South Florida Community Voice - April 11, 2024

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CANDLE LIGHTING - MIAMI BEACH APRIL 12 / ןסינ ’ד / עירזת תשרפ CANDLE LIGHTING: 7:24 PM SHABBOS ENDS: 8:19 PM MAY - JUNE 2023 / SIVAN- TAMUZ, 5783 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1 APRIL 11, 2024 / 3 NISSAN, 5784 WEEKLY ISRAEL AT WAR DAY 188 Ahavas Chesed Delivers Pesach Food To Approximately 500 Families Throughout Southeast Florida
Ishay Ribo concert at BRS Hanan Ben Ari Performs in Miami Beach

It is a great privilege to present the South Florida Community Voice. This weekly publication features updates, articles, and advertisements from local businesses. We are proudly affiliated with the finest and most reputable business owners and service providers of South Florida’s thriving Jewish communities.

This widely-read Community Voice stands out as South Florida’s largest direct-mail publication, uniting the Jewish communities of:

Orlando (Pesach/Sukkot)

Palm Beach

Boynton Beach

Delray Beach

Boca Raton

Deerfield Beach


Coral Springs

Coconut Creek

Pompano Beach

Sunrise Lauderdale


Fort Lauderdale



Cooper City

Pembroke Pines

Hallandale Beach


North Miami Beach

Sunny Isles

Bal Harbour


Miami Beach

© The South Florida Community Voice Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in printed or digital form in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission is prohibited. The publisher reserves all right to edit all articles for clarity, space and editorial sensitivities. Submissions cannot be returned to sender. The South Florida Weekly Magazine is not responsible for the cash flow of any advertised product or service that appears in these pages. The South Florida Community Voice Magazine assumes no responsibility for the content of articles or advertisements in this publication, nor for the content of books that are referred to or excerpted herein. INSIDE 28 32 26 44 14
CONTACT US TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATES. Rabbi Eliyahu Segal Publisher, CEO Phone: 954.662.5054 Email: For inquiries or to submit articles, kindly contact the editor via email at: Weekly submission deadline: MONDAY 9PM 305-919-4900

Miami Square features stunning single occupant offices with some of the most exceptional views in North Miami Beach. Whether for a remote-first company, a regional hub or new headquarters, this space is ideal High ceiling, fully finished private bathrooms on each floor. Immediate occupancy available. 24 Hr Video Surveillance plus other security measures. On-site management. Daily Mincha.

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Yaakov Rosenberg @ybrteam1 O U T O F T H E B O X IN THE S Q U A R E

Ahavas Chesed Delivers Pesach Food To Approximately 500 Families Throughout Southeast Florida

Ahavas Chesed, a Jewish outreach not-for-profit organization for the needy and seniors, proudly acknowledges full success in completion of its mission to deliver Pesach food and producee essentials to approximately 500 families throughout the Southeast Florida communities. The operation is 100% staffed by volunteers whose

pleasure is to dedicate their time and efforts to deliver happiness to all the recipients of Maos Chitim in the various communities. Recipients experience joy as the food essentials delivery helps to reduce their financial distress at a time where this holiday would otherwise burden them with hardship.

We thank our sponsor, the Metropolitan Council of Jewish Poverty in New York, for supporting a major portion of the Maos Chitim program, additional sponsors, operators in their various activities, and Kahal Anshei Deerfield for their cooperation, in ensuring the successful completion of this endeavor.



YoM Graduate Elisha Dovid Fuchs, who has been serving in the IDF, was able to return to Florida for his sister’s chasuna, where he was greeted warmly by family and friends, including Rabbi Wechsler.

Yeshiva of Miami

Rabbi Wechsler, YoM Rosh Mesivta/Head of School with Alumnus Josh Kon at the GroundBreaking H3 Florida Business Halacha Summit recently in Miami

Night Seder Learning with YoM Mashgiach Rabbi Asher Goldenberg

Hebrew Academy of Miami

Hebrew Academy of Miami Hosts Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez for Inspirational Campus Visit!

Last week, Hebrew Academy of Miami had the honor of welcoming Lieutenant Governor of Florida, Jeanette Nunez, to their campus. Mrs. Nunez addressed high school students about her life in politics and emphasized the importance of supporting Israel. She also toured Hebrew Academy’s campus, visiting one of the pre-K classrooms, the Digital Tools and GrowTorah class in elementary, and explored the new middle/high school building. Middle school students also had the opportunity to hear Mrs. Nunez read an excerpt from their novel to the class. Thank you to Teach Florida for making this visit possible and to Mrs. Nunez for taking the time out of her busy day to visit Hebrew academy.

To learn more about Hebrew Academy, please visit



Mizrahi Family Torah Academy!

