Federation Star - October 2023

Page 14

Security features at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

As the 2023-2024 Naples fall and winter programming begins and the excitement of using the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center builds, we should all remember that security is of utmost importance. We all must be ever vigilant of our safety. The building has many security features of which we want to make you aware.


Please recall that badges will be needed to enter the Iser Center. Badge readers are located at the front doors — the one and only way to enter the building. Having a single entry point is an important security feature recommended by the Collier County Sheriff’s office and SCN (Secure Community Network, a subsidiary of the Jewish Federation of North America). Accordingly, do not prop any exterior doors open for any reason.

Please wear your badge as it will be needed to enter different areas of the building. If you have not gotten your badge yet, please call our Federation office (239-263-4205) for an appointment to have your picture taken and to receive your card. If you do not call ahead, you may not be able to receive your card as you may not be able to enter the building. Also, please do not allow anyone that

you do not know to follow you into the Iser Center.

Limited access to the second floor

The second floor is for Federation staff offices. Should you need access to the second floor, please arrange an appointment. The front desk will alert the person you are coming to visit. Your security badges (unless coded specifically for the second floor) will not allow you to access the elevator and the second-floor doors will not open without authorization.

Emergency features

The Iser Center is equipped with AEDs (artificial external defibrillators), fire extinguishers, a wheelchair and emergency kits for minor emergencies. As you peruse the building, notice their locations for emergency use. The building is equipped

with panic alarms to be used only in case of an assault. There are specific buttons to use for medical emergencies. Each of the buttons/alarms are marked clearly. Take a walk around the first floor to familiarize yourself with these buttons and alarms.

Room doors and emergency posters

Please take note of the location of room doors in case you need to exit in an emergency. In addition, you will note multiple rooms have emergency posters in place. Should an assault occur, follow the directions posted. “I’m There” is a direct line between Temple Shalom and the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center should an alarm be needed between the buildings. This will lead to an automatic lockdown of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

SERVING NAPLES, MARCO ISLAND AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 12 Women’s Cultural Alliance 13 Men’s Cultural Alliance 16 Community Focus 18 Tributes 23 Arts & Entertainment 28 Jewish Interest 31 Israel & The Jewish World 32 Organizations 33 Commentary 34 Synagogue News 37 Focus on Youth 39 Community Directory BUILT FOR LIFE BUILT FOR LIVING www.KayeLifestyleHomes.com I 239.434.KAYE Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 4720 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34119 Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Fort Myers, FL Permit No 521 www.JewishNaples.org Y October 2023 – Tishri/Cheshvan 5784 Y Vol. 33 #2 LEARN MORE ON PAGE 7
SAVE THE DATE 2024 Annual Community Campaign Kickoff Nov. 29, 2023, 7 p.m. at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center OF GREATER NAPLES 24 Movies That Matter The sixth annual Southwest Florida human rights film series begins Oct. 25. Learn how you can make a difference concerning issues affecting this area. The 92nd Street Y, New York coming to Naples Beginning this month, 36 programs promoting development and participation in civic life within the context of Jewish values are scheduled. Nat Ritter Federation Board Chair 3 continued on page 2

Community's resilience

At the time of writing this article, Southwest Florida was once again facing the threat of another hurricane. This one was called Idalia and it came 11 months after our community experienced and suffered from Hurricane Ian.

Our community is resilient! We continue to find ways to help each other

and move forward. Yes, it is difficult. Some individuals/families may have been more impacted than others. But our community, through the efforts of our congregations and agencies, was available to help. Jewish Federation of Greater Naples raised and distributed more than $210,000 for local community Hurricane Ian relief efforts.

We thank all of you who contributed to this effort. We thank you for caring about others in our community. We thank the agencies and congregations that helped individuals and families through all the challenges that had to be faced.

Our community faces lots of storms. Some of them are natural, like

Pink Challah Bake


Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Everyone welcome!

Come learn the latest in genetic testing, how it impacts men and women in your family, and why there's an increased hereditary risk for cancer in the Jewish community. We will also be braiding pink challah together.


For more information, please contact Renee Bialek at rbialek@jewishnaples.org or Deborah Litwak at dlitwak@sharsheret.org.

hurricanes, and some are man-made, like antisemitism.

Our community is resilient. We bond together to face whatever kind of storm is headed our way. The willingness to find ways to work together is what makes our community resilient and special!

security features...continued from page 1

We also have license plate readers in place as you enter and exit our parking lots as well as cameras mounted prominently on the building.

As you can see, the Federation Board and staff have taken your security very seriously. Security can only be effective if we all cooperate with the policies and procedures that are outlined. Please be aware of your surroundings. Between WCA and MCA as well as additional Federation programming, our new season

Again, we thank each of you and all our agencies and congregations for making sure that we work together to overcome any and all storms that come our way.

will be fun, exciting and have many opportunities for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to both a productive and fulfilling season.

We hope this information about the security procedures of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center is helpful. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of our staff or board members at the Federation office. As it is frequently said, “If you see something, say something.”


This publication is brought to you each month thanks to the support of our advertisers. Please be sure to use their products and services, and mention that you saw their ad in Federation Star

Anago Cleaning Systems...................10

Beth Tikvah....................................24

Carlisle Naples, The..........................17

Casual Connection..........................2

Chabad of Naples.........................27

Chellie Doepke, Premiere Plus Realty..2

Cremona String Trio....................26

Deborah Zvibleman, John R. Wood....8

Fuller Funeral Home.......................31

Ginsberg Eye.....................................10


Hodges Funeral Home....................30

Holocaust Museum.........................16

James Knafo Architect & Builder........28

Jewish National Fund USA................14

Katz New York Deli..........................12

Kaye Lifestyle Homes..........................7

Kotler Law Firm, P.L...........................18

MCA......................................28 & 35

Moorings Park...............................15

Naples Envelope & Printing Co.......31

Senior Housing Solutions.................18

Siena Lakes...................................3

Sweet Art Gallery........................25

Temple Shalom Sisterhood............11


Truly Nolen......................................9

Wynn’s Market...............................2

Chellie Doepke Premiere Plus Realty Co. 239-877-1722 seachell2@hotmail.com • www.sells-naples.com www.facebook.com/chelliedoepkerealtor Looking for change? Real Estate in Naples is thriving. Let me help you list your home and find your dream home in Paradise! Making Real Estate Dreams REALITY Making Real Estate Dreams REALITY Premiere Plus Realty Co. @WYNNSMARKET 239-261-7157 WWW.WYNNSMARKET.COM 141 9TH ST N., NAPLES, FL 34102

The 92nd Street Y, New York is coming to our Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Founded to serve the Jewish people nearly 150 years ago, The 92nd Street Y, New York promotes individual and family development and participation in civic life within the context of Jewish values and American pluralism.

As a nonprofit community and cultural center, The 92nd Street Y, New York seeks to create, provide and disseminate programs of distinction that foster the physical and mental health of human

Monday, Oct. 2

Yiddish Cinema: Shtetls, Fields and Skyscrapers (Roundtable)

Thursday, Oct. 5 Martha Stewart LIVE!

Monday, Oct. 9

Unearthing the Mysteries of Lost Civilizations: Rapa Nui, Port Jamaica and Nineveh (Roundtable)

beings throughout their lives, their educational and spiritual growth and their enjoyment.

The 92nd Street Y, New York reaches out beyond its core constituency of American Jews to serve people of diverse racial, religious, ethnic and economic backgrounds, seeking partnerships that leaven our programs and broaden our influence.

Thirty-six programs have been scheduled from Oct. 2 to June 30, all on

Monday and Thursday afternoons at 3 p.m., with the exception of a few major presentations on an evening or two. Some of these The 92nd Street Y, New York programs are called The Roundtable, which are courses with the greatest experts — renowned historians, celebrated writers and acclaimed chefs.

After each presentation, the group gathered at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center will discuss the topic based on thought-provoking questions provided


Thursday, Oct. 12 Stephen Sondheim: Songs That Didn’t Make It To Opening Night (Roundtable)

Monday, Oct. 16 Paul Newman: The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man — Clea Newman in Conversation with David Rosenthal

Thursday, Oct. 19 New York in 1874: Jewelry in the Gilded Age, Social Signifier in a Time of Transition (Roundtable)

Thursday, Oct. 26 Buster Keaton: Existential Slapstick (Roundtable)

by the speakers and the staff at The 92nd Street Y, New York.

It is possible to purchase single tickets for each event for $18 per offering. If you want to be the first to know what the program will be, save money on the entire series and have saved seats for the large programs, you can become a patron and purchase the entire series at $540 per person ($15 for each event)! All events will take place in person at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. Become a patron today!

Monday, Oct. 30 New York in 1874: Baseball, New York, and the Birth of America’s Pastime (Roundtable)

Register to become a patron or to purchase individual tickets at www.jewishnaples.org.

Direct link to register: https://JFGN.regfox. com/92nd-street-y.

Call 1-800-597-9105 or visit SienaLakesNaples.com for your FREE brochure.

You can feel confident and secure at Siena Lakes,℠ North Naples’ premier senior living community. We’ve got you covered in hurricane season and beyond.

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• Life doesn’t stop for the storm – Every building on our campus is connected so you’re just steps away from amenities like the fitness center, restaurants, medical center, and more.

3 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
“This is a really well-built building. Hurricane Ian proved that. The hurricane was hitting us with the force that it did, and we could hardly hear a thing. You felt so safe.”
Senior living with
Robert D., Community Resident
peace of mind—

It’s a new year and we have new programs!

The 92nd Street Y, Roundtable and On Demand are now being offered at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. This month, there are programs that include Yiddish Cinema, Stephen Sondheim, Paul Newman, Martha Stewart, and more! Further information can be found in this issue and in our weekly Monday e-blast.

The Elliott Katz Lectures Series will start Friday, Oct. 6 and run through December at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. A different set of lecture series will begin in January and run through March.

Arthritic exercise classes, Super Samba, Scrabble, Bingo, Singles Social Group and more programs are being offered. Please read our weekly

e-blast for specific information.

Movies that Matter will be held on Oct. 18 and 25, and Nov. 1.

Magician Joshua Jay will perform on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Join us for a magical evening!

The Jewish Book Festival begins with its Opening Event featuring Mitch Albom, who will present his book, “The Little Liar” on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. Registration for any of the Jewish Book Festival events, along with costs and details, can be found at www.jewishnaples.org.

Save these important community-wide event dates

Sunday, Nov. 5: Kristallnacht

Commemoration program at 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 11: Community-wide Chanukah Celebration, 5 p.m. at Mercato Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org.

Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link, which is emailed two hours prior to the start of each event.

We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Singles Social Group, Cardozo Legal Society, CatholicJewish Dialogue, Israel and Overseas Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/ or committee that best fits your needs. A taste of each can be found throughout our website at www. jewishnaples.org.

Welcome guests to our new center with a brick paver

Would you like to add your name to a brick paver as a welcome to guests visiting our new Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center? Contact me at eavila@jewishnaples.org or 239-263-4205.


Donor Information



Donation Amount (S)

Make your check payable to JFGN and send it, with this completed form, to: JFGN, 4720 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34119. Indicate how you want your engraved brick to read, using the grid below for the size brick you are purchasing. Each square is the space for one letter or number. Each row counts as one line of text, only use the amount of lines specified below for your brick.

12” x 12” Engraved Brick - room for 8 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($1,800)

8” x 8” Engraved Brick - room for 6 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($720)

4” x 8” Engraved Brick - room for 3 lines of text with 20 characters per line ($360)

4720 Pine Ridge Road

Naples, FL 34119

Phone: 239.263.4205


Email: info@jewishnaples.org


Board Chair: Nathaniel Ritter

Vice chairs: Marc Saperstein, Arlene Sobol, Beth Wolff

Secretary: Rosalee Bogo

Treasurer: Steve Strome

Immediate Past Chair: Jane Schiff

Board of Directors

Frank Baum, Myra Benedikt, Patti Boochever, Harvey Cohen, Marcia Cohodes, Paula Filler, Cheryl Ginsburg, Steve Iser, Larry Israelite, Tammy Katz, Elliot Lerner, Merlin Lickhalter, Robin Mintz, Joel Pittelman, Stuart Price, Michael Rubinstein, Anne Schuchman, Michael Sobol, Jay Weiss, Jeff Zalasky, Board Member

Emeritus: Alvin Becker, Emerita, Phyllis Seaman

Past Board Chairs

Gerald Flagel, Dr. William Ettinger, Ann Jacobson (z’’l), Sheldon Starman, Bobbie Katz, Rosalee Bogo, Judge Norman Krivosha (z’’l), Alvin Becker, Jane Schiff

Synagogue Representatives

Stan Alliker, Cantor Donna Azu, Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Rabbi Ammos Chorny, Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, Rabbi Mark Gross, Joseph Henson, Rabbi Howard Herman, Rabbi Adam Miller, Charles Flum, Rabbi James Perman, Dr. Arthur Seigel, Len Teitelbaum, Rabbi Fishel Zaklos


Jeffrey Feld: Federation President & CEO

Eduardo Avila: Campaign Associate

Reneé Bialek: Program Director

Michelle Cunningham: Receptionist

Courtney DeVault: Accounting Manager

Alicia Feldman: Development Director

Janine Hudak: Admin. Coordinator

Savannah Kelly: Marketing Communications Manager

Phil Zoltek: Facility Manager

Federation's mission is to enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and in the state of Israel.

Programs include:

• Annual Community Campaign

• Celebrate Israel

• Educational & Cultural Programs

• Israel Advocacy Committee

• Israel Scouts

• Jewish Book Festival

• Jewish Community Relations Council

• Jewish Young Professionals

• Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance

• Men’s Cultural Alliance

• PJ Library

• Publication of the Federation Star and Connections magazine

• Singles Social Group

• Women’s Cultural Alliance

• Women’s Philanthropy

• Youth Activities Committee –sponsoring youth education and scholarships for Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Experiences

4 October 2023 Federation Star
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State _________________ Zip Code __________________________
Elliott Katz Joshua Jay Mitch Albom


JFGN Mission to Israel, Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Tour begins Nov. 1, 2024, at 9 a.m. in Tel Aviv

Tour includes 10 days in Israel and 4 days in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

For more information, contact Jeffrey Feld at the Federation –239-263-4205 or jfeld@jewishnaples.org.

