Federation Star - January 2021

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Federation Star

January 2021

What a plot! Join us at the JBF event on Wednesday, Feb. 3 to discover the secrets behind one of the Mossad’s most clandestine missions! In the meantime, enjoy the review of Red Sea Spies by JBF Committee Member Carole J Greene.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 10:30 a.m. Red Sea Spies by Raffi Berg


ovelists toil for excruciating Sponsors: Jewish National Fund and Naples Jewish Congregation months to shape plots that propel their characters to overRaffi Berg, the Middle East editor of the BBC News website, has extensive expericome obstacles and reach their goals. ence reporting on Israel and the wider region. His book grew out of an article he Raffi Berg’s Red Sea Spies has no plotting posted on the BBC News website. Top audience for such articles usually reaches problem. This tale — that reads like page1 million. This article garnered 5.5 million views. The story has been made into turner fiction — is all true. a Netflix film titled “Red Sea Diving Resort.” The desired goal: to deliver Jewish refugees from Ethiopia through Arab Sudan and then on to Israel. The characters: agents of the Mossad, Israel’s version who went from bondage in Egypt to that Ferede and his family made it to Zodiacs offloaded their human cargo onto of the CIA, working undercover at what redemption in the Promised Land. They Israel, Dani worked to find another way. the Bat Galim, a ship in the middle of appears to be a resort catering to scubafelt they were carrying out something In 1982, Dani and his Mossad colthe Red Sea, which headed for Israel. But diving enthusiasts from around the world; similar in the modern age.” leagues took over an abandoned Red Sea soon, Sudanese politics made it necessary also, Jews from Ethiopia risking their lives The lead character — protagonist, if resort, outfitted it for scuba divers, and to scale back smuggling from Arous. The to reach Jerusalem. The obstacles: the you will — was an experienced Mossad marketed it throughout the MediterMossad agents based at Arous reverted forbidding heat and isolation of the desranean and beyond. to night airlifts in the desert, where no ert; vast distances between the refugees’ Diving enthusiasts airstrips or roads existed. Giant cargo hometowns and Israel; the Arab people had no idea that the planes, piloted by the best of the best surrounding the resort, sworn enemies of resort’s staff were from the Israeli Air Force, located the all Jews; Sudan officials with authority to undercover intellicarefully selected stretches of sand and and org We are grateful to these businesses efits approve or prohibit every aspect essential gence agents, taking safely landed — sans lights. for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jew lver to the transportation of Ethiopian Jews to them on dive excurBerg wrote: “From the time of the Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits 225 the Promised Land. sions by day, smugfirst secret airlift in 1977 to when the ü Platinum Gold gling Silver The tribe, now called “the Ethiopian agent named Dani. He formulated a cover Jews out of Sudan by night. last aircraft touched down in Tel Aviv on ü Patron Benefits: $500 $360 In $225 Jews,” has maintained throughout generastory so he could move about Sudan and 1984, the resort, named Arous, 25 May 1991, at least 28,695 Ethiopian ü ü tions that they are Israelites, driven out of talk with people in the refugee camps: he enjoyed its best year for both tourists and Jews — about 80% of their entire comTickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) ü ü ü their land in biblical times. From the core appeared begrateful an anthropologist Agents collected Ethiopian munity — had been transported to Israel, We to are to thesestudying businesses smuggling. and organizations Copydriving of Loriforce: Gottlieb’sthese book ü ü ü of their belief arose a single tribes. In 1979, he happened across Jews by truck, taking them across the . . . spirited out by every means possible, for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: val Patron and Benefits to returnLevels to Jerusalem. In the late 1970s Ferede Aklum, an Ethiopian who would desert and onto Zodiacs tied up at the over 14,300 of them through Sudan.” FastPass & separate check-in ü ü ü and onward, they trekked on foot for become his trusted ally. Ferede ferreted resort. Under the cover of darkness, the What a satisfying denouement! Platinum Gold Recognition Silver in Federation Star known as Beta ü ü ü months from their homeland to refugee out people Israel, hiding $500 $360 $225 ter whereReserved they dared not amongst the non-JewishüEthiopians. We areIngrateful to these businesses and organizations 20 value)centersüin Sudan, ü ü VIP seating admit that they were Jews. Only someone the early days of the for smuggling opera- of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: their support Temple Shalom Reserved seating area Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits ü ü ü ü familiar with their Jewish habits, such as Strengthening our temple, our community and each other tion, working only on moonless nights to rtually Yoursy Yours Vi ü observance, ü could ü voucher(s) ll Shabbat discern that Gold FreePlatinum book decreaseSilver chances of detection, rtua 2 Dani and1 Vi Virtually Yours Greater Naplesbusinesses We are grateful to these We are grateful to these businesses and organizations Greater Naples Jewish Book __ ($40Benefits: at the Patron ar Greater Naples not likeü other refugees. $225 small groups of Jews to the spirited ü door) üevent with$360 d Benefitsthey were 2020-21 Jewish Book Jewish Patron$500 anFerede author TBA for their and support of the 2019-20eFestival Greater Naples Book Festival: Jewish We are grateful to Book these bu organizations for their support of the ü ü eFestival 2020-21 The story the onlyLevels operaSilver to all at ü Khartoum. Terrified, Jews Jewish Book Festival Levels and the Benefits Tickets (areveals $320 value) eFestival 2020-21 üairport Patron üevents Jewish Book Festival Patronü and Benefits all 12 __ ($55events at 12 the door) We are grateful to these businesses and organizatio $225 forBook their support Sisterhood ExtraPlatinum luncheon event ticket for guest — crafts Greater Naples Jewish Festivalof the 2019-20 Gre — variously termed Operation boarded airplanes they never Gold Silver rs Jewish Book Levels andsupport Benefits ou2020-21 atron Levels Benefitsbook ü Copyü oftions Loriand Gottlieb’s Temple Shalom Festival ly YPatron Platinum ü Gold Silver al ü ü ü tu for their of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Boo ir V Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 Strengthening our temple, our community and each other total $_____ ü Moses, Operation Brothers andBenefits: Opening knew existed — and flew to$360 Greece. From __ ($45 atBecome the door) Platinum Gold Silver Jewish Festival Patron Levels Benefits Tickets to all 12 events (a Book $320 value) a Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Patron ü Festival ü ü Book $500 $225 and *As of October 13th Greater Naples FastPass &$360 separate check-in Platinum Gold Silver ü 2 1 $500 $225 ü ü ü *As of October 13th of Lorian Gottlieb’s book lly Yours Gift — ledCopyby intelligence agency to Greece, they emigrated safely to Israel. ü ü ü total $_____ Jewish Book Virtua *As of October 13th üü ü the door) üreceive Patron Benefits: Tickets to all 12 events (aü$320 value) ü ü $5002020-21 $360 $225 We are grateful to these businesses and organizations omen’s Platinum Gold Silver __ ($45 at FastPass & separate check-in and numerous benefits! ü ü Recognition in Federation Star eFestival ü ü ü TBA ü omen’s ü evacuate from another country. Greater Naples The mission required careful coorü $_____ ü ü civilians ü total Recognition in Federation Star ü ü ü omen’s for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Patron Benefits:Trail ü $225 Book ultural Tickets to all 12 events (aJewish $320 value) Copy ofPatron Lori bookdination. ü By ü seating ü ü a Book ü ü Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami N., Naples Become Festival Patron Jewish Bo ü$500 ü $360 VIP orReserved guest its verydoor) nature, the Mossad must operReserved VIP seating Intelligence organizations üGottlieb’s ü Book Festival Levels and Benefits ü __ ($25Jewish at the eFestivalultural 2020-21 ü Newhouse ü ü Sisterhood ultural Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Reserved seating area Jewish Congregation w/ Alana lliance ü check-in Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island FastPass & separate ü ü ü ate in clandestine ways, as was the case We are grateful lliance instructed their foreign ministries to ü each other ü ü benefits! ü a Book ü Festival ü Patron Templereceive Shalom and numerous Reserved seating area üGold Free book voucher(s) Silver 2Platinum 1 ü vegetarian Strengthening our temple, our community and Become Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Book Festival Patron: Tickets to all 12 events lliance __ ($35 at the door) for their support of the 2 We are grateful to these businesses and organizations Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples üTicket in smuggling Jews of Sudan. Berg numerous benefits! Patron event with anout author TBA their diplomats in Khartoum to Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book FastPass check-in estival Order Form ü and ü receive Recognition Federation Star October ü 13th üarePatron ütobusinesses ü& separate ü *As ofJewish ü Book Patron Benefits: $360 $225 Goldü Silver üPlatinum übenefits! Free2 book voucher(s) Festival Levels and Benefits 2 in$500 1authorize 1 We are grateful to these and organizations on Levels and Benefits We grateful these businesses and organizations Extra luncheon event ticket for guest and receive numerous Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 and receive numerous benefits! ü for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Naples Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way,inNaples Platinum $500 x Benefits ___ =Jewish total $_____ interviewed past and present Mossad passport requests from “Antoine,” esiatinum Center Jewish Book Festival Patron andvalue) 12 events Trail Naples Recognition Federation Star Festival Tickets to all 12 events (a $320Patron Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits FastPass &stamp separate check-in Gold Silver Reserved VIP seating Tickets to all 12author events (aLevels $320 ü ü ü ü N., ü support 2019-20 Greater Naples Silver Jewish Book Festival: Jewish Book Festival Levels Benefits üof the Platinum omen’s üand üOctober ü forütheir ü ü ü üvalue) Gold for their support of theü 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Patron event with an TBA *As of 13th Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Sponsors ü ü Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 Gold $225 Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Copy ofJewish Lori Gottlieb’s book Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples ü ü ü the $360 x ___ = total $_____ Platinum Gold Silver agents as well as Israeli Navy and Air Force Sisterhood Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits and, wrote Berg, “Dani collected list, rco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island ü Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 MI: Jewish Cong. of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors l $_____ Patron Benefits: FastPass & separate check-in Star ü $500 $360 $225 Reserved VIP seating Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book ü ü Temple Shalom ü ü ü Reserved seating area Recognition in Federation ü ü ü ü ultural Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Sponsors Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) No tickets sold Platinum Gold Silver üPlatinum ü Book ü Festival ü Extra luncheon event ticket for omen’s ü guest ü ü =ü Jewish Book Festival Order Form We toSilver these businesses and organizations 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Silver $225 xü ___ total Ticket $_____ alloperatives. 