The South Florida Community Voice - September 28, 2023 Mega Sukkot Edition

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We are honored to introduce the South Florida Community Voice. We will be featuring local updates, articles and ads of local businesses. We have an affiliation with the finest and most reputable business owners and service providers within our Jewish community.

The Community Voice is South Florida’s largest directmail publication bringing together South Florida Jewish communities of:

Orlando (Pesach/Sukkot)

Palm Beach

Boynton Beach

Delray Beach

Boca Raton

Deerfield Beach


Coral Springs

Coconut Creek

Pompano Beach




Dear Editor of the South Florida Community Voice,

I hope this letter finds you and your team in good health and high spirits. I am writing as a long-time reader and avid supporter of the South Florida Community Voice, a newspaper that has been an integral part of our Jewish community here in South Florida. I wanted to take a moment to express my delight and gratitude for the recent transition from monthly to weekly issues, which has added a whole new dimension of excitement and enjoyment to our reading experience.

The shift to weekly publication has been a remarkable enhancement, bringing us more frequent updates, news, and insights into the vibrant Jewish life in South Florida. It has made staying informed and connected with our community easier and more accessible than ever. Having our beloved magazine arrive in my mailbox every week has become a highly anticipated event in our household.


Fort Lauderdale



Cooper City

Pembroke Pines

Hallandale Beach


North Miami

Sunny Isles

Bal Harbour


Miami Beach

I also wanted to commend your commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the content of the South Florida Community Voice. One feature that has particularly stood out to me is the inclusion of articles that cater to women’s interests and needs. The “Simply Organized” column by Rachelli has been a tremendous resource for many in our community, offering practical tips and guidance on maintaining an organized and efficient home life. Rachelli’s insights are not only invaluable but also relatable, making her column a must-read for many women like myself.

Additionally, the recipes shared by Jamie Geller have been a culinary delight. They not only introduce us to new and exciting dishes but also provide a creative way to explore our Jewish culinary heritage. The recipes are well-crafted, easy to follow, and always result in a delicious meal that our family enjoys together.

In conclusion, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the South Florida Community Voice’s dedication to serving our community with timely, engaging, and insightful content. The transition to weekly issues has undoubtedly elevated our reading experience, and the inclusion of articles catering to women’s interests demonstrates your commitment to representing the diverse voices within our community.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to keeping us informed and connected. We look forward to many more weeks of informative and enjoyable reading in the South Florida Community Voice.

P8 / TSFCOMMUNITYVOICE.COM © The South Florida Community Voice Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in printed or digital form in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission is prohibited. The publisher reserves all right to edit all articles for clarity, space and editorial sensitivities. Submissions cannot be returned to sender. The South Florida Weekly Magazine is not responsible for the cash flow of any advertised product or service that appears in these pages. The South Florida Community Voice Magazine assumes no responsibility for the content of articles or advertisements in this publication, nor for the content of books that are referred to or excerpted herein.
Contact us to place your ad and take advantage of our special introductory rates. Rabbi Eliyahu Segal Publisher, CEO (954) 662-5054 Send your letter to the editor to
We want to hear

A New Bais Medrash For Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes

In what was certainly one of the largest displays of kavod HaTorah in South Florida, over 500 men, women and children came together on Sunday, September 10, to celebrate the Chanukas Habayis of the beautiful new Bais Medrash and Heichal HaTorah Zichron Yitzchok Isaac of Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes in North Miami Beach. It was a highly anticipated moment as Roshei HaYeshiva, Rabbanim, Rebbeim, parents, alumni and friends all shared in the simchas haTorah that was so palpable in the room.

Over the years, as the community and Yeshiva continue to expand, South Florida has grown into an epicenter of Torah. It has become a thriving Torah community, and more than ever, people are moving down to join. YTCTE is proud of the role it has played in this Torah growth, and now, thanks to the vision and fortitude of those dedicated to continuing that growth, we have all come together, raised the banner high and created a beautiful new Bais Medrash to serve as the fitting citadel of Torah that the Yeshiva has become.

In addition to the many local Rabbanim chashuvim who attended, HaRav Akiva Grunblatt shlita and HaRav Shaul Opocynszki shlita, Roshei HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim/Rabbinical Seminary of America, along with HaRav Bentzion Chait shlita, founding Rosh HaYeshiva of YTCTE and Director of RSA’s National Torah Initiative, flew in from New York to participate in this momentous occasion.

The program began with introductory remarks from Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Mordechai Palgon, who contrasted the challenges of

the original Bais Medrash with the many improvements that have now been made. Rabbi Nosson Yishaya Schwartz, Director of Institutional Advancement, spoke of the qualities of Rav Yitzchok Isaac ben R’ Asher HaKohen in whose memory the entire Heichal HaTorah is dedicated. Rabbi Schwartz also spoke of the Bais Medrash wall that is being dedicated in memory of the Yeshiva’s beloved Mashgiach, HaRav Dovid Sharfman zt”l, by over 100 alumni, family members and friends.

HaRav Yisroel Y. Niman, Rosh HaYeshiva, was mechazek the crowd by highlighting that the nissim we have all seen in the completion of this beautiful makom Torah are a result of the combined zechuyos of the Rebbeim, talmidim and dear friends of the Yeshiva. He then introduced HaRav Grunblatt who shared his memories of his early years in YTCTE and the importance of a beautiful and functional Bais Medrash to learn and grow with hard work but also with joy. Torah may not always come easy, it requires much effort but ultimately brings much simcha. Participants were also treated to a special address by Mr. , Founder and CEO of The Heitner Group, and one of the initial supporters of the Bais Medrash renovation project, who spoke about how privileged he feels to have been introduced to such a wonderful Yeshiva and how proud he is to support its Torah growth.

The program concluded with the Mizrach Vant dedication to HaRav Dovid Lehrfield zt”l, presented by his son and YTCTE Vice President, Rabbi Moshe Lehrfield. This was followed by Mr. Amram Adar affixing the new mezuza, whose klaf was made by Rabbi Kaganoff’s middle school talmidim, on the doorway of the Bais Medrash. As the mezuza was attached, talmidei hayeshiva immediately led the crowd in enthusiastic singing and dancing, accompanied by the spirited singing of Shlomo Simcha. The dancing continued as everyone in attendance was drawn into the captivating magic of a true Torah celebration and the fervent tefila from all.

May it be Hashem’s will that the Shechina dwells in our handiwork and the Kol Torah continues everstronger in the new Bais Medrash.

And, in fact, when the dancing did finally conclude, the alumni who came from near and fear, remained in Yeshiva for the rest of the afternoon to participate in a full day of learning at a special Alumni Yarchei Kallah and Azkara for Rabbi Sharfman zt”l. For in truth, there is no greater simcha, no greater joy, than the simcha that comes from learning Hashem’s Torah.

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Rebbetzin T.

Talmudic University / Yeshiva v’Kollel Bais Moshe Chaim of Miami Beach: Innovating Outreach Efforts and Community Engagement

A Look at Their Recent Initiatives and Inspiring Panel Forums

Talmudic University / Yeshiva

v’Kollel Bais Moshe

Chaim of Miami Beach has long been a pillar of Jewish education and spiritual growth in South Florida. This year, they have outdone themselves with a series of innovative initiatives that have captured the hearts and minds of the local community. From interactive learning sessions to inspiring panel forums, the Yeshiva is leaving an indelible mark on the spiritual journey of its members.