5 October 2023 Federation Star OF GREATER NAPLES

Sarah Logan

Jewish Young Professionals featured member

Sarah Logan comes to Jewish Young Professionals for friendship and Jewish connection.

Originally from Dallas, Texas, Logan moved to the Naples area in 2016, while still in high school. After starting her studies at FGCU, she became more involved in Judaism.

“I joined a Jewish sorority in school, and from that experience I knew I wanted to keep Judaism an active part of my life post-college,” she says.

She graduated from FGCU in 2021 with a degree in accounting and now works at HBK CPAs and Consultants. After returning to Naples, she became involved with JYP. Her most memorable moment so far has been celebrating Rosh Hashanah with JYP at Chabad of Naples.

“Celebrating Rosh Hashanah at Chabad of Naples helped me to connect more with Judaism,” says Logan. “It was great to be there with friends and have a community of peers with me.”

We Understand the Legal Needs and Traditions Of Our Community.

At the time this article was written (late August), Logan was looking forward to another meaningful Rosh Hashanah with JYP!

Author’s note: Because of JYP, Logan is now my roommate in Naples! We are excited to host events at our apartment for the young adult Jewish community.

Divorce, Marital & Family Law

Attorneys Amanda Dorio and Katie Kohn have represented clients from the Naples community for more than 20 years. Amanda works with her clients in estate planning, trust administration and wills, and Katie assists clients in matters regarding adoption, divorce, marital and family law. They both use understanding, compassion and experience to help with their community’s legal needs – just as we’ve done since 1924. Where

6 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Katie Kohn
Tradition Meets the Future.® BUSINESS & TAX • BUSINESS LITIGATION • CONSTRUCTION • DIVORCE, MARITAL & FAMILY • EMPLOYMENT HEALTH CARE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAND USE, ZONING & ENVIRONMENTAL MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS REAL ESTATE TORT & INSURANCE WILLS, TRUST & ESTATE PLANNING WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ©2023 Henderson Franklin Starnes & Holt, P.A. Named one of the “ 2023 Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers in America© henlaw.com 239.344.1100 Fort Myers Bonita Springs • Naples
Amanda M. Dorio Estate Planning and Trust Administration
Sarah Logan, center, poses for a photo with JYP members just prior to Rosh Hashanah services and dinner in 2022. Sarah Logan

Joshua Jay will amaze, surprise and intrigue at upcoming magic show

It’s almost here! A magic show with world famous Joshua Jay!

If you’d like to meet Joshua Jay, be entertained by his enormous talent, perhaps learn a bit more about him — how he thinks and how he performs — please register at www.jewishnaples.org to attend the Magic Show with world famous Joshua Jay on Wednesday, Nov. 1. The audience size is limited to about 200 people. I know you won’t want to miss this show. Magic transports you and fills you with wonder and astonishment.

If you want to be amazed, surprised, intrigued and altogether delighted, make sure you register to attend. Choose both the Meet-and-Greet with wine and cheese and the Magic Show with preferred seating and a dessert reception – all for $100 per person (Meet-and-Greet at 6 p.m., Magic Show at 7 p.m.) or sign up for the Magic Show starting at 7 p.m. which finishes with a dessert reception for $75 per person.

The doors will open at 5:45 p.m. for the Meet-and-Greet; doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for the Magic Show.

Jay is a brilliant magician and writer among many other talents. He has been performing for over 30 years. One of

his shows, 6 Impossible Things, was performed on Broadway nightly for a year-and-a-half. He spent three years on that show and allowed only 20 guests per night. Jay also fooled Penn and Teller on their television show, Fool Us, a hit series lasting more than eight seasons. He went on that show to do an original piece called “Out of Sight,” which he created to perform for people who are blind. He wore a blindfold to perform sightless as well. He won the trophy after fooling Penn and Teller. Watch the YouTube videos of Joshua Jay to check him out and see some of his earlier magic.

This is surely an event you will enjoy! I wonder how many times we will hear, “Now, how did he do that?!”

We are thrilled to present this event to support Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.

Thank you to the generous patrons who have already stepped up to support this exciting event:

Stacey and Frank Baum, Anne Schuchman, and Stephen Light. We also appreciate Stephen Kotler, Kotler Law Firm PL.

Please visit www.jewishnaples.org to purchase tickets. See you Nov. 1 for a magical time!

7 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION

Have a ball at A Night at the Jerusalem Light Festival

The Second Annual Greater Naples Matzah Ball

The weather is getting cooler, the school year has started, the snowbirds are returning home and hurricane season is in full swing. Yes, it’s fall in Naples. Before you know it, December will be here and we will be huddled around a menorah, lighting candles and celebrating Chanukah with family and friends. And Chanukah quickly approaching can only mean one thing … it’s time for the Second Annual Greater Naples Matzah Ball! Mark your calendars for Saturday, Dec. 2 from 7 to 11 p.m. for the Matzah Ball, which will be back bigger and better than ever!

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples hosted the first Annual Greater Naples Matzah Ball (the “Matzah Ball”) last January. This gala is intended to bring together younger members of the Jewish community (suggested ages of 21-55) during the holiday season. The first Matzah Ball, themed “A Night in Tel Aviv,” brought together more than 80 younger members of the Greater Naples Jewish community. The event was an overwhelming success enjoyed by all.

The Matzah Ball will again take place at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. This year’s theme, “A Night at the Jerusalem Light Festival,” is sure to live up to the Chanukah “Festival of Lights” nickname. In addition to the traditional lights of the Chanukah menorah, there will be many other light-themed decorations including light displays on the walls, light shows from the DJ booth, glow sticks on the tables and even lights flashing in beverages.

Farewell but not goodbye

We encourage attendees to dress in fun, colorful cocktail casual attire for this night when we bring Jerusalem to life right here in Naples. Individual tickets are being sold for $150 per person.

A few new features this year include scholarship prices for those who are unable to afford the $150 ticket price, kosher food options for those who would like to eat kosher and sponsorship opportunities are available as well:

• All sponsorship levels include name recognition in all marketing materials and recognition at the event.

• The Menorah sponsor ($5,000) will be the title/presenting sponsor of the event and includes 8 complimentary tickets.

• The Latke sponsorship ($2,000) includes advertisement in the Federation Star and 4 complimentary tickets.

• The Dreidel sponsorship ($1,000) includes advertisement in the Federation Star and 2 complimentary tickets.

• The Gelt sponsorship ($500) includes 2 complimentary tickets.

I want to thank all the committee members for their time and hard work in organizing the event, including Michael Rubenstein (Chair); Mia Hyatt, Susan Solomon, Max Deifik, Rocio Bershadski and Alicia Feldman (Vice Chairs); and Jessica Rosen and Faby Kivievic (Members).

We look forward to welcoming you all to “A Night at the Jerusalem Light Festival” and eating, drinking, dancing and celebrating Chanukah in style with family and friends at the 2023 Matzah Ball!

It seems only fitting that I write this to you almost exactly two years after my very first Federation Star article. My time as your PJ Library coordinator is coming to an end. The time in my life is right to take on a new and exciting role within Jewish Federation of Greater Naples as development director. While my new position officially started Sept. 1, I will be helping with PJ Library until the coordinator position is filled. But, more importantly, we are still happily a PJ Library family and will be participating in future PJ events.

The first event will be the PJ Library Book Swap on Sunday, Oct. 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the North Collier Regional Park “Can U Dig

The other

Kristallnacht 2023

It” playground. I’m sure many of us have PJ Library or PJOW books not in heavy rotation that can be cleared out to make room for new books. But, no worries, if you’re not ready to part with any, come play, have some snacks and pick up some books for your collection. Any books not adopted will be donated to “little libraries” around town.

Finally, I’d like to take a moment to say thank you to all my PJ families for how enjoyable you have made this position for me. I can’t help but think how lucky I am to have enjoyed a job this much, which makes saying goodbye so hard. I look forward to many more playdates together in the coming years.

Recently, there has been a great deal of discussion about the concept of “the other.” What is meant by “the other?” Who is “the other?”

Dictionary.com defines “other” as a person or thing that is different, distinct or not included from the one or ones already mentioned or known about. This very simple term has taken on profound implications. These include the scapegoat — a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes or faults of others, especially for the reasons of expediency.

Other implications of invoking the concept of “the other” are bullying, nationalism, genocide, racism, antisemitism and other hate crimes. The Holocaust revived this horrific approach by casting the Jews as “the other” in order to deflect from the diabolical plan of Hitler’s agenda and cause.

The concept of “the other” has never been extinguished. It raises its ugly head in ideologies, politics, organizations, religions and theologies that bolster their views and beliefs as better and purer and truer than “the others.”

Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller, the German theologian and Lutheran pastor, expressed what happens to an individual and a society that does not understand the insidious results of “the other” in this written work:

First They Came

First they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Rabbi David Maayan of St. Leo University Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies will address the topic of The Other at the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue of Collier County’s Kristallnacht 2023 Commemoration. Rabbi Maayan will discuss the theological resources that exist for Catholics and Jews, in their respective traditions, to draw upon in order to encourage genuinely open engagement with each “ other .” He will share some encouraging examples from both traditions and point towards potential theological resources for further development.

This year’s event will take place on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church at 5225 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, FL 34116.

Refreshments will be served. Please register for this free program at www.jewishnaples.org so that we can plan accordingly.

8 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Alicia Feldman
deserve the care of a Real Estate Specialist. DebbieSellsYourHome4You.com
Past President of Temple Shalom and Federation Member since 1998. 10% of my net commission will be donated to Jewish Federation of Greater Naples in your honor.
Deborah Zvibleman, PA ABR, AHWD, CIPS, CLHMS, PMN, RSPS, SRES, SFR,TRC DZvibleman@johnrwood.com 239.272.8878
CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? Keep the Federation Star coming to your home. Email info@jewishnaples.org
Michael Rubenstein, Matzah Ball Chairperson

Rats! Rodents Beginning to Thrive Once Again

With Fall in full swing, temperatures beginning to dip here in Southwest Florida, and some homes unfortunately still dealing with Hurricane Ian cleanup 12 months later, rodents begin looking for the three things they need to thrive: food, water, and harborage.

Rats are active mostly at night. They have poor eyesight, but they make up for this with their keen senses of hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Rats constantly explore and learn, memorizing the locations of pathways, obstacles, food and water, shelter, and features of their environment. They quickly detect and tend to avoid new objects and novel foods. Thus, they often avoid traps and baits for several days or more following their initial placement.

To compound this, rats have oversized front teeth for gnawing and check teeth, which are adapted for chewing. Rodents chew on a variety of items available to them and cause great damage in and around homes. They eat and contaminate food, damage structures and property, and transmit parasites and diseases to other animals and humans.

One of the most common rats in the United States, the Norway rat is extremely adaptive and does well in a variety of human habitats including densely populated cities. Norway rats (also called brown or sewer rats) are large, burrowing rodents. Norway rats can undermine building foundations and slabs with their burrowing activities. They require water to drink, and they can gnaw on all types of materials including copper, lead, plastic, and wood.

In addition, Roof rats, also known as black rats, are generally smaller, sleeker, and slightly slimmer than Norway rats. Roof rats typically

have light black to brown fur on their bodies with lighter underbellies. As their name indicates, roof rats prefer to nest high above the ground in trees, tall overgrown shrubs, or dense vegetation such as ivy. They often can be seen at night running along overhead utility lines or fence tops. These rats move faster than Norway rats, have an excellent sense of balance, and are very agile climbers. They often access homes by running along tree branches, cables, or wires. They are typically found in attics, walls, false ceilings, and cabinets. Roof rats can cause considerable structural damage in homes with their gnawing and nest-building activities as they chew on wood and wires.

Meanwhile, the house mouse thrives under a variety of conditions in and around homes. Mice are usually brown or light grey in color, with lighter underbellies but different species can be lighter or darker. Once inside mice make their homes in quiet spaces out of spare materials, such as string and insulation. Indoors their diet consists of any spare food, consuming food meant for humans or pets. Mice have keen senses of taste, hearing, smell, and touch. They contaminate food-preparation surfaces with their feces, which can contain the bacterium that causes food poisoning (salmonellosis). Their constant gnawing causes damage to structures and property.

Rodents tend to multiply swiftly, and infestations may be extremely difficult to exterminate. Some species breed year-round, and populations are maintained through constant reproduction.

Infestations in or surrounding a home can prove extremely destructive. Different species are known for different nesting and feeding behaviors, but infestations cause damage to gardens and yards, as well as to the home and the

contents. For this reason, it is best to be consistently on the lookout for signs of rodent presence. These include:

• Rat droppings, especially around human or pet food or in or around trash areas;

• Noises in the dark, such as scratching sounds from the attic;

• Nests or piled nesting materials in hidden areas such as behind boxes or in drawers in the garage or near a firewood stack;

• Evidence of gnawing of wires or structural wood;

• Burrows around the yard particularly among plants or damaged vegetables; beneath the garbage can; under the home or outbuildings; or gnawed fruits in trees; and

• Smudge marks caused by the rats rubbing their fur against beams, rafters, pipes, and walls.

If your rodent problem becomes overwhelming, seek professional pest control help.

(Anna Wallace is the Manager for Truly Nolen in Naples. Her service office can be reached at (239) 643-2555. Founded in 1938, Tucson-based Truly Nolen of America (www.trulynolen.com) is one of the largest family-owned pest control companies in the United States. To learn more about Termites and the variety you may have in your home, please visit https://www.trulynolen.com/rodent-control/)

9 October 2023 Federation Star PEST•TERMITE•RODENT•LAWN•INSULATION 239• Call Now! Receive a FREE inspection and this great offer. Is Your Rodent Control Not Doing Its Job? *Applicable to new annual service agreement.


My experience with the Israeli intelligence community this summer

This past June, I had the great opportunity to participate in the 1st Intelligence Course for Jewish Leaders at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) in Ramat Hasharon, north of Tel Aviv. It provided me the privilege to hear from Israel’s best intelligence personnel.

The IICC commemorates fallen intelligence community members, operates a terrorism information center, an intelligence methodology research institute and houses two exhibitions.

