24 minute read
TJH Chol Hamoed Guide
Even the Jews themselves, including Lieberman and Netanyahu, are now convinced that Palestine cannot be the state for the Jews. So they started saying that holy Jerusalem is in Ukraine and not in Palestine. Ukraine is now the candidate to become the future Jewish state.
- Palestinian Islamic scholar Mraweh Nassar — who certainly gets an A for effort — on Turkish TV
They are now saying that the Temple and biblical Jerusalem are located in Ukraine and not in Palestine. If this does not work, tomorrow they might say that they are in the Netherlands.
- Ibid.
Thank you. Vice President Biden, Vice President Harris…that was a joke.
– Former President Barack Obama, speaking at the White House
There’s policy disputes and that’s fine, but when you’re trying to impose a woke ideology on our state, we view that as a significant threat. This wokeness will destroy this country we if we let it run unabated. So in Florida we take a very big stand against that.
Thank You, Person Speaker.
- Rep. Bob Goode (R-VA) on the House floor mocking Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson who said that she could not define what a woman is
For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy.
- Vice President Harris during a press conference with Jamaica’s prime minister
When have you started enjoying acting like Nazis?
— Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya to the Russian ambassador at the UN Security Council
If Musk helps restore Twitter to its free speech roots and moves it away from its left-wing censorship regime, it will be perhaps the most heroic and public-serving action I have seen a billionaire take in my lifetime.… If our greatest living entrepreneur looks at the space and decides he couldn’t build his own better version, it tells you everything you need to know about Twitter’s competitive position.
– Tweet by Claremont Institute senior fellow Jeremy Carl
The only thing we have in common is our bald heads. He smokes; I don’t. He drinks; I don’t. So, we never got in each other’s way.

The House committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021, reported a seven-hour gap in President Donald J. Trump’s phone records. Seven hours. I don’t know if anyone else is a fan of the show “Dateline,” but if your phone records are missing even 10 minutes, you’re guilty.
- Jimmy Fallon
As a mother of seven, I am used to distractions — and sometimes even outbursts
.- Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett when she was interrupted by a heckler during remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Ketanji Brown Jackson will likely be confirmed as the first Black Supreme Court justice by the end of this week.
– Tweet by Politico, disregarding Justice Thomas and former Justice Thurgood Marshall
I don’t think he should have ever been appointed.
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi talking about Justice Clarence Thomas
In the last few days…the left’s quest to delegitimize the Supreme Court found its latest outlet. This time, it’s a coordinated effort to nullify the presence of Justice Clarence Thomas on the Court. The far left wants another crack at what they tried and failed to do in 1991. Washington Democrats are now trying to bully this exemplary judge of 30-plus years out of entire legal subjects, or off the Court entirely. Far-left House members are talking about dusting off their party’s impeachment addiction for a third consecutive year.
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Make no mistake: this performative outrage is not in earnest. This is a political hit, part of liberals’ years-long quest to delegitimize the Court all because our laws and Constitution occasionally inconvenience Democrats’ radical agenda. The urgency of this moment is clear. Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people.

- Tweet by Dr. Michelle Morse, the chief medical officer at the New York City Department of Health
WaPo always good for a laugh.
- Tweet by Elon Musk with a picture of a Washington Post headline, “Elon Musk’s Twitter Investment Could Be Bad News For Free Speech”

Political crossfire Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine
by David Ignatius
In the agonizing final years of the Vietnam War, a strategist named Fred Iklé wrote a treatise titled “Every War Must End.” His basic theme was that “wars are easier to start than to stop” – a message that applies powerfully now to the conflict in Ukraine.
Russia and Ukraine had been meeting for preliminary peace talks in Turkey last week, which has raised hopes for a settlement. Both sides have described the same basic terms for resolving the conflict: In exchange for a halt in the fighting, Ukraine would agree to a neutral military status that wouldn’t threaten Russia.
But this formula masks painful choices: Such a pact would grant Russian President Vladimir Putin at least partial victory. For many in Ukraine and the West, that is unacceptable. Putin launched an unprovoked, illegal invasion. His army committed atrocities against civilians. He shouldn’t be rewarded for such behavior.
