FBI agents pore through video footage, social media posts, phone location data, and tips from the Democraticpublic.members of Congress pushed for a bipartisan commission to investigate the Capitol riot akin to the one made post-9/11. The House of Representatives narrowly voted to create a commission on June 30, 2021. Reps. Liz Cheney – who was just recently defeated in the primaries in her state – and Adam Kinzinger are the only Republicans on the panel. House Minority Leader Kevin Mc Carthy said the Republican Party would create its own investigation into January 6, 2021. Since the creation of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, the committee has interviewed hundreds of people, issued dozens of subpoenas, and sorted through thousands of documents relating to the riots. The committee scheduled its first hearing to showcase its findings on June 9, 2022. On January 13, 2022, the Department of Justice unsealed an indictment against the leader of the Oath Keepers, Elmer Stewart Rhodes, and 10 associates, charging them with “seditious conspira cy,“ the most severe charge levied against any of the alleged Capitol rioters so far. The first jury trial relating to the Capitol riots resulted in a jury finding ri oter Guy Reffitt guilty on each of the five counts he faced after fewer than 4 hours of deliberations. U.S. prosecutors said Reffitt brought a pistol and flex-cuffs to the Capitol but didn’t enter the building.
The ban on masks in his store origi nated from his employees, who are fear ful of thieves who cover their faces while targeting high-end stores.
Dogs Emotional,Get Too
30 of our staff & assets of store.”
“The masks have nothing to do with politics; it’s to protect the assets,” Ross said. “I’m protecting my employees and ourRossassets.”has put his politics on display with his window storefront displays, some of which have gone viral. In a 2020 display during the holiday season, Ross featured Anthony Fauci and Nancy Pelosi as “Hypocrites of 2020.”
The final straw, Ross said, came about two weeks ago, when two women wear ing masks, whom he believes had been banned from Kitson for shoplifting, en tered the store. When security guards confronted them, they yelled to stay away because of Covid-19.
With the help of 20 dogs, research ers then compared the amount of tears before and after reunions with their owners and people with whom the animals were familiar. Only the reunion with the owner increased the amount of tears.
“We found that dogs shed tears as sociated with positive emotions,” Kiku sui, who coauthored the research that was published on Monday in the jour nal Current Biology, said.
to talk about it, though, because I was outing Fauci,” he recalled. Ross listed several recent thefts and robberies he said have occurred in his store and neighboring businesses, in cluding one in which someone threat ened an employee with scissors and two Japanese tourists had luggage stolen from their car.
New research from Japan suggests that a dog’s eyes may well up with tears of happiness when reunited with their owner after a period of absence.
“We also made the discovery of oxy tocin as a possible mechanism under lying it,” Kikusui said, referring to the hormone that in humans is sometimes called the love or maternal hormone.
“The mainstream media didn’t want
“I was sick of people coming into this store, and we can’t get them from a lineup,” he said. “They wear bucket hats, hoodies, and you can only see their eyes. You can’t say that’s the right person.
Do you think that Fido became a bit emotional when you came home from work today? You may not be wrong.
Takefumi Kikusui, a professor at the Laboratory of Human-Animal Interac tion and Reciprocity at Azabu Universi ty in Japan, decided to investigate dog tears after watching one of his two stan dard poodles when she had puppies six years ago. He noticed that her eyes got teary as she nursed her puppies.
There’s still a lot the researchers don’t know about dog tears. Humans often cry in response to negative emo tions, but researchers didn’t test to see if dogs did the same, too. They also don’t know if a dog’s ability to tear up plays a social function in the ca nine world.
896 Charged in Jan 6. Events

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 31

Fauci to Step Down
The commission’s report, called the Preliminary Assessment of Veterans in the Criminal Justice System, also said Justice Department data showed that about 8% of all U.S. inmates, or about 181,500, were military veterans. There are multiple risk factors that may contribute to the higher rates of incarceration for veterans. Those fac tors include combat-related trauma and post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries, substance abuse, adverse child hood experiences and trauma while in the military. Many of those risk factors were inter-related.Veteransserving time are, on average, 51 or 52 years old, while incarcerated civilians without military backgrounds are generally 38 to 40 years old. Veterans who served in the military after Sept. 11, 2001, even though they may be under 50, could be at higher risk of incarceration, in part because many had multiple overseas deployments.
On Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci an nounced that he will be stepping down from his post as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseas es and as President Biden’s chief medical adviser in December to “pursue the next chapter” of his career. Fauci is insisting that he is not retiring.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Veterans are More Likely to be Arrested According to a preliminary report from a new nonpartisan commission led by prominent former military and law enforcement officials, military veterans are more likely than the rest of the public to be arrested. Data from the report sug gests that combat-related stress and inju ries may be behind the higher incidents of arrests.TheVeterans Justice Commission, officially launched Tuesday by the Coun cil on Criminal Justice think tank, found that about one-third of veterans say they have been arrested at least once, compared to fewer than one-fifth of all non-veterans, citing Justice Department data from 2015.
querading as “Republicansoversight.really, to them you are a symbol of the restrictions that came along with Covid-19. Of course, Republican lawmakers and you have clashed many times, and they are expected to take over the House this fall, potentially, and they promised to investigate you if they did,”
The commission will be chaired by Chuck Hagel, a former defense secre tary and Republican senator from Ne braska, and it will include former De fense Secretary and White House chief of staff Leon Panetta, a former sergeant major in the Marine Corps, other for mer military and criminal justice pro fessionals and two formerly incarcerat ed veterans. In two years, commission members will report their findings and their recommendations to prevent vet eran incarceration.
The face of Covid also has said that he has “nothing to hide,” adding that Repub licans lawmakers who have threatened to investigate him didn’t play a role in his decision to step down. He has accused the GOP of “character assassination” mas
CNN’s Kaitlin Collins said Fauci on Tues day morning, adding, “Did that have any role in your departure?” Fauci is insisting that the GOP did not play a role. “Really, none at all. Not even a slight amount. I have nothing to hide. And I can defend everything I’ve done. So that doesn’t phase me or bother me. My deci sions of stepping down go back well over a year,” Fauci said. “I had decided I might want to step down at the end of the Trump adminis tration, but when President Biden was elected, one of the first things he did was to ask me to join and be his chief medical adviser, which I took as a great honor and I enthusiastically accepted. I thought that was going to last about a year that we would be having Covid be hind us after a year. But obviously pain fully so, that’s not the case,” Fauci con tinued. “But having thought about that… I think we’re in a relatively good place

Fauci has served as NIAID director for 38 years under seven presidents, be ginning with Ronald Reagan, “on new ly emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats,” including HIV/AIDS and West Nile Virus. He feels the country needs to “pull together” and put the health of Americans above partisan politics.
The spokesman didn’t respond specif ically to the question of whether a position to narrowly cover progressive or left-wing media existed or was being created at the newspaper. The Times has a number of reporters on its media team that cover the large, ideologically diverse industry, but none appear to focus squarely on the left.
Recent references to “right-wing me dia” in the Times print, however, have been along the lines of the new beat: cov erage of how conservative and right-wing press outlets have covered major news events, such as the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid – “right-wing media amplifying the fury directed at the Biden administra tion,” the Times reported. Only 16% of Americans said they have a “great deal or quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers in 2022, a 5% drop com pared to the 2021 findings, according to a recent Gallup survey. It was the lowest number to give those answers since Gal lup started asking about newspapers in 1973. Just 11% had such levels of confi dence in TV news, also a record low.
“Our media and technology desks thoroughly cover many aspects of hy per-partisan media and misinformation (when relevant). The Politics desk creat ed a new beat on this topic because many Americans rely solely on right wing me dia for their information, which often bears little resemblance to what is being reported in mainstream media. We want our readers to be informed about what is driving the political decisions of many Americans,” a spokesperson said.
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Interestingly, according to Fox News, a search of the NYT website showed that 577 Times articles – including more than 200 opinion pieces – contain the term “right-wing media,” while just 48 have the term “left-wing media,” a ratio of more than 12 to 1. Many of the “leftwing media” references were simply from quoting figures like former President Trump deriding outlets they viewed as having liberal bias, rather than the Times reporting critically on them.
Halbfinger said that Bensinger’s new assignment was filled with “people who reject mainstream narratives and ques tion the institutions that hold up our democracy. Understanding the way in formation is developed, circulated and absorbed on the right is vital at this pre carious moment, and requires a healthy measure of patience, empathy and under standing along with investigative chops, skepticism and toughness.”
33with regard to Covid, if we utilize and im plement the interventions that we have, and I just felt it was the right time, partic ularly since I’m still healthy and energetic and passionate about what I want to do, and I think that’s the time to move on to the next Whenphase.”asked if he would testify if asked by Republicans to do so, Fauci said that he would, although he add ed, “But you got to remember, I believe oversight is a very important part of gov ernment structure. And I welcome it and can be productive. But what has hap pened up until now is more of a charac ter assassination than it is oversight,” he said. “So, sure, I would be happy to co operate, so long as we make it something that says dignified oversight, which it should be. And not just bringing up ri diculous things and attacking my char acter. That’s not oversight.”
In this addendum to Musaf for Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Wein explores the text and highlights the relevance and glory that the prayers and the sounds of the Shofar bring to our lives year round. This 112 page, soft-cover book of insights will make a wonderful companion to one's Rosh Hashana prayers.
The New York Times has another an gle it wishes to cover: “right-wing media.” The Times’ political editor David Halbfinger announced last week that longtime BuzzFeed News investigative reporter Ken Bensinger would “pioneer a new beat covering right-wing media as part of the democracy team on the Poli tics desk.”
“If ever there was a situation where we wanted everyone to pull together and rec ognize we’re dealing with common ene mies which are these pathogens that cause outbreaks and already, for example, Covid killed one million Americans,” Fauci said. “That is not time to have political ideation be separating us in what should be a common effort to end this, and that’s not the case. So when I reflect, I hope things improve.”
NYT to Media”“Right-WingCover
Bensinger tweeted that his new job was “important and complex” and re quired “sensitivity and nuance at a critical time for this nation.”

Fast Food Love to eat out? What about fast food? What about eating a lot of fast food fast? Recently, two chefs filmed them selves visiting 69 fast food restaurants
Surf’s Up
Nick DiGiovanni and Lynn Davis, aka Lynja, chose Manhattan as the location for their attempt at the Guinness World Record because they could visit all 69 eateries with a single 8-mile walk. The TikTok stars, who previ ously earned records by cooking up the world’s largest chicken nug get and world’s largest cake pop, were ac companied on their restaurant-hopping adventure by Guinness World Records adjudicator Andrew Glass. The duo was required to purchase and consume at least one food or drink item at each location – but the rules didn’t stipulate they had to do the consuming themselves, so at several locations other customers waiting in line were treated to freeWherefood. to begin? Their journey start ed bright and early, at 8:30 a.m., at the McDonald’s in Times Square. Along the way, they stopped at other eateries in cluding Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Taco Bell, Shake Shack, Burger King, ChickFil-A, Wendy’s, Chipotle and Five Guys.
“We had never heard of a pearl in a clam. I always thought they came in oys ters,” Overland added.
Two men got to see Venice in a unique way last week. Last Wednesday morning, the pair was filmed surfing on Venice’s Grand Ca nal. Riding eFoils – electric surfboards raised out of the water on hydrofoils –they raced up and down the canal, dodg ing water buses and water taxis. Locals – and politicians – were not pleased with the surfing stunt. The Grand Canal is not just the center of the UNESCO World Heritage site lined with historical buildings; it’s also the main thoroughfare of Venice. As they passed under the Accademia Bridge, one of the surfers fell off his board but made sure to hold what appeared to be his phone out of the water, filming his companion.MayorLuigi Brugnaro tweeted a vid eo of the surfers, calling them “two over bearing idiots making a mockery of the city.” He offered a free dinner to anyone able to identify the pair. Ultimately, the law caught up with the pair, whose surfboards (worth around $24K each) were confiscated for not be ing insured. Each of the surfers were fined around $1,500 and were expelled from the they’re in hot water.
in a 24-hour period in New York. Chefs
The chefs had 24 hours to complete the record, but they managed to visit all of the restaurants within 7 hours and 15 minutes, despite some time lost by get ting stuck in an elevator at Macy’s on they had a lot on their plate. Hidden Gem When Scott Overland went out to eat last week, he got more than he bargained for – in a good way. The man from Pennsylvania was eating clams with his family when they made an unusual discovery: a purple pearl.
The family soon realized the object was a pearl.
“At first, my wife thought it was, like, a bead, or one of those – it looked like one of those ‘Dot’ candies on the paper,” Overland said. “We thought the chef dropped something in there.”

Tim Parsons, a spokesman for Bal lard Clams and Oysters, which supplied the restaurant with the northern quahog clam that produced Overland’s purple pearl, said the company generally learns of two or three pearl discoveries per year in the oysters and clams it supplies to restaurants.“Usually, it’s over a dentist claim,” Parsons quipped. “But you can definitely get it graded and they are worth money.”
Start shucking those clams, Scott.
“However, 20 years later I regretted it, so I made myself a vineyard is only 200 square feet. At that size, it only yields 29 bottles of wine a year. But those bottles come at a price. Ma soni prices them at a jaw-dropping price of 5,000 euros each – around $5,000. At that price, you can’t buy your booze in a store; bottles are sold in an art gallery a few blocks away.
Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove that lightning was electricity.
The world’s smallest vineyard only makes only 29 bottles of wine a year, but its owner says it’s worth it. Tullio Masoni created the tiny or chard on top of a building in Italy named Via Mari 10. That’s the building’s address and also the name of the wine itself.
“My vineyard is like that: It’s unex pected; it stimulates the brain; it sparks newMasoni’sthoughts.”wine is babied since its in ception. It’s aged in oak barrels that are also sculptures by another local artist, Lorenzo Menozzi. Masoni also got Gi useppe Camuncoli, an established Mar vel comic book artist who was born in Reggio Emilia, to draw a special edition of his wine label. As a result, he encour ages his buyers to never open the bottles but treat them like artworks.
35Pearls produced by quahog clams are often button-shaped, like Overland’s, and can be white, brown or purple. They are “exceptionally rare” – occurring in about one in 5,000 shells, according to the International Gem Society.
you know?
Pressed on what the wine is really like in the glass – we dare not taste it at that price –Masoni offers some unique tasting notes: “At the first sip, you get a lot of perplexity, but after a few seconds, something comes alive in your palate that opens up your mind to a new dimen sion,” he said. “My wine does not offer tranquility, rather it traces a red vertical line inside your mind, that conveys a feeling of in finiteOfspeed.”course, we will just have to take his word for it. And that makes us want to whine.
pocket-size vine yard.”The
“My wine is a form of artistic expres sion, a philosophical provocation, some thing to keep in your living room so you can chat about it with your friends and tell them about the lunatic who put a vineyard on his rooftop,” said Masoni.
“My father was into winemaking,” he said. “I inherited an actual vineyard in the countryside around Reggio Emilia, but when I looked at the books, I realized I’d have spent more money on it than I’d have made, so I sold it.
Overland said he is planning to have the pearl appraised. Pearls like the one he found can be valued from $600 to $16,000. But the couple may not sell the gem. “We are still deciding what to do with it, but we are leaning towards keeping it as a cool family heirloom and something to remember the trip by,” Overland says. “We may turn it into a nice piece of jewel ry, but I am going to have to keep eating a lot of clams to find a second one if my wife wants earrings!”
“I’m the only wine producer in the world who says you shouldn’t drink his wine,” he said. Even before the wine is put into cas kets, it’s treated with kidskin gloves. The vines are fed with eggs, bananas, seaweed, and nightingale droppings, according to Masoni, but he says their “diet” also includes the voices coming from the neighborhood – the quarrels and the various dialects that enrich and contaminate the fruit, giving it an edge over countryside grapes, which enjoy only silence.
World’s VineyardSmallest

202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Around Communitythe
A Spectacular Finish for YLX
YLX 2022 ended with a splash! The YLX Grand Pool Party Finale was hosted by the Walden family in North Woodmere. The boys enjoyed a well-earned event they won’t soon forget. A gourmet barbecue partially donated by Meat Maven and entire ly arranged by R’ Lazer Weiss featured incredible food, grilled to perfection by Chef Sachi. R’ Lazer Weiss also manned two outdoor deep-frying units featuring a va riety of fried delights. The excitement was not merely gastronomic. The boys enjoyed basketball, swimming, and music from the talented DJ Joe Weiser. Of course, YLX superstar Rebbe R’ Yoni Sokol had the boys danc ing the night away. This year’s YLX program was extra special. For the first time in YLX history, YLX was extended an extra week. “We had to,” explains YLX founder, Rabbi Aryeh Dachs. “The program this year was extra special.” Rabbi Dachs relates that he was amazed at the re markable success of the program this year. Over 100 boys attended YLX 2022 in both locations, Lawrence, and Inwood. “And the boys learned!” Rabbi Dachs adds. More specifically, this year the boys learned a num ber of specially crafted YLX sugyos with their talented YLX Rebbeim. The focus this year was loosely centered around bein adam l’chaveiro. The boys studied sugyos in kibbud av v’eim, lo sirtzach, geneivas da’as, lo sach mod, lashon hora l’toeles. Rabbi Dachs is also proud of a new YLX minhag started this year by R’ Shuie Gree enwald and R’ Chesky Schreier in the Inwood location: a pre-maariv rikud! The YLX energy simply refuses to dampen.YLXis a community program and could not exist without help from local donors and restaurant spon sors. Long-time YLX sponsor, Traditions, provides the boys of YLX with their famous poppers and fries once a week. Other establishments helped as well. These in clude Carlos and Gabby’s, Bogo Pizza, Holy Schnitzel, Sushi Tokyo, Meat Maven, and Gourmet Glatt. Thank you!

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 37

SHABBOS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MishnahMaaserSheniPerek15-6 PerekMaaserSheni1:7-Perek2:1 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek22-3 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek24-5 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek26-7 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek28-9 FRIDAY PerekMaaserSheni2:10-Perek3:1AUGUST 27THSEPTEMBER 2ND THIS MISHNAHWEEK’SYOMISCHEDULE: Includes insights and derashos of Rabbi Dovid Abuchatzeira Shlit”a
The Teachings of the Abir Yaakov — as timely today as they were when the tzaddik first wrote them.
The Teachings of the Abir Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeira
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 38 New from Strengthen Your Bitachon Every Day — And See How Wonderful Life Can Be! In these stories, you will truly see how people — children and adults, famous men and women and people “just like us” — honor their parents in the most amazing ways! My Parents and Me also includes a fascinating chapter on the halachos of Kibbud Av Va’Eim — explained and illustrated with true stories. NEW! VOLUMENEW! 3 ISRAEL >> ARTSCROLLISRAEL.CO.IL | GITLERBOOKS.CO.IL EUROPE >> LEHMANNS.CO.UK Based on the bestselling Honor Them, Revere Them by Rabbi RabbiFinkelmanShimonandZechariahWallersteinz”l NEW! From the author of onBeisbestsellingtheHaLeviBitachon WATCH: Rabbi David Sutton on the Bitachon Book That Will Change Your Life! WATCH AT INSIDE.ARTSCROLL.COM “In muscles.”theirstrengthenlookingforistimes,challengingthesethisbookamust-haveeveryonetoBitachon – CharleneAminoff Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira — the "Abir Yaakov" — was the scion of one of the most illustrious Torah families of Morocco. Baba Sali was one of his grandsons, and Rav David Abuchatzeira, the renowned Kabbalist of Nahariya, is a great-great-grandson.TheAbirYaakov authored over a dozen works of Jewish thought, Kabbal ah and halachah. Here, his teachings are arranged by topic, and included intro ductions, background information, and elucidations.

