Five Towns Jewish Home - 4-28-22

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April 28, 2022

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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


You were ready to go home after a long day of teaching,

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Dear Readers,


or most people, getting back to routine after a long hiatus is not easy. And there are a number of routines that we have to get back to. There’s the getting-up-in-the-morning-for-thebus routine. There’s the eating-something-other-than-potatoes-and-Lebens routine. There’s the answering-emailsand-phones-calls-and-going-to-meetings routine. There’s the getting-to-bed-ontime routine. And there’s the doing-homework-and-laundry-and-dinner-and-allthe-other-fun-stuff routine. So it’s a lot that we took a break from and a lot that we need to come back to. Maybe we need a vacation from our vacation? The truth is, the best way to get back to routine is to jump right in. That means that it may be hard for the first few days, but if we push past those tough first few days, we’ll be back to our “regularly scheduled programming” in no time. But what if we don’t want to get back to what life was like a few weeks ago? What

if there are some significant practices we want to take with us as we get back to normal? That is the best of both worlds: being able to incorporate those new habits into our everyday routines. Perhaps that is what sefiras ha’omer offers us – the opportunity to come back to our normal schedule and to elevate it and bring a purpose into our lives. It’s not just about hitting the pavement; it’s about adding a slight incline into our days so that we can slowly climb higher. The trick, I think, is to do things slowly, to be cognizant that we want to elevate our days but to do it in small increments, one step at a time. That way, we’ll be able to look back after weeks of modest advances and be gratified when we see how far we were able to climb. One small step in the right direction every day will certainly yield one giant leap after several weeks of perseverance. Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR

Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR

Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM text 443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

Shabbos Zemanim

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Candle Lighting: 7:30 pm Shabbos Ends: 8:35 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 9:02 pm


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022




Community Happenings NEWS






That’s Odd


ISRAEL Israel News


Returned to Sender by Rafi Sackville


JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha


Our Lifeblood by Rav Moshe Weinberger


Achieving the Impossible by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman


Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


PEOPLE Rabbi Shais Taub Shares His Wisdom by Pinchos Friedlander

74 100

Heroes and Heroics by Avi Heiligman HEALTH & FITNESS What’s Life About? by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


Getting Back on Track by Aliza Beer, MS RD


FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Gefilte Fish Patties

Dear Editor, Faigie Horowitz’s article, “Due North,” in your Pesach edition was brilliant. It was brilliant on many levels, mostly because it spoke to different people in different circumstances. She spoke about the importance of a moral compass – but also gave concrete advice on how to foster it in ourselves, our children, and grandchildren. When we speak of role models found in past generations, we admire their moral compass, whether or not we define it as such. Their tenacity of spirit, their unshakeable backbone, their steadfast beliefs and values…those are character traits that have helped to ensure our generation’s spiritual survival. And so, I propose that in addition to what Rebbetzin Horowitz suggested, in an effort to foster a moral compass in our progeny, we should read them stories of gedolim – and regular Jews! – from yesteryear who portrayed and lived a life guided by a formidable moral compass. Those stories are more than just inspirational – they provide a blueprint and an example of how we should be leading our lives. Sincerely, Rose Baumgarten


LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW


Parenting Pearls




Your Money


Highlights and Insights by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS


Dear Editor, I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. On the one hand, does that mean that our lives will be swayed by the whims of

billionaires? But on the other hand, could it mean that “free speech” will once again be allowed to reign on social media? Regardless, I pose one question to the readers of your fine publication: what would you do with an extra $44 billion? Chaim Hart Dear Editor, How does one synthesize the messages of the Seder and Sefirah? On the one hand, they seem to carry a similar philosophy regarding life progression: it must be slow, deliberate, and in steps. One puts forth a 15-step plan and another a 49-step plan. But the Seder also features the idea of a hastening and hurriedness. It seems salvation can come in an instant, and there must be preparedness for that as well. There’s no question that changing traits, acquiring the middot necessary to become a talmid chacham and building learning stamina requires a process and a plan. However, the famous Gemara (Sanhedrin 98a) brings down the story of one who asked, “When will Mashiach come?” and he was answered, “Today.” The questioner waited until the evening and was disappointed when the redemption didn’t materialize. Then they explained to him that the word was taken from the verse, “Indeed it will come today, if you hearken unto the voice of G-d.” Therefore, there’s a double requireContinued on page 10

HUMOR Centerfold



Notable Quotes

Biden’s Border Disaster Fuels the Crime Wave by Marc A. Thiessen 95 The Battle Against ISIS by David Ignatius



Biden’s Fate Depends on Ukraine 98 by Marc A. Thiessen What Russian TV Wouldn’t Let Me 99 Say by Rafael Medoff

Did you eat pizza on Motzei Pesach?

37 63 %





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Continued from page 8

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

ment in our faith. We count today is the next day of the Omer to slowly ready ourselves for the Torah and middot progression. But since we are also tasked to continually await the geulah, we must count: “Today is the day that the geulah might come.” Steven Genack





7:00 PM





Dear Editor, I’m sorry but the letter writer in your dating column this week comes off as really self-centered. True, we all like to have a nice yom tov, but spending time at your in-laws doesn’t have to be a fantasy come true. You have willingly married into a family; spending time with them is part of the package. I am sure that your husband wants to spend time with his family as well. That being said, to make your time there “sweeter,” spend time with your

new hubby – take walks, go on trips, etc. Do not spend all your time between meals in your room. That’s rude and sends a bad message. Come with a gracious attitude, be prepared to help out by serving/clearing off/setting the table, and those few days will fly by. This is part of your journey on how you will grow together as a couple. A Reader Dear Editor, To the girl who doesn’t want to go to her in-laws, I say this to you: your inlaws may not become your best friends, but they are your new family. Make the best of the situation. You are presumably old enough and mature enough to get married. That would mean that you are old enough and mature enough to be able to handle new experiences and situations. Yael Maimon

Make your voice heard! Be part of TJH’s weekly poll. Email the editor to be included in the weekly poll at


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


The Week In News

Macron Wins Second Term

French President Emmanuel Macron won a second term in his country’s elections, in a victory over far-right opponent Marine le Pen. In a runoff from a first round on April 10, Macron won 58.5% of the vote,

becoming the first French leader in 20 years to be re-elected. For her part, Le Pen received 41.5% of the vote. In the first round earlier this month, over 57% of voters cast ballots for extreme far-right or far-left candidates. According to the French Interior Ministry, the voter abstention rate for the runoff reached 28% — the highest in over 50 years. In his victory speech, Macron promised to be “president for each and every one” of France’s citizens and thanked his supporters, acknowledging the fact that some of them voted for him only to block Le Pen from reaching the presidential office. He added that, as president, he must find a way to answer “the anger and disagreements” that led so many to vote for a far-right candidate. Le Pen conceded the race within half an hour of the first projection, telling her supporters, “A great wind of freedom could have blown over our country, but the ballot box decided otherwise.” She added that the “historic” results were a “shining victory,” placing her National Rally party “in an excellent position” for the parliamentary elections in June.

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Mariupol Decimated by War

The city of Mariupol, Ukraine, has been “almost wiped out” by the fighting with Russia, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said. Igor Zhovkva, who serves as deputy head of the Office of President Zelensky, on Sunday told “Meet the Press,” “Today, we again turned to Russian authorities to open the humanitarian corridors for civilians, including for civilians who are living in the city of Mariupol because more than 100,000 civilians are still left in the city.” He added, “The city is almost wiped out. People are living without elementary conditions, without food, without water supply, without electricity.” He added that although Zelensky had pro-

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posed creating humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians, Russia has repeatedly declined the proposal. On Saturday, Russian forces attempted to storm a steel plant in Mariupol, where around 1,000 civilians and 2,000 Ukrainian troops were sheltering. According to The Wall Street Journal, while Russia claims to have taken Mariupol, the Ukrainians are still fighting back from within the city, as well as launching attacks from the steel plant. Meanwhile, Zhovkva repeated his country’s request for more weapons. “We definitely need some more weapons in terms of defending the sky over Ukraine because NATO countries refuse to close the skies over Ukraine,” he noted. “We really need armored vehicles. We really need artillery systems and MLRS. We need tanks in order to defend ourselves on the ground, in order to unblock such cities as Mariupol, in order to withstand the potential offensive of Russian armed forces in the Donbas.” Meanwhile, Russia has announced that it will hold a vote in the southern region of Kherson – which t has occupied since the opening weeks of the war – on Wednesday, in which people will be

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asked to approve the “independence” of a new entity called “the Kherson People’s Republic.” Zelensky has scoffed at what he calls a “sham referendum.” “Russia wants to stage a sham referendum somewhere on our land? Even if they try, it will be as shameful as everything else that was ‘created’ in Moscow to support the occupation of Ukraine,” the Ukrainian leader said.

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Sri Lanka announced this week that it will be selling long-term visas in an effort to raise much-needed cash and invite foreign currency to the island nation. The country has run out of dollars to pay for food and fuel. Foreigners who deposit a minimum of $100,000 locally will be granted permission to live and work in Sri Lanka for 10 years under the “Golden Paradise Visa Program,” the government said. The money brought in may just fall very short of helping a country that is suffering from acute shortages of food, fuel, and medicines that have triggered widespread protests. Thousands of people are camping outside President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s seafront office to demand his resignation. Fuel prices have almost doubled since December, and the government on Tuesday announced an 81 percent increase in the price of cooking gas. Cement, soap, and detergents went up on Monday by between 17 and 100 percent. “This scheme will help Sri Lanka at a time when we are facing the worst financial crisis since our independence,” media minister Nalaka Godahewa noted. The government also approved the granting of five-year visas to any foreigner spending a minimum of $75,000 to buy an apartment on the island. Sri Lankan officials arrived in Washington last week to negotiate a bailout with the International Monetary Fund.

New Gov’t in Slovenia

Robert Golob, a former business executive who only entered politics a few months ago, is set to become Slovenia’s new prime minister. His Freedom Movement party won the election last week, defeating the right-wing Slovenian Democratic Party of current Prime Minister Janez Jansa. Golob says he hopes to have a new government formed by mid-June. Freedom Movement, a liberal-green party, is expected to form a coalition government with two other center-left groups: the Social Democrats and the Left party. Only five parties have made it over the 4% threshold in the election in the small European Union nation of 2 million people. “We have to carry out an internal reform,” Golob said. “We will try to reach a national agreement for the new era in Slovenia.” Jansa, the outgoing prime minister, has faced accusations of curbing civic liberties and pushing traditionally moderate Slovenia to the right.

Egypt Releases 41 Political Prisoners

Egypt on Sunday released 41 political prisoners who had been held in pre-trial detention. According to negotiator Mohamed al-Sadat, “Forty-one of those held on remand detention on political charges and [charges related to] freedom of thought and expression” were released. Rights groups believe that Egypt is



APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Expressing Our


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


holding tens of thousands of such prisoners. Al-Sadat is a nephew of former Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat. He hinted that more of the detainees will be released as “legal and humanitarian reviews” are likely to make some of the detainees eligible for “presidential pardons” handed down during the Muslim holiday of Eid. Eid this year takes place during the first week of May. Among those freed on Sunday were a journalist, a researcher, and four activists, lawyer Khaled Ali said. All six were charged with “belonging to a terrorist organization and spreading false news.”

Nigeria: Explosion Kills Over 100 More than 100 people, including women and children, were killed in a blast at an illegal oil refinery in a Nigerian border town, local authorities said. In a Sunday statement, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) said, “The fire occurred in an illegal bunkering site situated at the boundary between Rivers State and Imo State.”

The fire caused “the death of men, women and children in the hundreds,” the statement added, noting that the bodies of some victims were “were burnt beyond recognition.”

Goodluck Opiah, the state commissioner for petroleum resources, explained, “The fire outbreak occurred at an illegal bunkering site, and it affected over 100 people.” Local media reports said that emergency response teams at the site counted 109 bodies, and some people are still missing. Oil theft and artisanal refining of crude oil is a common practice in the country’s delta region. The practice involves boiling crude oil to extract fuel. Enter your email to subscribe to the CNN Five Things Newsletter.

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Rwandan President Visits Uganda

Rwanda President Paul Kagame arrived in Uganda on Sunday, marking his first visit to that country in four years. According to the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency, Kagame arrived in Uganda to meet his counterpart, Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, and attend the 48th birthday party of Museveni’s son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba. Kainerugaba has been a key player in repairing the relationship between the two countries. According to the Ugandan high commission in Kigali, Rwanda, Kagame’s was “a private visit” to Uganda. Kagame’s last visit to Uganda took place in March 2018, at Museveni’s invitation. The two countries had been close allies in the 1980s and 1990s, but tensions rose later. In 2019, the border between the countries closed, to be reopened only in January of this year. Kagame’s visit comes weeks after Uganda announced the deportation of a leading figure belonging to the banned opposition group Rwanda National Congress (RNC), which Kigali considers a “terrorist” outfit.

Fertilizer in Short Supply

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tersburg, Russia, to collect goods since Russia invaded Ukraine. That avoidance, together with the West’s sanctions against Russia, mean that fertilizer exports from the superpower – also the world’s largest producer of fertilizer – have dropped sharply. Sellers in Senegal and Morocco, meanwhile, have filled their order books until the end of 2022. “Maybe we will find one or two options different from Russia, but it’s going to be very expensive,” Niang told WSJ. Even before the war, fertilizer was not cheap, but prices have now reached a record high. At the same time, natural gas – an important ingredient in fertilizer and another Russian export – has also risen in price, leading European factories to scale back their production of fertilizer. Fertilizer is therefore 3-4 times more expensive than it was in 2020. The result is smaller crops, which are expected to hit developing countries hardest, agricultural experts say. Globally, food prices in February reached their highest in three decades, and food insecurity is expected only to worsen. Last week, Gilbert Houngbo, president of the United Nation’s International Fund for Agricultural Development, said. “I am deeply concerned that the violent conflict in Ukraine, already a catastrophe for those directly involved, will also be a tragedy for the world’s poorest people living in rural areas who cannot absorb the price hikes of staple foods and farming inputs that will result from disruptions to global trade.” Yara International, one of the world’s largest fertilizer producers, said in early March that it would limit production at some plants. Spokeswoman Kristin Nordal said, “Our concern over the coming season is that nations already in a vulnerable position will face deteriorating conditions, in particular if dependent on net imports of both food and fertilizers.”

Malick Niang, who for nine years has sold fertilizer to corn and rice farmers in West Africa, says he has never seen such a severe shortage, or such high prices, The Wall Street Journal reported. According to Niang, shipping companies have avoided docking at St. Pe-

Authorities in Shanghai, China, have installed metal barriers throughout the city to seal off streets and entrances to residential buildings in attempt to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. The barriers are erected under orders from local government authorities and are made of thin sheets of metal or mesh


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


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fences. They are set up to block small streets and entrances to apartment complexes where Covid-19 cases were reported; small openings were left for pandemic workers to pass through.

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Social media videos show citizens in Shanghai screaming at the workers erecting the metal barriers. Another video shows residents tearing a barricade down. Shanghai’s 25 million people have been under lockdown since March, due to the country’s largest Covid-19 outbreak since 2020. According to the local government, the city on Sunday reported 51 Covid-19 deaths, up from a record high of 39 the day before. According to NPR, over 45 Chinese cities are under some type of lockdown.

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Fatal Mine Blasts in Poland

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At least 12 people were killed in two coal mine accidents last week in south Poland. At least six miners were killed during Saturday’s tremor and methane gas discharge at the Borynia-Zofiowka mine. Rescue workers are still searching for four other missing miners. A miner injured by methane gas blasts last Wednesday at the Pniowek mine died in the hospital on Sunday, said the Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa (JSW) company, which operates both mines in Poland’s southern Jastrzebie-Zdroj region, close to the Czech border. His death brings the toll from repeated explosions at the Pniowek mine to six. The search for seven Pniowek miners still missing was suspended after more meth-

ane blasts on Thursday injured 10 rescue workers. Teams are building two solid partitions to seal off the blasts area from the rest of the mine, for safety reasons. In addition to the victims, dozens of miners were injured, many of them hospitalized with burns. Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said it was a “black week” for the nation’s coal industry that employs almost 80,000 miners. Prosecutors have opened investigations into the accidents. Morawiecki said that experts will check conditions and procedures at both mines. Most Polish coal mines are in the southern Silesia region, and many have a high presence of methane in the rock. Some 70% of Poland’s energy comes from coal. Still, Poland has been trying to scale down its use of coal.

Life Sentence for Turkish Activist

Osman Kavala, a Turkish civil rights activist and philanthropist, will be spending the rest of his life behind bars. On Monday, an Istanbul court sentenced Kavala to life in prison for “attempting to overthrow the government,” according to state-run news agency Anadolu, concluding a high-profile trial that has concerned Western nations and human rights groups. Kavala was sentenced in connection with the 2013 anti-government protests in Turkey, which began over a plan to turn a small park in central Istanbul into a shopping mall in the summer. But those small protests eventually snowballed into larger anti-government rallies that spread across Turkey. Kavala is not the only person who was sentenced in connection to the rallies. The court also sentenced seven other defendants to 18-year prison sentences for aiding an attempt to overthrow the government. Among them was 71-yearold architect Mucella Yapici, Istanbul Municipality urban planner Tayfun Kahraman, and documentary filmmaker Cigdem Mater.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Kavala, 64, is among Turkey’s most high-profile detainees. He has denied any wrongdoing. He was first arrested in 2017 on charges related to the 2013 Gezi Park protests in Istanbul. The trial was closely watched by rights groups, who have accused the Turkish government of using the judicial system to crack down on dissenting voices. Though Kavala was acquitted in 2020, that verdict was overturned, and new charges were brought against him for his alleged involvement in the July 2016 attempted coup, which resulted in the death of at least 250 people and a subsequent crackdown that has seen over 110,000 people, including civil servants, teachers, activists and journalists, detained. Amnesty International called Monday’s ruling a “devastating blow” for human rights, saying that the court’s decision “defies all logic.” Kavala’s arrest has strained Turkish government relations with the West. Ten ambassadors, including representatives from the United States, France and Germany, released a statement asking for his freedom. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared them “persona non grata.”

Un Flexes Nuclear Power

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed on Monday to ramp up his development of nuclear arms, as a military parade in Pyongyang showcased the country’s most advanced weaponry yet – including an intercontinental ballistic missile experts say puts the entire United States mainland in range. The country will “strengthen and develop” its nuclear forces at the “highest possible” speed, Kim said as a Hwasong-17 ICBM, multiple giant rocket launchers, and a submarine-launched ballistic missile were all paraded through the streets of the North Korean capital. The parade was held to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the North Korean army. Any country or force that tried to




confront North Korea militarily would “cease to exist,” Kim said as he described his nuclear forces as both a “symbol of national power and the basis of our military power.” “True peace can be trusted, and national dignity and national sovereignty can be guaranteed by the powerful self-defense force that can overcome the enemy,” Kim said in a statement released by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). He said his nuclear force’s first mission was “to deter war,” but if anyone tried to “to take away the fundamental interests of our country, our nuclear force will have no choice but to carry out its second mission.” Supposedly, North Korea has successfully tested the Hwasong-17 ICBM. But the United States and South Korea are skeptical about those claims.

Austin: “Weakened” Russia is U.S. Goal The Biden administration would “like to see” a weakened Russia, a top

administration official said this week. In the highest-level visit by a U.S. delegation since the Russia-Ukraine war began, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visited Kyiv, Ukraine, in recent days promising Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and his advisers that the United States would provide an additional $300 million in foreign military financing and a $165 million sale of ammunition to Kyiv.

U.S. diplomats who left Ukraine prior to the war would begin to return as soon as this week, Blinken shared. He added, “We had an opportunity to demonstrate directly our strong ongoing support for the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people. “Ukrainians are standing up, they’re standing strong, and they’re doing that


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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with the support that we have coordinated from literally around the world.” Austin said, “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” On Monday, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that Bridget Brink, a Michigan native, will be appointed as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, filling a seat

which has been empty for three years. Russia has acknowledged 1,351 military casualties since the start of the invasion; the British government said it believes that 15,000 Russian troops have been killed since the start of the war and that a quarter of the combat units have been rendered “combat ineffective.”

U.S. Concerned for Religious Freedom The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom on Monday named Afghanistan as a “country of particular concern” due to its crackdown on religious liberty, The Washington Times reported.

According to commission Chair Nadine Maenza, “The Taliban has gone after religious minorities, people that have either changed their faith or whose belief isn’t consistent with [the Taliban’s] faith, and they consider that they’ve committed apostasy by even existing in Afghanistan.”

The commission’s 2022 report also names India, Iran, Nigeria, Russia, Syria, and Vietnam among 15 nations it believes the U.S. State Department should designate as being of “particular concern” to the U.S. due to their repression of religious freedom. The report also names the Central African Republic among 12 nations recommended for placement on the “special watch list.” This is because the country’s “government and their partners have committed egregious violations of religious freedom, with targeted killings, abductions and tortures, particularly against Muslims,” Maenza said. She added that in Afghanistan, “Christian converts, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Sikhs — almost any religious minority community left in Afghanistan could be targeted.” Any Afghans at “high risk of persecution” should be added to the State Department’s Priority 2 list for asylum applications, she urged. “Non-state actors,” such as Somalia’s al Shabab, Nigeria’s Boko Haram, and Yemen’s Houthis, were also recommended for designation as “entities of particular concern,” the commission said. In November, Nigeria was removed from the State Department’s list of “countries of particular concern,” but Maenza believes it should receive the designation again. She explained, “What we see in Nigeria is it absolutely fits the countries of particular concern test of systematic ongoing or egregious violations. “Nigeria tolerates religious violations and crimes by not intervening … it also commits them itself.” Maenza added, “This year, quite a few Nigerians were arrested and even convicted of blasphemy charges. And so you see that the government endorsing these kinds of laws and then also the non-state violence [against religious groups].”


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid & Kollel Tirtza Devorah




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


15.2M Jews Worldwide

States. France has the largest population of Jews outside of Israel and the United States, with 445,000 Jews living there. The subsequent countries with the most Jews are Canada (393,000 Jews), the United Kingdom (292,000 Jews), Argentina (175,000 Jews), Russia (150,000 Jews), and Germany and Australia, which are tied at numbers eight and nine, with 118,000 Jews each. Of the Jews living in Israel, 5.4 million were born in Israel, and 1.5 million immigrated. Two-thirds of the Jews who made aliyah came from the U.S. or Europe, and most of the rest came from Africa or Asia.

MK Chikli Ousted The world’s Jewish population reached 15.2 million by the end of 2020 – approximately 1.4 million less than on the eve of the Holocaust in 1939, when the number was 16.6 million, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. Israel is home to 6.9 million Jews; when the state was established in 1948 there were only 650,000 Jews living there. Six million Jews live in the United

The Knesset House Committee on Monday authorized Yamina’s request to oust renegade Yamina MK Amichai Chikli, after raucous deliberations that stretched out for some 12 hours. The move, which carries significant personal sanctions on Chikli, is widely seen as a sign to other Yamina lawmakers to stay in line after former coalition whip Idit Silman destroyed the

coalition’s majority by leaving it in early April. Yamina filed its request to eject Chikli from the party a day after Silman’s departure. Chikli will now be barred from running in any existing Knesset faction in the next election, among other punitive measures.

Beytenu, 10 months after operating as an independent MK in protest of Yisrael Beytenu’s entry into a Likud-led government under terms she opposed. Levy-Abekasis went on to form a new party, Gesher, which failed to cross the threshold in its first election but banded with Labor and Meretz to enter Knesset in another election shortly thereafter. Today, she is an MK with Likud.

Life Sentence for Rabbi’s Murderer Seven members of the committee voted in favor of declaring Chikli a defector, while three, including Silman, did not participate in the vote. Silman, who is a member of the committee, said during the hearing, “I felt that I am loyal to my values ​​and to my voters. This hearing is vengeful.” Grouping herself with Chikli, she said: “We are not the defectors; we are going with the promises, the platform and the values ​​we promised to Yamina voters.” Chikli and his supporters claim that diverging with the party over ideological grounds may be allowed under Knesset rules and that Chikli has maintained Yamina’s electoral promises while the party has abandoned them. The party, represented by Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, has in turn claimed that Chikli actively worked against the Yamina-led government – from refusing to vote for its investiture to voting no-confidence in the government to voting against key legislation. “MK Chikli, if values were the basis of your decision, how did you dare to vote against the Citizenship Law? How did you dare to vote against a clear security interest of the State of Israel?” Kahana said, adding that Chikli had agreed ahead of time to vote in favor and then did the opposite. In all, Chikli voted against Yamina’s position 754 times, including against the state budget, Kahana said. “The legal situation before us is simple, clear and unequivocal: MK Amichai Chikli has taken every possible action to defect from the Yamina faction and is actively working against the faction and with a clear aim to harm it and its leaders,” said the minister. Chikli is the third MK to be ejected from a party. Most recently, former MK Orly Levy-Abekasis was ejected in 2017 from her first political home, Yisrael

The Lod District Court on Sunday sentenced the terrorist who murdered a 39-year-old father of four two years ago to life in prison. On August 26, 2020, Rabbi Shai Ohayon was murdered in a terror attack in the central city of Petah Tikva. His killer, Khalil Abd al-Khaliq Dweikat, from the Palestinian Authority village of Rujeeb, was convicted last year of murder under aggravated circumstances, as well as of “unlawful possession of a knife in the circumstances of an act of terrorism.” On Sunday, Dweikat was sentenced to life in prison and ordered to pay approximately $79,000 in compensation to the Ohayon family. At the time of the murder, Dweikat had been in Israel as the holder of a work permit and worked at a construction site in Petah Tikva. According to prosecutors, “The defendant considered and arrived at a decision to kill a Jewish Israeli citizen or soldier with a knife … for Palestine, the Palestinian people, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Allah. “The defendant pulled out the knife from his pocket and stabbed the deceased with three deep cuts,” they added. After Ohayon called out for help and attracted the attention of passersby, Dweikat left him, already in critical condition, and pocketed the knife. Dweikat considered searching for another victim but was quickly arrested. Dweikat later confessed his crime to the investigators and did not “show any


empathy, remorse, or regret for the victim or his family,” prosecutors said.