The Biden administration’s view is that it’s up to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to decide whether to settle for neutrality or keep fighting for a better deal. “The Ukrainians will have to decide when the situation on the ground is ripe for a settlement,” argues Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser to President George W. Bush who keeps close contact with the Biden team.
After fighting so valiantly, Ukrainians won’t want a settlement that leaves the country disarmed and vulnerable to a future attack. “This is viable to me in only one way – the kind of neutrality that Switzerland has – fully armed, with a citizen army,” Konstantin Gryshchenko, an influential former foreign minister of Ukraine, told me in an interview.
The Russian military has performed poorly so far, and some Ukrainians think more fighting will bring victory. But U.S. officials specializing in Russia are skeptical. Russia is a large country with the ability to resupply and reposition its forces; Ukraine is a relatively small one that’s short on the essentials for survival. The war is 40 days old; who can say what the battlefield situation might be in six months or a year?
Iklé offered a useful caution: “It often happens in wars that the weaker party makes no attempt to seek peace while its military strength can still influence the enemy but fights until it has lost all its power to bargain.” He called this “self-destructive perseverance.”
Iklé was similarly skeptical of punitive tactics such as Russia’s seeming determination to bomb its way to a desirable settlement. “Inflicting ‘punishment’ on the enemy nation is not only an ineffective strategy for ending a war, it may well have side effects that actually hasten the defeat of the side that relies on that strategy,” he wrote.
Often, wars don’t end with a peace treaty but a cease-fire that leaves forces in place along a “line of control.” Some analysts think Russia may be moving toward

such an outcome by consolidating its forces in a swath of southeastern Ukraine that could eventually stretch from Odessa to the Donbas region.
Such partition lines are messy but can be surprisingly durable. North and South Korea are still separated without a formal peace treaty. A disputed line of control separates India and Pakistan, and also India and China. Vietnam was similarly partitioned for decades.
Harvard’s Graham Allison argues that such a division could allow the Western-allied part of Ukraine to prosper. Before the Russian invasion, he contends, Ukraine was a failing state – one of the rare post-Soviet republics whose real gross domestic product per capita actually declined after 1991. A future Western Ukraine might become a version of South Korea, Allison says.
As Russia and Ukraine exchange peace proposals, the United States and its allies are subtly pressuring Russia through what has been their best tool – the release of declassified intelligence. The latest installment was a series of statements this week by U.S. and British officials arguing that Putin’s bloody invasion was marked by the Russian leader’s delusion and the incompetence of his advisers. “Putin’s advisers are afraid to tell him the truth,” but “the extent of these misjudgments must be crystal clear to the regime,” argued Jeremy Fleming, director of Britain’s code-breaking agency GCHQ, in a speech on Thursday.
That zinger was aimed directly at the Kremlin, and it could have several interesting consequences: Putin may further blame his military and intelligence chiefs for failing to warn him of the disaster ahead; the generals and spies may further resent their remote president who has waged what Fleming described as his “personal war”; and the Russian people may mistrust both Putin and his security chiefs.
The most hopeful development I saw in this week’s peace feelers was a statement by Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky that, although Moscow rejects Ukrainian membership of NATO, it “has no objection Ukraine’s aspirations to join the European Union.”
Maybe that is a building block for a real settlement. For a European Ukraine would represent a profound defeat for Putin’s dream of hegemony over Kyiv. That’s an essential requirement for a peace deal, along with stopping the killing.
Political crossfire Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine?
by David Ignatius
Vladimir Putin learned his brutal code of war in the “sandpit streets” of Leningrad when he was a poor boy of perhaps 7 and got into his first fight with a neighborhood gang.
“I realized that in every situation – whether I was right or wrong – I had to be strong,” Putin told biographer Oleg Blotsky. “I just understood that if you want to win, then you have to fight to the finish in every fight, as if it was the last and decisive battle.”
The Russian army left gruesome evidence in the streets of Bucha, Ukraine, of how Putin’s tough-guy code applies in combat. The professional soldier becomes a street thug, with the same fight-to-the-finish mentality that Putin learned as a boy.