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The Easiest Way to Study or Review Shaar
he guidance and principles Shaar HaBitachon (Reliance on Hashem) of Chovos HaLevavos, written nearly a thousand years ago, continue to resonate with our generation.Asawork of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Talmud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words.
The Concise Shaar HaBitachon addresses the countless perplexing challenges that confront every Jew in the contemporary world. For any Jew who wants to come closer to Hashem, The Concise Shaar HaBitachon is required reading. HaBitachon of shemiras halashon ahavas Yisrael to includes a comprehensive topic and source index Chaim
life. Also

HaRav Dovid Cohen meeting with Hanhalas Dirshu regarding the Chaburas Shas Program
In the few months since its inception, the program has really caught on and numerous chaburos have already begun learning the program together. Many night kollelim have also adopted the pro gram as their night seder program. Thus, a motivated avreich, in addition to his two main sedarim in the morning and afternoon, can acquire a comprehensive knowledge of many masechtos b’iyun during night seder. On a recent trip to Eretz Yisrael, Dir shu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, gave an iyun shiur in the sugya of Masechta Bava Kama in which the program was holding. The shiur was given in the Zvhill Beis Medrash right near the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim. Many avreichim learn ing in the Mir participated in the shiur along with avreichim from yeshivos and kollelim from all over Yerushalayim. The well-attended shiur was received with great enthusiasm by the lomdim and af terwards, many of them expressed their deep hakoras hatov to Rav Hofstedter for providing them with such a program. One yungerman said, “We should pay to be able to learn in such a program, but instead we are getting paid for excellent test results in the monthly tests!”
40 Around the Community
Rashi, Tosafos, the special kuntress pub lished by Dirshu with maarei mekomos of the primary Rishonim and Acharonim on the sugyos being learned. Rav Dov Landau: The Program is Excellent and Has All the Maalos! When the hanahala of Dirshu recent ly went to meet with Rav Dov Landau, presenting him with the details of the program and a sample of the maareh mekomos, he exclaimed, “The program is excellent and has all the maalos! For avreichim who appreciate this way of learning, it is wonderful!” The venerated Rosh Yeshiva concluded by saying, “Ash reichem! Yagdil Torah v’yaadir, the more Torah there is; the more Torah that is be ing learned, the greater the zechus.”
By Chaim Gold The newest Dirshu program has al ready created waves of excitement in the olam haTorah. The Chabu ras Shas program, Dirshu’s latest iyun program created for mature bnei Torah, is already gaining wide popularity and has been enthusiastically encouraged by leading senior Gedolim both in Eretz Yis rael and GedolimAmerica.suchas HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Slabod ka, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, shlita, Rosh Ye shivas Tiferes Yerachmiel, and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, have all praised the program as a worthy one for bnei To rah who find satisfaction in a limud that combines iyun kal with a clear schedule of learning and chazarah that, over time, empower the participant to cover large parts of Shas with iyun. The program began masechta Bava Kama this past Rosh Chodesh Iyar. Re ports thus far from the lomdim have been effusive. The structure and, even more importantly, the maareh mekomos provided by Dirshu have enabled the more than 2,000 participants to learn ten blatt a month and not just learn them superficially but to really gain a grasp of the sugya with iyun and deep havanah. The Chaburas Shas features the learn ing of two and a half blatt each week (an amud per day) with Friday and Shabbos consecrated for chazarah. There are two tracks: Track one is Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos with a thirty-question test ev ery month. Track two features Gemara,
The Middle Ground
There is, however, a middle ground between the derech of in-depth iyun and bekius. That is the derech that in today’s world is called “iyun kal.” Iyun kal means that you learn the same thing every day. You don’t split up the morning for full iyun and the afternoon for full bekius, rather you learn the same thing in the morning and the afternoon so that you are deeply immersed in the same sugya all day. However, in this method, you learn at a quicker pace than regular iyun. You don’t look at all the Rishonim. Instead, you pick one or two Rishonim. Similarly, you don’t learn all the Achar onim but focus on the primary kushyos from the acharonim. Then you contin ue to the next blatt. There were great Gedolim who strongly advocated this approach such as the Brisker Rav, Rav Shach and Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapira. With iyun kal, Rav Shach held that one could learn 60-70 blatt in one zeman! In Rav Shach’s opinion, this was the proper way to learn, and he often urged bnei To rah to cover more ground.
“That being said,” Rav Dovid Co hen continued, “the fact remains that in most yeshivos, iyun kal is not the derech halimud. Most yeshivos learn with great depth and we sit on one sugya for
Rav Dovid Cohen Hails Dirshu’s New Chaburas Shas Program as Opportunity For Avreichim
Rav Dovid Hofstedter discussing the Chaburas Shas program with HaRav Gershon Edelstein in his home
Rav Dovid Cohen: True Gedolim Come from Combining Iyun and Bekius Perhaps the Gadol who has been most involved in the program and has accom panied it since the conceptual stage is HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen. Rav Cohen explained that the Chaburas Shas pro gram is really rooted in the derech halim ud of the great yeshivos. In the pre-war olam haTorah there were two schools of thought regarding derech halimud. One approach was to consecrate part of the day for iyun and part for bekius. “That is what was done when I was a bachur learning in the Chevron Yeshiva,” he said. Indeed, Rav Moshe Mordechai Ep stein, the Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka in Lita and Chevron, first in Chevron and later in Yerushalayim, writes in the in troduction to his sefer Levush Morde chai, “A person should institute two sepa rate sedarim, one of Gemara with tosafos b’iyun and the other half of the day a per son should learn Gemara and become a trueRavbaki…”Isser Zalman Meltzer, who learned in the Volozhiner Yeshiva that preceded Slabodka, said that in Volozhin there were a few schools of thought. There were those who utilized all their time to learn solely b’iyun. There were those who only learned bekius and there were those who split their time, part for iyun and the other part for bekius. The true Gedolim came from those who combined and syn thesized the two approaches.

The “Golden Opportunity” for Avreichim Rav Dovid Cohen explained that one of the reasons he is so enthusiastic about the Dirshu Chaburas Shas program is because it offers a beautiful synthesis of bekius and b’iyun in what is today called iyun“Whenkal. I was a bachur,” Rav Cohen reminisced, “and I learned bekius, af ter I finished learning the Gemara with Rashi and Tosafos I wanted to catch a glimpse of the rishonim and acharonim on the sugya. I would quickly look into the Ketzos Hachoshen, Avnei Miluim, Rabi Akiva Eiger, Rav Chaim Brisker, the Brisker Rav… There were otzros, trea sures of kushyos and approaches to the sugya. It is a pity to forgo all those won derful treasures! It took me time to find the treasures. The amazing thing about the Chaburas Shas program is that you don’t have to spend time looking for the rishonim and acharonim that shed light on the sugya. The maareh mekomos pre pared by Dirshu has saved you the time it takes to look around. It is ready for you. Those maareh mekomos are a tremen dous help to be able really penetrate to the heart of the sugya and to access the basic lomdus and ‘rayd’ on every sugya.
“The main thing,” the Rosh Yeshiva repeated, “is that ev ery person should learn in accordance with his natural incli nation. Chazal teach us that this is the way to truly grow in Torah!”
“I believe there are several reasons why this approach has been accepted in our generation. Firstly, this derech really guides a bachur into how to think, what is a good sevarah and what is not. Also, we have seen from experience that this approach has the power to truly connect a bachur to learning, to give him a taam and a geshmak in uncovering the depth in each word of the Gemara and the Ris honim. I feel that in our dor, deep iyun brings a talmid to have a deep connection withRavlearning.”Cohen was then asked, “What about avreichim who are already ad vanced in learning? Shouldn’t they start learning in a way that they will finish ma sechtos and cover ground?”
Iyun or Bekius?
“In truth, the better a person under stands the sugya, the better he remem bers it. This is why the Iyun Kal program not only serves as an iyun seder but also helps your bekius, helping you retain the many blatt learned.”
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 41Around the Community days and sometimes even weeks. We go through the different Rishonim and the differences between them, as well as the Acharonim. We give hagdaros and se varos on every inyan.
“I remember when Rav Nochum Part zovitz, who was the ‘shpitz’ lamden, de livered a hesped on his grandfather, Rav Leizer Yehuda Finkel, the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, he said that a person who learns iyun without bekius, is not really learning iyun and someone that learns bekius with out learning b’iyun is not learning bekius.” Rav Cohen concluded, “Those ba churim who only learn iyun do not end up growing properly. Similarly, those bachurim who only learn bekius are also missing so much. I remember when I learned in Chevron, we learned bekius much quicker than they do today. We did about 4 blatt a week and the Mashgiach, Rav Meir Chodosh would push us to do five blatt a week. He would say, ‘What is your plan to finish Shas?’ In fact, Rav Mi chel Yehuda Lefkowitz once told me that because of Rav Meir’s hashpaah, he end ed up completing Shas while he was still a bachur learning in Chevron!”
Rav Dovid responded, “One cannot tell a yungerman who derives great satis faction from learning deep iyun to trans fer to iyun kal just because he needs to cover more ground. After all, iyun offers a deeper, better understanding of what one is learning. That is also a tremendous maalah. Therefore, if a yungerman is learning with great hasmadah and finds great satisfaction learning this way one cannot, and perhaps should not tell him to stop and change the way he learns. Of course, he must also have a bekius sed er to learn masechtos. I do not hold that anyone should only learn iyun.
“If we offer bekius programs,” Dirshu’s Hanhala asked next, “shouldn’t we worry that people will choose one of the limudim and neglect the other?”
A discussion with the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, shlita Hanhalas Dirshu discussing the Chaburas Shas initiative with HaRav Dov Landau
“Anotherway. tremendous quality of the program is that it is most often learned during night seder. Therefore, a yunger man can learn two solid sedarim in his kollel and then join Chaburas Shas and have another seder that will enable him to make a siyum haShas b’iyun kal in about twenty years.” What an opportunity! Iyun or bekius? How much of each should one learn? Is there a formula? This is a very common question in the ye shiva world. Some bachurim are more drawn towards iyun, others get satisfaction from covering ground and knowing large amounts. What is really the best way?
The Rosh Yeshiva replied that they should allow those under thirty to join as well. “There are young avreichim who will thrive learning in such a program.
Before Tisha B’Av this year leading members of Dirshu’s hanhalah posed this very question to the senior Gadol Hador, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, shlita. It was the day before the massive Dirshu Hachana event attended by some 4,000 bachurim entering yeshiva gedolah. In past years, Rav Gershon was a main speaker at this gath ering and was slated to address the kinnus in person, but he had been hospitalized a week earlier and therefore could not personally be present at the asifa. Nevertheless, despite his weakened condition he felt compelled to address Dirshu’s hanhalah at an informal meeting at his home around his kitchen table the day after he was discharged from the hos pital.“Should we focus on programs that stress depth and quality of learning,” was the question, “or should we focus on programs that stress quantity?” Rav Gershon smiled and answered, “Both.” He said, “Dir shu should be offering both options. Options that stress more iyun knowledge of less material and programs that stress more bekius knowledge of more material.”
Rav Dovid Cohen concluded, “I think the Chaburas Shas program presents a golden opportunity for all yungeleit. It gives you the best of both worlds. It al lows a yungerman to truly be koneh beki us in large parts of Shas, if he perseveres, while simultaneously enabling him to re ally understand the tzuresa d’shemaatsa, the structure of the Gemara in a compre hensive
“You do not have to worry about that,” Rav Gershon re plied. “The nature of a person is to learn b’makom sheli bo chafetz, where his heart pulls him. People have differ ent natures. Some people are naturally inclined to bekius and others to iyun. That is why I feel that you should have many types of programs. Each person will find the program that appeals to his particular skillset, the place that is libo chafetz.”Dirshu then asked the Rosh Yeshiva about the age restric tion in its Kinyan Halacha in-depth halacha program. Until now, Dirshu limited the program to avreichim over thirty years old who already learned in kollel for several years and now wanted to begin pursuing in-depth halacha learning. There are many people under thirty, however, who wish to join the program?

“Every summer, hundreds of children from across the globe come to Camp Sim cha to forget about their medical chal lenges and just be kids,” said Nachman Maimon, director of Camp Simcha. “This critical project is an investment in the future of Camp Simcha and will allow us to continue to meet the growing camper population.” C amp Simcha/Special is Chai Lifeline’s flagship summer program for children and teens with life-threatening and life long illnesses. To learn more about Chai Lifeline, visit
On Sunday, August 21, Chai Life line unveiled the newly-renovat ed Silber and Scheiner Families Medical Center at Camp Simcha in Glen Spey, NY. Hundreds of campers, coun selors, staff, and friends were on hand to celebrate the year-long project, which was dedicated by Mendy and Barbara Sil ber of Lawrence, NY. “T he Silber and Scheiner Families Medical Center serves as the heart of Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Spe cial,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “The Silbers have been longtime friends of Chai Life line who care passionately about our mission. Thanks to their generosity and support, children with serious ill nesses will continue to receive top-ofthe-line medical care while enjoying an unforgettable summer experience. This critical project is an investment in the future of Camp Simcha and will allow us to meet the growing camper population.” E stablished in 2010, Camp Simcha’s state-of-the-art medical center rivals and, in many cases, surpasses the capa bilities of many of the best facilities in the region. T he yearlong renovation added more than 2,000 square feet to The Medical Center, significantly increasing the fa cility’s overall capacity and ability to handle all forms of complex medical situations. The expanded facility fea tures new patient exam rooms, inpatient rooms, doctors’ offices, a conference room, an onsite pharmacy/lab, a phys ical therapy center, a staff break room, a hospital-grade HVAC unit and filtration system, and an ambulance bay. In addi tion, the project also includes a variety of new life-saving medical equipment and supplies, such as an intensive care monitoring system, a medical transport cart, cardiac monitors, defibrillators, hospital beds, and more.
Kite flying was banned in Japan in 1760 because too many people preferred to fly kites than work Hempstead Town Clerk Kate Murray greeted the Hirschprung family of Woodmere during Passport Day in Hempstead Town on July 17, 2022 at Hempstead Town Hall. Passport Day allows residents to apply for their travel documents on a convenient weekend date. For more information, call (516) 812-3100.
Camp Simcha Celebrates Dedication of Expanded Silber & Scheiner Families Medical Center
Did you know?
42 Around the Community
AMIT supporters on Long Island came out in force to participate in this year’s AMIT Long Island Yom I’yun. More than 120 women gath ered at the Sephardic Temple on Wednes day, August 3, for our 22nd annual event. This program was chaired by Rebbetzin Mimi Mehlman and is our day of learning for women by women. We were honored to have keynote guest speaker Professor Smadar Rosensweig, who shared her par ents’ personal connection to the AMIT Kfar Batya Village and gave a powerful shiur on “What Is the Secret of Yerusha layim’s Kedusha and Centrality in Our Lives?” Her words were impactful and set us up in a meaningful way for the ap proaching fast. Many expressed their appreciation for such a wonderful program, and we look forward to next year’s 23rd AMIT Yom Iyun – Be”H – A Day of Learning For Women by Women. Annual Yom Iyun

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 43

Republican candidate for Governor of New York Lee Zeldin visited the Nikolsburg shul in Woodbourne, NY, this week
Cross River Bank (“Cross River”), a technology infrastructure provider that offers embedded fi nancial solutions, celebrated National Nonprofit Day, a day which brings awareness to nonprofit organi zations and their lifechanging impact on communities.
Cross River matches employees charitable giving (up to $500 per employee), and so far in 2022, the global Cross River team has donated to a diverse range of charities close to employees’ hearts. These include, but are not limited to: financial empowerment, health and human services, economic development, educa tion, family and children’s services, international re lief, animal rescue, religious institutions and sports programming. Cross River also encourages employees to give back and provides every employee—remote or Fort Lee-based—with two paid volunteer days. To date, employees have volunteered in states beyond Cross River’s geographic footprint, including Texas, Califor nia, Louisiana, Washington and Pennsylvania. As the company continues to grow, so do Cross River’s com munity efforts, financial literacy programming and philanthropic giving. Cross River’s giving arm, Foundation@ Cross Riv er, seeks to foster programing and initiatives focused on health, education and community support. Founda tion@ Cross River is a section 501(c)(3) organization funded by Cross River Bank that makes charitable grants and funds initiatives, programs and projects in both the U.S. and Israel that seek to provide nonprofit and community organizations with funds and services that they need to achieve their goals. Foundation@ is intentional about aligning its mission to support the Bank’s regulatory compliance requirements under the Community Reinvestment Act. Through partnerships with nonprofit organizations, Cross River recogniz es the role played by those that support the ongoing demands for services directly benefitting low-moder ate-income communities and individuals, providing vital services like social services, job training, youth development programing and financial education.
Cross River’s social impact spans philanthropic giving and social responsibility initiatives, including signifi cant employee engagement.
44 Around the Community
“Cross River is proud of our unwavering commit ment to community,” said Miriam L. Wallach, Head of Social Responsibility at Cross River. “Whether in our backyard or in someone else’s, through both equity and sweat equity, there is a thorough commitment to doing what is needed, where it is needed. Top down, the pledge to ‘do good’ is at the very core of what we do.”As a leading financial technology company reshap ing global finance and financial inclusion, Cross River is deeply invested in supporting initiatives that help communities drive positive change for a better future.
Cross River Celebrates National Nonprofit Day

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 45

202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 46 Around the Community Brachos and Love for Every Jew at the Nikolsburg Shul in Woodbourne, NY

got fleishigs? theServingCatskillsandthesurroundingareas Glatt Kosher

Local Bike4Chai Riders
“In addition to being a world-class cycling experience, Bike4Chai is an op portunity for a group of riders from all backgrounds to come together for one incredible cause,” said Zevy Bamberger, director of Bike4Chai. “The atmosphere is one of comradery, inspiration, energy and determination.”
Close to 650 cyclists clipped in for the 13th annual and largest ever summer of Bike4Chai. The twoday premier cycling event, which took place August 17-18, is the highest per cap ita experiential fundraiser in the world, with proceeds benefiting Chai Lifeline, the international children’s health sup port network. Joining the ride were 10 riders from Team Houston. Bike4Chai began Wednesday morn ing, August 17, in Pocono Manor, Pennsyl vania, with riders taking part in a 50-mile endurance ride through the picturesque Pocono Mountains. In the early hours of August 18, riders departed on 60, 85 and 100-mile route options, each with fully stocked rest stops along the way featuring food, supplies and entertainment. The ride ended at The World’s Great est Finish Line, the entrance to Camp Simcha Special, Chai Lifeline’s overnight camp for children with chronic illnesses and disabilities in Glen Spey, NY. There, the cyclists were greeted by hundreds of campers, family, and staff members, who will celebrated along with them. Forty-four members of the commu nity joined the call of Team 5T Riders. Team captain Allan Lieberman of Wood mere has been participating in the ride for 12 consecutive years, since 2011, and his son Joshua is currently a counselor at Camp Simcha Special.
Bike4Chai supports Chai Lifeline’s more than two dozen year-round programs and services, including professional case management and counseling, meal delivery to hospitals and homes, trans portation to medical appointments, emergency financial assistance, crisis intervention and trauma response, in surance advocacy, i-Shine afterschool programming for children living with illness or loss in their families, Camp Simcha summer programming, and more. To learn more, visit Hit the Road For Chai Lifeline
48 Around the Community
“I love the adventure of riding through the spectacular 100-mile route through the well-marked mountain roads of Pennsylvania and New York,” Li eberman said. “The pastoral and breath taking scenery, the myriad of cyclists from all over the world, well stocked rest stops and grand finish line, makes the ride epic. The kids’ smiles at our arrival will last a “Bike4Chailifetime.”isa highlight of the sum mer for our campers and an important fundraiser which enables Chai Lifeline to support its more than 6,000 families throughout the year,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “Every cyclist and every donor plays a critical role in transforming lives impacted by illness. We are inspired and grateful for their dedication and efforts on behalf of ourRiderskids.” were comprised of all ages and skill levels, and include professional ath letes, business leaders, cancer survivors, and many riding in honor or memory of a loved one. Joining the cyclists were 2011 Tour de France winner Cadel Evans, 17-time Tour de France competitor George Hin capie, Super Bowl-winning New York Giant Amani Toomer, and Stanley Cup-winning New York Ranger Mike Richter.
Make a diference in the world, And never work a day in your life. Email your resume ReadyGGross@comforthealthny.orgto:tomakeadifference? Do you have a passion for helping people? For making a difference in the lives of children and their families? Join Comfort health as a supervisor for children that have mental, emotional, or behavioral health challenges. Experience in a managerial position required Why you’ll love it here: Warm and professional enviroment Individualized supervision Flexible work hours Supportive team Job entails: Outreaching and maintaining connections within the community and leading a team of care managers in supporting struggling children and families, as well as ensuring DOH standards are being maintained.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 49Around the Community The Last Week at Simcha Day Camp was Filled with Non-Stop Fun and Excitement for Campers

On Tuesday, there was a heavy fo cus on creating the proper culture for a positive, safe, and encouraging learning environment. After watching a clip on the Navy Seals, the teachers were put to the test. They were broken up into ran domized groups to put together scram bled tiles with minimal clues. This was followed by a conversation on the im portance of teamwork. The teachers dis cussed how they can apply teamwork in their classes to motivate and empower the students in their interpersonal rela tionships.Mrs.Zeryiker then played a video for the teachers presenting two different classroom styles which followed by a discussion of what tools they can incorporate in their classrooms to facil itate an environment of curiosity, respect, and a love for learning. This was a powerful moment for the teachers, as they realized some societal norms for a classroom ac tually inhibit learning. They took this time to reflect and ponder on the tech niques they will use to give over their ro bustWednesdaycurriculums.quickly became one of the most impactful days for the teachers. Mrs. Zeryiker genuinely believes that before entering the year, the staff need ed to deeply understand their students on an emotional and psychological level. Therefore, this day there was a spotlight on learning about the social-emotional wellbeing of teenage girls. Our staff took their time to educate themselves on the hopes, worries, and fears of average high school girls, so that they are better equipped to support their students and help invest into their futures. Our staff at YSZ truly cares for each individual student; we used this time to set ourselves up for success in nurturing student relationships within the classroom and beyond. On the closing day, the faculty started off with a scavenger hunt of everything they learned throughout the week. After each teacher found something inspiring to share, the groups put together presen tations and really made the lessons of the week concrete. A growth mindset is essential for our staff at YSZ High School for Girls, as we wrapped up the eek discussing coaching throughout the year to consistently im prove our roles as educators, role models and life-long learners. As Mrs. Binyam inov said in her reflection of the week, “For me, it’s a reminder that I’m a teacher but also a lifelong student.” Visit our website for more info.
50 Around the Community Yeshiva Sha’arei
Mrs. Zeryiker, the Menahelet, created an agenda for the week that covered four es sential questions that the faculty would use to guide them through this year of teaching, guidance and growth.
The week started off with the dis cussion of how our faculty can bring YSZ’s mission to life. As an innovative, student-centered, Sephardic girls high school, our mission is to inspire, chal lenge, and empower. Inspire our students to live as proud, passionate and deep ly-committed Jewish women; challenge our students to think and be curious lifelong learners; and empower our stu dents to develop their character become the best version of themselves and live a life dedicated to family, community, and purpose. On this day, the teachers discussed the importance of their mis sion and how to incorporate that into the learning and ultimately into the girls’ fu ture. They took notes on how they can in still a love for Judaism in their students and promote student thinking all whilst in a warm, encouraging environment.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Zion High School For Girls Faculty Learning Week Learn to Create Magic In the first week of August, our staff at Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion High School for Girls in Queens joined togeth er for our annual faculty learning week.
The answer is simple: Hillel Day Camp 2022. This summer was an incredible action-packed Summer. Every single day, there were multiple trips, special events and entertainment, and relationships and bonds formed and solidified. Our mini city of Hillel Day Camp became a mecca of fun and happiness where campers and staff were engaged in myriad activities run by the ultimate team of professionals, educators, and community leaders. It is a place where we brought together preschoolers and adults – and every age in between – to work and have fun creating memories that will last a lifetime. On my behalf of our Hillel family, we wish you all a Shana Tovah and a happy, healthy and sweet new year.
Throughout the week, the team reviewed their mission and values, discussed ways in which they can improve their systems, and learned new skills to make this ac ademic year the most magical one yet.
How do we take a year’s worth of activities and excitement and put it into eight short weeks?
Hillel Day Camp Says Goodbye to
Summer 2022 Luxurious Mansion Perfect For Getaways & Simchos! Call Kia today to book your getaway! Marlborough, 860.455.6057/engagedct@gmail.comCTVrbo#2248396 Sleeps 30+ Comfortably Kosher Catering Available Sefer Torah, Siddurim, & Chumashim (available upon request) Shabbos Lamps in Every Room Eiruv On Property Seasonal Pool & Hot Tub 5 Acres

n Tuesday evening, local and state officials gathered together at Cedarhurst Village Hall for a press conference addressing the growth of antisemitism and crime in New York and across the country. Assemblyman Ari Brown and Rep. Lee Zeldin, candi date for governor, addressed the crowd. Brown, who organized the event, spoke about growing up in Franklin Square and experiencing antisemitism there. He spoke about the need to speak up about the growing incidents of an tisemitism and questioned why no one from the Democratic Party bothered to come to the press conference. He noted that city and state universities are insti tutions that foment, or at least, condone antisemitism on their campuses.
Zeldin echoed Brown’s sentiments and urged the crowd to educate their youth. Education is key in combatting hate, he noted. Zeldin spoke about the need to revoke cashless bail in New York State and to stand up for the police de partment. He urged New Yorkers to stand together against hate. “We are stronger when we stand together,” he asserted. County Executive Bruce Blakeman added that he wished that people from all parties would have attended the confer ence. “This should not be about politics,” he said. “This should be about human de cency.” He noted that under Police Com missioner Pat Ryder, criminals know that Nassau County will stand up against violence. Blakeman underscored, “The message today is that we fight.” He urged New Yorkers to fight back and speak up againstCouncilmanhate.
Anthony D’Esposito not ed that the conference took place right before the concert being held for “Jew ish night” at Cedarhurst Park. He said that that’s indicative of what needs to be done. “We can’t stay inside,” he said. “We will continue to speak out against any form of hate.” We need to go out and address these issues. And these issues, he noted, affect everyone – regardless of race, religion, or party affiliation. We need to stand together to combat it. Professor Jeff Lax also addressed the crowd. He spoke about his experiences with antisemitism on college campuses and in the classroom. As the conference came to a close, Brown reiterated the need to vote Re publican in the upcoming elections, un derscoring the problems with the “bail reform” and defunding the police move ments.
Around the Community
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Combatting Antisemitism