Gan Chabad

Ohr HaTorah

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.23
“Eclipse Watch” at Mizrahi Family Torah Academy! Gan Chabad learning about Pesach. Photo Credits: Ohr HaTorah’s first annual melave malka. Torah Growth Awards and Talmud Torah Awards being presented to our Talmidim

Boca Raton Synagogue

Miami Dade Public School

Ishay Ribo concert at BRS Credit: Menachem Serraf @Serraf Studio. Miami Dade Public School children learn about Passover with Chabad Chayil. Credits:


Miami Beach


Fundraiser Event

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.25
Hanan Ben Ari concert- Miami Beach College Prep Celebration- Jewish Academy 8th Grade Honors Students becoming the first middle school class in South Florida to pass the PERT College Entrance Exam and begin College Classes! Academy Michael Samen performing at the fundraiser event

Leaning on the Horn

Operation Inspiration

When it comes to my driving, I tend to be a little more patient than my passengers sometimes like. If someone cuts me off, I’m more likely to step on the brake than lean on the horn. I take note of this on the road often, when a car may turn onto a main street, and the driver of the car coming down the road rather quickly reacts by sounding its horn vociferously, to let the idiot know he’s almost caused an accident, instead of stepping on their brakes, which would have greatly reduced the potential for a crash. I recognize that the driver in the back could have been more patient, which, of course, is easy to say when it isn’t me.

Indeed, it’s often when we’re in a hurry and we feel someone else in in our way, that we get impatient and choose to express our displeasure for their driving habits. Certainly, there are times when people should not merge into traffic as they did, or if they do, then they need to quickly get up to speed and not hold up everyone else, but in general, I find the drivers of the following vehicles could have been more sensitive.

I am not totally blameless, nor will I claim to be. If I’m rushing, or perhaps in a bad mood, I will often drive more aggressively than usual, and become more easily frustrated than I should. I guess knowing is half the battle, so my awareness of this is redeeming, to some extent, at least.

One day, however, as I was driving on a road where the speed limit isn’t the slowest, I came upon a landscaping truck, completely stopped on the road. His brake lights were on, indicating that he was stepping on them intentionally, but I had no idea why. The road immediately ahead of him was clear, and the cars coming around the bend

towards us indicated that there wasn’t some obstacle like a fallen tree beyond the curve.

Imagining the fellow must have been looking at directions and trying to figure out where to turn, I was annoyed that he chose this spot to do it. I mean, seriously, know the directions before you go! I honked my horn. It was not a long, obnoxious blast, but neither was it a polite, gentle toodle. I apparently woke him from his reverie, because almost immediately, he took his foot off the brake and began to drive forward. And that’s when I saw it…

On the side of the road, just before the curve, and having been blocked from view by the wide, white, landscaping trailer, was a road flagger; a man with an orange vest and a large, double-sided sign, who had just rotated it from STOP to SLOW in my direction. As I drive past him, I blushed with embarrassment realizing I had wrongly accused the driver ahead of being an idiot and an obstacle, when he was simply following the law.

As we rounded the bend, I saw a line of cars facing us, behind another man in an orange vest, who had turned his STOP sign towards them. There was some repair work going on and one lane of traffic was blocked, so they were

alternating drivers going in each direction.

From my earlier vantage point, I couldn’t see what was going on and merely imagined this fellow to be the bane of my existence. Instead, he was actually doing exactly what he was supposed to do at that moment, even if I was unaware of it. And that’s when I got a reminder about situations like this.

In life, we don’t always have all the answers. In fact, rarely do we have a full, proper, perspective on what’s going on. That’s why we have a mitzva of judging others favorably, and taking into account all the potential factors that might be at play, and not being quick to condemn them. (This includes judging Hashem favorably, as well.) If someone is impeding us, maybe we’re not supposed to be going in the direction we think. If they say or do something hurtful, we have to realize that Hashem, sans the orange vest, directed them to convey a message to us.

We ought to be mindful of the fact that we simply can’t see what’s coming around the bend, nor what we’ll find when we get there. It could be something very different than what we imagine, so it’s best to reserve judgment and go a little easier on the horn.

As I thought more about it, I realized the only horn we really ought to lean on, is the shofar which will herald the arrival of Moshiach. When that is blown, we will finally see the roadblocks removed, and be dependably certain that we’ve arrived at our intended destination at last.

© 2024 – All Rights Reserved

Did you enjoy this column? Feedback is welcome and appreciated. E-mail info@ to share your thoughts. You never know when you may be the lamp that enlightens someone else.

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.31

In the Heart of Broward County, a Beacon of Hope and Companionship Shines Bright for Holocaust Survivors & Seniors in our Community.

The Sunshine Circle, comprised of over 150 dedicated volunteers motivated by compassion and a sense of duty, is making a profound impact by providing companionship and support to over 350 Seniors daily.

Loneliness can be a silent epidemic, particularly among Holocaust Survivors & Seniors who often find themselves isolated, homebound, and unable to engage in the vibrant social interactions they once enjoyed. This can take a toll on their mental and emotional wellbeing, leading to feelings of loneliness and despair.

Recognizing this pressing need, in 2015, the Sunshine Circle made it their mission to brighten the lives of these individuals. They aim to match them with volunteers who offer weekly friendly visits, friendly calls, holiday food packages, Meals-on-Wheels, referrals, and support.

