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World Builders

Forgotten Her es The IDF’s Powerful Weapons

By Avi Heiligman

A soldier operating the VIPeR The Merkava IV tank

Anumber of Israeli-developed weapon systems have been in the news lately. Firstly, the Iron Dome was successful in shooting down over 90% of the rockets shot by Hamas and terrorists during the 11-day battle between Israel and Hamas. Then, Israel announced that it successfully tested a high-power laser system in several scenarios. This system is a low-cost, effective defensive weapon that was tested against UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or drones), and the plan is to develop it into use against long-range threats. These are just two of the latest weapons in a long list of equipment used by the IDF in research that commenced even before Israel became a country.

Early on in Israeli history, the military relied on foreign countries such as France, and then the U.S., for many of the weapons and equipment used by its army. The Israel Military Industries (IMI) began weapons production in 1933 while under the British Mandate. These weapons were manufactured for the Haganah, and after World War II increased production once it became clear that a confrontation with the Arab neighbors was bound to happen. They produced their own versions of hand grenades, mines, the American mortar, and the British Sten machine gun with ammunition.

After the Israeli War of Independence in 1948, Israeli engineers and inventors began to work on their own weapons. The Uzi was designed by IDF Major Uziel Gal and was first introduced in the 1950s. This submachine gun weighs less than 8 pounds and has a folding open-bolt stock, self-loading system that was first manufactured by IMI. Over 10 million Uzis were built, and 90 countries worldwide have used them at one point or another.

Other small arms designed and manufactured in Israel have been used by militaries and police around the globe. The Galil and the Tavor are two rifles that were also manufactured by Israeli companies. The Galil is an automatic rifle that was designed in the 1960s that started to see service in the following decade. It was meant to be a cross between the ruggedness of an AK-47 and the accuracy of the M-16. In 1990, IMI introduced a semi-automatic pistol, the Jericho 941, and it has been issued to Israeli police and foreign regular military and special forces units.

Tanks and fighting vehicles have been integral pieces in the battles and wars fought by the IDF since 1948. Merkava tanks have been a mainstay in the Israeli army since the late 1970s. General Yisrael Tal was had been a soldier in all of Israel’s early wars. During the Yom Kippur War, he astutely pointed out that without American aid the Israeli tactic of a fast tank would have proven a disaster for Israel. All of the tanks on the southern (Egypt) front didn’t have capabilities for a defensive attack on Israel’s borders. As an armored commander, he understood the need for Israel to have the best tanks and took his knowledge to the drawing board. The result was the Merkava that not only would be available for IDF purposes but could also be exported.

A recent variant is the Merkava IV, which saw its first action during the 2006 war in Lebanon. Unlike tanks of World War II and the Cold War that were built by the thousands, tanks like the Merkava are produced in smaller numbers with less than 100 that roll of the production lines a year. Rising costs and the declining need for tanks have given way to armored fighting vehicles. To keep up with newer types of vehicles, the Merkava now can carry three wounded on stretchers and can shoot down helicopters while moving quickly.

In addition to its thick armor and other defense mechanisms, Merkava tanks also employ the Rafael Trophy system which can intercept and destroy incoming missiles and rockets. In recent wars, the Trophy system has protected several tanks and their crews from being hit and has saved countless lives. During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, the Trophy system was used dozens of times, and not a single tank equipped with the system was lost.

In addition to their large array of UAVs, Israel has developed unmanned ground vehicles as well as unmanned boats. The VIPeR is a robot put out by Elbit Systems that can detect enemy soldiers, IEDs, booby traps, explosives, and other dangers. It is small, lightweight, and has an array of cameras. The VIPeR

The unmanned Protector, protecting Israel’s seas The Uzi being used by members of the American military

can be configured to carry a gun with a scope, has a robotic arm, and can disarm explosives.

Elbit Systems also produces the Silver Marlin, which is an unmanned boat that can be on a mission for more than a day at a time. Its array of missions includes reconnaissance, search and rescue, protection of personnel, patrol, and assessing damage and can go on the offensive when the need arises. The Protector Unmanned Service Vehicle was developed by Rafael Systems and is a 30-foot rigid, inflatable boat. It was created to meet enemy forces on the water without endangering lives. The Protector can also be used for surveillance and reconnaissance missions as well as anti-mine and electronic warfare operations. It has been used operationally in the Persian Gulf for peacekeeping missions. From the time Israel became a country until today, the Jewish State has been engaging in the latest technology to better equip the IDF. A lot of the weapons, machinery and other inventions produced in Israel have been sold worldwide. While keeping up with new technology can be very expensive, as we have seen with the Iron Dome, these inventions have saved countless lives and will, with G-d’s help, continue to do so in the future.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at aviheiligman@gmail.com.

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