12 events (a $320 Many made similar, personal receive benefits! Recognition in Federation Star now officially approved for to Gold ü ü numerous ü ü emigration ü are grateful __ Siste ngregation TS: Shalom üTickets toand ü Copy üvalue) book Platinum Gold numerous Silver of LoriTemple Gottlieb’s are grateful businesses and organizations ü ü ü Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) l $_____ and receive benefits! rs üWeFestival: ü to these ü ou Y CopyConference of Lori Gottlieb’s book ples Center after November 25 Reserved VIP seating y Patron Benefits: $500 $360 $225 Patron Benefits: FastPass & separate check-in ll ü Naples ü ü book üfor their $500 $360 $225 Temple Reserved seating area ua FastPass & separate check-in n: 6340 Napa Woods Way, rt Free voucher(s) Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Vi Book Festival Patron: Tickets to all 12 events 2 1 We are grateful to these businesses and organizations support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Reserved VIP seating lliance ü for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: ultural and receive numerous benefits! points: they knew they were involved in ü Patron Benefits: Greece. The intelligence agencies knew $500 $360 $225 Strengthening our temple, ou FastPass & separate check-in Reserved seating area Monday, December 2 @ 11:30am Luncheon w/ Alana Newhouse l $_____ ü ü ü ü Recognition in Federation Star Copy ofLevels Lori Gottlieb’s book ü ü ü Jewish Book Festival Patron and Benefits Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits ü Jewish ü($40 ü ü ü ü $_____ at the door) Sisterhood Tickets to all 12 events (a2their $320 value) Ridge Road, Naples Greater Naples ü ü ü Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Free book voucher(s) Recognition in Federation Star for support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: 1 Recognition in Federation Star Reserved VIP seating ü ü ü Platinum $500 x ___ = total $_____ Please indicate choice of entree:  chicken  salmon  vegetarian ü ü ü ü Free book voucher(s) ü ü ü 2 1 Patron event with an author TBA something historic. Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) the requests were false, but the diplomats ü Temple Shalom lliance Reserved seating area ü with an ü author TBA üü ü üü ü ü & separate Jewish Platinum Gold check-in Silver Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits the events you will be attend Patron event Reserved VIP seating Reserved seating area na Newhouse FastPass ü ü ü ü  fruit ü Book ü Strengthening ourütemple, our community andCheck Copy Lori Gottlieb’s book each other ü of ü ü Gold $360 x 2 ___ = total $_____ Please indicate choice of dessert: pastry üü ü ening w/ Elyssa Friedland $30 xofficial ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) ü Platinum Gold Silver eFestival 2020-21 $_____ ($55 at the door) Copy ofü Lori Gottlieb’s Free book voucher(s) Visit the Festival website at book www.jewishbookfestival.org forü more $360 $225 1N., Naples Extrabook luncheon event ticket for guest Patron Benefits: seating area e ReservedEvent $500 Reserved VIP seating getarian üü üTrail ü ü In his book’s introduction, Berg wrote: üof ü Gottlieb’s üdid Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami did not. They not know the refugees Copy Lori Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest ü ü Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN ü ü 2Free book voucher(s) 1 in Federation Star event with an author TBA book voucher(s) Patron Silver $_____ Free FastPass & separate 2ü to all 12and ü Platinum Gold Silver ü ü ü ücheck-in ü ü ü 2$225 xü1___ = total ü1 üRecognition Patron Benefits: Tickets events (a $320 value) $500 $360 $225 üSisterhood ü ü information on the authors and their books, event updates aü printable order Jewish Congregation of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island Extra luncheon event ticket for guest ü ve Adam Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) FastPass & separate check-in ü “All would say with modesty that they üBarry, ü($45 Temple Shalom Patronxevent with an author TBA Reserved seating area were Jewish, nor that ‘Antoine’ was Dani FastPass & separate check-in ü ü ü $_____ at the door) ü ü $30 ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) Event location legend: HN: Hilton Naples JCMI: Jewish Cong. of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - N ü ü ü Patron Benefits: event ticket forattending $360 $225an Recognition in Federation Star Extra luncheon Monday, December 2 @ 11:30am Luncheon w/ Alana$500 Newhouse Check the events you will be for reference: Reserved VIP ü Strengthening oureasy temple, ourseating community übook üguest Copyü of Lori Gottlieb’s ü ü ü ü and each otherü luncheon event ticket12 for guest Center: wish Book Festival Ticket Order Form Patron event with author TBAanswered üExtra Naples Conference 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples ü(a Tickets to all $320 value) 2have 1 not ü ü ebsite at www.jewishbookfestival.org for more Please indicate choice events ofdoing entree: chicken  salmon  vegetarian form. Have questions that been in this insert? Send an email ü ü ü NJC: Naples Jewish Congregation TS: Temple Shalom were ‘just their job,’ but it was clear from the Mossad.” wish Cong. of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center We are grateful to these businesses and organizations Recognition in Federation Star Recognition in Federation Star Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - H Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland numerous benefits! Free voucher(s) am Chandler Stephen Silverman $36 x ___2Way, = Levels $_____ at üthe door) üand receive ü ü 1($45 ü ü Reserved VIP seating FastPass check-in ü Tickets to all 12 (a $320 value) ü seatingüarea ü __ ($25 at the door) üü& separate Reserved $_____ ($45 at the door) ü ü Please indicate choice ofevents dessert:  fruit Daymaker Hair Sal $45 xTS: ___ =&book $_____ ($55 at6340 the door) Naples Jewish Congregation: Napa Naples Daymaker Hair Salon ü Greater Naples Jewish Jewish BookWoods Festival and Benefitsü ü their books, event updates and atoprintable orderPatron Patron: Tickets to allConference 12pastry events Sisterhood ation Temple Shalom Andrew Gross & Steve Israel for their support of the 2019-20 Book Festival: fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Extra luncheon event ticket for guest Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC f)dval Marco Island NCC: Naples Center es Conference Center they were motivated by something much Risks lurked at every point in the care*As of October 13th Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN ü 5111 ü Reserved ü Recognition in Federation Star Levels ü ü üFestival VIP seating Evening Events: Temple Shalom ü ü Reserved seating area ü Jewish Book Patron andvoucher(s) Benefits Reserved VIP seating Patron event with anRidge author TBA Naples: Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Road, Naples ü Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book Free book Hilton Tamiami Trail N., Naples 2 1 not been answered in this insert? Send an email ü ü ü ü ü s nve Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) ur Yo Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse Event location legend: HN: Hilton Naples Jewish Cong. of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center $_____ ($25 at the=door) Sisterhood emple um xShalom $500 x$_____ total $_____ Virtually Sisterhood ___ ($45 at theJCMI: door) Reserved __ “___ ü more visceral than that. than once, Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Tuesday, November 5 239.263.4205. @ 7:00pm - More HN Opening Event Friedland $30 x ___ =Eventually, $_____ ($40VIP atseating the door) executed extraction. this FastPass &=&separate check-in ü w/ Elyssa ü fully üFree )$36 bookü voucher(s) Temple ShalomSisterhood 2Marco 1ü Reserved area üTemple omen’s Platinum Gold Silver Congregation ofü Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Island all the Federation office atNaples NJC: JewishJewish Congregation TS: Shalom Temple Reserved seating FastPass separate check-in event with an author TBA Extra event ticket guest GreaterShalom Naples Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm -Patron HN N., Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel ü ü ü üatseating üdoor) ü area ü $360 xluncheon ___ =the total $_____ ü üreference: Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail Naples Reserved seating area Event w/ Elyssa Friedland $30 x ___for = $_____ ($40 atü the Strengthening our temple, our community and each other you will be attending for easy referenc Check the events ü i$_____ Gottlieb (People of Book Event) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 the door) Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: Patron Benefits: $500 $360Festival $225 Jewish Book Check the events you will be attending for easy Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS these individuals would use the analogy of ($35 at the door) Greater Naples Jewish Book is presented by: üCenter: ü method üPatron of smuggling the Jews became too event with an author TBA Naples Conference 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Monday, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Dave Barry, Adam Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) ü üof Recognition Star Free book voucher(s) x Evening ___ = x$_____ ($45 at the door) ü Thu, December @ 7:00pmExtra -Island: HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman 2 voucher(s) 119Marco Events: )$36 eFestival 2020-21 ultural ü ü ü $225 ___ = total $_____ Jewish Congregation 991 Winterberry Island luncheon event forDrive, guest Marco Recognition inFederation Federation Star Free book ü ü __ “inAlan 2ü 1ü ticket 2for 1book ü ü ü- HN Tickets to all will 12 Free events (a $320 value) ry, Adam Mansbach, Zweibel $45 xof ___ = $_____ ($55 atFriedland theüüvoucher(s) door) ü ssa Friedland $30 x ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) Check the events you be attending for easy reference: Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm Elyssa Friedland Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples Extra luncheon event ticket guest Tuesday, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Opening Event w/ Elyssa $30 x ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) the biblical Exodus the Jewish people Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff dangerous to continue. After assurances CheckRoad, the eventsNaples you will be attending for easy reference: sing Event Josh Frank x ___ = $_____ ($35 at the door) üü 30 xReserved = w/ $_____ ($40 at19Newhouse the door) - HN $25 Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Thursday, December @ 7:00pm Adam Chandler & Naples: Stephen Silverman $36 xCopy ___ = $_____ ($45 the door) Patron event with an author TBA Patron eventatwith an author Hilton 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples seating mber 2___ @ 11:30am Luncheon w/ Alana ü13 @ TBA ü üü lliance ü an author ü Reserved VIP seating of Lori Gottlieb’s book )$18 Visit official Festival website www.jewishbookfestival.org for more xthe ___ =VIP $_____ ($25 at the door) Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: Patron event TBA Venues ü ü - NJCit ü andler & Stephen Silverman $36 x$_____ ___ =at $_____ ($45 atdoor) the door) Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. Even if can’t make to all with Tue, November 