The JCC of the Rockaway Penin sula held its annual backpack and school supply distribution on Monday, August 22. Hundreds of fam ilies from the community received new backpacks, pencils, markers, folders, binders, and other necessary school sup plies.
David HaMelech expresses this concept in the verse (Tehillim 55:23): Hashleich al Hashem yehavcha vehu yechalkilecha, Cast upon Hashem your burden and He will sustain you. The Relationship Between Emunah and Bitachon Emunah (faith, or belief) and bita chon (trust, or reliance) are closely re lated ideas, but emunah is conceptual, whereas bitachon is practical. A person with emunah knows in his mind and believes in his heart that Hashem can provide for all his needs but has not necessarily applied that faith in actual ever, leads his life in accordance with the knowledge and belief that Hashem provides for him. When facing a crisis, the person with true bitachon will not resort to desperate measures to save himself, nor will he take steps that are unbefitting him. Rather, he will deal with the situation in a way that reflects his conviction that only Hashem can help him, and any measures he takes toward resolving the crisis will be con sistent with that attitude (Chazon Ish, Emunah U’Vitachon 2:2). The same applies with regard to the effort one invests in obtaining his income. As the Chovos HaLevavos explains in Shaar HaBitachon, the person with bita chon will seek his income in ways that demonstrate his conviction that he will ultimately receive no more and no less than Hashem has ordained for him.
The Concise Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos
Published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications
• • • • •
Shaar HaBitachon, the fourth sec tion of Chovos HaLevavos, in par ticular, has been effective in giving strength and encouragement to people facing difficult and challenging situ ations in every-day life. It is easy to become despondent when trapped in circumstances from which there seems to be no escape. Only Hashem knows how many people in many countries and many eras have found comfort and encouragement through their study of Shaar HaBitachon.
The Ramban, in addressing the rela tionship between emunah and bitachon (HaEmunah VeHaBitachon, Ch. 1), ex plains that bitachon is an outgrowth of emunah: Emunah (faith) is like a tree, and bitachon (reliance) is like the fruit that the tree produces. Emunah can exist without bitachon, but bitachon cannot exist without emunah, for it is emunah that gives birth to bitachon. Recognizing and believing that Hash em controls all events enables one to actually rely on Hashem to fulfill one’s needs, whether in moments of crisis or periods of tranquility.
Around the Community
Kitzur Shaar HaBitachon –
A Revered Classic in a Unique, Concise Format
As vital as Shaar HaBitachon is to understanding and living our lives, not every reader can explore each nuance.
“We are thankful to UJA-Federation of New York for their continued generos ity to our community,” said Allison Deal, Executive Director at JCCRP. The event was held at the Mark Ra mer Chesed Center in collaboration with Kosher Response and the Leon Mayer are in need of assistance with back-to-school supplies, please reach out JCCRP at Written almost a thousand years ago, Chovos HaLevavos is a revered classic, learned by every generation since. First published in the middle of the eleventh century, Chovos HaLevavos is the oldest, and still among the most intensely studied, of all the mussar classics. Its combination of penetrating logic and emotional fervor has made it a preeminent road to achiev ing perfect faith and trust in Hashem.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Backpack Distribution
A new special “kitzur” – concise – edi tion published by ArtScroll/Mesorah is designed for readers who want to ab sorb the wisdom of Shaar HaBitachon but are not yet prepared to learn it in its entirety, as well as those who wish a conciseRabbireview.Eliyahu Meir Klugman is a veteran senior editor of many of im portant ArtScroll works. He has taught Shaar HaBitachon for many years to people on many levels of knowledge and observance. In this new work, Kitzur Shaar HaBitachon, he abridges Shaar HaBitachon using the Chovos HaLevavos’ own words. The English translation and elucidation and many explanatory notes and insights are tak en from the bestselling Jaffa Edition of the Shaar HaBitachon, and much of the seeming repetition and complexity, and many lesser-known verses cited as proof, have been omitted. Not long after the publication of Chovos HaLevavos, two abridged for mats – kitzurim – appeared, so as to facilitate rapid study and review of its themes and ideas. R’ Asher of Luneil’s version included a schedule for its com pletion on a weekly basis, whereas the kitzur authored by R’ Menachem ben Zarach envisioned a full review over the Ten Days of Repentance. In line with these ancient precedents, ArtScroll has produced this new concise edition of the Shaar HaBitachon. For the contemporary En glish-speaking reader, this concise edition is perhaps the most accessible, understandable, and helpful guide to emunah and bitachon in existence. The following is a brief excerpt from the new volume, focusing on the differ ence between emunah and bitachon. In Shaar HaBitachon, Chovos Ha Levavos discusses the fundamental concept of bitachon in Hashem; that is, placing one’s trust in Hashem and rely ing on His providential management of one’sTheaffairs.term bitachon is often translat ed as trust. However, bitachon means more than mere trust or faith. It means reliance on Hashem — recognizing one’s utter dependence upon Hash em and completely placing one’s faith in Him, so that one securely and con fidently relies on Him to fulfill one’s every need. In fact, after studying the words of Chovos HaLevavos in Shaar HaBitachon, one realizes that there is no single English word that can fully capture the profound meaning of bita chon. In this work, we use both trust and reliance, interchangeably, as trans lations of bitachon. These are the most convenient English terms, but in all cases the reference is to a deep, pro found level of trust and security that manifests itself in relying on Hashem completely in every aspect of life.

Evan, it’s been a wonderful sum mer! Can you tell us what makes Hillel Day Camp unique?
THIs Week, TJH speaks WITH… Hillel Day Camp By
Located in the heart of Lawrence, hiLL eL day c amp is home to hundreds of campers each day. speciaswimming,Betweensports,LtiesandLoads of fun, the Boys and gir L s at hiLL eL day c amp enjoy nonstop action and excitement. e ver hear of purim in j u Ly? w eLL , at hiLL eL day c amp, they ate hamantashen, pL ayed with dreideL s, and dipped appL es into honey during the summer as part of the camp’s awesome theme. stay tuned for next year’s theme. i t’s a rea L trip! t his week, as camp winds down, we spoke with e van LeiBowitz, camp director, to L earn more a Bout a LL the excitement that took pL ace at hiLL eL these past two months
When someone hears about Hillel Day Camp, what do you want to come to mind? When someone says, “Hillel Day Camp,” we want everyone to not even think at all! We want them to say, “That’s MY CAMP! It’s where I went, and it’s where I am going!” We want our families to know that we put all of our strengths and minds into creating opportunities for our campers to create lifelong memories. As our camp ers begin the school year, their Hillel Day Camp memories and friendships remain with them throughout the year, and they look forward to summer 2023. What was a “regular day” at Hillel Day Camp? There is no such thing as a “regular Hillel day.” Sure, we pride ourselves on organization and routines but every day in Hillel is diverse and electric. Welcom ing music and ruach greet campers and staff daily. Our days begin, of course, with Tefilla and a minyan for our oldest campers. Special performances, golf, leagues, and a variety of specialties, two periods daily of swimming, and sports all dot our weekly schedule. Off-campus ex cursions add to the memories. Every day is busy! It’s rigorous on our staff, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Tell us about your swim program. So many calls and emails come in throughout the year from new families who tell us they are coming to Hillel Day Camp because they have heard the stellar reputation of our swim program. Our three, full-size, heated, on-campus pools are spectacular. As we just turned our pools off for the season this past Fri day, chills of sadness came upon myself and Sima Fish, our Aquatics Director. Our swim team leadership has decades of experience teaching water skills and lifeguarding. All of my own children have learned to swim under Sima and her staff. I mean, her last name is FISH! You mention your staff a lot. Tell us about you amazing staff. Our staff is selected from the very best candidates. While the camp season of summer 2022 has finished, we are al Two months of amazing summer fun! For the last few weeks, our children have been basking in the sun, swimming, singing, and soaking up the fun every day. How are they spending their time away from their desks?
A picture is worth a thousand words!
Although I can praise the fact that we take a year’s worth of activities and events and pack it into eight short weeks full of learning and excitement, to really get a “feel” for the uniqueness of Hillel, after Shabbos, I urge you to watch some of our weekly videos on our YouTube page or our Instagram page – Hillel Day Camp. They are full of smiling campers and staff, kids learning how to swim and participating in sports and special activ ities, and enjoying off- and on-campus entertainment.
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 53
In this series, we speak with camp directors and head counselors to learn more about our community’s amazing, spectacular, incredible, marvelous, unbelievable (you get the point!) camps.
SuSan Schwamm

54 ready on the lookout for summer 2023 staff. We are a Summer Youth camp ac cepting COJO placements, and we work with Yeshiva University to place candi dates in their Work - Study program. We have an exceptional CIT program which is a hybrid – campers are trained to be our staff – of tomorrow! This year, we worked with NCSY to provide Junior Counselors with leadership training and our divi sion heads provide daily mentorship and guidance to help our staff be the very best that they can be. Our leadership meets for weekly professional development led by our Assistant Director, Shana Pollack, which is then disseminated to the rest of the staff. Next year, new for summer 2023, in addition to our pre-camp training, we will be instituting a combination of staff appreciation nights and staff training on a bi-weekly basis. New staff members are always welcomed to join our Hillel family. I used the analogy this summer that we are a collection of crayons in a 128-col or variety box. We are all unique. Some of us are similar to others, and some of us are very different. Each staff member has his or her own strengths. However, when we come together, we make beautiful pic tures and have an amazing experience! Your theme this summer was about the chagim. Sounds exciting! Our head counselor “Pom Pom” Peni na Ginsberg and Programming Director Ilona Diamond were the driving forces behind the 2022 theme of chagim. Each week focused on a different chag, and campers participated in activities and theme-related events throughout the week. Our thinking behind it came from a staff meeting late in 2021 when we commented that we take a year’s worth of programming and pack it into a sum mer – hence, the theme. Here’s breaking news!
The Summer 2023 Hillel Day Camp theme is…drum roll, please…Road Tripping USA. P.S. We are already making reservations and bookings for summer 2023! I cannot wait to hear all about next year! When you set your goals for planning a summer, what do you focus on? Our goal each summer is to implement the mission statement of Hillel Day Camp and make that vision a reality. Our mis sion is to provide an enriching summer of organized activities in a Modern Or thodox Jewish environment. Hillel will support the needs of ALL of its campers and staff by caring for and teaching them interpersonal skills while engaging in a wide variety of creative and updated ac tivities, comprehensive and competitive sports, and instructional and recreational swimming.Ihavespoken to numerous principals and administrators about the impor tance of summer camp for our campers and the social emotional growth that we, as a camp, provide. We work to comple ment our local schools to provide skills and relationships that are needed for the well-being of today’s teens and children. Now that the summer is over, do you feel like those goals were met? Based on anecdotes, parent feedback, and conversations with school officials, I feel confident in knowing that we have accomplished our mission. Our inboxes and WhatsApp chats are full of thank you messages and wishes for our 2023 registration to open already! Stay tuned t weLve
Hillel Day Camp by the Numbers 1,300 people arriving daily in our Mini City called Hillel Day Camp 26 buses taking kids to and from Hillel Day Camp 15 buses used weekly for trips 23 American Red Cross + Nassau Certified Lifeguards teaching our campers how to swim 17 different schools that our campers come from 1 in a Million –Hillel Day Camp

Speaking of HAFTR, how does the location and campus of Hillel Day Camp add to the summer experi ence? The unique location of our campus in the heart of Lawrence allows us to partner with numerous local establishments and facilities to enhance our campers expe rience. Some of our partners like Pakua and Make It Too come to our campus to provide daily activities, and we are so close to others that our campers hop, skip, and jump their way over to the incredible facil ities at Fit Studio, Lollibop, Grace’s Gym nastics, Slushology, and more, which are all in walking distance. Our central location enables campers from far and wide to join in on our fun. New for 2023: we will utilize our extension campus at HAFTR High School as the lo cation focusing on competitive leagues and clinics for highly motivated sports campers in grades 4-8. Campers can opt into the athlete program to spend their af ternoons engaged in league play. Campers who remain at our main Lawrence campus will engage in specialties, swim, and sport.
Lastly, but most importantly, I know that summer 2022 would not have been a summer of superb greatness if it were not for the trust that our parents have bestowed upon us. Our parents asked us to take their most prized possessions and keep them safe and happy, and for that we are grateful. We hope that we were able to live up to your expecta tions and we hope that you join us for Hillel 2023!
On behalf of my immediate family and our extended Hillel Day Camp family, I wish all of
The Jewish Home readers a shana to vah and a happy, healthy and sweet new (school) year.
What is a lasting memory of Hillel 2022? Friday, August 19, as our campers and staff were heading to the buses and I was handing out the bus folders and medica tions from the nurse’s office, 12 different campers, staff, and parents walked over to me and said, “Why is camp over so soon?” Any final remarks to put a bow on Hillel 2022? Thanks for giving me the space. Camp worked the way it did because of the planning and preparation that is done months in advance and on a daily basis by our programming director Ilo na Diamond, our business office (Sharon Fried), and our division heads and senior staff who meet regularly throughout the season to coordinate a super summer. Thank you to Shana Pollack, Penina Ginsberg, Adam Brick, Missy Berger, Dawn Horowitz, Rena Fish, and Peni na Wiener for putting your hearts and souls into Hillel Day Camp. Our group chats continued way past “normal camp hours” and on weekends. Our Morot may have the most challenging assignments. They live, breathe, and sleep Hillel Day Camp so that their campers have the best two months of the year. They are our chil dren’s camp mom and dad, supporting our children in their growth and happi ness throughout the summer. Thank you for an incredible summer!
55 for that! Early Bird Pricing, New Family Discounts, Sibling Discounts, and Refer ral Discounts are all in the works. Keep an eye on for registration to be open shortly!

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– Paulo Coehlo
When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.
– Mark Twain
Kidding Me!
A man is staying in a hotel. He walks up to the front desk and says, “Sorry, I forgot what room I’m in. Can you help me?”
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine – it’s lethal.
– Adam Rippon I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. – Henry Youngman Boy, those French. They have a different word for everything. – Steve Martin Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas. Take your next trip in kilometers.
The receptionist replies, “No problem, sir. This is the lobby.”
Riddle Me This
I***was at an amusement park with my friends.They all said the invisible
My favorite thing to pack on trips are all the clothes I never wear at home and then … not wear them while I’m away.
Why wouldn’t the skeleton ride any roller coasters? Answer: He just didn’t have the stomach for them.
Vacation-ally Speaking
– Susan Heller
I’ve been to almost as many places as my luggage. – Bob Hope This is the first year I’m not going to Fiji because of COVID-19. Normally, I do not go because I am poor. — Brooke Miller
The worst thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognize you as a tourist. – Russel Baker
– George Carlin A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. – Robert Orben
I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 58 1. * TJH

2. Leap the Dips, at Lakemont Park in Altoona, Pennsylvania, is the oldest ACTIVE roller coaster in the U.S. Made out of wood, it has a 9-foot drop and a top speed of 20 mph. In what year did it open? a. 1902 b. 1917 c. 1936 d. 1953 3. Where is the tallest roller coaster in the world located, with a height of 456 feet? a. Cedar Point Park, Ohio b. Ferrari Park, Dubai c. Six Flags Great Adventures, New Jersey d. Wonderland, Canada 4. The most expensive roller coaster ever built is Expedition Everest, located in the Animal Kingdom Park of Orlando’s Walt Disney World. How much did it cost to build it in 2006? a. $55 million b. $100 million c. $240 million d. $1.2 billion 5. What medical condition can be helped by riding a roller coaster, according to a 2016 study in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association? a. Headaches b. Kidney stones c. Neurosis d. Arthritis 6. According to the National Weather Service, the odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 15,300. What are the odds of being seriously injured on a roller coaster, according to Internationalthe Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA)? a. 1 in 35,000 b. 1 in 204,000 c. 1 in 3 million d. 1 in 15.5 million 7. When did Coney Island’s Cyclone open? a. 1913 b. 1927 c. 1944 d. 1962 Answers 7-B6-D5-B4-B3-C2-A1-D
Wisdom Key 6-7 correct: You are probably the worst person to go to an amusement park with. “Come on, why are you scared? It’s only a 400-foot drop! I can do it without holding on!” 3-5 correct: You have a healthy relationship with roller coasters. You approach them with some trepidation but also can overcome your fear and enjoy the experience. 0-2 correct: You need a roller coaster to mix up that brain of yours…may help you do better at trivia.
Roller Coaster Trivia
1. What is the clicking sound that you usually hear when a roller coaster climbs upwards? a. It is an artificial sound that is meant to make the ride scary b. It is caused by riding over the screws on each plank c. It is caused by the spokes of the wheels d. It is a safety locking mechanism so that if the roller coaster loses power the cart won’t fall backwards…rather it will stay in position until it’s fixed. (That is comforting. I’ll just hang out here at a 90 degree angle, 350 feet in the air, while the union guys finish their lunch break so they can get started on working on the outage.)
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|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 61 Plumbing Training Center Dedicated ל”ז ןהכה לכימ לאיחי ןב המלש םהרבא נ”על ל”צז ןויצ ןב םחנמ םייח ‘רה ןב םהרבא ‘רה נ”על ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION MR. & MRS. URI & KAUFMANESTHER MR. & MRS. CHAIM SHOLOM & RIVKY LEIBOWITZ Associate Dean’s Office MR. & MRS. MOTTY & JACOBOWITZHADASSA Promenade Vestibule MR. & MRS MORDECHAI & ELISHEVA ROSEN Illumination of New Beis Medrash MR. & MRS. ARI & SCHWARTZDANIELLA MR. & KEYVANMRS.&ANNRABBANI MR. & MRS. SHMULI & MIRIAM MENDEL Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash קחצי לאומש ןב הירא השמ נ”על ל”ז ןמדעירפ יולה MR. & MRS. MENASH & MIMI ORATZ Basketball Court in Elementary School Gym MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis MedrashVestibuleBuilding Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel & Sima Feifer Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Moshie & Naomi Horn Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz נ”על The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781 ל”צז רדנב םהרבא ברה ןב דוד ‘ר ג”הרה נ”על ל”ז יולה בקעי ברה תב היח היתב תינברהו ה”ע יכדרמ ןב גילעז נ”על ה”ע םולש עטנ ןב רזעלא השמ נ”על ה”ע השמ ןב דוד נ”על ה”ע לאקזחי ןב ןתנ השמ ‘רה ה”ע םהרבא ןב לארשיו Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Ephram & Ilana Ostreicher Mr. & Mrs. Mutty & Bracha Ribowsky Mr. & Mrs. David & Sima Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Dovid & Chani Roll Dr. & Mrs. Zvi & Dina Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. David & Debbie Seltzer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Stephani Serotta Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Judy Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Devora Smith Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda & Mindy Zachter ה”ע ןיוועל יולה לארשי נ”על ה”ע ןלפק היתב עבשילאו Beis VestibuleMedrashEntrance MR. & MRS. ALON & GOLDBERGERCHANIE Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash MR. & MRS. NACHUM & FUTERSAKHENNY MR. & MRS. URI & DEVORAH DREIFUS Ner Tamid THE BLOOM FAMILY לארשי ‘ר נ”על ה”ע ןהכה ןימינב ‘ר ןב MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building RABBI & MRS. TUVIA & CHANA GOLDSTEIN Classroom in the Weiss Vocational Center ה”ע דוד בקעי ןב הדוהי ןמחנ נ”על ה”ע רשא הדוהי תב האל ותשאו ה”ע המלש ןב ביל בקעי נ”עלו Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office THE K TEAM Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. The Beis Medrash building will be comprised of 34,200 total square feet on 4 Stories and will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11. It will contain 15 Classrooms. The 43,000 square foot Residence Hall will contain 68 dormitory rooms serving 271 talmidim. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. zbald@darchei.org232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. brothman@darchei.org406 Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project.