One of the standout initiatives is “Supercharge Your Elul.” This program invited the South Florida community to actively participate in the Yeshiva’s morning Seder during the entire Elul Zeman. What sets this apart is the collaborative learning experience that brings together Bnei HaYeshiva and local baalei batim. Participants dive into in-depth learning sessions that explore various sugyas in Masechtos

Rosh Hashana and Yoma, focusing on Teshuva and spiritual introspection.

A special highlight of this program is the Panel Forum held every Sunday after the Seder, where Teshuva themes are further elucidated. The first forum, titled “Making the Most of Elul” on August 27th, featured esteemed panel members like Rav Yehuda Zweig, Rosh Yeshiva, and Rabbi Yehoshua Sova, Rav of Shaare Ezra, Miami Beach.

The subsequent forums, “Why Rosh Hashana Precedes Yom Kippur”

on September 3rd and “Achieving Real Teshuva” on September 10th, brought together a distinguished lineup of speakers, including Rabbi Gidon Moskovitz and Rav Simcha Weinberg.

To further strengthen the sense of community during this program, a special Kumzitz was organized by the S’gan Mashgiach, Rabbi Yossi Hacker, on September 7th. This gathering provided a unique opportunity for participants to bond and share their experiences, reinforcing the camaraderie that is at the heart of this initiative.

The impact of the Yeshiva’s outreach efforts extends beyond its own walls. After attending a panel forum in Surfside, FL, attendees were so impressed that they invited Rav Akiva Zweig to speak at Congregation Magen David on a weekly basis. The inaugural shiur, titled “The Heart of Repentance,” was delivered to an enthusiastic crowd on Thursday night (September 7th), thanks to the coordination efforts of Mr. Koby Assaraf, one of the original panel attendees.

Rav Akiva Zweig’s commitment to spreading knowledge and inspiration

doesn’t stop at the local level. When serving as a Scholar in Residence in various shuls across the United States, he takes the opportunity to engage with local Yeshiva High Schools. In an effort to expand this initiative, a series of monthly, interactive Zoom shiurim has been developed.

The inaugural shiur on Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech was held with the Southern California Yeshiva High School (SCY High), San Diego, CA, on Friday morning, September 8th, and was met with tremendous success. The students eagerly anticipate the next shiur. Moreover, the Yeshiva High School of Cleveland, Beachwood, OH, is next in line to benefit from this enlightening program after the Yomim Tovim.

Talmudic University / Yeshiva v’Kollel Bais Moshe Chaim of Miami Beach’s commitment to enriching the spiritual lives of its community members is truly commendable. Their innovative initiatives, from collaborative learning experiences to inspiring panel forums and outreach efforts beyond their local borders, are paving the way for deeper connections and spiritual growth. As they continue to expand their reach and inspire hearts, their impact on Jewish education and spiritual development remains undeniable.


6 Qualities of a Good Counselor

When it comes to mental health counselling, there isn’t one modality or style that suits every client. Factors such as years of experience and preferred theoretical approach are important, however, listening to your intuition and choosing a counselor based on how comfortable you feel is critical to forming a meaningful therapeutic relationship and achieving your desired outcome. Once you meet with a mental health professional, ask yourself questions such as “can I be honest with this person” and “do I feel heard by this person?”

Below we highlight six additional characteristics to look for in your mental health counselor.

Cultural Competence – To be effective in fostering a meaningful relationship and open, honest dialogue, it is crucial for your counselling professional to have a thorough understanding of your background, family history, and cultural beliefs and values, to name a few. It is their ethical and professional responsibility to provide therapeutic services to multi-culturally diverse populations without bias and incorporating cultural competence into daily practice. A culturally competent counselor will consider all biopsychosocial features that make you unique, such as race, socioeconomic status, gender preference,religious beliefs, and sexuality, among others. In doing so, your counselor is better able to put themselves in your shoes; visualising and understanding your world as seen through your lens. They can properly address complex issues such as

discrimination, that may be negatively impacting your ability to function inside and outside of your environment. Most important, taking your culture and background into consideration helps the counselor paint a comprehensive picture of you and your life. They are able to communicate with you more effectively, better understand the life challenge and/or any adversity you may be facing, and help you cultivate coping strategies that you will use autonomously to move forward.

Accepting – Your counselling environment should be a judgementfree zone. When you are being vulnerable and open to sharing private information about yourself and your life, your counselor’s ability to exhibit acceptance without judgement, is one of the most effective ways to show their support and encourage further meaningful conversation. Regardless of your weaknesses, mistakes, shortcomings, bad habits, taboo beliefs, or overall negativity, a good counselling professional accepts each client as they are and commits to guiding them through the good, the bad, and the ugly times along their healing journey. (Sidenote – Counsellors also have a legal and ethical obligation to recognize when a client’s presenting problems are outside their scope of practice. When this happens, they should follow proper protocol and respectfully refer the client to another professional with appropriate training, credentials, and expertise).

Excellent Interpersonal Skills

– One benefit to possessing strong interpersonal skills is effective communication. When it comes

to counselling, communication is everything. Your therapist should have the ability to express themselves clearly and concisely, pick up on your feelings and hidden meanings beyond what you verbalized, notice important nonverbal cues, showcase empathy and acceptance, and listen closely to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it.

Trustworthy – It is imperative that you trust your counselor. A good rapport should be established early- on in your therapeutic journey and trust should be the foundation of your therapeutic alliance. You want to reap all the potential life-changing and healing benefits of your counselling experience, and for this to happen, you must trust this individual. Notice how you feel around them. Are you comfortable disclosing private health information, exploring your fears, unlocking painful memories, and discussing other confidential life details?

Optimistic and Realistic - Effective counselling professionals strike a healthy balance between being hopeful and being realistic. They recognize when it’s necessary to challenge clients as opposed to agreeing with them all the time. When seeking the right therapist based on your distinct needs, you don’t want someone who simply agrees with you. Allowing a therapist to challenge your way of thinking helps you:

• View your problems from a different perspective

• Set realistic, attainable goals

• Discover helpful coping techniques you may not have considered previously

• Feel supported along your journey


• Become more self-aware

• Make more informed decisions to better yourself and your life

Active Listening – It’s no secret that one of our basic human needs is to be heard. A good counseling professional is engaged and actively listening throughout the entire session. Your counselor should listen without judgment, allow you to finish without interruption, repeat back what you say in their own words (to ensure accuracy and comprehension), and ask clarifying questions (when unclear).


We are a Florida-based private practice and play therapy center that is home to a dynamic team of mental health counseling professionals. Our clinicians bring a diverse set of skills and talents when offering therapeutic services to children, teens, adults, individuals, couples, and families of all ages and backgrounds. Our counseling professionals are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical

Behavior Therapy (DBT), Positive Psychology, Mindfulness-Based (MBCT), Motivational Interviewing, Play Therapy, Sand Play, StrengthBased Therapy, IMAGO, Talk Therapy, and Family and Marital Counseling, among others, and they utilize numerous science-based modalities and techniques to effectively work with each client’s individual needs and meet their goals for therapy.