During the six-day seminar, we engaged firsthand with experts from Israeli intelligence. We learned about the “process of gathering intelligence” at the academic level; the workflow from national security staff to the Security Cabinet and, finally, up to the Prime Minister; and the differences between the Mossad (Institution), Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the IDF (Military Intelligence Directorate).

We had mind-blowing meetings with former and current officials of all three intelligence branches, including the famous 8200 unit that handles cyber, artificial intelligence and big data.

To gain a better geopolitical and practical perspective, we visited IDF bases, the northern border and a cross-border attack tunnel, which Hezbollah has used.

We visited a military monitoring center at the Gaza and Sinai borders, Iron Dome battery bases and Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. It gave us a better understanding of the threats and their proximity to Israel’s borders and civilian communities.

On June 13, we joined the annual commemoration ceremony for the

fallen from the Israeli intelligence community, where the Minister of Defense and heads of all intelligence branches were present to comfort the families. Photos of Eli Cohen, captured in Syria in 1965, along with the most recent fallen agents, were displayed on a big screen during the emotional ceremony that takes place every year.

The course was organized by the American Friends of the Israel Intelligence Heritage Center (AFIICC), headed by its founder and president, Mr. Igal Zaidenstein, whose mission is to raise awareness of the projects and activities, provide financial support to IICC and serve as a liaison between the American Jewish community and the organization in Israel.

I came back with the firm belief that more people should know about Israel’s intelligence history, achievements and values. It makes us all proud and even more connected to the Jewish state.

With the help of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, I plan to bring former Israel Intelligence officers of the IDF and the 8200 to visit our community and talk about the organization and upcoming 2024 courses. Stay tuned!

In the words of Mr. Zaidenstein, “We believe that Israel cannot survive without the Diaspora and the Diaspora cannot survive without a strong Israel. We want to strengthen the bonds between U.S. Jewry and Israel.”

Stay tuned for more information on when we can meet the officers here in Naples!

Roberto Alcalay has lived in Naples with his wife, Thais, since 2020 — founder of Sashay Sourcing and KØKKEN Sports

Great opportunity for fun and giving with Beading for Betterment

For several years, the Beading for Betterment project has provided custom-made special necklaces to be given to children at the Guadalupe Center in Immokalee to assure they have a Mother’s Day gift to give to their mother, grandmother or special woman in their life. In addition to the children at the Guadalupe Center, necklaces have been distributed to children who participate in Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ Shop with a Sheriff event for Christmas.

Whether you are an experienced “beader” or have never made a beaded necklace, please join the group for a fun beading session. All are welcome. Beading for Betterment tables will be at the Temple Shalom Mitzvah Day on Jan. 21, 2024.

continued on page 11

10 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
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Jewish Book Festival fever

We’re excited to bring you the 2023-24 Jewish Book Festival!

Whether you are an avid reader or just enjoy a fascinating speaker, the Jewish Book Festival provides something for everyone. And this year, we have an especially impressive array of authors representing a variety of genres.

From December through April, the Jewish Book Festival, brought to you by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples in cooperation with the Jewish Book Council, will continue to be a key contributor to the cultural life of our community.

The festival would not be possible without our patrons, sponsors and, of course, you — the community members who attend these events. Your generosity and overwhelming support are a testament to our amazing community — a community that understands the value of cultural arts.

Each of this season’s events will not only feature an author but provide an occasion to socialize afterward over a little nosh.

As you read the Jewish Book Festival spread in this issue of the Federation Star (on pages 20-21), you will find the schedule of events, book overviews, registration and patron information.

Don't miss the JBF Opening Event

The 2023-24 Jewish Book Festival will kick off Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. with New York Times bestselling author Mitch Albom, who will discuss his newest book, “The Little Liar.” Register today.

For questions or general information, please contact Reneé Bialek at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org.

It’s not too late to become a patron and enjoy all the authors and their books. Visit www.JewishBookFestival.org.



NOVEMBER 7, 2023


cost: $75 sponsor: $100

Registration: tinyurl.com/FabulousFallFashionShow

fun and giving...continued from page 10

Free sessions will be held from noon to 3 p.m. at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center (4720 Pine Ridge Road) on:

• Monday, Oct. 9

• Monday, Oct. 23

• Thursday, Nov. 9

• Tuesday, Nov. 28

• Wednesday, Dec. 20

• Wednesday, Jan. 24

• Tuesday, Feb. 20

• Wednesday, March 6

• Wednesday, March 13

• Thursday, April 4

• Monday, April 8

Come to one or come to all!

If you have your own supplies, please bring them. If not, supplies will be pro vided with a donation requested so that more supplies may be purchased.

For more information, contact me at chirsch1951@gmail.com. This program is sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and Temple Shalom.

Features raffles and opportunities to contribute clothing to Dress for Success, a nonprofit program empowering women to achieve economic independence.

11 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION
Author Elyssa Fledman signs a book with volunteer Authors Michael Roizen and Jean Chatsky Authors Allyson Richmond and Shaunna Edwards sign books at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center 2023

The Speaker Series: A signature WCA program

Every year, our members look forward to our Speaker Series — one of WCA’s signature programs. WCA Speaker Series Chair Susan Koeppel has been scheduling these speakers for more than five years and we think you will be delighted when you see the outstanding array of speakers she has already engaged for this coming year!

In the past, we faced the challenge of trying to accommodate everyone who wanted to attend these popular WCA programs, but now that we are in our new home at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, we will be able to accommodate everyone who wants to attend.

The Speaker Series is generally presented on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. However, to attract the best possible cadre of speakers, a speaker will occasionally be scheduled at a different time. On Wednesday, Feb. 14, for example, will we have a special presentation by a hidden child of the Holocaust.

Please be aware that all events require preregistration. Only WCA members may register, unless the announcement specifies that guests are welcome. Look in your weekly e-newsletter for upcoming speakers as well as their topic, day, time and registration information. You can also find a list of upcoming speakers in the Special Events section of our website.

The 2023-2024 Speaker Series will kick off on Oct. 26 with a presentation on recent advances in dermatology by Dr. Vivian Wong. The season’s schedule includes other prominent speakers in the fields of medicine, art, history, religion, theater and literature. WCA’s goal is to provide engaging topics that reflect the interests of our diverse membership. We encourage your participation in the Q&As that follow each presentation.

A season highlight will be a fourpart series, “Unveiling the Rituals of the Jewish Wedding,” about Jewish wedding customs and paintings of Jewish weddings. This special series is being presented by art historian and Holocaust scholar Ellaine Rosen.

“We started planning for the season last spring and, of course, more ideas and speakers are added as the season progresses. Many of our speakers are WCA members, their families, friends and co-workers,” Koeppel explains. “I continue to be amazed at the outstanding pool of talent we have right here in the Naples area.”

Koeppel is always on the lookout for interesting speakers, so please contact her if you have any suggestions.

Remember to check the WCA weekly e-newsletter for upcoming speakers, then register for these outstanding presentations. However, you will only receive the e-newsletter if you are a member of WCA.

If you are not a member of WCA or simply forgot to renew your membership, please “due” it now! Just go to wcanaples. org and click on Membership.

12 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION Catering & platters available See our full menu and order online at KatzNYDeli.com We have joined Gourmet Mama 2063 Pine Ridge Road, next to Chinatown restaurant Hours 11am – 3pm All of your favorites are there for dining in or takeout. Delivery remains available. In addition to our regular menu, we now have Bagels & Lox • Baked Salmon • Whitefish Salad • Katz Hot Dogs KATZ New York Deli has arrived in Southwest Florida By popular demand, we now have a physical location! WOMEN’S CULTURAL ALLIANCE www.wcanaples.org / 518-852-3440
We Have A Great Season Planned. Don’t Miss Out! Forgot to renew your membership? Join WCA today. Didn’t get your e-newsletter? It is sent only to those who have paid their dues for the 2023-24 year. Visit WCAnaples.org and click on Membership. QUESTIONS? Contact Membership Chair Harriett Kleinman at hmkleinman@gmail.com
Patti Boochever; guest speaker Phil Garon, former outside counsel to Target; Phyllis Garon; Elaine Soffer; and guest speaker Jim Hale, former executive vice president of what is now Target Corporation Volunteers Ida Margolis and Margo Rosenfeld check in attendees for WCA’s Speaker Series event. Susan Koeppel, guest speaker Ellaine Rosen and Elaine Soffer Patti Boochever introduces Anne Stavely, WGCU engagement coordinator, at a speaker series event. Note that the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center has plenty of room for attendees!

'Live and In Person’ with MCA

MCA has always sponsored speakers. The monthly luncheons and the speaker series have been mainstays of MCA programming for more than 10 years. Members would come together, ostensibly to listen and learn, but these events were social as well. And if there is anything we learned from COVID, it is that watching a speaker on Zoom just isn’t the same as being there ‘live and in person’ to listen, but also meet with old friends, make new ones and simply enjoy the company of others.

So, for the 2023-2024 season, MCA has worked especially hard to offer a full slate of very interesting presentations delivered by even more interesting speakers, many of whom are MCA members. Here are titles of the programs along with the speakers’ biographies.

Higher Education in America: Past, Present and Future

Dr. Steven Yussen held positions for 48 years as professor of educational psychology, child development and psychology at the Universities of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, and as dean of education at Iowa and Minnesota. While his formal teaching and research focused on thinking, memory and reading, he was an avid observer of the larger world of colleges and universities.

Exploring Addiction: Why Is It So Misunderstood?

Dr. Jeff Daiter graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1991 and completed his residency in family and community medicine at the University of Toronto. He went on to specialize in sleep disorders medicine, receiving a fellowship from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Later, he added addiction medicine to his focused practice area, achieving certification by the American Board of Addiction Medicine and the Canadian and American Societies of Addiction Medicine as well as a fellowship from the latter. As cofounder of the Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres, he built a network of over 90 addiction clinics across Canada.

Israel Between the Wars: Annual Update

Steve Schreier, a resident of Massachusetts since 2008 and now Southwest Florida, is the president of the Schreier Group, which provides consulting to nonprofit organizations and philanthropic foundations. Prior to that, Schreier served as consultant and Senior Vice President of the American Technion Society from 19862007, during which he was responsible for

the conceptualization, creation and implementation of a comprehensive development structure and program throughout the United States. He has also served in executive positions in Jewish Federations and as a community and campaign consultant for the Council of Jewish Federations.

A Political Scientist Looks at the 2024 Election

Terry Weiner is a native of Chicago. He attended the University of Illinois at Chicago and completed his graduate work in sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He taught at Union College in Schenectady, NY for 35 years. While at Union, he was appointed chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. After serving an eight-year term as Associate Dean of Faculty, he returned to the Department of Political Science as chair. In 2003, he was awarded an endowed chair in political science. After serving most of his career at Union, he left in 2008 to become Provost of Russell Sage College in Troy, NY, where he was awarded the college’s first Distinguished Service Award by the president. He retired from Sage in 2015.

The Chicago 8 Trial

Neil Adelman is a retired attorney from Chicago who now makes his summer home in Denver. He has spoken on numerous subjects for MCA, Beth Tikvah Congregation in Naples and at synagogues and Jewish groups in the Chicago and Denver areas. Adelman has spoken in the past for MCA on the topics of Jewish Music, Jews and Booze, the Rosenberg trial and Jewish artist Arthur Szyk. Adelman is also an experienced opera lecturer, having been a volunteer community lecturer for Lyric Opera of Chicago and having lectured on opera in Chicago, Denver and the Renaissance Academy, now FGCU Academy, in Naples.

America’s Vanishing Amusement Parks

Jeff Margolis is an educator, author and lecturer who lives in Naples. Prior to retiring, Margolis was an academic advisor and professor at Rowan University College of Education in New Jersey. He serves on the board of the Press Club of Southwest Florida. He recently became a member of

the International Society of Olympic Historians and is one of the founding members of MCA.

What’s New in the News: From Broadcast and Social Media to Streaming and Artificial Intelligence

Marc Rosenweig is associate professor of television and digital media at Montclair State University. He spent more than three decades as a television reporter, producer and program executive. He was one of the founders of CNBC and the YES Network for the NY Yankees. Rosenweig managed news and sports programming and was part of teams that received the DuPont Columbia and George Polk awards for investigative reporting. He was also honored with six New York Emmy Awards for his work as a Senior Vice President of Programming at YES. Rosenweig received the L.J. Hortin Distinguished Alumnus Award from Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. He also has a master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

There are other speakers as well, with equally impressive resumes. Here is some information about them.

Deciphering the National Popular Vote

Suzanne Low is district chair of Floridians for National Popular Vote (NPV) and NPV chair of the League of Women Voters of Collier County. She has lived in Southwest Florida since 1997, serving as

director of Florida operations and financial advisor for an independent wealth management firm until her retirement in 2016. Before moving to Florida, she worked as an attorney for 16 years in New Jersey.

Instincts: My Career from Green Beret to the 19th Director of the U.S. Secret Service

Lew Merletti was the 19th director of the United States Secret Service. He succeeded Eljay B. Bowron and was sworn in on June 6, 1997 by Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin. A 25-year veteran of the United States Secret Service, Merletti has also served as assistant director in the Office of Training, and as the special agent in charge of the Presidential Protection Division.

If you are interested in any of these programs or just want to learn more about the rest of what MCA has to offer, go to our website at www.mcanaples.org or scan the QR code that accompanies this article.

...of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is to enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally, overseas and in the state of Israel.

13 October 2023 Federation Star
MEN’S CULTURAL ALLIANCE www.MCANaples.org / 508-733-9427
Suzanne Low Marc Rosenweig Dr. Steven Yussen Neil Adelman Dr. Jeff Daiter Steve Schreier Terry Weiner Lew Merletti Jeff Margolis

2023-2024 GenShoah SWFL programs

Please join us for the following programs this season:

Movies that Matter –The Steve Brazina Memorial Series:

• Oct. 18 – “Poor Kids” Zoom discussion/Q&A, 4-5 p.m.

• Oct. 25 – “Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life” Zoom discussion/Q&A, 4-5 p.m.

