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8 40

Global National That’s Odd


Israel News 12 28 37


My Israel Home

74 Is Bibi’s Reign Over? 76

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha Setting Speech Free by Rav Moshe Weinberger Lashon Hara by Shmuel Reichman Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow Mesiras Moda’ah, Part II by R’ Yaakov Klein


Honoring Colonel Larry Franklin by Michelle Zimmerman Frogmen Throughout the Years by Avi Heiligman


64 66 68 70 72

80 110

Compassionate Honesty by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn The Anti-Inflammatory Diet by Aliza Beer, MS RD CDN


92 94

The Aussie Gourmet: Tomato Basil Bruschetta







Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 88 Parenting Pearls JWow!

96 98

Mind Your Business 108

Your Money 116

Maybe They Have a History, Too by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 118


Notable Quotes

100 Biden is Making the Trump Presidency Seem Like a Golden Age of Unity by Marc A. Thiessen 105 The History of Wokeism by Steve Hilton 106

CLASSIFIEDS 112 Dear Editor,

I would like to thank Mrs. R. Molinsky for her kind words regarding Frankel’s Kosher and myself in particular. A manager is only as good as the staff behind him. Five years ago, Mr. Frankel had a vision of a kosher supermarket that would provide for the needs of the community with a dedicated staff and competitive prices. With new innovations by our store manager Nochum Kaplan, we at Frankels strive to make shopping here a pleasant experience.

Looking forward to meeting and greeting each valued customer, Jeff Green

Dear Editor,

I was in awe reading Cheri’s Tannenbaums’ article in your paper this week. The woman exudes such positivity and strength in the face of adversity. Just when I thought that she had suffered enough, I read on and saw more hardship. But Cheri never posed her challenges as hardships – which is more admirable! She is the epitome of sameach b’chelko and moving forward despite all the setbacks that she encountered.

Furthermore, although he wasn’t mentioned in the article too much, I am sure that her husband is someone who we can really learn from. He stuck by Cheri and cared for her all these years and kept her dreams alive, moving forward and building a family and future with her.

Please keep these wonderful, inspiring articles about amazing women coming!

Sincerely, Rivka Worman

Dear Editor,

This Thursday is the yahtzeit of the heiliger Reb Shayaleh of Keresteir. Over the past few years, many have been drawn to this tzaddik. His tzidkus was his care and love for every Yid. What is so inspiring about Reb Shayaleh, I think, is that we can actually emulate him. It seems like everything he did was about ahavas Yisroel and making another person feel good. Each of us can do that on our own level – whether it is giving tzedakah, joining a meal train, reaching out to a lonely friend. We could all be “little” Reb Shayaleh men and women.

While the rest of the world kills each other, in our community we can love each other and give to each other. This is the beauty of being part of our world.

May Reb Shayaleh continue to be a meilitz yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

Yitzchok H.

Dear Editor,

I’m surprised that you did not have an article on the legalization of marijuana in New York. Yes, it has been made legal by Albany. It seems like King Cuomo and his goons are pulling out all of the stops so that he

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Would you rather be the funniest person in a room or the smartest person in a room?

43% 57%

Continued from page 8

can stay in power. I guess marijuana smokers are a big voting bloc if they can stop hitting the bong and get their lazy bodies to the voting booth.

I’d say New York has gone to pot but all of the potheads would be like, “Wow, cool, dude, ahh, I see what he did there, get it – gone to pot, funky pun.”

I still remember when every time you opened a candy box it said, “Say no to drugs.” Now the government is pushing drugs. But since they show up at the annual concert in the park, let’s keep on voting for them.

The truth is, they are really doing a killer job for New York. Destroyed the economy – check; raised taxes – check; opened the jails – check; shut down summer camps – check.

No wonder they want everyone smoking pot. if we had any common sense left, we would fire the bums, from the Democrat governor to the local dogcatcher.

Larry Braunstein

Dear Editor,

Many times, specific policies and issues get highlighted more than others. When this happens, a more generalized conversation takes place. The game of politics takes form via distortions, lies, and narratives. This constant cycle might be a way to hype up the politics of the time, but ultimately it genuinely doesn’t fix the actual flaws in the policy.

One such known policy which constantly has such a pattern is the debate around guns. A school shooting is constantly how it begins. Many times, especially when it is a school shooting, the news covers it immediately and brings in the most divisive figures to react. Conservative politicians release statements of thoughts and prayers without politicization, and liberal politicians constantly in their reactions bring up the trigger words: gun control.

People like Biden, Pelosi, and others immediately call for background checks as if the policy would have prevented such a tragedy. Implications that the U.S. doesn’t require background checks in the first place, however, are false. In reality, when one attempts to buy any firearm in the U.S., they must sign a form called a 4473. The 4473 asks questions about a person’s information, residence, and criminal history. Furthermore, one must produce a valid government-issued ID. After, the National Instant Criminal Background Check agency that receives the 4473 form will either approve, delay, or deny the form.

The misconception of the effectiveness of restrictions on legal gunowners is apparent from the empirical evidence. According to the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice, under 11% of guns used in crimes are bought legally, while the other 90% of guns were either stolen or received from the black market. Consequently, in the political cycle involved in the public discussion of such issues, the facts are never revealed.

Many believe that if the U.S. had fewer guns via restrictive gun laws, gun crimes would decrease. The RAND corporation concluded after reviewing dozens of studies, however, that such proposed policies do not have much evidence of effectiveness. RAND also found that Europe, which overall has tougher gun laws, has the largest black market for guns in the world. Even with 60% of guns in the world originating from the U.S. on a legal level, RAND concluded that Europe’s gun black market still makes five times the revenue than the U.S.’s gun market! Also, the gun sold to criminals on the black market are more efficient and are either the same price or even less than buying guns legally. The United States has a problem with crime. Many diagnoses and solutions are wrongfully applied consequently. Instead, there has to be a moment of introspection if these previously proposed solutions are actually tackling the issue on hand. From the empirical evidence currently available, the current narratives and proposals do not slightly solve the dilemma. For real solutions, studies producing data must be produced. The issue of guns, mental illness and how single-parent households increase the likelihood of a life of crime by at least 10% should all factor into coming up with a solution. We also need to advocate to increase law enforcement in our communities, like Singapore. Singapore, which has one of the lowest crime rates in the world because of strong law enforcement, reinforces this truth. Real truths will fix our problems, not desired political narratives.

Sincerely, Donny Simcha Guttman

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