Client engagement takes place in one of eight consultation rooms. The environment is warm, friendly, and inviting by design, and each room provides an optimal setting for clients to openly share in a safe space. Children, adolescents, and even some adults enjoy playing in the colorful, oversized playroom. It’s a place where imagination comes to life as trained therapists use a plethora of psychotherapeutic approaches and interactive games while creating, exploring, and playing alongside clients. Play therapy is one of the most effective methods of

communication with children from ages 6 through 12. Through observation and assessment of a client playing, counseling professionals are able to form a more robust picture of their client’s world as seen through their eyes. They can also interpret how a client is feeling based on their selection of toys and how they communicate (verbally and nonverbally), interact, paint, and role-play. Play therapy benefits most clients who have difficulty communicating feelings, regulating emotions, solving problems, modifying undesirable behavior, and expressing themselves.

“Over the last four years, Garellek Counseling has experienced rapid expansion and public recognition for providing quality service and access to caring professionals for those seeking help. We are forevergrateful to our local community for their support, the healthcare professionals who have partnered with us, and the positive feedback, word-of-mouth, and referrals from our clients.”


Chabad Fort Lauderdale

The Highland Lakes community Sukkah will be open to the public 24/8. Directions & Meal Reservations at Young Israel of Hollywood one day Chesed trip on September 10, 2023 helping to rebuild Fort Myers, FL after Hurricane Ian. YJP Boat Soiree BCA Event Packing Rosh Hashana gift bags for hospitals and senior residences Group shot a Honey Cake Bake Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale is the only Jewish boat in the Winterfest Boat Parade


Abe's ice cream is now available in all kosher supermarkets in Florida.


Kosher Travel Made Easy: Introducing TheKosherBNB

Q: Yarden, before we jump into talking about TheKosherBNB platform, can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

A: Absolutely. I was born and raised in the charming Moroccan town of Agadir, where organizing a Minyan was often quite a challenge. A vivid memory from my childhood is accompanying my parents to hotel front desks, where we’d leave notes offering our home as a free hosting option for Jew travelers seeking a kosher meal for Shabbat... I guess that stayed with me (laugh) Professionally, I studied accounting and pursued a career as a real estate agent. However, my journey in the hospitality industry in South Florida has spanned 15 years, even before the existence of platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.

Q: Can you share the inspiration behind starting TheKosherBNB?

A: Certainly. The idea for

TheKosherBNB emerged when I recognized the unmet needs of the Jewish community regarding kosher property rentals and travel. I’ve noticed that approximately 30% of our leads from platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, and others came from the Frum Jewish community. TheKosherBNB is a worldwide platform where inquiries related to Eruv, Shuls, Minyanim, Chalavi, Basari, Shabbos Elevator, Shabbos mode, light sensors, the quantity of sinks, and the privacy of the pool are not only comprehended

but embraced. In essence, thekosherbnb. com was created to fill a void I strongly felt within the short-term rental sector by delivering a specialized solution for Jewish travelers with distinct needs.

Q: What makes TheKosherBNB platform different from the others?

A: Well, we are unique in many ways (laughs). It takes less than a minute to become a host and start receiving bookings. The platform translates messages between hosts and guests into their preferred languages, converts currencies with daily rates, synchronizes calendars with iCal, and hosts have access to reports such as occupancy rates, comparable, and upcoming payments. Additionally, our interactive worldwide map allows travelers to see nearby shuls, restaurants, and Mikvahs from the rental property they are considering. We’re very proud of the kosher map—it’s super useful! Oh, by the way, we’re launching our


apps for Apple and Android next month.

Q: People may wonder how do you verify if the houses are kosher?

A: TheKosherBNB is a lead generator platform and acts like a “Shadchan/Matchmaker” between hosts and travelers. The properties can be listed in one of these 3 categories:

Strictly Kosher: This category features rental properties that have been rented ONLY to Frum people. Hosts can ask question to guests to approve or disapprove a rental based on observance and mutual trust.

Can be Koshered: This category includes houses that has a separate closet with all kosher dishes that has been locked by local mashgiach. Kitchen and BBQ can be koshered e Rentals, Ski rentals, or properties located walking distance to shuls. This category can also be koshered by the guests that will use disposable dishes.

Q: A worldwide platform is an ambitious and challenging project... Would you like to share some strategies you will put in place to succeed?

A: Yes, it is indeed an ambitious project. Our platform is based on a two-stage launch strategy. In the first stage, we are focusing on property registrations, and the first 50 properties per city will enjoy a prominent position on our front webpage for 12 months. It’s free to post a property and become a host, but I need hosts to trust in this project and

in me... and I ask for their patience, just a little (laughs). Once we have enough inventory per city, we will then launch an aggressive advertising campaign to attract Jewish travelers. Marketing is key, and I’m confident in my abilities in that regard (laughs). I may not speak Hebrew, but the phrase that keeps coming to mind when I think of this project and what I’ve committed myself to is “Am Israel Chai” (laughs). God willing, it will work because it is needed, and it makes so much sense.

Q: Are you by yourself in this project?

A: I’m fully dedicated to this project. I devoted an entire year to developing it to perfection, and believe me, making something so complex user-friendly is incredibly challenging. I’ll continue to refine it with software integrations, yield management, and much more. If any investors are reading this, I’d love to hear from them (laughs), but in all seriousness, it has the potential to be a fantastic investment project.

Q: Yarden, can you share with our readers your personal travel mishap that urged you to follow your intuition and invest your knowledge and resources in creating the platform?

A: Of course, I can laugh about it today, but back then, it wasn’t funny at all. A few years ago, while we were traveling to Israel, my husband was browsing hotels on Expedia. I told him to wait, saying, “I got this... I’m the Airbnb queen after all” (laughs).

I went on my Airbnb app and found a beautiful apartment in Jerusalem, walking distance to the Kotel. I was quite proud of myself. Once booked, I received the arrival instructions with the address and codes. When we arrived in Israel, my brother-in-law asked me for the address to kindly drive us there. Once we plugged the address into the GPS, we realized that I had booked an Airbnb in West Jerusalem, in areas where Jews are not welcomed at all. I felt terrible, humiliated, and had lost my money, but I knew it was a message for me. I felt it in my soul. The rest, as they say, is history (laughs).

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P27
P28 / TSFCOMMUNITYVOICE.COM U P S C A L E O N S A L E 1 0 0 % S A T I N C O T T O N 5 0 0 T H R E A D C O U N T HOTEL LUCERN 2 Shams Our Hotel Lucern sets include: 2 Duvet Covers 2 Fitted Sheets 2 Pillow Cases C l o s e o u t C o n n e c t i o n T H E I N T R O D U C I N G S I L V E R F R E N C H R O S E $ 1 6 9 9 9 1 0 0 % S A T N C O T T O N 8 P C S E T B R I S T O L $ 1 6 9 9 9 L U X U R Y 8 P C S E T C O N T I N E N T A L $ 1 6 9 9 9 L U X U R Y 8 P C S E T D A V E N P O R T D U S T R U F F L E G R E Y / B E I G E / B L U E STARTING $289.99 w w w . t h e c l o s e o u t c o n n e c t i o n . c o m F r e e s h i p p i n g o n o r d e r s o v e r $ 2 0 0 @ T H E C L O S E O U T
305.770.3481 EST 1985 Sofer On Sit e Proudly Serving South Florida for over 25 Years! Come visit America’s largest Torah workshop, here in North Miami Beach Sale ends 21 Tishrei / October 6 Tor ah SALE of t he Year! B”H New Torahs start at $37,000 Pre-owned Torahs start at $8,000 All Torahs are checked & Kosher

Chabad Lubavitch: Building a Strong Jewish Presence in South Florida

In the heart of South Florida’s bustling community lies a beacon of Jewish heritage and outreach, Chabad Lubavitch. What began as a humble endeavor has blossomed into the world’s largest network of Jewish educational and outreach organizations, with Chabad Houses spanning across the globe. This is the story of Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale, a vibrant and dynamic force enriching the lives of many in the region.