Sunshine Circle also hosts Yom tov meals for those who have no place to go or family to share the Yom Tov with. For those who can’t join, or who are homebound, Sunshine Circle distributes Yom Tov bags filled with essentials, such as apples and honey for Rosh Hashana, and matzah for Pesach. There is also a hand-drawn card from a child from

the PJ Library and they get to meet and schmooze with the volunteer that delivers them. These Yom tov bags serve as a reminder that they are cherished members of our community, deserving of love and respect.

These interactions and visits serve as a lifeline, providing much-needed companionship, a sense of connection, and belonging that is invaluable to those who may feel forgotten or overlooked. For many Survivors & Seniors, the simple act of seeing a friendly face and engaging in conversation can make a world of difference and forge bonds that enrich both their lives.

Nina K. of Pembroke Pines, recently widowed and not in a good state, found solace in the visits and calls from the Sunshine Circle volunteers. Each week, she received a call and a visit from two special volunteers, offering her a glimpse of joy amidst the darkness of her grief. With each interaction, Nina felt renewed hope and connection, realizing she wasn’t alone in her pain.

Felicia A., a homebound senior from Coconut Creek, received her Yom Tov bag for the first time just before Purim. She unpacked it and found a Hamantaschen, a sweet treat she hadn’t tasted in years, and was so touched as the

familiar taste brought back cherished memories of her father, whose birthday fell the day after Purim. She spent 45 minutes chatting and sharing stories with the volunteer who brought her the food bag. The visit brightened Felicia’s day and filled her home with warmth and companionship, reminding her of the joy that community and connection can bring, even in the quiet moments of life.

The stories of those touched by the Sunshine Circle are a testament to the power of human connection and kindness. For many Survivors & Seniors, these visits and gestures of goodwill are a ray of sunshine in an otherwise solitary existence.

The work of the Sunshine Circle serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when we come together in service of others. Together, we can make a difference—one visit, one conversation, and one act of kindness at a time.

Our next Yom tov food package delivery will be on April 14, at 9:30a.m. at Chabad of SW Broward. To learn more or to sign up a senior or as a volunteer, please check out our website www., or call 754-8004770.

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Pesach Woes to Pesach Wins

Pesach, the Yom Tov commemorating Yitziyas Mitzrayim, often sparks anxiety in many of my clients. A time that should be celebrated for seven days becomes a Yom Tov filled with woes, particularly related to food and nutrition. Allow me, an observant registered dietitian, to take those woes and turn them into wins by planning your shopping and cooking for the holiday.

Make the foods of Pesach work for you. Consider it a seven-day cleanse of all things leavened, from both a religious and health perspective. Read on if you want to know how I do it in my house.

Rule 1: Forget all the hype surrounding “Pesach” foods and products. First off, they are overpriced versions of potato starch and sugar. They provide no nutritional value, and you can survive a whole year without them, so why do you need them over these seven days? I’m talking about Kosher for Pesach cakes, cookies, candies, crackers, etc.

Rule 2: Plan meals to minimize food waste and reduce anxiety about what you will eat over the seven-day holiday. Be sure to shop for staples so you’re stocked up on items.

Rule 3: Matza is NOT the enemy. If you eat bread during the year, then matza is similar! Sure, it’s refined white flour, but you could purchase a whole wheat matza for a more fibrous and whole grain option. One board of matza contains 120 calories, 27

grams of carbs, 1 gram of fiber, and 3 grams of protein. Its whole-wheat counterpart contains 110 calories, 21 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. Basically, either one you choose is somewhat close to having a sandwich with 2 slices of bread (calorie and carbwise)

Rule 4: Make those classic Yom Tov dishes, but eat them in moderation. Matza brie is only the enemy if it’s your main dish. Serve it as a side dish to your morning eggs and fruit, or make it savory with mushrooms and onions as a “stuffing” side dish to your roast chicken and green salad.

Rule 5: Moderation is key. If you are a guest at someone’s table, politely decline foods that you know you should avoid (e.g., heavily sugared foods if you’re diabetic). Or, if you’re curious, take a small amount to try. At the end of the day, moderation is key, and abstinence is not sustainable.

Rule 6: Enjoy nature’s candy for dessert with sweets like dark chocolate and nuts. Desserts for the endless eating marathon can be light. Avoid the overpriced and high-calorie cake mixes. Opt for beautiful fruit salad or string fruit on kebabs. Serve with a variety of nuts for extra fiber, protein, and good fats. Still need that sweet fix? Choose dark chocolate. It’s a good source of antioxidants and, surprisingly, fiber, too!

Rule 7: Try intermittent fasting during the week of Pesach. If you eat late at night, especially on seder nights, wait 12 hours until

your next meal. This will help you control your calorie intake while also allowing your digestive system the rest it needs to work more efficiently.

Rule 8: Stay hydrated. Water and seltzer are the best. Aim for at least eight cups per day. Unsweetened tea and coffee, although dehydrating, are excellent sources of antioxidants, so stick to two cups a day.

Rule 9: Get moving. Holidays can become sedentary with lots of shul time and then sitting around the Yom Tov table. Take breaks between meals and socialize outdoors. Invite friends or family to go on an afternoon walk. This movement will help with your digestion as well as your mental health. Aim for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.