Moshe warns the Jewish people that the lessons of the past should not be forgotten or ignored.
62 T here is a shift in mood in the book of Devarim beginning with this week’s parsha. It no longer is a review of the events of the desert or of the Exodus from Egypt. Moshe no longer will concentrate on the faults and failures of the generation that left Egypt – a generation that saw their high hopes dashed by their stubbornness and a lack of faith. The past is the past, and it can not be changed. G-d, so to speak, will not turn the film back again for some sort of Thereplay.direction of Moshe is now the future, the entry into the Land of Is rael and the establishment of a norma tive Jewish society in that land. Moshe warns the Jewish people that the les sons of the past should not be forgot ten or ignored. Their consequences are likely to be repeated if the Jewish people will backslide again. Life and death, good and evil, suc cess and failure – these are the choices that lay before the Jewish people. And Moshe advises us to choose wisely, to treasure life and do good and honor tradition and Torah. A positive future always depends upon making wiser choices than were made in the past.
The early pioneers who returned to the Land of Israel, secularized and Marxist to the hilt but nonetheless Jew ish, attempted to reinsert the physical and agricultural qualities of the holi days of the year and at the same time to discard completely the spiritual and To rah qualities. Unfortunately, that exper iment has proved to be a dismal failure. Moshe would caution us to begin again, to include life, goodness, and tradition into the holy days so that they would have true meaning and impact –and through them to revive our attach ment to the holy land and its bountiful produce.Ithink that the revival of the true spirit of the holidays is one of the great challenges that face us in our land to day. In its own way, it is a key to solving many of the difficulties that bedevil us currently. Moshe bids us to look clearly at all these matters and to decide wisely. Shabbat shalom.
The word re’eh, which means “see,” is the key word in the parsha. This en tails a vision for the future and an un derstanding as to its new demands and changing circumstances. Moshe turns the attention of the Jewish people to its future in the Land of Israel and to new commandments not mentioned before in the Torah. It appears that these new commandments are brought to the fore to help the Jewish people be successful in their new environment. The holy days of the Jewish calendar appear in detail in this week’s parsha. In the Land of Israel, these holy days had a physical and agricultural content as well as their inherent spiritual nature. In the long and dark Jewish exile, the physical and agricultural aspects of the holidays were lost but the spiritual and holy qualities of those days nevertheless sustained the Jewish people.
By Rabbi Berel Wein
Torah Thought


Parshas Re’eh Search Required
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 64 From the Fire
Adapted for
By Rav Moshe Weinberger publication by Binyomin Wolf
T he search for the Beis Hamikdash is one of the central points in this week’s parsha. Without specifical ly identifying its location, the pasuk (De varim 12:5) says, The place Hashem your G-d will choose from all of your tribes to affix His name there, you shall seek Him there at His dwelling and come there.”
The Torah is telling us that an integral part of the building of the Beis Hamik dash is that we must “seek Him there…” Instead of specifying the place where the Beis Hamikdash would be built, the Torah repeatedly says that the Beis Ha mikdash shall be in “the place Hashem your G-d will choose.” This phrase is used no less than sixteen times in this week’s parsha alone. According to our Sages, this is why the Beis Hamikdash is called Beis Ha’Bechira, The House of Choice.But why is the location of the Beis Hamikdash treated by the Torah as such a mystery? Why must the Torah repeat edly say that it is in “the place Hashem your G-d will choose”? It is clear from Chazal that Hashem designated the fu ture location of the Beis Hamikdash from the beginning of time, even carving out the site of the altar and canals for the wine libations at the time of the six days of Creation (Sukkah 49a). The Rambam (Beis Habechira 2:2) teaches that: There is a tradition maintained by ev eryone that the place where Dovid and Shlomo built the altar is the same place where Avraham built an altar and bound Yitzchak, the same place where Noach built [an altar] when he left the Ark. It is the [location of] the altar on which Ka yin and Hevel offered sacrifices, and on which Adam sacrificed an offering when he was created, and Adam was created from that place. The sages say, “Man was formed from the place of his atonement.” It is clear that we have known from the time of Creation that the Beis Ha mikdash would be built on a certain mountain in Yerushalayim. According to the Midrash (Pirkei D’Rebbe Eliezer 28), Avraham circumcised himself at the future location of the Beis Hamikdash and his blood flowed into the earth that would eventually fill the altcr. If this was known long before Hashem gave us the Torah, why does He conceal the location? Rav Shlomo Hakohein Rabinowicz of Radomsk, zt”l, the “Tiferes Shlomo,” ex pressed the question clearly: Why did the pasuk not explicitly say, “The place that Hashem will choose, the holy mountain in Yerushalayim”? It would have been much clearer. Why the mystery? The answer to our question lies in the very same pasuk we started with. In order to find the location of the Beis Hamikdash, “you shall seek Him there at His dwelling.” We must seek it out. As the Midrash (Sifri) says, commenting on the pasuk, “Seek and you shall find it. And afterward, the prophet will tell you [that it is the correct spot].” Expanding on the Ramban, zt”l, on the same pasuk, the Malbim, zt”l, says: “This teaches them that Hashem will not reveal the chosen place through His prophets until they make an effort and seek it out. Then, [Hashem] will pour a spirit from above upon them after the appropriate prepa ration…” Along these lines, the Chasam Sofer, zt”l (Resp. Yoreh Deah 234), teach es that the location of the Beis Hamik dash was “hidden until [Hashem] illu minated their eyes in the days of Dovid Hamelech.”Inother words, Hashem is telling us that it is not enough that He chose the lo cation of the Beis Hamikdash. We must choose it, seek it out, long for it, and do everything we can to find it. And who fi nally revealed Hashem’s choice as the ac tual location of the Beis Hamikdash? The man who felt more “unchosen” than any one else in the world: Dovid Hamelech.
Dovid wrote about himself (Tehillim 118:22), “The stone despised by the build ers became the cornerstone.” It became the very foundation of the entire Beis Ha mikdash. Even after Shmuel Hanavi told Yishai that one of his sons would be the next anointed king and excluded all of Dovid’s other brothers, it still never even occurred to his father and brothers that Dovid could possibly be the anointed one (Shmuel I 16:6-11). Yet Dovid, the “stone despised by the builders,” became the cornerstone, the beginning of a new dy nasty to which Moshiach himself would eventually trace his lineage. Dovid said (Tehillim 42:8), “All of Your breakers and waves passed over me.” He went through so much suffering. Chazal even discuss (see Yevamos 77ab) whether Dovid was allowed to marry into the Jewish people! Dovid certainly knew what it meant to feel “unchosen” and what it meant to seek, work, long, pray, and toil until he found his place in the Jewish people. Hashem therefore chose him to clearly reveal the location of the Beis Hamikdash and build its foun dation. Dovid Hamelech represented the pinnacle of choice, the highest fulfillment of our obligation to “seek Him there at His dwelling and come there.” In verses that Chazal say refer to Dovid, Shlomo Hamelech described this attribute of his father as follows (Shir Hashirim 3:1-2): “In my bed at night I sought that which my soul loves; I sought but I did not find. I will arise and walk around the city, in the marketplaces and city squares. I will seek that which my soul loves. I sought but I did not find.” What was it that he sought out so deeply? What was it that robbed him of sleep? Dovid wrote in Tehillim (132:1, 3-5), “A song of ascents: Remember,

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All Dovid Hamelech sought was the place where Hashem’s presence could be felt on a permanent basis in this world. He conducted his investigation by inde fatigably searching through the streets and markets of Yerushalayim, looking for clues, comparing each location to maps and psukim, trying to find the ex act location of the alter and the Holy of Holies. That is why Hashem answered his prayers and rewarded his search with success. Hashem chose the place where we chose Him (ibid. at 13-14), “For Hash em has chosen Zion, He desired it for a dwelling-place. This is My resting place forever, here I shall dwell, for I desired it.”
Hashem, Dovid, all of his affliction [in his toil to find a place for Hashem’s pres ence to rest – Rashi]… I shall not come into the tent of my house, I shall not go upon the bed that was prepared for me. Nor shall I give sleep to my eyes or slum ber to my pupils until I find a place for Hashem, dwelling-places for the Mighty One of Yaakov.”
We must choose it, seek it out, long for it, and do everything we can to find it.
It is the same now. We may know the location of the Beis Hamikdash but strangers defile it every single day and we cannot rebuild. Vile terrorists fire rock ets at Yerushalayim and Jews all over Eretz Yisroel. So we continue to daven for the Beis Hamikdash, to seek it out. As the Tiferes Shlomo says, “Even if we know this place, that it is in Yerushalayim, and that no other place will be chosen, never theless, it is still impossible to build [the Beis Hamikdash] there until Hashem chooses our prayers and desires ‘from all of your tribes,’ that they are worthy that it should be built for them and that Hashem should cause His presence to dwell among them.”
We may know where the Beis Hamik dash will be rebuilt, but there is so much impurity standing in the way and the right time has not yet arrived. In fulfill ment of the pasuk, “you shall seek Him there at His dwelling,” we must daven and hope for the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash constantly.
Just like one must seek out Hashem, the One without Whom we are incom plete, we also seek out a marriage part ner, the one with whom we will build a home that serves as a microcosm of the BeisWhyHamikdash.isthere so much searching in volved in finding one’s mate? We know Chazal say (Sota 2a), “Forty days before a fetus is formed, a Heavenly Voice goes out and says, ‘The daughter of So-andSo to So-and-So!’” If the right person is predetermined, why is it so hard to find one’s destined soulmate? First, one cannot find his mate with out first feeling a profound sense of lone liness. One must feel he is missing an essential part of himself, that “it is not good for man to be alone.” Bereishis 2:18. One must first experience that existential loneliness before he is reunited with his other half and can say (ibid. at 23), “This time it is bone of my bone and flesh of my Theflesh.”pasuk which personifies the con nection between marriage and our lov ing relationship with Hashem is (Shir Hashirim 6:3), “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li, I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” We know that Chazal teach that the first letters of those words spell Elul, the month in the Hebrew calendar which starts this week and marks the beginning of the teshuva process. This pasuk shows that we must first seek out our beloved. Only when “I am my beloved’s,” when I search out the one I love, will I merit to attain the level called “And my beloved is mine.” Anyone in a successful relation ship knows this to be true. It is so sad to have a wife and to give up searching for her, to have a child and to no longer seek him out. This two-stage process is also reflect ed in the double meaning of the Hebrew word for “betrothed, mekudeshes.” The chosson says to his bride, “Harei at me kudeshes li, Behold you are betrothed to me.” On one hand, the word implies that she is forbidden to every other man in the world. Betrothed here is a word signify ing exclusion. This meaning of the word is related to the word hekdesh, sanctified to the Beis Hamikdash, i.e., forbidden to everyone such that no one may use the sanctified object for anything other than its designated purpose. So too, the bride and groom agree, through their betroth al, not to look anywhere else in the world. But the word “betrothed, mekudeshes,” also means that the two are dedicated to one another. This usage implies inclu sion, a positive, proactive dedication to one another. They are saying that they only have eyes for one another. These two aspects of the relationship between a husband and wife are also apparent in our relationship with Hash em, as hinted at in the pasuk (Tehillim 100:3), “He made us and we are His.” The word for “His,” however, is read one way and written another way. It is written as if says “lo, no/not.” According to this reading, the pasuk says, “He made us and not us,” i.e., we did not make ourselves. We must know that our relationship with Hashem must exclude the perception that we take credit for any aspect of at tainments, skills, or accomplishments. It is a word of exclusion. But the word is also read as if it says, “Lo, His.” According to this reading, the pasuk says, “He made us and we are His.” It is not enough to look to Hashem alone and not give ourselves credit for anything we have. We must also realize that we are His, we have a unique and special rela tionship with Him. In fact, if we put the two ways of reading that word together (lo and Lo), it contains the same letters as the month of Elul. Whether it is an intimate human rela tionship, our relationship with Hashem, or meriting the fulfillment of Hashem’s dwelling place on earth, where the in timacy of the relationship between the Jewish nation and G-d is most revealed, there is always a dual nature. On one hand, there is the exclusion of all else which is personified by searching and longing. And there is the dedication to one another, the intimacy personified by Hashem’s revelation of the location of the Beis Hamikdash after our search and by the way a husband and wife find each other. May Hashem put all of our difficulties behind us, may He reveal the way for ward toward the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash soon in our days, and may every husband and wife merit finding one another and never looking at anyone else but their beloved. Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the found ing Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Ko desh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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K’rias Yam Suf – Every Day
Destroying or Recreating?
This deep nature and purpose of water also explains why we are surrounded by amniotic fluids while we are in the womb. Just as during Creation, the physical world of form emerged from formless water, each of us has our own creation story, and there fore, we each emerge from our own waters; our birth is like the birth of a new world (Sanhedrin 37a). As we previously discussed, while we were in the womb, a malach taught us kol haTorah kulah (Niddah 30b). As the Vil na Gaon explains, this refers to the deep est realms of Torah, a transcendent Torah that lies far beyond this world, beyond the confines of space and time. This Torah is the very root of reality, and we are granted complete understanding of its every detail. Not only were you shown this level of Torah, but you learned your specific share of To rah; you were shown your unique purpose in the world and how your unique role fits into the larger scheme of the human story as a whole. You were given a taste of your own perfection, of what you could, should, and hopefully will become. And from this
This theme of water as the medium of creation is also prominent in Parshas Noach, when the Mabul covered the world with water. The deep secret behind the Flood is that Hashem was not destroy ing the world, He was recreating it. The Dor Ha’mabul became so corrupted that Hashem decided to start over with Noach alone. Hashem therefore immersed the world in water so that it could return to its primordial state of formlessness and void. Only once it reverted back to its orig inal state could the dry land once again emerge from the waters, recreated and reformed. And only once the dry land emerged, and the world was birthed once more, could Noach leave the teivah.
Yetzias Mitzrayim: A National Birth The Maharal explains that Yetzias Mitzrayim was not merely a physical pro cess, in which the Jewish People departed from the land of Egypt and traveled to a different physical location. It was a spir itual metamorphosis -- an existential transition, the birth of a people. Prior to leaving Mitzrayim, B’nei Yisrael were a collective of individuals, but upon leav ing, we became a nation, a single people, a unified whole. (Maharal, Gevuros Hash em, chap. 55) The Maharal explains that the funda mental nature of water lies in the fact that it is formless (Gevuros Hashem, chap. 19.). Water has no independent form of its own; it adopts the shape of its con tainer. The ocean is completely formless, and unlike dry land, it has no pathways or landmarks. This attribute of water re flects its essence. Water represents the initial stage in every creative process. Before something becomes expressed and takes on form, it exists in a formless, amorphous state. Through the creative process, physical form emerges from this intangible, formless root. This is why the Torah states that during the creation of the world, there was initially only water. Only afterwards did dry land emerge from the water (Bereishis 1:9).
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe Imagine leaving the exile of Mitzray im with Klal Yisrael. You have just witnessed the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim and are now traveling toward Har Sinai, ready to receive the Torah. In between, however, lies an extraordinary event: K’rias Yam Suf — the splitting of the Red Sea (or Sea of Reeds). One can ask, though, why K’rias Yam Suf was even necessary. Why couldn’t the Jews go straight from the spiritual high and miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim to the ex perience of Matan Torah? Why did they first have to pass through the sea? This question is strengthened by the commentators who point out that this journey through the Yam Suf appears to be pointless. After all, Chazal explain that Klal Yisrael exited on the very same side of the Yam Suf that they entered (Arachin 15a)! If Hashem simply wanted to destroy the Egyptians, there were easier ways to accomplish this. What was the purpose of such a Thejourney?commentators explain that K’rias Yam Suf was, in fact, a necessary step be fore the Jews could receive the Torah, but their reasoning is enigmatic. They empha size the need for the Jewish People to pass through the waters of the Yam Suf in or der to be prepared and capable of receiv ing the Torah. The question we must then ask is: what is the significance of water, especially in regard to the Jewish People’s journey from Mitzrayim to Har Sinai?
Personal Creation
By Rabbi Shmuel Reichman
Self-Mastery Academy

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70 transcendent realm, you were birthed into the physical world, emerging from these formless waters with the mission to give form and actualize everything you were shown in the womb. National Creation
Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ultimate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical eth ics, psychology, and leadership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transformative online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychology and Torah. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva Uni versity, he received Semicha from Yeshiva Uni versity’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his website: ShmuelRe
Klal Yisrael entered the Yam Suf as individuals but emerged reborn as a nation.
This same idea explains why the Jewish People had to immerse within the waters of the Yam Suf between leaving Mitzrayim and receiving the Torah. Yetzias Mitzray im began the process of the creation and birth of the Jewish People as a nation. When they immersed in the waters of the Yam Suf, they went through the transfor mative process of being born as a nation. Just as the creation and recreation of the world were accomplished through water, the Jewish People as a nation had to be formed through water as well. In essence, the splitting of the Yam Suf is comparable to a pregnant woman’s water breaking. Klal Yisrael entered the Yam Suf as individuals but emerged reborn as a nation. Equally important, this process of rec reation and rebirth allowed Klal Yisrael to go through a transformational metamor phosis, leaving behind the shackles of their slave mentality. When they emerged from the waters of the Yam Suf, they were elevated to a state where they were both capable and ready to receive the Torah, ac cepting and embracing their lofty mission in this world. Let us now delve a bit deeper into the birth of the Jewish People and show how Yetzias Mitzrayim encapsulates this prin ciple. Prerequisite for Matan Torah Before the Jewish People could receive the Torah, they had to be reborn, recreat ed with a new identity both as individuals and as a nation. The Ramban constantly emphasizes how we must never forget the experience of Matan Torah. In a deeper sense, whenever we read about, remember, or think about the Jewish People receiving the Torah, we must realize that we are not simply supposed to be remembering what happened thousands of years ago, we are supposed to be re-experiencing this trans formative event ourselves on an entirely newEverylevel. day, we must go through our very own K’rias Yam Suf, our own process of self-transformation and rebirth, so that we can accept the Torah with the utmost desire and commitment. Every day, we get to choose who we are, what we believe in, and how we are going to live our lives. Each morning, we get to create our identity. We are never stuck in the patterns of our past; each day we begin anew. We must look deep within ourselves and recreate ourselves for the better, tak ing our lives to the next level of spiritual growth. We can’t continue living the same way simply because it’s comfortable or be cause we’re used to it. We must challenge ourselves daily, constantly pushing our selves to become the very best we can be. May we each be inspired to undergo a genuine rebirth in our own personal lives, develop a more empowering identity, and prepare ourselves to accept the Torah on an even deeper, more genuine level.
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Listed here are two common issues that might possibly render a kesubah invalid: Blank spaces left on a kesubah: In gen eral, blank spaces left on any legal docu ment are a problem, because one can write something in after the witnesses have signed. A line should be drawn through the blank spaces the same way a line is drawn through the blank space on the dol lar value of a Cross-outscheck.and words written be tween lines: If words are crossed out on a kesubah, how do we know if that was done before or after the kesubah was signed? Likewise, if words are written in between lines, maybe those words were added after the kesubah was signed. In both of these situations, the irregularities should be noted at the end of the kesub ah before the signature of the witnesses. (This way we can assume any changes not noted on the kesubah must have been done later.) If there are irregularities on the kesubah and it was not noted, a rav should be consulted.
dollars is a pretty paltry sum for a kesubah, espe cially since it’s supposed to be somewhat of a deterrent against a quick divorce. Rav Moshe Feinstein writes that therefore the Ashkenazi custom is to add two hundred zekukim kesef to the kesubah – 100 is a flat rate for all the property the wife brings into the marriage and 100 as an additional sum. There is a disagreement about how to value the 200 additional pieces of silver. According to the Vilna Gaon, it is equiv alent to 57,600 grams of silver. That is worth about $31,000.00 in today’s prices ($16.80/troy ounce)! The Derisha, though, differs and says the value is 3,846 grams of silver, which is only worth $2,077 in today’sAnotherprices.application of R’ Meir’s law is when a woman discovers that her kesub ah is invalid. An invalid kesubah is tan tamount to no kesubah at all with all the relevant halachic implications. The halachos of legal documents are complex, and a kesubah is no exception.
Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Rabbi Yosef Se brow, Dr. Eric Thall, and Rabbi Dovid Yankelewitz for their assistance. Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hemp stead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@
The Gemara (57a) says that R’ Meir would hold likewise in a situation where a wom an lost her written kesubah. Rav Nach man said in the name of Shmuel that the halacha is in accordance with R’ Meir, and this is the accepted halacha. Therefore, if a woman’s kesubah is lost or destroyed, a new kesubah must be written. There is a special text that is used for a replacement kesubah. The Shulchan Aruch writes that a husband and wife may not even be se cluded together without a kesubah. The Rema writes that there is an opin ion that nowadays (for the past thousand years), due to the cherem of Rabbeinu Ger shom saying that a halachic divorce must be mutual; we can be lenient and permit a couple to live together as husband as wife without a kesubah. Chazal wanted the wife to feel somewhat secure that due to the fact that her husband will be obligated to pay a kesubah, he won’t divorce her on a whim. Since currently a man is not al lowed to give a get to his wife against her will, she has no reason to be concerned in any case. However, the Rema writes that we don’t follow this opinion. Dr. Eric Thall opined that perhaps nowadays there may be more of a reason to rely on this line of reasoning. The dollar value of the actual kesubah (200 zuz) is pretty low (see below). In a court settlement, no woman would feel insecure about collecting $519 from their husband. What if a new kesubah cannot be im mediately written? One possible solution is that the husband can give his wife a collateral equal to the value of the kesu bah (not necessarily the tosefes). Then, at his earliest opportunity, he should have a new kesubah written. The value of 200 zuz, which is 960 grams of silver accord ing to the Rema (per the Chazon Ish), is about $519 based upon the price of silver at $16.80 a troy ounce. (A troy ounce is 31.103 grams.) (There are other variables involved. In case of need, seek out rabbin icalFive-hundred-nineteenguidance.)
intoDelvingtheDaf ConundrumsKesubah
By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow An individual was applying for a rabbinic position upon the receipt of his semichah. Apparently, the members of the congregation with the open position weren’t too learned. During his interview, the congregants requested to see his semichah. However, the most extraordinary semichos actually don’t look too impressive; many semichos giv en out by the gedolim are handwritten on ordinary paper. My father-in-law’s semi chah from HaRav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, is a good example. To the untrained eye, it appears to be just an ordinary piece of paper with Hebrew writing on it. The newly ordained rabbi, fearing his hand written semichah wouldn’t make a good impression, came back and showed them his exquisite kesubah! That’s one possible use for an invalid kesubah
At an out-of-town wedding, the kesu bah that the chassan ordered was a mas terpiece. There was only one problem: it was pasul. There were no other kesubos available, so, under the guidance of one of the rabbis present, a bachur with neat handwriting sat down to write another kesubah. What do you do with a pasul piece of art? You hang it on a wall!
The author thanks (alphabetically)
Rabbi Dovid Yankelewitz (who wrote my father’s kesubah) told me that he saw a beautiful kesubah hanging on someone’s wall with no signatures on it. It was a custom kes ubah that the officiating rabbi refused to accept. An artistically inferior kesubah was used instead. The kosher one was put away somewhere safe. It is important to keep the kesubah in a safe place. Why? R’ Meir stated in the Mishnah (Kesubos 54b) that if one makes a stipulation to reduce the value of the ke subah to less than the required minimum, a couple cannot live together as husband and wife. This is true despite the fact that R’ Meir holds such a stipulation to be null and void. R’ Meir held that there is a rab binic enactment that a woman should feel secure about her kesubah. Since the stip ulation causes the woman to have some measure of doubt as to whether or not she will, in fact, be able to collect all the mon ies rightfully due to her upon the termina tion of her marriage, the sages deemed it to be considered as if she had no kesubah

