4 minute read
TJH Centerfold
Hot Diggity-Dog Congrats Brother Joey!
Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have had beer and hot dogs. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Noblest of all dogs is the hot dog; it feeds the hand that bites it. - Dr. Laurence Johnston Peter
If you were to [walk] into any vendor of fi ne hot dogs, and ask for a hot dog sandwich, they would probably report you to the FBI. - Anthony Bourdain
Now I have been known to say, “I need a new set of screwdrivers. I need a new wrench. I need some hammers,” and of course I don’t need any of those things; what I need is a deep-fried hot dog and I just don’t know how to say it. - Alex Guarnaschelli
Limiting the hot dog’s signifi cance by saying it’s “just a sandwich” is like calling the Dalai Lama “just a guy.” - Janet Riley, of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
They say hot dogs can kill you. How do you know it’s not the bun? - Jay Leno
You know what I love best about baseball? The pine tar, the resin, the grass, the dirt – and that’s just in the hot dogs. - David Letterman
It’s addicting, beating the [daylights] out of people and eating hot dogs and making people smile. I do feel like garbage afterwards, but so what? Most people feel like garbage after a long day of work. - Joey Chestnut
A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz. Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart -
We have beaten you to the moon, but you have beaten us in sausage making. - Former Soviet Premier Nikita us in sausage making. - Former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Khrushchev Brother Joey,
You never cease to amaze me with your incredible accomplishments. I am inspired by your devouring 76 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes during this year’s Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest, making you, Joey Chestnut, the back-to-back reigning hot dog champ. Although I ate the same amount of hot dogs this past Sunday, I didn’t do it in 10 minutes; it took me pretty much all day. So, kudos to you for proving to us once again that a person can accomplish anything that they set their mind to accomplish. Reach for the stars! Make a di erence! Accomplish big things! I learn all of this from you, my hero.
Anyways Joey, we are proud of you; keep up the good work. I know that you are a dedicated Centerfold reader, so this one is in your honor.
With admiration, respect, reverence, and awe,
Centerfold Commish

Hot Dog Trivia
Source: National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
1. Is a hotdog a sandwich? a. Of course b. Are you crazy? No way!
2. During peak hot dog season, from Memorial
Day to Labor Day, how many hot dogs in total do
Americans consume? a. 150 million b. 400 million c. 1.2 billion d. 7 billion
3. Residents of which city consume the most hot dogs? a. Chicago b. L.A. c. New York City d. Miami
4. What is the average weight of a fully loaded baseball park hot dog vendor’s bin? a. 25 pounds b. 40 pounds c. 80 pounds d. 120 pounds
5. Whose fi rst on-screen words were “hot dog”? a. Mickey Mouse b. Superman c. Spiderman d. Goofy
6. What is the approximate annual licensing cost, paid to NYC, to have a hot dog vending cart outside of the Central Park

7. True or false: Kosher hot dog sales are growing at twice the rate of total hot dog sales. a. True b. False
8. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage
Council, how many bites should it take to eat a regular size hot dog? (There is a di erent set of rules for a footlong) a. 5 b. 7 c. 10 d. 12
Answers: 1. B…seriously! 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. A Wisdom key 7-8 correct: You should consider trying to get a seat on the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. I’ve been working on my application process for a while now, and it’s not really that hard.
You just need to commit to eating at least 10 hot dogs a day for the rest of your life, which is something I do anyway. 4-6 correct: Not bad, but I ain’t gonna’ call you Frank! 0-3 correct: You know nothing about hot dogs. You probably eat your hot dog “sandwich” with ketchup, which, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, is not proper for anyone over 18 years old. (In other words, if it was a crime rather than just a wrong thing to do, you may actually face jail time for putting ketchup on your hot dog.) Hot dog!

Hot Dog and Sausage Council. I’ve eating at least 10 hot dogs a day for the rest of your life, which is something I do anyway. 4-6 correct: Not bad, but I ain’t