November 2023
Federation Star
It takes a team to grow this Jewish community Giving thanks for everyone's hard work to make our Greater Naples Jewish community vital and vibrant blossomed. Recognize the work that has been done to create our different congregations, agencies and organizations. Everything has been developed to meet Federation our growing and changing needs. Just President/ like a harvest, we have created our Jewish CEO community to help sustain us. Whether it is because of a Jewish holie have just completed the day or an American holiday, we need to celebration of Sukkot and take time to reflect on the good fortune are headed toward celebrating we have in making our Jewish community Thanksgiving. In my interpretation, each of Greater Naples a vital and vibrant one. of these holidays celebrates harvests and Harvesting is hard work; however, opportunities to express thankfulness. the reward is readily visible. Growing Here in Naples, in a community is not our Jewish commualways as easy to see. nity, we have much “The whole is greater Building a commuto be thankful for. nity, growing a comthan the sum of the Although none of munity, is very hard parts.” The whole of us may be directly work. It takes everyinvolved in harvestone to participate in our community is ing our own foods, its success. greater than the we certainly partake There is an adage, in enjoying the fruits, “the whole is greater individual parts. vegetables, grains, etc., than the sum of the — the work of others. parts.” The whole of In another respect, we have endeavour community is greater than the indiored to build and grow our community. vidual parts. And for this, we should be very thankI applaud all of you for everything that ful. Over many years, numerous seeds you have done and will do to truly grow have been planted for our community our community. to grow — and look at how it has
Jeffrey Feld
We Understand the Legal Needs and Traditions Of Our Community. Amanda M. Dorio
Katie Kohn
Estate Planning and Trust Administration
Divorce, Marital & Family Law
Attorneys Amanda Dorio and Katie Kohn have represented clients from the Naples community for more than 20 years. Amanda works with her clients in estate planning, trust administration and wills, and Katie assists clients in matters regarding adoption, divorce, marital and family law. They both use understanding, compassion and experience to help with their community’s legal needs – just as we’ve done since 1924. Named one of the “2023 Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers in America© 239.344.1100 Fort Myers Bonita Springs • Naples
Where Tradition Meets the Future.
B U S I N E S S & TA X • B U S I N E S S L I T I G AT I O N • CO N S T R U C T I O N • D I VO R C E , M A R I TA L & FA M I LY • E M P LOY M E N T H E A LT H C A R E • I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y • L A N D U S E , ZO N I N G & E N V I R O N M E N TA L • M E R G E R S & AC Q U I S I T I O N S R E A L E S TAT E • TO RT & I N S U R A N C E • W I L L S , T R U S T & E S TAT E P L A N N I N G • WO R K ER S’ CO M P EN S AT I O N ©2023 Henderson Franklin Starnes & Holt, P.A.