5x @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland ü ü you Mon, January 1:00pm Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Monday, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Dave Barry, Adam Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland 2 1 oice of entree:  chicken  salmon  vegetarian ansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = ($55 at the Sisterhood Naples Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples __ “Naples: Sisterhood Extra luncheon eventdoor) ticket for guest Jewish Congregation oforder Marco 991Jewish Winterberry Drive, Marco Island ü Extra luncheon event ticket for guest Tuesday, January 28at 7:00pm - HNTrail Ken Sutak &üElizabeth Weitzman $36 xIsland: ___ = &$_____ ($45 at the Venues No tickets sold information on authors and their books, event updates a$36printable FastPass separate check-in xElizabeth ___ = $_____ ($55 the door) üand ü Temple Shalom ü members. ü üNovember Reserved seating area Festival Package. if@you can’t make itExtra to all Hilton 5111 Tamiami N., Naples @ 11:30am Temple Shalom Mon, November 11___ @ 1:00pm - NCCto Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Reserved seating area Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman oice of dessert:  pastry the fruitEven Mon, 11December @ 1:00pm -2NCC Andrewof Gross & Steve Israel ü k45 & Weitzman $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) Thursday, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman x = $_____ ($45 at the door) ü $_____ Venues luncheon event ticket for guest Mon, HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, you can gift your tickets friends, colleagues and family )phen *As October 13th Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Strengthening our temple, our community and each other $25 Silverman xHave ___ =questions $_____ at the been door) üPine Ridge Naples Conference Center: 1455 Road, Naples $36 x($35 ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) after November 25 Hilton Naples: Tamiami Trail N., form. that not answered inü(People this insert? Send an email Recognition Federation Jewish Congregation Marco 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island Mon, @ 11:30am - sold HN Alana Newhouse ckets to friends, colleagues and family members. ü ü üDecember Star Wed, February - TS Lori Gottlieb 5111 Wednesday, February 5have @of 7:30pm TSIsland: Lori Gottlieb ofDecember the Event) $18 = $_____ ($25 at the door)5 @ 7:30pm Mon, 2 @ 11:30am - HN Naples Alana Newhouse Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N.,inNaples No tickets Tuesday, January 28 @ 7:00pm -the HN Ken=-Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman $36Book x2___ = $_____ ($45 at xthe___ door) Free book voucher(s) Venues 36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at door) omen’s __ “ Free book voucher(s) 2 1 ieb (People of the Book Event) $18 x ___ $_____ ($25 at the door) Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel 2 1 Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TS Daymaker na Newhouse $40NCC: ___ = $_____ Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way,February Naples Jewish Congregation of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive,Hair Marco Salon Island HN:Naples Hilton Naples JCMI: Jewish Cong. the of Marco Island Naples Conference Center ) Weitzman to fedstar18@gmail.com call Federation office at 239.263.4205. Conference Center: 1455 Pine Road, Naples Reserved VIP seating Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, & Island: Zweibel Wed, 26 Marco @ü 1:00pm - TSNaples Bob Mankoff & Mon, Butnick/Oppenheimer Jewish Congregation ofMansbach Marco 991 Winterberry Drive, Island hlegend: $36 xor ___ = $_____ ($45 atxRidge the door) December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel after November 25 Venues Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Wednesday, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb (People of the Book Event) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wednesday, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Closing Event w/ Josh Frank $25 x ___ = $_____ ($35 at the door) ultural Sisterhood NJC: Naples Jewish Congregation TS: Temple Shalom Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI Patron event with an author TBA vent w/ Josh Frank $25 door) x ___ = $_____ ($35Woods at the door) se indicate ofJewish entree: author chicken  salmon Napa vegetarian Daymaker Hair Salon Temple Shalom: Pine Ridge Road, Naples Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Naples event with anCongregation: TBA Jewish Congregation of4 @ Marco Winterberry Drive, Marco ü ü 36 xPatron ___ =choice $_____ ($45 at the Naples 6340 Way, Naples Thu, December 19 4630 @ at 7:00pm -5111 HN Adam Chandler & Stephen for Wed, March 1:00pmIsland: - JCMI 991Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch19Island Venues Reserved seating areaRoad, Visit the official Festival website www.jewishbookfestival.org more Thu, December @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman ü ü ü Hilton Tamiami Trail N.,Silverman Naples Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples of the Book Event) x ___ = $_____ ($25 the door) Wednesday, March 11 $18 @ 7:30pm - TStickets Closing Event w/at Josh Frank $25 xNaples: ___Jewish = $_____ ($35 at the door) lliance Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Naples Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples No sold ents: Check the events you will be attending easy reference: for Wed, 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Benjamin & Pam Jenoff se$40 indicate choice ofShalom: dessert: ticket pastryfor  fruit Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Temple 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Wed, January 8 @Congregation 1:00pm - TS N., Melanie Benjamin &Island: Pam Jenoff Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Josh Frank Extra event guest Checkbook the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, January 8 @January 1:00pm - Road, TS Melanie Benjamin Melanie & Pam Jenoff information onNaples the authors and their books, event updates and a991 printable order Jewish ofPine Marco Winterberry Drive, Marco Free voucher(s) x ___ = $_____ Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail Naples 26340 1www.jewishbookfestival.org üü Naples Jewish Congregation: NapaIsland Woods Way, Naples Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Luncheon Event: luncheon event ticket guest Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Naples Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Temple Shalom: 4630 Ridge Road, Naples 18 xExtra =luncheon $_____ ($25 thew/for door) Visit the official Festival website at for more after November 25 mber 5___ @author, 7:00pm - HN Opening Event Elyssa Friedland $30 xsold ___ = $_____ at the door)Marra order your tickets: Frank $25 xat ___ = $_____ ($35 at the door) Mon, January 13($40 @Conference 1:00pm - Island: NJC B. Book Gad &Tue, Angela Himsel Luncheon Event: Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Naples Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Winterberry November 5 @an 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland No tickets sold Mon, January 13 @January 1:00pm -13 NJC@ 1:00pm Marra B.-Gad & Angela Himsel Mon, NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel No tickets nhto one due to travel arrangements, the order form. Have questions that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email Jewish Congregation of Marco 991 Drive, Marco Island Greater Naples Jewish Festival is presented by: Patron event with author TBA  vegetarian For the events with more than one author, due to travel arrangements, the order ü ü Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse whouse x ___ -=HN $_____ Monday, 2 @ $40 11:30am Alana Newhouse $40 x ___ = $_____ after information on the authors their books, event updates and a printable order No tickets sold 5 9 @ 7:00pm Become a28 @Book Festival Patron Jewish Book F $_____ atDecember the door) afterEven November 25 November 25Grossand Monday, 2($35 @a 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse $40 xmake ___ = the $_____ Naples Congregation: 6340 Napa11your Woods Way, Naples Tue, January 28 @Jewish 7:00pm - Ticket HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman mber -December HN Dave Barry, Adam Mansbach, AlanIf Zweibel $45 xif ___ =or $_____ ($55 at door) Consider purchasing Patron Festival Package. you can’t it toPine all Mon, @ 1:00pm -for NCCsupport Andrew & Steve Israel 25 x ___ =a($25 $_____ at to the door) Tue, January 7:00pm -28 HN@ 7:00pm Ken Sutak Weitzman Naples Conference Center: 1455 Ridge Road, Naples decided few days prior their event. you’d Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival isNovember presented by: after 25 to fedstar18@gmail.com call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Book Festival Order Form Thank you for of the ate choice of entree:  chicken  salmon Jewish vegetarian in Tue, January -an HN& Elizabeth Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Extra luncheon event ticket guest Please indicate choice of  chicken  salmon aNovember vegetarian Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Check Barry,the Mansbach & Zweibel events you will be attending for easy refer ü not in which will be decided few days prior to their event. If you’d Please indicate choice ofthey entree: present chicken entree: salmon  vegetarian form. Have questions that have been answered this insert? Send email Venues Festival Website & Email Festival Website & Email Festival Website & Email Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples We are grateful to these l this order form to: Wed, February 5 @ Festival 7:30pm - TSdoor) Lori Gottlieb Website & Email receive numerous benefits! Mon, December 2 @ 11:30amFestival - HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, can gift your tickets to friends, and family members. Wed, 5 @will 7:30pm - TS forLori Gottlieb Visit the official website at www.jewishbookfestival.org forand more drew Gross &you Steve Israel xcolleagues ___ =choice ($25 at door) Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples mber 19 @ - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman $36 x$_____ ___ $_____ atthe the ate choice of 7:00pm dessert:  pastry  fruit Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Venues email fedstar18@gmail.com or call 239.263.4205. Check theFebruary events you be attending easy reference: Please indicate of  ($45 pastry  fruit $_____ “ Please indicate$18 choice of dessert:  pastry =dessert: fruit Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN 2019-20 Elyssa FriedlG No tickets sold Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Visit the official Festival website at www.jewishbookfestival.org for more Book Festival Patron: Tickets to all 12 events Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples Visit the official Festival website at www.jewishbookfestival.org for more like to the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com or call 239.263.4205. for their support of -the Visit the official Festival website atknow www.jewishbookfestival.org for more Visit the official Festival website at www.jewishbookfestival.org for more $40 x ___ = $_____ Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer deration of Greater Naples 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival! Temple Shalom: Road, @ 7:00pm - HN you Elyssa Friedland Check5the events will be attending for easy reference: information onPine the authors andNaples theirPlatinum books,Gold event updates and a printable order Tue, November Silver November ry 28 @ 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzmanafter $3625 x ___ = 4630 $_____ ($45Ridge at the door)