Over three decades ago, Rabbi Moishe Meir Lipszyc arrived in East Fort Lauderdale with a vision to establish a Jewish center in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Despite initial skepticism that a Jewish presence could thrive in this area, Rabbi Lipszyc and his dedicated team embarked on a mission to bring the beauty of Jewish heritage to the entire community, regardless of background or affiliation.

Today, the unmistakable presence of Chabad Lubavitch shines brightly in Fort Lauderdale. It stands as the only synagogue within a two-mile radius, catering to the spiritual needs of local Jewish residents. But Chabad Lubavitch goes beyond its own community; it extends its helping hand to anyone in need, a commitment exemplified during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes.

Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale and its branches in

Lauderdale by the Sea, Las Olas, Harbor Beach, and the Chabad Jewish Center are dedicated to enriching lives through educational, social, and religious services. These services include hospitality rooms in local hospitals, where comfort and support are offered to patients and their families.

The spectrum of Chabad’s programs and services is broad and inclusive. From community events and adult education classes to holiday services and festive gatherings, Chabad Lubavitch fosters a strong sense of unity among its diverse membership. The organization reaches out to Jewish teens with CTeens programs and engages young professionals through special events. It caters to the unique needs of men and women with programs like the Men’s Club and Rosh Chodesh classes.

Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale also takes pride in its outreach programs. Friendship Circle brings joy to children with disabilities through weekly activities and joint programs, while Wisdom Circle imparts wisdom to seniors in local residences. Hospital chaplains visit the sick and distribute holiday packages, and Chabad even created hospitality rooms in several hospitals.

As Sukkot approaches, Chabad Lubavitch invites the entire community to join in the celebration at the Sukkah BBQ, featuring delicious food, family activities, and live music

On Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 5pm the community is invited at 3500 N. Ocean Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale for an evening with entertainment and special appearances. suggested donation is $15 and for information and tickets please contact 954-5681190.

The organization continues to plan an array of exciting events, including Simchat Torah celebrations, a Breast Cancer Awareness event, Men’s Club gatherings, Shabbat dinners, book club meetings, and holiday parties for Chanukah and Purim.

Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale maintains strong community connections through regular Shabbos greetings, individual phone calls, online newsletters, and event emails. Its commitment to strengthening Jewish awareness, pride, and identity has touched the lives of countless individuals and families in South Florida.

In the heart of South Florida, Chabad Lubavitch stands as a shining example of dedication, unity, and outreach, enriching the lives of all who cross its path. The journey from humble beginnings to a thriving, welcoming community is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and the enduring spirit of the Jewish people.

For more information on Chabad Ft. Lauderdale visit


Certified USDA Organic –What Does it Mean For You?

The “USDA Certified Organic” refers to organic certification provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to the Nutrition Business Journal U.S. sales of organic food products were an estimated $26.9B in 2010 and reached $52B in 2021.

A USDA Organic label certifies that the product meets the processing standards, rules, and inspections of the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP). Farmers pay an annual fee, a percentage of their organic profits, and have routine inspections to ensure that regulations are met. Processed food products with a USDA label must have 95 percent organic material. “Made with” organic label refers to 70 percent certified organic content.

USDA Organic certifications and labeling are only valid in the US. Each country creates its own regulations, inspections, and priorities for their organic certifications. Here is a summary of the required key aspects of USDA Organic certification:

No Synthetic Chemicals: USDA Organic prohibits the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. A preapproved list of safe chemicals is provided to farmers for pest and weed management. Use of sewage and radiation is prohibited.

Soil Health: Organic practices encourage crop rotation, composting, and cover cropping to build and maintain healthy soil. This helps improve soil quality and fertility while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Land must not have been used with prohibited chemicals for at least three years.

Animal Welfare (meat products): Animals are required to have access to the outdoors, be fed with organic feed, and be raised without antibiotics and growth hormones. Farmers must treat sick or injured animals.

No Artificial Additives: Processed foods are made without artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Organic standards also apply to food additives and processing methods.

Certification Process: USDA Certified Organic farms, and food producers go through a rigorous certification process at least annually. This process includes inspections and audits by USDA-accredited certifying agents to ensure compliance with organic standards.

Labeling: USDA Certified Organic products are labeled with the USDA Organic seal, which is recognized and trusted by consumers as a symbol of organic integrity.

Understanding our food production and distribution systems leads to a healthier lifestyle and improved quality of life.

Agriculture, Policy, Society | Jonathan Rubin | @jonathanrubinfl

Top 10 Things To Do During Chol Hamoed in South Florida

Lion Country Safari Drive-through Safari, petting zoo and activities fun for all ages! There is also an awesome splash pad and rides in a separate section of the park.

2003 Lion Country Safari Rd, Loxahatchee, FL 33470

The Van Gogh Exhibit

This indoor light show may be a bit pricey for a large group but is quite an experience. The immersive show takes participants into some of Vincent Van Gogh’s famous paintings. The visuals are jaw dropping and inspiring. Advance tickets are required and can be purchased online.

174 E Flagler St, Miami, FL 33131

The Children’s


The Miami Children’s Museum is a handson fun-fest where kids can dress up, immerse themselves in pretend play, and even check out what a cruise ship is like. It has indoor fun for ages up to around 12.

980 MacArthur Cswy, Miami, FL 33132

Wynwood Walls

If you’re travelling with kids, invest in the Graffitti experience and paint some graffiti art for an activity by the walls. You can also go close by to create your own chocolate delicacy at Ben B Coco (Certified under the ORB).

2516 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33127

Am Yam Kosher Boat Tours

This is the only kosher boat rental in Miami Dade and Broward. Rent the Amyam for a day on the intracoastal, the sandbar, or any private place you want to go with your family. The boat fits 10 people and includes an air-conditioned cabin, a kitchen, and a professional captain so you can relax and explore the waters. 954-648-7875


Xtreme Action Park

This indoor park has something for everyone: Go Carts, Laser Tag, Escape Rooms, Bowling, Arcades, a Ropes Course. Perfect for a rainy day or even a hot day when you need some air conditioning.

5300 Powerline Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Tigertail Aquatics and Bass Pro Shop

Bass Pro Shops is an experience just walking in, and it is across from Tigertail Aquatics where kids and adults can participate in a range of water activities including an aquatic obstacle course.

580 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004

Betti Stradling Park and Splash Pad

Playground, Splash pad, Basketball Courts, Batting Cages, Pavilions, Picnic Tables, Restrooms, Sand Volleyball Courts, Skateboard Area, Softball/Baseball Fields, Tennis Courts

10301 Wiles Rd, Coral Springs, FL 33076

Zoo Miami/ Palm Beach Zoo

If the Everglades is too adventurous for you, definitely head over to either of these top-rated zoos and spend the day marveling at animals you don’t see in your backyard at home. Don’t miss feeding the giraffes!