Putin’s whole life has converged on the catastrophic war in Ukraine. His delusional, messianic ideas of Russian history have fused with the disdain for the laws of war he displayed in the bloody campaign in Chechnya about two decades ago. The Russian leader fabricated the case for war in Ukraine and lied about his plans, and when he failed to achieve the easy victory he had expected, his army appears to have taken savage revenge on civilians.
Has Putin finally hit a wall in Ukraine? Thanks to courageous Ukrainians and foreign reporters, we are seeing the butchery that his style of war produces – in Bucha, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Trostianets – places most of us had never heard of a few weeks ago but are now written in infamy, alongside Guernica and Srebrenica. “Unbearable” was how French President Emmanuel Macron described the latest images. “A punch to the gut,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Putin “is a war criminal,” said President Joe Biden.
The legal process for holding Putin and his army accountable has begun. The International Criminal Court launched an investigation in early March; Poland has called for an international investigative commission; French prosecutors have opened three investigations of war crimes against French citizens; and the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office has mobilized about 50,000 investigators to gather evidence of atrocities. Some of these investigations will proceed however the war is settled.
Russia’s response to the horrifying images has been in character for Putin’s regime: a shameless campaign of lies. The denials of brutal killing are so cavalier and reflexive that they convey a moral emptiness that should embarrass every honest Russian.
“All those died in Bucha were some kind of road traffic offenders,” asserted Russian member of parliament Oleg Matveichev. Bucha was “a flagrantly brutal provocation by Ukrainian Nazis,” said Russian state TV’s Olga Skabeyeva. The West chose Bucha for their “egregious accusation against Russia” because the town’s name sounds like the English word for “butcher,” claimed talk show host Olesya Loseva.
But the truth of these horrors is being confirmed, pixel by pixel. It’s a sweet bit of justice that Western social media, which Putin worked so hard to manipulate, are now dissecting Russia’s denials of responsibility for Bucha and other atrocities.
A systematic rebuttal began Monday with a post from Eliot Higgins, founder of the British investigative website Bellingcat. He examined Russian claims that images from Bucha showed “signs of video fakes and other forgeries.” Higgins showed that a supposed “moving hand” of a corpse filmed from a car was probably a water droplet moving across the windshield. Similarly, he clarified why Russian claims about a moving corpse supposedly reflected in a car mirror are explained by the mirror’s distortion.
And most devastating for Moscow: Commercial satellite imagery taken in mid-March by Maxar Technologies show dead bodies on the streets of Bucha while Russian troops occupied the town; they’re in precisely the same places that journalists found them when they arrived last weekend after Russian troops had left. That debunks Russian claims that the Bucha evidence might be fabricated because it wasn’t discovered until after Russian troops had departed.
What has this war meant for the Russian soldiers who followed Putin’s orders to invade their neighbor? A haunting snapshot of one elite unit, the 331st Guards Parachute Regiment, was broadcast recently by the BBC’s Mark Urban. This unit – “the best of the best,” a general boasted in a video posted online last May – was sent toward Kyiv from its home base in Kostroma, northeast of Moscow, in February.
The unit’s commander was killed during fighting in Ukraine on March 13. Many other officers and senior enlisted men died before the unit was withdrawn last week to Belarus. The BBC identified 39 dead, and residents of Kostroma told the British network that closer to 100 members of the elite unit were killed. The BBC reported that as many as one-third of the 1,500-member force may be dead, wounded, missing or taken prisoner.
On a social media memorial wall for Sgt. Sergei Duganov, a Russian woman wrote: “The 331st regiment is disappearing. Almost every day, photos of our Kostroma boys get published. It sends shivers down my spine. What’s happening? When will this end? When will people stop dying?”
When will Putin’s brutal carnage end? That demand is growing louder in Russia, Ukraine, and around the world.

Forgotten Her es Bravery in Battle
by Avi Heiligman
Commander Gordon Schechter Dr. Merrill Feldman Second Lt. Sidney Goldstein
the most talked about medal awarded to American servicemembers is the Medal of Honor. The stories of their acts of courage under difficult conditions warrant front page news, although their courageousness in battle is often forgotten. Other awards such as the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Distinguished Service Cross are rarely brought up in news headlines, and their recipients are usually unknown to the public. Here are more stories of Jewish servicemembers who received medals for bravery during World War II.
