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Addicted to Caffeine? by Cindy Weinberger, MS, RD, CDN

Health & F tness

Addicted to Caffeine? You’re in Luck

By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN

The alarm clock goes off and you hit the snooze button only to crawl out of bed when it goes off again a few minutes later. You drag your feet, slowly getting dressed to start your day. What actually wakes you up in the morning? Agreed, many times it’s the screaming kids or the cold shower. But for majority of us, we look forward to waking up to that first cup of coffee. Whether pouring freshly brewed coffee, having the aroma fill the air, or picking one up at the coffee shop, we all need that caffeine to give us a boost in the morning. As if you didn’t love your morning coffee enough, here’s another reason why you should continue drinking that cup of joe. Research shows that caffeine at breakfast facilitates weight loss!

With the obesity rates on the rise, people are searching for strategies to curb appetite and reduce caloric intake. You’ll be happy to hear that something as easy as a cup of coffee in the morning can help you lose weight. Epidemiological evidence shows that those who consume caffeine regularly have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who do not consume caffeine. In addition, drinking caffeine with breakfast may reduce long-term

weight gain or improve weight loss. Experts believe this is due to caffeine’s thermogenic properties. Caffeine has been shown to increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation in humans. Additionally, caffeine suppresses one’s appetite. How?

Firstly, coffee is very filling, so just by drinking a full cup you will have less of an appetite for other food. Even more, the caffeine actually affects leptin, glucose, epinephrine, and dopamine, leading to an overall suppression of appetite and thus food intake. All of these effects combined help promote weight loss. However, a study was recently published on the effects of caffeine

intake on appetite suppression. The study revealed that while caffeine intake does affect meal energy intake, the effects are minor, and there is no evidence that the effect persists throughout the day. So don’t simply rely on your cup of coffee as an effort to lose weight. And don’t start chugging coffee after coffee either. One cup of caffeinated coffee at breakfast should do the trick. If you already drink coffee with your breakfast, you are still getting benefits. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, along with many other health benefits. Additionally, as mentioned above, drinking coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, will suppress your appetite. That alone can help promote weight loss.

And let’s not forget, we all need that caffeine boost regardless – might as well get other health perks along with it!

Something as easy as a cup of coffee in the morning can help you lose weight.

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian

and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can

be reached at CindyWeinberger1@

gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram @ EatBetterandFeelBetter.

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