12400 SW 152nd St, Miami, FL 33177

1301 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Treetop Trekking Miami

If you are looking for a fun and adventurous activity for young kids, the Discovery Courses are just what you are looking for! This self-guided activity is made for kids 5 and up that are over 45″ tall. Kids will test their balance as they explore the junior aerial courses filled with wood bridges, balance logs, net walkways, ziplines, and much more, all suspended 3-7 ft off the ground.

1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami, FL 33132

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P33
CAREER OUTLOOK ‘21 ‘26 ’31 EXPECTED INCREASE IN EMPLOYMENT FOR ABA THERAPISTS** 1 IN 36 CHILDREN ARE DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM* *Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder CDC ** Psychiatric Technicians and Aides Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( Scan Here Reach out and get started today! Danielle Betesh (603) 403-7332 Aut i s m T he r a py that’s Founde d on Fa m i ly Are You Looking For Services? Danielle Betesh (603) 403-7332 If YES, You Should Join Our Growing ABA Team! Do you prefer working a
Ari Fraser S ings the music for the most imp ortant day of your life... S inger, Chazan & Comp oser, Ari Fraser O riginal and covers of your favorite Jewish and Hebrew music as you walk down the chuppah. @arifrasermusic For inquiries contact via email or @arif rasermusic (DM)

South Florida Upcoming Events!

Breast Cancer Awareness Event

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale 3530 N. Ocean Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale

DIY Soap Workshop! Refreshments! More!

$30 until 10/16 then $36 RSVP 954-568-1190

Tuesday Nights


The Fountains Plaza 7200 West Camino Real, Boca Raton

For more information contact Avi Warman at

Sephardic Young Professionals Miami Retreat

October 20, 2023

Ages 25—45 $100

Speakers, Activities, Games and more!

Gourmet meals! Prayers! Boat Party with renowned DJ!

Sleep accommodation for girls only

For information visit

South Florida NechamaComfort Awareness Event

Thursday, October 26, 2023 6 - 10pm 2801 Greene Street Hollywood, FL 33020

Special guest performance by Gad Elbaz

Register for the event asap as space is limited -

Level 1 - $1-$180 | Chance to win a NechamaComfort candle holder (this will go home with the winner / or be shipped) Level

Boca Chapter NCSY Bnei Zipora Events
Level 3 - $360-$1800
A choice of
Level 4 - $1800 & up
A judaic or
2 - $181-$360 |
choice or judaic or customized laser crafted 10 inch piece on wood background
judaic or customized laser crafted 36x48 piece
customized hand made iron piece
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P39


Dear Rachelli, Help! My kitchen pantry is a disaster! I thought a deep pantry would give me more space but it just means I can never find what I need. I keep buying more of the same items, not realizing that I already have them in the back of the closet. How can I regain control over the most important closet in my house and make it functional?

A Harried Mom from Miami

Q: Are food canisters useful or a waste of my money?

A: First of all, what are food canisters? Food canisters are plastic containers to store food in. Whether they are useful or not depends on your lifestyle.

Many clients who introduce canisters into their lives find that they have a much smoother time around the kitchen.

Without canisters, when you are ready to make the cholent, you may start rummaging around on packed shelves for the bags of beans and barley, only to find that you are mostly out of barley. When you transition to canisters, all you need to do is reach for the canisters of beans and barley. Each canister has its own spot and is clearly labeled. Canisters are an efficient way to keep all your food of that category together.

Canisters will keep food fresh and keep infestation out. It’s important to buy good quality canisters that seal well.

Another benefit of using canisters is that it keeps the pantry neat. When canisters are the same size or stackable, it saves room since they fit in the pantry together like a puzzle

Also, when food is not contained, open bags can spill easily.

And yet, canisters may not be for everyone.

One thing that makes people pause

is that it can be a rather large expense to switch over to canisters. Canisters can run between 5 and 15 dollars apiece and it all adds up. Another thing to consider is that canisters take maintenance. Bags and packages need to be emptied, or decanted, and the canisters need to be refilled when they are empty.

On balance, most clients find that it is well worth their while to transition to canisters. Firstly, they end up saving time, since the time usually spent searching for items and cleaning up spills is greater than the time needed to maintain the canisters. Additionally, although there is a one time investment in the beginning, canisters help minimize food waste which can save you money in the long run.

Still not ready to switch over? One tip is to start off only using canisters for main ingredients that are used often.

Examples of staples in a pantry are: flour, sugar, brown sugar, chocolate chips, rice, beans, barley and breadcrumbs. You need to tailor your canister according to your cooking style.

Use a larger canister for items that you use more of, such as flour and sugar.

Try to get canisters from the same brand, since they usually stack and will be aesthetically more pleasing to the eye. It is worth spending a bit more on good quality containers that will last a long time.

With time, you may want to add

more canisters for the items you use less often.

What happens when you are filling a canister and there is some left in the package that won’t fit into the canister? Or suppose you buy several packages of the same item?

This is where a stock bin comes in. You will want to keep a bin on a top shelf where you will store stock. Label it “Stock Cooking” or “Stock Baking”. This way, when it is time to refill you just have to reach for one bin to find what you need.

Q: Should I use canisters for breakfast cereals?

A: In my opinion, cereals are better left in their original packaging. In most homes, families go through cereal boxes too fast to make it worth your while to containerize. You will find yourself refilling them faster than possible.

In conclusion, only buy canisters if they fit into your lifestyle and you are ready to maintain them.

Also, start off slowly and see if you enjoy using them, and add as needed.

The main thing is to use containers for what you use most often in the kitchen.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P41
Have a question or need organizing advice? Email Rachelli Neuhaus is a certified professional Home Organizer, located in South Florida. Mention this column to receive 10% off your first organizing session.

Airport Fame

I found my first first experience of fame in an airport security line of all places. It happened just as I was about to take off my belt, shoes, hat, and probably be asked to throw my 5oz water bottle in the nearest trash can.

My young family and I were traveling to the West Coast for the Succos holiday a year ago, when I got recognized by a fan from a project I had currently been working on.

As someone in sales, I figured it would be a good idea to be on a business platform with 930 million other people. So, I joined LinkedIn, the largest 24/7 networking event in the world. It wasn’t long before I hit a brick wall, not being able to figure out how to properly present myself. I wanted business out of it but couldn’t figure out the algorithm. I was selling myself by selling my product. It wasn’t working.

It took me a few years to recognize why my content wasn’t gaining traction. I had been following the brilliant advice of Albert Einstein of doing the same

thing over and over and expecting different results. My eureka moment happened when I asked myself the following question. How would my content look if I focused on giving instead of taking? I came up with an eye opening answer: Don’t just show the success of a deal, but also document the process.

Part of the process however can be a grueling challenge: making those sales calls. What if I could help others overcome this fear, I considered? How would that process look? Step one would be to first overcome this fear myself. So I decided to film these prospecting calls in the hopes of encouraging myself and others.

My renewed content was mostly of my failed sales calls, which got posted on LinkedIn every few days. Within a few weeks, however, I was getting daily feedback on how helpful this was for so many. I was actively breaking down the barrier of a sales call by showing that it’s normal to get rejected while moving along to the next prospect.

It followed me all the way to this small town airport as I was approached by a fan.

“Are you the guy from LinkedIn” he inquired pointing in my direction?

“You mean those cold calls,” I excitedly asked?

“Yea” replied my new fan. “Don’t stop doing what you’re doing.”

So I haven’t and have now learned that focusing on giving is the greatest gift for one’s own success. It’s not about us. It’s about how we’re adding value to others. I’ve personally experienced a tremendous amount of opportunity from the platform in so many ways by continuing in that style of content.