Annual 61 Anniversary Dinner st

Shabak on Monday announced that it foiled an attempt by the Islamic Jihad terror group to enlist Palestinian Authority (PA) Arabs to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets. According to Shabak, several PA Arabs from the Jenin area were detained for planning a bombing attack on Israeli farmers in the area. One of those arrested is Yasmin Shaaban, a 40-year-old mother of four. The Islamic Jihad operatives were directing the cell to build explosive devices for use in a terror attack, Shabak added. Footage showed cell members testing an explosive device shaped similarly to a rocket. Shaaban was accused of passing information between the cell members and the Islamic Jihad operatives in Gaza. Her interrogation led to the arrest of seven other suspects, all allegedly part of the same cell. Shaaban herself is an Islamic Jihad operative who previously served jail time for her role in planning a suicide bombing. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said, “The Shabak and security forces are in constant pursuit of Palestinian terror cells that are planning to murder us. We won’t let up the pressure. Every terrorist should know … that ultimately we’ll put our hands on him.” Shabak added, “This is systematic and extensive activity that is being driven by organizations, including the Islamic Jihad organization, in order to destabilize the entire region.”

Status Quo on Temple Mount? Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Sunday reiterated Israel’s commitment to preserving the status quo on the Temple Mount In a Sunday afternoon briefing to foreign journalists, Lapid said, “Israel is

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Please Show Your Support | 516.295.0950 committed to the status quo on the Temple Mount. Muslims pray on the Temple Mount; non-Muslims only visit. There is no change –there will be no change.” On Saturday night, Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai told Kan News, “There are a lot more Jews who are going up to the Temple Mount. There are some that stop on the way and pray, which was forbidden.”

Lapid, when asked by Times of Israel about Shai’s comments, said that his colleague is “misinformed” but admitted that “somebody might sneak by, now and then.” He added, “By the way, I don’t feel comfortable with the idea that Jews do not have freedom of religion in the State of Israel and that Jews are banned from the site.

“I do know what instructions the police have – and they’re enforcing them to

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Shabak Rounds Up Terror Cell


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

la were discovered in the factory’s Elite production line. The Health Ministry’s food service was immediately updated. In coordination with the Ministry and as a precautionary measure, the company has issued a recall of all chocolate products with certain “best before” dates.





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Later, Unilever Israel recalled many of their own products, as a result of the same contamination. In a statement, Unilever said, “Although Strauss/Elite has confirmed to us that the chocolate it supplied as a raw material has been tested and found to be in good condition, and although our tests have shown that our products are in good condition, Strauss Ice Cream at Unilever Israel announces a recall on some of our products. This is as a means of additional caution.” Items in the Unilever recall include Magnum ice cream, Pesek Zman ice cream, Solero coconut ice cream bars, and multiple flavors of the Kremisimo ice cream tubs. Meanwhile, Strauss has emphasized that operations are underway to locate the source of the problem and that production and distribution will resume once everything is deemed safe.

Bennett Food Fight



the best of their ability – that Muslims can pray on the Temple Mount and that other religions can visit. “Israel has made substantial efforts to stop Jewish extremist elements as well,” he said. But, he emphasized, “We have to put things into proportion. There have been 200 to 300 extremists sent by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to incite riots. Just yesterday, 95,000 worshipers

came to the Temple Mount to hold a holy ceremony, and to hold it in peace. We have done everything to ensure peaceful prayer.” In a separate incident on Friday, Hamas activists on the Temple Mount mounted a public and “antisemitic call for the slaughter of Israeli citizens,” Lapid noted.

Does Your Chocolate Have Salmonella? The Strauss Group on Monday issued a recall for a long list of chocolate products after multiple samples of salmonel-

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has dismissed claims that his family’s food expenses – 26,000 NIS per month for a family of six – are outrageously high and at the taxpayers’ expense. According to a Channel 13 report, the Bennett family regularly orders takeout to the tune of several thousand shekel per week. These bills are sent to the government, and the Bennett family is then reimbursed for the expenses, the report said.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

28 Bennett lives in his home in Ra’anana, claiming that the official Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem requires renovation before his family can move there. Meanwhile, no renovations have been carried out in the ten months Bennett has been in office. Bennett does not entertain or host official visits in Ra’anana; the food expenses for that residence are solely those of his family. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, was unable to separate his family’s food expenses from those of the official entertainments, given that he lived in the official residence. The Channel 13 report also emphasized that the cost of renovating the Bennett home to function as his official residence – in violation of Israeli law – is also falling on the taxpayers’ shoulders. Responding to this report, Bennett’s office insisted that his spending was much lower than that of the Netanyahu family and justified the takeout expenses by claiming that the Bennetts are saving taxpayer shekels by not hiring a full-time cook. The statement added together the Netanyahus’ expenses at their private home in Caesarea and the official Jerusalem residence, and underlined that Bennett has not made use of much of his permitted budget. “In the face of a machine of lies, I must present the truth,” Bennett wrote in a Facebook post criticized for focusing excessively on Netanyahu. “There is an attempt to paint everyone as corrupt. But I am not Bibi [Netanyahu], Gilat is not Sara, my children are not Yair… The expenses of the prime ministerial residence have shrunk dramatically in my term,” he asserted. “The attempts to present me as a hedonist are laughable.” The Likud party responded by noting that the money spent by Bennett is being spent on his private home and noted that “the law states that the official residence of the prime minister will be in Jerusalem, not Ra’anana.” “Bennett should open his home to the public to let them see the new basement, carpentry, and redecorating that has been done with public money – something the Netanyahu family never did.”

Musk Buys Twitter for $44B

Yup. That’s billion with a B. On Monday, Twitter announced that it had agreed to be sold to billionaire Elon Musk for $44 billion. The deal, which will take the company private, caps off a whirlwind period in which the Tesla and SpaceX CEO became one of Twitter’s largest shareholders, was offered and turned down a seat on its board, and bid to buy the company — all in less than a month. Under the terms of the deal, shareholders will receive $54.20 in cash for each share of Twitter stock they own, matching Musk’s original offer and marking a 38% premium over the stock price the day before Musk revealed his stake in the company. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement on Monday. “Twitter has tremendous potential — I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.” Musk has more than 83 million followers on Twitter. Musk has repeatedly stressed in recent days that his goal is to bolster free speech on the platform and work to “unlock” Twitter’s “extraordinary potential.” In his statement, Musk added that he wants to “make Twitter better than

Did you know? About $550 million worth of pretzels are sold in the United States on an annual basis.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.” Separately, he said in a tweet on Monday that he hopes “even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means.”

More Journalism, Less Advocacy?

Changes are a’coming. CNN this week abandoned a newly-launched streaming service, and The New York Times approached a Bostonian to lead it. CNN+ will shut down on April 30, around one month after its $300M launch. During that month, around 100,000 users signed up. The new owner of the network, Warner Bros Discov-

ery, decided that a subscription-based streaming was unfeasible. CNN’s new chairman and chief executive, Chris Licht, said the decision was the result of a “uniquely bad” situation. Last week, President and Chief Executive of CNN’s corporate parent David Zaslav reportedly said at an Oprah Winfrey-hosted company meeting that he wanted CNN to focus on facts and set itself apart from the “advocacy networks” in the industry. “If we get that, we can have a civilized society. And without it, if it all becomes advocacy, we don’t have a civilized society,” Zaslav reportedly said. In November, board member John Malone told CNBC, “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing.” Meanwhile, at The New York Times, the controlling Sulzberger family tapped Joe Kahn, a former China correspondent, to be the new executive editor. A Times insider told New York magazine, “There is a sense – and this makes a lot of people very happy – that [Kahn] is much less willing to indulge the complaining and the constant cries of activism and that he is somebody who has ex-

pressed little patience for the newsroom culture-war eruptions that have been such a distraction for us lately.”

Arizona: Tunnel Fire Burns 21,000+ Acres

The Tunnel Fire burning across Coconino County in northern Arizona has now charred over 21,000 acres, the U.S. Forest Service reported. The fire has been blazing for nearly a week. According to the department, just 3% of the Tunnel Fire is considered contained. In a Saturday news release, fire managers explained that strong winds and dry air currents from the north and northeast have made it difficult for firefighters to gain control of the fire. The

crews are being repositioned. The fire began last week on Sunday, just north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Officials have said that it destroyed at least two dozen buildings and forced the evacuation of hundreds of homes. It is not yet clear what sparked the fire. Meanwhile, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday declared a state of emergency in Coconino County. “As strong winds fuel fires across Arizona, we are doing everything we can to keep Arizonans safe,” he said, urging residents to “follow the guidance of fire officials, stay safe, and respond to any evacuation notices.” He added, “We will continue to monitor the situation and deploy additional resources as necessary.” On Wednesday, Patrice Horstman, chair of the Coconino County Board of Supervisors, said that 766 households and over 1,000 animals have been evacuated. Wildfires are raging in other states as well. Half of New Mexico is facing issues relating to the 20 active wildfires burning in the state. And in Nebraska, over two dozen National Guard personnel have been activated to help fight wildfires, the Guard said.





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Court-Martial Leads to Conviction

praised the court-martial process as “fair” and said, “It is very hard to be a survivor in a criminal case. That is one of the many reasons you see so few of these cases go to court-martial.”

Educators’ Fake Vax Cards

A U.S. Air Force officer was found guilty in a military court of abusive contact. The case is the first-ever court-martial trial and conviction of a general officer in the military branch’s history, an Air Force statement said. During the trial, Maj. Gen. William T. Cooley was found guilty of one of three specifications of assault connected to a 2018 incident in New Mexico. Cooley had pleaded not guilty. However, a senior military judge found him guilty of one of the counts. He was found not guilty of the two other specifications. The victim’s attorney, Ryan Guilds,

New York City’s Department of Education has placed dozens of school employees on unpaid leave for allegedly submitting falsified proof of a Covid-19 vaccine. The employees were notified last Wednesday that their unpaid leave would begin on Monday. A Department of Education spokesman said, “Fraudulent vaccination cards are not only illegal, they also undermine the best line of protection our schools have against Covid-19 — universal adult

vaccination. “We immediately moved to put these employees — fewer than 100 — on leave without pay.” NYC reportedly took action following the receipt of a report from law enforcement that the employees had provided fraudulent proofs of vaccination. But the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) claimed that the city had not done enough to verify that the proofs were actually fraudulent and that a number of members were wrongly accused of fraud. Speaking to The New York Times, UFT lawyer Beth Norton said, “It is wholly improper for the DOE to unilaterally remove UFT members from the payroll based on mere conjecture that vaccination documentation is fraudulent.” The city has not stated how long the unpaid leave will last. Meanwhile, investigations into the allegations are ongoing.

Thieves Target Postal Workers Criminals across the country are increasingly targeting mail carriers. Between 2018 and 2021, robberies of mail carriers more than tripled, and robberies involving a gun more than quadrupled, according to U.S. Postal Inspection Service data. The number of letter carrier robberies across the country rose from 80 in 2018 to 261 in 2021. The number of armed robberies jumped from 36 in 2018 to 154 in 2021, according to the data. 2022 is set to see even higher numbers.

In a statement to NBC News, the inspection service said the surge in letter carrier robberies is likely fueled by several factors including the economic impact of the Covid crisis, the growth in USPS parcel volume amid the rise of e-commerce, and the mailing of government checks related to pandemic aid programs. “The Postal Inspection Service is engaged on multiple fronts with various partners to combat robberies and prosecute these criminals,” the statement said. In early March, the Postal Inspection Service released an advisory on the

“significant increase of armed robberies committed against U.S. Postal Service letter carriers.” “The primary motive behind these robberies is illegal financial gains,” the advisory said. “In the present day, with the dark web and organized crime promoting these unlawful activities, robberies and mail theft are becoming increasingly more attractive to criminals.” Reports of mail theft have risen sharply in recent years. According to the USPS Office of Inspector General, the Postal Inspection Service received more than 299,000 mail theft complaints from March 2020 through February 2021 — an increase of 184,500 complaints (161 percent) compared to the same period the previous year.

Sen. Orrin Hatch Dies at 88

Orrin G. Hatch, the longest-serving Republican senator in history, died on Saturday at age 88. Hatch represented Utah for over four decades. Hatch Foundation chairman A. Scott Anderson said of Hatch that “he exemplified a generation of lawmakers brought up on the principles of comity and compromise, and he embodied those principles better than anyone. In a nation divided, Orrin Hatch helped show us a better way by forging meaningful friendships on both sides of the aisle. Today, more than ever, we would do well to follow his example.” Though Hatch was a conservative on most issues, he partnered with Democrats multiple times during his career on various issues, including stem cell research, children’s health insurance, and rights for those with disabilities. In 2000, Hatch sought the Republican nomination for president, saying he had more experience in Washington than his opponents and that he could work with Democrats. Hatch acknowledged that winning would be a long shot. He withdrew from the race after only winning 1 percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses and then endorsed George W. Bush. Toward the end of his career, Hatch became an ally of Republican President


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Donald Trump, using his role as chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee to get a major rewrite of the US tax codes to the president’s desk. In return, Trump helped Hatch deliver on a key issue for Republicans in Utah by agreeing to drastically downsize two national monuments that had been declared by past presidents. When Hatch announced he would not seek re-election in 2018, he said that “every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves.” He had learned to box growing up in Pittsburgh and needing to fend off the blows of stronger and bigger kids.

medical helicopter landed near the Capitol for the medical emergency. Two streets near the Supreme Court were closed for a short time due to the incident. Kritee Kanko, a climate scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund and a Zen Buddhist priest in Boulder, said that she was a friend of Bruce and that the self-immolation was a planned act of protest. “This act is not suicide,” Dr. Kritee wrote on Twitter early Sunday morning. “This is a deeply fearless act of compassion to bring attention to climate crisis.”

Man Sets Himself on Fire in DC

Second Chance Month

A Colorado man who set himself on fire in front of the U.S. Supreme Court last week has died. The 50-year-old man, a resident of Boulder, Colorado, arrived at the plaza in front of the court building at approximately 6:30p.m. Friday evening. He then set himself on fire, DC Metropolitan Police said. Wynn Bruce was airlifted to a hospital but died of his injuries. According to the U.S. Capitol Police, a

This week, President Joe Biden marked “Second Chance Month” by commuting the sentences of 75 people serving time for nonviolent drug of-

fenses, issuing full pardons for three individuals who the administration says have worked toward rehabilitation, and unveiling new actions aimed at easing the transition back to normal life for the formerly incarcerated. “America is a nation of laws and second chances, redemption, and rehabilitation. Elected officials on both sides of the aisle, faith leaders, civil rights advocates, and law enforcement leaders agree that our criminal justice system can and should reflect these core values that enable safer and stronger communities,” Biden wrote in a statement. “During Second Chance Month, I am using my authority under the Constitution to uphold those values by pardoning and commuting the sentences of fellow Americans,” he continued. Among those Biden pardoned is Abraham W. Bolden Sr., an 86-year-old former Secret Service agent and the first African American to serve on a presidential detail. Bolden was convicted of charges related to attempting to sell a copy of a Secret Service file. Bolden maintains he ultimately “was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service.” Biden also pardoned Betty Jo Bogans, 51, of Houston, and Dexter Eugene Jackson, 52, of Athens, Georgia, for nonviolent drug offenses. “The President believes that there (are) too many people serving unduly long sentences for nonviolent drug crimes, a disproportionate number of whom are Black and brown,” an official said on Monday. “The President is also committed to using his clemency power to provide relief to individuals who are serving long sentences that they could no longer receive today, because of changes in the law, including the First Step Act, which reduced mandatory minimum sentences for certain nonviolent drug offenses.” President Donald Trump had been the first U.S. president to observe Second Chance Month in 2018, following a bipartisan resolution from Congress. A proclamation from Trump stated that during the month of April, the United States would emphasize the need “to provide opportunities for people with criminal records to earn an honest second chance.” The First Step Act, which marked a rare bipartisan accomplishment under Trump, allowed for early release for nonviolent offenders, eased mandatory minimum sentencing, and offered judges flexibility in sentencing.

Soldier Dies in Rescue

A Texas Army National Guard soldier died when he attempted to help save drowning migrants. The body of Specialist Bishop Evans was only recovered days after he went missing during the rescue on Friday. “SPC. Evans will forever be remembered for the bravery and compassion he showed while saving lives in the Rio Grande,” Representative Tony Gonzales wrote in a tweet. “We will make sure this young soldier’s sacrifice will never be forgotten.” Evans was 22 years old. He first joined the Texas National Guard in 2019, eventually serving as a field artilleryman in Arlington, serving tours in Iraq and Kuwait as part of Operation Spartan Shield. He was later assigned to border patrol in Eagle Pass in late 2020 as part of Governor Greg Abbott’s comprehensive Operation Lone Star initiative. “We are heartbroken to learn of the death of SPC Bishop E. Evans who was reported missing in Eagle Pass on Friday,” Abbott said in a statement about Evans’ passing. “Our National Guard soldiers risk their lives every day to serve and protect others and we are eternally grateful for the way SPC Evans heroically served his state and country.” Evans removed his body armor before jumping into the river at approximately 9:45 a.m. on Friday. Despite that precaution, he did not resurface. The effort to locate him began shortly afterward. The two migrants he was attempting to help survived and were taken into U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody. The effort to find Evans involved search parties combing the river using boats and helicopters. The search was postponed briefly on Saturday due to river conditions, but resumed on Sunday.



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Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel of the Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

Rosh Yeshiva, Jerusalem College of Technology & Rosh Kollel, Yeshivat Har Etzion

And the members of the Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon R. Tzvi Benoff • R. Ben Zion Feld • R. Meir Finkelstein • R. Meir Goodman • R. Shai Kaminetzky R. Shua Katz • R. Tyler Pere • R. Robbie Schrier • R. Shimmie Steinmetz

Sunday, May 1, 2022 At Yeshiva University’s Uptown Wilf Campus

7:30 a.m. Festive Rosh Chodesh Shacharit 9 a.m. Registration & Breakfast 9:20 a.m. Conference Begins Register at Proof of vaccination is required to attend this event.

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The First Annual Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon Conference

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Flying Fail

A mid-air stunt went awry last week, resulting in a pilot parachuting to the ground and his plane drifting back to Earth. The Red Bull stunt involved a pair of pilots attempting to skydive into each other’s aircraft mid-flight. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong if you try to skydive into another plane 12,000 feet in the air above the Arizona desert. Pilot Andy Farrington, 42, and his cousin, Luke Aikins, 48, were each piloting a Cessna prop plane in what was billed as the first midair “plane swap,”

which was being livestreamed on Hulu. One of the planes went into a flat spin after the pilots sky-dived in an attempt to jump into each other’s planes. Farrington deployed his parachute while falling 140 miles an hour; Aikins remarkably made it to Farrington’s plane and took over the controls. The other plane that had spun out of control deployed a tail chute and drifted to the ground. Amazingly, both pilots made it back to the ground unscathed. But the story doesn’t end there. The stunt made national news, which garnered the attention of the Federal Aviation Administration which said it is launching a full investigation into the stunt. Supposedly, the FAA had denied Red Bull’s request for “an exemption from federal regulations that cover the safe operation of an aircraft.” Sounds like sparks will fly.

Bear Scare A family in California will be sleeping a little easier this week after a family of bears was evacuated from under their home.

Throughout the winter, the family had heard rumbling, snoring sounds from under their floors. Their neighbors thought they were imagining things. But as spring came, there was no denying it: bears had taken up residence under their home.

The family called in The BEAR League, a nonprofit organization that helps people live “in harmony” with bears. Members of the league came in to “un-invite” the bear from the home, only to find that they were dealing with a family of cuddly animals: a mother and four cubs. Supposedly the furry group had found a hole in the crawl space and settled in for the winter months ago. Thankfully, The BEAR League managed to convince and Mama and her cubs to vacate the home.

A 13-Year-Old Graduate

Elliott Tanner is about to graduate college. But he will not be driving himself to graduation. You see, Elliott is only 13 years old, and he is set to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota in May. Elliott has majored in physics with a minor in math. But he’s not stopping there. He has his sights set on the school’s doctoral physics program. Elliott’s mother, Michelle, said he taught himself to read at an age when most kids are still figuring out how to tie their shoes. “He had started reading when he was maybe 2, just 3. We said, ‘Oh, well, that’s interesting. You’re reading. We didn’t teach you to read,’” she told KSTP-TV. Tanner started reading college-level textbooks at the age of 9, and two years

Clear Cut

Would you pay for a piece of invisible art? Well, what would you pay for the receipt for a piece of invisible art? We’re guessing it’s not millions. But this week, a receipt for a piece of “invisible art” by French artist Yves Klein surpassed expectations by selling for nearly $1.2 million at an auction. Sotheby’s said the receipt, part of Klein’s imaginary art series Zones of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility, had been expected to fetch up to $551,000, but surpassed expectations by fetching a top bid of $1,151,467.40. The receipt was dated December 7, 1959, just a few years before the artist’s death in 1963. The receipts for Klein’s artwork are rare today because Klein invited buyers to participate in a ritual that involved burning the receipt and throwing half of the gold into the Seine River in order to make the buyer the “definitive owner” of the conceptual artwork. The receipt was originally issued to antiques dealer Jacques Kugel. Talk about a blank canvas.

1 Million Steaks We got no beef with Gayle Dudley, who has earned the distinction of grilling one million steaks during the 20 years she has worked at the LongHorn Steakhouse in Columbus, Georgia. Gayle was surprised at work


by executives from the nationwide chain after grilling her millionth slab of meat. Executives presented Dudley with a $5,000 check, a gold chef coat and the title of “Grill Master Legend.”

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

later he graduated from Normandale Community College with an associate of science degree. “It’s amazing. It’s sort of been a crazy ride getting here, but it’s just been such a nice experience,” Elliott said. He said he is hoping to earn his doctorate and give back to the university. “I’m hoping to become a professor at the University of Minnesota in order to also spread this joy and passion for physics with other people,” the 13-year-old boy said. And I’m still struggling with getting to the bus on time each morning.

LongHorn Steakhouse, which operates more than 540 restaurants nationwide, said Dudley is one of a small handful of employees to be dubbed a Grill Master Legend after cooking 1 million steaks. The designation previously was bestowed upon Simeona “Simi” Tamaseu, a cook at the LongHorn Steakhouse in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2018. Holy smokes!

A Feline Family

The In an effort to never be separated from her pet cat, Deborah Hodge has married it. Yup, Deborah says that it took months of emails for her current landlord to allow her to keep her cat, India, on premises. But Deborah now lost her job and may be evicted. Her future landlord may not allow pets on the property. Finally, Deborah – who has two children – came up with an idea: if she marries India, then her future landlord will realize how important India is to the family. And so, it went. Deborah, who is 49, married India at a civil ceremony presided over by her friend in a park in London. Deborah wore a tux; the five-year-old cat was draped in gold lamé for the big day. “She is fundamentally the most important thing in my life after my children,” Deborah said about her new family. She wants to be with India together furr-ever.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Around the


At the Avos U’Bonim learning program on Chol Hamoed in Far Rockaway


Upon the Completion of Mishnah Yomi Masechtos Berachos, Peah, Demai, Kilayim! LEARN



Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l encouraged people to learn Maseches Shevi’is during Shemittah.

Mishnah Yomi begins Maseches Shevi’is THIS Monday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar / May 2nd 4:56 Sunday - 9 January

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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Mazel Tov Klal Yisroel

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Around the Community

Pesach at Kulanu


e had a couple of exciting weeks at Torah L’Kulanu where students engaged in various activities to help Chag Pesach come alive! Each class participated in an “Eichad Mi Yodea” project where they associated a number with a mitzvah pertaining to Pesach. They then created their own display boards along with an explanation of their topic. Students also engaged in a pre-Pesach preparation workshop where they participated in hands-on activities to learn how to make charoset, check lettuce, and measure the appropriate shiur for matzah and marror. Our interactive model seder was a memorable event! It included a mock demonstration of the 10 makkot, including turning water to blood and throwing frogs. Some of our students acted out scenes from a Pesach play which gave them an opportunity to feel as if they were leaving Mitzrayim.

We thank Rabbi Trump who spoke to the students about Mechirat Chametz and acted as our Shaliach to sell Kulanu’s chametz. We look forward to many more events here in Torah L’Kulanu!

