Federation Star - January 2021

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Federation Star

January 2021



www.hadassah.org / 518.330.1559

Meet Hadassah’s new President


Joyce Toub

The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Temple Shalom & Temple Shalom Men’s Club, together offer PARTIAL scholarships for Jewish Summer Camps & the Israel Experience for teens. There are scholarship opportunities for all Jewish children in the community regardless of congregation affiliation. For information and a scholarship application, contact your local synagogue or call the Jewish Federation at 239-263-4205.

Scholarship request deadlines: Summer Camps: December 18, 2020 Israel Programs: February 5, 2021 OF GREATER NAPLES

For the 11th year a grant has been established by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. The 2021 STAND UP FOR JUSTICE Educator Grant recognizes High School, Middle School and Elementary school educators who are innovative in bringing respect for others’ differences into their activities with students in a transformative, impactful, and caring way. The goal is to create a resource for educators of any discipline to incorporate strategies that promote understanding and respect among students, countering bigotry and bullying. This grant recognizes teachers, guidance counselors, school librarians, media specialists, school psychologists, administrators etc.


visited Israel in 1968, 1992, 2008, 2009 and 2019. Each time I entered Jerusalem, and the few times I’ve been to Hadassah Hospital at Ein Kerem, I trembled with excitement. I have been a Lifetime Hadassah member for more than 40 years and a Keeper of the Gate for the last 10 years. I never realized the payback would be so great: the friends made, the good done, the education encouraged and the experiences gained. I retired from teaching high school (biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics) in 2015. In 2016, I moved our “winter” home to Naples from Saratoga County, New York. My late husband, Mel Toub, was a Hadassah Associate, as are my sons, Joshua and David. My daughter, Julia, is a lifetime member. I was a past president, a member of the Upper New York State Region board and an attendee of several national

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“Stand Up For Justice”

Application Deadline: February 12, 2021

Collier/Lee Hadassah President

conventions. My kids grew up with a mom running to all sorts of Hadassah activities. These activities take on a different form in today’s world. When my husband and I first moved here, we immediately found ourselves in a whirlwind, belonging to several orchestras and music groups, Temple Beth Tikvah, Temple Israel, Federation and Hadassah. I quickly transferred my Hadassah membership to the Collier/ Lee chapter and tried to be active, while dividing my time between the NY and Naples chapters. When I was asked to assume the presidency of the Collier/Lee chapter, I was honored and privileged. After connecting with the current board and experiencing their enthusiasm first-hand, my decision was easy, realizing what we women working together can achieve. We’ve worked so hard to Zoom together and ingeniously. Expanding Horizons I, created by our President, Diane Schwartz, and her board, featured a wide variety of educational programming and entertainment. This will be continued as Expanding Horizons II and will, furthermore, give you continued on page 24

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Professionally Professionally Professionally curated, Professionally curated, curated, enjoyable stories curated, enjoyable stories enjoyable stories Professionally for for the whole the whole curated, enjoyable stories for the whole family family enjoyable stories family for the whole for the whole


Go to:

jewishnaples.org/outreach/educator-award For additional information please contact:

Grant Coordinator, Beth Povlow 239-363-6306 MarcoPovlow@hotmail.com

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Articles inside

New Orleans Klezmer All Star Band

page 39

Political and virus-fighting “Tribe” run-down; Gadot and Bialik return ... and more

page 38

What a plot!

page 37

On your mark . . . Get set . . . Zoom!

page 32

Arts & Culture

page 29

Random acts of loving kindness

page 27

Dreaming of a better future for our children

page 26

Shalom Naples families!

page 25

Traditional JCMI January events to continue

page 24

The promise and the challenge of the new year

page 23

Beth Tikvah update

page 22

Expanding Horizons II series 2021

page 21

Meet Hadassah’s new President

page 20

Our hopes for 2021

page 19

JWV Post 202 update

page 18

Don’t sell yourself short: Everyone can learn

page 17

268,000 families in Israel pushed into extreme poverty amid coronavirus pandemic

page 16

Falafel: The dish of 2020

page 15

Seniors dealing with hearing loss and masks

page 14

Holocaust survivors are heroes to many

page 13

Happy New Year!

page 12

Supporting and empowering caregivers

page 10

Now is the perfect time to become a member of the Pomegranate Society!

page 9

WCA’s Happy Hour-and-a-Half is a virtual triumph!

page 8

The New Year brings many new programs to MCA

page 6

Plans advance for virtual Day and Evening of Learning

page 5

Tomorrow begins today

page 4

Staying connected as a community

page 3

Capital Campaign spotlight – Acharai

page 2

Planting Community Roots

page 1
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