• Nov. 1 – “The Invisible Class” Zoom discussion/Q&A, 4-5 p.m. RSVP required to attend: hmcec.org

Book discussion

“The Postcard” by Anne Berest – Nov. 13, 2 p.m. RSVP required to attend: hmcec. org. For more information, contact Estelle Kafer at ekafer520@gmail.com. Additional book discussions, locations, dates and times TBD based on interest. Contact Estelle Kafer at ekafer520@ gmail.com.

Zoog Mir in Yiddish

November 2023 through April 2024, the third Sunday of the month, 3:30-5 p.m. at the Holocaust Museum. Limit of 20 people. RSVP required to attend: hmcec.org

Kristallnacht commemoration

Nov. 5, 2:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, Naples

Annual GenShoah member hors d’oeuvres potluck gathering

Dec. 10, 5 p.m., location TBD. Limited attendance. RSVP required to attend: Shirley Besikof at shirleybesikof@ gmail.com.

Open House/New Member Reception

Jan. 26, 2024, 10 a.m. at the Holocaust Museum. For all GenShoah members. RSVP required to attend: hmcec.org.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Jan. 26, 2024 – Complimentary admission to the Holocaust Musuem,1-3 p.m.; Special program at 2 p.m. RSVP required for both: hmcec.org.

"Our Stories" GenShoah member get-together

Feb. 4, 2024 at 1 p.m., location TBD. Limited attendance. RSVP required to attend: Rene Geist rene@geistgroup.com.

Genealogy workshops

• Feb. 25, 2024, 1 p.m., location TBD

• April 7, 2024, 1 p.m., location TBD Limited attendance. RSVP required to attend: Shelley Lieb at liebro@gmail.com.

“They Were Children: Rescue as Resistance” exhibit

March 3, 2024, 10 a.m. at FGCU

Archives. RSVP required to attend: Shelley Lieb at liebro@gmail.com.

Growing up Sephardic in an Ashkenazi world by Sam Varsano

Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 2 p.m. at the Holocaust Museum. RSVP required to attend: hmcec.org.

Yom HaShoah commemoration

• May 5, 2024, 4 p.m. at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. RSVP requested: jfgn.com.

• Pre-event reception for GenShoah SWFL and survivors, 3 p.m. at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

Also of interest

How Yad Vashem maintains security for its archives: A close look at how the world’s premier Holocaust museum protects the past and prepares for the future: https://www.thejc.com/news/ israel/how-yad-vashem-protectsthe-worlds-holocaust-memories1B7DWZYkv9heNx77QM8B1o

The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust is sponsoring a “March of the Living” delegation designed for 2G families in Poland May 2-9, 2024. To sign up for an informational session or for more details, contact Michael Morgenstern at 323-456-5083 or michael@hmla.org.

Responding to the needs of current refugees: a 2G/3G activist panel Tuesday,

Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. (BST;1:30 p.m. EDT). Second- and third-generation representatives from Refugees at Home, Rene Cassin & Exiled Writers Ink will discuss their roles in refugee response actions. By Second Generation Network. https://refugee-response-panel. eventbrite.co.uk

Stories Survive: “Yesterday Never Sleeps” – In a discussion based on her new book “Yesterday Never Sleeps,” Jacqueline Heller, M.S., M.D., draws upon decades of clinical experience to weave together a powerful narrative that contains neuroscience, memoir of her life as a child of Holocaust survivors, and patient histories involving a range of psychological ills and trauma. Dr. Heller is joined in this conversation by Professor Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz, scholar at Bar-Ilan University. https://youtube.com/ watch?v=L1piDs7u6IA

Yiddish Alive is for people who are familiar with Yiddish. Attendees range from those who have some understanding of Yiddish to those who speak it fluently. We try to speak as much Yiddish as possible but do translate a lot for those less familiar. Zooms on alternate Mondays. Contact Michael Mills at millsms1@gmail.com, 513-6739001 or https://fjmc.org/yiddish-aliveaffinity-group.

14 October 2023 Federation Star JEWISH FEDERATION Tuesday, November 28 Registration • 9:15 am Program • 10:00 – 11:00 am Daniels Pavilion at Artis—Naples • 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., Naples, Florida 34108 RSVP Required at jnf.org/BFINaples NO COST TO ATTEND MORE INFORMATION Joshua Mellits, Director, Western Florida and Orlando jmellits@jnf.org • 941.462.1330 x865 FEATURING Izzy Ezagui Squad Commander, Israel Defense Forces HONORING Jeanne & Neil Braverman Join us and fellow Zionists at our annual Breakfast for Israel to channel the power of community - make the desert bloom, help Israel’s most vulnerable, bolster population growth in the north and south, and more. Plant the seeds of Israel’s future and see how you can make a difference. Federation Ad_The American Israelite_Design_Cincinnati_BFI 05_24_23.indd 1 8/29/23 11:07 AM

An Introduction to Moorings Park’s Three Communities

& Our Executive Chef’s Top Culinary Delights

Here’s your chance to get a taste of what life is like at Moorings Park’s three stunning Naples communities.

Attainable Luxury Begins at $522,000

Successful aging expert and Vice President Tom Mann, will introduce you to our three premier Moorings Park communities. Discover an innovative approach to successful aging as you learn valuable details on costs, oor plans, healthcare, dining, and waiting lists.

During this presentation, you’ll enjoy a video tour of each community’s clubhouses and model residences, all while enjoying top culinary delights from our executive chef.

RSVP today by scanning the QR code, visiting MooringsPark.org/Events, or calling 239-356-0540.

Discover Our Secrets to Successful Aging

RSVP by November 28th by calling 239-356-0540, visiting MooringsPark.org/Events, or scanning the QR code.

Unable to attend? Join our webinar on Friday, December 1st at 10:30 a.m. To register, visit MooringsPark.org/Webinar.

15 October 2023 Federation Star 132 Moorings Park Drive | Na ples, FL 3 410 5 | 23 9 -356-0540 | Moor ing sPa r k or g #88033 P100123
Moorings Park in Shef eld Theatre 132 Moorings Park Drive, Naples FL 34105
Thursday, November 30th | 2:30 p.m.
Moorings Park Communities is a nationally accredited, non-pro t, Medicare-certi ed organization and one of the only Life Plan providers with A or A+ ratings by Fitch and S&P Global Ratings.

At the Museum this fall

Welcome to fall! We have an exciting lineup of programs and events for you to enjoy. Read below for details and become a member of the Museum to support our mission.

North Wing update

We’ve reached the end of our expansion project! Capitol Museum Services is currently installing new exhibits in both the new North Wing and the existing museum. We plan to tentatively reopen to the public Oct. 31.

One portion of the North Wing recently opened — the new Herbert H. Schiff Classroom. It hosted an information session for Grand Living, a new Senior Residential community opening in 2024 in North Naples. This spacious room is available to our community for rental and can accommodate up to 70 people. If your organization is interested in holding a meeting there, please contact Museum Education Specialist David Nelson at David@hmcec.org for more information.

Grand reopening programs

In order to celebrate our reopening to the community, we are offering two special programs. On Saturday, Nov. 4, we will offer a Family Day with children’s activities. On Saturday, Nov. 11, in honor of Veterans Day, we will offer a special program and complimentary museum admission.

“Forgeries and The Holocaust” exhibit

After WWII ended, forgeries of Holocaust-related items abounded. This exhibit will explore examples of articles that were sold or collected as “genuine.” Included among them are several artifacts donated to the Museum, which research later determined were forgeries. We’ll also review some common methods used by forgers over the years, as well as instances where forgeries were used not to deceive collectors, but German authorities, saving thousands of lives across Europe. The exhibit will be on display in the new Estelle and Stuart Price Gallery through December 2023.

“Movies That Matter”

We hope you'll join us for these important discussions of Human Rights topics affecting SWFL, and learn how you CAN make a difference in our community. Free of charge to participate, reservations are required, and donations are appreciated. Sponsorships are also available.

Please visit www.hmcec.org for more information.

“Poor Kids” - Wednesday, October 18 ZOOM Discussion at 4:00pm EST (U.S. and Canada) on Zoom. Documentary exploring what poverty means to children in America, through the stories of three families.

“Repairing the World” - Wednesday, October 25 ZOOM Discussion at 4:00pm EST (U.S. and Canada) on Zoom. Documentary on the Pittsburgh community's response to hate and antisemitism following the 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue attack.

“The Invisible Class” - Wednesday, November 1 Zoom Discussion at 4:00pm EST (U.S. and Canada) on Zoom. This documentary examines homelessness in America, and the stereotypes and systemic causes of this issue.

Note: Film Viewing links will be provided prior to the ZOOM Expert Panel/Q&A discussion.

2023 "Movies That Matter" Series Partners: Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, GenShoah SWFL, Interfaith Alliance, Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Naples United Church of Christ, Temple Shalom

Movies that Matter

The 2023 Movies that Matter – Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series begins this month. Three important human rights issues will be discussed on the following Zoom programs:

• Oct. 18 – “Poor Kids,” highlighting the impact of poverty on children in America

• Oct. 25 – “Repairing the World,” showing the response of the Pittsburgh community to the attack on the 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue

• Nov. 1 – “The Invisible Class,” reviewing the stereotypes and systemic causes associated with homelessness in America

Each Zoom discussion program will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada) and feature local experts on the subjects and a Q&A. Film links will be provided prior to each discussion to watch at your convenience. Sponsorships are available. Please visit our website, HMCEC.org, for more information. Movies that Matter is presented by the Museum, GenShoah SWFL, Interfaith Alliance, Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Naples United Church of Christ and Temple Shalom.

The Luncheon

We hope you will save the date and join us for “The Luncheon” Dec. 6 at Vineyards Country Club. The event raises funds for our education programs. You will see a special performance of “Letters from Anne and Martin” from the Anne Frank Center in New York. The performance is a short, two-person reading of the most memorable writings of Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King, who were both born in 1930, yet lived in vastly different worlds. Tickets are $150, and sponsorships are now available. Please visit HMCEC.org for more information.

Fund a student field trip

Now that school is back in session, we invite you to consider funding a student field trip to the Museum. Our Holocaust education programs are so important in informing students about the consequences of hate and bigotry, and of their power to stand up and do the right thing to act against bigotry and hatred. Please contact me for more information at Susan@hmcec.org.

We look forward to seeing you at the new North Wing and updated Museum!

16 October 2023 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS

Dispatch from a recent Holocaust conference, and more

The World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants held its annual conference in Washington D.C. Aug. 25 to 28 with over 300 in attendance, from survivors to fourth generation (4G). Among the child survivors from throughout the U.S. were a number of individuals from the UK, including those who had been on the Kindertransport. The majority of those attending were 2Gs who had traveled from all over the U.S. and Canada, including two GenShoah SWFL members, Jack Abel and Ida Margolis. Most of the workshops were for 2Gs, although there were some workshops for survivors and other generations of the Shoah.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Executive Director Sara Bloomfield stopped by to give greetings and an update. Preconference docent-led tours of the Museum also occurred and a

post-conference tour was offered of the USHMM Shapell Center in Bowie, Maryland, which houses the Museum’s collections and is a conservation and research climate-controlled center.

Included among the many information tables was one for Holocaust documentation, with research specialists from the USHMM Survivors and Victims Resource Center. Jude Richter, a research specialist, wanted our GenShoah members to be reminded that they can submit research requests online at https://www.USHMM. org/remember/.resources-survivorsvictims/.individual-research/services.

To help locate information about victims and survivors of Nazi persecution, individuals can submit an International Tracing Service Collection Research Request Form by going to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website at ushmm.org/resource center/service. Or visit the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center on the second floor of the USHMM in Washington, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week.

It was announced that the next conference of this group will be held next September in Toronto.

Speaking of stories, GenShoah encourages all survivors of any generation to submit their family’s Holocaust story to be included in a collection that is posted on the website of our local Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center. This collection of “Portraits of Remembrance”

is designed to be a resource for the greater community and our eighth graders in particular. Florida’s curriculum includes Holocaust education in eighth grade.

We have 15 stories posted so far and two more on their way. Anyone interested in writing their family’s Holocaust story should contact Judy Isserlis at jisserlis@aol. com for more information and guidance.

Survivors of all generations will be recognized and participating in a Kristallnacht program presented by the Naples Catholic-Jewish Dialogue Sunday, Nov. 5, 2:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. Everyone is invited.

GenShoah SWFL is a group for children and descendants of Holocaust survivors and anyone interested in the mission of GenShoah SWFL, which is:

• Promotion of Holocaust education and human rights

• Preservation of history and memories of the Holocaust

• Connecting the second generation with one another

• Support of the Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and Harvey D. Cohen Education Center

Our group is open to all interested people. There are no dues or attendance requirements. If you would like to receive our newsletter and program announcements, just send an email to liebro@ gmail.com. And, if you would like

to volunteer to help with future programs, please let us know that, too!

That’s why our retirement community is such an invigorating place to call home. It’s all here. A wealth of distinctive experiences. Fascinating connections. Exquisite cuisine. Attentive service. Personalized wellness programs. Plus, health care support should the need arise. Everything you need to live life your way. Book a tour or check us out at our upcoming event.

17 October 2023 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS ASK ABOUT AVAILABLE ON-SITE REHABILITATIVE SERVICES 6945 Carlisle Court • Naples, FL • TheCarlisleNaples.com • 239.444.6891 CARF-ACCREDITED INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENCES • ECC LICENSED Located just south of Orange Blossom Drive on the west side of Airport-Pulling Road ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY #9408 DINING OPTIONS • TRANSPORTATION • VIBRANT WELLNESS PROGRAMS OKTOBERFEST | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 TH • 4:00PM Raise your steins high and join us we toast to friendship, happiness, and the spirit of camaraderie. Enjoy Bavarian style music, appetizers and of course, beer! Other cocktails and mocktails will be available as well. To make your reservation for this lively event,
239.444.6891. be
is not your style, and it’s not ours either.
please call
Ida Margolis and Shelley Lieb Ida Margolis and Jack Abel, members of GenShoah SWFL, at Holocaust conference Research and reference specialist at Holocaust conference

Family … can we talk?

Zoog mir in Yiddish

It’s been said that everyone needs a warm loving family, in another city. Have you ever stopped to think maybe that’s why there are so many of us here in Florida from somewhere else? Taken for granted back home, we are missed down here.

Describing family terms in Yiddish provides a rich storehouse of names and titles about our loved ones. There’s the story of the young daughter coming home and telling her mom about the fellow she just met.