The talmidos of the Ganger Early Childhood at TAG are excitedly preparing their sefirah charts to count up to Matan Torah

SKA Marine Biology Class Visits Aquarium

By Bella Frogel


tella K. Abraham High School for Girls’ 11th grade marine biology class is terrific! Our trip to the New York Aquarium in Coney Island on Wednesday, March 30, is one of the many reasons why Mrs. Aviva Lifshitz’s class is so special. Marine biology is a super interactive class where we go on trips, create cool projects, and perform very interesting dissections. At the aquarium, we saw a seal show and a wide selection of other marine species. Our amazing teacher, Mrs. Lifshitz,

prepared a scavenger photo hunt for us; we had to find different species and phyla which we had discussed in class. It was so interesting to walk around the aquarium and recognize the species with which we were familiar. We also discussed the human impact on our local ocean and marine organisms. Visiting the aquarium was such a wonderful way of learning more about marine biology without being in the classroom environment. Thanks go to Mrs. Lifshitz and Ms. Kuperstein who accompanied the students.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community PHOTO BY GABE SOLOMON

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Chai Lifeline Brought “Seder in a Box” to NY Hospital Patients

Rabbi Simcha Hopkovitz, rav of the Young Israel of Hewlett, with James J. Vilardi, chairman of Sanitation District #1, to whom he sold the chometz this year

HALB Partners With Creative Response to Conflict


ALB is excited to announce that through a grant with the New York State Education Department, we are partnering with the organization Creative Response to Conflict to provide training to our staff in the areas of conflict resolution and social emotional learning. In addition, we will be training our fifth grade boys and girls in the area of peer mediation. We are hopeful that with this training we can enhance our ability to address the conflicts that arise at times between students and enhance their social emotional learning skills. Before Pesach, Mrs Priscilla Prutzman, founder of Creative Response to

Conflict and a leader in this field for the past 50 years, ran a workshop with all assistant teachers grades 1-5. She was joined in this effort by Tara Fishler, Director of Learning and Development. The assistant teachers learned new skills in conflict resolution through role playing. Over the next few weeks, the organization will continue training and mentoring our staff. During these days of Sefirat HaOmer when we focus on the improvement of our relationships bein adam l’chaveiro, we believe that with the assistance of the professional staff at Creative Response to Conflict, we will be able to enhance the social and emotional relationships of children at HALB.


ver the course of the Pesach holiday, the New York-based Chai Lifeline distributed “Seder in a Box” packages to patients being treated in hospitals around the New York area. The international children’s health organization offers a variety of programs designed for children and families coping with serious illnesses and crises. “Pesach is a holiday that is centered heavily around the concept of family, and particularly children. For that reason, we know that it is that much more challenging and isolating for those who are forced to spend the holiday in a hospital setting,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “If children and their caregivers can’t be home for the seder, we want to bring the seder to them. Our goal is to help these families by infusing some of the holiday spirit and joy into a very difficult circumstance, and most importantly, showing them that they are not alone.” Chai Lifeline works with medical teams and social workers in dozens of hospitals around the U.S. and the world to identify families in need and design the packages based on their specific requirements. These needs can vary from dietary restrictions in response to the child’s conditions as well as those families who have specific kosher standards. Included within the “Seder in a Box” are

all the traditional elements of the meal, such as matzah, grape juice, and Haggadahs, as well as magazines, books, and games so that children and parents are able to best enjoy the holiday despite the obvious emotional and practical challenges. Additional support to thousands of Chai Lifeline families around the country this Passover include financial aid through the Evan Levy z”l Fund to help cover holiday expenses, grocery gift cards and assistance with household chores, meals delivered to families, and holiday activities and events for the children. One family expressed their relief saying how the additional funds from Chai Lifeline will allow them “a feeling of release from the pressing burden of the everyday struggle we face with the condition of our beloved son, who is starting a new treatment of chemotherapy.” “Over the years, we have been blessed to hear countless reports from families who describe a Pesach seder alongside their child’s hospital bed as a deeply moving experience,” Rabbi Scholar said. “We are encouraged to do everything possible to help as many families as we can with the hope that this will in some way speed up their child’s recovery and add to their holiday joy.”


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Rabbi Yitzchok Frankel selling the chometz before Pesach to Duke Waters. Rabbi Dov Bressler, Rabbi Yitzchok Frankel, Rabbi Pinchas Chatzinoff, Rabbi Shaul Chill, and Rabbi Yisroel Blumenkrantz were present at the sale

Crohn’s & Colitis ID Card Now Available


enator Simcha Felder and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin are pleased to announce that the New York State Department of Health has finally made the Crohn’s & Colitis ID Card available on their website: https://www. The New York State Crohn’s & Colitis ID Card was developed as a result of a law sponsored by Senator Felder and Assem-

blywoman Paulin which provides people with these medical conditions a simple way to verify their condition and access their legal right to a restroom facility. “Coping with an illness is hard enough, without added indignity. I am pleased that the Department of Health has finally made this card available on their website to help thousands of people easily utilize the protections they are

legally entitled to,” said Senator Felder. “This card is a common-sense way to educate business employees of their responsibilities under the Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act, and prevent the need to explain or argue over qualifying conditions.” “I’m thrilled that the NYS Department of Health is now issuing Crohn’s and Colitis Identification Cards to those with these medical conditions. These new ID cards are a way to alleviate the burden on people with Crohn’s and similar ailments, and make it easier for them to exercise their legal right to use the restroom,” said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin. “Those who have Crohn’s and Colitis often have limited control over their physical situation and I’m so happy that Senator Felder and I were able to pass the Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act and help them in this way.” “Only a few years ago the topic of Crohn’s and Colitis was taboo, nobody talked about it and people who were diagnosed felt like they suffered alone. Today, thanks to a lot of outreach and advocacy, things have changed drastically and members of our support group number in the thousands. Everyone with Crohn’s disease faces this problem once, twice, three times a month, some almost every day,” said Yoely Drummer, Founder and Executive Director of the Jewish Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group. “When I got involved in this cause back in 2013, I often I felt that I was alone. We had Assemblywoman Paulin supporting us all along, but we were missing our support in the State Senate. Then I met Senator Felder and he offered us his full support and took the Crohn’s and Colitis fairness act to the next level by improving the en-

forcement. This law means that we can all have an easier life. I’m thrilled to finally share this news with our members and begin focusing on new projects to advocate for.” Originally enacted in 2017, the Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act allows access to employee-only restrooms by individuals with Crohn’s, Colitis, or other similar conditions, in any business open to the public during business hours, if there are at least two employees present at the time. In practice, however, these rights have proven hard to access. Businesses were unfamiliar with the new law and employees had no way of confirming an eligible medical condition. Senator Felder and Assemblywoman Paulin’s legislation, which was signed into law in 2021, built on the Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act, by requiring the Department of Health to create a printable card that a person can get a health professional to sign, stating their rights under the Crohn’s and Colitis Fairness Act. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, as many as 1.6 million Americans suffer from the chronic, incurable gastro-intestinal conditions that significantly affect the health and quality of life. Conditions causing debilitating urgency to use a restroom limit the lives of otherwise capable, contributing members of society. When public restrooms are not available, providing access to employee-only facilities is a small accommodation with an outsized impact. “This simple card will make it easier for businesses to comply with the law and help make life a little easier for people with these common gastrointestinal conditions,” concluded Senator Felder.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Before saying Birchas Ha’ilanos, the talmidim of Ateres Eitz Chaim learned the reasoning behind the fascinating bracha we say once a year in the month of Nissan on the blooming of fruit trees. Afterwards, the talmidim enjoyed a delicious BBQ and had a competitive game of football.

Rav Chaim Walkin, mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel, visiting Yeshiva Darchei Torah, where his grandsons learn. Rav Walkin is shown here with Rav Chaim Ozer Bender and his second grade talmidim

Cross River Supports American Veterans Through Partnership with Heroes to Heroes Program


ross River Bank (“Cross River”), a technology infrastructure provider that offers embedded financial solutions, announced its support of Heroes to Heroes, a foundation that offers spiritual healing and peer support for combat veterans of all faiths and backgrounds who are suffering from the post traumatic effects of their service time. Cross River team members in both New Jersey and Jerusalem greeted and thanked American heroes as they kicked-off and landed on their trip to Israel as part of their spiritual healing journey. “With Cross River offices in New Jersey and Jerusalem, our employees were able to interact and take part in the healing process for true American Heroes,” said Phil Goldfeder, SVP of Global Public Affairs at Cross River. “We’re thrilled to support Heroes to Heroes, an organization close to our hearts on both sides of the ocean, in this momentous initiative to provide life-saving resources that have the power to impact American veterans for the better.” Heroes To Heroes is a non-denominational 501(c)(3) organization, providing emotional and spiritual healing, suicide prevention, and peer support for veter-

The Cross River New Jersey team joined Heroes to Heroes before their departure to Israel at Newark Liberty International Airport

ans who suffer from Moral Injury. The three-year and beyond program begins with a 12-month curriculum for emotional strength where the veterans focus on building trust and connecting with their emotions as well as their family and peers. Following this period, the next “journey” takes the veterans on a 10-day trip to Israel where they can begin to find reconnection to spirituality, forgiveness, faith and peace into their lives. “Cross River’s support allows us to save and change lives for the better.

Twelve veterans’ lives have been changed and they have chosen life,” said Judy Isaacson Elias, Founder and President, Heroes to Heroes Foundation. “This outcome not only affects the veteran, but impacts the lives of family members, friends, and the community. Successfully returning veterans to civilian life is crucial to the future of our country.” On March 21, 2022, Cross River hosted a meet and greet and sendoff for the veterans at Newark Liberty International Airport as they embarked on their voy-

age. At the end of the program, before leaving Israel and returning to the United States, the Cross River team in Israel attended a dinner with the participants, fortifying the bond and support between the veterans and Cross River. “Thank you for this tremendous journey. It has helped me be closer to God and to appreciate the things I have in my life,” said Alberto Corales Santiago, a Hero from Bronx, NY. “It has taught me to be more merciful with others and to help other veterans in any way I can.” Heroes to Heroes offers year-round services, such as coaching and peer support. Cross River plans to increase its assistance with volunteer engagement and sponsorships of their outings to continue to build on this meaningful relationship. Cross River is known for its financial inclusion efforts, and as a pillar in the community as a resource for support. The Company has been instrumental in bridging the gap between New Jersey and Jerusalem, working with the State and local organizations to strengthen existing economic ties, cultivate further investment opportunities in New Jersey and deepen cultural ties between United States and Israel.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Rabbi Pesach Lerner and Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of Eretz Hakodesh visited Gedolei Yisrael and Roshei Yeshivos during Chol HaMoed Pesach. They are pictured here with HaGaon HaRav Berel Povarsky, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh and member of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Israel

The new 4th Precinct Commander, Inspector Boden, meeting with Village of Lawrence Mayor Alex Edelman and Lawrence Village officials at the April 7 th Board of Trustees meeting

Yom Ha’Atzmaut is coming soon, and all of the children in Morah Shani’s class in HANC ECC are getting ready by creating strips of paper for their flags

YI of Great Neck to Install New Rabbi


n August 2020, Rabbi Yaakov Lerner, the original rabbi of the Young Israel of Great Neck (“YIGN”) synagogue, retired after 45 years of leading the house of worship, building it from the original membership of six families to one exceeding 300 families. Until that point, he was the only rabbi to ever lead YIGN. Rabbi Shmuel Ismach, the assistant rabbi of YIGN for 15 years at that juncture, took over as rabbi in August 2020 – but, since the timing coincided with the onset of the pandemic and subsequent lockdown, Rabbi Ismach’s formal installation had to be postponed until now (a delay of nearly two years). Due to his engaging personality, the ability to connect with a multi-generational audience, a vast knowledge of scholarly texts and contemporary culture, and exceptional public speaking and pedological skills, he has endeared himself to the synagogue and larger Great Neck community during his 17year relationship with YIGN. With the onset of Covid, he was presented with a set of challenges that most clergymen were never prepared for. He responded with creativity and innovation and played the pivotal role for keeping the YIGN community united and engaged (even remotely) beginning in March 2020 while still serving as Assistant Rabbi. Thankfully, the recent weeks have seen a return to normalcy to synagogue attendance and programming participation. Rabbi Ismach has been enhanced and complemented by his wife, Dr. Mal-

ka Ismach, throughout his tenure. She is an accomplished child psychologist and has partnered with Rabbi Ismach in many of his initiatives. On Sunday, May 8, 2022, YIGN will hold its 47 th Annual Dinner, at the event facility of the Chabad of Great Neck in Kings Point, which will serve as the means of both honoring Rabbi Shmuel and Dr. Malka Ismach, as well as the formal installation Rabbi Ismach as the synagogue’s “Mara D’asra” (the ancient Aramaic term for congregational leader). The well-known scholar and educator Rabbi Menachem Penner will be conducting Rabbi Ismach’s installation at the banquet. Rabbi Penner is the Max and Marion Grill Dean of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. He is also the Dean of Men’s Undergraduate Torah Studies Program at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Penner is the Rabbi Emeritus of the Young Israel of Holliswood, Queens.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Around the Community

S H a lO m Ta S k F O r C e

You Are NoT ALoNe Confidential Hotline

MTA Hosts Annual Yeshiva Fellowship Shabbaton

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No oNe Deserves To Be ABuseD


n Shabbos HaGadol, MTA hosted its annual Yeshiva Fellowship Shabbaton at the Kartrite Resort in the Catskills. The event began with a fun Friday afternoon, where talmidim enjoyed the resort’s many amenities, including the indoor arcade. Talmidim then spent an inspirational Shabbos with their Yeshiva Fellowship Mashgichim, filled with lots of learning sedarim to spiritually prepare for Pesach, lively minyanim, inspiring divrei Torah, and delicious seudos. The Shabbaton ended with an epic musical Melave Malka. Throughout Shabbos, talmidim continued to motivate each other to achieve higher levels of learning and spirituality. MTA Head of School and Senior Mashgiach Rabbi Joshua Kahn has been leading a pre-Shacharis chaburah for the past three years, which was mesayem the sefer V’a’Ani Tefillah during the Shabbaton. “It was truly meaningful to culminate 3 years of learning together during the Shabbaton,” said Rabbi Kahn. “The

commitment of our talmidim who have been learning with me every morning before davening is inspiring and it was really special to share our accomplishment with the entire Yeshiva Fellowship.” The Yeshiva Fellowship program is a unique initiative that provides MTA talmidim with additional opportunities to grow in Torah and to develop both communally and individually. Talmidim benefit from the personal guidance of a dedicated Mashgiach for each cohort and also participate in special trips, programs, Shabbatons, and Melaveh Malkas. With the participation of Rav Hershel Schachter, distinguished posek and RIETS Rosh Yeshiva/Rosh Kollel, and Rav Zvi Sobolofsky, esteemed RIETS Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Fellowship talmidim take advantage of MTA’s relationship with the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) at YU. This includes following a special halacha curriculum, participating in chaburos with RIETS Roshei Yeshiva, and a weekly Night Seder.

Did you know? Pretzels were a part of wedding ceremonies in the 16th century.


Around the Community


ot long after the passing of Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky, zt”l, almost five years ago, a treasure was found. Rav Binyamin, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of South Shore, was known for his delightful oratory that matched every one of life’s occasions with a vort on the parsha or a homiletic thought, along with the extraordinary love he had for all Yidden. The family thought that most of his drashos were lost to the ages, but they were wrong. After his passing, they found boxes and boxes filled with notes of Torah thoughts, ideas and drashos that Rav Binyamin had jotted down either after he spoke or in preparation for a drasha. After four years of arduous work, these handwritten drashos and chiddushim have been published by his grandson, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky of Yeshiva of South Shore, in a magnificent two-volume set, “Chelkas Binyamin.” Recently, Rabbi Kamenetzky brought the culmination of his efforts to his great-uncle, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit”a, with whom he shares his namesake. In humble fashion for which the Rosh Yeshiva is particularly known, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit”a, zkan Roshei Yeshivos in America, became emotional when presented with the newly published sefer of his late older brother, Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky, zt”l. “He had tremendous yedios,” Rav Shmuel commented, “and he had a geshmak to help Yidden.” The young Rabbi Kamenetzky explained that Rav Shmuel, shlit”a, was beaming that now the project has come full circle. “Right after my grandfather’s petira, I found hundreds of pages of his notes, containing chidushim and drashos on a wide array of inyanim, and was deciding if I should spend the time

working on them,” he explained. “I came to speak to Rav Shmuel, shlit”a, who encouraged me to put in the effort. “It was a long process, and a labor of love. After realizing that taking over 600 written pages of divrei Torah and transforming it into a beautiful, readable sefer was no easy feat, I invited Rabbi Shimon Szimanowitz of Machon Aleh Zayis, a well-known expert in the field of Torah publishing, to guide me and direct the project. He and his team were a tremendous resource in the editing and research involved. “Boruch Hashem, four years, and hundreds of hours of work later, I presented Rav Shmuel the peiros of his bracha.”

yamin immediately traveled to Williamsburg to learn under Hagaon Rav Dovid Lebowitz, zt”l, while Rav Shmuel remained in Toronto. Eventually, they united again in yeshiva – this time in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, where they both learned under Rav Yaakov’s cousin, Rav Ruderman, zt”l. Rav Shmuel eventually left for Lakewood to learn under Rav Ahron Kotler, zt”l, and Rav Binyamin settled in East New York, shortly after his marriage to the daughter of the Ostrov Kalushiner Rebb of the Bronx, HaRov Pinchos Eliyahu Speigel, zt”l. Rav Binyamin began his hashpa’ah on Klal Yisroel in East New York, where he served as a

Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky, zt”l, teaching at the Maharil Graubart Talmud Torah in Toronto. Reb Shmuel is top tow 3rd from left

Rav Shmuel marveled at the two-volume sefer, smiling as he gleaned through the 1,200 pages, pausing to read a chiddush from that week’s parsha. He reminisced about his brother Rav Binyamin, zt”l, with whom he learned together in Vilkomir, Lithuania, and traveled by boat to Canada together with their mother, brothers, and sisters to join their father Rav Yaakov, zt”l, who had arrived in America earlier and had since become the Rav in Toronto, where he was alone. Rav Bin-

rav and a rebbe in Yeshiva Toras Chaim, the prominent yeshiva led by Rav Yitzchok Schmidman, zt”l, which produced some of our generation’s gedolim such as Rav Shlomo Freifeld, zt”l, and the Novominsker Rebbe, zt”l. In 1956, with the encouragement of his father Rav Yaakov, Rav Binyamin moved out of the comforts of the prominent Jewish community of East New York to lead a new kehilla in the remote Long Island town of Woodmere, one of the “Five Towns.” There, he founded Yeshiva of

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit”a, Marvels at His Late Brother’s Life’s Work

South Shore, TAG girls school, and Cong. Eitz Chaim (which became Young Israel of Woodmere) and was instrumental in the building of tens of other mosdos of Torah and tefillah during his life. Today, the Five Towns boast thousands of frum families with an ever-growing kehilla, and Yeshiva of South Shore, the yeshiva he founded, is still bursting at the seams with over 700 talmidim. Mesivta Ateres Yaakov and Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five Towns, offshoots of his efforts, germinated from the seeds that he planted, are flourishing as well. Over his 60 years in the Five Towns, Rav Binyamin influenced thousands of Yidden, bringing them closer to Torah, and introducing them to the mesorah of Torah and chinuch of his Rabbeim from Europe. “He was able to influence a lot of people and be koneh them with his ehrlichkeit,” Rav Shmuel explained. Rav Binyamin, zt”l, was known for his golden heart, his warmth, and his vision – building Torah on Long Island, but during his lifetime, he hid his gadlus in yedios haTotah. Now, almost five years after his petirah, Sefer Chalkas Binyamin reveals it all. The sefer contains divrei Torah and divrei chizuk on the parsha, moadim, and many topics including bris, bar mitzvah, and sheva brachos, mostly from his own notes. Throughout his life, Rav Binyamin darshened all over the country, canvassing shuls, yeshivos, and simchos of his talmidim and supporters of his mosdos. With wisdom and wit, and hartz, he wove chid-

dushim from gedolei olam with remazim and derush, and always culminating with practical divrei chizzuk tailored to his listeners. He often quoted his rabbeim from his time in yeshiva in Europe and America, many chiddushim “m’pi hashemua,” as well as from his rabbeim in America. He was also proficient in Toras ha’chassidus, an obvious influence from his revered father-inlaw, and his great yichus leading back to the Chozeh of Lublin. After admiring the main contents of the sefer, a warehouse of derush and machshava, Rav Shmuel turned to the back, to admire the biography section with color pictures. He glowed reminiscently as he recognized a picture of his old childhood friends from Europe. “Ah... the London brothers!” he said. (But when saw the rare picture of his cheder class in Tzitivyan, he admitted that he did not remember the boys’ names!) “One of the most important goals of publishing this sefer is to ensure that my zaide’s influence on Yidden will remain forever,” Rabbi Kamenetzky explained. “I believe that one who learns this sefer will be inspired and will grow – in the same way that those who knew Rav Binyamin did.” Rav Shmuel, shlit”a, strengthened that thought. As his nephew took leave, he assured him with a smile and noted, “Yidden will be mekabel his ehrlichkeit from this sefer.” Sefer Chelkas Binyamin will inspire you and uplift you. It is available now at all seforim stores, and available to order at with free shipping.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Around the Community

The Joy and Majesty That Were – Dirshu’s Everlasting Connection with Rav Chaim

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, arriving at a Dirshu Siyum in Bnei Brak

By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer


av Chaim had been involved with Dirshu for many years. The Sar HaTorah attended quite a few of the large Dirshu gatherings like the Siyumei Hashas in 2012 and 2020, for example, where he even recited the kaddish. But the relationship was much closer than that since there were many private Dirshu gatherings at Rav Chaim’s home – especially when they celebrated different milestones with Daf HaYomi B’Halacha, where he spoke to the charter members of the organization, gave them chizuk, and expressed in the clearest way how much he loved what Dirshu was doing for Klal Yisrael – and how he was even jealous of what Dirshu was attaining. Saying Goodbye As someone who has had the good fortune to be involved with the Dirshu organization under the leadership and guidance of Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita, I have found myself attending and writing about numerous Dirshu events through the years. There have been many times when I was touched by things that were said by various speakers, songs that were sung, and sights that I witnessed. I have seen thousands of Yidden singing together in gigantic halls, and I have walked along the rain-soaked ground just outside the Chofetz Chaim’s kever, with a much smaller group of gedolim. Like I said, many of my interactions with Dirshu have been memorable and have stuck with me. But a key moment happened at the Dirshu Siyum on Mishnah Berurah, which took place at the Arena Stadium in Yerushalayim in 2022. It was a memorable event for a number of reasons. Dirshu events always are. But this time it was memorable for something that happened and made a deep impression on me. Sitting not far from the head table,

I caught sight of a tent that had been erected near one of the exits of the hall and was waiting there patiently. I knew what that tent meant. It meant that there was a good chance that Rav Chaim Kanievsky was going to be attending this event and would be brought over to the head table within the safety of that tent. Being that Rav Chaim was already very elderly (this event would end up being his final public appearance), it was unclear until the last moment whether he would actually attend. But then, in the middle of the event, suddenly we understood that Rav Chaim had arrived and was being brought into the hall. The fact that he had chosen to make the incredible effort to come that night makes sense, especially when you remember the quote that his talmid, Rav Mann, related from Rav Chaim with regard to Dirshu. Rav Mann said in Rav Chaim’s name, “Tell Dirshu that I am jealous of their zechusim. Ashreichem V’Ashrei Chelkechem – fortunate are you and fortunate is your lot!” Since this is what Rav Chaim felt, it made sense that he was there on that great night.

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, attending the recent Dirshu World Siyum, 2022

I have never seen a crowd react the way that crowd reacted when Rav Chaim appeared at the head table. There was a sense that history was being made as the Gadol HaDor and Sar HaTorah was brought into the hall. Every person in that gigantic hall was on their feet. The music began to play and it was beautiful, but the singing from the mouths of every person in the hall was way more beautiful. A sense of electricity coursed through my body as I watched the events unfolding and saw the veneration and admiration – more than that – the absolute love which all these beautiful Yidden felt for Rav Chaim. At that moment, it seemed as if the very roof of the Arena was about to go flying off into the night, such was the level of excitement and enthusiasm. Like I stated earlier – I have been at numerous Dirshu events, but Rav Chaim’s entrance at that siyum was something I will never forget, for it taught me in the realest sense who Klal Yisrael values and what we all aspire to be. In my mind, it was an example of Kavod HaTorah at its finest. Interestingly enough, the siyum turned out to be Rav Chaim’s final public appearance. Rav Chaim was very weak in the days and weeks prior to the event. Boruch Hashem, at the last second, he was able to make it, and he sat there at the head table, with a pamphlet containing a section of the Mishnah Berurah on his lap. For the most part, Rav Chaim kept his eyes on the page in front of him. At the same time, during the moments when he sat there, those around him saw him do something which he had

rarely done before and which was somewhat surprising. From time to time, they saw him look up and focus on the crowd which filled the gigantic stadium. In the past, Rav Chaim never did this at any of the other Dirshu events. He never looked around him and he never really paid attention to the crowd. He was always focused on his learning and his machshavos. But on that night and during that final siyum, he did look around. Not once, but a number of times. And not only did he look at the direct view of whomever was sitting directly in front of him, he even moved his head so as to take in the panoramic view. And because this was so unusual for Rav Chaim, it made a real impression. The fact that Dirshu was zocheh to host the Sar HaTorah at that event would end up meaning much, much more for everyone there within a very short time, since he passed away on Purim, so soon after the siyum. During the shiva, Rav Dovid went to be menachem avel the family, and while sitting with one of Rav Chaim’s sons, he mentioned that the Dirshu siyum was his last public appearance. Rav Chaim’s son then made a fascinating observation. “My father said goodbye to Klal Yisrael at the siyum.” Those words struck a chord and resonated in the most authentic way, because that’s exactly what he was doing – looking at the crowd of Bnei Torah again and again – an action he had never done in the past. He was in the sefer and back to the crowd, back to the sefer and back to the crowd. At the time, it had seemed


Around the Community people there knew that it was the last time, their souls knew and that knowledge transcended the physical world and took everyone in the hall to a different and higher place. Ah, heiliger Rav Chaim, heiliger Rav Chaim…. And so, while with certain tzaddikim it’s about what they say to you and what you say to them, it was not that way with Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Here it was about Klal Yisrael’s neshamos connecting with his on a subconscious level and being able to receive hadracha from him, so many times, on that level. And there is no question that everyone will remember the way it was and that the memory of that apartment and staircase and bridge near the Lederman shul will remain fresh in our minds. Most of all, we will recall the sight of an elderly Yid with a sefer in his hands and the entire Torah in his mind – who gave of himself completely to Hashem and at the same time made himself available to his people like a father to his sons. For the fact is, Rav Chaim was ours and we were his.

