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A New Date Night Menu by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

Life C ach

A New Date Night Menu

By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Date night…ah!

Let’s be honest. You’re probably just going out to a restaurant again. Not the worst thing, of course. In fact, it is great to get out. But maybe it’s time to spruce things up a bit. After all, you’re probably just going to discuss one thing. The kids, of course! And no one’s saying that’s the worst topic either. But, maybe you’re feeling you can do a bit better. Listen, date night is a good idea. Not cooking – a good idea. Being served – a great idea!

And sure, when you were dating, you did do restaurants and you had plenty to talk about. But remember, back then everything was brand-new. How many brothers you had – new! What kind of car you used to drive – new! Who you thought was smarter than you in school – new! Every piece of information…new! It was all so fresh and fascinating. An easy night out. Any other fun idea?

Here’s another fun idea…go to an arcade. It’s a real opportunity to bond and giggle. Unless you’re way too competitive and wind up not talking at all. Then you might as well stick with the restaurant and at least talk about the kids.

Do you see what I’m getting at? You can change it up. Think of another way to spend time together and maybe give it a try. Like to paint? Make pottery? Walk over the bridge? Ice skate?

Of course, you can always do the restaurant route. But give it a differ-

ent dimension. Try a new place. Eat something new. Play a game.

Just don’t get stuck in monotony.

I thought I’d try and give you some food for thought. And in that way, spice up your date night menu. Bon appetit!

Don’t get stuck in monotony.

But now, you don’t want to sit and be chozer all the stuff you already know. So how about exploring some new ideas?

How about bowling for a change? Nah, forget it. If you want your fingers stuck, securely, inside something way too small, you might as well try sticking your fingers in a piggy bank. At least you don’t need to leave home to get hurt or frustrated.

How about playing pool for a change? It can be such fun. Just make sure you’re not standing in the line of fire if a ball flies off the table. After all, we’re going for laughter and levity, not a black eye or a concussion.

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both cou-

ples and individuals and is a certified re-

lationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder

and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program.

She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at rivkirosenwald@gmail.com.

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