“Is he Jewish?,” the mom asked.

“Yes, mom, he is!” answered the toc’hter.

“…What’s wrong with him?” Mom asks again.

And down the list we go in talking and defining people in our family.

Mothers-in-law usually get a bad rap. After all, what are you going to say when you hear about the Jewish fella that comes home and introduces his sweetheart?

"I can see you two belong together,” mom says.

"Why’s that?” asks the son.

“Because I don’t like her,” comes the response.

Please understand that I mean no disrespect.

My mother-in-law, Lillian, was a wonderful person. I loved, admired and respected her. She was understated and dignified. When she spoke, you listened. In a word, she was the short arm of the law. But she also knew how to take a joke, especially when I mentioned the definition of happiness: seeing a picture of your mother-in-law on a milk carton.

Listed below are titles and descriptions of family members. It’s always nice to hear from a friendly voice, so if you’re inclined, drop a line to sdevoyle@gmail.com. Until next time, thanks for your interest and Zoog mir eppes in Yiddish ! (Tell me something in Yiddish!)

Ten words describing family members

1. Maameh (Mother, Ma!)

Dee Maameh zorg’t zec’h un varet off deeyeh. (Mother is concerned and waiting for you.)

2. Taateh (Father, Dad, Pa)

Deh Taateh varet ochet off deeyeh, mit ah paasik. (Dad is waiting for you also, with a belt.)

3. Breedeh, Shvesteh (Brother, Sister)

Mah Breedeh iz elteh, deh vaal Deh Shvesteh is yingeh. (My brother is older, while my sister is younger.)

4. KOOzeen, KooZEEneh (Male cousin, female cousin)

Mah koozeen kimpt fin Austraahlia, C’hana, mah koozeneh kimp’t oc’het. (My cousin is coming from Australia, C’hana, my cousin is also coming.)

5. SHVIggeh, SHVAYggehrin (Mother-in-Law)

Mah Shviggeh iz ah zayeh, beh kooveteh frow. (My mother-in-law is a very respectful woman.)

6. SHVAYeh (Father-in-Law)

Mah Shvayeh iz ah ohnt-lec’heh mensch. (My father-in-law is an honorable man.)

7. TAANteh (Auntie); FEHteh (Uncle)

Mah Taanteh Lubeh, un Deh Feteh Aaron voinen in Yisrool (My Aunt Luba and Uncle Aaron live in Israel.)

8. POHlehMANitzeh (Niece); POHlehMAHNyik (Nephew) Mahneh pohlehmanitzeh un polehmahnyik kriggen zec’h beideh gehseideh. (My niece and nephew are constantly arguing.)

9. C’HOOsen (Groom); Idem (Son-in-Law)

Deh Idem zayt zec’h oss ah feineh c’hoosen. (The son-in-law looks to be a fine fellow for a groom.)

10. KAAL-leh (Bride)

Dee Kaaleh is ibbeh glik-lec’h c’haasehneh t’zeh hooben. (The bride is overjoyed to become married.)


With over 30 years of experience, I help eliminate the guesswork in choosing the right senior living community that meets your needs and preferences. I look beyond the fancy décor and evaluate facilities on:

To: Hanita Kern

In memory of Dr. Herb Kern

From: Harriet Israel

To: Marc Saperstein & Family In memory of Joan Saperstein

From: Lea & Michael Bendes

Goldie & Louis Bertone

Rosalee & Jerry Bogo

Katie & Harvey Cohen

Gayle & Marty Dorio

Alicia & Michael Feldman

Paula & Ronald Filler

Cheryl Ginsburg

Donna & Richard Goldblatt

Marcia Cohodes &

David Goldsteen

Carol & Bill Goldman

Rolly & Adir Jacob

Bobbie & Gene Katz

Helene & Elliot Lerner

Robin & Andy Mintz

Benjamin Peltz

Sandra Raizes

Lisa & Mark Ratner

Susan & Nat Ritter

Jane Schiff

Diane & Jeff Shein

Carol & Bruce Sherman

Leslie & Mel Springman

Stacy Sokol

To: Dorothy Schwebel In honor of your granddaughter Ilyana Leenheer’s Bat Mitzvah

From: Terri Polacheck & David Goldman

To: Allison Weiss & David Zerad In honor of your marriage

From: Sharyn & Dr. Larry Harris

Tributes require a minimum donation of $18.

To place a Tribute in the FederationStarin honor or memory of someone, please contact Janine Hudak at the Federation office at 239-263-4205 or jhudak@jewishnaples.org. Tributes require a minimum donation of $18. A note will be sent to the person/family you are honoring. Tributes help further the work of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.

18 October 2023 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS
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At Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Oct. 6: “Oh Canada”

When it came to accepting Jewish refugees from Europe from 1933 until 1948, no Western democracy exceeded Canada in its zeal to limit such immigration, a policy the country later apologized for.

Oct. 13: “The Universities. The lvys and The Jews”

In the 1920s and ’30s, many Ivy League Universities were anxious to limit the number of Jewish students while simultaneously rolling out the welcome mat for Nazi students.

and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples for six more History


Uncompromised presentations that challenge the conventional view of many 20th century events. Meticulous research supports critical assessments made, and archival and original documentation is utilized to demonstrate that history is often recorded or revised to fit political, public and media prejudices and predilections.


TIME: 10-11:30 a.m. with a Q&A following LOCATION: Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

PRICE: Series tickets are $145 pp

Individual tickets are $30 pp


Nov. 3: “Hooray for Hollywood”

Hollywood’s film moguls decided to take action against the West Coast Nazis who seemed hell bent on spreading their poison and infiltrating the movie industry.

Nov. 17: “Casablanca”

Morocco, Vichy France and a city teeming with refugees, collaborationists’ and spies was also the site where Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met to determine the fate of Europe. You will be surprised at what FDR said there about the Jews.

Dec. 1: “Hitler’s Jewish Princess”

Hitler called her, “My Princess.” He was enamored with this Jewish woman, FDR despised her. How did she end up?

Dec. 15: “The Farhud”

For thousands of years, Iraqi Jews prospered in their Mesopotamian homeland. Then the acknowledged leader of the middle eastern Arabs decided it was time for a pogram. It was called The Farhud.


19 October 2023 Federation Star

Book Festival Events

All events take place at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Welcome to this year's Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival. We are so excited to present the following authors for your in-person enjoyment. Please visit jewishbookfestival.org to learn about becoming a patron or to purchase individual tickets.

Sunday, December 3, 2023 • 7:00 PM

(ALL Patrons and ticket holders will receive a book.)

The Little Liar by Mitch Albom

Beloved bestselling author Mitch Albom discusses his powerful novel that moves from a small village in Greece during the Holocaust, to America, where the intertwined lives of three survivors are forever changed by the perils of deception and the grace of redemption.

Sponsored by Ginsberg Eye

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 • 3:30 PM

Madam: The Biography of Polly Adler, Icon of the Jazz Age by Deborah Applegate

From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author comes the compulsively readable and sometimes jaw-dropping story of the life of Polly Adler, Manhattan’s most notorious madam. Her decadent parties made the Jazz Age roar as she played hostess to every gangster, politician, writer and sports star worth knowing.

Monday, February 12, 2024 • 1:30 PM

The Einstein Effect: How the World’s Favorite Genius Got into Our Cars, Our Bathrooms, and Our Minds by Benyamin Cohen

Jewish Book Festival Sponsors


Ticket Order Form

Thursday, December 14, 2023 • 1:00 PM

Kantika, A Novel by Elizabeth Graver Kantika, a remarkable, lyrical work that conjures and embellishes the journey of the author’s maternal grandmother from Istanbul to Barcelona, Havana, and New York, is the novel that many of us have been waiting for. It is a beautiful work of historical fiction that tells the epic story of a modern Sephardic family with sensitivity, intimacy, and cultural responsibility.

Thursday, February 1, 2024 • 1:00 PM

Because the World is Round by Jane

In her lyrical memoir, Jane Saginaw presents a coming-of-age portrait of both her family and herself. Focusing on a year-long family trip through Europe and Asia in 1970 when she was a teen, Saginaw describes how, in stepping away from their lives in Texas, the family gained a new understanding of their relationship with each other.

Friday, March 1, 2024 • 10:30 AM

The Golden Doves by Martha

Cohen embarks on a global quest to unearth Einstein’s ongoing relevance today. Along the way, he meets scientists and celebrities, speaks to dozens with the last name Einstein (including two rabbis), and even tracks down the brain of Einstein, stolen from his body during the autopsy.


Two former female spies, bound together by their past, risk everything to hunt down an infamous Nazi doctor in the aftermath of World War II — a pulse-pounding novel inspired by true events from the New York Times bestselling author of Lilac Girls. Sponsored by Women's Cultural Alliance

Friedland $30 x ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) Silverman $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) Event) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) $25 x ___ = $_____ ($35 at the door)
$18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Island NCC: Naples Conference Center Shalom events (a $320 value) Gottlieb’s book separate check-in Federation Star seating area voucher(s) with an author TBA event ticket for guest üüü üüü üüü üüü ü ü 21 üü ü Benefits: Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits $40 x ___ = $_____ chicken  salmon  vegetarian pastry  fruit after November 25 Visit the official Festival website at www.jewishbookfestival.org information on the authors and their books, event updates and a printable order form. Have questions that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Schedule of Events:  Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel  Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse  Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel  Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman Book Festival Patron receive numerous benefits!
Jewish Book Festival Sponsors
$320 value) book check-in Star author TBA ticket for guest üüü üüü üüü üüü ü 21 üü ü Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Venues
are grateful to these businesses and organizations for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival:
Winterberry Drive,
Ridge Road,
Woods Way,
Pine Ridge Road,
Festival Website & Email website at www.jewishbookfestival.org and their books, event updates and a printable
have not been
in this insert?
an email
Tickets ARE Transferable Schedule of Events: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference:  Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel  Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman  Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff
Tamiami Trail N., Naples Marco
Marco Island Center: 1455 Pine
Naples Congregation: 6340 Napa
or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205.
to these businesses and organizations
of the 2019-20
Schedule of Events: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference:  Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland  Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross & Steve Israel  Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am HN Alana Newhouse  Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel  Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman  Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff  Wed, February 5 @ 7:30pm TS Lori Gottlieb  Wed, February 26 @ 1:00pm - TS Bob Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer  Wed, March 4 @ 1:00pm - JCMI Jack Fairweather & Jack Hersch  Wed, March 11 @ 7:30pm - TS Josh Frank Event w/ Elyssa Friedland Barry, Adam Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) Chandler & Stephen Silverman Sutak & Elizabeth Weitzman Gottlieb (People of the Book Event) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) Event w/ Josh Frank 12 events total $_____ total $_____ total $_____ Alana Newhouse vegetarian Festival Ticket Order Form Gross & Steve Israel Benjamin & Pam Jenoff Gad & Angela Himsel $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Mankoff & Butnick/Oppenheimer $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Fairweather & Jack Hersch $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Jewish Cong. of Marco Island NCC Congregation TS: Temple Shalom Reserved VIP seating Reserved seating area Free book voucher(s) Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest ü 21 üü Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Newhouse indicate choice of entree:  chicken  indicate choice of dessert: Become a Book Festival Patron and receive numerous benefits! Jewish Book We are grateful for their support of the 2019-20 Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book FastPass & separate check-in Patron Benefits: Platinum Gold Silver Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Consider purchasing a Patron Festival Package. Even if you can’t make it to all 12 events, you can gift your tickets to friends, colleagues and family members.  Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm - HN Elyssa Friedland  Mon, November 11 @ 1:00pm - NCC Andrew Gross &  Mon, December 2 @ 11:30am - HN Alana Newhouse $30 x ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) $18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) $25 x ___ = $_____ ($35 at the door)
$18 x ___ = $_____ ($25 at the door) $18 x ___ = $_____ “ $18 x ___ = $_____ “ Naples Conference Center üüü üüü üüü üüü ü ü 21 üü ü Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Patron Levels and Benefits $40 x ___ = $_____  vegetarian No tickets sold after November 25 form. Have questions that have not been answered in this insert? Send an email to fedstar18@gmail.com or call the Federation office at 239.263.4205. Tickets ARE Transferable Schedule of Events: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference: Check the events you will be attending for easy reference:  Tue, November 5 @ 7:00pm HN Elyssa Friedland  Mon, December 9 @ 7:00pm - HN Barry, Mansbach & Zweibel  Thu, December 19 @ 7:00pm - HN Adam Chandler & Stephen Silverman  Wed, January 8 @ 1:00pm - TS Melanie Benjamin & Pam Jenoff  Mon, January 13 @ 1:00pm NJC Marra B. Gad & Angela Himsel Become a Book Festival Patron and receive numerous benefits! all 12 events (a $320 value) Lori Gottlieb’s book separate check-in Recognition in Federation Star VIP seating seating area voucher(s) event with an author TBA luncheon event ticket for guest Benefits: Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Venues Naples: 5111 Tamiami Trail N., Naples Congregation of Marco Island: 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island Conference Center: 1455 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Jewish Congregation: 6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples Shalom: 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples Festival Sponsors businesses and organizations Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: Sisterhood Temple Shalom our community and each other Patron benefits! for their support of the 2019-20 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: üüü üüü üüü üüü Silver $225 and Benefits Elyssa Friedland $30 x ___ = $_____ ($40 at the door) Mansbach, Alan Zweibel $45 x ___ = $_____ ($55 at the door) Stephen Silverman $36 x ___ = $_____ ($45 at the door) events $_____ $_____ $_____ Newhouse Festival Ticket Order Form of Marco Island NCC: Naples Conference Center Temple Shalom Tickets to all 12 events (a $320 value) Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book FastPass & separate check-in Recognition in Federation Star Reserved VIP seating Reserved seating area Free book voucher(s) Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest üüü üüü üüü üüü ü 21 üü ü Patron Benefits: Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Jewish Book Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Free book voucher(s) Patron event with an author TBA Extra luncheon event ticket for guest üü ü Ticket Order Form NCC: Naples Conference Center events (a $320 value) Gottlieb’s book check-in Federation Star area author TBA ticket for guest üüü üüü üüü üüü ü ü 21 üü ü Platinum Gold Silver $500 $360 $225 Festival Patron Levels and Benefits Copy of Lori Gottlieb’s book FastPass & separate check-in Recognition in Federation Star Reserved VIP seating üüü üüü üüü ü Sisterhood Thank You to Our Virtually Women’s Cultural A lliance Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: Thank You to Our Sponsors* *As of October 13th Virtually Yours Virtually eFestival 2020-21 Greater Naples Jewish Book Women’s Cultural A lliance Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival is presented by: DEBORAH ZVIBLEMAN
Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival:
Order Form

Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World by Jonathan Freedland

Award-winning journalist and bestselling novelist Freedland tells the astonishing true story of Rudolf Vrba, the man who broke out of Auschwitz to warn the world of a truth too few were willing to hear. Winner of the 2023 National Jewish Book Award and a New York Times Bestseller. (Live from London.)