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MTA Takes First Place at YU Hack-A-Thon


TA seniors Noam Ben Simon, Raphi Spoerri, Tani Glaser, and Eitan Brown and sophomore Pinchas Rosenfeld won first place at the Yeshiva University Hack-A-Thon. The event began on Sunday, April 10 and lasted through the night, with project presentations taking place on Monday morning, April 11. The theme of the event was healthcare. The MTA

team created an innovative machine that uses a camera to detect where a patient’s thickest vein is located and then inserts an IV in that vein. MTA is proud of its team, which was the only high school team at the event and competed against college students. The team is grateful to faculty advisor and MTA alum Benjamin Jacob for his guidance and support.

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

to be out of character, but the moment Rav Chaim’s son made his comment, it was obvious that his words were emes and that his father really had been saying farewell to the people that he loved so much, with a series of loving looks. While Rav Chaim’s eyes had been closed a lot of the time in the last period of his life, at that moment they were completely open. One couldn’t help but feel that the neshamos of Klal Yisrael and their Gadol HaDor were completely intertwined, which was why the feeling of electricity that swept through the hall was so very powerful. It was stemming from the fact that both were saying goodbye to one another – the people who had waited for hours outside the famous address on Rashbam Street in the heart of Bnei Brak, and the elderly Rav Chaim, who had welcomed them into his home and life with such love – as he provided them with hope and blessing for so many decades. That could explain why the singing was so strong and the feelings were so much more powerful than they normally were. Because even though none of the

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

54 1. *



MUSK LISTEN Some of Elon Musk’s most memorable quotes to date We could definitely make a flying car, but that’s not the hard part. The hard part is, how do you make a flying car that’s super safe and quiet? Because if it’s a howler, you’re going to make people very unhappy. We have essentially no patents in SpaceX. Our primary long-term competition is in China — if we published patents, it would be farcical, because the Chinese would just use them as a recipe book. Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not. I would like to die on Mars. But not during a fatal impact. I always invest my money in the companies I create. I don’t believe in using just other people’s money. I don’t think that’s fair. I will not ask other people to invest in something if I am not prepared to do it myself.

When Henry Ford made cheap and reliable cars, people said, “Nah, what about a horse?” It was a huge bet that he made and it worked. Don’t confuse schooling with education. I didn’t go to Harvard but the people that work for me did. I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. Any product that needs a manual to work is broken. Funded by the government just means funded by the people. Government, by the way, has no money. It only takes money from the people. It’s a fixer-upper of a planet but we could make it work. My proceeds from the PayPal acquisition were $180 million. I put $100 million in SpaceX, $70 million in Tesla, and $10 million in Solar City. I had to borrow money for rent.

I wouldn’t say I have a lack of fear. In fact, I’d like my fear emotion to be less because it’s very distracting and fried my nervous system.

I take the position that I’m always to some degree wrong, and the aspiration is to be less wrong.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

My biggest mistake is probably weighing too much on someone’s talent and not someone’s personality. I think it’s important if someone has a good heart.

You Gotta Be Kidding Me! Yankel says to Moishe: “Oy, I wish I was a billionaire, just like my father...” Moishe replies incredulously, “Your father was a

billionaire?!” “No,” says Yankel, “but he also wished that he was a billionaire.”


1. How much did Elon Musk pay to buy Twitter (the whole company, that is)? a. $3 billion b. $14 billion c. $44 billion d. $100 billion 2. What is the official name of the bird that is the Twitter logo? a. Larry T Bird b. Blue Bird c. Twitter Bird d. Tweet Twit 3. How did Twitter get created? a. Jack Dorsey sold an IT company to Google for $500 million and invested $300 million in this new startup called Twitter. b. A podcasting company was going under because iTunes came along and took up their market share, so they had a brainstorming session and one of the engineers (Jack

Dorsey) came up with the idea of allowing people to send a short text message to a central number, where it could be disseminated to a large group of people, thus allowing people to share their status. c. Jack Dorsey would send out text messages to all of his friends about different things (probably nose rings and yuppy beards), and he realized that it would be easier if he could just write something on his phone and all of his friends could see it. He therefore came up with the app and sold it to Google, which developed it. d. Jack Dorsey accidentally sent a text message to all of his contacts saying, “I’m going to Hamilton tonight.” When he received 75 responses asking how it was, he realized that it is really cool to be able to broadcast messages in a text message style to a lot of people at once. Based on that, he created Twitter.

Answers: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A

6. C 7. D Wisdom key: 5-6 correct: u r a twtr exprt 3-4 correct: #mediocrity

5. In 2006, Jack Dorsey sent out the first ever tweet. What did it say? a. “ just setting up my twttr” b. “One small tweet for me, one great leap for social media” c. “covfefe” d. “Forward this message for a chance to win $1 million” 6. How many tweets are sent on average per day? a. 15 million b. 75 million c. 500 million d. 2 billion e. 7 billion 7. Approximately how many Twitter followers did Donald Trump have before he was permanently blocked from the platform on January 21, 2021? a. 5 million b. 12 million c. 20 million d. 80 million

0-2 correct: You don’t pay much attention to Twitter. Maybe you are really smart. On the other hand, one of the smartest people in the world today just paid $44 billion for the company, so maybe you are not really so smart.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

4. Who famously said the following: “I’m not a Twitterer…

I’m not a Facebooker. I am a ... nothin’ ... I’m old school”? a. George Bush b. Michael Jordan c. Jordan Peterson d. Tony Robbins

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Twitter Trivia


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


New from Imagine... davening with Rav Chaim zt”l at your side…







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f you ever merited to see Rav Chaim zt”l davening, you felt your own tefillos grow more heart-filled, more real. With his tragic petirah, we can no longer see his face shining with holiness and kavanah, but we can still be inspired both by his own insights into the words of tefillah and related stories. This volume includes insights on the words and themes of the weekday tefillah shared directly by Rav Chaim and collected from his extensive writings, as well as dozens of stories about Rav Chaim and his illustrious family. Compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher, who was a ben bayis of Rav Chaim’s and an almost-daily visitor to his home, this is a sefer that will bring your davening to a whole new level.

The Jaffa Family Edition

n Gedolim In Our Time, our children will meet two of the greatest Torah leaders of our generation: The “Sar HaTorah” — Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, and the “Rosh Yeshivah” — Rav Gershon Edelstein shlit”a. This gorgeous volume contains more than 100 short stories about Rav Chaim and Rav Gershon. As our children read about their devotion to Torah and their unsurpassed caring for Klal Yisrael, they will be amazed — and inspired.










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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

torah thought

Parshas Acharei Mos by rabbi berel Wein


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he death of the two sons of Aaron remains one of the great mysteries that the Torah presents to us. The Talmud and Midrash have advanced several ideas as to why such a tragedy occurred, and it may seem to a certain extent it was self-inflicted. The reasons for their failures are listed: they had drunk too much wine, they never intended to marry and father a family, and they wanted their elders to pass on so that they could be the leaders of the people. Over the centuries, other ideas of their failings have been enumerated by the commentators. In the face of all of this, we have the record of the Torah itself that their father Aaron was silent. The silence many times is the only acceptable answer in the face of tragedy. The silence indicates the line between the judgment of Heaven and the understanding of life that humans bring to it. My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways, that is what the L-rd says, and man must adjust to that difficult reality. So, Aaron is silent. He does not complain, and he does not cast blame. Is he aware of the behavior of his sons? The Torah does not comment upon that either. Many times, parents really do not

comprehend their children nor are they privy to their ambitions or thoughts. But the Torah leaves all of this as an open question as far as Aaron and his sons are concerned. We have no idea as to what he thought of his sons, but we can understand the anguish and pain that he must have suffered on that terrible day of trag-

sons of Aaron, Elazar and Itamar, are placed under enormous personal and emotional pressure. The older sons, Nadav and Avihu, were seen as the heads of the family and as the ones who bore responsibility for preserving the line of the priesthood and the holiness of the Tabernacle and Temple. Now they have

One never knows the capabilities and potential that one has until and unless one is challenged by fate and life itself.

edy. Aaron remains a symbol therefore of the ability to continue life even when life has struck a deadly blow to the person. In this respect, I always felt that he is a prototype of Iyov who also seems to suffer for causes that are unknown and inexplicable. However, Iyov complains loudly and demands to know why. Aaron is silent and does not raise his voice either in anger or in doubt. I can only imagine that the surviving

suddenly been removed from the scene. Elazar and Itamar are the only ones left. Many times in human history we have seen that younger brothers – who never expected to become a monarch or have a position of importance and influence when fate decreed otherwise and made that younger person the head of the family or the leader of the country – rose to the occasion. It is not that they imitated their older

siblings who no longer were present, but rather it was that they were able to assert their own personality and their own inner greatness. One never knows the capabilities and potential that one has until and unless one is challenged by fate and life itself. Potential exists within everyone. The ability to bring forth that potential and to further it and strengthen it and make it beneficial – that is a challenge. Included in the tragedy of the deaths of the two older sons of Aaron is the response of the two younger sons who apparently rise to the occasion. Elazar will be the high priest who leads the Jewish people to the land of Israel and Itamar will be the one who is able to organize and correctly finance the building of the tabernacle in the desert and other projects as well. The line of the priesthood of Israel that exists until today runs through Elazar and Itamar who never expected to be the ones that would have to bear that burden and meet that challenge. That is also part of the idea of Aaron’s silence. For who knows how people will respond and who knows what potential will be released that will help build the Jewish people and humankind? Shabbat shalom.


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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

What is your child's success story?


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

From the Fire Parshas Acharei Mos

Our Lifeblood by rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


ashem tells us many times in the Torah, “I am Hashem,” but in this week’s parsha (Vayikra 18:5), He adds, with regard to the study of Torah and the fulfillment of the mitzvos, “And you shall live with them, I am Hashem.” The commentaries explain the meaning of the phrase, “And you shall live with them.” The Gemara (Sanhedrin 74a) explains that it means: “You shall live with them and not die through them.” In other words, if necessary, one must violate any mitzvah in the Torah in order to save a life, with the exception of the prohibitions against idolatry, murder, and immorality. Rashi, however, explains that it means: “And you shall live with them in the World to Come.” The pasuk teaches that if we fulfill the mitzvos we will live not only in this world, but in the Next World as well. The Netziv in Haemek Davar explains that when the Torah uses the word “chai, life,” it has two possible meanings. Sometimes it simply means “alive,” as opposed to dead. This is the sense of the word “chai, life,” in the pasuk “And you shall live with them,” according to Rashi and the Gemara. The mitzvos should not be a cause of death. In addition, by doing the mitzvos, we merit life in the Next World. But the word “chai, life,” has another meaning. The Netziv explains that the word for life also means to live a full, whole life that is not mired in small-mindedness. Therefore, he says, with regard to this pasuk, that it obligates us to live a life in which “one’s soul should experience spiritual delight in them [the mitzvos].” We can experience a taste of this in one of the mitzvos in the parsha which few of us have experienced: the mitzvah to cover the blood of fowl or wild

animals after slaughter (Vayikra 17:1314). The Torah tells us, “When one eats a wild animal or fowl, he shall shed its blood and cover it with dirt. Because the soul of all flesh is in its blood...” While the Torah does not usually offer reasons for the mitzvos, here, the Torah says that we cover the blood of a slaughtered bird or wild animal because the animal’s soul is in its blood. The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh explains that the Torah tells us that it is only proper to cover the animal’s blood, because it contains the animal’s soul. He explains that this is similar to the reason why we honor the body of a deceased person, since it recently contained a living soul. The Torah commands us to show respect for the animal’s life by covering its blood. Rav Shmuel Berenbaum, zt”l, the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, uses this Ohr Hachaim to teach us a fundamental concept. When a Jew is about to slaughter a bird or animal, it is certainly a mitzvah and it is

justified so that the person can make a living and others can eat. But the act of slaughter nevertheless diminishes the value of life generally. At the time of slaughter of a chicken, for example, its life appears completely insignificant and inconsequential. Therefore, in order to counteract the diminished perception of the value of life which arises from the act of slaughter, Hashem commands us to show some honor and respect for the chicken’s life in order to restore the value and honor of life generally. When a person fulfills the mitzvah of covering the blood, he contemplates the fact that Hashem is so concerned about the value of life, even the life of a seemingly insignificant little bird, that He gave us a special mitzvah in order to instill a respect for the preciousness of life within us. We must understand the value of being alive. Rav Berenbaum takes the lesson to the next level by explaining that once a person contemplates the inherent value

of life, he will come to a deeper appreciation of the source of life: the Torah. As we say in Maariv, “Because they [the words of Torah] are our life and the length of our days.” The Torah’s infinite value is not only related to the fact that it comes from and is one with Hashem Himself. It is also the source of our lives. It is what we live for and long for. The Ran, quoting Rabbeinu Yona (on Nedarim 81a), explains the following statement in the Gemara: “Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav: ‘What is the meaning of the pasuk “Who is wise who can understand this matter?”’ This matter [the reason for the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash] was asked of the sages and the prophets, and they could not explain it until Hashem Himself explained it, as it says, ‘Because they abandoned my Torah,’ meaning that they did not listen to My voice, meaning that they did not go in the ways of [the Torah]. Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav, ‘because they did not make the blessing over learning Torah before they began studying it.’” How could the Gemara say that the Jewish people did not say the blessing over learning Torah at the time of the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash when even the simplest Jews say this blessing? In addition, how could the entire destruction and exile result from a failure to say one blessing!? Rabbeinu Yona, as quoted by the Ran, explains that while the Jewish people may have been studying Torah, they did not value the Torah. They may have said the blessing, but they did not have the right intentions when they did so. They viewed Torah as a source of intellectual stimulation, and they saw knowledge of Torah as a source of honor. Perhaps some studied Torah in order to obtain an ex-


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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

62 emption from army service, in order to be exempt from paying taxes, or to have greater chances of “getting a good shidduch.” They did not see the Torah as their life, as inherently important. A person can study Torah all day but not see it as his life’s blood. It is not what he lives for, what he looks forward to. Hashem characterizes this attitude as abandonment of the Torah. Do we think about what we are saying when we say the blessing over studying Torah? We say, “Hashem our G-d, please sweeten the words of the Torah in our mouths.” We thank Hashem that “He choose us from all of the nations, and He gave us His Torah.” Do we feel how blessed and how fortunate we are that we are the ones to whom Hashem gave the Torah? Hashem gives us a multiple choice test in the Torah. He says (Devarim 30:15, 19), “See, I have placed before you life and good, death and evil...the blessing and the curse...” Like those teachers our children in yeshiva love, Hashem is kind enough to tell us in advance which answer to choose. One might expect that we should choose “good” or “blessing,” but instead, Hashem tells us, “And you

shall choose life.” The key to our work as Jews is seeing the Torah as the source of life. As the Navi (Yeshaya 55:3) says, “Listen and your soul shall live.” A Jew can be religious and observe the mitzvos, checking off every box in the Orthodox Jewish checklist. But we were chosen for something much bigger. We must live with a vibrant Yiddishkeit. The Torah and mitzvos are our life and must be what we look forward to and long for every day. The Beis Hamikdash was destroyed because even though we kept the mitzvos, we did not value the Torah. So, too, today, a Jew can live in a way of destruction, physically observing the mitzvos, and checking off Torah study from his list of things to do most days, but he really lives for work, food, clothing, money, honor, sports, entertainment – anything but Yiddishkeit. We must feel, as the Netziv put it, “That one’s soul should experience spiritual delight in Torah.” There is a story of the Kotzker from a visit to his hometown of Tomishov. He received a grand welcome as a son of the town who “made it big.” As was the custom in those days, the Rebbe went to visit the yeshivos where the children studied

Torah and tested the boys. He came to one school where the young boys were studying the end of Parshas Bereishis, when the Torah recounts the generations from Adam to Noach, listing each patriarch of the generation, recounting the fact that he lived a certain number of years, had a certain number of children, and then he died. The Rebbe asked one boy to read and translate a few pesukim. The boy read, “And Sheis lived one hundred and five years and he gave birth to Enosh... And it was that all of the days of Sheis were nine hundred and twelve years and he died.” The Rebbe shook his head, “No, that’s not right.” The boy’s rebbe was confused since the boy had translated the psukim correctly. But the Kotzker turned to another boy and asked him to read the next pesukim. This boy read, “And Enosh lived ninety years and he gave birth to Keinan... And it was that all of the days of Enosh were nine hundred and five years and he died.” The Rebbe shook his head again and asked another boy to read. This one said, “And Keinan lived seventy years and he gave birth to Mehalalel... And it was that

all the days of Keinan were nine hundred and ten years and he died.” Once again, the Kotzker shook his head and told the Rebbe that he was not teaching the boys correctly. Dumbfounded, knowing that all of the boys had correctly translated the pesukim, the boys’ rebbe asked the Kotzker how the pesukim should be translated. The Rebbe then shouted, “And Keinan lived seventy years...” And then he whispered, “And he died.” He went on to explain, “For a Jew, the emphasis must be on what he lives for. Everything else and his ultimate death are only secondary.” May we merit to live for Torah and mitzvos, so that Yiddishkeit is our soul, our lifeblood, the source of life. By having a living, breathing, vibrant Yiddishkeit, may we merit to rectify the underlying cause of our exile and return to Yerushalayim with the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash and the coming of Moshiach, may it be soon in our days. Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


BUILDING BLOCKS OF ETERNITY Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. BEIS MEDRASH + CLASSROOM BUILDING Will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11 34,200 Total square feet 4 Stories 5200 sq. feet Beis Hamedrash for Mesivta 15 Classrooms

RESIDENCE HALL Will serve 271 talmidim in Mesivta & Yeshiva Gedolah 43,000 Total square feet 4 Stories 68 Dormitory Rooms 271 Beds 4 Student Lounges


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home






‫ה ליב ע”ה‬-‫לע”נ שלום ראובן בן ארי‬




ANONYMOUS Residence Hall Cornerstone


‫לע”נ נחמן יהודה בן יעקב דוד ע”ה‬ ‫ואשתו לאה בת יהודה אשר ע”ה‬ ‫ולע”נ יעקב ליב בן שלמה ע”ה‬

Promenade Vestibule

Beis Medrash Vestibule Entrance


‫לע”נ הרה”ג ר‘ דוד בן הרב אברהם בנדר זצ”ל‬ ‫והרבנית בתיה חיה בת הרב יעקב הלוי ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ זעליג בן מרדכי ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ דוד בן משה ע”ה‬ ‫הר‘ משה נתן בן יחזקאל ע”ה‬ ‫וישראל בן אברהם ע”ה‬ ‫ לע”נ‬The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781

Dedicated by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov & Rivky Jacobovitch


‫לע”נ ישראל הלוי לעווין ע”ה‬ ‫ואלישבע בתיה קפלן ע”ה‬

Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office


‫לע”נ חוה בת דב ע”ה‬

Entranceway to Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Camp Oraysa Sports Complex


‫לע”נ ר‘ ישראל‬ ‫בן ר‘ בנימין הכהן ע”ה‬


Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

In Memory of Mrs. Marta Schron ‫ע” ה‬


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Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow


Dedication Wall Mesivta Beis Medrash Building



Gymnasium Wing

Preschool Cornerstone


MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building

Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis Medrash Building Vestibule

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad



Lobby, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Cornerstone, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Ner Tamid














Plumbing Training Center Dedicated

‫לע”נ אברהם שלמה בן יחיאל מיכל הכהן ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ הר‘ אברהם בן הר‘ חיים מנחם בן ציון זצ”ל‬ ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION

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Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. 232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. 406

‫לע”נ מוהר”ר יחיאל מיכל‬ ‫בן ישראל יהודה ע”ה‬


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Self-Mastery Academy

Sefiras Ha’omer Achieving the Impossible by rabbi Shmuel reichman


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


magine a teenager lying on a grassy field, gazing into the night sky. As he stares up at the stars, he thinks to himself, “Look at how enormous the universe is. The sky just expands endlessly.... It must go on forever.” After sitting with that thought for a few moments, he becomes uncomfortable. “How can anything go on forever? Everything must stop eventually.” But after a few moments of relaxation, his thoughts intrude again. “But how can the universe stop? What exists on the other side when the universe ends? It must go on forever...” And this inner dialogue continues as he struggles to contemplate the infinite within his finite mind. This struggle is not a childish one; it is a challenge that confronts any finite being who tries to connect to the infinite. Younger children, however, do not face this struggle. They are dreamers, living in a world of fantasy where anything is possible. Just ask a group

of children what they want to be when they grow up, and you’ll get some of the most fantastic, unrealistic responses imaginable. “I’m going to be an astronaut fireman, so that I can save people on the moon,” or “I’m going to become a great tzaddik and learn how to speak every language so that I can teach Torah to everyone.” Children live within the infinite, the realm of endless possibility. However, as we grow up, we begin to experience the struggle of reality, where our notions of the infinite start being challenged. We then face the question: How do we, as physical and limited beings, transcend our finite dimensions? How do we relate to the abstract, to the infinite, to the spiritual? Let us approach this question through the lens of sefiras ha’omer, the counting of the omer.

Our Yearly Counting We are commanded to count the days between Pesach and Shavuos, a pe-

riod known as sefiras ha’omer (Vayikra 23:15-16; Devarim 16:9). At first glance, this can be understood on a very simple level: as we approach Shavuos, we excitedly count down to Matan Torah as we anticipate our acceptance of the Torah. This can be compared to a countdown toward a wedding, a vacation, or some other exciting event. However, there is a feature of the sefiras ha’omer count that is markedly different: rather than counting down toward the destination, Shavuos, we count up from the starting point, Pesach. We don’t mark how many days remain until Shavuos; we count how many days have elapsed since Pesach. What is the meaning behind this strange method of counting? And more generally, what is the purpose of counting in the first place? By no other holidays do we count the days between them; we don’t count the days between Sukkos and Chanukah. Why then do we specifically count the days between Pesach and Shavuos?

In truth, we are not counting down to Matan Torah, but rather are building toward it, ascending one day at a time. We do not wait for Shavuos to arrive; we actively bring it ourselves through the time and effort we invest as we count the omer. If Shavuos — and its accompanying Matan Torah — is a skyscraper, each day of the omer is a brick. Each day we place the next brick in our building, and each day we build ourselves one step higher. The extensive halachic emphasis on counting each and every day of the omer highlights the fact that every single brick is essential and that every single day is fundamental (Tosafos, Menachos 66a). If, while building a staircase you miss one step, you simply cannot build the next step up. Each step requires a foundation to rest on. The same is true of counting the omer. Each day builds upon the previous ones, ascending toward our ultimate destination. Matan Torah does not come after forty-nine days – it comes


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

68 because of them, built by our effort and investment during sefiras ha’omer. This is why we count up. We are not counting down to Matan Torah; we are building up toward it, one day at a time.