You will sell your product, once you’ve properly not just learned how to make yourself valuable, but invaluable.

Shalom Markman cold calls not only for the thrill but also to sell merchant services. He lives in Norfolk VA with his family and visits Florida when he gets hungry.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

Local Floridians Team Up With LBA to Create New SF Jewish Sports League

As published in The Lakewood Shopper

Get ready for an exciting journey as South Florida teams up with the LBA powerhouse! Our South Florida league is born from community spirit, and with LBA’s guidance, we’re crafting an extraordinary sports experience tailor-made for our community. What is the LBA and how important is it in the lives of our youth? We had the pleasure of speaking with Shimon, the Founder of the LBA to understand how impactful this organization is to the community.

Shimon begins the conversation by relating, “As a young boy, I loved playing sports. I was very energetic and used sports as an outlet to let out some steam. At that time, there wasn’t really any organized, kosher sports league in Lakewood.

“Five years ago, I organized the beginnings of what would become the LBA. My father is the Mashgiach in Yeshivas Mayan Hatorah and I asked the Rosh Yeshiva if I could use the gym during bein hazmanim. He readily

agreed, and I put together two games a day of pickup basketball for adults. I was surprised by how many people wanted to join. The gym was packed with people trying to get into the games.

“I realized that a lot of men spend their whole day learning in yeshiva or working in an office and really enjoy being able to clear their heads for an hour in a healthy way. Playing basketball in an organized way provided them with that.”

That summer, the LBA was officially founded. Word of mouth rapidly spread, and a demand to join the league organically arose. The second season was the first one in which teams were sponsored by local businesses.

Spectators began coming just to watch


the games, enjoying the excitement and entertainment. Eventually, a teen basketball league was started for boys in grades nine through twelve. Other leagues that followed were teen baseball and junior baseball and bowling. With such a variety of options, it can be said that there currently is a league to match everyone’s taste in sports.

Currently, The LBA League’s in Lakewood has over 3,500 Players. Ranging from 1st graders to 50 year old men. There are more than 500 sponsors divided between 10 different leagues including Junior Basketball, Junior Baseball, Junior Bowling, Junior Chess, Teens Basketball, Teens Baseball, Adult Football, Adult Basketball, Adult Bowling, adult Volleyball and most importantly LBA Special.

Since its inception, the league has experienced remarkable growth, drawing enthusiastic participation from both teenagers and robust support from the community. South Florida is thrilled to be launching this league in our region. How does Shimon explain the growth?

He says, “There is no rational explanation for it. It’s all from Hashem. This concept was handed to me, and I went with it. Hashem mamash put it right into my hands. I didn’t do anything special, so I can’t really explain it more than that.”

He continues, “it’s all about the kids. We want to make every boy feel special. And we have seen that it works.”

The key is that we do everything to the utmost,” he says. “Whatever we do,

we do it 100 percent. We get the best gyms, the best referees, the best jerseys, and the best merch (merchandise) sponsored by our corporate partners. The opportunity we are offering our sponsors is not merely great; it’s a gateway to a multitude of benefits. It’s a chance to connect with the community, promote a positive brand image, and support the development of our youth—all while gaining valuable exposure. We are proud to have as our Official League Sponsor, FM Home Loans, the leader in home mortgage lending and as our Corporate League Sponsor, The His Place, a beacon of sophistication and quality in the world of men’s fashion.

We invite local businesses to join us on this exciting journey, where the rewards of sponsorship extend far beyond the scoreboard. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of our talented boys, help enhance their lives and strengthen the bonds within our vibrant community.

Parents and families of the boys participating are grateful for the opportunity the LBA has given their child. The LBA has received many texts, emails, and letters from parents who describe how much being part of the league has helped their son. Some relate that their son was struggling in school, either academically or socially, and now is doing much better as a result of the confidence boost he received from being part of the LBA and all of the new friends he made in the league. Some say that their son was simply not doing well, but the LBA has

really allowed him to shine.

To this end, the organizers put in a lot of effort to ensure that every boy can shine and excel in his own, unique way. Even if the boy may not be the most talented player, he is able to feel good about himself by being part of the team and being on the court. He really feels like he is an integral part of something. He is provided with much positive reinforcement, as well as his own jersey, gym bags, and other gear that he is proud to wear. If a boy misses a shot, he is cheered on anyway and told, “Don’t worry. You’ll get it next time.”

“It’s all about building confidence and giving the boys a fun, kosher time,” Shimon explains. Being the best player is not the end-all, and this is illustrated by the way the LBA stresses good sportsmanship and middos. This season, they initiated the “Avery & Jays Middos Award Card.” Every week, one boy on each team who displays excellence in middos is rewarded with this card, which entitles him to a free ice cream at Avery & Jays. In this way, good middos are encouraged and ingrained in the young players while they simultaneously enjoy themselves.

South Florida, with the help and guidance of the LBA welcomes this community league where boys can shine, excel and grow.

For more information on participating in the league and sponsorship opportunities, please contact 848-373-8700 or

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P49
WHERE PASSPORTS TAKE FLIGHTS. Say goodbye to long waits and hello to express passports services! With FLYPASS, we offer express passports services that fast-track your passport journey. Our efficient process ensures you get your passport swiftly and stress-free. FLYPASS: 786.423.0627 Book Your Express Passport service Today! 24-Hour Express: 14-Day Express Get your passport within 24 hours for urgent travel plans! Plan ahead with your passport in hand within 14 days! OUR OPTIONS ךרבתי םשה תרזעב VISTA TEAM.NET
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P53 It’s your publication YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT. We launched this publication so that you can enjoy community news, local school photos and updates, restaurant updates, recipes, sales and other timely content. We’d love to hear what types of content  you would like to see. Please email your feedback & thoughts to CERTIFIED MOHEL החמומ להומ 732.232.5202 EZRIELWILHELM@GMAIL.COM םלעהליוו לאירזע RABBI EZRIEL WILHELM SERVICING THE ENTIRE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA

Kosher Recipes Made Easy

After cooking and planning elaborate meals for the Yom Tovim, try these quick and delicious recipes for chol hamoed or for brunch anytime! Make sure to have all the ingredients on hand in your kitchen so you can whip up these elegant dishes in just a few minutes.

Perfect for a small family or make a few omelets ahead and reheat to serve.

• Mediterranean Jack Omelet

• Skillet Potatoes

This delicious Mediterranean Jack omelet is ready in just a few minutes to satisfy hungry tummies.


• 2 large eggs

• Pinch kosher salt

• Pinch freshly ground black pepper

• 1 tablespoon butter

• 1/4 cup grated Mediterranean Jack Cheese or your favorite cheese



These tasty skillet potatoes are simple to prepare and make a great addition to your brunch menu.


• 1/4 cup canola oil

• 3 Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes

• 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped

• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

•1 teaspoon kosher salt



1. Preheat Oven to 200° F. Place dinner plate in oven to warm.

2. In a medium bowl, beat eggs well; beat in salt and pepper to taste.

3. Heat butter in an omelet pan or small saute pan over medium to low heat. Do not let butter brown. Pour eggs into the pan; stir them with the

Please note that this recipe serves one. Omelets should be made one at a time. In order to serve more, be sure to have the appropriate amount of ingredients.

back of a fork over the whole surface of the pan. Once eggs have started to set, about 2 minutes, sprinkle grated cheese over eggs. Let eggs finish cooking without touching them.