Rule 10: Kids will survive. If you can say no to them for pasta and sandwiches for seven days, you can limit the Pesach products you feel pressured to buy. Kids are resilient—more than you think. Opt for apple sauce, raisins, dried fruit, yogurt, fruit and nut butter, chocolate, matza, and cream cheese with cinnamon or jam. Make apple juice or grape juice pops with homemade icepop trays. Have a snack-tivity by dipping matza or fruit (i.e., grapes, blueberries, strawberries) in melted chocolate or yogurt and then freeze it. Perhaps make a high-protein cookie stick snack (recipe below).


Now, what does my menu look like? Here’s an idea for a couple of days:

Day 1:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, salad greens, tomatoes, raspberries with oil and balsamic vinegar, ½ sliced avocado

Lunch: Salad, broiled fish, roasted broccoli, sweet potato wedges

Snack: Apple and almond butter

Dinner: Chicken soup, roasted bone-in turkey breast, riced cauliflower with mushrooms and onions, roasted potato stacks, fruit kebabs and almond butter chocolate chip sticks

Day 2:

Breakfast: 1 slice equivalent of matza brie topped with almond butter and sliced strawberries, ½ cup Greek yogurt with cinnamon

Lunch: tuna fish stuffed pepper, cut-up melon

Snack: baby carrots and guacamole

Almond Butter Cookie Stick

Recipe (Adapted from Jamie Geller):


• 1 cup almond butter

• 6 tablespoons pure maple syrup

• 2 large eggs

• 1 teaspoon imitation vanilla extract* (or omit)

• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

• 1 cup chocolate chips

• Coarse sea salt, optional topping


1. Preheat oven to 350F—and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond butter, maple syrup, eggs, imitation vanilla extract or cinnamon, and baking soda. Fold in the chocolate chips.

Dinner: salad with vinaigrette, grilled chicken breast, quinoa and herb salad, roasted beet “chips,” dark chocolate, and berries

3. Pour the dough into two long logs on the baking sheet and use a spatula to shape it. The dough will seem flat, but it will puff up! If you want to bake it in an 8X8 tin for thicker cookie sticks, that works, too, but bake for an additional 5 minutes.

4. Bake for 15 minutes, then remove from the oven and sprinkle the top with chocolate chips and coarse sea salt. Slice into sticks on the baking sheet and set aside to cool.

*Can replace the imitation vanilla with ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder

Shana Meckler is a private practice Registered Dietitian in South Florida. She enjoys creating and cooking healthy meals for her husband and two young kids(ages 7 and 3). Shana does virtual private counseling and meal planning through her private practice, Something Nutritious. She can be reached at

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.37
APRIL 11, 2024 / P.39 We Treat Your Loved Ones Like Family. At Family First, our MISSION is to find caregivers for your parents that we would use for our own parents. We refer caregivers who undergo a level 2 background check, credential verification and a rigorous interview Each one of our caregivers are experienced, kind and dedicated Tel: 305.404.6410 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 860 Miami, FL 33137 • www. f Let us find the right match for you! Family First is a Concierge Private Duty Nursing Registry, offering services from 6 hours a day to 24 hours, 7 days a week. NR# 30211820 Gita Galbut • Elle Galbut Bienenfeld • Elana Galbut Miller Are your parents getting the best quality home care? • TAIJI • QIGONG • YOGA • MEDITATION • FACEBOOK LIVE CLASSES (FREE) EFRAIM JEFFREY GELTMAN I 561.562.2508 LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST MA 97383 • MATCHMAKING & DATING • LIFE COACHING EFRAIM JEFFREY GELTMAN I 561.562.2508 LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST MA 97383 Endorsed by Reb Yussi Fingerer

At Kitchen to Table, we’re passionate about bringing the art of the kosher culinary world to your table. Our kosher private chef service is all about you – your preferences, your location, your cherished moments. Chef Michelle Soussan is committed to crafting an unforgettable culinary experience that reflects your unique tastes. Every menu is a work of art, designed exclusively for you and your guests.

With a background in both traditional and contemporary Middle-Eastern kosher cuisine, Chef Michelle brings a creative touch to every dish, ensuring each one is a masterpiece of taste. Let us elevate your next gathering, big or small, with delicious kosher culinary creations.


The last thing you want to hear at your special event is “Sorry, that’s not included.” That’s why we provide everything you need to make your event a huge success - from exquisite food to exquisite wines, beautiful linens, professional waiters and bartenders & much more. Sit back and enjoy while we take care of every aspect of your special event.