Time-Bound Mitzvah? This elucidation of sefiras ha’omer sheds light on the Ramban’s enigmatic approach to the counting of the omer. He maintains that women are obligated to count the omer because it is not a mitzvas aseih she’ha’zman grama – a time-bound commandment. How are we to understand this? Sefiras ha’omer, the counting of each specific day between Pesach and Shavuos, seems to be the epitome of a time-bound mitzvah! However, a deeper understanding of sefiras ha’omer clarifies the Ramban’s opinion. In general, a time-bound mitzvah is an opportunity to tap into a certain power of time that exists at that moment. On Pesach, when we eat matzah, we tap into the power of freedom, a pre-existing reality. This same principle applies to all time-bound mitzvos. For sefiras ha’omer, however, we don’t tap into a pre-existing time; we

create time. When we count the omer, we do not tap into the reality of the omer, we create it. Time does not create the omer; we do. This is why there is no specific date mentioned for Shavuos in the Torah. Shavuos – and Matan Torah – are not tied to a specific day (the

Connecting to the Infinite Just like the teenager in the introductory story, we all struggle to connect with the infinite; to see the spiritual within the physical; to find genuine meaning and purpose in an often turbulent and chaotic world. It can feel overwhelming – if not

If Shavuos — and its accompanying Matan Torah — is a skyscraper, each day of the omer is a brick.

sixth of Sivan); it is the result of the forty-nine days that we count. The fiftieth day, the day of Shavuos and Matan Torah, emerges from the forty-nine days of counting. We bring it into existence. This is why the holiday of Shavuos literally means “weeks” – the seven weeks that we count create the holiday of Shavuos. (Shavuos also shares the same root as the word sheva (seven), reflecting the seven weeks that creates the chag of Shavuos.)

impossible – to build a skyscraper; the task is quite daunting. However, the key is to have the ultimate goal in the back of our minds while we focus on each individual day, trying our best to place each individual brick perfectly while we build toward our ultimate destination. Each day of the omer is a new brick — a new part of our journey toward Matan Torah, toward the infinite, and toward marrying Hashem. May we be inspired to create some-

thing magical as we build toward Matan Torah, one day at a time.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ultimate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transformative online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychology and Torah. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his website:



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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Delving into the Daf

Leave the Rest to Hashem by rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he Mishna in Yevamos (49a) tells of a mysterious scroll found in Yerushalayim. The Gemara proceeds to enumerate the contents of the parchment. It is not immediately clear what the common thread is to all the facts listed on the scroll. However, one surprising fact mentioned in it sheds light on a historical mystery: How did Yeshaya HaNavi die? The scroll tells us the tragic and surprising answer. Yeshaya Hanavi was killed by his own grandson. The story starts before his grandson was even born. Chizkiya HaMelech was deathly ill. Yeshaya HaNavi came to visit him and deliver a message. (Berachos 10a) The Navi told Chizkiya that his death is a punishment for not marrying. Chizkiya protested that he was within his rights not to marry. He de-

termined through Ruach HaKodesh that he would have wicked children. Rather than fathering wicked offspring, Chizkiya decided not to marry. Yeshaya HaNavi responded that regardless of the future, Hashem expected Chizikya to follow the halacha and marry. Chizkiya should leave the future to Hashem. Chizkiya accepted the rebuke and agreed to marry. However, Yeshaya Hanavi told him it was too late; his death had already been decreed. Whereupon, Chizkiya HaNavi declared, “I have a tradition from my father’s house that even if a sharp sword is on a person’s neck, it is not too late to pray!” Chizkiya prayed for forgiveness and accepted to marry. Yeshaya HaNavi delivered Hashem’s response: fifteen years had been added to Chizkiya’s life. Chizkiya asked Yeshaya if he could marry his

daughter. Perhaps their combined merit would ensure that the offspring would be righteous. Unfortunately, the plan did not succeed. Chizkiya’s son was the wicked King Menashe. The Gemara (Yevamos 49b) states that Menashe determined that Yeshaya was a false prophet. Moshe Rabbeinu indicated in the Torah that the best blessing a person can achieve in regards to his lifespan is to live the full number of his predetermined years. Yet, Yeshaya HaNavi prophesied that Hashem added 15 years to Chizkiya’s life, more than his predetermined years. The contradiction is actually a good question. There is a debate in the Gemara about what the correct answer is. Yet Menashe did not want to hear the answer – he was just looking for an excuse to kill Yeshaya, and so he

declared Yeshaya HaNavi to be a false prophet. The penalty for such an offense is death. Yeshaya HaNavi died at the hands of his own grandson, the wicked King Menashe. Yeshaya HaNavi instructed Chizkiya to just follow halacha and leave the future to Hashem. There are other places in Tanach that demonstrate the same theme. The Megilla (2:10) tells us that Esther did not reveal her nationality to Achashveirsoh because Mordechai commanded her to do so. What was the reason for Mordechai’s instructions? Rashi says that Mordechai hoped that Achashveirsoh would reject her as a queen due to her unconfirmed and suspicious heritage. Yet, in the very next verse, the Megilla states that Mordechai stayed close

71 er than the first. Gavriel did not have an obligation to save Yosef, but it was the right course of action to take, therefore, he fulfilled his job and still followed what he thought was proper and left Hashem’s plan to Hashem. My rebbe explained the practical application. Oftentimes people are involved in spiritual endeavors such as establishing a shul, raising money for a Torah school, and running a chessed organization. These projects can take up all of an individual’s time. Certainly, there are thankfully many dedicated people who willingly give up all their time. However, there could be other demands on a person’s time. A person needs to spend time with his family. Even if there is no halacha about spending time with one’s family,

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

to the king’s palace to see what would become of Esther. Rashi explains that Mordechai did this because he was given a Divine signal that the future salvation of the Jewish nation would come about through Esther. My rebbe, HaGaon Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zt”l, asked why was Mordechai trying to cause Achashveirsosh to reject Esther if the future salvation of the Jewish nation was on the line?! My rebbe answered that no matter what Hashem has planned for the future, right now Mordechai had to follow halacha. Esther was not allowed to marry Achashveirosh. There was currently no threat to the Jewish nation, imminent or otherwise. Consequently, he advised Esther not to mention her nationality and hopefully

Yeshaya HaNavi died at the hands of his own grandson.

it is still the right thing to do. Obviously, family time comes before the pursuit of wealth. Still, does family come even before spiritual endeavors? What about the argument, “If I don’t stay up until midnight every night fundraising how will the school stay open?! I don’t have any time to be home because otherwise how will this chessed organization function?!” My rebbe explained that the answers to those questions are if Hashem wants the school or organization to stay open, it will stay open even without our personal input. If Hashem does not want them to function, whatever we do will not help. So what is left for us to do? Hashem wants us to do our best while managing priorities. That is our mission in life. A person should try his hardest in his available time, while still leaving time for family. After a person did one’s best in the given time constraints, the rest must be left to Hashem.


Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

rescue her from the king’s palace. What about the future? Mordechai left the future to Hashem. In Parshas VaYaishev, Yaakov Avinu sends Yosef HaTzaddik to check on his brothers. Yosef could not find them. Hashem sent an angel, Gavriel, to direct Yosef to their location. Yet, Rashi (37:17) says that in the angel’s words to Yosef, there was a hidden warning: your brothers are trying to kill you. At the very same time that Gavriel is directing Yosef to find his brothers as part of the Divine masterplan, Gavriel is warning him to stay away!?! My rebbe, HaGaon Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zt”l, asked: isn’t that an obvious contradiction and dereliction of duty? Yet, we do not find that Gavriel was taken to task for this. Moreover, Chazal teach us what Gavriel did, so that we can learn from it. My rebbe opined that the explanation is the same as before. Gavriel had a job to fulfill. He needed to deliver a message, which he did. Yet, at the same time, he felt that Yosef needed saving. And so he managed to do both at the same time. If Yosef would have taken the hint, he would not have sought out his brothers. What about Hashem’s masterplan? Gavriel left that to Hashem. My rebbe explained that the lesson from this second example is even great-

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Israel today

Returned to Sender by rafi Sackville


the government changed its policy. Then they did it again. Like many governments around the world groping for the correct response to the ongoing crisis, Israel is no different. Its messaging has been confusing to such an extent to leave even the likes of ministers in its own government speechless. The messaging has had a major effect in schools. When students stayed home sick and teachers soon followed them, our staff was sent vague messages that needed parsing down to the last syllable. For example, when my colleague Gabby fell ill with Covid, we were informed that if we’d been within close proximity to him and we were over 60 years old, we were to take a PCR test. Everybody else had to take an Antigen test. The arguments about “proximity” really means “within 2 meters and for at least 15 minutes in length.” If you didn’t know this,

parcel service with whom I had entrusted those mezuzot. I provided the representative with the tracking number. “Sir? Are you there, sir?” “Yes, I am.” “Ah…there’s a problem regarding your package.” “What problem?” “Australia is temporarily not accepting parcels from overseas.” It took me a moment to absorb this. I looked around me. A teacher at the next desk was complaining about her unvaccinated students who had been too close to Gabby for too long the day before; the bell for the next lesson had begun to ring; a homeroom teacher was informing us that three of his students had been diagnosed positive with Covid. “Australia isn’t accepting parcels? I don’t understand. Your tracking service has been informing me for over a month

“Ah…there’s a problem regarding your package.”

that my parcel was sent there.” “We apologize for that, sir. Unfortunately, we have no idea exactly when they plan to restart the service. Where are you now?” “Why do you want to know?” “Please, sir.” “I’m at work,” I answered. He checked my address. “OK,” he said without explanation. “We’ll be in touch in the near future.” Without so much as a goodbye, he was gone, leaving me holding my phone and watching the cacophony of madness around me. I packed my bag and went to class. Monday is a slow day at school. Students are dismissed at noon. We teachers

eat lunch before going to the auditorium to attend a teacher enrichment program. I had just sat down in the teachers’ room when a delivery guy knocked on the door. Michal, the Hebrew language teacher, gesticulated wildly at him. “You’re the guy who delivers those Pfizer tablets, aren’t you? I’ve seen you around a lot in the last week.” The delivery guy nodded in the affirmative. “What are you doing here with that white envelope?” He checked the envelope he was holding. “I’m looking for Rafi Sackville,” he said. I stood up and made my way towards him. As I did so, Michal stormed out of the room in anger. I signed for the envelope and went back to my seat. A moment later, the principal was standing in front of me demanding to know if I had tested positive for Covid. I looked up at her and sighed slowly. Ripping off the top of the envelope I put my hand inside and raised six mezuzot and a wooden case above my head for all to see. “I’m always positive,” I smiled. Pointing to the mezuzot, I added, “Here’s something that is bound to help during this crazy period of Covid.” Then Michal walked back into the room and sent an accusatory stare in my general direction. Meanwhile, do any of you know someone traveling to Australia anytime soon?

Rafi Sackville, formerly of Cedarhurst, teaches in Ort Maalot in Western Galil.


you’d be confused. As for Antigen testing, huge swaths of the population were hoarding them like toilet paper in the early days of Covid. Not to mention the fact that they are less than accurate. We were informed about Gabby’s condition on a Monday. He was feeling well. His health provider had called him the previous evening and told him that as he was over 60 and in a category of at-risk people, they would be sending him one of those famous tablets from Pfizer within the hour. Apparently, the pill helps mitigate up to 80% or more of the symptoms. It arrived as they had promised. As of this writing, Gabby is happily resting at home. I was sitting in the teachers’ room during a break when I decided to call the

Shlomo with the mezuzah case he made for my mother

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recently bought my mother six mezuzot for her new apartment in Australia. It was the least I could do to help her move after the difficult six months she’s had since my father’s passing. She was delighted, but even more so after I told her about my friend Shlomo, who had offered to make a simple but elegant mezuzah case for her. Were we living in the center of the country I would have probably sought out someone traveling to Melbourne and asked them to take the mezuzot for me. Living in the Galil, however, where a drive to Jerusalem takes more than two hours, I decided to rely on the postal service instead. My cousin put up some temporary mezuzot while we waited for the package to make its way across the universe. I made an online appointment at the post office. I sent the package certified and express. I waited a few days before checking on the tracking number. After a week and a half, I was notified that the item had been sent to Australia. Seeing we’ve been FaceTiming each other every day for years, I kept my mother abreast of the parcel’s progress. Over the last few months, our conversations have become longer. I revel in making my mother laugh. I jokingly quipped how the mezuzot would probably take forever to get to her. In her inimitable manner, she quipped back that it was the thought that counted. She was confident they would arrive. While waiting for the package to get to her, Omicron started to rapidly spread throughout Israel, much as it has done everywhere in the world. Nothing much changed here in Ma’alot where we live. We were designated a “red zoned city” months ago. This designation affected our school, because there are classes in which less than the required 70% of students have been vaccinated. For a time, these students were being taught via Zoom. Then


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Mind, the Heart, and the Soul


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Rabbi Shais Taub Shares His Wisdom


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

By Pinchos Friedlander

Engaging and inspiring, an author and a speaker, Rabbi Shais Taub is a rising star in the Jewish world. His penetrating insight, intuitive wisdom, and, most importantly, his understanding heart have guided and strengthened so many in the Jewish world and beyond. R’ Shais has been living in Five Towns for the past four years, but he is hardly confined here, as he travels extensively to all corners of the globe.


Shais jokes that he is a reverse shaliach. Unlike most Chabad shluchim who start out in the Jewish hub of Brooklyn and go from there to distant cities and countries to teach Torah, R’ Shais hails from the Midwest, having been born and raised in Chicago and has come to New York to inspire his fellow Jews. In fact, he is not quite the city boy, even after living in New York for some years. He still finds the hustle and bustle and crowded streets a bit too much for him. I might add, that unlike most Chabad shluchim who are primarily engaged in kiruv rechokim, R’ Shais is also a powerful force of kiruv kerovim, helping religious-born children and adults navigate rocky paths and difficult relationships with their family, community, and religion. R’ Shais was born more than four and a half decades ago. His father is a psychologist, and his mother is a speech pathologist – helping people is in his blood. He recalls his first speaking “gig.” Back in 2006, he was invited to speak in Munster, Indiana. His only compensation for the job was the gas expenses. Since then, he has never stopped. And slowly, he became an international sensation. At that time, a younger Rabbi Shais was a typical Chabad shaliach/rabbi in Milwaukee. Part of his “beat” was a group of recovering addicts. He fell in love with the group. The authenticity, vulnerability, and strong connection to Hashem these people had really resonated with him. Those in the group mostly defined themselves as “spiritual but not religious.” R’ Shais capitalized on the

“spiritual” and began working with them. He soon noticed that their spirituality was no coincidence. There was a strong inherent connection between spirituality and recovery. As he delved further into the topic, his studies and talks caught national attention. (Yeah. I also thought it was Ami that made him famous.) Over time, R’ Shais was interviewed by national media, including The New York Times, NPR, CBS, and more. During an interview with NPR, the interviewer asked him what he was doing to spread his message. Put on the spot, R’ Shais replied that he was writing a book. In fact, it was at that moment that his bestselling book “G-d of Our Understanding” was born, as a moment before, he had no such plans. As of today, the book has gone through 12 printings and is one of the bestselling Jewish books on Amazon. In 2011, a young, secular Jewish pop singer named Amy Winehouse, tragically died from a drug overdose. At the time, R’ Shais was a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. He wrote an article about the tragedy, asking a haunting question in the title: “Was the world powerless to stop Amy Winehouse?” He continued, “I have seen this happen before. In a grim sort of way, the only news about Amy’s death is the date…. Millions of people saw this happening. And nobody could stop it.” The searing article sparked an outpouring of letters, many from parents who had lost children to addictions. R’ Shais was also asked to speak at Boy’s Town, a non-Jewish iconic addiction recovery facility in Nebraska. His first speaking tour there (he

75 has recently gone again) was the subject of the New York Times article. asked R’ Shais whether he sees his connection to the non-Jewish world as a fulfilment of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s idea to influence the gentile world in keeping their seven mitzvos. R’ Shais says it wasn’t. He doesn’t see that as his personal mission in life. In fact, his entire foray into the non-Jewish sphere of influence was not by his choice. His main goal is to reach as many Jews as he can and teach them Torah, in whatever capacity and context possible. And despite his reputation, R’ Shais insists, over and over, that he is not a psychologist. “People misunderstand me,” he laments. “I am not an ‘advice person’ [in the secular sense of the word]. I just want to teach Torah.” In his work with addiction victims and other people in pain, he sees his role as providing “spiritual support.” He can provide Torah perspective and hope, moral clarity, and advice regarding a relationship with G-d. He will not treat the addiction, though, and never claims that he can. R’ Shais makes it very clear that he has not had any formal training in psychology, or therapy, nor has he read up much on those topics from secular sources. “I get 100 calls a day from people looking for counseling,” he shares, “which I do not do.” He adds that although he often will quote the likes of Karl Jung, or relate anecdotes and concepts from pop culture, he is merely using them as a tool to bring the timeless wisdom of Torah home to the American Jew’s mentality. But his knowledge comes from Torah alone, the teachings of the Baal Hatanya and his disciples, in particular. “Come learn with me,” he enjoins. “Then you will have access to all the wisdom I have – from their source.” On the flip side, R’ Shais explains that a therapist’s job is only to get you where you need to go, not to initially determine your destination. Our values and our outlook must come from the Torah only. (This is true with emotional and life issues, as well as

’ Shais lectures extensively. As scholar-in-residence at Chabad of Five Towns, he has a schedule of popular shiurim he gives on regular basis…when he is home. However, all too often he is away. R’ Shais can sometimes speak in five communities in a span of three days. He has spoken in over 30 states and on every continent besides Antarctica. Many of his talks, hours and hours’ worth, are available on his website, I asked him if he enjoys traveling. After all, he is on the road, or flying the skies, much of his time. He says he actually used to enjoy traveling, but everything has its limits. It’s convenient for him that he now lives close to JFK Airport. It makes traveling just a bit easier. R’ Shais moved to Five Towns about four years ago, at the request of Rabbi Zalman and Chanie Wolowik of Chabad of Five Towns. The Wolowiks opened Chabad of Five Towns close to thirty years ago, and since then they have kept on expanding. eventually they felt they needed someone of the caliber of R’ Shais to help them keep up with the growth of the community. Wisdom and Humility Shlomo Hamelech, in Mishlei, describes the Torah as “wisdom.” R’ Shais has an uncanny connection to the wisdom of Torah. And that keeps people coming. Apart from his listeners and readers, R’ Shais receives countless phone calls daily from people seeking his advice, often on deeply personal matters. Another aspect of R’ Shais that makes him unique is his refreshing authenticity and his humility. In show business, there is a saying: “The show must go on.” One actor might be on the verge of a stroke, the producer just got into a car accident, and the police will arrive in half an hour, but everyone puts on a big smile and pretends all is well. R’ Shais is quite the opposite. He takes you behind the scenes, in middle of the scene. If he doesn’t know the answer, he admits what he doesn’t know. He shares his hesitations and doubts openly. He doesn’t put on any airs and can get genuinely emotional in middle of a talk. You sense you are getting the real person, not a performance. And you can’t fake humility. Yes, you can try. Many people do try. But it’s usually obvious when it’s the real

tricks of tHe trade R’ Shais generously shares the secrets of his trade. How does he give his trademark on-target answers in his weekly column? Number one: Always answer the questioner, not just the question. This is such an important rule in life and an important component of R’ Shais’s popularity. People don’t usually ask questions, especially loaded ones, in a vacuum. Something is bothering them, or they are searching for something. And so, just addressing the question from an intellectual point of view, without considering the questioner’s place in the picture, may be missing the point. Whenever R’ Shais gets a question, he immediately looks into the words of the question and tries to determine not only what is the correct answer to the question, but also where exactly is the questioner “coming from.” What are they really looking for? Number two is: The questioner often knows the answer to his own question and says it in his question. He just doesn’t realize it. Here again, R’ Shais plays detective, trying to decipher where in the words has the questioner answered his own question. Then, all he needs to do is spit his own answer back at him, with some enhancements. R’ Shais has kept up the column for eight years, answering 400 questions. He has also published two books which compile the best ones. He has since moved on, though the Ami would love for him to continue. He feels he has already relayed, through his many answers on varied topics, a complete approach. At this point, though more questions may come up, his answers would inevitably follow the same pattern and are therefore unnecessary. As R’ Shais notes, “Those who got it, already got it. Those who did not yet get it can read and re-read the books.”


unconditional love & unconditional Pride So, what are R’ Shais’s views on some of the burning topics of our day? I start off by challenging R’ Shais, on a topic which is all too familiar, and all too painful: If I gave you all the money in the world to once and for all solve the issue of “kids at risk,” how would you spend that money? R’ Shais answers with two words: On parents. Parenting requires great skill. And skill requires

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Parents have a power which an entire team of therapists do not .


thing and when it’s not. Looking at R’ Shais in action, you sense that here is an example of a man whom, despite his accomplishments, remains truly humble. I ask him: what is the recipe for acquiring humility? He explains that humility is not about thinking less of yourself, rather, it’s about thinking of yourself less. “Every person is an organization,” asserts R’ Shais. There is so much to accomplish. And every individual has so much power. They have to realize it and utilize it. Once we are focused on helping others, we automatically think less about ourselves. And then, we will change the world, together. Indeed, R’ Shais lives by that philosophy. When being interviewed, R’ Shais was reluctant to discuss himself. “R’ Shais,” I enjoined, “people want to feel like they know you.” His response? “If they really want to know me, my shiurim are the real me. Come learn with me!”

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home


with regards to the political scene, says. Secular commentators are not rabbis, and their views don’t represent Torah, no matter which party ideology they subscribe to. Unfortunately, many in the religious world buy wholesale into the Republican/conservative dogma. R’ Shais finds this worrisome.)


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

76 education (R’ Shais actually offers a six-week parenting course. He also has plenty of material on his website, free of charge, where he shares his wisdom on this crucial topic.) If there is one thing that could make a major turnaround in the issue of struggling children, it is educating parents to be better parents. So, does that mean all problems come from faulty parenting? Of course not. There are, unfortunately, many challenges which children today may face, including trauma, abuse, bullying, and more. Often it is beyond the power of parents to prevent that. Yet, as R’ Shais passionately declares in his talks, parents have a power which an entire team of therapists do not. Loving and supportive parents can help a child withstand the most excruciating ordeals. Additionally, if there is a need for a child to open up to a parent regarding a sensitive topic, trust is absolutely key. even if a child senses that his or her parents are comfortable discussing uncomfortable topics, if the child does not feel completely safe with them, he or she may never open up. R’ Shais also discusses in his talks the idea of unconditional love, which is vital. But he doesn’t stop there. R’ Shais emotionally insists that parents must also have unconditional pride in their children. And unconditional means u-n-c-o-n-d-i-t-i-o-n-a-l. Even if, G-d forbid, a child has sunk to the lowest depths, the parents should not for a second forget the holy neshama imbued in their son or daughter. They should stand proud of them because of their priceless essence, which can never be destroyed. Another aspect of “unconditional” is that it cannot be a means to achieving a result. Loving a child unconditionally in order to bring about a turnaround in their behavior is not, in fact, unconditional and will achieve little. And, yes, children have a nose for these things. They will detect it right away. Parenting as a cHild From when should parents be educated? Not when their children are already teenagers, and not even when they are still small. In fact, even before the “parents” are married. Parents should be educated on how to parent… when they themselves are still children. Now, R’ Shais does not mean this literally. Obviously, giving a parenting class to children would not work out very well, for many reasons. What he means is that parents must realize that when they parent their children, they are also training their children in parenting. When a child grows up and becomes a parent, what do they have to look back on for guidance, other than what they saw at home? R’ Shais has had sincere parents tell him they wish they could be better parents to their children, but unfortunately, they did not have a good role model and hence they are struggling. R’ Shais enjoins parents who are facing this challenge to step up to the plate and take responsibility. If they won’t, then who will? And the problems will just continue, from generation to generation… Help is available. You owe it to your children to make use of it, so that the cycle of desperation ends. I challenge R’ Shais on his answer: How is he so sure that it’s all about emotional health and parents’ support? Are there no people “going off” because of doubts in emunah? Perhaps they read something online or were ex-

posed to bad friends. After all, there has been a phenomenon of “adults at risk” as well. These people seem to be functioning, strong adults, who simply walk away from Judaism with no visible signs of distress. “I know these people well,” R’ Shais replies. “Many of them call me. I have yet to see one of them who wasn’t struggling emotionally.” They may rationalize their actions by questioning Judaism, but that is not the root issue. I pose an interesting question: If that’s the case, what is your opinion about the “Enlightenment” and Reform Movement of the 1800s? Would you say that then, too, the issue was really emotional angst? Was that the real motivator behind those terrible movements, which caused so much destruction to the Jewish people? R’ Shais doesn’t think so. This brings to mind a question I’ve had for a while: Were people stronger emotionally in “the olden days”? What’s all this business with therapy and psychologists springing up all over the place nowadays? Why didn’t our grandparents need that? Or, perhaps they did; it just wasn’t available to them? R’ Shais feels that, indeed, years gone by, people were stronger. He infers that from observing the older generation, who were definitely stronger people. They were hardened by the life experience they were subject to. Yes, they may have had emotional pain then, too. However, in those days, people simply didn’t have the luxury of dwelling on their emotions. If their village was not raided that day in a pogrom, and if they didn’t starve, it was a good day. And so, they learned to carry on, and they didn’t get “stuck,” despite their pain. “But,” he emphasizes, “you can’t simply tell children today, ‘Be stronger.’ We are weaker, and we have to acknowledge that, and work with it.”

and knock them as people, we are defeating our own efforts. On the flip side, spending time with our children simply strengthening our connection, and building them as people, even without any direct spiritual activity, is actually a powerful tool to bring them closer to Hashem. I ask R’ Shais: What is a child supposed to do if their relationship with their parents was not that great? How can they now improve their relationship with Hashem on their own? Is the damage irreversible? R’ Shais answers: I think that in many cases just the knowledge that this is what is happening can help people to start healing. They can start to catch themselves reacting in ways that don’t match their own beliefs. Acknowledging it is a big part of overcoming it. When you realize what’s happening, you can gain a little bit of distance from it, a little objectivity.

a cHild’s relationsHiP WitH HasHem In his talks on parenting, R’ Shais cites a (non-Jewish) study which finds that a child’s relationship with G-d is reflective of their relationship with their parents. A child who has a warm, loving, and trusting feeling toward their parents will feel the same way toward Hashem. And the opposite is true as well…. R’ Shais has also seen this firsthand. He shares this heart-wrenching observation: “I have hundreds of stories like that. I have had rabbanim and talmidei chachamim tell me that they know Hashem loves them and that Hashem is good and forgiving. But no matter how much they intellectually know it’s true, they cannot accept that it applies to them. In every case I have found that if you ask, they will tell you that this belief of being unworthy started in the way they felt their parents treated them.” The gravity of this is obvious. We spend so much time investing in our children’s relationship with Hashem. But if our methods of doing so alienate them from us,

Positivity As mentioned, R’ Shais is a big proponent of using a positive approach when educating children. I wonder if that holds true even for “A students,” so-called “mitzuyanim.” Would he suggest they, too, need positivity and encouragement, or would that perhaps hinder their growth? After all, they can handle constructive criticism. Coddling them and telling them they are good no matter what they do would discourage them from fulfilling their potential; would it not? R’ Shais doesn’t agree. He says positivity can be used to encourage growth as well. A student can be told, “Wow, you’ve achieved so much. Why don’t you maximize your potential and accomplish even more?” I ask: What about areas in which they need improvement? Should that be ignored or glossed over? R’ Shais refers me to a videoed lecture on his site, in which he explains that the Baal Shem Tov instituted a novel approach to spiritual self-improvement for modern times. Rather than focusing directly on deficiency itself, a


use your time Well We move on to another big topic of today’s world: How can we achieve true greatness while working to support our families? Many of today’s religious men have a yeshiva background and may have once dreamed of becoming a great in Torah, yet now find themselves inundated with work and have little time or energy left for much else. Is there any hope for them to make something of themselves

Humility is not about thinking less of yourself, rather, it’s about thinking of yourself less.

spiritually? Can they still fulfill their spiritual potential? R’ Shais has difficulty answering this in a public forum, because it’s not a “one size fits all” answer. It really depends on the person. He did share, though, that he has seen many young men who felt they had to quit their job and return to learning full-time, though they had no adequate source of providing for their families that way. As it turned out, though, these men had been squandering the little extra time they did have for learning on foolishness. Once they buckled down to spending their available time wisely, they suddenly became much more content with their current situation. Again, this is a complex discussion, which involves many factors, and should be discussed with a teacher or mentor. But it’s worth checking with yourself, before doing anything drastic: am I using my available time the way I should? materialism Money is a force, R’ Shais points out. We are often tempted by the glitzy world around us to waste it on frivolities and empty materialism. However, money can really be used to accomplish tremendous good. When we pass up that opportunity, a deep void is created within. And this void itself may drive us to yet more indulgence and excess, to stifle our subconscious discomfort. But money can be our greatness, too. We shouldn’t denigrate money. We have to be smart, recognize its power, and use it correctly. And then, our work hours

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is tHe internet Bad? Speaking about the workplace brings to mind another hot topic, on which everyone and his brother-in-law has an opinion: Much ado has been made in many religious communities about the dangers of the internet. And for good reason. Unfortunately, much damage has come about through the internet, as is well-known. At the same time, R’ Shais, and many of his colleagues, seem to embrace the internet. R’ Shais has a website and uses the internet extensively to spread his message. So do many prominent lecturers of the religious community. R’ Shais shares: The internet is like fire. It can be used to warm, and it can also destroy. So many people can be reached for a good purpose via the internet, in a way like never before. I reach thousands of people a month this way. But safeguards must certainly be put in place, just like with any potent tool. However, our main focus should be on strengthening people in their fear of Heaven. Not on “things.” The evil inclination was not created with the internet, nor will it vanish if the internet disappears. Ultimately, if we succeed in teaching our children and ourselves to fear Heaven, we will be successful, and if not, all the bans in world will accomplish little.

