1 minute read
Commemorating our Israeli hostages
Nat Ritter, Federation Board Chair
Unbelievably, 239 of our brothers and sisters in Israel were taken hostage on the morning of Oct. 7, 2023. Men, women, senior citizens and children were all brutally taken from their beds and into Gaza. As I write this article, 235 remain in Hamas’ custody (136 as of press time), four of whom we know have not survived their capture.
You may have noticed that 239 chairs were placed on the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center’s Plaza to remember and honor our people held hostage against their will and in solidarity with their families who cannot resume their lives as they once knew them. The chairs with black balloons represent those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our sacred Israel.
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ goal is to remember and hold close in our hearts, hopes and prayers for our brethren to have a safe and speedy return to health, safety and happiness in their future. The nation of Israel lives on through these same aspirations.
Am Yisrael Chai!