APRIL 11, 2024 / P.41
BEST KOSHER-STYLE RESTAURANT IN MIAMI Bringing the art of the Kosher Culinary World to your table FOR HOLIDAYS | EVENTS | VACATIONS | PARTIES | SPECIAL MOMENTS STRICTLY GLATT KOSHER MEAT & DAIRY MENUS Let us lend you a helping hand! HELPING HANDS LENDING G’MACH ל”ז לואש ןב ןרהא ןושמש נ”על ל”ז יכדרמ םירפא תב ה”ע היח אמורפ Please contact: 305-534-7050 or 786-268-9883 If you just need a helping hand, the Helping Hands Lending G’mach can provide interest free loans of up to $10,000 for qualifed borrowers.* *Loan Amount, terms and payments are determined for each loan by the Loan Committee in consultation with the borrower. All information is kept in the strictest confidence. 2 guarantors will be required. As loans are repaid, funds are recycled to make new loans. Wedding Car Tuition Credit Card Camp Debt Rent
With mention of South Florida Community Voice

Fun Things To Do



Marathon Key

Families can witness the rehabilitation of these kind and adorable animals. This is a working hospital that will give you behind-the-scenes look and a chance to investigate sea-life education you’ll not find anyplace else. You can even feed the tiny critters yourselves!


Fort Lauderdale

A cute indoor play place to let your children’s imagination take form into reality with their many make-believe play stations including a hospital, a fire station, and a restaurant! A cozy lounge is available to any caregivers and parents to cool down on hot days while the energy blasts off in the play area. Kids aged 8 and up get to come in for free as well if accompanied by a paying sibling. Keep in mind this place also provides classes for those with hobbies, extra time on their hands, or tons of energy to exert!


Have another up close interactive animal experience but this time with nurse sharks and tarpons! Completely docile and able to be fed by hand these creatures are an adventure within themselves the moment you touch them! Hundreds of these beautiful animals occur per day in this area.




An exciting atmosphere that shows films of all genres and for all ages! Animation, live action, vintage, modern, all can be found under this glowing, entrancing environment! Check out their website to find the best showtimes, a calming musical playlist, and you can even rent your own ADA vehicle for an event or group of people!



Located in Palm Beach Gardens, this beautiful park has seven multi-purpose fields, a nature trail, two water spray areas, six pavilions, two playgrounds, and a little over 20 acres of preserve, it’s impossible to get bored here. Open daily and free of charge, this is a hard place to not be drawn to!

McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach offers a serene oasis where visitors can immerse themselves in lush landscapes adorned with an array of exotic flora and fauna. Its tranquil ambiance and meticulously curated collections make it a captivating destination for nature enthusiasts and leisurely strolls alike.


• Treasure Cove Water Park, Orlando

• Tidal Cove Water Park, Aventura

• Rapids Water Park, Riviera Beach

• Paradise Cove Water Park (C.B. Smith Park), Pembroke Pines

• Castaway Island Water Park (TY PARK), Hollywood

• McDonald Water Park, Hialeah

• Bucky Dent Water Park, Hialeah

• Calypso Cove Aquatic Facility, Margate

• Cypress Water Park, Coral Springs

• Splash Adventure Water Park, Deerfield Beach

• Aqua Challenge, Dania Beach

• Flamingo Water Park Resort, Kissimmee

• Shipwreck Island Water Park, Kissimmee

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.45
available for Pesach

Navigating the Dynamic South Florida Real Estate Market: Navigating the New Landscape Post-NAR Settlement

backed by the most up-to-date sources.

If you been following along, last weeks article demonstrated a shift in the way real estate in the US will be handled. In this article I will clarify what started this shift and what a potential future may look like.

How it came to be:

In 2018, an interesting legal case emerged from Missouri that has implications for anyone involved in buying or selling a home in the U.S. It all began when an injury attorney took up the cause of a homeowner who was taken aback by the commission paid to the buyer's real estate agent—a cost they hadn't realized they were footing. While this scenario was perfectly legal, the attorney saw an opportunity to challenge the status quo from an antitrust standpoint.

The Legal Battle

The attorney accused real estate firms and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) of conspiring to fix the standard

policies facilitated "steering," where agents might avoid showing properties offering lower commissions, thereby limiting buyer choices. The jury sided with the attorney, leading to a significant settlement with the NAR to avoid bankruptcy.

Implications for Consumers

Though the full impact of this case is yet to unfold, there are immediate changes that consumers can expect:

Transparency and Agreements: Agents are now required to secure a signed agreement from their clients, clearly outlining their roles and compensation.

Negotiating Commissions: The assumption that sellers must cover the commission for both agents may shift, opening up discussions on negotiability for it to be paid by the buyer.

Privacy in Commissions: Agents will no longer have access to public commission rates and must inquire directly to learn about them.

industry dedicated to guiding clients through significant transactions, necessitating a particular set of skills to ensure success for all parties involved. This professional expertise and the commitment to finding the most efficient process justify the compensation agents receive. Market forces, along with the supply and demand dynamic, will continue to play a critical role in determining the cost of buying and selling homes. The recent legal developments have updated the logistics of real estate transactions, yet the ultimate goal remains—to offer clients the highest quality service to achieve the best possible deal efficiently.

Need More Insights?

Navigating South Florida's real estate market requires a nuanced understanding of its dynamics. For personalized advice or further discussion on market trends, feel free to reach out. Together, we can explore strategies tailored to your real estate goals.