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will be part of our spiritual growth, too. APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

person should improve his connection with Hashem. Of course, problems should not be ignored. But our main thrust should be “Ta’amu uri’u ki tov Hashem” – experience [a connection with] Hashem and you will see that Hashem is good. Once that happens, the whole picture changes...

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LcSW of the Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

I’m having a troubling problem and was wondering if the Navidaters could provide some advice soon. Our daughter Blima is two months into dating a great guy (I’ll call him Nosson), and things are going really well for them, and they are planning an engagement soon. The boy’s parents just relayed through the shadchan “confirming” that it would be okay with us to provide $2,000 a month

when the couple is married. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. Apparently, at the beginning, before the couple went out, the shadchan was supposed to relay this caveat, however, she forgot. Now we’re in a real pickle. My husband thinks we should not risk the shidduch and say we can, and with syata dishmaya, Hashem will provide. I am more practical and think there is no way on earth we will magically be able to afford $2K a month after Blima is married. OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

The shadchan is waiting on an answer whether we can go through with the support piece in order to move forward with engagement plans. What to do?! Any advice? Sincerely, Mrs. D

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any


particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.







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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


The Panel

the rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.


t’s time to sit down directly with the boy’s parents and talk face-to-face or on Zoom if there is a distance challenge. Discuss this directly and explain why you are doing this. First get to know them a little and then drop the bombshell. See their reaction and then you can decide where to go from there. Do not go through the shadchan who obviously cannot be trusted. You feel hijacked but keep your head on and see what type of people they are and whether they will respond with understanding and graciousness.

the Shadchan Michelle Mond


ou are in a predicament because you feel like it’s you with the problem. You are the typical worried Jewish mommy who would do anything for your kinderlach, except promising magic, because last I checked we cannot practice kishuf. Your husband’s level of bitachon is admirable, and I am not debunking the lofty level discussed in Shaar Habitachon regarding sitting back, having emunah, and allowing Hakadosh Baruch Hu to provide. However, I would question if the concept would be morally ethical if it could potentially affect not only your immediate life, but the life of oth-

ers. In this case, your machatanim. If you do go through with this holding onto emunah alone, it is possible that Hashem will create an avenue to funnel down an extra $2K a month. I do not discount that probability. However, you have to be ready for the probability that the money will not come in one month (or more). Again, we are talking about very lofty topics: If your husband is truly on the level that Shaar HaBitachon describes, Hashem would indeed find a way to grant the extra parnassa for your couple every month. It is not fair, however, to put the young couple in the position of this unknown, as well as the machatanim who are blindly under the impression that you agreed to something which you did not. In my opinion, if the situation turned dire and the in-

It’s hard to predict how the boy’s parents will react to this disappointing news.

laws had to shell out the other $2K for the couple to live monthly, it would be considered a form of monetary gezel – and certainly geneivas daas. It would cause issues with shalom bayis, ahavas Yisroel, and would significantly alter the way your machatanim and the couple sees you.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

For all these reasons, I believe without any doubt that you must personally talk to the family which your daughter will iy”H get engaged to. Talk to your husband and help him channel his emunah and bitachon towards seeing this shidduch pull through positively after the conversation. You should explain the situation to them, they should know that you were never told about the monetary commitment. Explain that your husband believes Hakadosh Baruch Hu will make it happen, and that you can try to give as much as you can, but cannot promise any dollar amount. If the soon-to-be machatanim break off the shidduch because of this, consider yourselves lucky for dodging a bullet. Hashem makes everything happen in the perfect way. Every wrong turn taken is for a reason, although we may not know what the reason is at the moment, we will eventually know – if not in this world, then in the Olam Haemes. If your daughter is not meant to be with Nosson, Hashem will show you through that breakup. If they are bashert, it will continue to go

through despite this “pickle.” On that note, have a chag kasher v’sameach, and let us know how this pans out!

the Single

and communicate your needs, and see the options that Hashem is guiding you towards.

the Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler

Tzipora Grodko


ear Concerned mother, I share my response with humility, understanding that my opinion is simply that – an opinion. Frankly, if you communicate these concerns to the boy’s parents and they refuse to accept the marriage because of money, then I would be more concerned about my daughter marrying into the family. It would reflect an inability to recognize the beautiful opportunity before them, indicating that their life values are superficial and based on things that are skewed, which can easily lead to unhealthy relationships and choices. Hashem is in control and guiding you towards the best possible life for your daughter. Put all the facts aside,

Pulling It All Together The Navidaters

Every wrong turn taken is for a reason.


ou really do have a significant problem. (And here I had thought I had a problem, because the newspaper delivery guy keeps throwing my paper into a puddle.) Your predicament is compounded because you cannot count on this shadchan to be of any help. She’ll never tell the boy’s parents, “I really messed up! I forgot to tell the girl’s parents about the $2,000!” Instead, she’ll probably hedge her guilt by saying things like, “I really, really thought they knew about the monthly support money. They should have understood their obligations!” So, it’s up to you to try and salvage the situation. You need to sit down with the boy’s parents, and explain that: You and your husband are hard-working, honest, and ethical people. The furthest thing from your mind would be to try and mislead anyone, especially potential in-laws with whom you hope to

have a long, happy, trusting relationship. You had absolutely no idea about the $2,000 monthly commitment. Further, you truly believe that the shadchan did not intentionally neglect to discuss this $2,000 monthly requirement with you. Nevertheless, things happen for a reason, and perhaps it was Hashem’s plan for the shadchan to make an honest mistake, and for the two children to date each other and fall in love with each other. Then, explain what you are realistically capable of doing, financially and otherwise, by way of helping the young couple. Perhaps your daughter could also help by, for example, taking on part-time tutoring jobs. It’s hard to predict how the boy’s parents will react to this disappointing news. They might threaten to call off the shidduch, or they might be understanding and appreciate your being completely honest, conciliatory, and transparent with them. (I wonder if shadchanim carry malpractice insurance to cover their liability for such occurrences? Perhaps some clever young lawyer who reads this column, could explore the possibilities…)

Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


hank you for writing into the panel. In my opinion, you need to be upfront about this. Relay through the shadchan that there has been an unfortunate misunderstanding and that as much as you would love to contribute $2K a month to the

newlyweds, that it is not possible for you at the moment. If you can contribute, let the shadchan know the amount.

The pressure this would place on you and ultimately the newlyweds should you not be able to provide what you committed to would be astronomical and has the potential to damage so many relationships. While there may likely be some discomfort and distress now when the truth is revealed, it will potentially save you from what I

think may be far worse future outcomes. Unless you/and or your husband are willing to take on second jobs to provide $24K a year to the couple, or you have a guaranteed source of income/gifting, my suggestion is to be honest and let things work themselves out. All the best, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home




The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Dr. Deb

What’s Life About? by Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


e was a grind. For as long as he could remember. Just a grind. “I work to take care of my family. Of course, I don’t see them because I’m busy working. It’s all I’ve known.” Was he happy? “I don’t know. I disconnected myself.” Right, I thought. He disconnected himself so he wouldn’t feel the pain of a life with nothing in it – a family he doesn’t get to see, and nothing of him anywhere but work. Then there’s me. When nearly every friend in my generation is retired, I’m working. Not only that, but innovating. Overwhelmed with obstacles, I keep figuring out ways around them. So I can keep going and growing. It’s exciting, too. Connected to Life. Thinking of better ways to serve people. Thinking of how I can make the process shorter and sweeter. Hired a new therapy associate and now looking for a frum one as well, to serve my community. Growing. How did this happen to me and not to him? Why am I so blessed to be embracing life and praying for another day to do it all over again? If I knew, I could bottle it and turn it over to you. I didn’t always feel this way. Looking back, I recall dark periods where I was just down and down on myself too, for periods of time that could stretch into weeks. They say people become therapists to heal themselves, and I believe it. In fact, a professor of mine in grad school said the same thing. My husband’s death was a pivotal point. For a year, nothing felt normal. Then I created a new normal – an awareness that never left me of death combined with a rejoicing that I’m alive. As people leave me, one by one, that feeling gets intensified. The gift that life is breathtaking.

But, of course, no one (else besides me) wants to think of that stuff. It’s too weird. Too upsetting. Actually, the opposite is true: What’s upsetting is not thinking about it, being numb like the man whose comments opened this train of thought. To lose the

See the good in yourself, that’s a second step. Acknowledge it even if you don’t feel it. These things set the stage for deeper exploration: Why is a part of you holding you down or back? What is it afraid would happen if it didn’t keep you pinned in this awful place?

To lose the amazingness of life when it’s been given to you is a tragedy.

amazingness of life when it’s been given to you is a tragedy. So what should you do if you are stuck in a gloomy place, a place of feeling down, numb, angry, victimized, hopeless, disconnected or helpless? Start by going through the motions of self-care: You do need a good night’s sleep, healthy and delicious food, and a smile. Give all those to yourself. Even if your heart isn’t in it, that’s a first step.

As much as our logic will tell us we don’t want to stay in the dungeon of our minds, there is a reason that we are still there, so find it. And note that all our reasons make sense. The reason why they don’t look that way is because nobody went deep enough to figure it all out. Here’s an example: Another man, we’ll call Charles, could not sit on a couch and just “be” while his wife scurried around doing chores or straightening up or what-

ever. It seemed to me that just sitting and not having to work would be a pleasure, but not to Charles. It was a trigger for him, and it made him feel angry, guilty, and lousy. A little look inside and Charles recalled being punished for being “bad” by being told to “sit and think about what you did.” That was a lightbulb moment. We all need these to understand the odd parts of us that don’t seem to make sense. They all make sense when you connect the dots. When you understand the origin of the bad feelings, the next step is rescuing your inner child from that nasty scene. Interestingly, your brain registers imaginative experiences as if they were actual. This means that when you imagine rescuing your younger self, it is as if you did just that. In turn, this “rewires” your brain. An imaginative experience that you feel as if you were there will soften the DNA links for that memory and make it able to switch “tracks” so that it is now connected differently. (This is a field known as memory reconsolidation.) Step away from the pain you feel and note that it is only a part of you and not the whole you that is in distress. Just that little step can make a big difference. It’s quite liberating, actually. It could be that these are the steps that I took, myself, when I stepped out of my darkness. It’s one of those things you notice afterward and wonder how you got there. How I got there is not the point today, though. The point is that you can get there. The point is that your life can have meaning and joy and your moments, precious.

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


Health & F tness

Getting Back on Track After the Holidays by Aliza beer MS, rD, cDN


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


esach is an incredible holiday, filled with family, memories, and great food. Holidays are a difficult time to stick to healthy eating and exercise. Our routines are “invaded” by non-stop food and limited ability to stay active. If you couldn’t stick to clean eating over Pesach, don’t give up hope. Instead of feeling disappointed, give yourself a little grace to get back into your routine. With these tips, you’ll feel like yourself in no time! 1. Don’t bring the holiday home with you: When Pesach is over, we need to leave all the snacks and desserts behind and settle back into our regular routines. A great tip is that if the food isn’t in your home, you are less likely to eat it. Instead of surrounding yourself with temptations, pack up all the food that isn’t the healthiest and consider donating it to a food bank. 2. Focus on the positive: Instead of fixating on giving up the French fries, sugar, or white flour, focus on the healthy and delicious foods you can eat. Spring is here, and there are so many delicious fruits like peaches, plums, nectarines, watermelon, and papaya. It is also a great time to make fresh, vibrant salads. Spring and summer allow you to be more creative with your foods and prepare meals that include lots of crisp produce. Realigning your brain will make the next few weeks significantly more feasible. 3. Get organized: First thing’s first,

start preparing for the new week. This can include compiling a grocery list, a meal plan, or a workout schedule. This will ensure that you are prepared to have a successful week and get back on track. Your week will be much easier when there’s a thought-out game plan for meals and fitness. Meal plans and grocery lists should include a lot of fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains. If jumping back into your usual exercise routine sounds difficult, start with something small and attainable and move up from there. 4. Set yourself up for success: Having a refrigerator stocked with nutritious foods will set you up for a productive few weeks getting back into your normal routine. Making an online grocery order, if available, is a great way to ensure you have everything you need, while resisting the temptation to buy unhealthy foods while you’re in the grocery store. If you prefer to do your grocery shopping in-person, go with a list so you stick to it and avoid buying unnecessary foods. Great foods to stock up on include cut up fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. 5. Get moving: Getting back into a normal exercise schedule after the holidays is important for feeling like yourself. Remember, don’t think of this a punishment for the food you’ve eaten over the holiday – look at it as an opportunity to feel energized. Find exercises you enjoy to elevate your heart rate, improve digestion, boost your mood, and

aid in weight management. 6. Spring is officially here, and it’s a great time of year to start a workout routine, start walking, or begin biking. To start a routine that is realistic to maintain, begin slowly. Aiming to get in some movement for 20 minutes each day is a great steppingstone to incorporating exercise into your lifestyle. 7. Hydrate: Increasing your water intake over the next few weeks will help curb hunger and flush out all the food you ate over Pesach. Ditch the soda and aim for plain water or fruit-infused water if it is difficult for you to drink enough throughout the day. Buying a fun water bottle with drinking goals on it or setting an alarm every hour reminding you to drink are a few ways to keep you hydrated. 8. Stick to simple, clean foods: Following the holidays, aim to cook simple, plain foods, void of sauces, sugar, and other additives. Open your spice drawer and get creative by using different spices to make your meals flavorful and different. People usually gravitate toward coating their foods in sauces because they think it’s a quick and easy way to make a tasty meal. Spice combinations, though, are just as quick and flavorful, and you aren’t eating extra calories that you don’t need. Prepare breakfasts like yogurt and berries, smoothies, or eggs. Snacks should include fresh fruits and vegetables, and lunches should be a salad, a tuna sandwich on whole- grain bread,

or a vegetable-based soup. Dinner is usually the meal where people consume the most unnecessary additives. Fire up your grill and make some grilled vegetables, chicken or fish, and a whole-grain carb like a sweet potato. 9. Try for more fish dinners: If the majority of your meals have been meat over the last two weeks, it’s time to focus on incorporating fish-based meals. Fish is easy to prepare and cooks very quickly. Fish is low-calorie and also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep you full and satiated. A study done on the benefits of fish found that eating fish can also promote faster weight loss. There are so many types of fish to try and many different ways to prepare them. Salmon, tuna, halibut, sea bream, bronzini, and tilapia are a few of my favorites. If you aren’t a fish person, maybe start with trying to have salmon or tuna once a week. If you don’t enjoy a classic piece of fish, perhaps think about preparing it differently. There are a multitude of spice blends made specifically for fish and cooking methods include poached, grilled, baked, and broiled fish. Burgers are a great way to start introducing fish into your diet. Most local grocery stores sell tuna and salmon burgers without added flours or starches, or you can even make your own and store them in the freezer for easier use. 10. Challenge yourself to eat nothing from a bag for a week: After Pesach, a holiday filled with snacks and processed

85 proteins and roasting a bunch of vegetables early in the week will ensure you have clean meals all week long. To make sure you and your family are eating healthfully after Pesach, do as much meal-preparation as possible. If your refrigerator is fully stocked with cut-up produce and clean meals, then

night. The later it is in the day, the more our digestive systems slow down. Eating late can also cause us to overeat because we’ve felt hungry for several hours and are finally sitting down to eat. You will wake up feeling so much better if you stop eating several hours before going to bed.

Your week will be much easier when there’s a thought-out game plan for meals and fitness.

this is what your family will eat. Meal ideas can include unsweetened yogurt with berries, fresh omelets with vegetables, salads with a lean protein, and sheet pan dinners that include a protein, a vegetable, and a carb. 13. Shift your dinner earlier: Over Pesach, we ate our dinners super late. For the weeks following Pesach, aim to eat dinner ideally before 7pm each

14. Make sleep a priority: We’ve had many late nights over the last 10 days between sedarim and extra family time. Restful sleep is key for your overall health and weight management. Better sleep can improve your mood, boost your immune system, increase your exercise performance, and in general make you more productive. Lack of sleep can increase appetite by shifting our hor-

mones and make us more likely to eat unhealthy foods. It leads to metabolic dysregulation, increased blood sugar, and oxidative stress. Sleep is a game changer for weight loss. Getting back on track after the holidays may be challenging, but it is certainly realistic. Jumping into a routine that includes planned out nutritious meals and an exercise routine are the two most helpful tips. Staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, loading up on vegetables, and sticking to simple foods will ensure you get back into your routine quickly and efficiently. It may be difficult to switch to leaner meals and ditch the processed foods; however, those are imperative for your health and wellbeing. Now is the perfect time to begin a healthier lifestyle, leaving the Pesach pounds behind and embracing summer health.

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

food, challenge yourself to only eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and proteins. This is a fun challenge you can do with a friend or family member, and it will certainly help you get on track right away. Your digestive system will have an opportunity to rest and recharge. 11. Add a salad or extra vegetables to your dinner each night: Vegetables are filled with fiber, which satiates our appetite and keeps us from making the wrong choices. Starting off your meal with a salad is a good way to fill up and prevent you from overeating during the rest of the meal. Roasted or grilled vegetables, paired with a lean protein, will help you get full quickly and control your hunger. 12. Meal prep: I know that for many of us the thought of cooking more is daunting. Instead of having to cook dinner every night, do as much meal prep as you can earlier in the week so that the fridge is filled with nutritious foods that you and your family can eat. Remember, we naturally choose to eat what is quick and is already prepared. Instead of being tempted to grab a bag of chips to snack on, fill the fridge with cut-up fruits and vegetables instead. Cooking a few lean

Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO



The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Parenting Pearls

The Antics of Little Ones by Sara rayvych, MSed


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


hope all the readers of TJH, and all of klal Yisroel, had a wonderful Pesach. It’s been a busy couple of weeks. As we wind down from an exciting, exuberant, and overwhelmingly busy time, I thought we all could use a week of slightly lighter reading. I hope this article gives everyone some smiles after a hectic time period. I choose to limit which group chats I’m in while being part of a few that I find very helpful and necessary for practical reasons. Everyone has to find their own happy middle for this, determining for themselves what benefits, and what detracts, from their daily functioning, emotional health, and avodas Hashem. On Thursday, erev yom tov of the second days, I was busy doing a quick cooking marathon in the kitchen. I had been having back problems, and I wanted to get whatever I could out of the way before the pain set in. I chopped and measured, watching salads take shape. Whether they liked it or not, my family was being offered their veggies. As I began to feel the strain in my back, I finished my final preparations and went to the other room to sit down. I looked for my phone, hoping to catch up on any missed messages. After locating the device in my little one’s favorite hiding spot, I opened the chats and noticed something looked off. After some quick scrolling, I realized my little guy had not only hidden my phone but had responded to my text messages during that time. It seems I had a personal secretary. The ladies from my workout class, most of whom are mothers themselves, quickly picked up on the unusual messages and realized my phone had been hijacked. The messages, as strange as they would be by the random tappings of a tot, were only more hilarious once autocorrect tried to make sense of them. After deleting his confusing, verbal mes-

sages and apologizing for his antics, it suddenly dawned on me that if he could do this to one chat – he could do this to more chats. In a slight panic, I opened my other chats and confirmed my suspicions. He had sent a long text to my block’s chat. I was horrified and quickly deleted his message. My block is made predominantly of families with young children, many of whom are rebbeim and mechanchim. A child typing on Mommy’s phone wouldn’t elicit such a shock. What upset me was what the message said – I never knew autocorrect had such a potty mouth! I will not write exactly what his message read, but we will simply acknowledge that the editors wouldn’t allow it through for publication. I deleted the message and briefly apologized that my son had used my phone. Then I waited to see if there would be any fallout. Using the family chat, I updated my family on my son’s latest mischief,

and everyone had a great laugh. It was even more humorous for my family who knows I’ve never been the type to use that language, not even as a child. It was quickly suggested that this would be a great topic for my next article: what happens when children accidently embarrass their parents.

The Reality When we’re being totally honest, we recognize that there are many times children will accidentally embarrass their parents. I say “accidentally” because there is a big difference between intentionally shaming someone and the irksome or unintentional actions of most childish behavior. Purposely shaming someone is a more serious topic and one that will not be the focus of this article. At this time, I will also not be addressing the requirement to make a kiddush Hashem in public. Tantrums and acting up are common things kids do, even by kids bigger than

we’d like to admit. When they do it in public, it’s usually not to embarrass the parent but simply because that’s where the incident occurs. Whether it’s because they’re out of their usual environment, hungrier, more tired or because that’s where the action happens, children tend to act up in public more than we’d like. There are many methods our sweet, innocent progeny can use to make us want to shrink into the walls. There is the famous tantrum in the grocery store that we know so well. There is the cursing out your block’s chat, as mentioned above. Some kids like to make messes in their home before visitors come, while others prefer trashing the homes of others or eating like they were raised in barns. There are the children that like to spill the shmorg on themselves right before the big family pictures. (As a side point, it’s for these very children that I usually bring extra white shirts to family chasunas.) Of course, there are the children that take more than a lifetime’s supply of food at the kiddush. Some children have accidents while they’re potty training in just the wrong places. Other kids tell the doctor they hate him/her, while others fight back so hard that they draw blood from their physician. None of these examples are done with the intention of causing us embarrassment, but it’s hard not to feel more than a little uncomfortable. Some of the examples listed above came from other families, some are my own, but they’re all real. The reality is that all kids do these types of things, and it’s completely normal during their younger years.

Chinuch to the Child We need to try our best to ensure our response fits the child’s behavior and not our personal mortification. It’s hard to keep focused on what our child actually

87 overwhelmed parent. (As a slightly related side point, it’s incredibly common for kids to act out or tantrum in public. It’s for this very reason that, in anti-kidnapping literature, children are taught to scream “(s) he’s not my father/mother”; otherwise,

lematic texts ended up fitting in quite well to the theme of this article. The women of my fitness class and family chats all had a much-needed laugh on a busy day. At least my son was able to add some humor into their last minute, potentially stressful yom

The messages, as strange as they would be by the random tappings of a tot, were only more hilarious once autocorrect tried to make sense of them.

spectators wouldn’t even know because we’ve all seen kids pull away from their parents or practically need to be dragged out of the location.)