By Martin Oliner
Israel Today
The Kariv affair highlights the absur dity of money going from Israel to Ameri ca. Conceptually, it is an outgrowth of the funding that is allocated to the religious streams which itself needs to be revisited.
The final revelation in the article was that the Diaspora Affairs Ministry was allowed to fund pluralism projects inside Israel, because they are deemed “societal.”
It is possible that Israeli politicians were always corrupt, and there is just more scrutiny nowadays. Maybe it is just the sys tem that is problematic. Perhaps our stan dards have risen, and our leaders must now be more careful than ever to go well beyond the letter of the law. The final option is that corruption has not increased at all, and the press and much of the public are making mountains out of molehills. Nevertheless, if Netanyahu can be tried for accepting gifts and positive media cov erage, every politician in Israel must be held to the same high standard. It must hold true for politicians across the spectrum, not just Netanyahu and his political allies. That is why this week’s investigation of Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai and his Labor Party colleague, Knesset member and Reform Rabbi Gilad Kariv, must be taken seriously. The investigation by Ma’ariv newspa per columnist Kalman Liebskind found that Shai had funneled 30 million shekels from his ministry’s coalition allocated dis cretionary funds to a small non-profit or ganization to advance religious pluralism in Israel.That organization, called Panim, had only two workers and a small budget, but it had Kariv as a board member until nine months after he became an MK. Panim was chosen to run the Diaspora Affairs Minis try’s new Jewish Renewal Department without a required government tender. Panim’s director-general Yotam Broom is a Labor Party member and Kariv con fidant who praised him on social media during his election campaign and bragged about the funding that would be given to his organization long before the decision was made officially. Broom helped the min istry form the department he would later be chosen to head.
That preposterous decision calls into ques tion why the ministry even exists. It highlights the point that there is too much money coming from the State of Is rael to the Diaspora, which certainly can fund itself. If Israel has more money than it needs, it should go to feeding the poor and improving housing and U.S. organizations need to rethink their fund-raising efforts. The Reform Movement, in particular, can raise its own money instead of taking it from Israeli taxpayers. If the time has come to reverse the direction of giving to make it so Israel helps the Diaspora, it should not be for such a divisive, controversial issue within Israel.
“The Jewish State is measured by its re sponse when our brothers around the world are in crisis,” Bennett said at the time. But that was to help relieve an Ameri can Jewish community in distress due to a disaster, which should have been a very rare exception and not what initiated a new rule. It should remain that the Diaspora helps fund Israel and not the other way around. And clearly the notion that Dias pora Affairs Ministry funds can be used in ternally inside Israel to advance a religious stream should be unimaginable.
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Former U.S. President Theodore Roos evelt once joked that the politicians of his time were so corrupt that “when they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘present’ or ‘notUnfortunately,guilty.’”
the same holds true in Israeli politics today. Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak were all investigated, Olmert went to prison for bribery, and Netanyahu is currently on trial facing charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.
It was Naftali Bennett who first changed the paradigm of Israel-Diaspora relations in 2017, when he approved a $1 million aid package from the Diaspora Af fairs Ministry he headed for the Houston Jewish community to repair the damage caused by flooding from Hurricane Harvey.
The very fact that the government allo cates discretionary funds to parties to use for their pet causes is problematic to say the least, no matter what the cause. But it may explain why Kariv did not believe he was doing anything wrong by earmarking it without prior approval.
Now that it has been proven that the Di aspora Affairs Ministry’s money was allo cated without following proper procedures, the allocation should be frozen immediate ly. Especially with an election going on in Israel, Shai and Kariv cannot be permitted to give out taxpayer money that may have beenFinally,tainted.Kariv and Shai should be given the benefit of a fair investigation while the money is frozen. They deserve to be pre sumed innocent until proven guilty. But perhaps if the information in the article about Kariv had been disclosed be fore the race, he would not have done as well in the Labor Party primary, in which he won the third slot on the party’s list as Labor’s top male candidate. Labor mem bers would have known that he gave away their tax money to an organization alleged to be myopic and even fake. Normal process needs to be applied to determine whether Kariv can be allowed to run just as it was to Netanyahu and his former ministers Yakov Litzman and Aryeh Deri and Likud MK David Bitan. The same rules must be applied to Kariv and Shai whose alleged crime may have been worse than the cigars Bibi accept ed. Clearly, their actions could be seen as a blow to good governance, in which there cannot be two sets of rules. Their apparent behavior certainly does not foster trust in government.Onlyifthey will be held accountable to the same standards can Israeli politicians prove themselves unworthy of comparison to the American politicians of the Roos evelt era. The writer is co-president of the Religious Zionists of America, chairman of the Center for Righteousness and Integrity, and a com mittee member of the Jewish Agency. He was appointed by former U.S. President Donald Trump as a member of the United States Holo caust Memorial Council. The views expressed are his own.
Pilfering From the Public for Pluralism

Israel Today
“It is good to learn things at an early age,” she says. “I enjoy learning the mate rial, and even though it is true that I don’t know what I want to do in the army (I’m only 16 years old), I get a lot of enjoyment studying in the course.” If there is one thing that Shira can teach her peers, it is that there is no lim it to what one can learn and accomplish.
Shira says there are two major bene fits to the course: learning new things and making new friends.
Covid may have changed the lives of many of our children, but that doesn’t mean they need to be hindered in what they can ac complish. The world may have become a little crazier, a little harder to navigate, but level-headedness can be nurtured and developed by making the correct de cisions. Shira had the initiative to make the decisions herself. It is incumbent upon educators to help our youth make wise educational decisions. Their future depends on it.
“I have made new friends for life and learned new things that I didn’t think I would or could necessarily like and con nect with,” she shares. In this, Shira is an anomaly, as postcovid students have evolved into an world that is more insular than it used to be. In my humble experience as an educator, I have found that since the pandemic, stu dents tend to be less engaged or willing to volunteer. For example, it is common practice for students to dedicate at least 90 hours over the course of their three high school years volunteering in the community. Getting them to help out in any fashion at school has become an up hill battle. This is somewhat reflected in society at large, where many people have chosen not to return to work. I have de tected an air of student slothfulness that borders on disengagement with their sur roundings.Thisiswhy
I am impressed by Shira’s determination to see the course through. She is animated when talking about the different aspects of her course. For exam ple, she described some of the material she has studied about batteries – their differences, their advantages and dis advantages, what to do in case a battery swells, how to act when it emits smoke, or how she learnt that a battery should not be left unattended while charging. She is also learning how to program the onboard computers, to fly the vehicle, and how to build them from scratch. I was surprised to learn how only three students from the original thirty-five have dropped out. That’s a high retention rate and a reflection of the course’s success. Shira is looking past the army. She believes the field is flourishing enough to become a viable future profession.
By Rafi Sackville
Rafi Sackville, formerly of Cedarhurst, teach es in Ort Maalot in Western Galil.
74 Flying High
Of my many students, few are as unassuming or as enterpris ing as Shira. She is gifted, loves learning, yet remains reserved enough to go unnoticed. I worried about her at the beginning of 10th grade. I occasional ly mistook her quiet nature for a lack of knowledge. My impressions of her quick ly changed upon reading her essays; they were full of insight, sharp observations, andAtclarity.theend of her 9th grade, a represen tative from Brauda, a college in the city of Karmiel, half an hour away from Ma’alot, addressed students and offered them an after-school program covering the A to Zs of RPV’s – remotely piloted vehicles. Interested in the course, Shira decided to enroll; the only student of approximate ly 100 in her year to do so. This means that, in addition to her regular school pro gram, she takes a bus over the hill once a week, oftentimes not returning home until after 8 p.m. I’ve seen her getting off the bus as I make my way home after a late Ma’ariv. After beginning her school day at 8:30, that takes dedication. One shouldn’t underestimate the scope of Shira’s regular study course, which leaves her little room for travel time, the extra curriculum, and the late evening arrivals home. If she tackled a busy schedule in 10th grade, the sheer number of hours in 11th grade is a challenge to all students; the hours are long, and it is the year in which the bulk of their state exams take place. I have oftentimes tried to schedule ap pointments with 11th grade students only to discover that in some cases there isn’t one hour available from Sunday through Friday.Ofone thing I am certain: Shira will cope. When, in two years’ time, she comes through the other side of the course, the options she will have in her young life will have greatly widened in scope. Shira is frank about the pressure, saying she’s not afraid her 11th grade schedule will affect her studies. This is because those running the course are well aware of the potential for schedule conflict. They have discussed this with the students and have pledged to accom pany them throughout the year to help them prepare not only for the army but for the psychometric (SAT) examination. This will go a long way in relieving the pressure at school. Knowing they will be there by her side helps maintain Shira’s enthusiasm and dedication to the long hours she has put in and to face the com ing busy two years. The ultimate aim of the course about drones is to train pre-army students in the hope that of the many who pass through their doors, and ultimately the course –the few who are diligent enough – will become eligible for this burgeoning and important military field. This explains why the course is coordinated with the army and why some of Shira’s teachers are from the armed forces.

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All names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family. It was the summer of 2021. My family planned on spending July and August in the Catskill Mountains. This was my first time. I called a friend to ask what I needed to pack and what I needed to know. She was kind enough to go over her packing list with me, and as we finished schmoozing, she mentioned in passing that at the end of each summer, she always takes her entire family to the doctor to do bloodwork. Although she was careful about checking her kids each day, she still wanted to make sure that none of her kids still had any undetected tick bites lingering on their skin. Now that I was aware of how populous ticks were in that area, I adopted her vigilance and was very careful to check my kids every night before they went to sleep to see if there were any signs of tick bites. One night, early in July, as I was putting my daughter Peshy to sleep, I noticed a tick on her face, right below her hairline. I carefully took it off and put it aside. As common sense dictated, I calculated that it could not have been there for too long since it was on her face. I figured that I surely would have noticed it earlier, and if not me, someone else definitely would have seen it.
How a Mother’s Intuition Helped Heal Her Child
A few days later, I received a call from the doctor’s office with the results of the bloodwork. I breathed a sigh of relief when the nurse told me it was negative. What I didn’t know then was that, according to the CDC, in or der for a Western Blot to be positive for Lyme, the patient needs to have a minimum of 2 positive bands of IGM,
Life with Lyme
The next morning, I called Dr. Bleich’s office and asked for guidance. I was told that either I could test the tick to see what, if any, diseases it might be carrying, or wait and see if Peshy developed any symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, mildly stiff neck, aching or the classic bullseye rash. She never developed a rash, and she never developed a fever. But I had in my mind that we would test the whole family anyway when the summer was over. When we came back home, life returned to its fre netic pace that punctuates returning home, starting the school year, and, of course, yom tov. On top of that, we celebrated a family simcha. To say we were busy was an understatement. For Peshy, the stress of the new year included beginning middle school. Compounded by Rosh Hashana coming before Labor Day, we were getting back by the skin of our teeth. When Peshy started to act out and complain of feeling anxious, it was very easy to attribute it to all the changes that were happening very, very quickly. When her teach ers called me to introduce themselves, I told them that my daughter was nervous about starting school, and they assured me that they would help in any way possible to ease the transition. Shortly before the appointment for bloodwork, Peshy began to complain of ankle pain. My internal antenna shot up. This was a major red flag for me, knowing that she had a tick bite. I was nervous of the condition I had read about known as Lyme arthritis, in which Lyme bacteria enters the joint fluid, and the joint becomes inflamed. Lyme bacteria is what is the most common ly caused infectant from tick bites. I felt grateful that we had our upcoming appointment on the near future. I was prepared to talk to Dr. Bleich about it and have her bloodwork done. On Oct Ober 5, Dr. Bleich examined Peshy. He felt that her joint pain was more related to her flat-footed ness and to the fact that she’s a very active child. He suggested I make sure all her shoes, including her Shabbos ones, had good sup port. In the meantime, we would wait and see what the Western Blot test, the blood test for Lyme, showed. After the appointment, I promptly took Peshy to the store and picked up a brand new pair of shoes for her.
As told to ChAiA FrishmAn

Dr. Plier explained to me that once someone has Lyme or any of the co-infections spread throughout the body, the infection is now referred to as chronic. As with any chronic illness, the downstream effects include a disruption of hormones, immune system imbalance and nervous system dysregulation. This can look like thyroid dysfunction, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, neuropsychological disorders, and autoimmune disorders, to name a few. It is because of the complexity of chronic illness that we needed to create a more holistic and balanced regi men. Peshy began taking two different antibiotics and several different vitamins to help support her immune system and rid her body of the infection. Dr. Plier also included a probiotic to help support her gut while tak ing the antibiotics. We focused on incorporating specific foods into her diet to help the good bacteria thrive. There are also herbal treatments that have shown positive re sults in helping to clear the infections, but these often come with strong smells and tastes, and because of her age, Peshy was not ready to tolerate them. Despite the fact that Peshy continues to remain CDC negative for Lyme, we are seeing tremendous progress with a near resolution of symptoms. She is finishing her third month of this regimen now, and the goal is to wean her off of the antibiotics in the near future and see how she manages.
We continued into the winter without much relief to Peshy’s leg pain. Her anxiety continued to be a problem and there were more and more episodes of her becoming “uncomfortable,” Peshy’s code word to describe when she was feeling anxious. Since Peshy was beginning middle school, this was the first time she was eligible to receive school lunch. My daughter, always a fantastic and eclectic eater, be gan complaining that the foods offered in school were making her nauseous. While this was frustrating for me, because now I was making her alternate lunches, I attributed it to the fact that she was not used to the options they offered. This spilled over into her complaining about the foods I was offering at home. She was starting to com plain about the foods that she had always enjoyed. She would complain that her usually favorite foods were making her so nauseous that she had to leave the room. Nausea progressed to stomach aches, and she began to complain often that her stomach was bothering her. I found her spending more time in the bathroom than ever before. Around November time, at Parent Teach er Conferences, in speaking with the teachers, I brought up the topic of my Peshy’s anxiety, and I asked the teachers how she was doing in school. They mentioned that there were a few times in school where she became very emotional and seemed inconsolable. This was out of character for her, and so I asked them if there was a social worker who could see her in school on a regular basis. The teacher referred her to the social work department, and we were able to arrange for a so cial worker to see Peshy weekly and work with her on recognizing and coping with her emotions. After a few weeks, the social worker called to tell me she was making great progress in school. I was sur prised – this was not what I was seeing at home. Peshy would come from school, and within minutes she would transform from happy to devastated and she would begin crying hysterically about something from much earlier in the day as if it just happened. This started to happen as often as four times a week! My previously confident and calm child was inexpli cably transforming. She no longer had the capacity to balance or regulate her conflicting emotions, and the end result would be hysterical crying. I had no indication of which way she was going and could not prepare myself when her emotions were so erratic. In February 2022, while catching up with my friend Shulamis over coffee, she confided in me that her daughter Sarale was just recently diagnosed with Bar tonella, a common co-infection of Lyme Disease. She told me how her daughter was bitten by a tick in camp four years earlier, and her doctor did not run the proper testing on the tick or her daughter. Shulamis described how for four years she watched as Sarale progressively deteriorated. Sarale’s symptoms fell into three categories, which included neurological, psychological, and gastro-intes tinal. She described how hard it was to find a doctor to run the tests to evaluate if her symptoms were related to the bite throughout the four years. She ran from doctor to doctor, but they all dismissed the symptoms. Fortu nately, she finally found a doctor willing to test her for Lyme and the co-infections. My blood ran cold, and suddenly, a frightening thought popped into my head. What if all the symp toms Peshy was exhibiting were actually linked to the tick bite? It seemed pretty clear to me as we reviewed the timeline from the bite correlating with the list of symptoms that had been growing slowly but progressively.Thisinformation was very hard to process. I was honestly hoping that it wasn’t true, and as the information sunk in, the realization of how much she regressed from the time of the bite was terrifying Peshy was no longer the same child as she was before the trip to the country. The disease clearly en tered her system and in a slow and insidious way did it damage. I felt as though I was racing against the clock. I needed to get moving on this. I started reading every thing I could about Lyme and the co-infections from reputable and more importantly experienced medical sources.
77 which show a recent infection or 5 positive bands of IGG, which show an older infection, to be considered positive for Lyme. In actuality, Peshy had 2 bands of IGG present on the western blot, but according to the CDC, this is not enough and so the test was interpreted as negative.
Around the same time that this was all unfolding, Peshy started developing facial tics. It began as a simple blinking, then progressed to scrunching her nose, even tually it turned into jerking her neck back. My husband and I noticed this immediately, and it only strengthened our decision to move ahead quickly on the testing. Throughout my research, I learned about Life for Lyme, a volunteer organization that provides support and guidance to those suffering with Chronic Lyme Dis ease and co-infections. From my first call with them, the volunteer that I spoke with gave me a lot of time and explained so much. He provided me with resources and a list of all the relevant testing we should be asking for from Dr. Bleich’s office. Next, I reached out to Dr. Bleich. We spoke over the phone and verbalized the concerns I had. I told him that I was coming in for my Peshy’s annu al well-visit shortly and I wanted to have all of the tests run – total of approximately 30 different tests. I am not sure that he was in agreement with my assessment, but he did say, “You can never discount a mother’s intuition,” and he ordered the tests. A few days later, the tests came back, and now that I had greater knowledge on what I was looking for, I asked for a copy of the test results. In bold red letters, two bands were positive. I began shaking. I couldn’t be lieve it. I felt validated. All the questioning I had since Peshy’s tick bite, the growing list of symptoms, all had a reason. I called Dr. Bleich to discuss the results and felt like my train came to a crashing halt when he said, “It’s not positive.” I didn’t understand. Peshy had a known tick bite. We had a clear timeline of symptoms but according to the CDC, there weren’t enough positive bands and so she didn’t qualify for an tibiotics. I didn’t know what to do. Did this mean I was supposed to watch my daughter worsen? What more symptoms did she need to prove to be eli gible for treatment? I felt lost and helpless. But I refused to give in. I pleaded my case to Dr. Bleich. I told him I was not walking away without anti biotics. Eventually, he agreed, but I didn’t feel the regimen he proposed was adequate from all of the research I had done. I wanted another opinion. Thank G-d, we were able to find another doctor, Dr. Plier, who was more familiar with newer testing options and treatment protocols for Lyme and the co-infections. He was able to order more specific testing from more sensitive lab oratories to get a better picture of what was going on.

