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Marror and Charoses: An Unexpected Pesach Recipe by Rabbi Benny Berlin

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ivkie Feiner and Faigie Horowitz have reason to

Rbe proud of their honor as Women of Distinction among a host of diverse women from other communities. “It’s also about the everyday menchlichkeit and good citizenship we practice daily that makes a statement about frum women and the frum community,” points out Rivkie Feiner. “We all have a role to play and can maximize Kiddush Hashem and break stereotypes in any work, recreational, or public environment.”

“We may be the only frum person that the individual

encounters up close and personal. We are all ambassadors for the frum community at large,” observed Faigie Horowitz.

The particular advantages women have in dispelling Jewish stereotypes was addressed at the convention session. Religious women are not as recognizable as Jewish men, and their accomplishments in the public and professional sectors debunk the myths of a tribal culture where women are restricted. Very often unveiling the normalcy of our community goes a long way towards

showing us as less “other.” This often piques interest in a frum individual’s lifestyle and a healthy desire to get to know him or her better. Our visible wholesome family life, obvious respect for elders, and compliance with civic rules as simple as keeping one’s trash in the mandated space can keep negative stereotypes at bay. Led by moderator Chanie Jacobowitz of Lakewood, Vice President for Public and Government Affairs of Beth Medrash Govoha, the panelists, which included Alexandra Fleksher, Mishpacha columnist and activist, agreed that choosing an area of public activism is often per-“We are all ambassadors for sonal and circumstantial. May feel compelled to get involved because of the frum community at large.” an issue that affects a family member or the community at large. Using one’s talents to impact the klal in a positive way can be the domain of every individual Jew. Standing up for our values when they conflict with those of the broader secular world also prompts a deeper understanding of who we are. Accomplishment despite Shabbos and yom tov deadlines, stepping away from raucous environments where language and mores are inappropriate, and keeping boundaries indicate choice of a refined lifestyle that reflects on the Am Hashem. Ordinary chesed is also a great equalizer. Hearing about large and small activism on behalf of people with special needs, the hungry, neighbors, and the elderly breaks

Rivki Feiner, fourth from left, was honored by Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick last month

down distrust and breeds respect and appreciation of our community.

This the domain of every observant individual, whether they are active in the broader realms of business, the professions, or public service. Stay-at-home mothers or kollel members who largely live within Jewish enclaves can also impact the perception of Jews in his community.

Nonetheless, there needs to be a balance between addressing an issue head-on and correcting a record when it comes to media misrepresentation. It’s a fine line that distinguishes between giving attention to screeds and setting the record straight.

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