2 minute read
Are you in a havurah?
Deborah R. Fidel, JD, MAJPS, Temple Shalom Executive Director
The word “havurah” comes from the Hebrew word “haver” meaning “friend.” A havurah is a group of approximately 10 to 12 individuals or families who meet regularly to socialize, celebrate Jewish life together and participate in social action projects. Havurot (plural of havurah) provide an excellent opportunity for members to get to know others in the Temple Shalom family who share similar values and interests. Havurot have fl ourished at Temple Shalom for many years, resulting in many lifelong friendships.
Each havurah group is self-directed, planning its activities based on the interests of its members. Some groups are more social in nature, while others focus more on religious, family or study-related activities. They may even take the form of a book club. Past activities of our havurot have included potluck dinners, book discussions, sports (bowling, skating, hiking), musical or theater events, movies, Shabbat dinners, Havdalah services, Passover Seders, Hanukah parties and other holiday celebrations.
Belonging to a havurah can be fun and enriching. Some members report that their havurah has become their extended family. It is a great way to meet people with similar interests, get to know other people and families and build friendships.
Groups are usually formed on the basis of shared interests and stage of life. New havurot are being formed all the time. Whatever your interests, age or stage of life, we will get you started on the path to building new, lasting friendships.
If you are interested in a havurah or just want to learn more about the advantages to joining the Temple Shalom family, call me at 239-455-3030 or drop me a line at info@naplestemple.org.