3 minute read
The Irrepressible Malkie Knopfler by Malky Lowinger
In The K tchenIn The K tchen Melt Away Spare Ribs Melt Away Spare Ribs Freezer friendly Freezer friendly
by Naomi Nachman by Naomi Nachman
When I first came to America as a single, I lived When I first came to America as a single, I lived with the family of Moishe and Sara Newman, with the family of Moishe and Sara Newman, a”h, of Flatbush. After I was married, they often a”h, of Flatbush. After I was married, they often had me and my family for Shabbat or yom tov. had me and my family for Shabbat or yom tov. These delicious spare ribs were the specialty of Mrs. These delicious spare ribs were the specialty of Mrs. Newman, and making them reminds me of her hospitality and kindness. Newman, and making them reminds me of her hospitality and kindness. These are a family favorite, and you’ll want to make them all year. These are a family favorite, and you’ll want to make them all year.
IngredientsIngredients ◦ 2 large onions, peeled and sliced ◦ 2 large onions, peeled and sliced ◦ 4 pounds short ribs ◦ 4 pounds short ribs ◦ ½ cup brown sugar ◦ ½ cup brown sugar ◦ 1 Tablespoon fish-free imitation ◦ 1 Tablespoon fish-free imitation Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce ◦ 1 Tablespoon soy sauce ◦ 1 Tablespoon soy sauce ◦ 4 cloves garlic, minced ◦ 4 cloves garlic, minced ◦ 3 cups ketchup ◦ 3 cups ketchup ◦ ½ cup water ◦ ½ cup water
Preparation Preparation
1. Place onions into a large roasting pan; lay meat over onions. Set aside. 1. Place onions into a large roasting pan; lay meat over onions. Set aside. 2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sugar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, garlic, and ketchup. Pour sauce over meat; 2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine sugar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, garlic, and ketchup. Pour sauce over meat; 3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cover ribs; bake for 2 hours, until very tender. 3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cover ribs; bake for 2 hours, until very tender.
Recipe shared with permission by Artscroll from Perfect For Pesach by Naomi NachmanRecipe shared with permission by Artscroll from Perfect For Pesach by Naomi Nachman