JBF Patrons


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 • 1:00 PM

The Jewish Deli, An Illustrated Guide to the Chosen Food by Ben Nadler

A delightful celebration of Jewish delicatessens in a graphic format, full of history and humor and guaranteed to make you hungry.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 • 10:30 AM

The Lioness of Boston

A deeply evocative novel of the life of Isabella Stewart Gardner, a daring visionary who created an inimitable legacy in American art and transformed the city of Boston itself.

"The Lioness of Boston" is a portrait of what society expected a woman’s life to be, shattered by a courageous soul who rebelled and was determined to live on her own terms.

Jewish Book Festival Committee members and readers:

Emily Berkowitz

Patti Boochever

Gayle Dorio

Judith Finer-Freedman

Spencer Forman

Louise Forman

Jan Goldman

Carole Greene

Sherry Greenfield

Lenore Greenstein

Carol Hirsch

Bobbie Katz

Ida Margolis

Jeff Margolis

Robin Mintz, Chairperson

Susan Pittelman

Dina Shein

Iris Shur

Marc Simon

Linda Simon

Elaine Soffer

Phyllis Strome

Leslie Wasserman

Nancy Wiadro

Steve Yussen

READERS: Larry DuKatz

Linda DuKatz

Linda Denning

Carolyn Kimmel

Howard Margolis

Marci Margolis


Patti Bloom

Sue Bookbinder

Shelley Einhorn

Myra Friedman

Larry Israelite

Merrylee Kandel

Anna Levin

Leda Lubin


Emily Berkowitz

Rosalee Bogo

Cipora Brown

Ann Cowen

Terri David

Spencer Forman

Louise Forman

Susan Garelick

Nancy Garfinkel

Jan Goldman


Lynda Adler

Nancy Armocida

Tracy Askotzky

Harvey Becker

Joan Becker

Minda Bernberg

Rosalyn Bernstein

Lynn Bigelman

Jill Binder

Mona Brodsky

Tim Broms

Diane Clarke

Susan Dean

Benjamin Dubin

Janett Edelberg

Philip Garon

Phyllis Garon

Priscilla Gerber

Molly Getnick

Heidi Gilbert

Hannah Goodman

Arlene Griff

Marti Gross

Deborah Hermalyn

Robin Mintz

Susan Pittelman

Nat Ritter

Susan Ritter

Ellaine Rosen

Judy Roth

Marc Saperstein

Jane Schiff

Diane Goldstein

Carole Greene

Sherry Greenfield

Lenore Greenstein

Carol Hirsch

Susan Horowitz

Arline Kaplan

Bobbie Katz

Dana Lefkowitz

Gayle Levy

Burton Hirsch

Linda Hirsch

Jan Hoffman

Mitchell Hoffman

Toby Kosloff

Lisa Lauber

Judi Lazan

Barb Lefkowitz

Arlene Levin

Hilda Levine

Phyllis Luts

Sherri Melamut

Sheila Mesulam

Ian Noy

Joel Pittelman

Laurie Sandler

Sandra Sanfilippo

Deborah Schreier

Diane Schwartz

Harriet Schweitzer

Millie Sernovitz

Charles Siegel

Lori Siegel

Cathy Silver

Gale Schulman

Arlene Shapiro

Donald Shapiro

Phyllis Strome

Deborah Waranch

Marci Margolis

Steve Podolsky

Mae Riefberg

Phyllis Seaman

Mark Shiffman

Sharon Stein

Allison Tucker

Ferne Walpert

Barbara Winthrop

Leona Wreschner

Linda Simon

Ruth Simon

Carol Smoler

Elaine Soffer

Shellie Specter

Dan Spintman

Judith Spintman

Leslie Springman

Barbara Suden

Ann Swartz

Michael Swartz

Marla Taub

Ann Varsano

Joan Vazakas

Lisa Vogel

Sydelle Weinberger

Suellen Weiner

Ellen Weisberg

Goldie Wetcher

Jack Wiadro

Nancy Wiadro

Susan Yale

Cathy Zacks

Joni Zalasky

For sponsorship and/or table reservations, please contact Renee at rbialek@jewishnaples.org

Christian-Jewish partnership to protect our future

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) understands the past. It has been fighting antiIsrael bias and antisemitism in the media, on the campus and in the classroom since 1982. The goal of its Christian-Jewish partnership is to bring our communities together to protect the future. (For more information, see full article on page 31.)

Please join us Thursday evening, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center as, together, we will take our first step toward that future. Register online at https://christians_ and_jews_against_antisemitism. eventbrite.com/.

Congregation events open to the community

Naples Jewish

Join us Friday, Oct. 13 at 5 p.m., when Rabbi Howard Herman will speak about “Wise Aging with Joy and Resilience and Spirit.” Light dinner and services to follow.

As a congregation, NJC is committed to promote education and reflective discussion regarding the compelling issues we face as Americans and Jews.

Rabbi Herman is a poignant, insightful and entertaining educator, who generously shares his knowledge, bringing about a vibrant and respectful exchange of ideas and beliefs.

Rabbi Howard S. Herman DD

We will meet to discuss issues and challenges to growing older. We will explore Jewish teachings related to aging, along with additional modalities such as mindfulness, meditation, contemplative listening, art and music. The discussion will include how Judaism traditionally views older experienced people and Jewish wisdom for this inevitable path of life.

Join us for dinner (for a fee) after the class and before services. We can

continue the discussion or just share the social moment, then attend the Friday night Shabbat Service that follows. Please make your dinner reservation at WelcometoNJC@ gmail.com.

Shabbat services

Everyone is welcome to attend our services, which will be held Fridays, Oct. 6, 13 and 27 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 21 at 10 a.m. Join Rabbi Herman, Cantorial Soloist Jane Galler and Music Director Alla Gorelick for song and inspiration in our home at the Unitarian Universalist Church (6340 Napa Woods Way, Naples). Worship together with members of the “Small Congregation with a Big Heart.”

Services continue Friday nights and Saturday mornings through May 2024. Go to naplesjewishcongregation.org for specific dates and times. While there, take a look at the various planned activities.

Temple Shalom events open to the community

Thinking About Good & Evil –Wednesdays, Oct. 11, 18, 25 at noon. Join Rabbi Frank Muller to explore the thoughts of great luminaries in the Jewish philosophy of good and evil, including Baruch Spinoza, Moses Mendelssohn, Martin Buber, Mordechai Kaplan, Hannah Arendt, Harold Kushner, and others. Registration required.

Finding Balance in Ourselves: study mussar with Rabbi Adam Miller –Mondays, Oct. 16, 23 & 30 at 10 a.m. Explore the Jewish spiritual discipline of mussar, understanding how our character traits (middot) shape our experiences. Registration required.

Rabbi Harold Kushner book review series – Join Rabbi Frank Muller on

Oct. 15 at noon to kick off a year-long monthly series on the books of Rabbi Harold Kushner. The first session will be on his bestseller, “When Bad Things Happen To Good People.” Check the Temple Shalom website for future program dates. Registration required.

"A Reason to Rise:" book chat with author Rabbi Jeremy Barras – Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. Come for an evening with Rabbi Jeremy Barras to celebrate the launch of his debut novel, “A Reason To Rise.” Rabbi Barras will speak about his writing process and how the book serves to convey his deeply held belief that Zionism animates the soul of every Jew. The book is available on Amazon. Books will also be sold at the event.

Annual Community Wide OF GREATER NAPLES
Please register at: www.jewishnaples.org so that we can plan accordingly Join us for this free event as we celebrate Chanukah and light the Menor ah. Ente r tainment, music, food, and fun! Naples Klezmer Revival Band Chef Dalia will be selling Isr aeli food Enjoy donuts, gelt, and balloon creations
Monday, December 11 at 5 PM at Mercato on the Lawn

“Celebration of Jewish Life” to feature music, theater and comedy

First-of-its-kind program for the Naples Jewish community has something for everyone!

The “Celebration of Jewish Life”

(CJL) program, hosted by Chabad of Naples, brings a showcase of Jewish presenters to Naples to entertain and engage community members. It provides opportunities to come together for cultural and social experiences, and to explore the richness of Jewish life. There is something for everyone: stand-up comedy, theater and music, plus presentations about food, sports, Israel ... and Jewish matchmaking!

The 11 CJL events take place from November through March at several Naples venues. If you can’t decide which events to attend, there are patron levels that cover the entire program. For instance, the Bronze level gives you general admission tickets to all events for $180. That’s a $75 discount compared to buying tickets individually.

Here’s the lineup:

Monday evening, Nov. 6 – Six13: This New York City-based six-man vocal band is an international phenomenon. Six13 videos have been viewed 20 million times. Enjoy Jewish favorites you grew up with intermingled with clever parodies of today’s hits and catchy Six13 originals.

Tuesday evening, Nov. 14 – Rabbi Joseph Telushkin : Rabbi Telushkin’s presentation will be a timely one as he discusses the concepts in his revised

book, “Words that Hurt, Words that Heal: How the Words You Choose Shape Your Destiny.”

Tuesday evening, Dec. 12 – Comedy Night with Joel Chasnoff: This is not your zayde’s Jewish comedian. Chasnoff’s comedy is clean, hip, hilarious and based on real Jewish experiences. From his nine years in Jewish day school to his service in the IDF and the challenge of raising kids, Chasnoff’s stories are those that make us who we are.

Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 13 –Israel 201: Joel Chasnoff will talk about his new book, “Israel 201.” From shomer Shabbos car insurance policies and ancient marriage laws to Arab Israeli stand-up comedy, “Israel 201” goes beyond the typical introductory “101” course to show readers the real Israel.

Monday evening, Jan. 8 – Chanie Apfelbaum: The founder of the popular blog “Busy in Brooklyn” and cookbook author will be in conversation with Ettie Zaklos of Chabad of Naples. Apfelbaum makes cooking fun, fresh and practical. She will share many of her secrets. The evening concludes with a reception where attendees will enjoy desserts from her book, “Totally Kosher.”

Monday evening, Feb. 5 – Jews in Sports: The event begins with Ted Epstein’s

presentation, “Stars of the Mic.” Epstein will include clips of famous calls by Jewish sportscasters who will be featured in his upcoming book covering 70 men and women who have lent their voices to the world of sports. Then, meet Art Shamsky of the 1969 World Series Champion New York Mets! Shamsky will discuss being Jewish in the major leagues, his two books and baseball in Israel. His books and memorabilia will be available for purchase.

Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 20 – Finding Hope After the Holocaust: Photojournalist B.A. Van Sise spent four years working with Holocaust museums and organizations to compile captivating images and textual vignettes for his book, “Invited to Life.” It’s a moving and joyful celebration of survival, resilience and joy, expressed through 90 black-and-white portraits of Holocaust survivors and personal stories of their postwar lives.

Monday evening, Feb. 26 – Tevye in New York! – Tom Dugan’s one-man show, Tevye in New York!, is based on Sholem Aleichem’s beloved characters, immortalized in “Fiddler on the Roof.” This show takes up where the original stories left off. It’s a tale filled with laughter, heartbreak and joy, as Tevye tries to balance tradition with what it means to be an American Jew.

Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 27 –"Wiesenthal:" This book is the culmination of Tom Dugan’s journey as a playwright and actor during the 10-year national tour of his off-Broadway play of the same title. The book reveals how this charming man solved his most sensational cases and includes the playscript and photographs from the production.

Sunday morning, March 3 – Children’s event: Micah Siva will share her children’s book, “1, 2, 3 Nosh with Me,” with your preschoolers, followed by a hamantaschen decorating workshop! This free event is for preschoolers and their parents. Each family will receive a copy of Micah’s book.

Monday evening, March 4 – Jewish Matchmaking: Join relationship expert and host of Netflix’s “Jewish Matchmaking,” Aleeza Ben Shalom, for a presentation about her dating show and behind-thescenes secrets. You can expect live matchmaking on stage, your questions answered and special surprises.

As you can see, “Celebration of Jewish Life” has something for everyone. Plus, several events offer the opportunity for a pre-event social gathering with the presenter. For full details, event descriptions, patron benefits, tickets, and more, visit CJLnaples.com.

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Don’t miss the return of human rights films and Zoom panelists

“Movies that Matter”

Mark your calendars for the sixth annual Southwest Florida human rights film series, Movies That Matter (MTM), the Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series. October 18, 25 and Nov. 1 are the dates of the panel discussions, but registrants will receive a link a week prior so that they can view the film at home or with friends. These films are carefully selected by committee members who want to focus on extremely important contemporary human rights issues as well as issues that individuals in

our community can find ways they can make a difference.

People are still speaking about how impacted they were by last year’s films and this year’s will be equally impactful. These films will give you more than facts. They will open your eyes and your heart.

Certainly, people know that there is poverty in the richest country in the world, but the film “Poor Kids” explores what poverty means to children in America. The children tell their stories and are revisited half a decade later. The

expert panel will discuss this film on Oct. 18 at 4 p.m.

On Oct. 25 at 4 p.m., a panel will discuss more than what you saw on the news about the deadly attack in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. “Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life,” a Not In Our Town film, documents Pittsburgh’s powerful community response to hate and antisemitism in the aftermath of the murder of 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue. “Through the voices of survivors and family members as well as diverse Pittsburgh residents and leaders, the film shows unity in a moment of crisis, the residents of a vibrant city and a community working together to understand what it meant to be ‘stronger than hate.’”

Speakers scheduled will give us great insight into important things happening in our community to bring people together and combat hate.