Commander Gordon Schechter was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for air-to-air combat in February 1945. The Navy pilot was the commanding officer of a carrier air group flying off the aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30). Schechter flew in a F6f-5 Hellcat. That day, his group was flying a mission north of Tokyo with the target being an important aircraft plant. The enemy installations were heavily damaged, and as they were getting set to return to the carrier, they were attacked by a large number of Japanese fighters. Air-to-air combat ensued, and the fighters and torpedo bombers in his air group accounted for twelve enemy planes shot down with no losses of their own.
The Silver Star citation he received cited Schechter’s leadership for this aerial victory. Schechter achieved the status of aerial ace by shooting down five enemy aircraft, but his plane was shot down in March 1945. He was listed as missing in action; later, his plane was recovered and buried in California.
Dr. Merrill Feldman was born in Massachusetts and was studying pre-med at the University of New Hampshire when he was called up to enter the army during his sophomore year in 1943. Feldman had been in ROTC up to that point and upon completion of basic training was assigned as a medic to Company F, 2nd Battalion, 377th Infantry Regiment of the 95th Division. During the invasion of France, it was moved from the Ninth Army to General Patton’s Third Army.
Allied troops had landing on five beaches on June 6, 1944, and the beaches were continuously used to land men throughout the invasion. In September, Feldman’s unit of the 95th Division landed on Omaha Beach – the site of the bloodiest landing on D-Day just three months earlier. The Battle of Metz, France, had started in late September, and by early November the Americans launched a new attack on the forts. The 95th was an integral piece of the new attack and right away became bogged down in mud, minefields and torrential rains. By the second day of the attack, Feldman came to the realization that he was the only combat medic left standing with his company. Despite being wounded by artillery shells, he continued servicing the wounded and refused to be evacuated. Desperate to give critically wounded soldiers urgent care, Feldman setup a makeshift hospital but needed help to carry the wounded. Using his best high school German, he rounded up a dozen German prisoners and used them as litter bearers to bring the wounded to the battalion field hospital.
Feldman was awarded a Bronze Star for his actions and a Purple Heart for his wounds.
He continued with the 95th Division through the Battle of the Bulge and their push into Germany. In April 1945, Feldman was shot in the hand by a sniper while running to save the life of a friend. Feldman arrived on the scene too late to help his buddy. After bandaging his own wound and refusing evacuation, he picked up a rifle of a fallen soldier and led a successful attack on a German-held farmhouse. For these actions, he was awarded the Silver Star and received a second Purple Heart.
A week later, he was with the division when they liberated a concentration camp, and the shock of what he witnessed stayed with him for the rest of his life. After the war, Feldman finished medical school and became a pioneer in cancer research.
In addition to the assault on German-held Europe through France, the Americans and their allies were fighting on a southern front in Italy. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called Italy the “soft underbelly of the Axis,” but for the troops on the ground, the going wasn’t so “soft.” For Second Lieutenant Sidney “Shimmy” Goldstein of Glen Cove, New York, it was an uphill battle against heavy enemy emplacements near Santa Margherita, Italy.
On September 21, 1944, the platoon leader from Company A, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Division was tasked with taken a hill with just a small force of 24 soldiers. Goldstein led his men up the hill against a numerically superior German force. They took some casualties as they advanced and reorganized their small force. Goldstein then had eleven men under his command and managed to capture four Germans in the process in a dugout on the slope. Then they reached a second enemy position and captured a German officer and two enlisted soldiers. The German officer, not wanting to continue the fight, then offered the surrender of the remaining Germans if only Goldstein would accompany them to the position. Even though he realized that it could be a trap, Goldstein accepted the offer and followed the German on full alert. Once they reached the enemy position, two more officers and around forty men surrendered to Goldstein and the Americans. From there, they captured another sixteen Germans that were fighting on the slope.
In total, Goldstein captured over sixty Germans who were in position that now enabled the Allies to continue with their advance through the Gothic Line. Goldstein was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and received a combat promotion to first lieutenant for his bravery in battle.
Individual stories of heroism on the battlefield are rarely told as the focus is usually on the main battle advances. Even Medal of Honor recipients’ stories aren’t often known, let alone servicemen and women who received other medals. As this author digs through more records, more information will surface and these heroes’ stories can be told.

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