Compass is a licensed real estate broker. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (including square footage). This is not intended to solicit property already listed. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. Avi Werde Luxury R.E. Advisor The Carroll Group M: 305.209.6223

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APRIL 11, 2024 / P.49
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Abe Chen Private Wealth Mortgage Banker, Certified Construction Loan Specialist, Residential Mortgage Lending NMLS #1628888 Mobile: 917-543-7995 Office: 212-361-3836 Email: Trends for the 30 year fixed jumbo loan as of March 12, 2024 REAL ESTATE


The Three Pillars of Making Money

I recently held a financial planning workshop. The organizers wanted me to provide three tangible takeaways for attendees to maximize their finances. Here is what I had to say…

At the core of every successful household lies the nuance of financial planning. Primarily, it’s about more than just earning money—it’s about how you manage it. Understanding your income, expenses, and debts is paramount. Yet, this pillar isn’t solely about crunching numbers; it’s about cultivating a mindset of financial responsibility and mindfulness.

I emphasized the importance of creating a budget tailored to individual needs and goals. By tracking expenses and identifying areas for optimization, you better understand your overall financial setting. From there, we devise actionable plans for debt management, expense reductions, and alleviating other financial burdens.

One client shared with me that she spends approximately five hours a week dealing with her family’s medical insurance claims because of their poor coverage. She could spend that time with family or bill more work hours to increase her income. She realized that, beyond being a completely inefficient use of her time, the added stress only leads to poor performances in other areas of her life.

Pillar number two. Your career is not just a means to an end— it’s a vehicle for personal growth and financial prosperity. The

second pillar revolves around optimizing your professional objectives, ensuring that you’re not only earning a living but thriving in your professional endeavors. This means not only negotiating competitive compensation packages but also seeking out opportunities for advancement and fostering professional relationships and mentors.

Through my consultations, I offer insights into skill development, networking, and strategic career planning. By identifying strengths through hyper-personalized aptitude testing, we tailor strategies to empower individuals toward their career goals. By honing these skills, clients position themselves for upward mobility and increased earning potential.

Pillar number three. In today’s dynamic economy, diversifying income streams is vital to financial resilience and abundance. The third pillar focuses on exploring avenues for additional income creation beyond traditional employment. I guide clients in identifying

opportunities for side hustles, entrepreneurial ventures, and passive income streams.

Whether it’s starting a small business, investing in real estate, or exploring the world of e-commerce, we work together to leverage their skills and interests into profitable endeavors. More importantly, I stress the importance of financial literacy and education in navigating the complexities of investment and entrepreneurship. By equipping clients with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, we mitigate risks and maximize opportunities for wealth creation.

Essentially, the three pillarsprofessional objectives, income creation and financial planning form the cornerstone of living a fulfilled and prosperous life. By integrating these pillars into a cohesive financial strategy, anyone can embark on a journey toward financial freedom and abundance.

Shmuel Shayowitz (NMLS#19871) is a respected Real Estate & Finance Executive, Writer, Speaker, Coach, and Advisor. As the President and Chief Lending Officer of Approved Funding, a leading national mortgage banker and direct lender, Shmuel has facilitated over $2 billion of mortgages over the past two decades. Shmuel’s expertise spans various licenses and certifications, including specialized mortgage underwriter, licensed real estate agent, and accredited coach. His market insights and experience are highly sought after in the real estate, finance and coaching industries. In addition, Shmuel is a seasoned real estate investor and property manager, facilitating thousands of rentals nationwide. Shmuel can be reached at shmuel.

APRIL 11, 2024 / P.51 Office: 305-509-5353 Ext. 1 DEERFIELD BEACH NORTH MIAMI BEACH 1557 NE 167th st North Miami Beach, Fl 33162 NORTH MIAMI BEACH Off Market $110,000 FOR Yaakov Rosenberg 182 Westbury #J Circle Deerfield Beach, Fl 33442 Sale MIDTOWN MIAMI $1,800/m FOR Rent $579,000 FOR Sale ד’’סב NORTH MIAMI BEACH FOR Rent FOR Rent HOLLYWOOD 1510 N 73rd Way Hollywood, Fl 33024 1315 Ne Miami Court Miami, Fl 33132 1081 Ne 179th Street North Miami Beach, Fl 33162 16751 Ne 9th Avenue Apt 512 North Miami Beach, Fl 33162 OFFICE SPACES For Lease NORTH MIAMI BEACH NORTH MIAMI BEACH 633 NE 167th st North Miami Beach, Fl 33162 All units rented! $4,200/m $1,750/m $33/Per Sqft Rented FOR Rent 1035 Ne 169th Terr North Miami Beach, Fl 33162 $3,800/m WE HAVE 2 OFF MARKET DEALS IN UPSTATE NEW YORK. CALL ME FOR MORE INFO!! MIAMI BEACH FOR Rent 3535 Indian Creek Drive, Apt 504 Miami Beach, Fl 33140 $2,900/m

I Got My First Client Without Knowing How To Sell

I took a trip last week to my first client ever. I wanted to say thank you. At the time, I literally had no idea what I was selling them. I mean, I knew I was there to save them some money. I knew what I wanted to get from the business when I left after that first interaction. But I didn’t think I would get it. How wrong I was.