The final discussion for this year’s “Movies That Matter” presentation is set for Nov. 1 at 4 p.m. “The Invisible Class” explores what it truly means to be homeless in America, challenging the stereotypes and examining the systemic causes

of mass homelessness across America. So that viewers do not think that there is nothing that can be done, in addition to the expert panel, the committee suggested also viewing “Beyond Homelessness: Finding Hope,” for which a link will also be provided.

There is no cost this year, but sponsorships are available, and donations are always appreciated.

To make sure that you are part of the only human rights film series in Southwest Florida, simply visit www. HHMCEC.org and go to Events. A reservation at the above website will ensure that you receive the link to the films and panel discussions. This is also the site that will allow you to make donations or become a sponsor.

“Movies That Matter: The Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series” is a collaborative effort of the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, GenShoah of SWFL, Temple Shalom, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council, the Interfaith Alliance of SWFL, BRIDGES and Naples United Church of Christ.


Four very different new movies, Wallace interviews

Editor’s Note: Persons in bold are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish for the purpose of this column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jewish parent and were not raised in, or identify with, a faith other than Judaism. Converts to Judaism, of course, are also identified as Jewish.

“Flora and Son”

This musical comedy-drama began streaming on Apple+ on Sept. 29. It got very good reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last January and, soon after, Apple paid $20M for the rights to show it.

Basic plot: Flora, a single mother in Ireland, has trouble with her teenage son, Max. He’s a rebellious petty thief. The police tell Max to find a hobby. Fiona digs out an old guitar. Then, with the help of a Los Angeles online guitar teacher (Joseph GordonLevitt , 42) Max finds his “calling.” (Gordon-Levitt is really an accomplished “amateur” guitarist.)

“Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?”

The new season of “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?” began streaming Sept. 29 on HBO/Max. Wallace , 75, quit Fox News in 2021 after 28 years. He was one of the few “traditional” news anchors still working for Fox. He was reportedly very upset with the Fox

“opinion anchors” (that’s what Fox calls them) — who were pushing the election fraud stories — stories that have already cost Fox $780M in the settlement of a defamation suit.

In April 2022, Wallace joined a new streaming service called CNN+. But few subscribed, and it was scrapped a week after launching! Wallace had a big money contract with CNN, so they shuttled him off to HBO/Max, which is owned by the same company as CNN.

Last August, Wallace was given a second show: a CNN morning show called “The Chris Wallace Show.” Wallace is a respected journalist who treats his interviewees respectfully, so he attracts guests from across the “respectful” political spectrum.

Most know that Chris Wallace is the son of the late Mike Wallace, a longtime top (Jewish) CBS journalist. My guess is that most Jews think with the first name “Chris,” his mother wasn’t Jewish. Not so. His mother was Jewish, as was his stepfather (who helped raise Chris). Chris was raised secular.

Films opening in October

“Freelance” and “Cat Person” are films that open in theaters on Oct. 6. “Freelance” is a comedic action film. Here’s the basic plot: Former Special Forces operator Mason Pettit (John Cena) takes a job providing security for journalist

Claire Wellington (Alison Brie, 40) as she interviews the president of (the fictional) Paldonia. When a military coup breaks out, the three are forced to escape into the jungle together.

Brie’s credits include starring roles in the TV series “Community” and “GLOW.” Brie’s father is not Jewish. Her mother is Jewish. She’s been married to actor Dave Franco since 2017. Franco, 38, has the exact same background as Brie.

“Cat Person” is based on a 2017 New Yorker short story that got a huge response. Basic plot: Margot (Emilia Jones), a college sophomore, works at a movie snacks counter. Robert (Nicholas Braun), an older regular moviegoer, asks for her number. She likes the witty and funny texts that Robert sends her, and he frequently mentions his cats. Finally, they go out on a “real date” and — well, I won’t “really spoil” things, like telling you how their date goes. One hint: this is a drama, not a romantic comedy.

Fred Melamed , 67, has a supporting role as a psychiatrist. The film was directed by Susanne Fogel , 41. She directed “A Small Light,” a 2023 Disney series about Anne Frank , her family and those who helped the Frank family. Fogel got an Emmy nomination (2021) for writing an episode of "The Flight Attendant" (HBO), and she wrote the hit movie “Booksmart” (2021).


In 1952, Herman Wouk (1919-2019) won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel “The Caine Mutiny.” A major character was Barney Greenwald, a Jewish Navy fighter pilot who was a hotshot civilian lawyer. He was assigned as the Navy lawyer for the mutiny members.

In 1954, a very gripping “Caine Mutiny” film was made. But there was no mention that Greenwald was Jewish or a fighter pilot. On Oct. 8, a new film remake of “Caine” will premiere on Showtime. This remake will be the second time a non-Jewish actor will play Greenwald. No word whether they will mention he’s a former fighter pilot or a Jew.

The director was William Friedkin, who died in August, age 87. He had two big hits in the early ’70s: “The French Connection” and “The Exorcist.” After that – all flops. Why? Bad scripts and a reputation that he was very nasty. He was also profoundly ignorant. Not long ago, I saw a video of a talk he gave. He defended a 1915 film that showed the Klan in a good light. He actually repeated the racist myth that the Klan’s mission was to protect women from recently freed black slaves.

25 October 2023 Federation Star

Memories of childhood Sukkot

As I try to regain some composure after the loss of my parents, I also enter the joyous holiday season of Sukkot. Among all ‘festivals of joy,’ Sukkot is specifically designated as the “time of our joy,” and its celebration is greater than that of other holidays. Song and dance permeate each day of this holiday, growing in intensity with each passing day.

After experiencing such a sad Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year, the first holiday without my mom and dad, I never thought I’d also be celebrating Sukkot all alone without my parents at my side to enjoy the festive meals. Losing a parent is never easy but the first Rosh Hashanah after the death of both of them is a special kind of difficult.

Sukkot has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love purchasing the four species and decorating my sukkah with chains and decorations made by my boys. Normally, I invite lots of friends and family to enjoy the myriad dishes and treats I prepare every year to celebrate.

I have special foods and serving dishes I use only on Sukkot. When I started thinking about how sad it was that I wouldn’t be able to prepare all of these dishes this year, I suddenly realized there was no reason I couldn’t prepare all my parents' favorite dishes to create a new tradition in their honor.

So, I started getting organized and prepared my beloved holiday’s challah ahead of time, so I could send it, together with other treats, to all of my friends and relatives in time for the holiday. I decorated my sukkah just as I would any other year in an effort to forcefully create some happiness and joy.

You may be asking if I was successful in my try. For me, other than being together with loved ones, what makes each holiday special are the traditional foods we eat each year in the sukkah. And that’s what I did – I made everything I would have prepared in a normal year. This is my way of getting through such a difficult period.

There aren’t too many dishes specifically identified as foods traditionally eaten on Sukkot. Sukkot dishes usually include vegetables, and it is also common to prepare hot dishes that can be served outside that won’t get cold too quickly,

such as stuffed vegetables. Of course, the stuffed cabbage is always on my table in the sukkah. I never skip it.

In my memories of childhood Sukkot, we always had a sukkah. It was exciting for lots of reasons, but stuffed cabbage was a given. My mother was the one responsible for the recipe at Sukkot meals, serving it alongside other recipes. I remember her making the stuffed cabbage when she would visit me. It was a food she cooked with love and to show my family that she cared for them.

The recipe below is for my mother’s stuffed cabbage dish, perfect for serving in the sukkah and one of my all-time favorite dishes. This recipe for Moroccan stuffed cabbage rolls is such a delicious alternative to traditional cabbage rolls. A little Moroccan spice is added to the ground beef mixture and deliciously spiced Moroccan tomato sauce is used as the sauce topping.

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Moroccan Stuffed Cabbage Rolls


• 1 large head savoy cabbage

• 1 cup water

• 1 Tbsp. oil

• 1/2 cup rice

• 2 lbs. ground beef

• 3 cloves garlic, finely minced or grated

• 1 medium onion, finely minced or grated

• 1 egg

• 1/2 cup raisins

• 1/4 bunch parsley

• 1/4 bunch cilantro, chopped

Tomato Sauce

• Oil

• 1 onion, minced

• 8 cloves garlic, minced

• 2 Tbsp. harissa paste (optional)

• 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

• 1/2 tsp. cumin

• 1/2 tsp. black pepper

• 1 tsp. salt

• 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes

Spice Mix

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 1/2 tsp. allspice

• 1 tsp. sweet paprika

• 1 tsp. salt

• 1/2 tsp. black pepper

• 1 tsp. ground cumin


1) Bring a large pot of water to boil.

2) Cut the thick core out of the center of the cabbage and very carefully peel the leaves of the whole head – the amount will differ depending on size.

3) Blanch leaves for about 30 seconds to 1 minute each and place on paper towels once finished to absorb the water. Set aside.

4) Make the rice: In a small saucepan, add 1 cup of water and 1 Tbsp. oil. Bring to the boil, add 1/2 cup rice and cook for approx. 15 minutes. Drain, rinse with cold water and set aside.

5) Make the tomato sauce: Heat oil in a tall pot on medium heat. Sauté onion, garlic, harissa paste (optional), cinnamon, cumin, black pepper and salt for 10 minutes.

6) Add the tomatoes, Turn the heat to low and allow sauce to simmer for 15 minutes while you make your filling.

7) Make the filling: In a medium to large mixing bowl, add 2 lbs. ground beef (raw); spice mix of cinnamon, allspice, paprika, salt, black paper and cumin; garlic; onion; ras el hanout; egg; raisins; parsley; cilantro; and cooked rice. Mix together to make your filling.

8) Starting with your largest cabbage leaf, place a generous spoonful of filling at the base of the leaf, fold in the sides and roll up the leaf, sealing it well. The amount of filling will vary based on the size of each cabbage leaf, but make sure it is fully sealed inside.

9) Gently place the rolled cabbage leaves in the sauce, seam side down. Repeat with the remaining filling, nestling the rolls tightly along the base of the pot to secure them, and then layering on top.

10) Once all leaves are in the pot, press down to make sure they are covered with sauce. Then cover the pot and simmer on low for 2 hours or until the cabbage leaves are easily pierced with a knife.

11) Serve warm.

26 October 2023 Federation Star
Personal Chef Dalia Hemed can be reached at daliahemed@msn.com.







DEC 12 @7








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“1, 2, 3, NOSH WITH ME”


MONDAY MAR 4 @7:30


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The World of Judaic folk art

Iwas a newly married bride in the ’50s when my mother-in-law presented my husband and me with what I thought was a poorly framed paper cut. I was unimpressed with its appearance, and it was not until many years later that I understood and appreciated what it represented. It was my fascination with this paper cut that led me to discover the world of Judaic Folk Art.

Contrary to conventional Judaic belief, the visual arts have always been an important and beautiful way to express our religious devotion. Jewish art dates back to biblical times and, until modernity, depictions of the human form were forbidden. We still refer to the second commandment, “You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or in the earth below” (Exodus 20:4). This has been interpreted throughout the generations to mean no artwork of any kind is acceptable in Judaism.

But this is farther from the truth than we can imagine! We need only to look at the first artist, Bezalel, the Jewish artisan appointed by G-d to build the Tabernacle. The Bible details the beautiful work of Bezalel and his partner, Oholiab, in the building of the Ark of the Covenant. It is described as overlaid with gold and decorated with cherubim (I Kings 6). Bezalel and Oholiab were given the task of working in gold, silver and bronze, cutting stones for settings and in carving wood.

Through the centuries, Jews have excelled in various art forms, which we will explore in this column on an

irregular basis throughout the year. There is much for us to discover.

So, you may ask, “exactly what is Judaic Folk Art?”

Jewish folk art has been a huge part of Jewish homes and synagogues for centuries. Jewish folk art includes items like the mizrach, an emblem placed on the eastern wall of the home to remind family members which direction to direct their prayers; the shiviti, a meditative representation of a verse from Psalms; Kiddush cups; challah covers; mezuzot; candlesticks; and more. Once an expression of piety, these objects were created by Eastern European Jews who had little or no artistic training. Today, Jewish folk art has become more sophisticated and continues as trained artists focus their skills on these traditional crafts.

Of particular interest to me is the art of paper cutting, which was prevalent in Poland in the 1800s. It was an art form in Eastern Europe that is now gone but has had a revival in modernity. Those who have studied the old tradition have gained a deep appreciation of the many ways Jews have contributed to Judaic culture.

The subject of Judaic folk art has had limited exposure in the past. This is the reason for writing these articles, as a way of introducing a little-known subject to a wider audience.

I would enjoy hearing any comments and suggestions you may have.

Arlene Stolnitz, the “Jewish Music” contributor to Federation papers the past eight years, is starting a new series focusing on Judaic folk art. A native of Rochester, NY, Stolnitz is a retired educator and lives in Venice, Florida.

28 October 2023 Federation Star
Teaching, Learning, or Getting Involved New Friends, Old Friend or Making Friends Then MCA is for you For additional information, go to: mcanaples.org or scan the QR code
Read current and previous issues of the FederationStaronline at www.jewishnaples.org

Old dogs and new tricks

Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

Bill shook his head as he crumpled the flyer and tossed it on the floor.

The Jewish new year was a pleasant memory and now all the local synagogues were gearing up for what appeared to be extensive adult education programs. This year, however, Bill was having none of it. The discarded flyer that landed at his feet said it all.

“What’s this?” Diane asked as she retrieved the flyer and began to smooth it out on the kitchen table. That’s when she noticed that Bill had thrown away all the information on the class offerings. Diane was puzzled. “Surely, there’s at least one course that appeals to you. Why the temper tantrum?”

Bill looked like he was about to cry. He sputtered, “There are dozens of courses

I’d like to take but this past year has been hard. I’m feeling my age and you know what they say… ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!’”

In a recent article published by Barclay Friends, “Seniors Are Alive and Well: Laying the Ageist Myths to Rest,” gerontology professionals report that “Even as people are living significantly longer than ever before, many of the age-old and ageist stereotypes about senior citizens are still alive and kicking,” among them the Number One Ageist Myth that men and women of advanced age are incapable of learning new skills.

