2 minute read
Meet the Gordon/Wein family
PJ family spotlight
By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library Coordinator
Q: Tell me about the Gordon/Wein family members.
A: We are Casey Gordon, Alexandra Wein, and Carter (9) and Eliana (1) Gordon. Carter is Casey’s son from a previous relationship, but we have been a family since he was 4 years old. Last year, we added Eliana to our household, and everyone loves being a family of four! We also have two dogs, Onyx and Rosie, and two cats, Barley and Porter. It’s a busy house full of love! We are planning a wedding, so there are lots of wonderful things to look forward to in our growing modern family!
Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?
A: It’s exciting because Eliana loves books. When we go to her room to get ready for bed, she is always pulling out multiple books for us to read to her, it’s always a fun day when another package comes in the mail.
We just got Carter signed up for PJ Your Way and he loves that he gets to pick which book he receives.

Casey Gordon and Alexandra Wein with their children, Carter (9) and Eliana (1)
Photo credit: Christina Gonzalez @cristinaceinamama
Q: What do you like about PJ Library books?
A: The stories are fun and meaningful. Being an interfaith, blended family, it’s nice to have a resource that provides opportunities for Casey and Carter to learn more about Alexandra’s religion and customs and for Eliana to experience her Jewish lineage. It’s very bonding for us all.
Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples? If so, how?
A: Not as involved as I would like to be. We try to get to local events for holidays. Recently, we have been attending PJ Library’s park playdates. It’s been fun to meet other Jewish families in our community.
Q: Are you a Jewish Federation of Greater Naples member?
A: We are not currently members, but we do have our Amazon Smile set to donate to Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight Family, please let us know! Email Alicia Feldman at programs@jewishnaples.org.
Follow us on Facebook, @PJLibraryNaplesFL.