I was just a month old into my door to door walk ins in NYC. It was a chilly September morning back in 2017. I was still having second thoughts about selling. After all, I was soon graduating my MBA program and I felt that door to door sales was beneath me. That same morning as every other in NYC, found me having trouble finding parking. It was another excuse to throw in the towel before my first knock of the day. I finally found a spot under a train bridge and started my journey down the block with hesitation in my step.

desk on the upper level. Not this office created with patched up drywall. With nothing to lose, I had to start somewhere.

“Well sit down and tell me what a fine Jewish kid like you is doing in my office,” Don barked. About to open my mouth and start selling my product, Don said he didn’t care what I was selling. He wanted to know about me. So, for the next thirty minutes, we chatted and shot the breeze about politics, Isreal, the sorry state of NYC, how it’s not like the good old days, and the taxes he’s paying for having over a hundred employees.

I always liked walking into large manufacturers and found a building that met those criteria. With a deep breath, I opened the side door to this huge building filled with deafening machinery. It was a sight to behold. The place was humming with activity. In I walked with little concept of my product, but I knew the questions to at least ask. After all, I was still getting trained.

I recognized that this moment required a hop in my step and a boss man mentality. That was the only way I was going to get myself in front of the real boss in this place. I walked up to one of the guys on the factory floor and told him I’m here for the jefe (boss-man). I was feeling good. He politely showed me where, and pointed to a little office amongst the factory floor. I remember thinking that there’s no way he pointed to the right office. I wanted the Mahogany

Before we parted, I asked for the bosses “name again please”? “Don” he politely said. Continuing my stroll to my decision maker, I must have looked like a salesman par excellence as I dropped a “hey bud” to each employee I passed while holding an iPad tucked under my arm. You could practically smell commission on me. I walked up to the unsuspecting corner office, took a deep breath and I helped myself in. I actually barged in. I was here to put on a show, and I was the showman.

“Hey, you must be Don,” I confidently mustered as I saw an older balding guy, in his seventies, who looked like he’d been living here since 1962. He was in a duck taped swiveling office chair and had hands so greased, that I could’ve fried my chicken on them.

“Who the @$!& are you?” he shouted back. I had assumed right. I knew my clientele. If I outdid him, I’d have a good shot. If not, I’d at the very least, have an amusing conversation.

“I’m here to get your business,” a stern and confident self answered back, my heart pounding a hole through my sweaty shirt by now and legs visibly shaking. I wanted to run out. I had changed my mind. I wanted no piece of Don.

If I was me, now, I wouldn’t have been thinking the entire time about still getting his business. Instead, I would have known that it was practically a done deal at that point and just a matter of time. Once your prospect feels comfortable around you and opens up to you, the sale will happen on its own. Sometimes right away and sometimes with some time. I was just learning though. My mind kept going back to when I’m going to cut in and make my pitch.

I didn’t have to. Once he liked me enough, he paged his secretary: “There’s a fine kid on his way upstairs. Get him any documentation he asks for. He’ll be our new merchant service.”

The rest as they say is history.

It was great to be back last week catching up over donuts and coffee. I heard all the company gossip, which they felt comfortable discussing with me, even calling the new CEO in, his son, for our chat. I was part of the family and not worried about my competition.

Stop selling and start connecting. The sale will eventually happen on its own.

Shalom Markman started selling merchant services by door knocking in NYC. He currently lives in Norfolk VA with his family and visits Florida when he gets hungry or brings on a new client. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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South Florida Gemach Directory



Support group for women struggling with infertility

Call Sharona at 917-673-6123

Sharsheret Cancer Support

Call: 954-416-0087

Shalom Task Force Domestic Abuse Hotline

Call: 888-883-2323


Non-profit organization in Hollywood, FL offering financial assistance for mental health services and 100% Kosher therapeutic housing for young Jewish women with trauma and mental health struggles (786) 992-5036


People available for support, Advice & Resource Guidance over the phone or in person

Seniors Support

For seniors looking for someone to talk to.

Call or text: 347-324-4039

Free Private Counseling for Women with Breast Cancer

Strictly confidential, MSW with 20 years experience

Call: 845-721-7062

Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services

Free counseling & help for couples struggling w/ infertility

Jaclyn at


Challah Gemach

Free Challah for needy families for Shabbos.

Call or text: 347-324-4039

Shifra & Puah Meals/Assistance for Postpartum Women

Call Esther: 310-866-8261 or Rabbi

Benitah: 718-213-1811

Yetiv Lev Food Assistance

Emergency assistance, visits and meals for new mothers and others that are sick

Contact 786-202-3344

Tomchei Shabbos Miami Kosher


Contact Rabbi Mendy Cheruty at 305-219-3353

Tomchei Shabbos of Florida

Contact Dovie Katz at 786-248-1690

The Cupboard, Jewish Family Services:

The Dorit & Ben J. Genet (Broward residents only by appointment)

Contact 954-530-7555

Jewish Community Services Food Bank


Craig’s Pantry


*The South Florida Community Voice is not responsible for hechsher at pantries. Please verify all food items.


