2 minute read
Do you want to see your name in lights?
We can’t do this without you!
By Marcy Friedland, Capital Campaign & Planned Giving Director
As the construction of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center moves right along, we are beginning the process of adding names to the Donor Wall located in the covered loggia area as you walk through to the entrance doors.
All names will be listed in alphabetical order, starting with contributions to the Capital Campaign of $500 and up. If you want your name(s) included, you have until June 30, 2022 to make your contribution and have your name(s) added to the wall.
Contribution opportunities
1. Naming opportunity starting at $5,000, which can be pledged over 5 years
2. Engraved brick pavers $720 or $1,800
3. Contribution of $500 and above by check or credit card
Every person who walks into our new building will see your name(s) on the donor wall. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is about community and our entire Greater Naples community has helped us build our new home. Don’t you want to be a part of it?
Don’t forget, to be included on the Donor Wall, contributions must be in or pledged by June 30, 2022.

Future donor wall

New building tour

Building under construction as of May 2, 2022

Construction tour participants with signed truss