3 minute read
Activities for everyone
Charles Flum, President
One of the two holidays of the year for which the rabbis opined that it was perfectly fi ne to get drunk is fast approaching. I’m talking, of course, about Purim (the other is Simchat Torah). Now, we at Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC), the small congregation with the big heart, are not going to do that (I hope) during our March 10 Purim service but we are going to have a great time with our Purim shpeil. Directed by music director Alla Gorelick, congregation members will act for the enjoyment of all. So come, eat hamentashen, drink a glazele wine and enjoy.
This is just one of many activities in which we engage. Last December, we hosted a table at the community Chanukah celebration at Mercato, offering children the opportunity to make and eat marshmallow and pretzel dreidels.
Rabbi Herman participated in the Chanukah lighting. Jane Galler, our cantorial soloist, not only sang with other cantors but she also led a children’s choir in Chanukah songs.
January saw another meeting of Flamingle, our informal congregationwide get-together where we have various activities and get to know each other better. In December, we had a trip to the Holocaust Museum in Naples along with a box lunch from Panera Bread. It is good to get together with other congregants in informal settings where new friendships can be fostered.
Rabbi Herman
On the education side, Rabbi Herman gave another of his Adult Ed classes in January. “Lessons Learned through Chassidic Tales” was very thought provoking.
On Feb. 24 at 5 p.m., he will teach “Inspired Messengers: A Spotlight on Biblical Prophets.”
The second section of the Tanach, the Jewish Bible, is called “Prophets: Nevi’im.” It begins with the book of Joshua and concludes with the literary prophets. What is the role of prophecy? When did it begin? What are the enduring messages that are relevant for us in the 21st century. They lived and wrote during the difficult days of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judea and the fall of Jerusalem. The primary resource will be selections from the Tanach. Come join us for the class, then a light dinner followed by services.
Speaking of education, did you know the Megillat Esther is the only book in the Tanach which does not mention God? Or that Esther’s name is not really Esther, but Hadassah? Did you know Mordecai was Esther’s first cousin? Or that Vashti was punished for not responding to Ahasuerus so that women would keep obeying their husbands? And that Esther was brought to the harem of virgins, spent a night with Ahasuerus and thereafter was in the harem of concubines until she was made queen?
Did you know the decree Haman (BOO! HISS!) engineered to kill the Jews was never rescinded? A second decree was issued that the Jews could defend themselves. Haman (BOO! HISS!) was killed by impaling him on a stake. His 10 sons were also impaled, but after they had been killed. Look it up. It’s all in Megillat Esther.
So come, one time, learn about the prophets; another, eat Haman’s ears; and always, worship God. To find out more about the small temple with the big heart, go to naplesjewishcongregtion.org.