Become a Book Festival Patron and receive numerous benefits!


Book Festival Patron e numerous benefits!

Jewish Book Festival Spo

Jewish Book Festival Sponsors

Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors and receive numerous benefits! Sisterhood Jewish Book Festival Sponsors Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsors er Form Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Fes receive numerous benefits! Festival Ticketand Order Form Become a Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Sponsor and receive numerous benefits! Order Form and receive numerous benefits!

Thank YouYou to Thank Our Sponsors* Thank to Our Sponsors* You to Our S

W W W C C Jewish Book Festival Ticket Order Form C A A Thank You to Our Sponsors* Order Form A Venues

WThank You to Our Sponsors* C W A C Festival Venues A Website & Email

alVenues Ticket Order Form

l Website & Email

Patron Benefits: Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book FastPass & separate check-in Recognition in Federation Star Reserved VIP seating Reserved seating area Free book voucher(s)

Platinum $500

Gold $360

Silver $225


Thank You to Our Sponsors*

Schedule of Events: Venues W Schedule of Events: VenuesC Festival WebsiteTickets & Email ARE Transferable A ARE Transferable Thank You to Our Sponsors* Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest

Patron Benefits: Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book

Platinum $500

Gold $360

Silver $225

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other Temple Shalom

FastPass & separate check-in Recognition in Federation Star Reserved VIP seating Reserved seating area Free book voucher(s) Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

W Festival Website & Email C Schedule of Events: Festival Website & Email A Multi-Author Events -Author Events Tickets ARE Transferable The Saul I. SternFestival Website & Email Thank you for your support o Schedule of Events: Cultural Series Hilton Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples Jewish Patron Levels and Benefits Venues information Schedule o Jewish Congregation oftickets Marco 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Festival Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TSGreater Bob Mankoff Butnick/Oppenheimer on Book the authors and their books, event updates and a &printable order anie Benjamin Jenoff $18 x ___ = $_____ “Transferable information on the authors and their books, event and aIsland printable order ntree:  chicken & salmon  vegetarian 2019-20 Naples Jewish Boo No soldIsland: Afternoon Events: $_____ “Pam Platinum $500 xform. ___ =updates total $_____ Tickets ARE derbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201 Festival Website & Email Have questions that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email 40 x ___ = $_____ Jewish Congregation of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island bruary 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb (People of the Book Event) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples form. Have questions that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email Check the events you will be at ross & check Steve Israel $18 $_____ ($25 at theevent, door) Platinum Gold Silver after November 25 form. questions that not been answered in you this insert? Send essert: pastry fruit $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 atx ___ the door) March 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch Multi-Author Events in atHave each event. • have If-= you cannot attend an can give your ticket toemail a $18 friend. ach year, JCMI strives offer March 6Package. –an Frank Del singer and Allat at the 2019-20 Wed, Monday, November 11 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross &= Steve Israel xwebsite ___ =you $_____ ($25 at the @Gold $360 xWay, ___ total $_____ )imply Consider purchasing a___ Patron Festival Even ifPizzo, make itauthors todoor) all appearing Visit the Festival at can’t www.jewishbookfestival.org more  vegetarian Naples Conference Center: Pine Ridge Naples to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office 239.263.4205. Schedule rra B. Gad &fedstar18@gmail.com Angela Himsel $18 xtoRoad, ___ = “Website 34109 Naples Jewish 6340 Napa Woods Naples to for fedstar18@gmail.com Federation at 239.263.4205. Tickets ARE Transferable Patron Benefits: or call the $500 office of $360 $225 of Events: $_____ Schedule Events: arch 11 @ 7:30pm -Jenoff TS “Congregation: Closing Event$18 w/1455 Josh Frank $25 x$_____ $_____ ($35official atoffice the door) or call thethe Federation office 239.263.4205. To make change, please call=atthe Federation Festival & Email Benjamin &to Pam x ___ = $_____ “ about a week prior to each event. Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh Frank • If you cannot attend an event, you can give your ticket to a friend. • Physical tickets will not be issued. Simply check in at each event. Sche For the events with more than one author, due to travel arrangements, the order Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival are members Schedule of Events: straight from Vegas information on the authors and Las their books, event updates and a printable order All authors appearin educational Silver $225 x ___ = Naples total $_____to friends, 12 events, youentercan gift yourcomedian tickets colleagues and family members. Naples Jewishpatrons Congregation: 6340 Napaand Woods Way, Temple Shalom

