4 minute read
We’re growing in many ways
By Ettie Zaklos, Preschool of the Arts Founder & Director
The new calendar year comes right in the middle of our academic year and serves as a welcome pause to reflect on all we’ve accomplished, as well as how much more we hope to achieve in the future. It is during this time that we redouble our efforts to make sure that the families in our preschool community are truly getting the most they possibly can from our quality programming.
In the last weeks of 2022, our community came together to complete Phase 2 of our Big Build fundraising campaign, unlocking a $2 million matching grant from Jay and Patty Baker. It is incredible that, in just half a year after launching this campaign, we are already two-thirds of the way to reaching our $6 million goal.
This expansion of building a new 17,000-square-foot building is a monumental milestone for POTA that reflects the growth of our community over 12 years. Over a decade ago, when we were still building the preschool from the ground up, I could never have imagined that one day we would be building at this level to meet growing demands of our families.
I am so grateful to our families who believe in POTA, trust us with their precious children and support us through it all. We could not reach any of our milestones without you. Every year, our parents come together to dream big and do better for our children — and this is the biggest fundraising eff ort we have undertaken to date. I am humbled and grateful to be entering the new year with plans to break ground on the new building in the months ahead!

Celebrating the incredible dedication of POTA’s teachers and administrators
But our growth is not just limited to new buildings! Last year, we set out on an initiative to enhance our professionally landscaped Garden of the Arts and to offer an even more comprehensive, outdoor experience that can engage the children in microenvironments. The “Tiny Seed to Table” project is coming together and will be completed very soon. We are bringing a magical new botanical wonderland to our campus with a new Vegetable and Herb Garden, Butterfly and Blossoms Garden, Fairy Grove and Kitchen Garden with a sitting nook.
This year, we have been so excited to embark on a new experiential culinary journey as the enhanced garden allows our children to plant, harvest and prepare produce-based snacks in their own sustainable garden and outdoor kitchen. We are thrilled that the mini farm-totable experience right here at POTA will give our children the unique joy and satisfaction of connecting to the food they grow!
This month, we will celebrate Tu B’Shvat in the garden with our annual Tea Party in the Garden event.
Recently, we installed a customized garden path of engraved pavers honoring our donor families for their contributions. We will always be humbled by the outpouring of love from our community as you help us provide better learning experiences for our children.
“Community Helpers” month
The value of community is an important theme at our preschool, so we designated January as “Community Helpers” month. Throughout the month we explored the careers of the people who enhance our lives, expanding the children’s understanding of the world around them. We welcomed parents and members of our community to visit and share their careers with our students.
Children’s interest in the community around them begins at a tender age. We hope that learning about a wide range of interesting jobs helps fire up their imaginations and drive for the future.
Summer of the Arts
As the winter months fly by, our preschool team is also busy planning another fantastic Summer of the Arts experience! Our widely acclaimed summer program for children ages 18 months to 8 years integrates various creative arts and educational themes in a safe, multisensory and Jewish-spirited setting. This year, our theme is “STEAMsational,” inspired by our commitment to learning. We hope to help our campers start dreaming of STEAM!
In two three-week sessions, children will have opportunities to experience science, creative arts, culinary arts, sports, yoga, and so much more through exciting, stimulating hands-on activities. For more information or to register, please call 239-263-2620 or enroll online at NaplesPreschooloftheArts.com.

Creating special fond memories at Preschool of the Arts with Pajama Day