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World Builders
Health & F tness
Portion Control
By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN
Summer has officially begun! The warm weather facilitates outdoor physical activity. Once we are more physically active, we might as well watch what we eat, too! Losing a few pounds can’t hurt. Dieting does not necessarily have to be something vigorous. Just a few minor changes and awareness can help shed a few pounds.
Using portion control as a healthy eating strategy allows you to eat almost any food while keeping calories in check. Even if the changes in portion size are minimal, every bit makes a difference. All the seemingly insignificant excess calories add up causing a significant change. By simply cutting 500 calories a day, you could lose a pound a week.
In order to decrease portion sizes, load up a small plate instead of using a big plate. The eyes can easily be deceived. When you see a full plate in front of you, it seems like a lot more food. Loading up a small plate is obviously the better option than loading up a big plate! Chew your food slowly, allowing time for digestion. The brain needs a few minutes before getting signals of satiety. Once you finish your plate of food, wait 5-10 minutes before taking seconds. This break will help you differentiate between actual signs of hunger or cravings.
Using measuring spoons and measuring cups is also a helpful tool to better control your portions. Many are unaware of what a serv-
ing size actually is. For example, the serving size for most breakfast cereal is ¾ cup. Most of us have more than that in just our first bowl; forget about seconds! Using a measuring utensil can help paint a clearer picture of what the actual serving size is, allowing us to accurately keep track of calories.
Look for foods that are small eats and big flavor. Choose your favorite and most satiating foods so the smaller portions won’t hinder your diet that much and leave you craving more. However, keep in mind that even healthy foods require portion control. The only food that can be eaten unlimited is non-starchy vegetables. Load up on as many vegetables as you want in any way, shape or form. From raw veggie sticks to salad, to roasted
and steamed vegetables – you name it, we got it! Fill up on as many vegetables as you want. If you feel a half a cup of rice won’t fill you up, bulk it up with vegetables. A hearty vegetable soup is a healthy and satisfying meal. Add vegetables to any meal and snack.
Salad every day can get kind of boring, so keep it creative and mix it up. In addition to the standard lettuce, tomato and cucumbers, you can add peppers, asparagus, beets, green beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, hearts of palm, and other vegetables you like. Watch out for the extras, though: cheese, croutons, avocado, starchy vegetables and, of course, dressing. Dressing can change a salad’s calorie count into the fatty meat range.
Keep portion control at the forefront of your mind, and you will be able to eat freely while still “dieting.” Make sure to measure out the protein and carbs, i.e., the high calorie food, and go wild on the vegetables. Don’t forget to keep exercising in the beautiful sunny weather, and you’ll be healthier in no time!
Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian
and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can
be reached at CindyWeinberger1@
gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram @ EatBetterandFeelBetter.