4. When eggs have completely set, remove pan from heat. Gently fold the omelet in half and slide out onto a warmed dinner plate.


1. Over medium-high heat, heat oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet until shimmering.

2. Saute potatoes, stirring often until they start to brown, about 25 minutes.

3. Add onions and continue cooking for 10 minutes, stirring for even cooking.

4. Season with salt and pepper.

Jamie Geller is the Chief Media and Marketing Officer at Aish. She is also a best-selling cookbook author, celebrity chef, television producer and businesswoman. She is an author of 8 cookbooks and the founder of Kosher Media Network.
Min Duration
6 Min Cook Time
Min Duration
Min Cook Time
Min Prep Time
3 Min Prep Time 1
Mediterranean Jack Omelet

South Florida Gemach Directory

Miscellaneous Gemachs

Everything Virtual Gemach for Jewish Families with Financial Difficulties

Helps people find an item you need from someone who is donating it. This includes clothing, shoes, toys, books, baby gear, furniture placement, Judaica, Sefarim, sheitels, houseware items and more (everything except medical supplies, coats and gowns)

We do not resell anything that is donated*

Contact Orit Sabo at 917-359-5818 to request an item or to donate an item to someone else

Tzitzis Gemach

Free tzitizis: pick up in Boca or shipped worldwide

Contact Eliezer Cohn through WhatsApp at 913-832-8032

Jewish Library Gemach for Kids & Adults

Contact Tamar at 305-721-5880


Purim Costume Gemachs

Costume Gemach

Call Risa at 305-308-2174

NMB Costume Gemach

Contact Sima at 773-983-9704

Boca Raton Costume Gemach

In Honor of Leora Ezoory Z”L

Contact Dafna at 917-831-6654

Queen Esty’s Purim Gemach (Boca)

Li’ilui Nishmas Esther Tehila bas

Rav Gavriel Pinchas

Open Sunday only by appointment

Text 848-525-2958

Costume Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162



Support Groups and Hotlines


Support group for women struggling with infertility

Call Sharona at 917-673-6123

Sharsheret Cancer Support

Call: 954-416-0087

Shalom Task Force Domestic Abuse Hotline

Call: 888-883-2323


People available for advice, resources or support over the phone or in person

Seniors Support

For seniors looking for someone to talk to.

Call or text: 347-324-4039

Free Private Counseling for Women with Breast Cancer

Strictly confidential, MSW with 20 years experience

Call: 845-721-7062

Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services

Free counseling & help for couples struggling w/ infertility

Jaclyn at


Service Gemachs

Notary Gemach

Contact Shoshana at 305-775-9354

Shaimos Gemach

Small to medium size boxes

Contact Avi at 347-531-6057


Medical Gemachs

Bikur Cholim of Palm Beach County

Shabbat suite at Boca Raton Regional, borrow medical equipment, donate medical equipment, patient visitation and more

 Visit html

Bikur Cholim of North Miami Beach

Fully stocked Kosher suite at Jackson North Hospital, transportation, patient visitation, medical equipment assistance, meals and more

Contact 305-690-8949

Bikur Cholim of Hollywood Medical supplies

Contact 954-478-7490

Healing Hearts Bikur Cholim

Rabbi Yochanan Klein

Contact 305-450-8287

Chesed Houses at Jackson

Memorial for relatives of patients to use

Contact 305-450-8287

NMB Medical Supplies Gemach

Contact Barry at 305-479-7745

Hollywood Medical Supplies


Contact Eldad at 954-478-7490

MB Medical Supplies Gemach

Contact Rabbi Stern at 305-318-2366

Medical Supply

Miami Beach Florida 33140


Medical Equipment

North Miami Beach Florida 33179

786-208-3570 305-458-9363


Food Gemachs

Challah Gemach

Free Challah for needy families for Shabbos.

Call or text: 347-324-4039

After Simcha Food Bank

Picks up leftover food from simchas, restaurants, groceries and caterers and distributes it to families that can benefit

Call Ettie at 786-417-9183 or 786-350-9278

Shifra & Puah Meals/Assistance for Postpartum Women

Call Esther: 310-866-8261 or Rabbi Benitah: 718-213-1811

Yetiv Lev Food Assistance

Emergency assistance, visits and meals for new mothers and others that are sick

Contact 786-202-3344

Tomchei Shabbos Miami Kosher


Contact Rabbi Mendy Cheruty at 305-219-3353

Tomchei Shabbos of Florida

Contact Dovie Katz at 786-248-1690

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P55

South Florida Gemach Directory

The Cupboard, Jewish Family Services: The Dorit & Ben J. Genet (Broward residents only by appointment)

Contact 954-530-7555


Clothing Gemachs

Bais Yaakov Uniform Gemachs

Call Esther at 786-422-2602

Uniform Gemachs

Call Esta at 786-390-2767

Coat Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 305-761-1648


Wedding Gemachs

Wedding Shtick Gemach

Call: 305-781-8357

Wedding Shtick and Candle Holders Gemach

Call: 306-965-5668

Jeanette Levine Bridal Gemach:

Kallah dresses

Call: 954-588-7600

Yad L’Kallah South Florida

Kallah Gemach

Call: 347-371-1932

Achnasos Kallah Gemach

Call Marci at 786-877-2887

Chasde Chashie L’Kallah: Achnosas

Kallah Gemach

High-quality beds & dinette sets

Call 347-620-4145 or 718-375-3022

Leeba Gabriella Wedding Gemach (Boca)

Contact Michal at 917-804-6924

Hollywood Bridal

North Miami Beach Florida 33162


Bridal Gemach

Hollywood, Florida 33021



Bris Gemachs

The Bris Box

Provides all supplies needed for bris at no cost to the family. Each box includes: 6 NB diapers, pack of wipes, 2 cloth diapers, infant tylenol, bacitracin, box of gauze pads,

enfamil ready-to-eat feed formula, kiddush cup, wine, swaddle blanket, changing pad, sleep sack, burp cloths.

Hollywood contact: 917-902-5537, Boca Raton contact: 516-3254880

*To donate to South Florida Bris Gemach: Zelle/Quickpay 917-9025537 or Venmo @freedacohen, include “The Bris Box” in the Memo

Bris Gemach

Call Dina at 718-854-2327

Bris Outfits Gemach

(also collecting donations for pillows)

Contact 917-412-0713

Brit Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 305-409-2536


Simcha Gemachs

Hollywood Simcha Gemach

Tablecloths, centerpieces and decor

Call: 954-609-1864

The Tablecloth Gemach

Contact Brachi at 347-848-5638

Fraida at 305-401-8005

Yad David Tablecloth Gemach (NMB)


Contact Alli Jeger at 917-972-7695

Tablecloth Gemach (Boca)

Contact Michal at 917-804-6924

Costume Jewelry Gemach

Vast array of pieces to lend out for a small donation going to YIBR or Hatzalah

Contact Sarah Tabakin at 917-620-5874

Gemach S’machot

Flower vases and candle holders for all occasions

Contact Paola Leonoff: 786-281-1133

Tablecloth Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 347-848-5638

Table and Chairs Gemach

North Miami Beach, FL 33162 305-651-1562


Simcha Clothing Gemachs

Jeanette Levine Hollywood Gown Gemach

Call: 954-588-7600


Bais Avel Gemachs

Freshly prepared meals for families sitting Shiva

Call or text: 347-324-4039

Chesed Shel Emes

Helps families cope with all matters related to the care of the deceased: burial, transport, shiva chairs, tables etc...