Back to My Chats You might be wondering what happened to my phone messages in the end, after I did all the clean up. Those prob-

tov preparations. They thought he was incredibly cute, and it’s a bracha from Hashem that he truly is very adorable. My son is too young to have realized what he did. I could have been a hypocrite and yelled at him, but the truth was he didn’t even recognize what he did. My role, as his parent, is to keep the phone in a higher area and make sure he can’t

bypass my passcode in any way. He can’t be expected to have self-control, but I can do my part in preventing his ability to cause havoc. My neighborhood block, which received the foul language message, tactfully didn’t respond. Whether they didn’t see the original message or simply chose to remain silent, as good spectators they very well may have recognized that kids are kids and getting angry at his shenanigans would be pointless. Personally, I was very happy to not see any fallout from his silliness. We all have stories of the things we did to embarrass our parents, and our kids will return the favor to us. Let’s try to laugh at their innocence and enjoy their cuteness, because, as we all daven, one day they will no longer be so little.

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

did and not on how we feel. I recognize that separating those emotions isn’t easy. When they scream or act obnoxious in the grocery store, we feel like everyone is watching us and judging. If we respond in relation to our emotions, we’re going to respond in a very angry fashion. If we properly calibrate our response to the child’s behavior, we may just find the child is merely hungry or just needs a calm, but firm, reminder that the answer is “no” to that particular treat. Ultimately, feeding a child before grocery shopping or firmly, but calmly, reinforcing the “no” will yield better results than flying parental sparks. It helps to remember that children are children and those watching you most likely have met kids before. If they have any experience with littler people, then they know not to judge you for your child’s errant behavior. If other adults judge or respond back inappropriately, then it generally says more about them than about you. Spectators can help by not making the situation worse and recognizing that kids being kids isn’t something to judge others about. Snubbing your nose or giving dirty looks is like fuel on a fire to an

Please daven for a refuah sheleima for Yechiel Meir ben Sarah.

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO



The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

jewish women of wisdom

Pesach Peroration and a Postscript by rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz


I am still in Pesach mode as I write this three days after Pesach. All my tablecloths are not put away. All the bed linen hasn’t yet been laundered. We haven’t yet restocked the chametz. My Pesach notes are recorded, however. I wrote about what worked and what didn’t and what were the highlights and the opposite as I do after each major chag. The written postscript is very telling. The innovations worked well. The innovations of other years are becoming a tradition (coming with bathed kids, taking responsibility for bringing menu items, grandchildren coming to help in the leadup to yom tov, new award-winning games coming out after naps on the first day, etc.). There were some things that were forgotten by moi but they were not even commented on by my most discerning progeny. My role as a facilities manager is one I claim in my roles at 200 Broadway. But why, after saying to colleagues and friends this year, “read my lips, no new projects after Pesach,” do I find my spring calendar featuring three events that I will host? My grandchildren’s joint afikomen request the first night was for a grandchildren’s Shabbaton with Zaide and Bobby. They want to come without parents and babies for a Shabbos “for the kids by the kids” and have already checked calendars and developed teams for program planning. That’s one.

JWOW! is a community for midlife Jewish women which can be accessed at www. for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more.


to keep our cool and model positivity. The memories, not to mention the atmosphere, depend on it. In my talk, I spoke about organizing the environment as key. James Clear says that the more disciplined your environment is, the less disciplined you need to be. So I shared past and present hacks for organization and management. Ensuring that everyone has what they need – space, food, toys, and airing is vital. And knowing where things are even when a baby needs Pesach infant Tylenol and you run out of clean hand towels. This year’s plans included sending a memo to the couples before yom tov detailing some of the arrangements and new practices. One was using paper towels (the kind used in dispensers) in pretty trays for all the handwashing needs. Another item was about new places for wet towels. I did these things for myself so I’d reduce the necessary self-discipline, as well as for the guests at Hotel Horowitz. Here is my conclusion, my peroration, for that talk given before Pesach this year. “Pesach for mid-lifers is about creating and managing an atmosphere where mesorah can thrive. I will tell my stories to my doros another time. Not when I am managing a shul, a mikvah, and families under my roof in a home with four levels. Maybe I will record or write a Bobby’s Haggadah one day. Meanwhile, just call me the facilities manager.”

Two is the result of a request of a teenaged granddaughter to host a camp reunion Shabbos for her bunk in my home. The young lady is super helpful and was very strategic in making her request as we relaxed on the couch Acharon shel Pesach when there was no one else present. Could I say no? I am responsible for the third. It was my idea as I slogged through the post-Pesach cleanup on Isru Chag. We can all use a getaway after yom tov, and Mothers Day was coming up in two weeks. My thoughts turned to my mother, a”h, who always celebrated the day with gusto. She would call her mother, her daughters, her sisters, and friends to wish them happy Mothers Day and congratulate them on their wonderful fulfillment of their roles. My thoughts turned to her yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz, which falls out at a time when family members are going away or sending kids away or busy with weddings. The upshot: I am hosting a Mothers Day retreat in her memory for her closest female relatives in my home from Motzai Shabbos through Monday morning that will include a midday brunch and program celebrating her life. Do I have no self-discipline? Am I nuts? I should be going to Florida for vacation now! Or am I the victim of my own success at creating an environment where mesorah can thrive? I think the answer is all three. I’m a mid-lifer and I claim the right to be honest with myself. I better go and organize the house and stop pontificating about the Pesach postscript. This Bobby better stop her narrative. Her Haggadah is a future project for her dotage. First, another postscript. You can listen to the current and past “How to Survive and Thrive in the Empty Nest” segments on the Chazak Line by month and by panelist. Call 845.356.6665, choose menu 3, and then option 6.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

ou don’t have to look up the meaning of peroration to know what topic I will discuss. I did it for you. It means the concluding part of a speech. Together with four other panelists, I speak every month for the Chazak Line of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation on their segment, “The Empty Nest,” which is uploaded every Rosh Chodesh. There are different takes on the monthly topic, and I am joined by two of my fellow JWOW! leaders, Miriam Liebermann of Lawrence and Miriam Hendeles of LA as well as Miryam Swerdlov of Crown Heights and Rebbetzin Ettie Neustadt, now of Lakewood. For this year’s Nissan topic, the question was about mesorah. I was not so comfortable about talking about my own Pesach mesorah because many people don’t have their own mesorahs and mine is a particularly rich one, drawing on generations of the rebbes of Novominsk and Chernobyl. I spoke up during the planning phase. Jewish people who don’t have a clear mesorah develop their own traditions for their families when it comes to Pesach, said one. The consensus was to go ahead with the aforementioned topic. I told the audience that I was not going to talk about the sedorim of my heritage nor about my kitchen mesorah for this chag. During Pesach and not only in speeches, I feel it’s not my role to play up my mesorahs. I feel at this point, it is my role to create an atmosphere in the home that enables mesorah to be passed down. How do I define success? I think we’d all agree it’s the creation of a family atmosphere. It means doing our utmost to plan for dignity and calm at the seder so that the import of the night and its themes can be explicated, expounded, and expressed to young and old. It means that the family time is optimized, and wonderful memories are imprinted. That takes a lot of self-discipline on our part as the matriarchs. The home is going to be dirty. Adult children may not help. They may want to have a vacation in our homes. Kids and adults may squabble over toys and attention, especially when they are overtired and confined. We grandmas have to hold up. We have


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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Pediatrics Lakewood, NJ

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


In The K


Gefilte Fish Patties

I recently created this new recipe for an article in Fleishigs Magazine about fish dishes for Pesach. This recipe is perfect for all year, and with the long Shabbat afternoons, it makes a great main dish for seuda shlishit. You can serve the patties at room temperature or warm them on the blech. (I have even been known to eat them right out of the fridge!) Ingredients



◦ 1 loaf gefilte fish, defrosted ◦ ½ cup assorted fresh herbs, parsley, dill, cilantro ◦ ½ cayenne pepper ◦ 1 egg beaten


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

◦ 2 cups (Pesach) panko crumbs, divided


Pour remaining crumbs into a shallow bowl. Form fish mixture into small patties, then coat both sides in the panko crumbs. Refrigerate on a baking sheet for 30 minutes. Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Fry the patties for 2-3 minutes per side, until cooked through. Drain fried patties on paper towels.

1. Mix fish, herbs, cayenne pepper, egg, and 1/3 cup panko crumbs.

◦ 1 teaspoon pickle juice or vinegar ◦ 1 teaspoon hot sauce, optional ◦ ¼ cup ketchup ◦ 1 large garlic clove, minced ◦ 1 tablespoon sweet paprika

4. Serve with Remoulade Dipping Sauce.



2. Serve with Gefilte Fish Patties.

◦ 1¼ cups mayonnaise

Cook’s Tip: This recipe yields plenty of sauce. Set some aside to use as a dip for schnitzel as well.

◦ Oil, for frying


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by Naomi Nachman

Remoulade Dipping Sauce ◦ 2 teaspoons prepared white horseradish


Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl until combined.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

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APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

Dramatic action is needed to stop the New York City crime spree and to give New Yorkers hope rather than fear. The subway system is the circulatory system for our downstate economy, and we must increase police presence and police action. A police officer on every train worked before and will work again. But police must actively patrol and that means district attorneys must prosecute crimes. - From a Daily News op-ed by disgraced former governor Andrew Cuomo, who was actually the one who signed the bail reform law that is commonly believed to be the cause of the current crime wave in New York

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. Everything is going up.

Millions of Americans are suffering right now under President Biden and Speaker Pelosi’s big-government socialist agenda that has given us record-high inflation, with skyrocketing gas prices and a border crisis, yet the only thing the Democrat media continues to obsess over is January 6th. - Lauren Fine, spokeswoman Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)

- President Joe Biden

I’m doing everything within my power by executive orders to bring down the price and address the Putin price hikes.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

- Ibid.

Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war, commits genocide, a half a world away, to help deal with this Putin price hike. - Ibid.

An interesting observation – just FYI. President Macron appears to have secured a double-digit victory over LePen, at a time when his approval rating is 36%. Hmmm… - White House chief of staff Ron Klain

When I see young people walking alone outside with the mask, I want to punch them. - Bill Maher, HBO

Netflix is blaming their losses on fierce competition, inflation, and Russia. When he heard that, President Biden was like, “Hey, get your own excuses.” — Jimmy Fallon


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Netflix is in trouble, which is so surprising because me and the 43 people I share my account with, we’re still watching it all the time. — Trevor Noah

I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself. He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Couldn’t have happened at a better time. – Then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to a reporter on January 6, 2020, according to a recently released book

If someone is breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot at them in Santa Rosa County. We’d prefer that you do actually… You’ll save the taxpayers money. - Florida’s Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson

You’re a corporation based in Burbank, California, and you’re going to martial your economic might to attack the parents of my state? We view that as a provocation, and we’re going to fight back against that. - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis while signing a bill to end Disney’s special privileges after they fought against a bill which prohibits schools from teaching kids under third grade about depraved behaviors

These economic blows are just one element in a cascading set of problems all hitting at the same time. It combines the nuclear anxieties of the 1950s and ‘60s with the inflation threat of the ‘70s, the crime wave of the ‘80s and ‘90s and the tensions over illegal immigration in the 2000s and beyond. This electorate is not experiencing a malaise, as President Jimmy Carter was once apocryphally said to have proclaimed but has instead formed into a deep national fissure ready to blow like a geyser in the next election if leadership does not move to relieve the pressure. - Democratic pollster Mark Penn in a New York Times op-ed

You could secretly ban one party’s candidate, or all of its candidates, all of its nominees, or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find out about it until after the elections.

I’ve been looking for a new rock to live under and was wondering which one you use. - Digital Strategist Gregg Price in response

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- MSNBC’s Ari Melber ironically expressing concern that elections could be swayed through Twitter censorship, now that Elon Musk is buying it


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

94 One billionaire – whose estimated net worth has gotten about 10 times larger since the start of the pandemic – is about to have the power to decide how millions of people can communicate with each other. It’s dangerous for our democracy to have so much power in so few hands. – Tweet by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Elon Musk and a handful of billionaires now have dangerous influence over the most powerful online platforms. They can’t be trusted, and self-regulation has failed. We must pass laws to protect privacy and promote algorithmic justice for internet users, especially for kids. - Tweet by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA)

The extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all. - Tweet by Elon Musk responding to the left’s meltdown over his purchase of Twitter

Elon Musk could have put that $44 billion towards tackling world poverty, instead he’s used it to send millions of woke Liberal narcissists into a spiral of depression, and honestly I think it’s money well spent. - Tweet by comedian Andrew Lawrence

People say that work kills; for me, work kept me alive. I kept working until I was 108. - A French nun, age 118, who became the oldest person in the world this week

It’s interesting, my subscriptions went up massively — that’s what’s crazy. During the height of it all, I gained 2 million subscribers. - Joe Rogan talking about the left’s recent attempt to cancel him

Elon Musk has committed to nothing except more transparency and more free speech – and the Left is melting down. Which shows two things: 1) They hate transparency and free speech; 2) They always assumed Twitter opposed both, then gaslit everyone that Twitter wasn’t biased.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

– Tweet by Ben Shapiro

Late last night, after winning his battle for Twitter, @elonmusk was in Boca Chica and held his regular 10 pm meeting on Raptor engine design, where he spent more than an hour working on valve leak solutions. No one mentioned Twitter. He can multitask. – Author Walter Isaacson, who is working on a book about Elon Musk

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

Political crossfire

Biden’s Border Disaster Fuels the Crime Wave in American Cities by Marc A. thiessen


he crime wave in America keeps getting worse, as evidenced by the bloody weekend last week in New York City. From Friday through Sunday, 29 people were shot, one fatally, in 24 different incidents. And New York is far from the only city seeing a surge in crime. This is a major problem for President Joe Biden. In a new ABC-Ipsos poll, approval of the president’s handling of crime has fallen to 38% -- down five points from the same poll in October. According to Gallup, 80% of Americans say they are worried about rising crime. Fifty-three percent say they worry a “great deal,” behind only inflation and the economy on Gallup’s list of 14 national concerns. Americans feel unsafe – and they blame Biden and other Democrats. They are right. And one major reason we are facing a surge in crime is the disaster Biden unleashed on our southern border. Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) seized enough fentanyl to provide a lethal dose to every American. Overdose deaths from fentanyl coming across the border hit record levels in 2021, claiming a new victim every five minutes. Most fentanyl entering the United States used to come from China. Then in 2018, President Donald Trump signed the bipartisan Synthetics Trafficking & Overdose Prevention Act, which frustrated the ability of Chinese traffickers to ship fentanyl through the U.S. Postal Service. At the 2018 Group of 20 summit, Trump also got Chinese President Xi Jinping to declare fentanyl a controlled substance, making trafficking it a crime under Chinese law. As enforcement against Chinese fentanyl increased, transnational criminal organizations shifted production to Mexico and began

shipping it in larger and larger quantities over our southern border. The problem has worsened in the past year thanks to the border crisis Biden unleashed, as the flood of illegal migrants over the past year has forced Customs and Border Protection to shift resources away from drug interdiction to processing migrants. Biden’s own budget acknowledges this, requesting funds for 300 new “Border Patrol Processing Coordinators to respond to migration along the Southwest border,” who “will allow existing agents to focus on their core counterterrorism, law enforcement, and security missions.” Because the same cartels are engaged in both human and drug trafficking, they often use migrants – including children – as drug mules. And they strategically send caravans of migrants to overwhelm and distract Border Patrol in one area so they can surge drug shipments across the border in an-

other location. As the migrant crisis has grown over the past year, fentanyl seizures rose 56% in March 2022 compared with March 2021. And this surge in illegal drugs has contributed to the crime surge in U.S. cities. Last fall, the DEA analyzed “national crime statistics and [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] data to identify hot spots of drug-related violence and overdose deaths across the country.” The DEA study “revealed alarming trends” about the criminal drug networks’ activity in 34 U.S. cities, finding the vast majority of those networks “are engaged in gun violence.” In response, the DEA launched Operation Overdrive this February “aimed at combatting the rising rates of drug-related violent crime.” By making it easier for cartels to flood our country with illegal drugs, our unsecured borders are fueling a drug-related crime wave across the United States that

has necessitated a major DEA response. But instead of securing our border, Biden is preparing to make the problem even worse with his plan to scrap Title 42, the public health order that allows border officials to turn away illegal migrants to prevent the spread of covid-19. Lifting Title 42 would open the floodgates for the cartels to traffic illegal drugs into the United States, as even more Border Patrol agents will be pulled off the front line to process and care for migrants. This is one reason vulnerable Senate Democrats are joining with Republicans in introducing a bill to keep Title 42 in place. It’s not just border-state Democrats such as Sen. Mark Kelly (Ariz.) pushing back on Biden. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) has also joined the Title 42 revolt. New Hampshire is about as far from the southern border as you can get, but it is also ground zero for the fentanyl epidemic. That’s why Hassan just released a video of herself standing in front of the border wall and calling on Biden to address “gaps in physical barriers along the border.” When vulnerable Democrats are calling for border wall construction, you know the president’s border policies have failed. Over the past two years, Democrats have shown themselves to be opponents of both law enforcement and border enforcement. Now, some are belatedly recognizing their error and trying to distance themselves from the left’s push to defund the police. But, as Biden’s Title 42 decision shows, there has yet to be a similar reckoning when it comes to the border. Until Democrats reverse course on border security, as they have on police funding, the crime wave will continue – as will Biden’s collapse in the polls. (c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home




The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Political crossfire

The Battle Against ISIS, Yesterday’s War, Still Smolders by David Ignatius


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


L-HOL, Syria – The Islamic State, which seemed to be extinguished three years ago when its caliphate was crushed, is still smoldering red hot at a refugee camp here and a prison nearby. And the Syrian Kurdish militia that’s guarding the facilities says it badly needs help before there’s a new eruption. The battle against ISIS, as the Islamic State is also known, is yesterday’s war, and it gets little public attention. But the danger of a resurgence was evident on a recent Wednesday when Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, the new commander of the U.S. Central Command, toured the two facilities in northeast Syria. He’s the first senior military official to inspect either place. Kurilla traveled to Syria as the final stop on his first trip to the Middle East since becoming commander of U.S. military forces in the region on April 1, and he invited me to come along. He wanted to assess the risks here to U.S. interests, and he came away with a vivid firsthand picture of the continuing problem of containing what’s left of ISIS. Kani Ahmed, the local commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces militia that’s securing the al-Hol refugee camp, described to Kurilla a March 28 uprising by Islamic State supporters inside the fences. Fighters attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, AK-47s, and pistols that had been smuggled into the facility. As the fighting raged, four people were killed and 10 wounded, according to local news reports. “This camp is like a time bomb,” Ahmed told the visiting Americans. “We don’t know when it’s going to explode.” The al-Hol camp is a miserable sight: acres of dirty, ragged tents, and primitive water and sewage facilities. It currently houses about 56,000 people, roughly 70% of them under age 18. Many are families of Islamic State fighters who were killed or captured in the war, and judging by their

angry faces inside the wire, they live on rage and dreams of revenge. One threw a rock at Kurilla’s armored vehicle as it drove past. If you wanted to design a breeding ground for future Islamist militants, it would be al-Hol. Nearly 8,000 of the residents came from countries other than Syria or Iraq, but those nations have mostly ignored repatriation requests. “The countries don’t want them back, and they’re not doing anything to help,” said the SDF official who oversees the foreigners, who identified herself only as Amara. “The world needs to know what’s going on here,” Kurilla told me after we left the camp. He said the U.S. military is already working to improve security at the camp. He also wants to help the State Department organize an international response that would return families of Islamic State foreign fighters to their home countries – and take some of the burden from the SDF militia. Kurilla next flew by helicopter to the Hasakah prison, about 40 miles away, where he heard a chilling account of a violent escape there four months ago by several thousand captives, assisted by fighters outside, that left hundreds dead.

The eyewitness description was provided by local SDF commanders and U.S. Special Operations advisers who fought in the bloody battle. The Centcom commander heard the narrative as he gazed from a rooftop at the prison blocks below. The U.S. and Syrian officers explained that on Jan. 20, about 10 ISIS fighters entered the compound in a carefully planned attack, blowing through the walls with two truck bombs and raiding the SDF’s armory. They then distributed weapons to some of the roughly 5,000 captives, and about 3,700 escaped. American troops rushed to help the SDF stop the fleeing detainees. The battle raged for 10 days, as the United States called in Bradley armored vehicles, fighter jets, and Apache helicopters to contain the escape. About 3,000 prisoners finally surrendered on Jan. 30, but 421 Islamic State supporters were killed, along with 125 SDF troops, 25 of whom were beheaded, according to one of the American military advisers. About 100 Islamic State fighters got away, whereabouts unknown. “That’s an ISIS army in detention,” Kurilla said as he gazed at the prison complex 100 yards away. The spasm of violence by the escapees, including the beheadings

and what a U.S. Special Operations adviser here said were other horrific mutilations, is a reminder of what Islamic State fighters might do outside captivity. The SDF is carrying the burden of running a total of 28 prisons, of which Hasakah is the largest, that house about 12,000 captured Islamic State fighters and supporters, “What’s needed is repatriation en masse,” the Special Operations adviser told me. But as with the Islamic State families at al-Hol, other nations have mostly shrugged their shoulders at repatriation requests. “The SDF needs very big help,” Mazlum Adli, the Syrian Kurdish group’s top leader, told me in a brief interview later, after he had met with Kurilla. The commander said he needed more training and equipment, and that the support he was getting now was only about 20 percent of what he needed. Kurilla saw another threat to U.S. forces in Syria during a separate visit Monday to a joint American-SDF base called Green Village, near Deir El-Zoor. The base was hit the night of April 7 by two explosions, and four U.S. soldiers were wounded. The U.S. military initially described the strike as a rocket attack, and analysts suspected it came from an Iranian-backed militia, posing a question for Biden administration officials back in Washington of whether and how to retaliate. But U.S. commanders at Green Village told Kurilla on Monday that after examining video recordings, they now believed that the blasts were caused by explosive devices planted by someone – affiliation so far unknown – who entered the base. Iran and its proxies remain a threat. So does the Islamic State. As much as we would like to imagine otherwise, wars in the Middle East aren’t over even when they’re over. (c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


m i r a f e s , s h p a r g o t y o l h t p c , e s r t i c d a g f i n t i ar ocuments relat Yeshivos or d re-World War II to P

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home



Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, New York seeks the donation and loan of artifacts, photographs, sefarim or documents relating directly to Pre-World War II Yeshivos for possible inclusion in its soon-to-be-built Memorial Exhibit to the Yeshivos of Prewar Europe dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and Judy Landa in its new Mesivta-Beis Medrash Building.

Please contact Moshe at 718.868.2300 ext. 317 or to arrange a donation or for more information.


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Political crossfire

Biden’s Fate Depends on Ukraine by Marc A. thiessen


ing its blue-and-yellow flag from their homes. When we woke up each morning, the first thing we did was to check to see if Kyiv was still standing. We all hoped the Ukrainians would hold out, but the experts told us the Russian mil-

Because if Americans now start to see images of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine marching into conquered cities for the first time, no one is going to believe it’s because the Ukrainians do not have the will to fight – or that the Rus-

For too long, Biden did not believe victory was possible.

sian military is simply too powerful. It will be because Biden did not do enough to help. It will be because of the months of delays in providing Ukraine with the heavy weapons that Zelensky implored us to provide. It will be because, for too long, Biden did not believe victory was possible – and so did not provide Ukraine with the weapons that would make victory possible. A U.S. military official tells The Post that the Ukrainians “definitely stand a fighting chance” in eastern Ukraine –

(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


itary was just too powerful. It was only a matter of time. Then something amazing happened: Kyiv didn’t fall. The Ukrainians made up for the paucity of U.S. military aid with grit and determination, and against all odds they repelled the Russian invaders. And with their victory, Americans’ expectations changed. We now know that Ukraine can defeat Russia – so long we give them the support they need to prevail. That raises the stakes for Biden.

but that chance depends on promptly providing the weapons they need. We are now providing them with American howitzers (which have triple the range of the Soviet-era artillery NATO had thus far been providing); advanced counter-artillery radar that can detect and track incoming Russian artillery and take it out at the point of origin; and the Air Force’s new Phoenix Ghost drones, which have a greater range and payload than the Switchblade drones Biden boasted of providing them just last month. We should have been giving them these weapons weeks ago. Training Ukrainians to use advanced U.S. weapons takes time – which means that every day Biden wasted not providing them has put Ukraine at a disadvantage. The Post reports that these armaments are “being rushed to Ukraine before tens of thousands of troops, amounting to up to half of the Ukrainian army, are caught in what is known as a ‘double envelopment’ maneuver that would bring them under simultaneous attack from two sides.” We are now in a race against time of the president’s own making to get these weapons to Ukraine’s military before Russian forces encircle and destroy them. If Putin succeeds in conquering eastern Ukraine, he could then turn his attention back to the center of the country – and eventually Kyiv. We must not allow him to do so. We must help Zelensky defeat Putin in eastern Ukraine and drive every Russian soldier out of every inch of Ukrainian territory they have unlawfully taken. If Biden helps Ukrainians do so, however belatedly, he will deserve the credit. But if Russia wins in eastern Ukraine, he will deserve the blame. It is Biden’s war now. He’d better win it.