Bring Your Highest Expectations™

Strengthening our temple, our community and each other

Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN

Elyssa Friedland

Check the events will beand attending for easyorder reference: Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Mon, November Melanie Benjamin Pam Jenoff Andrew Gros information on the authors and their books, event updates and aand printable order information on the authors their books, eventyou updates a printable 11 @Gross 1:00pm - NCC & 11 @November 1:00pm Andrew & Steve Israel Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew GrossMon, & Steve Israel - NCC $500 $360 $225 - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pmPatron - JCMI Benefits: Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch Andrew Thu, December 19 @ Tamiami 7:00pm March 4 @ an 1:00pm - JCMI- NCC Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch Wed, Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm Gross & Steve form. Have questions thatNaples have not an been answered insert? Send email form. Have questions that have not been answered in this Send email Naples: 5111 Trailinsert? N., Mon,Newhouse December 2 B. @ 11:30am Alana Himsel Newhouse Tue, November 5in@this 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Israel Mon, January213 @ 1:00pm NJC Marra Gad &- HN Angela Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value)door) Mon, December @ 11:30am - HN - Alana ü ü ü Andrew Gross & Steve Israel $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 atHilton the Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newho Check you willDecember attending for easy reference: Checkthe theevents events you will bebe attending for easy to orBenjamin call Winterberry the & Federation officeMarco at 239.263.4205. Wed, Marchto11fedstar18@gmail.com @ 7:30pm - TS Joshbook Frank Wed, 8ü@fedstar18@gmail.com 1:00pm - TS at 239.263.4205. Melanie Pam Jenoff Jewish Congregation of Island: 991 Drive, Island Wed, March 11 @2 7:30pm - TS- HN Alana Josh Newhouse Frank Mon, 9 @ 7:00pm - HN reference: Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Mon, December @ 11:30am or call the Federation office Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s üJanuary üMarco Mon,January December 28 9 @@ 7:00pm - HN - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Tue, 7:00pm KenMon, Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansb Wednesday, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman FastPass & separate check-in Naples Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples ü @ 1:00pm ü - NJC 19Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Silverman Elyssa Friedland Mon,üJanuary 13 Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Thu,the December @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler &- Stephen Check events you will for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for easyFebruary reference: Way, Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Check Newhouse 11 Wed, January 8Gottlieb - TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Recognition in Federation StarNaples Wed, 5Mon, @ 7:30pm -attending TS Lori Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Naples 1:00pm ü $_____ ü ü Wednesday, January 8 -@NJC1:00pm -239.263.4205 TSB. Gad Melanie Benjamin & Pam $18 Jenoff $18 x“ ___Consider = “6340a Napa Check the events you willbebeattending for easy reference: Jewish Congregation: Woods Naples November @ 1:00pm -@NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel $18 x ___ = $_____ “ the events you will be attending for easy reference: Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chand atRoad, or email rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Daymaker Hair Salon Monday, January 13 @ 1:00pm Marra & Angela Himsel x ___ = $_____ purchasing Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it to all Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel ü ü ü Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Tue, Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Tue, January 28 answered @ 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak &make Elizabeth Weitzman Reserved VIP at November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Visit theprior official Festival website www.jewishbookfestival.org for bEvent: &Shalom: Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 xdays ___ = $_____ “If you’d ü form. Have questions thatprior have not been this insert? Send an emailNetwork. h Mankoff authors forthey multi-author events) isbe Tomore change, please call the Federation Check thereferen even in which present will decided a ($25 few to their event. & Angela Himsel $18Ridge x ___ = $_____ “an Temple Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples ofinthe Jewish Book Council $_____ “ 4630 Check the events youreference: will be attending for easy the Mon, December 9 @Tue, 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibeloffice February @5 @ 1:00pm -Marra Bob & Butnick/Oppenheimer Temple Road, Naples you Mon, December 2TS @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse Tue, November - HN Elyssa Friedland You will receive email reminder about aseating week to each event. taining events. This For further information on pricing Check the events will attending for easy November 5Check @make 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Wed, Mon, January @26 1:00pm -7:00pm NJC be Gad &28Mankoff Angela eGad Israel $18 xPine at door) Consider afor Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t to all Reserved seating area$18 Monday, December 2 seating @season, 11:30am Luncheon w/ Alana Newhouse the events you beLori attending for easy reference: Mon, 11 @ 1:00pm -Pam NCC Andrew &13 Steve IsraelDecember events will beNovember attending for &easy reference: @ 7:00pm - HN Sutak & Elizabeth Wed, 8 Ken @Newhouse 1:00pm - TS WeitzmanMelanie Ben ü atMonday, the Federation • Bob Open at the all events. Platinum and Patrons, and Sponsors/VIPs Mon, 2Tue, @B.January 11:30am - January HNHimsel Alana 12 events, you gift your tickets towill friends, colleagues and members. Copy of Gottlieb’s book No tickets sold Wednesday, February 26 13 @ 1:00pm -=TS$_____ Mankoff &Marra Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 Gold x ___ = $_____ January @___ 1:00pm -• NJC B.three Gad &on Angela Himsel ___ =February $_____ “Check Check the events willpurchasing be attending easy reference: Wed, January 8the @ it1:00pm - you TSfamily Melanie Benjamin JenoffGross Wed, 5 @you 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb ü ü ü11December information the authors and their books, updates and acan printable order to fedstar18@gmail.com orx“event call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. mber 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse $40 x ___ = $_____ Tue, November 5 Hersch @&7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland at 239.263.4205 or email rbialek@jewishnaples.org. like to know the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com or call 239.263.4205. Mon, 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach Zweibel Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it to all Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Free book voucher(s) Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman $18 x ___ = $_____ “ 2 1 Mon, November @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members. Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Please indicate choice of entree:  chicken  salmon  vegetarian Daymaker Hair Salon after November 25 for multi-author & Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 x ___ =planned: $_____ “ $_____ We are grateful toMon, these businesses and organization will have reserved seats. kkoff Fairweather &March Jack Hersch $18 “authors Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm -B.HN Elyssa Friedland wonderful programs are and venues, contact the Synagogue January 13BobMansbach @Mankoff 1:00pm Marra B. Gad Mon, December 9 all @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, &- NJC Zweibel üTue, 51:00pm @ office 7:00pm - HN Bob Elyssa Friedland • No refunds unless entire event (both events) is- TSSend December Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm - NJC Marra Gad & Angela Please indicate choice of$_____ entree:  chicken &xsalmon = vegetarian Patron event withgift an author TBA Wednesday, 4@ 1:00pm -indicate JCMI Jack Fairweather Jack Hersch $18 x ___ $_____ Wed, 26 @ Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer ase fill out form in advance. Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. ifHimsel you can’t make it- TSto FastPass separate check-in Mon, December 9 @Even 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach &@Zweibel form. Have have not been answered in this insert? email February-26 1:00pm - November TSChandler Butnick/Oppenheimer Mon, 11 @ &1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Pam Jenoff $18 x ___ “___ ü &Mon, - HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, you can your tickets toNovember friends, colleagues family members. Wed, February 5 7:30pm Thu, 19Wed, @ 7:00pm HN@ Adam & Stephen Silverman ü ü s, etc.) we will attempt to reschedule Jewish Book= Festival Patron Levels Benefits Book Festival Patron: Tickets to 12 events that Wednesday, February 26 @=1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff &questions Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 x“ and ___ =February $_____ “ andan Mon, December 2December @- TS 11:30am -Gottlieb HN Alana Newhouse Please choice of -dessert:  pastry all fruit Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS 2 @ 11:30am Melanie Benjamin & Pam ü Jenoff for Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm Josh Frank their support of Lori the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book


Afternoon Events: Monday, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC


Schedule of Events:

Ticketsyou AREfor Transferable Thank support of the Tickets ARE Transferable Become ayour Book Festival Patron Jewish Book Festival Greater NaplesSponsors Jewish Boo Tickets ARE Transferable Jewish Book Festival Ticket Order Form

Transferable Tickets ARE Transferable and receive numerous Festival Website &Multi-Author EmailTickets ARE 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish benefits! BookSchedule Festival! of Events: of the Jewish Book C Events Festival Website & Email Tickets ARE Transferable Multi-Author Events Schedule of Events: Thank you for your support of the Tickets ARE Transferable you for yo Multi-Author Events Festival! Schedule of2019-20 Events:Greater Naples Jewish BookThank Multi-Author Events 2019-20 Greater Naple Multi-Author Events Schedule of Events: Tickets ARE Transferable Thank you for your support of the