The best resource we and many of our friends with loved ones infected with Lyme Disease found was
In the last seventy years, the amount of trees on the eastern seaboard has doubled. The amount of deer in United States has increased by one hundred fold in the last ninety years. The amount of Americans living in the suburbs has reached 53% of the population. Combine all these factors together, and you have more people interacting with nature in an area that has an increased probability of harboring deer and subsequently ticks. Deer are not the only animals to carry ticks. Dogs, cats, and woodchucks are examples of other animals that carry ticks. The list goes on.
Editor’s Note: This is one person’s experience with Lyme disease. As always, when it comes to medical concerns, please discuss your concerns with your or your child’s doctor. My
Number one is to increase awareness. Lyme disease and the co-infections are on the rise.
Ticks vary in size. Sometimes, you may not even see the tick. Just because you didn’t see a bite, it doesn’t mean much if your symptoms line up with Lyme and the co-infections. If you are concerned, get tested. Contrary to what many believe, ticks do not need to be attached for 12 hours to transfer these infections. There have been studies showing that cer tain infections can be transferred in 15 minutes. Some ticks carry diseases in their saliva. Common sense would dictate that if it’s harbored there, it is transferred as soon as the tick attaches itself to its target. The longer it is at tached, the greater the likelihood of transmission, but it can happen as soon as the tick bites.
I know this journey is still in progress, and we are still navigating our path with Hashem’s help. My goal is to maintain the progress we have made with keeping her immune system strong and trying to incorporate some mild herbal treatments to help kill off any bacteria that may still be lingering. I feel it is important to tell Peshy’s story for a few reasons.
Number four: To the parents whose children are returning from camp: if your child spent time in an area that was common for ticks, test them for evidence of Lyme disease and the co-infections when they return. They should be tested, not right away, but approximately 4-6 weeks after they return; earlier may not show re sults. Be on the lookout for changes in your child or symptoms that don’t add up.
Anyone who has a known tick bite should get tested approximately 4-6 weeks later. Lyme disease is called “The Great Imitator” because it can literally mim ic anything – physical, neurological, emotional, psychiatric, such as anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, Bell’s palsy, back or joint pain, cardiac issues, hearing or vision issues, to name a few.
Number five: To the owners of sleepaway camps and bungalow colo nies: Spray your properties. Unfortu nately, sometimes camps and bungalow colonies are the most common place of getting bit by a tick. For all those children who never saw a tick bite, do it for them.
Number three: To the medical professionals: Lyme and the co-infections is a growing concern. It is some thing that in the past may have been more suited for specialists. It is unfortunately knocking down everyone’s door, and it is becoming more common on a primary care level. Educate yourselves on the emerging research and the testing options. Test early for Lyme and the co-infections, and if you feel like a patient requires more time than you can realistically give, refer them to some one who has the time and knowledge.
Number two: For those of you reading this and may be trying to find answers for yourself, your spouse or your children, understand that Lyme Disease and the co-infections are complex. It is some thing that your primary care physician may not be able to manage individually due to its complexity and the amount of time and effort this takes. Doctors are bound by managed care companies and how they are reimbursed and therefore may not be able to dedicate the time to this.
It is easy to miss the first signs of Lyme disease. The severity of symptoms vary, and if they are too mild, they can be missed entirely. While most people are waiting for a classic bullseye rash, the reality is that up to 60 percent of those bit do not develop the rash, and the percentage is even greater in kids.
Currently, the gold standard for testing among mainstream practitioners is the Western Blot, however, there are shortcomings. Some labs will only report on the bands that the CDC is looking for. In my daughter’s case, the first lab came with only two positive bands, but later testing from a more sensitive lab showed a few more questionable bands which, had they been included in the first tally of the required 5 bands, may have been the tipping point for her to receive antibiotics from the very first appointment we had. If you or your child already have any form of chronic illness or struggles with any of the following effects of chronic illness: thyroid dysfunction, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, neuropsychological disorders, or autoim mune disorders, talk to your provider, and when appropriate, begin antibiotics for a 30-day course. This will provide a better chance of eradicating any bac teria from the body before it becomes chronic.
There is new and emerging information on Lyme and the co-infections and how the body responds to chronic infections. There is a holistic component needed as part of a collaborative team. This can include infectious dis ease specialists, nutritionists, or herbalists. Functional and integrative medicine providers can also be of great help here. Understand that there are many who are facing this challenge with you. Ask around; connect to another patient, parent or caregiver of some one who is going through this. We are out there. There is tremendous benefit in speaking with others who can help you along the way. You are not alone.
78 HOdu l’HasH em k I t Ov.
For anyone who reads this story and the thought pops into your mind of a friend, cous in or neighbor who may be struggling to find answers to unexplained symptoms, this is for you. You can reach out and be a light to point someone else in the right direction.
A few things I have learned along the way.
To contact Life for Lyme, use the following link: https://www.chaiforlyme. org/
Ticks don’t always carry Lyme. Sometimes they carry Bartonella; sometimes they carry Babesia, Mycoplasma, Ricketsial Diseases, and Powassan Virus, to just name a few. Be sure to look up all of them if you still have no resolution to your concern. Sometimes they carry a few at a time. These are referred to as the co-infections. Whenever possible, it’s best to test the tick at a reputable lab to make sure the tick is not carrying anything. Whenever someone is in fected with more than one of the above mentioned, treatment becomes more complex and must account for the different infections involved.

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Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
My siblings and I are concerned about my mother. She wants to start dating after losing our father a bit over a year ago. She’s reaching out to shadchanim, friends, even family members, almost obsessively to try to find a new husband. She has always been a powerhouse and doesn’t let feelings penetrate, trying to keep a happy face despite any challenges. We’ve always admired her resilience but now we are good reason to be concerned? Is a year too soon if one has not really mourned?
Dating Dialogue WouldWhat You Do If…
Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 81

A brave face and a smiling mouth are not feelings.hersynonymousnecessarilywithnotfeelingher
Wishing you and your family only health, happiness and simcha going for ward. The Single Tzipora Grodko Dear Concerned Siblings, Parents are supposed to live for ever. It hurts to me know that you and your siblings are struggling with this ex traordinarily painful challenge. Mourn ing does not have generic rules, and everyone learns to heal and cope differ ently. Loneliness is one of the worst feel ings in the world, and it seems like your mom is very determined to move forward (based on your short description). I’m not concerned about your mom; however, I am concerned about you and your siblings. What do all of you think about your mom’s decision? Is it possi ble that you’re projecting your own con cerns onto her? Allowing the possibility of a new step-parent into your life can feel inappropriate and painful (and pos sibly not something a child can ever feel “ready” for). The answer is not simple, nor can anyone provide you with an answer expect ing you to be comfortable with it. I encourage you to continue having open con versations with your mom and siblings expressing your feelings and gaining support, closure, and clarity throughout the process. The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler I f your mother feels that she is ready to start dating, who are you to say oth erwise? In reality, it seems that it is you and your siblings who are not ready for this new phase of life. Many widows and widowers, es pecially those who have had happy and fulfilling marriages, often seek to remarry fairly quickly. For an active adult, it is very difficult to be a single in a world of married couples. My advice: Don’t stand in Mom’s way. She has gone through a very dif ficult time. Don’t make it more diffi cult for her by impeding what is best for her. Think of the fun you can have pre-screening her dates, interviewing prospective suitors, and giving her mar italIfadvice.andwhen your mother remarries, it is not to replace your father; rather, it is to provide your mom with a com panion. No matter how loving, caring, and supportive you and your siblings might be, you cannot take the place of a husband.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 82 The Panel
The Navidaters
T hank you for writing! I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. The weight of loss is immeasurable and dif ferent for everyone, and I just want to express my condolences and acknowl edge you and your feelings as well as your mom’s. Feeling our feelings and allowing grief to penetrate is of utmost im portance in the grieving pro cess. I understand why you and your siblings are concerned about your mother, believing she hasn’t worked through the emotions of your losing your father. She is strong and keeps it all together, putting on a brave face and plowing through. Some may view her behavior and effect as a result of her resilience, and some may wonder if she is avoiding feeling the loss of her husband. As you watch your mother begin to express an interest in dating, a sure sign she is ready for the next chapter of her life to begin, you are naturally left wondering if she is dating so soon to avoid dealing with the deeply painful, gut wrenching feelings of your father’s loss.
Pulling It All Together
Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. Ifind your concern about your mother very touching. However, your mother is an adult woman with developed judg ment and life skills. If she decided she is ready and is reaching out to start dating, then you must respect that and trust her instincts, especially if you siblings are adults. You can be sure that others are questioning her readiness to remarry and bringing up the effect on her chil dren.You and your siblings may not see the whole situation. She may have mourned in her own way to which you may not be privy. Her resilience may be based on strong coping skills as well as the abil ity to be in touch with her own feelings and process them privately and/or with help. Your father may have told her to start dating soon, understanding her needs and ability to move forward in a healthy way. You are your siblings may want to talk things through with a thera pist as a group. Perhaps you are not ready to have her move on. Perhaps you are afraid of losing your mother shortly after losing your father. It may be a good idea to consult a grief therapist to process your own grief and feelings about your mother’s reaction and plans. There may be things to say to her which can be healthy but respectful. Get help and communicate very care fully and respectfully with mom. The Shadchan Michelle Mond Iam so sorry you’re dealing with this painful challenge. Neither you, your siblings, nor us panelists can assess when the best time is for a grieving par ent to move on. What we can all agree on, however, is watching a parent move on while the kids are still grieving must be excruciatingly painful. The most important thing for you and your siblings to do is show respect for your mother’s personal decisions. As hard as it is, try not to let your pain damper her ability to move on if she feels ready. It might be helpful to go to family therapy to process the tragedy together as a family, if you have not already done so.
Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice. In a nutshell, I don’t have the answer to your question. And I don’t believe you will have the answer to your ques tion either. That is because the question doesn’t belong to you or me. The ques tion belongs to your mother. When the door to your mother’s bedroom closes at night and she lays her head on her pil low, we don’t know what she is think ing and we don’t know how she feels. A brave face and a smiling mouth are not necessarily synonymous with her not feeling her feelings. I cannot tell you whether or not you have reason to be concerned. You may or you may not. Your best bet is most likely to come alongside your mother. Express your loving concern and show her enormous support for her decision to start dating. Most people on Earth do not want to be alone. While some widows and widowers choose to remain alone, many want to get remarried to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of part nership and companionship. This can be the most normal thing in the world and actually a sign of life – wanting to moveUltimately,forward. your mother needs to make this decision for herself. When a parent moves on after the death of the other parent, this naturally may bring up all sorts of feelings for the children, no matter how old. Children are always children. And those feelings a child has for a parent never ever go away. If feelings about your mother moving on are stirring up your own feelings about your father, alav hashalom , you may find speaking with a professional to be and your family all the best.
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 83 No matter how loving, caring, and supportive you and your siblings might be, you cannot take the place of a husband.

The question mark is deliberate. Polio was eradicated in this country. Years ago. Since 1979, no cases of polio caused by the wild poliovirus have orig inated in the United States. There have been, however, cases of the wild poliovi rus brought into this country by foreign travelers with polio. The last time this happened was in 1993, almost 30 years ago.Now polio is back in the news. Last month, the New York State De partment of Health (NYDOH) and the Rockland County Department of Health alerted the public to a case of polio in a Rockland County resident who, unfortu nately, is paralyzed now. The identity of the polio patient remains private. How ever, it is clear that the person was never vaccinated against polio. It is unclear whether this person is originally from this country or from abroad. Further, there are eight known cases of polio in Israel at this time. A little bit of history is in order here. Polio existed for millennia, from pre historic times. Ancient Egyptian images show children walking with canes with the withered limbs that are distinctive of polio. The first known clinical description of polio was in 1789 by the British doctor Michael Underwood. In 1840, Dr. Jakob Heine of German formally recognized it as aPoliocondition.epidemics were frequent, there by rendering it one of the most feared diseases in the world. A polio outbreak in New York City in 1916 killed over 2000 people. The worst recorded outbreak in the United States was in 1952: polio killed over 3,000 people. As recently as the 1960s, polio killed or paralyzed over half a million people annually. For polio survivors, there could be lifelong conse quences. These included deformed limbs which required leg braces. Some needed breathing devices like the iron lung, an artificial respirator invented for the treat ment of polio. It’s no wonder that developing a vac cine against polio was urgently pursued. The first breakthrough was in 1949, when a team at Boston’s Children’s Hospi tal successfully cultivated the poliovirus in human tissue. Their work was recog nized in 1954 with the Nobel Prize. A few short years later, American vi rologist Dr. Jonas Salk created the first successful vaccine against polio. It was administered as an injection. Dr. Salk first tested the vaccine in 1953 on him self and his family and then the following year on 1.6 million children in the United States, Canada, and Finland. The results were announced in 1955, following which the vaccine was licensed. By 1957, the annual number of cases dropped from 58,000 to 5,600, and by 1961, only 161 cases remained. At about the same time, Dr. Albert Sa bin, a Polish American researcher, devel oped an oral vaccine against polio. Since Dr. Salk’s vaccine was successful, there was little to no interest in testing the Sabin vaccine in this country. Dr. Sabin had already tested his vaccine on himself and his family. After a team of Russian virologists visited his lab in 1956, Dr. Sa bin traveled to Leningrad and Moscow to work with the team there. There were test trials in the Soviet Union in 1958 on 20,000 children, and then on 10 million children in 1959, as well on over 100,000 children in Czechoslovakia (which be came the first country in the world to eliminate polio). This medical rapproche ment is noteworthy because it took place during the Cold War, showing the world’s collective goal to eradicate polio. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is a safe and effective vaccine which induces im munity in the gastrointestinal system. It contains a combination of different live polio strains in a weakened form. This form has helped eradicate wild polio cases in most of the world (it still oc curs in Pakistan and Afghanistan). The vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) is a strain related to the weakened OPV. If it circulates in under-immunized commu nities, it may revert to a form that causes illness. Yes, I’m dating myself: I recall being in school in the 1960s in Johannes burg and given a sugar cube with the po lio vaccine squirted on it as part of mass inoculation.Interesting point: Today, Israel ad ministers both OPV and IPV. Why? Be cause polio is present in the wastewater systems in Israel. More about wastewater in aAsmoment.webring our attention back to 2022, health officials are concerned about the Rockland County case. To us, it’s one case. But it’s not one case: It’s a case that did not have to happen. NYS Health Commissioner Mary T Bassett commented that every case of paralytic polio means potentially hundreds of oth ers could be infected. Please note that it takes only one traveler with polio to bring that disease into the USA. To officials, who monitor the sewage/ wastewater system, there is reason to be concerned. Wastewater data can be an important early warning signal of diseas es pending.Howdoes this work? Wastewater is a clever way of getting valuable information about sicknesses and diseases 10-to-14 days before they
Health & F tness Polio: What Does It Mean For Us?
Polio, the highly infectious disease that attacks the nervous system and can lead to spinal and respira tory paralysis, and, in some cases, death, is making a comeback?
By Hylton I Lightman, MD DCH (SA) FAAP

• It exists in an infected individual’s throat and intestines where it can live for many
Polioweeks.infects people by entering the mouth and it spreads through contact with feces, contaminated toys, or (less commonly) through droplets (sneeze or cough)An infected person can spread the virus before and up to two weeks after symptoms appear. An asymptomatic person can still transmit the virus. Health officials worldwide recom mend that children receive 4 doses of po lio vaccine by 6 years of age (2 months, 4 months, 6-18 months, and the 4th dose between 4-6 years). Adults, too, may re ceive the IPV. Adults concerned about their immune status are advised to speak with their Presently,internists.andofgreat concern, there is a backlash against vaccines because of the handling of the Covid pandemic. Parents need to know that childhood vaccines, including the polio vaccine, are safe. Our country’s long-standing vaccine safety system ensures that vaccines are as safe as possible. Millions of children safely receive vaccines annually. The most common side effects are mild, such as pain or swelling at the injection site. And for the anti-vaxxers who are read ing this, scientific studies and reviews show no relationship between vaccines and autism. There are rare exceptions to vaccines being safe.
• Polio is contagious.
Warning: All the diseases prevented by vaccines are not harmless and innocu ous. Who wants problems that don’t have to happen in the first place? As the back-to-school season is upon us, now is a good time to make sure that your children’s well visits are up-to-date. Questions about vaccines and their proto col should be addressed to your pediatri cian. Your children’s pediatrician wants only the best for your children. Promise. As always, daven Dr. Hylton I. Lightman is a pediatrician and Medical Director of Total Family Care of the 5 Towns and Rockaway PC. He can be reached at, on Instagram at Dr.Lightman_ or visit him on Facebook
• It spreads through person-to-per son contact.
One might ask: Since diseases like po lio and measles/mumps/German measles are rare in the USA, why bother with vac cines?Many of these diseases thrive in oth er parts of the world. We live in a world where contact between places, once un heard of, now abounds. Travelers might bring the viruses back with them. With out the protection of vaccines, these dis eases could easily spread again.
As recently as the 1960s, polio killed or paralyzed over half a million people annually. are actually manifested in a clinical set ting. Epidemiologists collect wastewater from various sources and then analyze them to see what disease may be brewing within a population. The National Waste water Surveillance System (NSWW) was launched in September 2020 to coordi nate and build this nation’s capacity to track the presence for the Covid-19 virus in wastewater samples collected across the country. Now, New York City Health and Hospitals is expanding its wastewa ter surveillance program to test for polio and monkeypox (monkeypox is beyond the scope of this article). Evidence of the polio virus was found in wastewater samples in Rockland Coun ty in June Simply2022.put, this means that people who have not yet been vaccinated against the polio virus are at risk for contracting it. The tragedy here is that a staple among pediatric vaccines – and one that has an excellent track record – is being refused. The patient is then at risk for po lio. G-d forbid that the unvaccinated per son has the live virus goes among infants who have yet to be vaccinated – well, that’s an unmitigated misfortune that is too tragic to fathom. The IPV prevents against naturally occurring polioviruses andToVDPVs.summarize:
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W aking up, I discovered a sus picious number of text mes sages on my phone. I learned early on that many messages at once is often not for the best of reasons. Sadly, it was informing me of the sudden passing of the beloved mother of a close family friend.Inaddition to the levaya information was a request for me to set up the shi va house. Naturally, I quickly agreed, grateful to do something practical to assist – despite not knowing what I was supposed to do. A few quick calls later, and I knew to set out water for washing, cover the mir rors, and prepare the table for the food others would be delivering. Misaskim – the organization we all appreciate ex ists but never want to need – showed up with all the mourners would required. Before we left, the house was ready for the avelim to walk in after the levaya and immediately begin the difficult process of mourning Bubby Genes. Besides the difficulties in figuring out how to cover mirrors without damaging the walls (clothespin clips with cobalt plastic tablecloths worked and were easy for aveilim to remove after shiva), I ran into a much thornier issue. As our families are so close, my children knew and loved Bubby Genes. Additionally, my children would definitely be interacting with Bubby Genes’ biological grandchil dren and would need to know how to be sensitive to their needs. What follows is a brief overview and some suggestions when having this dif ficult conversation with children. The closer the child is to the niftar, the more help in coping the child may require. Ad ditionally, some children are naturally more sensitive than others, and we need to respect those additional needs. No ar ticle can fully cover this emotional topic, and parents should avail themselves of the many resources readily available in our community. You Go First Before we can help our children, we need to help ourselves. It took me a while to exit my bedroom after hearing the news as I needed time to compose my self. My children would have their own emotional needs, and it would only com plicate their healing if I spoke before I was ready. We don’t need to prevent chil dren from seeing any form of sadness or mourning; it’s natural and healthy for children to know their parents grieve, too, but we need to keep a healthy bal ance. Usually in those first moments of shock we’re not prepared to be emotion ally balanced in front of children.
By Sara Rayvych, MSEd
Use Appropriate Language Little children, in particular, don’t really understand death and what it means. Using words like “passed away,” “sleeping forever” or “went away for a long time” are both unclear and confus ing. Some children may even become fearful from some of these well-inten tioned phrases. It’s best to use simple language that’s accurate. I explained about the burial of the body and the neshama living on. We discussed that the neshama is in a good place but wasn’t coming back (I left out t’chiyas hasmeisim) and that the family was sad because they are going to miss her. The talk need not be drawn out. The entire discussion with my youngest kids took two to three minutes and that in cluded my youngest son interrupting to ask about chocolate milk. Yes, I an swered his question about chocolate milk – and didn’t rebuke the inappropri ateness of the question – because that’s how a young mind works. He, too, needs to process the information in a way his mind comprehends. Death can be sad, but it doesn’t need to be fearful to young children.Older kids will already have a basic understanding of what death means but will still need to be told gently and have an adult’s listening ear. Interestingly, my children all wanted to share with me how much they appreciated that Bubby Genes brought them gum, making sure to buy the particular hechsher our family
86 Parenting Pearls
It’s incredibly tempting to run out and scream, “What happened?” but we need to control that urge. If we’re in shock, we can only imagine how our chil dren will feel seeing such an emotionally charged response. Give yourself the time you need and the space to focus on your feelings and immediate needs before be ing there for your children. We can only give what we have, and we need our own strength to give our children strength.

If you see your child is having a diffi cult time coping with the news, you will want to speak to a professional and en sure your child gets the help they need.
Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rock away. She can be contacted at RayvychHo
Particularly when one person per manently leaves your child, they need to know others are still there. Your child may need extra time with loved ones and reassurance that you and other close family and friends are still available.
Children learn from our cues and speaking in a calm way gives over more than words.
Any changes in your child’s behavior can be a sign of distress and should be taken seriously. Always a Teaching Moment Even – or especially – in times of sadness and grief, we are our children’s greatest teachers. Learning how to expe rience pain and sadness in an emotional ly healthy way is an important life skill. We may wish to protect our children from all hurt but that’s neither realistic nor healthy for their development. We have the opportunity to teach them how to interact with others that are in mourning. I gave my children some “do’s and don’ts” about being sensitive with Bubby Genes’ grandchildren. As close as my children felt to her, it doesn’t compare to the feelings her real grand children are experiencing. This is an opportunity to educate children in thinking of others and what they really need. For example, I may not have known how to set up a shiva house, but we do what the mourners need, not just what’s easy for us. As I did the setup, I explained to my daughter how we were trying to do things in a way that best met the mourners’ needs. This is also a meaningful way to share the halachos of mourning and the hashkafos of aveilus. As we covered mirrors and prepared water for washing, the children were interested in learning why we were doing each step and how it fit in with Jewish thoughts on death and mourning.Beingthere for our children in each situation is an important but difficult part of parenting. May Hashem give us the wisdom to continuously guide our children in the right way, and may we soon see the day when this article will no longer be necessary. This article was written l’ilui nishmas Henna Rivka bas Yaakov Yehuda.
uses. Older children are more prepared to have adult-like questions and emo tions.Children learn from our cues and speaking in a calm way gives over more than words. It’s best to not sound dra matic, exaggerated or overly emotional as children will pick up on this and re spond similarly. As frum Jews we can, and should, explain using what we know about the neshama, but we need to recognize that children have limited understanding of such abstract concepts. Someone must have told my son that Hashem is in the sky and no matter how hard I tried, my little guy couldn’t get out of his head an image of the neshama flying in the sky with Hashem. Surprisingly, that image somehow made sense to him.
Be prepared to address your child’s questions, concerns, and emotions as they come up. It is comforting for a child to know they can speak with their par ents. Try to not downplay or push aside their feelings. Seeing our children hurt can be painful for us, too, but we need to hold ourselves back from telling them “it’s no big deal” in a false attempt to protect them from their feelings.
Be Available Like most important topics, this may not be a one-and-done conversa tion, and each child may require their own talk. Assume your child may need to digest the information in small pieces and come back with more questions. You shouldn’t feel the need to have the entire discussion in one sitting – this can take some of the pressure off all parties.