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t took two months and thousands of unnecessary civilian deaths, but it appears President Joe Biden has finally gotten over his pathological fear of “provoking” Russia and is providing Ukraine with the weapons it needs. A few weeks ago, President Volodymyr Zelensky asked why the heavy weapons Ukraine asked for were collecting “dust in…warehouses.” Now, he says, Ukraine is finally getting the armaments for which he has been pleading. Better late than never. But if they had come earlier, Zelensky stated last week, “We would have already ended this war. We would have already restored peace and liberated our territory from the occupiers.” With the shift in armaments has come an apparent shift in objectives. Before, no one in the Biden administration talked about victory in Ukraine. Now, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says the goal in Ukraine is not just to “help them win,” but to help Ukraine so decimate Russia’s military that it can no longer threaten its neighbors. “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” Austin said. Finally, they get it. But now the administration’s slow learners need to understand something else: They own this war. Yes, this is a critical moment for Ukraine. But it is also a critical moment for Biden – because the fate of Ukraine and the fate of his presidency are inextricably linked. When the United States offered to help Zelensky escape his besieged capital two months ago, the Ukrainian leader reportedly replied that he needed “ammunition, not a ride.” Americans were awed – and inspired. We became invested in Ukraine’s struggle. In neighborhoods across America, people with no connection to Ukraine began fly-


Political crossfire

(About Putin & the Holocaust)

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

What Russian TV Wouldn’t Let Me Say by rafael Medoff


some contemporary political purpose. Yes, many major U.S. newspapers downplayed or ignored news about the Holocaust – but that was poor journalism (and, in some cases, a kind of antisemitism), not “collusion with Nazism.”

described RT as an “international TV channel,” with no clue as to its mission, financing, or governance. She never even used the word “Russia.” Obviously, I have no interest in being used by Putin’s television network for

Why is Russian Television suddenly interested in how U.S. journalists covered Hitler?

his propaganda purposes; I replied that I would agree to an interview only on condition that my full comments be broadcast, including my thoughts on how the lessons of the 1930s are relevant today. I explained that I would point out, among other things, that: —Mainstream American newspapers in the 1930s were not pro-Nazi. Because of naïveté or ignorance, many major U.S. newspapers in the early 1930s failed to

Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History, published by the Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press.


Such anti-American propaganda is a staple of RT. Originally known by its full name “Russia Today,” RT was created by the Putin regime in 2005. It is a propaganda agency, controlled and financed by the Russian government. Since 2017, its representatives in the United States have been required to register as foreign agents of the Russian government. I wouldn’t have known any of that from the producer’s email, however. She

recognize that Adolf Hitler – like Vladimir Putin today – was an aggressive dictator who would threaten neighboring countries. —The Russian public today is at a great disadvantage as compared to the American public during the Nazi era. The American press is genuinely free and independent, and so the U.S. public had access to sources of information about the Nazi persecutions even when the Roosevelt administration would have preferred that the public not know. Thus while the New York Times downplayed Holocaust news, other publications, such as the weekly New Republic and the New York City daily newspaper PM, highlighted it. By contrast, the Russian people today are unable to freely access information about Russian atrocities in Ukraine because of the Putin government’s control of the Russian news media. — The fact that American journalists 80 years ago did a poor job of covering the Holocaust is no reason to doubt the accuracy of today’s American media coverage of Russian atrocities in Ukraine. Russia’s war crimes have been amply documented by U.S. media outlets from across the political and ideological spectrum. The RT producer’s reply was not unexpected, but it was loaded with irony. “We are not interested in airing propaganda, nor including analysis which are propaganda themselves,” she said of my intended remarks. Pretty funny coming from a full-time propagandist for the Putin regime! I guess I won’t be hearing from RT again.

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was watching a CNN report about Russian atrocities in Ukraine when the email arrived. It was from a producer for RT, the Russian government television network, asking to interview me about what she called “the American media’s collusion with the Third Reich.” Why is Russian Television suddenly interested in how U.S. journalists covered Hitler? Evidently it has to do with Vladimir Putin’s bizarre references to Nazis in his attempts to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Putin, the Ukrainians – including their Jewish president – are actually Nazis and therefore the invasion constitutes “deNazification.” RT, Putin’s television network, promotes similar themes. On the day the RT producer’s email arrived, the RT website featured articles claiming that the Ukrainian army is filled with “neo-Nazis”; alleging that Russian citizens living in Ukraine are under attack from “neo-Nazi groups integrated into the government of Ukraine”; and asserting that the Biden administration is carrying out “genocide” against Native Americans in Nevada. also features wild accusations against the American news media, such as denouncing U.S. journalists for “vilifying” the January 6 rioters. Presumably such nonsense is a ham-handed attempt to undermine the credibility of media outlets that have been reporting about Russian atrocities in Ukraine. The RT producer’s claim that the U.S. media “colluded” with the Nazis in the 1930s is in line with the Putin regime’s contention that the Ukrainians and their American supporters are all Nazis or Nazi-sympathizers. It’s a classic propaganda device – take the kernel of truth within a known historical episode, tear it out of its original context, and then twist and magnify it to suit


The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Forgotten Her es

Heroes and Heroics During the Civil War by Avi Heiligman

Union Sharpshooter “California Joe” with his Sharps rifle, 1862


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


uring wartime, armies will see an expansion of their forces. This was very evident in the American Civil War as the U.S. Army went from 16,000 soldiers in 1860 to over 1 million by the war’s end in 1865. Recruits came from all walks of life, and units were formed based usually on their state of origin. Some of these of units were not of the usual standard, and many had incredible tales of bravery as they served their country with distinction. Many unique units were formed during the Civil War, but only one had a crazy age requirement. The 37 th Iowa Infantry Regiment was known as the Greybeards Regiment as the minimum age for enlisted men was 45 years old. Many of these men were grandfathers, and none were actually born in Iowa as the territory wasn’t settled until 1833. Given their age, the regiment was usually given light non-combat duties such as guarding supply chains. They did see action on June 5, 1864 when they engaged a band of Confederate guerrillas, and three enlisted Greybeards became casualties. The oldest of the Greybeards was 80-year-old Curtis King who descended from Pocahontas. The former farmer decided to answer President Lincoln’s call

for volunteers and, after getting rejected twice from other units, was finally accepted into Company H, 37 th Iowa Infantry Regiment. He was discharged in 1863 and was noted as one of the most efficient men in the regiment. The Sharps rifle was known for its accuracy, and a specific unit of marksmen used the carbine version to great effect.

with the most accurate rifles that were outfitted with telescopic sites. These units were present at several battles including Gettysburg, where they delayed the Confederates at the boulder-strewn Devil’s Den. They played an important role in the overall battle as they stalled Confederate reinforcements from reaching disorganized Union lines.

The 37th Iowa Infantry Regiment was known as the Greybeards Regiment as the minimum age for enlisted men was 45 years.

The term sharpshooter was created, and the first unit of sharpshooters was under the command of Union Colonel Hiram Berdan. Soldiers in the 1st United States Sharpshooters Regiment had to go through rigorous marksmanship training and tests. They wore green uniforms instead of the traditional Union blue uniforms in one of the first attempts at camouflage. Sharpshooters were equipped

The second in command of the 1 st United States Sharpshooters Regiment was William Y. W. Ripley. He started his Civil War service with a volunteer regiment from Vermont and in late 1941 joined the Sharpshooters. Ripley was hailed for his heroic actions during the fighting in the Battle of Malvern Hill in Virginia. His Medal of Honor citation reads: “The President of the United

States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Colonel William Young Warren Ripley, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism on 1 July 1862, while serving with 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, in action at Malvern Hill, Virginia. At a critical moment Lieutenant Colonel Ripley brought up two regiments, which he led against the enemy himself, being severely wounded.” He had been struck in his leg by a bullet and had to be carried off the battlefield. Later in the war, Ripley rejoined the Vermont infantry and became the commander of the 1st Vermont Militia Division as a major general. Two of the most celebrated units of the Union Army were the Irish Brigade and the Iron Brigade. The Irish Brigade was made up of soldiers from New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, with most having Irish heritage and many actually having been born in Ireland. They were known for their courage and toughness in battle and on several occasions led the charge for the Union’s Army of the Potomac. The brigade suffered heavy casualties at Antietam and Fredericksburg. There is a monument to their bravery at Gettysburg.


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

A member of the Greybeards Regiment

The Iron Brigade had several nicknames, including the Black Hats and the Brigade of the West. These names came from the unique black hats they wore in battle. The soldiers came from Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. The name Iron Brigade came from their dispositions, and they were engaged in many important battles including the Second Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg and Appomattox Courthouse. The brigade played a prominent role

A depiction of the Irish Brigade fighting in the Civil War

on the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg by repulsing a Southern offensive through the Herbst’s Woods. They captured much of a Confederate brigade including their commander, General James Archer. Later in the battle, the Iron Brigade made a charge that captured the flag of the 2nd Mississippi Regiment, and they took hundreds of prisoners during the fighting. They took heavy casualties but remained present in the battle. While positioned on Culp’s Hill, they made a night counterat-

tack to retake positions that had been captured by the Confederates. These are just some of the many interesting units that fought with distinction during the war that ripped apart our country. There were others like the 3rd Maryland Cavalry Regiment that was noted for having galvanized Yankees in their ranks. Galvanized Yankees were former Confederate prisoners, and the regiment was present during battles in the Western Theater of the war.

The names of the soldiers that fought in these units may not be well known – even their unit’s history aren’t talked about – which makes this history that deserves to be remembered.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

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Renovated 4 bedroom, 3 Build your own dream home on this Price Reduced! 12 year old colonial on 73x177irr lot with water views, bath high ranch, 2 dens, large quiet street in Woodmere Park. 6 Price Reduced! 12 year New to market!yard, Donny (347) 992-6343 Build yourbulkhead, own dream comes with approved bedrooms, 3.5 baths. old colonial quiet plans! Chana (516) 449-9692 Renovated 4 bedroom, 3 Tamar on (917) 902-0613 home on this 73x177irr $1,199,999 $479K bath high ranch, 2 dens, $1,999,999 street in Woodmere

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BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION IN CEDARHURST!!! 6 bdrs, 5 bath , prime location, walk to all Call Alexandra at Realty connect usa 1516-784-0856

WOODMERE! MOVE RIGHT IN! Breath-taking Woodmere home over 7100 sq ft of living space. Majestic entry foyer, chef’s kitchen with island, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, and 2 ovens. Radiant heat, formal dining room, formal living room with fireplace, den, library, and office/bedroom. The second floor has a master suite with his/hers walk-in closets, 6 additional bedrooms, and 2.5 baths. Custom closets and radiant heat. Yard with in-ground pool, hot tub, brick pavers, and waterfall pond. 2 car garage, alarm, in-ground sprinklers, water filtration, and CAC. Lot Size 0.3168* acres. On a cul-desac, this home has it all!..P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE Magnificent Home in the Heart of Woodmere constructed in 2020, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bathrooms, detailed moldings throughout, maple wood floors, Anderson windows + doors, custom closets, dimmers & timers, 2 zone CAC, EIK w/2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, 2 microwaves, double oven, Island, close to all. Sound system, camera system, 4 car driveway. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs, Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom 3 bathroom in mint condition over 2500 sq. ft. gas heat, cac, eik with quartz countertops, ss appliances, spacious yard, move right in OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 1, 12-2:00PM 1114 Fordham Ln $999k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE Spectacular 5 bedroom, 5 bath renovated home in SD#14 with in-ground pool & pool house, lot size 111 x 107. Formal living room & dining room, magnificent kitchen with SS appliances, tremendous den with fireplace and 4 skylights, vaulted ceiling, LED lighting, master suite, new CAC, new roof. Outside totally redone with Stone and Stucco. Backyard with new pavers, park-like property, sandbox, great home for entertaining. Close to all..P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 CEDARHURST Unique opportunity!! Enjoy this corner beauty on 10,000 sq’ corner lot. Large living rm, FDR, Kosher kit + den. En suite mstr bdrm plus 3 additional bdrs, fin bsmt, 2 1/2 bths, central air, sprinkler system, fully alarmed. Front porch, rear deck, Pvt drv + 2 story 2 car gar. Generator. Excellent cond! Brisman RE/Raizy 718-677-0988 or 917-975-8550 FAR ROCKAWAY Renovated 3bd, 1.5 bath duplex in house in Neilson area. Many closets. Dishwasher + 2 sinks. Backyard access, driveway parking. W/D hookup. $2600 + utilities. Call/text 347 804 7367

HEWLETT BAY PARK Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE just listed Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. $990k. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

FOR SALE BY OWNER 285 Caryl Drive Lawrence NY 11559. Selling as is condition. Call Rudy 516 239 7387

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022


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WOODMERE JUST LISTED Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, Finished Basement and office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey Interna-tional 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TWO 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CO-OPS with central air conditioning, terrace, washer/dryer, hard-wood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

INVESTORS WELCOME GREAT DEAL IN WOODMERE, amazing location, double lot, low taxes ,SD 14 Asking $599, won’t last 25 CONKLIN AVE, WOODMERE Call Alexandra at Realty Connect 1-516-784-0856

HEWLETT TOTALLY RENOVATED 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor den and playroom, master bedroom suite w/full bath& sitting room/nursery close to the schools, railroad, shopping and houses of worship $899K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@ OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY May 1 2:30-4:00PM 1361 KEW AVENUE HEWLETT

COOP FOR SALE WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3BR/2BTH, EIK, LR, DR, W/D in Unit, GAR, 2 STOR UNITS, ELEV, NEAR ALL$775K 516-846-1032 NO BROKERS WOODMERE Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3br/2bth, eik, lr, dr, w/d in unit, gar, 2 stor units, elev, near all $775k 516-846-1032 no brokers

EAST ROCKAWAY: Retail Stores on Busy Corner, 1000SF& Up Available, Great High Visibility Location, For Lease… Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698

APT FOR RENT FAR ROCKAWAY: House For Rent. On Beach 12th. 3 1/2 bedrooms. Just renovated, Central HVAC,LR/DR, Finished basement.. $3300/m Call Raphael 917-822-1726

WOODMERE totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457


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CEDARHURST 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated, private entrance , central air condi-tioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam Elementary school is seeking growth oriented, Preschool and Elementary teachers, for the coming school year. Located in Far Rockaway. Professional and warm environment. Please email resume to

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Move right in first floor, 3BR, 2Fbth, CAC, HW Floors, W/D, Kitchen with Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Spectacular Moldings, Garage & Public Parking Close To All, $309,000


NEW TO MARKET! 5BR, 3FBath Mint, Gas Heat, CAC, EIK with Quartz Countertops, SS Appl, 2,500 SF, Spacious Yard $999,000



5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $P.O.R.


Moce Right In, Breathatking Woodmere home with over 7,100 SF of Living Space, Chef’s Kitchen w/Island, 2 Sinks, 2 Dishwashers, 2 Ovens & Radiant Heat, F D/R, F L/R w/ Fplc, Den, Library, IGP, $P.O.R.


6BR, 5BA in Desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an Acre with an Inground Pool & Tennis Court, En Suite Bedrooms on each floor, 1st Fl Master Suite has steam shower & jacuzzi tub. $P.O.R.

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OPEN HOUSE SUN 5/1 - 2:30PM-4:00PM


5BR, 3Bath Colonial, Open Floor Plan, Large EIK, F L/R & D/R, Den, MBR Suite w/Full Bath & Siting Room/Nursery, Close to all. $899,000


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And many more...Call for details!

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1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 3BR • 2BA

$2,025/monthly $2,995/monthly $3,695/monthly

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

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Experience in not-for-profit Jewish organizations is a plus. Excellent part-time opportunity with competitive hourly compensation. Candidate will work with the director in developing budget and fundraising initiatives and generating reports to present to our Board of Directors. Resumes to

TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS FOR SEPT. 2022 CAHAL is seeking Full Time and Part Time SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS for the 2022-2023 School Year. CAHAL classes are located in Yeshivas and Bais Yaakov’s in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, and West Hempstead. Please send your resume to For more information, call Shira Cohen or Naomi Nadata at 516-295-3666.

Yeshiva Darchei Torah Middle School is seeking to hire teachers in all secular subjects for grades 6-8; excellent working environment and salary; Monday-Thursday, 2:305:30 PM. Interviews are being held now. Candidates should have prior teaching experience. Please send resume to

Girls elementary school in the five towns is seeking warm, dynamic, experienced preschool teachers for the school year beginning September 2022. Competitive salaries and benefits. Please email resume to job.preschool.

DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to

YESHIVA KETANA OF LONG ISLAND, in the 5-Towns, seeks a licensed, experienced 7th grade Math teacher, for 2 periods, M-Th. Join our dynamic educational team! Send resume to

Five Towns School seeking experienced and enthusiastic Director of Development to secure financial support for our organization. Candidate will work with the Executive Director to set and achieve fundraising goals, maintain knowledge of fundraisers' interests, and cultivate relationships with community. The Director of Development will be an active participant in all fundraising and special events and help develop lasting relationships with donors. Candidates must be self-motived and able to multitask. Requirements include excellent computer skills, proficiency in Office applications, an excellent understanding of best practices and outstanding communication skills, both verbal and written. Please send all inquiries and resumes to

MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email:

Yeshiva Kol Torah is growing and seeking phenomenal teachers in all subject areas to join our amazing faculty. Warm, professional, supportive and growth-oriented environment. Excellent pay. Interested candidates should submit resumes to




Part Time / Full Time Teaching and Administrative Positions Available for the 2022-2023 school year: Algebra I Art and Design Chumash & Judaic Studies Coordinator: Marketing & PR Coordinator: Student Activities English Geometry

Global History II Graphic Design Guidance Counselor Hashkafa Learning Specialist Mechanechet Studio Art

SUBMIT RESUMES TO for more information, visit Sephardic Girls High School in Queens, NY Menahelet, Mrs Rina Zerykier

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PART TIME ADMIN ASSISTANT A capable multi-tasker needed to provide general office administrative support. Part-time-flexible hours. Woodmere location. Experience with Excel required. Please send resume to

SHULAMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD is looking to hire a full time teacher assistant for the current school year. Please email resume to

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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


Unaffordable at Any Speed by Allan rolnick, cPA


ave you tried buying a car lately? It’s nuts! Carmakers are scrambling to find the chips they need to power features like entertainment systems and digital displays. That means fewer vehicles are rolling off assembly lines. And as everyone knows, when supplies go down, prices go up. That means dealers can scrawl “3,000$ market price adjustment” at the bottom of the sticker, laugh at their good fortune, and actually get away with it. (Fun fact: it’s called a “Monroney sticker” after Oklahoma Senator Mike Monroney, who sponsored the Automobile Information Disclosure Act mandating the stickers back when Cadillacs still had tailfins.) The average price of a new car climbed $3,301 in 2020 and $6,220 in 2021. That’s partly because carmakers can’t find enough chips and partly because they aren’t wasting their supply on cheap econoboxes when they can use them for pickups and SUVs. Even used car prices, which typically rise about 1% per year, have soared 45%, to an average of nearly $26,000. Leisure Suit Larry, walking the floor down at the local dealership, is living his best life. But it’s causing all sorts of problems for the rest of us – including Larry’s boss, who has to pay extra taxes

on those shrinking inventories. Here’s the problem. (Warning: it’s boring and technical. Soooo boring and technical.) Most car dealers use the lastin, first-out (LIFO) method to account for their inventory. This requires them to track something called a “LIFO reserve,” which represents the difference between

ent LIFO calculation. There are four to choose from: the General Dollar-Value LIFO Method, the Simplified Dollar-Value LIFO Method, the Inventory Price Index Computation Method, and the Alternative LIFO Method. (Ugh.) Or they could file Form 3115 to recapture their entire LIFO reserve and spread the tax over four

Leisure Suit Larry, walking the floor down at the local dealership, is living his best life.

inventories under the LIFO method and inventories under the conventional firstin, first-out (FIFO) method. Usually, that reserve doesn’t mean much. However, when inventories drop – like they have now because there aren’t enough cars to sell – dealers have to recapture part of that LIFO reserve and add it to their taxable income. That, in turn, means paying tax on income they don’t actually earn. (Like I said, it’s technical – but you don’t have to be the Mona Lisa Vito of LIFO reserves to get that it’s a problem.) Now, dealers can switch to a differ-

years. But both of those options still mean paying unexpected taxes on income they would otherwise be able to carry forward. Fortunately, car dealers vote. And the folks in Washington who write the tax laws know that cutting taxes wins more voters. So earlier this month, House Democrats introduced a bipartisan bill that would let dealers wait until 2025 to replace their inventories and determine the income attributable to their 2020 and 2021 sales. Also, 92 Representatives and 52 Senators have petitioned the Treasury to grant temporary LIFO relief

to businesses having trouble replacing inventories due to COVID supply chain interruptions. Seeing Republicans and Democrats come together to support the measure is really something in today’s polarized environment. (Waiter: “How would you like your steak, sir?” Customer: “Like a bipartisan Congress.” Waiter: “Rare it is, sir!”) There’s a step in any car-buying adventure when your salesman says, “Let me go talk with my manager.” (He’s not really talking with his manager. He’s just watching the game for half an inning to make you think he’s arm-wrestling on your behalf.) Well, proactive planning is as close as you can get to haggling with the tax code over your bill. And you wouldn’t buy a car without negotiating, right? So why on earth would you file a return without seeing what you can save? Call us, and let’s see if we can put you in a sweet new ride!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home





The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022

Life c ach

Highlights and Insights by rivki D. rosenwald esq., LMFt, cLc, SDS


crowd is either bloated by a combination of shmura matzah expanded by salt water and potatoes or fast asleep on the couch because they did their “leaning” so well. Although there is good news: somehow, people are completely revived by the aroma of something other than bitter herbs being served. And the meal gets consumed.

hind them. Sound familiar?! Then there is that other Pesach medley, that everyone knows, and everyone is sick of, but every kid and parent sing anyway. Because it gives parents the delicious nachas of hearing their kid know every single, meaningful word. For everyone’s benefit, though, I won’t review the familiar and overheard ditty; suffice it to say, just don’t make Pharaoh’s bed in the

Where it gets rough is when you go to someone who does it differently than your family. For instance, the new inlaws. It just feels “wrong” somehow. The beat, the cadence, the flow – we just don’t feel it’s a Seder unless it’s our old familiar way! Those are the times one is happiest to be married to a baal teshuva. It’s easy shmeazy because your traditions become theirs.

The beat, the cadence, the flow – we just don’t feel it’s a Seder unless it’s our old familiar way!

After all that, there’s the eating ceremonies. Dip, and wash, and chew, and chew, and chew. Matzah is just not a glide-down-easily food! There’s a variety of traditional food items we eat in varied layouts, and we get pretty full. Nevertheless…after that…. We try to make a delicious meal for the first night of the holiday! After all, our whole family is together for the first time in a long time. The problem is that by the time we get to the meal, half the

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at


morning if you can avoid it, or these will be jumping here, there and everywhere! We follow the fun beginning with the Haggadah reading and the singing that ensues – and every family has their own style. Some race through the words and stop for the familiar songs, while others converse and discuss each and every section. Of course, there are those who pick and choose what to exclude all the way through. Yet, it’s all fine as long as you’re reliving the experience somehow.

While this is going on, it’s still not that relaxing because all the while there are little people scurrying about, under foot, under table, and even, to your dismay, opening sealed up cupboards. But the search must go on. Because to end the meal, you must chew, chew, and chew again the afikomen matzah! We then continue with praise of G-d for all of this. But things are still not done… The door gets opened for a guest – thankfully, an invisible one! No pressure there. After all, you’ve just cleaned up and put everything away. Now, the real measure of a truly dedicated family is those who make it to the last part of the Seder…. After all, you’re full, you’re tired, you’re drunk. Still, we sing, we get pumped. We get wild. We dance, and we celebrate! There is no stopping us…. We will be doing this next year and the year after that – although we’ll be in a different country while we chew, chew, chew. But that is the true measure and message of the night. We can and will survive and thrive through anything.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

t some point during the Ma Nishtana, the cuteness level goes up 100 %! This is due to the originality of the words that the youngest children create. Oh, the tune stays perfectly familiar, it doesn’t miss a melodic beat, but the words are hysterical beyond recognition. And yet, the credibility of the questions is not marred even one bit because of the obvious sincerity in the delivery. The erect stance on the chair, along with the booming confidence of the accuracy of their words, makes you almost believe the jumbled sounds have some meaning. Now, of course, that’s only the Ma Nishtana delivery made by the first of the “4 Seder sons” (or daughters). Let’s call him the “secure son.” What about the “shy son” (or daughter)? He’s still trying to get up the courage to stand up! And you kind of spend the whole rest of Pesach trying to prove to the whole family that he/she knows the Ma Nishtana perfectly. After all, he/ she came home and did it flawlessly when they first learned it. And how about the “semi-shy son”? Oh, those start off with their heads meekly buried under their armpits. But suddenly, they do really well when standing up with cousins. All at once, they are blurting out their words as loud as the kid next to them. The funniest ones, though, are the “quiet singing sons.” They know it perfectly. Even at age 2. Yet they are singing it way too softly for anyone to hear! But it gets even worse. The moms and dads, for ages past and to come, take the same route to solve the problem. They sing along ever so quietly under their breath to help their child sing out loud better. Which consistently and for centuries backfires. Of course! Because their children then sing even softer in order to emulate their mentors. So that is the true Passover saga of the “four sons.” And the eight frustrated parents be-


APRIL 28, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 28, 2022



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