Festival Website & Email Check theat events youevents. will beTue, attending for28 easy reference: 18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) • Andrew Open Platinum and Gold Patrons, and Sponsors/VIPs Extra luncheon event for guest ü 19 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler Stephen Silverman Consider purchasing awebsite Patron Even ifpurchasing can’t make it toticket all 19 Wed, March 4attending @ 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Fairweather Jack-Hersch a the Patron Festival Package. Even you can’t make it all toyou all Mon, November 11Flyers @- JCMI 1:00pm if - NCC Grossseating &Book Israel January @tickets 7:00pm - HN Ken Sutak &@Elizabeth Please indicate choice www.jewishbookfestival.org pastrytoand Package. fruit Mon, 11 @Thu, 1:00pm -colleagues NCC Andrew Gross &family Steve Israel • Event payments areConsider NOT tax deductible. Check the will for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending easy &26 December @reference: 7:00pm - January HNMon, Adam &-&HN Stephen Silverman weather Jack $18 xofSchwarz ___ = $_____ “ rescheduled. be-Tue, 28 @Chandler 7:00pm Ken Sutak & Platinum Gold Silver is Mon, December @your 7:00pm -November HN Barry, Mansbach &December Zweibel Weitzman Wed, February @Wed, 1:00pm -for TS events Mankoff & December 2@& 11:30am HN Alana Newhous canceled and not 12Festival events, can gift to friends, and members. Jewish Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Check the9 events you will be attending for easy reference: Thu, 8Bob @ you 1:00pm TSButnick/Oppenheimer Melanie Benjamin Pam Jenoff check Wed, March 4the @239.263.4205. 1:00pm Jack &Steve Jack Hersch fedstar18@gmail.com or call Federation office at Jan. 16 Tim Dan atyou 239-642-0800 or ur$18 original reservation will be– good Greater Naples Jewish Book presented by: Visit theHersch Festival atFestival for more x&___ =official $_____ “dessert: in Federation Star ways to order your tickets: Visit official Festival website atFairweather www.jewishbookfestival.org for more Mon,Benjamin December 9 January @Tue, 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Patron Benefits: $500 $360 the $225 Multi-Author Events ü ü Jenoff Mon, January 13 1:00pm NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS ü Melanie & Pam -Wed, 11 -@HN 7:30pm - TS Friedland Josh Frank Tue,Recognition November 5@@Thu, 7:00pm --HN Elyssa Friedland arge Himsel $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Platinum $500 x ___ = total $_____ November 5Fairweather @March 7:00pm Elyssa For the events with more than one author, due to travel arrangements, the order December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm - January JCMI Hersch will have reserved seats. Wednesday, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch $18 x ___ = $_____ “ by phone: Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members. Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb Mon, December 9Angela @ 7:00pm Barry, Mansbac Wed, 8Jack @@ 1:00pm TS& Jack Melanie &- HN Pam Jenoff Check the events you will be reference: YES! I’d love to attend and support the 2019-20 Jewish Book Festival! Tue, November 5December @attending 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, 2for@ easy 11:30am -13HN Alana Newhouse Mon,January 13 1:00pm - -NJC Marra B. Gad Himsel 12 events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members. Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Wed, February 5 @&Benjamin 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb • If a venue, start time or author needs to be changed, all ticket buyers will üan ü ü 3 ways to order your tickets: information on the authors and their books, event updates and a printable order Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh Frank information on the authors and their books, event updates and a printable order • Visit Physical tickets will not be issued. Simply check in at each event. • If you cannot attend event, you can give your ticket to a friend. Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: Mon, January @2019-20 1:00pm - NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Platinum Gold Silver Event location legend: HN: Hilton Naples JCMI: Jewish Cong. of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center 18 x ___ = $_____ “ All authors appearing at the For the events with more than one author, due to travel arrangements, the order Events: Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman - Mon, 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel • which If an author cancels (weather, illness, wedays will attempt to reschedule Mon, @ 1:00pm - 8NCC Andrew Gross Melanie & Steve IsraelWeitzman Weiser – Broadway Violins & Information page of website, Reserved VIP seating Multi-Author Events & Tue, January 28 @11 7:00pm - HN Ken- TSSutak Elizabeth the official Festival website at$360 www.jewishbookfestival.org for more Wed, January @ 1:00pm Benjamin &ü Pam Jenoff Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS November Josh Frank the 2019-20 Jewish Festival! ü Festival ü our Book x ___ = total $_____ they present willto be decided aetc.) few prior to their event. If- HN you’d Thu, December 19 @ & 7:00pm - HNHimsel Adam Chandler Consider purchasing aüplease Patron Package. Even if you can’t make itNovember to all 3this ways order your tickets: the Mon, December 9that @ office 7:00pm Barry, Mansbach Zweibel to Wed, February 26If@ 1:00pm -events TS Bob Mankoff Butnick/Oppenheimer Mon, November 11you’d @- 1:00pm NCC Andrew &&Steve Tue, January 2813@@ 7:00pm -Wed, HN- -NJC Ken Sutak Elizabeth Weitzman Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm - HNIsrael Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman form. Have questions have not been answered in insert? Send an email Tue, November 5 @Mon, 7:00pm HN Friedland be notified email. Mon, 1:00pm Angela $18 xwill =- NCC $_____ “inIsrael Mail order form to: inevents which they present will be decided a this few days prior their event. I___ am purchasing the tickets indicated above for a total of $_______. Patron Benefits: ToTS: make change, Federation December 9-Elyssa @ 7:00pm -Gross HN Barry, Mansbach &for Zweibel @Gad 1:00pm Bob Mankoff $360 $225 Thank you for your of26&&B.the 1the ck/Oppenheimer $18 xGold ___ = $_____ “in form. Have questions that have not answered inevent. insert? an email 2019-20 Jewish Book Festival! Check the you will be attending easy reference: January Mon, December 11:30am HNFebruary AlanaMarra Newhouse For with more than one author, to travel arrangements, the order STe NJC: Naples Jewish Congregation Temple Shalom FastPass &($25 separate check-in .263.4205 • Event payments are NOT tax deductible. Mail thismore order form to:one ways tovia order your tickets: ü ücall ü the Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: mber 11 @this 1:00pm Andrew Gross &about Steve $18 xMarch ___ =and $_____ atthe door) • You receive an email reminder a 3been week prior to each Wed, January 8@ 1:00pm - TS 2 @support Melanie Benjamin Pam Jenoff - TS Mon, December 2due @ 11:30am -$500 HN Alana Newhouse Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm -Gottlieb NJC Marra B. Gad &Festival Angela Himsel Greater Naples Jewish Book are For the events with than author, due to travel arrangements, the order the author late or12Send April. Your original reservation will be good Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm -call TS Lori Multi-Author Wed, February 5 @Events 7:30pm - TSmembers Lori Gottlieb Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Wed, information on the authors and their books, event updates a printable order January 8 &@Zweibel 1:00pm - TS Melanie Benjam to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Reserved seating area Silver $225 x ___ = total $_____ Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members. Gottlieb like to know the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com or 239.263.4205. Recognition in Federation Star Feb. 6 – The Naples Philharmonic Brass www.marcojcmi.com. Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch like to know the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com or call 239.263.4205. Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm- -HN HN Lori Barry, Mansbach ü ü ü ü 18 x ___ = $_____ “ Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel at 239.263.4205 or email rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Stephen Tue,13 January 28-@NJC 7:00pm Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman ish Federation of Greater Naples to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm HN Adam Chandler & Silverman Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairwea Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman YES! I’d love to attend and support the 2019-20 Jewish Book Festival! in which they present will be decided a few days prior to their event. If you’d ü ü ü ed above for a total of $_______. Schedule of Events: Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, January @ 1:00pm Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel 1 in which they present will be decided a few days prior to their event. If you’d  Check enclosed (payable to Jewish Federation of Greater Naples) bove for aprior total $_______. 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival! 3 ways to order your tickets: VIP seating Thank you for your support oforder 1 out form toofcalling. ü • No refunds unless entire event (both forMail multi-author events) is= Mail thisReserved order form to: Beach Mon, January @ 1:00pm - NJC Marra B. Gad & nuary 8 @ 1:00pm -questions TS Melanie &not Pam been Jenoff $18 ___ $_____ this order ack Hersch $18 xBenjamin ___ =authors $_____ “ w/form For Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm -March TSDecember Bob Mankoff &author, of the Jewish Book Council Network. Thu, December @ 7:00pm AdamMankoff Chandler13 Silverman 2500 Rd., Ste. 2201 Evening Events: for the rescheduled event. • Melanie If aBenjamin venue, start time or author needs to be changed, all ticket buyers will Mon, 9 @ one 7:00pm -Butnick/Oppenheimer HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel the events with more than due to travel the Wed, February 26the @191:00pm - TS- HN Bob & Stephen Butnick/Oppenheimer form. Have that have answered in xto: this insert? Send an“ Vanderbilt email Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS & Pam Jenoff Wed, 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Josh Free book voucher(s) December @ 11:30am -Lori HN Alana Newhouse 2-Frank 1arrangements, Wed, March @ 1:00pmthe - JCMIevents Jackyou Fairweather &Wed, Jack Hersch seating area Wed, February 5@2 7:30pm TS Gottlieb Monday, December 2of @ 11:30am Luncheon Alana Newhouse &be @ 7:30pm - TSMarch Lori Gottlieb ü email 0 Vanderbilt Beach Rd.,our Ste. 2201 Quintet, 15th year magical music • aReserved Open at all events. Platinum Gold Patrons, andor Sponsors/VIPs Copy Lori Gottlieb’s book will attending for-5HN easy reference: Thu, December 19Mon, @ 7:00pm -1:00pm HN Adam &events Stephen Silverman like toseating know the order, please fedstar18@gmail.com call Consider purchasing Patron Festival Package. Even ifknow you can’t make it of to239.263.4205. allemail Wed, January 8Gross @ 1:00pm TS4Check Melanie Benjamin Pam Jenoff Wed, 11Benjamin @ 28 7:30pm - TS JoshSutak Frank fedstar18@gmail.com Mon, November 11 @Thu, - NCC-Chandler Andrew &239.263.4205. Steve Israel Tue, January 28 @February 7:00pm Ken & Elizabeth Weitzman Naples, FLNaples 34109 ü ü Check theü be attending for&easy reference: like toand the order, please or call Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TSSutak Melanie Jenoff Jewish Federation Greater Naples Tue, January @&7:00pm - HN Ken & Eliz canceled and not rescheduled. I= Please charge my:Tuesday,   Visa Discover  American Express 18 x ___ $_____ “MC December 19 @decided 7:00pm -event, HN Adam Chandler Stephen Silverman Jewish Federation of Greater Wed, March @ 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Fairweather &Pam Jack Hersch inWed, present will be awill few days prior to their event. If 4you’d Freew/ book voucher(s) am purchasing the tickets indicated above for a$_____ total of $_______. s:les, 2 1 $30 4they @easy 1:00pm - JCMI Jack &you Hersch Thank yo 1 November 5@ 7:00pm -of HN Opening Event Elyssa Friedland x ___ $_____ ($40 the door) Jack March 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Josh Frank Please indicate choice ofthe entree: chicken  salmon  vegetarian • =Check Physical tickets will notat beyou issued. Simply check inwhich atMarch eachemail. event. • If26 you cannot attend you can give your ticket toJewish a friend. fedstar18@gmail.com or call Federation office at 239.263.4205. be notified via Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel All authors appearing at the 2019-20 ryto 13 @ 1:00pm NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel $18 x ___ = “ Wed, February @91:00pm -Fairweather TSGreater Boban Mankoff &Wed, Butnick/Oppenheimer Mail this order form to: Tickets ARE Transferable ederation of Greater Naples) 2019-20 Naples Book Festival! the events will be attending for reference: For the events with more than one author, due to travel arrangements, the order Mon, December @ 7:00pm HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel l! will have Tue, November @Jenoff 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland Mon, January 1:00pm - NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Wed, 2613@@1:00pm - TSWed, Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm Melanie Benjamin & Pam FL 34109 3 waysof Patron event with an author TBA toPlease order your tickets: 2500Vanderbilt BeachFor Rd.,you Ste. 2201 Patron event with an reserved author TBA to seats. ish Federation Greater Naples) FastPassabout & separate check-in Mon, December 2 @- TS 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse 12events, can gift your tickets friends, colleagues and family members. Gad Wed, February 5 February @March 7:30pm Gottlieb February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb ü one ü author, To make the change, call theü Federation office ü Mon, 13 @ 51:00pm - NJC Marra &call Angela Himsel ü ü ü Wed, January 8friend. @January 1:00pm -please TS Melanie Benjamin & PamB. Jenoff 239.263.4205. Wed, 11 @- TS 7:30pm -Lori TSJewish Josh Frank • You will receive an email reminder a week prior to each event. indicate choiceetc.) of• dessert: pastry fruit the events with more than due to travel arrangements, the order 2 like to know the order, please email fedstar18@gmail.com or Greater Naples Book Festival are members • If an author cancels (weather, illness, we will attempt to reschedule 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201 Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch In person at the Federation Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm TS Josh Frank Physical tickets will not be issued. Simply check in at each event. • If you cannot attend an event, you can give your ticket to a Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Consider purchasing aElyssa Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it- NJC toatall Extra luncheon event ticket for guest appearing atBob 2019-20 Mon, November 11 @Chandler 1:00pm - NCC& Stephen Andrew Gross &All Steveauthors Israel Tue, January 28 @ 7:00pm -the HN Ken Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman üTue, November 239.263.4205 or email rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Thu, December 19Marra @HN7:00pm -&HN Adam Silverman which will beNaples, decided aExp. days prior to their event. If you’d Monday, 9to @ 7:00pm -few HN Barry, Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 ___• -=HNNo$_____ ($55 atevent the door) FL 34109 5 @x 7:00pm Friedland bruary 26Card @in - TSthey Bob present Mankoff &(payable Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 xDave ___ = $_____ “ Please Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm B. Barry, Gad Angela Himsel ewish Book Festival! Wed, 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch #____________________________________ ____/____ Wed, 26Network. @ 1:00pm - TSGreate Bob Mankoff & 18 x ___ =1:00pm $_____ “Your 3December ways to order your tickets:  Discover  Express • Adam Event payments NOT tax deductible. Mon, December 9 @event 7:00pm -Tue, Mansbach & Zweibel  Check enclosed Jewish Federation of Greater Naples) February 26March @ 1:00pm Mankoff &February Butnick/Oppenheimer refunds entire arrangements, forattend multi-author events) isMarch 2019-20 Recognition in Federation Mon, January @ 1:00pm -Frank NJC Marra Gad & Angela Himsel Extra luncheon ticket for the2019-20 Jewish Book Council office. fill out form in advance. Wed, 11 @ 7:30pm -13 TS Josh • Physical tickets willare not be issued. Simply check in at each event. • (both If youauthors cannot anStar event, you can give your ticket toguest aü friend. January 28 @ 7:00pm -B. HN Ken Sutak &authors Elizabeth Weitzman ü ü For the events with more than one author, due tounless travel the order the author in lateAmerican March or April. original reservation will be good CVV#_______ AllWed, appearing at-ofTS the ü Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse 12 events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members. Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm - TS Lori Gottlieb 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201