88 jewish women of wisdom
By Miriam Liebermann, MSW They are neatly lined up in a row, sitting on the bed in our extra bed room downstairs. Two Raggedy Ann dolls, three teddy bears, one “Bubby” doll and one “Zayde” doll. Across from this impressive line up is a comfy chair with an ottoman. I often sit here making phone calls, listening to shiurim/pod casts/classes while working on my latest needlework project, enjoying the view! What makes them so special? Let’s start with the dolls. These Raggedy Ann dolls have been in the family for many years. In fact, our oldest child – who baruch Hashem joined our family four decades ago – on Purim day as a toddler wore this dress with the apron, dressed up as a most alluring, adorable Raggedy Ann. Truthfully, he should have been Raggedy Andy. But as Raggedy Andy was nowhere to be found in our home, Avrami was dressed as Rag gedyTheAnn.Bubby doll was gifted to our daughter Racheli by my dear friend Chu mi when she was a bit under the weather. We all benefit from having a warm, un derstanding, benevolent Bubby, whether real and authentic or stuffed! The Zayde, actually a ventriloquist’s dummy, was gifted to my dear husband on a signifi cant birthday by our very dear and be loved summer neighbors. I see him sit ting there, and I remember those long-ago carefree days in the country where Esther and I raised our children together, be neath the beautiful trees and the sunny skies.We then have a cuddly, luxurious ted dy bear, gifted to our youngest when he was a baby. To keep him company, we have a Momma and a Pappa bear. A little explanation is called for here. Our youngest couple married several years ago and headed off to Yerushalayim to begin their wedded life. I was thrilled for them. What a pleasure and privilege it is to begin one’s life together in this fash ion. Hodu l’Hashem. On the other hand, I missed them terribly. And then with many thanks to the Al-mighty, they were blessed with a ka”h beautiful, little boy. At that point, I really pined for this special little family. I’ve been storing some of their possessions in our home, till they return to the U.S. I chanced upon these two bears that they had created at BuildABear soon after they had become engaged. That’s when they became a trio: Momma Bear, Pappa Bear and Baby Bear, all occupying seats of honor on that bed. Baby Bear is in the middle, surrounded by Momma, Pappa, Bubby and Zayde and the “sisters.” All very loving and warm. No friction. No stress whatsoever. No noise. No commotion. No demands on anyone. No whining. No dirty diapers! No expectations. Just cozy and comfy. Makes me so happy! Take a peek. Come see what I’m smiling about! May all live happily ever after! Thank G-d for family. Postscript Our couple returned home to New York for Pesach. What a joy to have them close by and be able to connect on a regu lar basis. They decided to take the teddy bears back with them as their little one enjoys playing with them. But the cozy scene is now utterly incomplete for me. This tableau has lost its allure and charm. It was those two teddys, the Momma and Pappa Bear, and whom they represent ed, our lovable young couple, the newest momma and pappa in our family, that made this so meaningful for me. It’s obvi ously time to transition. Time for changes. The two Raggedy Anne dolls are now sitting on a chair in the corner of my of fice. The teddy bear is sitting on the rock ing horse in that same bedroom. And the bubby and zayde dolls have been retired. They are no longer on display. It actual ly made me sad now to see them sitting there, still smiling, perpetually. They are currently sitting in a plastic bag, in our garage, waiting to find a new home. I enjoy my surroundings a bit whimsi cal, a bit playful. And I’m big on nostalgia. I hold onto that which brings me joy and evokes positive memories and emotions. Once that is no longer the case, I’m ready to moveThoseon.teddy bears are now in their rightful home. Home sweet home. Post-Postscript It’s now several days later. Our young family has flown back to their home in Yerushalayim. It’s a tough transition for me each time, as it is for so many of us. I know that I’m in good company. The goodbyes are always painful. What is amazing is that ka”h so many of our young couples have the privilege of be ginning their lives together as kollel cou ples in Yerushalayim, with the encour agement and support of their parents. What a blessing for them, and ultimately for us, too, as they build their families and homes, devoted to our Torah Hake dosha. Hodu l’Hashem. In the meantime, I remind myself that long distance nachas is also nachas. I am grateful that we are still able to be connected through our modern tech nology. Our little ones across the ocean can still see their Savtas and Opas on a regular basis and maintain a relation ship with them. We don’t have to build a relationship with them from scratch each time we see them. Most important, as much as I miss our young couple, as much as we collec tively miss our young families who are living at a distance, that’s how much Ha kodosh Boruch Hu misses His children who are distant from him! Even more. With that in mind, we all hope and pray and eagerly anticipate the day when Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael will all be gathered together in Yerushalayim Habenuya, where we really belong. Bim hara byameinu. Amen. JWOW! is a community for midlife Jew ish women which can be accessed at for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more. I hold onto that which brings me joy and evokes positive memories and emotions.
An Impressive Lineup

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 89

By Naomi Nachman In The
Preheat oven to 400°F. Slice the eggplant lengthwise into 4 spears, and then cut each spear across into 1-inch chunks. Arrange the eggplant in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with kosher salt, then drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
Many of my readers know of my love for tomatoes.
◦ 1
◦ ½
Eggplant and Tomato Salad
◦ Juice
Tomatoes usually ripen and are in full picking season in August. I try to use tomatoes as much as I can when their flavor is at their peak. This is one of my most popular recipes served at my Shabbat table. salt oil cup cherry tomatoes, halved red onion sliced into half-moon rings of a fresh fresh crushed garlic cumin oil
Ingredients ◦ 1 large eggplant ◦ Kosher
K tchen
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.
lemon ◦ 2 cloves
◦ ½ teaspoon
◦ Olive
◦ Canola
TossPlacewell.the cookie sheet into the oven for 30 minutes or until the eggplant has become brown and soft in the center. After the eggplant has cooled, placed in a salad bowl. Add tomatoes, onion, lemon, garlic and cumin. Drizzle with a little olive oil and add some salt if desired. Garnish with fresh chopped cilantro or parsley.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 91

O n a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with guest Mark Trencher (MT) of Nishma Re search on the topic of market research. * * Market research is a big topic. Perhaps you can explain the term “market re search”? Market research, broadly, is a set of tools that helps you find the answers to important questions. For me, the key has always been the questions even more than the answers, sometimes. Let me give you examples of the kinds of questions that businesses should be asking. The first question that comes to mind deals with the topic of awareness. “Do people know that I’m around?” “How do people find out about me?” “Do people have any impression of me compared to my competitors?”
T his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show –broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.
An area that I find very interesting is the area of “importance.” I was ap proached by a synagogue that said, “We did a survey, and we know people think we’re doing a great job on A and B and not such a good job on C.” I said, “OK, which of those are more important and which are less?” They admitted that they never really asked their members what they found more important. These are all examples of questions people should be asking, even before you start to think about how you’re going to do a survey.
Another big topic where people ask ques tions these days is the area of customer satisfaction. “Are my customers happy?” “Why are they happy?” “Why are they not happy?” You can’t go to the doctor with out getting an email saying, “Rate us on a scale of 1-5.”
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 92 Mark Trencher: “Research is Fun” Mind Y ur Business
So, what are some of the other differ ent types of research and how are they used? There’s a lot of other kinds of research – if a person wants to develop a new prod uct, how big is the market? What are its demographics? Who exactly are your cus tomers? Age? Income? If I’m opening up a new location, where should I go? How do people like to shop? In the store, online, through a catalog? There are web-based communications habits. How do people like to be reached? There’s a lot of different areas of market research. Market research often means the business world, but not always. The research I do is in the Jewish com munity, and that’s communal research. Every survey I do, I get together a group of people from the community and say, “What do you want to know?” So, the process of coming up with questions is very interactive with people in the com munity. There’s a lot of studies out there of people-to-people’s attitudes. There’s government research, the Bureau of La bor Statistics, if you need data, and busi ness in your area. And of course, one area that people sometimes are aware of more than anything else, is all of those political polls.Basically, every research has three basic steps: what, who, and how. “What” is “what are you trying to find out?” The “who” is “who are you focusing on?” And “how” is “how are you going to get the an swers you need?” In many elections, the numbers and the data that the main media sources are giving out there don’t always turn out to be correct. Can explain what political polling is and what happened

The next step would be qualitative research. It could be interviews, group interviews. I’ve done studies with where I’ve had 2-10 minute telephone inter views that we recorded and analyzed. The next step would be product reac tions. This is business to consumer, B2C. It gives him information that covers the entire spectrum of what he would need for a full-fledged business plan. So, this is just an example of a person who seems to be very in tune with research. By default, one would think that it’s much more important for a B2C business to do the research, but is it fair to say that B2B also should be looking at research from their cus tomer?
“For me, the key has always been the questions even more than the answers, sometimes.”
The interesting lesson that I learned was back in 2016, when everyone talked about the “shy Trump voter.” A person who got a phone call and was asked will you vote for? Well, they wanted to vote for Donald Trump, but they didn’t want to say it because he wasn’t the typical candidate. And the theory was that peo ple were shy, and they wouldn’t admit it. In my view, and we’ve now learned this is true, there’s really no such thing as a shy Trump voter, there’s a person who doesn’t want to be bothered. There are people in this country, whether you’re talking about soap, de odorants, technology, or who you’re gonna vote for, they don’t want to be bothered, they don’t answer the phone. The challenges around representative ness are when you have your survey of 1,500 people, you can talk about plus or minus 3% accuracy all you want. But if those 1,500 are not representative of the group you’re surveying, that’s a problem. Perhaps you could share some se crets on how to present in a way that’s engaging to your market and that will actually get people to re spond to a survey. Why would people respond to a sur vey? There are two reasons. Number one, if it’s something that interests them. Two, it doesn’t look too hard to do. So, we try to make our surveys easy. We put them online. I know that in the case of COVID and the vaccines, everyone was interested in it. In the case of a survey we did, where we actually surveyed the entire spectrum of the Orthodox Jew ish community, the challenge was real ly reaching the Hasidic groups, because they are harder to reach. They don’t have email or web access, the way that the Modern Orthodox have. One of the things that made that survey successful was the name of Hatzalah, an organi zation that has a Net Promoter Score higher than I’ve ever seen any company in any survey. I will note though, that among some of the Hasidic groups, we had many more men than women re spond. And that’s understandable, be cause these people may not have inter net access at home, so they might have responded at the workplace. Sometimes you do a survey, and you get the non-representative response. But if you understand why, there are mathe matical ways to adjust to that. Anyone that orders a product from Amazon or, as you mentioned, goes to a doctor, gets these surveys. Are surveys like that considered market research? Are they accurate? Well, they might be if they’re run by a business. If a business is doing an asking for your opinion, my hope is that they would read the responses. I always get very disappointed when there’s no opportunity to type in why I am saying this. They just asked for the rating and that’s the end of the survey. My concerns are the quality of the data. We all know that some of the ratings on Amazon are biased. That’s why an organization like Fakespot emerged, which tells you not what the rating is, but they look at the ratings and say, “We think that 10% of the ratings are not fake.” Sometimes the surveys are poorly designed, but they still can be market research. But in general, one of the problems in the research world is that there’s a lot of stuff out there that isn’t really research, that pretends to be research. You’ll get a phone call saying, “We’re doing a sur vey,” but no, they’re not doing a survey. It’s a recruitment call or a marketing call. So, to me, ultimately, that kind of gives research a bad name. Let’s talk about how the world of research applies to businesses –whether it’s a B2C, B2B, or even a person that has an idea and just wants to know if there is a market for their idea. I recently got a phone call from a gen tleman who said he had a concept for an educational product involving technolo gy. It was very different from what’s out there currently, in the early stage, and he wanted to develop a business plan. The first thing he wanted to develop was an understanding of how big the market was. In the area of market size, there’s often a lot of data available. So, for this product, we looked at families with chil dren, all these numbers are available from the Census Bureau, the distribu tion of children in preschool, how many are in kindergarten, grades 1-8 and high school, because the product would be a little bit different depending on the ages. So, a lot of it was just looking into what we call secondary research. Research is divided into primary, which is a survey you do for new data no one else has, and secondary, which is drawing on what’s already out there.
93 over the last 5-10 years when the numbers are not always so accurate? Basically, the political polling says a few important things. Number one, the gold standard of surveys, telephone sur veys, is gone. People don’t answer their phone. People don’t have landlines. Peo ple screen their messages. How do you reach people? That’s a challenge.
All this data was available for him, and I think he ended up being pleased at the size of the market. So, at that point, it becomes a go or no-go decision.
“How do you decide where to put the money?” “How do you decide how much to invest?” The B2B was completely dif ferent. We did a couple of dozen inter views asking, “Are you offering this to your employees? Here are some new in vestment options that we’ve developed, is this something you’d be interested in offering to your employees?” Clearly, B2B and B2C are both im portant. I think there probably is more consumer research done than business research these days. But that might be because a lot of the consumer research gets publicized and made publicly avail able. Whereas a B2B project, you might never hear of it because it’s very often proprietary. But both are very important. Perhaps you could share a final tip to small businesses that are consid ering or aren’t convinced yet of the importance of research. If you’re thinking about research, get your team together and say, “You know what? I’m thinking about research, but really, we’re here today for something else. I want to ask you to think of the questions that are on your mind that would be worth asking.” You will whet people’s appetites. You’ll get a process going. People will say, “Gee, I’d really love to know that.” So that’s really a good way to get to get the research process going.Finally, research is fun. You will learn things you didn’t know. You’ll think about how to use them, you’ll get some creative juices going. I think you’re gonna have a lot of fun doing re search.
Absolutely. Many years ago, I worked for a large financial company that was selling retirement products, and we did a major project that was both B2B and B2C. For B2C, I seem to recall about 500 interviews with individuals. “Are you saving for your retirement?” “Where?”
Number two, in terms of political polling, bigger is worse, by which I mean because we have 12 swing states, if you’re accurate within plus or minus 2% in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, you can easily blow the entire election just from these three states. The nature of the electoral college makes it more difficult.

– Tweet by squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) urging Pres. Biden to cancel student loans
It was, ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of a targeted nuclear device detonated over the most emotionally vulnerable elements of our most privileged population. You can picture the carnage, the wailing, the swooning… then fumbling for Xanax and expensive handbags. Not since the orange man seized the White House in a Russian coup have more 46-year-old Cornelleducated lawyers with weak husbands wept shamelessly in public.
- Hollywood actor Tom Holland Imagine the pandemonium at SoulCycle studios across the Northeast this morning when Tony Fauci announced his retirement. Ugly doesn’t begin to describe it. Picture the chaos, if you can, in the organic chaga aisle at Whole Foods in Brooklyn. Try to envision the panic and hysteria that must have broken out at espresso bars in Edgartown and Aspen and Santa Monica and Bethesda as thousands of masked ladies in Lululemon discovered, all at once, that the one religious leader they still revered, their own even tinier version of the Dalai Lama, had decided to retreat forever from public life.
– Don Trump Jr. at a political rally in Florida
1) Maybe POTUS’ party’ll avoid losses. 2) Things look good for out party. 3) Things look REALLY good for out party. 4) Hold on, maybe POTUS’ party won’t lose as many seats as thought. 5) Could POTUS’ party avoid wipeout? 6) WIPEOUT.
- Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Notable What?!”
I have taken a break from social media for my mental health because I find Instagram and Twitter to be overstimulating, to be overwhelming.
With the stroke of a pen, @POTUS can change lives and save lives. He must #CancelStudentDebt and go as broad and as deep as the hurt is.
Blue collar families paying white collar debts. Regressive. Punitive. Inflationary. Unjust.
By the way, for the record, I say that if Donald Trump actually still had the nuclear codes, it would probably be good. Our enemies – our enemies –might actually be like, “OK, maybe, let’s not mess with them!”
Quotes “Say
Can he send me back my investment in my children’s future? I could use that money just to buy groceries under this great economy. Can Biden eliminate the IRS too? That would help a LOT of Americans! I paid mine back. Do I get reimbursed?
Some of the tweets in response
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 94
Donald Trump has the nuclear codes! In the linen closet at Mar-a-Lago!
Midterm cycles since ‘06 have certain rhythm:
– Tweet by political commentator David Drucker

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 95

“We really need to save the masks for the people who need them most,” he later said.
At Kitson, we prioritize the safety of our staff and customers. We noticed a disturbing trend of individuals wearing masks to avoid identification in various situations including, but not limited to, shoplifting, verbal harassment, and physical assault. The mask mandate may have begun as a health precaution, but we believe it is now being used by some people for nefarious purposes. To that end, we enacted our own mandate of sorts. We do not allow the wearing of masks in the store during regular business hours.
96 With Covid, things that we thought we knew at the beginning as the months went by turned out not to be the case... That was interpreted as flip flopping when it really was the evolution of the science.
They are a destructive force in American politics. They are basically a domestic terrorist cell operating in America. Their goal is to end democracy.
– David Harsani, The Federalist Next time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise. The steady drop in gas prices over the last few months has turned into an unexpected form of economic stimulus
- CNN Business senior writer Chris Isidore, forgetting to mention that two years ago gas was almost half the price than it is today
- Tweet by Financial Times Associate Editor Edward Luce
– Statement by Kitson’s owner Ross Frasier explaining why he banned masks in his Los Angeles department stores
I agree. And I was the CIA Director .-Reply by Former CIA Director and fellow “swamp creature” Michael Hayden
- Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC
Was it an evolution in science that compelled Fauci to tell Americans, “[t]here’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” only to implore them to strap on two masks a few months later? Fauci admitted he lied about the efficacy of masking, fearing it would instigate a shortage.
Democratic National Committee advisor Kurt Bardella talking about Republicans on MSNBC
In the early days of the pandemic, Fauci kept citing the estimate of 60-70 percent vaccination level for reaching herd immunity. Later, he claimed it would be “70, 75 percent.” And finally, “75, 80, 85 percent.” Fauci later admitted lying about that, as well, because “polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine.”
I’ve covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world over my career. Have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today’s Republicans. Nothing close.

There is deep mistrust between the White House and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky— considerably more than has been reported.
Jared Kushner in an interview with Mark Levin on Fox News
The real need is not to reclaim the Constitution, as many would have it, but instead to reclaim America from constitutionalism.
- From a New York Times essay, titled “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” by law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale
D e s i g n B u i l d M a i n t a i n P a t i o s , D r i v e w a y s & W a l k w a y s O u t d o o r K i t c h e n s , F i r e p l a c e s & F i r e P i t s P l a y i n g C o u r t s & P u t t i n g G r e e n s L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n & W a t e r F e a t u r e s A r t i f i c i a l T u r f & I n s t a l l S p e c i a l i s t s G r e e n : S p a c e s , R o o f s & A r c h i t e c t u r e * * S P E C I A L O F F E R * * M e n t i o n t h i s a d a n d r e c e i v e a $ 3 0 0 d i s c o u n t o n y o u r p r o j e c t o v e r $ 5 0 0 0 ! Landscaping & Hardscaping C O M M E R C I A L A N D R E S I D E N T I A L
-Thomas Freedman, The New York Times
Always announce guests in the Guest Chat if they will be in common spaces with you and if they are white.
The Ukraine war is not over. And privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on.
[Trump’s] fiercest critics really accuse him of breaking norms, but what we’re seeing here, and what we’ve seen constantly over time, is that they do that exact thing. They break all the norms in order to try to get Trump.
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 97

The problem for Cheney is: most Re publicans are not interested in kamikaze missions.Cheney believes that Trump is the greatest threat facing our country today, greater than the serial disasters President Biden has unleashed since taking office – among them, the worst inflation in 40 years, the highest gas prices in decades, the worst border crisis in U.S. history, and the worst crime wave in many cities since the 1990s. She thinks stopping Trump is more important than stopping Democrats from spending trillions of our tax dollars, hiring an army of IRS agents to harass hard-work ing Americans, raising taxes on business es struggling in this economy, projecting weakness on the world stage, and pursuing a radical climate agenda at the expense of U.S. energy independence. The vast majority of Republicans dis agree. If the Democratic alternative was the benign, centrist party of Bill Clinton – who told us the “era of big government is over” – things might be different. But Republi cans know that the Democratic Party has been taken over by its radical progressive wing. Were it not for Sens. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., they would have followed Biden’s $1.9 trillion in flation-inducing “American Rescue Plan” with his $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” boondoggle. They would have gotten rid of the filibuster, packed the Supreme Court, packed the Senate by giving statehood to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and enacted their radical agenda by simple majority vote. Republicans understand that we are just two votes away from a one-party state. And if in November the Democrats somehow hold onto the House, and extend their Senate majority, they will use their expanded powers to irreversibly transform the country. That, Republicans believe, is a far bigger threat than Trump. Cheney says the Republican Party is “very sick,” and in many ways she is right. But as her father’s mentor, Donald H. Rumsfeld, famously said: You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might wish you have. Well, today conserva tives have to go to war with the Republican Party they have. That party needs good leaders inside the fold, not people blowing themselves up on suicide missions.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
In Wyoming, Cheney lost because her constituents saw that she cared more about fighting Trump than fighting Biden. She was more concerned with waging a civil war within the Republican Party than the inflation that is forcing her voters to choose between staples such as gas and food. Now, Cheney is reportedly considering a presidential run. She had a better chance of keeping her House seat than she does of winning the Republican nomination. The GOP is not going to nominate someone from the “Never Trump” wing. If the party is going to move past Trump in 2024, the nominee will almost certainly have to be someone such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSan tis, who offers to continue Trump’s policies, minus the political baggage. But this is not good enough for Cheney. “Ron DeSantis has lined himself up almost entirely with Donald Trump, and I think that’s very dangerous,” she told the New York Times recently. A Cheney run would divide the not-Trump vote in the GOP primaries and make it more likely that Trump wins. What Cheney does not seem to under stand is that relentless pursuit of Trump only empowers him. Until recently, sup port for another Trump presidential run was fading among Republicans. In Octo ber 2021, a Quinnipiac poll found that 78% of GOP voters wanted to see Trump run again. By July, that share had dropped to just 49%, a New York Times-Siena College poll found. But the one-two punch of the Cheney-led Jan. 6 committee hearings and the Merrick Garland-approved FBI search of Mar-a-Lago is causing Republicans to rally around the former president. The way to persuade GOP voters to move beyond Trump is not to attack him but to convince them that he is the candi date most likely to lose in 2024. Republican voters’ top priority is to defeat Joe Biden. And that means no one wants to join Liz Cheney on her suicide run.
Cheney said this week that winning reelection “would have required that I go along with President Trump’s lie about the 2020 election.” That’s not true. Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, also rejected the “big lie.” Like Cheney, Kemp faced a Trump-backed effort to defeat him in a Republican primary. But unlike Cheney, Kemp won. Why? Because he did not spend the past two years re hashing the 2020 election; he focused on the concerns of Georgia voters. He spent his time fighting his Democratic opponent, not Trump. “Stacey Abrams wants her woke politics to be the law of the land and the lesson plan in our classrooms,” Kemp warned after his primary win. “Well, you know what? Not on my watch.” If your con cern is the future of the Republican Party, you know the GOP is better off with leaders such as Kemp still in it.
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 98 By Marc A. Thiessen Political Crossfire Why Republicans Don’t Want to Join Liz Cheney on Her Kamikaze Mission W
hatever you think of Liz Cheney, give her credit for courage: She knew that relentlessly pursuing Donald Trump meant the end of her con gressional career, and she did it anyway. It was an act of bravery, akin to kamikaze pi lots who intentionally crashed their planes into the deck of an aircraft carrier.