The Closet

1840 NE 183rd St. North Miami Beach, FL Next to the Skylake Shul 305-4671928

Goodman Jewish Family Services 954-909-0810


Freshly prepared meals for families sitting Shiva

Call or text: 347-324-4039

Neshama Foundation

Financial assistance, end-of-life education, and personalized guidance to prevent cremation and grant each Jew their final respects.

Call: 833-469-7685


Chesed Shel Emes

Helps families cope with all matters related to the care of the deceased: burial, transport, shiva chairs, tables etc.

Call: 305-359-5700 or 305-590-8005


Free Loan Gemach

No interest small loans

Contact Rina at 347-628-0394

Hebrew Free Loan Association of South Florida

Contact 305-933-1187 or 954-706-6236

Loan Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 305-332-3572

The Helping Hands

Lending G’mach.

Contact Aharon Greenberg: 305-534-7050 or 768-268-9883



Mezuzah Gemach

Mezuzahs available to borrow

Contact Rabbi Yochanan Klein at 305-450-8287

Free Mezuzahs

Mezuzahs available free of charge



Everything Virtual Gemach for Jewish Families with Financial Difficulties

Helps people find an item you need from someone who is donating it. This includes clothing, shoes, toys, books,

baby gear, furniture placement, Judaica, Sefarim, sheitels, houseware items and more (everything except medical supplies, coats and gowns)

Does not resell anything that is donated*

Contact Orit Sabo at 917-359-5818 to request an item or to donate an item to someone else

For the full Gemach list, please visit:


Restaurant Entrepreneur

Former practicing business transactions attorney is looking for a restaurant entrepreneur to be partners in a unique, fast casual, potentially huge restaurant chain concept centered around an old Jewish favorite food, starting in Dade or Broward County. No financial investment required. Please inform of your experience to KMB3KMB@YAHOO.COM

North Miami Beach Restaurant looking for a manager full time or part time please call must have experience 786-553-5028

Looking to hire: Full time (9-5) secretary/ office manager based out of office in Miami Beach. Must have basic computer skills, emails, spreadsheet organizing, quickbooks, and most importantly be a team player with good energy. Pay based upon experience with room for growth. Requirements: must have a vehicle and speak Spanish Send resume and inquiries to Moshe@cmgtgroup. com to schedule an interview

The cave is now hiring servers hostess & kitchen staff 954-888-8112

Currently looking for self driven individuals to join our financial firm. We can train & develop you to own your own practice or grow into management positions. Call or WhatsApp 806-290-6618

Aventura/North Miami Beach full-time and part-time security positions available Monday - Friday as well as on the weekends. Morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight shifts available. Must have an active D license and speak English. Bilingual a plus! Please call 239-379-1764

A local Hollywood preschool is looking for a full time bookkeeper. Please reach out to 954625-4580 or email


Kosher Recipes Made Easy



• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon mustard powder

• 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves

• 1 tablespoon kosher salt

• 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

• 1 (4-pound) chicken, cut into eighths

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1 medium onion, in 1/4-inch slices

• 1 cup fennel, in 1/4-inch slices

• 2 tart apples, unpeeled, cored and in 1/4inch slices

• 1 cup chicken broth


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. In a small bowl, combine the cinnamon, mustard, thyme, salt, and pepper. Rub over the chicken.

3. Heat oil, over high heat, in an ovenproof saute pan that is large enough to fit all the

chicken in one layer without crowding the pan. If the pan is too small, work in batches. Brown chicken pieces for about 4 to 5 minutes on each side.

4. Transfer the chicken to a plate and set aside.

5. Add onions, fennel, and apples to the saute pan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring to make sure they don’t burn.

6. Return chicken and any accumulated juices to the saute pan with onions, fennel, and apples; cook for 5 minutes.

7. Add broth and place the pan in the oven. Continue cooking for 30 minutes.

8. Arrange chicken on a large platter. Surround chicken with onions, fennel, and apples. Pour pan juices over top.

Jamie Geller is the Chief Media and Marketing Officer at Aish. She is also a bestselling cookbook author, celebrity chef, television producer, and businesswoman. She’s the author of eight cookbooks and the founder of Kosher Media Network.




1101 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132

Now – April 21, 2024

Explore shark diversity and habitats with life-sized models, 3D displays, and more! This large aquarium offers live shark views. If you love the ocean or just want an educational first-hand view, come along


May 5, 2024

Sunday 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Charles F. Dodge City Center Pembroke Pines, FL


April 13th-September 2nd

Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens


Bring your children to the Young Israel of Hollywood-Fort Lauderdale

Sunday, April 14 | 9:30am - 12:00pm**



Draw what your favorite stuffed animal looks like!

First place: $30 gift card | Second place: $20 gift card | Third place: $10 gift card

Email your artwork to

Make sure to include your name, age, and city.

Entries must be received by April 16, 2024

Winners will be announced in the April 18th edition and will also be contacted directly.

This type of contest encourages creativity, education, and community engagement while celebrating important Jewish themes. It allows kids to express themselves through their art and writing, and it also provides an opportunity for their work to be showcased in the magazine.

Sponsored by: SMASH HOUSE BURGERS (305) 351-9545


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