Call: 305-359-5700 or 305-590-8005


Sheital Gemachs

Sheital Gemach for Kallahs only (must get approval first from local achnosas kallah)

Contact 305-490-5471

Sheital Gemach NMB (also accepting sheital donations)

Contact 972-836-2432

Sheital Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 305-490-5471


Money Gemachs Free Loan Gemach No interest small loans

Contact Rina at 347-628-0394

Hebrew Free Loan Association of South Florida

Contact 305-933-1187 or 954-706-6236

Loan Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 305-332-3572


Baby/Children Gemachs

Boca Children’s (and Ladies)

Coat Gemach

Li’ilui Nishmas Havah Basya bas Harav Tzvi HaKohen


Contact Adina Moses at 561-526-6561

Baby Equipment Gemach

Li’ilui N mas Dr. Velvel Wolf Zev ben Aharon Zelenko and Yosef ben Aharon Lustig

To donate or borrow items contact Mrs. Rinat Zelenko at 718-419-0215

Customer specialist, client success. Answering messages, inquiries and general questions. Enhance customer experience, I help customers complete purchases, upgrades/returns and provide necessary technical assistance to ensure customer satisfaction. Over 10 years of experience. Bilingual (Spa-Eng). Only remote jobs.

Joannie Benzaquen 7863144639

Pack N Play Gemach (Pick up in Miami


To borrow contact Avrumy at 631-575-4177

Baby Equipment

North Miami Beach Florida 33162

305-298-4293, 561-703-3634

Baby Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162


South Florida Gemach Directory EMPLOYMENT

Household Gemachs

Mezuzah Gemach

Mezuzahs available to borrow

Contact Rabbi Yochanan Klein at 305-450-8287

Free Mezuzahs

Mezuzahs available free of charge

 Air Mattress Gemach

North Miami Beach Florida 33162 561-271-3518

Looking for a sales position in the medical supply field.

(347) 888-5700

Seeking new career opportunity

Experience in real estate, insurance, mortgage, and IT. Very strong customer service and communication skills

Please contact JB (561) 886-8846

Currently looking for self driven individuals to join our financial firm. We can train & develop you to own your own practice or grow into management positions. Call or WhatsApp 806-290-6618

Aventura/North Miami Beach full-time and part-time security positions available Monday - Friday as well as on the weekends. Morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight shifts available. Must have an active D license and speak English. Bilingual a plus! Please call 239-379-1764

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 / P57
Be featured in our Employment section.


Ohr Hatorah

Ohr HaTorah had the opportunity to welcome Ms. Chana Gibber, a representative of Chai Lifeline to the yeshiva. Ms. Gibber explained the holy and important work that Chai Lifeline does for individuals and families

suffering from illness. She shared the myriad of ways students can get involved in helping families in their times of need. Over 50 of Ohr HaTorah talmidim (in a school of 68 talmidim!) signed up to volunteer for Chai Lifeline!

Rosh Hashana Prep at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes (YTCTE) Yeshiva Elementary School (YES) in Miami embraced the spirit of the holidays with reflection, growth, and spiritual learning. Ohr HaTorah Senior boys going to Monsey for the V’Haarev Na Trip led by Rabbi Newman.
We accept clothing, shoes, accessories, towels & linen in usable condition Got old clothes? Leave ‘em at your Door! schedule your free pickup Profits generate funds for Batya, a program dedicated to empowering teenage girls. ALL DONATIONS SERVICE NEEDY PEOPLE WITH AFFORDABLE CLOTHING Call, text or WhatsApp: 201. 477. 8775 |

Theme: Celebrating Jewish Life in South Florida

Children are invited to create artworks that celebrate the vibrant and diverse Jewish life in South Florida. They can showcase their unique perspective on what it means to be part of the South Florida Jewish community. Artworks may include the following:

Community Life: Artists can illustrate the sense of belonging and togetherness within the South Florida Jewish community, whether through depictions of synagogue, school events or mitzvah projects.

Cultural Traditions: Artworks can explore the rich traditions, music, dance, and cuisine of South Florida Jewish Life.

First place: $30 gift card | Second place: $20 gift card | Third place: $10 gift card


Entries must be received by October 3, 2023.

Winners will be announced in the next edition 10/5/23 and will also be contacted individually.

This type of contest encourages creativity, education, and community engagement while celebrating important Jewish themes. It allows kids to express themselves through their art and writing, and it also provides an opportunity for their work to be showcased in the magazine.
sure to include
age, and city
artwork Make
your name,

G rellek Counseling is Ment l He lth priv te group pr ctice loc ted in Hollywood, FL. If you're looking for comp ssion te, c ring, nd dedic ted ther pists , look no further.

We provide:

Individu l ther py

Couples/F mily ther py

Pl y Ther py

S nd Tr y Ther py Groups

Speci lize in: ADHD nd Beh vior l issues, & Tr um .

Akiv G rellek, LMHC Pr ctice Owner




INSURANCE! G a r e l l e k C o u n s e l i n g


United Refuah HealthShare is the only Jewish Healthsharing group based on Torah values.

Our thousands of members nationwide share in the medical expenses of each other’s joys and pains year round.

Our generous maximum reimbursement rates give our members the freedom and flexibility of using virtually any doctor or hospital worldwide while significantly reducing their expenses.

brown crust.

goes and a flaky golden See JOLLIBEE page 15

Philippine sweet man-

restaurant of Filipinos for both special

which is made with real

the U.S. To many, Jollibee is the go-to

the Peach Mango Pie,

ories for many overseas Filipinos in

Jolly Hotdog, and

nostalgia and warm childhood mem-

juicy and cheesy

classic menufavorites include the

of joy." The brand has become a symbol of

and friendly service –our own brand

and hotdog. Other

superior value, served with warm

ham, ground meat,

moments over great tasting food with

chunky slices of savory

bring families together for happy

style sauce, loaded with

the community. At Jollibee, we aim to

of its signature sweet-

needs and tastes of Jollibee fans in

and kids-at-heart because

greater joy for us than serving the

Spaghetti is a favorite of both kids

inside. The well-loved Jolly

for North America. "There's no

Foods Corporation's Group President

on the outside and juicylicious

36th store in the US, as well as

now open in Jacksonville. This is the

largest Asian restaurant company, is

ipation and excitement, Jollibee, the

Jacksonville, FLAfter much antic-

breaded to be crispylicious

ence," said Jose Miñana, Jollibee

to have their own Jollibee experi-

Chickenjoy. This dish is delicately

favorites, but also first-timers waiting

items such as the world famous

ing to get their hands on their Jollibee

get to try Jollibee's signature menu

tude of excited Jollibee patrons wait-

With the opening, Floridians will

anticipate seeing not only a multi-

"As Jollibee debuts in Florida, we

first Florida location opening

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact your local advisor 646.54 O .7272 SINGLE: $199/ month COUPLE: $349/ month FAMILY UP TO 6: $499/ month United Refuah is a non profi t healthsharing organization. It is not insurance and doesn't o ffer insurance. S ee Sharing Guidelines for full details.
W a y Y o m T o v ! What’s Going On 3 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BEACH,FL PERMIT NO. 4595 with
been the talk of the town since 2016.

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