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 99

202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe n 2019, as he prepared to launch his campaign for mayor of New York, Eric Adams slammed President Donald Trump’s policies at the southern border, tweeting that “New York City will ALWAYS stand up to” Trump and prom ising: “To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here.” Well, apparently not “ALWAYS.”
Abbott invited Adams and Bowser to visit the southern border to see the cri sis firsthand – an invitation neither has accepted.WhatAbbott is doing is brilliant. One of the biggest problems in politics today is that elites in places such as Washington and New York are insulated from the ca lamitous effects that their actions impose on the rest of our country. Abbott is sim ply giving them a taste of the disaster the Biden administration has unleashed on his state. On taking office, President Joe Biden suspended the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their asylum claims are considered. He also terminated the “safe third country” agreements that Trump negotiated with El Salvador, Gua temala, and Honduras, which required migrants to apply for asylum in the first safe foreign country they crossed into. Biden effectively hung a big welcome sign on our southern border – and peo ple illegally crossed in record numbers. U.S. Customs and Border Protection data from July shows more than 199,900 en counters at the southern border. We are on pace to surpass 2 million encounters this fiscal year – more than CPB has re corded for any fiscal year since 1960. That does not count the “gotaways” who were not apprehended when they attempted to cross into our country. And despite record-high border crossings, deporta tions under Biden dropped in 2021 to the lowest levels in Immigration and Customs Enforcement history – which means that under Biden, record numbers of asylum seekers and illegal migrants are being re leased into our communities. More than 1 million people who arrived illegally and have been given deportation orders still have not left – while countless others have simply disappeared. Instead of complaining that Abbott is sending migrants into their cities, Adams and Bowser should be complaining that Biden is failing to stem the flow of ille gal migrants into our country. With his buses, Abbott is sending a message: Texas isn’t going to bear this burden alone. If the mayors of New York and Washington want to virtue-signal on immigration and border crossings by declaring themselves sanctuary cities, then Texas will help them live up to their promises.
“In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city,” Abbott said Aug. 5. “I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief.”
Political Crossfire In Texas, Abbott
Now that the Texas Division of Emergency Management has begun transporting to New York City asylum seekers and illegal migrants released from federal custody, Adams is crying foul – calling “horrific” the decision by Gov. Greg Abbott, R, to send about 800 people who had illegally crossed the border and complaining that even before Abbott’s buses arrived New York was already “overburdened” by an “unprecedented surge” of asylum seekers. Give me a break. According to Bill Melugin, the Fox News reporter who has been on the ground in Eagle Pass, Texas, covering the border crisis for more than a year, the Del Rio sector – a 47-county region – reported 2,200 migrants had arrived illegally in a single 24-hour pe riod this week. In all, Melugin tells me, there have been 401,449 illegal crossings in the Del Rio sector since fiscal 2022 be gan on Oct. 1 – double the number from the same period a year before. To put those numbers in perspective, consid er: Eagle Pass has a population of about 29,000 people. Yet Adams is complain ing that Texas is sending 800 migrants to New York – a city of more than 8 mil lionAdamspeople?didn’t protest in October when the Biden administration sent planeloads of migrants, some of them underage, from Texas to the New York area. But when Abbott sent a charter bus to New York City this month carrying 54 mi grants, Adams called it “irresponsible,” “un-American” and “inhumane.”
Sorry, Mr. Mayor, but you don’t get to announce that “New York City will re main a sanctuary city under an Adams administration” – and then complain that too many migrants are using your sanc tuary. The same goes for Washington, D.C. In 2016, after Trump was elected, Mayor Muriel Bowser reaffirmed “DC’s status as a sanctuary city” and promised to welcome all residents “no matter their immigration status.” But now that Abbott has sent about 6,900 migrants to the na tion’s capital, she says D.C. is at a “tipping point” and has asked for National Guard assistance to help manage intake (a re quest the Biden administration recently denied).AllAbbott is doing is taking the may ors up on their offer to provide sanctuary.
By Marc A. Thiessen is Playing Hardball on Illegal Border Crossings. Good.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
100 I

|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 101

102 Forgotten Her es Firsts
By Avi Heiligman
A Swiss army knife from World War II
202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe on the Battlefield
Today, Swiss Army knives can have up to 181 different functions including MP3 players and USB drives, although the knives issued to soldiers are much more modest.
T hroughout history, armies have always looked for innovations, new technology, and better weap ons to give themselves an advantage on the battlefield. Not all of these innova tions go well at first and, in some cases, took centuries to perfect. The history be hind many military inventions is quite fascinating, and the first time these in ventions were in combat often produced unexpected results. Here is the history behind some inventions and innovations and their first time in battle. Gunpowder is believed to have come from China somewhere in the 9th centu ry. The first documented case of it being used in battle was in 1132. A Chinese general used hand cannons called huo chong to capture a city. More practical cannons that were wheeled around were used in the 13th century, with one histo rian detailing the Mamluks’ use of can non against the Mongols in 1260. The first European use of big cannon was during the Hundred Years War at the Battle of Crecy when the English used a volley gun for the first time in battle. By the end of the Middle Ages, in the 1500s, firearms were fairly new and not always reliable. As time went on, inventers came up with better firearms. Flintlock firearms first appeared in 1547 and became popular among armies who used them to replace replaced handheld cannons. During the American Civil War, rifles saw an upgrade to increase the rate of fire and repeating rifles first saw action in battle. The sword was becoming less pop ular at that time, but that didn’t mean that sharp metal weapons were aban doned. Bayonets are a knife, sword or a spiked weapon that can be fitted onto the end of a rifle or firearm. The first use of the bayonet was in 1606 by the Chi nese, but the results were underwhelm ing as the bayonet could easily break or damage the gun. New types of trench knives that were an upgrade from oth er stabbing weapons were used during World War I during bitter fighting that often resulted in hand-to-hand combat. Not all weapons used on the battle field were designed to hurt the enemy. In the 1880s, the Swiss military decided they needed a multi-tool, and in 1891, Swiss inventor Karl Elsener’s new gadget was in the hands of military personnel. The first edition only came with four tools: a knife, a reamer, screwdriver and a can opener. However, when officers complained about the blade and its lack of other practical tools, Elsener rede signed the blade and added a corkscrew and a razor blade. The famous red grips were soon added to be easier to spot if it landed in the snow. It was dubbed the Swiss Army Knife by American GIs during World War II who struggled to pronounce its original name. Today, Swiss Army knives can have up to 181 dif ferent functions including MP3 players and USB drives, although the knives is sued to soldiers are much more modest. X-rays were discovered in 1895 and in the years leading up to World War I were further developed to be used on a wide-scale basis. Their first military use was during the 1896 Abyssinian War. Italian Lieutenant Colonel Giuseppe Alvaro successfully used x-rays twice to determine the position of bullets on two different soldiers that had been shot in the forearm. During World War I, efforts by leading scientists including Noble Prize laureates were put into creating the first mobile x-ray units that were sent to the frontlines. Vehicles were outfitted with x-ray machines and dark room equipment to process the x-rays. An electric generator was put into the vehicles so that x-ray machine could run. These vehicles helped battlefield doctors and surgeons quickly diagnose a soldier’s conditions and operate more efficiently.Before the 20 th century, militaries avoided fighting at night due to the dark ness causing confusion and difficulties in communicating properly. Two World War II inventions sought to solve this problem. Night vision technology was being developed by both the Germans and Americans. German Panther tanks had night vision and rangefinder devic es mounted that the tank commander would operate. At the same time, Amer ican inventors were coming up with inferred night-sighting devices called sniperscopes. During the next two de cades, this technology was advanced, and by the Vietnam War, Starlight

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at
A soldier wearing a SCR-300A x-ray machine on a hospital ship in 1918
Inventors and innovators are always looking for ways to improve something or fix a problem. During wartime, they often come up with ingenious ideas out of necessity. Not all of these ideas come to fruition, but if they do see the battlefield, they often become history makers.
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 103 scopes could be fitted onto a M16 rifle and relied on ambient light from the moon to operate. One of the devices created to solve communication issues is known today as the walkie talkie. Two-way commu nication devices that did not use wires were invented by Canadian Don Hings in the late 1930s. By the end of World War II, the SCR-300 was in the hands of American GIs in both Europe and the Pacific. It was carried in a backpack that weighed 40 pounds, had a range of five miles, and, while in use in the Pacific, could reach up to 15 miles over water. The SCR-536, known as the “HandieTalkie,” resembles the modern-day walkie talkie. Developed by the Galvin Manufacturing Company (Motorola) and the U.S. Army, it was the first hand-held portable two-way radio and was used in many operations including the landings at Normandy. It came in a waterproof case weighing less than six pounds and was distributed on a wide-scale basis. As one could imagine, anything to do with GPS (global positioning system) can be traced back to the military. In fact, the study of satellites in orbit trans mitting data back to Earth dates to the 1960s. Over the next two decades, sev eral satellites were launched into space. The first handheld unit was available for military use in the late 1980s and was used to direct troops to their intended targets during the night or inclement weather. It proved to be a game changer during Desert Storm as the American troops used GPS to outmaneuver the Iraqis in all types of weather and terrain. After the war, Corps Commander Lieu tenant General Frederick Franks noted, “They [GPS receivers] were invaluable in avoiding fratricide (friendly fire inci dents) and allowing accurate navigation and artillery fires.”

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Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International

202225,AUGUST|HomeJewishThe 106 HEWLETT BAY PARK Prestigious Center-Hall Colonial in Hewlett Bay Park, Set Back on Private Property. This Stately Home Features a Grand Entry Foyer, Formal Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Chef’s Kitchen, Large Den, Master Bedroom suite with Sitting Room + 2 Baths (His & Hers) and Loft and Additional 3 Bedrooms + Bonus Rooms. Exquisitely Manicured Park-like property. Award Winning School District #14. Too Many Features To List. Will Not Last! P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516.298.8457AssociateFeaturesfurnishedMagnificentmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457CEDARHURSTBright&Sunny6Bedroom,5BathHomePrimelocationinCedarhurstDreamKitchenWithGraniteCountertops,TwoSinks,TwoOvens,TwoMicrowaves,FormalDiningRoomWithWashingStation,FormalLivingRoom.SmartHome,RadiantHeat,SpeakerSystem,Timers,CamerasInside+Outside,MasterBedroomSuiteWithJacuzziTub+Shower.TwoLargeWalk-inClosets,CentralAirConditioning,GasHeat,TwoCarGarage,GreatCornerProperty,LargeSide+Backyard,FinishedBasement,CloseToAll.AMustSee.CloseToShoppingAndHousesOfWorship.MarkLipnerBrokerBerkshireHathawayLaffeyInternational516-298-8457mlipner@bhhslaffey.comWOODMERESpectacular5bedroom,5bathrenovatedhomeinSD#14within-groundpool&poolhouse,lotsize111x107.Formallivingroom&diningroom,magnificentkitchenwithSSappliances,tremendousdenwithfireplaceand4skylights,vaultedceiling,LEDlighting,mastersuite,newCAC,newroof.OutsidetotallyredonewithStoneandStucco.Backyardwithnewpavers,park-likeproperty,sandbox,greathomeforentertaining.Closetoall.$1,549, BeautifullyWOODMEREmaintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all. Price Reduced $899k. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AUGUST 28 • 12:00-2:00PM 918 EILEEN TERRACE Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 WOODMERE JUST LISTED Spacious 5 bedroom 4 bathroom split level in Saddle Ridge Estates Well maintained home , renovated eat –in-kitchen , formal living room and dining room, den, central air conditioning, hardwood floors, high hats, master bedroom with a custom bathroom and Jacuzzi tub, close to all $995k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International Move5Beautiful,BeautifullyLAWRENCE:mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NEWTOMARKETmaintainedC/Hcol5bdrms3.5bathskosherkitchen,library,oversizedden,fivestarlocation,onkidfriendlyblock.Walktoall.2.2milCallleavemessage917-364-3222WOODMEREbrick,colonialboastingbdr3.5Bthinpristinecondition.Excellentlocation,nearall!rightin!RCUSA516-512-9626 WOODMERE House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International OnHouseWOODMERE/HEWLETTmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NECKRentalMagnificent6BedroomHome.FormalDiningRoom,NewGourmetKitchenW/HighEndAppliances&Cabinets,LargeLivingRm&Den,3CarAttachedGarage,HardwoodFloors,Sd#14.5BedroomsOneLevel,FabulousMBRSuiteW/NewBathroom.gasheat.centralairconditioning,longdriveway,park-laikeproperty,&SoMuchMore.CallfordetailsMarkLipnerAssociateBrokerBerkshireHathawayLaffeyInternational516-298-8457mlipner@bhhslaffey.comBEAUTIFULTUDORLongBeach,NY3Bedroom,2full&2halfbathwellmaintained2600squarefoothomeinWestholmearea.Easilywalkabletoshuls,beach&train.Giantmasterbedroomwithwalk-incloset&en-suite.Finishedbasement.Lotsoforiginaldetails.Asking$1.2Call516-318-0838 APT./COOP/CONDO SALE CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457CEDARHURST 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated private entrance , central air conditioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 Classifieds • text 443-929-4003 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALEHOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT CAN’T AFFORD YOUR PROPERTYMORTGAGE?TAXES? Must sell for any reason? Call for FREE Consultation. Call now 212-470-3856 Cash buyers available!

Totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 107
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Friday 9:00-12:00 Please contact Reb. Chansie Horowitz 516 426-1993 MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email: BUSY WEALTH MANAGEMENT Office in Cedarhurst looking for an in-office executive assistant for 20 to 25 hours a week. Ideal candidate will be detail oriented, positive, and a team player. Tech savvy a plus. No stock market experience necessary. This is not an internship. Email résumé to TJH Classifieds Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Miscellaneous Ads here. Weekly Classifieds Up to 5 lines and/or 25 words 1 week ................$20 2 weeks .............. $35 4 weeks .............. $60 6 weeks .............. $90 Email ads Includeclassifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comto:Thereisa25wordlimit.validcreditcardinfoandzipcode Deadline Monday 5:00pm
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SEEKING F/T TEACHERS ASSISTANTS & Paras: IVDU 5 Towns, a special education school in North Woodmere, has openings for paras and teachers assistants for the 22-23 school year. Enjoy a competitive salary + benefits, professional development, and an excellent work environment. Attn: graduate students obtain hours for BCBA and Special ed field-work requirements. Email resume to

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Your Money Isn’t It Special?
Finally, the bill includes one provision affecting all of us: $79 billion in new IRS spending over the next 10 years. Politi cians hate boosting the IRS budget, but at current levels the agency can barely oper ate. $30 billion would go towards desper ately needed new technology. (The Ser vice still uses computers they bought in the Johnson administration. Ok, not An drew, but Lyndon.) Most of the rest will go towards auditing taxpayers earning over $400,000. (Fun fact: In 2018, the IRS received over 4 million partnership returns, and audited just 140 of them.)
The IRS estimates that every dollar it in vests in enforcement raises $5-9 in taxes that are legally owed but not collected. Contrary to some claims, the bill won’t raise rates on any individuals. However, it will make it easier for the IRS to col lect taxes already legally owed. That won’t change any of the planning we might al ready have done for you. But it will make careful execution even more important. Call us to evaluate your exposure, and don’t leave your plans to chance.
When it comes to raising taxes, Wash ington usually targets the middle class for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks – because that’s where the mon ey is. But sometimes they target smaller groups for specific proposals, usually to send a political message. Senator Eliza beth Warren’s proposed “Ultra-Million aire” tax on net worth over $50 million, which would hit just 75,000 families, fits that bill. The current estate tax, which hits fewer than 3,000 families per year, is another. Now Democrats are advanc ing a bill, dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which began life with two proposals targeting small groups of taxpayers and one more affecting us all.
By Allan Rolnick, CPA
When it comes to raising taxes, Washington usually targets the middle class for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks – because that’s where the money is.
Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
The second proposal, which seems bound to pass, is a 15% minimum tax on corporate “book income” over $1 billion. This takes aim at about 100 companies like Amazon, Netflix, and T-Mobile that report big profits to shareholders, then use (perfectly legal) deductions to avoid tax at the regular 21% rate. However, they can still use targeted tax credits (research & development, clean energy technology, etc.) and accelerated depreciation deduc tions to continue paying less. This new levy is expected to raise $319 billion over the next decade.
Remember 1935? Bread lines across a country still mired in Depres sion, dust storms ravaging the Plains, the Lindbergh kidnapping trial. Good times. That’s when Washington passed the Revenue Act of 1935, raising the top tax rate to 79% on incomes over $5 million ($108 million in today’s dol lars). Just one American paid that top tax rate, and his name was Rockefeller. Back then, votes meant more than dol lars – we didn’t have billionaires buying up governors’ mansions and Senate seats for themselves and their minions. (To day, Forbes estimates that Rockefeller’s descendants are worth just 8.4$ billion combined, ranking them behind almost 100 American billionaires.)
The first proposal, which the Sen ate already agreed to drop, would have tightened the infamous “carried inter est” loophole to raise $14 billion/year. Hedge fund and private equity manag ers typically charge investors a fixed fee plus a slice of their profits. Since inves tors get to pay lower capital gain rates on those profits, a group of about 5,000 managers (who are already out-earning 99% of Americans) get the same benefit on their slice. If you’re wondering how much everyone else resents it, Donald Trump and Joe Biden both proposed nixing it. Better luck next year! Figuring out who kills that reform is like a game of Clue, except the murderer is always a lobbyist. If Congress ever does succeed in driving a stake through its heart, grab some popcorn and watch real estate prices crash in the Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, and Aspen.

The Difference Between Men and Boys is the Price of Their Toys
|202225,AUGUSTTheJewishHome 111 Life C ach
Just then Toys R Us opened in Man hattan. It had one Ferris wheel in the cen ter and lots of toys all around. She tried to tell them it was an indoor amusement park and get away with just taking them for the ride. But they had gotten much wiser at that point. They actually told her they thought it was time to start buying them some toys, or they’d make her go back to FAO Schwartz! After all, how much longer could they support her myth? You know the old saying: you can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time – and you can’t fool a kid for very long at all! Toy stores are one of those places you can always get a kid to leave the house to go out to. The problem is, you can’t always get them out of there.
Bottom line, kids are pretty savvy. Maybe, you can push off the inevitable for a bit. But soon enough, they all have the same interest: toys. What do you expect? They don’t need to go to work, or milk the cows, or support a family, or stay distracted with home work. They have active minds and busy hands and therefore keeping them busy is their goal and should be yours. Toys are actually a good thing. And when they want that – really those are the good days. Because their wants get more demanding as they grow. So, enjoy the times they can be placat ed with the simple things. Soon enough, they want carriages and cars and hous es – and this time, the price tag is cer tainly nothing to play around with!
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at She tried to tell them it was an indoor amusement park and get away with just taking them for the ride.
My friend used to tell her kids that FAO Schwarz, a giant, expensive toy store on Fifth Avenue, was a toy museum. It was a very hands-on place that let kids play with samples of the toys that they sold. It was a real win for her. The kids would go, enjoy, and not ask her to buy anything, although, as they got a little older, they started to think the rest of the kids in Manhattan were kleptomaniacs because all of them kept walking out with a variety of toys. And when they got even older, she had to tell them the truth. But, she just couldn’t tell them she was a liar…so she stopped taking them there!
There are just too many great toys that theyTheyneed!don’t really have a sense of the cost. Therefore, they don’t realize all your hard-earned money wasn’t really sup posed to go for surrogate houses, cars, carriages, babies, doll clothes and motor cycles. It was supposed to go for real ones! Now, you realize, mom-and-pop toy stores really don’t give you a fighting chance. If you walk in there with a kid, there’s no way they are walking out emp tyhanded. Honestly, what do you expect? These places are just not impressive enough to pass as museums. Now, a Target store, that’s a whole dif ferent story. There, there are enough oth er items to distract them. Still, don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t mean they walk out without a toy; it just means they’ll probably leave with an outfit or two and a snack as well!

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