Strengthening our tem

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Articles inside

New Orleans Klezmer All Star Band

page 39

Political and virus-fighting “Tribe” run-down; Gadot and Bialik return ... and more

page 38

What a plot!

page 37

On your mark . . . Get set . . . Zoom!

page 32

Arts & Culture

page 29

Random acts of loving kindness

page 27

Dreaming of a better future for our children

page 26

Shalom Naples families!

page 25

Traditional JCMI January events to continue

page 24

The promise and the challenge of the new year

page 23

Beth Tikvah update

page 22

Expanding Horizons II series 2021

page 21

Meet Hadassah’s new President

page 20

Our hopes for 2021

page 19

JWV Post 202 update

page 18

Don’t sell yourself short: Everyone can learn

page 17

268,000 families in Israel pushed into extreme poverty amid coronavirus pandemic

page 16

Falafel: The dish of 2020

page 15

Seniors dealing with hearing loss and masks

page 14

Holocaust survivors are heroes to many

page 13

Happy New Year!

page 12

Supporting and empowering caregivers

page 10

Now is the perfect time to become a member of the Pomegranate Society!

page 9

WCA’s Happy Hour-and-a-Half is a virtual triumph!

page 8

The New Year brings many new programs to MCA

page 6

Plans advance for virtual Day and Evening of Learning

page 5

Tomorrow begins today

page 4

Staying connected as a community

page 3

Capital Campaign spotlight – Acharai

page 2

Planting Community Roots

page 1
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