The Barclay Report emphasizes that, “While it may take a little longer for seniors to learn a new skill than their younger counterparts, most age-associated cognitive changes are mild and do not affect daily functioning or the ability to acquire new skills.”

In addition, studies indicate that many seniors score higher on intelligence tests than their much younger counterparts, while one study found that “Learning new skills in an encouraging environment expands

cognitive ability for seniors just as it does for children.”

Support for adults to learn new skills comes from various sources and Jewish tradition leads the way. In fact, philosopher Mortimer Adler put it best when he said, “The purpose of learning … is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

The concept of lifelong learning originated as a Jewish concept that in recent years now embraces all ethnic and religious groups. It was popularized by Peter Drucker, (z”l), an ethnic Jew who was raised in a secular Christian household. Drucker took a deep dive into Talmudic teaching which led to his pronouncement that “We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change.”

Ancient Jewish sages would agree. In fact, it was Rabbi Joseph Karo, author of the “Shulchan Aruch,” a 1500’s literary blockbuster that is a staple of Jewish thought, who wrote,

“A parent and child must both study Torah. When possibilities exist for only one, the adult’s personal needs take precedence to the child’s.” In other words, adult education is an age-old Jewish priority.

“Not for nothing are we called the People of the Book,” was Diane’s response to her husband as she encouraged him to select a course and continue on his own path of lifelong learning. And Bill can take heart from another Jewish sage, comedian George Burns, (z”l), who, at 100 years of age, said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”

For 10 years, Rabbi Barbara Aiello served the Aviva Campus for Senior Life as resident rabbi. Her most popular columns are now published in her new book, “Aging Jewishly,” available on Amazon books. Rabbi Barbara now lives and works in Italy, where she is rabbi of Italy’s first Reconstructionist synagogue. Contact her at rabbi@rabbibarbara.com.



JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER NAPLES PRESENTS: A Magical Evening with World Famous Joshua Jay

NOVEMBER 1, 2023

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MAGIC WAND – $1,000

• 1 month of advertising in the FederationStar newspaper, which reaches 3.560 households (1/4-page – 5” x 7.5” total value $225)

• 1 week of your logo appearing in the Federation e-blast, which reaches 4,500 email boxes with a 55-60% click rate ($50 value)

• 2 Preferred Tickets ($200 value)


• 3 weeks of your logo appearing in the Federation e-blast, which reaches 4,500 email boxes with a 55-60% click rate ($150 value)

• 2 Preferred Tickets ($200 value)


• 2 Preferred Tickets ($200 value)

• Name recognition in FederationStar

you in advance for your support!
RBialek@jewishnaples.org or (239) 263-4205 JEWISH INTEREST
Contact Renee Bialek at
Rabbi Barbara Aiello
“Thepurposeoflearning …isgrowth,and ourminds,unlikeour bodies,cancontinue growingaswecontinue tolive.”~philosopher
Mortimer Adler

The Revolt at Sobibór

for the clothes and belongings of those sent to the gas chambers. Camp III consisted of gas chambers and burial pits.

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Christians & Jews United Against Antisemitism

Eighty years ago this month, a prisoner revolt – entirely undertaken by Jews – erupted at Sobibór, one of six dedicated death camps operated by the Germans in occupied Poland. Deservedly, much discussion of resistance focuses on the ghettos and the forests, but this prisoner uprising, together with others in Treblinka (August 2, 1943) and Auschwitz (October 7, 1944), also deserves to be remembered with respect and reverence.

Sobibór was established as part of Aktion Reinhard, the Nazi plan to murder all Polish Jews in the General Government (Generalgouvernement) of occupied Poland. It was operational from April 1942 until November 1943.

The killing center was established near the village of Sobibór, situated some three miles west of the Bug (Buh) River, in what is eastern Poland today, about 50 miles east of Lublin and 24 miles north of the town of Chełm.

Like all the death camps, Sobibór was positioned in a sparsely populated, remote area. At its largest extent, the camp covered an area 1,969 feet long and 1,312 feet wide. Surrounded by a high wire fence, the camp was concealed by a dense forest of pine and birch trees planted along its perimeter to shield the site from view. Beyond the fence and trees, a 50-foot-wide minefield surrounded the camp to thwart escape attempts.

The camp was built along the LublinChełm-Włodawa train line, just west of the train station. A nearby spur connected the railway to the camp and was used to expedite the delivery of prisoners.

Sobibór was administered by around 50 Austrian and German personnel, of whom some 20 to 30 were SS and security officials. The German staff were derived almost exclusively from personnel originating from the T-4 or "euthanasia" program. The guard force numbered 90 to 120 men, some of whom were Polish or Ukrainian civilians and Soviet prisoners of war.

The camp’s first commandant, former Austrian policeman Franz Stangl, initially served as deputy administrative director of the Hartheim killing center. He was charged with security and similar tasks at Bernburg before his transfer to the Lublin District. Stangl ran the facility between April and August 1942 until replaced by SS Captain Franz Reichleitner, who commanded Sobibór until it was decommissioned in November 1943.

Sobibór was divided into three sections consisting of an administration area, a reception area and a killing area. Camp I, the administration area, comprised the site’s entrance gate, railway ramp and living quarters for the SS men and the guards. It also housed a very small number of Jewish prisoners who labored in workshops there. Camp II, the reception area, was where prisoners entered after disembarking transports. It housed the undressing barracks and the storehouses

Most of the Jews sent to Sobibór were from eastern and northern parts of the Generalgouvernement’s Lublin District, including the Chełm ghetto, although Jews were also transported there from Austria, Germany, Bohemia and Moravia, Slovakia, France and the Netherlands. In early May 1942, Sobibór officials began systematically sending arriving Jews to the gas chambers. As trainloads pulled into the reception area, they were driven onto platforms and met by Sonderkommandos, prisoners forced to work in the camps.

New arrivals had their valuables appropriated and were forced to undress. They were then steered by the Sonderkommandos into the “tube,” a leafy and wooded tunnel that the Germans told the prisoners would lead to the “showers.” Instead, it led them to the gas chambers.

The Sobibór killing system could “process” prisoners from as many as 20 freight cars at a time. Once the victims were inside the gas chambers, the doors were sealed and they were killed with carbon monoxide. Sonderkommandos then emptied the bodies from the gas chambers and extracted any jewelry or gold fillings from the corpses before they were buried in mass graves. It has been calculated that the Germans and their auxiliaries killed up to 250,000 Jews at Sobibór.

In 1943, the Sonderkommandos and prisoners in the labor force at Sobibór saw that killing operations in the facility were winding down and learned there were no surviving prisoners at another death camp, Bełżec.

When the approximately 600 prisoners remaining at Sobibór learned they would likely be deported to other camps and almost certain death, an uprising took place. On Oct. 14, 1943, the uprising was led by Leon Feldhendler, the son of a rabbi, and was augmented in both numbers and military skill by the arrival of some Jewish Red Army prisoners commanded by Alexander Pechersky. Eleven German personnel were killed, including camp deputy commandant, Johann Niemann, and a few guards. At least 300 prisoners broke out of the camp that day. Around 100 were caught but nearly 60 escaped Sobibór and survived the war.

The prisoner revolt at Sobibór was a shock to the Germans. In November 1943, SS officials resolved to close the camp. The remaining prison guards shot any surviving prisoners, dismantled the gas chambers, and bulldozed what remained of the camp buildings.

By March 1944, when the last of the guards left the area, trees were planted over the site to mask its existence as though it had never existed. But we remember.

Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus of History and the former Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Research at Florida Gulf Coast University.

30 October 2023 Federation Star A GroundbreAkinG event to inform unite And ActivAte
A GroundbreAkinG event to inform unite And ActivAte Thursday, November 30 - 7:00 P.M. Doors open at 6:30 P.M. The Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 4720 Pine Ridge Rd. Naples, FL 34119 Register Online: https://christians and jews against antisemitism.eventbrite.com/ 525 11th Avenue North | Naples, FL 34108 239-597-3101 | www.HodgesNaplesMG.com
Paul Bartrop

Why we need a Christian-Jewish partnership

Our calendar catalogues every disaster that has befallen us since the time of Pharoah. We memorialize, but we are not famous for averting catastrophes, forming alliances or even uniting in the face of a threat. Other than Purim, we do not celebrate many victories.

Jew hatred began in antiquity. It followed us to Babylon, Seville, Blois, Mainz, Lodz, Brisk and Jerusalem; and it has found us here in Naples. We can’t just remember the past. We need to recognize

the present threat and take action before it engulfs us — and we need allies.

Jews make up about 0.5% of the Greater Naples population. Even allowing for unknowns (state of economy, taxes, mortgage rates, weather patterns, pandemics), we can expect population growth and demographic shifts similar to those that have occurred on the east coast. That would bring a relative increase in the Jewish population, visibility and potential for antisemitic acts.

Israeli Minister of Defense prioritizes the ties between the U.S. and Israel

Minister Yoav Gallant spoke in support of college scholarships for IDF combat vets

Chicago, IL (August 29, 2023) –Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant was among the 150+ guests who gathered at the Chicago home of a Friends of the IDF (FIDF) supporter Sunday night to raise funds for FIDF’s IMPACT! Scholarship Program, which has provided four-year college scholarships to more than 20,000 combat and combat support veterans from low socioeconomic backgrounds since 2002. A former FIDF board member and part of the group that founded IMPACT! in 2002, Gallant addressed the war on terror in Israel.

“Over the past weeks, we have experienced a wave of terror attacks in Israel — and the murder of innocent civilians by Palestinian terrorists. And while facing complex challenges, we know that our bond with the United States is a pillar of Israel’s security. As Minister of Defense, I have set a clear directive, placing the ties between the United States and Israel above all.”

He added, “I will do everything in my power to defend the state of Israel, to protect the IDF and its commanders, and to unite our society.”

Also in attendance were Izzy Levy and Al Frank, co-founders of the IMPACT!

Scholarship program; Secretary to the Minister of Defense, Brigadier General Guy Markizano; Major General Hidai Zilberman, IDF Attaché to the U.S; Orna Pesach, executive director of the IMPACT! Program; and Shuki Peretz, Doron Lavy and Dr. Dor Gilboa, three IMPACT! graduates.

Evangelicals are about a fourth of the population and are also increasing. They are philo-semitic, Zionist, have no history of detestation and share many of our beliefs. Most importantly, they have a moral commitment to the survival of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) understands the past. It has been fighting anti-Israel bias and antisemitism in the media, on the campus and in the classroom since 1982. The

goal of its Christian-Jewish partnership is to bring our communities together to protect the future.

Please join us Thursday evening, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center as, together, we will take our first step toward that future.

Register online at https://christians_ and_jews_against_antisemitism. eventbrite.com/.

31 October 2023 Federation Star ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD Fuller Funeral Home 1625 Pine Ridge Road Naples, Florida 34109 Fuller Cremation Center 5325 Jaeger Road Naples, Florida 34109 239.592.1611 wecare@fullernaples.com www.FullerNaples.com SERVING THE JEWISH COMMUNITY SINCE 1996 *Mention this ad for 15% off of your first order 239.592.9377 Info@NaplesEnvelope.com • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Event Invitations/Programs • Business Identity Packages • Events & Tradeshows • Signs, Banners, Posters • Mailings • Promotional Items • Stationery
Minister Galant at the event Al Frank, Shuki Peretz, Doron Lavy, Dr. Dor Gilboa, Orna Pesach, Izzy Levy, Minister Yoav Galant, Major General Hidai Zilberman, Hezi Levi, Brig. Gen. Guy Markizano. Photo credit: Bonnie Robinson
This publication is brought to you each month thanks to the support of our advertisers. Please be sure to use their products and services, and mention that you saw their ad in the Federation Star.

Hadassah miracles

Ihope you had a wonderful summer and now that we are in the middle of our High Holidays, I wish the very best for you for the coming year 5784! I want to thank you for your dedication and support that allows Hadassah to continue with its miracles in Israel, in the United States and around the world. Hadassah remains the heart and soul of medical innovation for more than a century because of generous supporters like you!

In past articles, I promised to share more of Hadassah‘s miracles with you. The following are just a few:

Miracle: ovarian torsion operation

In early August, doctors at Hadassah Ein Kerem achieved a medical first: they successfully operated on a newborn, saving her ovaries, less than 30 minutes after her birth via cesarean section. The baby’s condition, known as ovarian torsion, is typically only seen in adults. The surgery had never been performed on a newborn until Hadassah’s doctors successfully completed this operation.

Miracle: multiple myeloma treatment

In fighting cancer, Hadassah has an exciting experimental treatment that put 88% of patients with multiple myeloma, a rare type of cancer that develops from bone marrow cells, into remission, extending the patients’ life expectancies.

Miracle: radiation using protons

An Israeli company called P-Cure is

partnering with Hadassah to run the Proton Center in Modin, where radiation using protons limits the harmful effect of radiation on healthy tissue.

Miracle: genetic engineering fights cancer

Doctors at Hadassah’s Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy and Hadassah Cancer Research Institute developed new technology in genetic engineering to fight cancer. It offers patients additional and stronger immune cells grown in the lab. They take a sample of white blood cells from the patient’s blood and generate a large number of white blood cells. Using genetic engineering, they insert a synthetic gene into these cells that allows them to specifically recognize cancer, significantly delaying the progress of the disease.

Since we last celebrated the new year, we have so much to be proud of, and so much more to anticipate. You are an

May you be inscribed in the Book of Life

Shanah Tovah and all the blessings of 5784. There is something comforting in knowing that the reading of the Torah is a constant in the yearly cycle; it has survived and will survive even the most durable of us. I am always comforted to hear Hebrew prayers even as I don’t understand words or am unable to follow the prayers as those whose Jewish education was not stolen from them as it was from me and my people by the socialists. We sometimes refer to Torah as the authoritative books of the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh. The first five books, Torah, impart the early human history from the world’s creation, follow the people of the book through some of their trials and tribulations and establish specific laws. Some of those may be considered

unnecessary by today’s standards, while others survived and are now the acceptable foundation of humanity, not only for Jews but for all three religions relying on the same book.

Every year, I struggle to reconcile myself to the fact that I’m unable to read the Torah as it was written, and accept the fact that, much like when women were not given the opportunity to study the holy texts, I have to rely on translations, rabbinical sermons, instructions and interpretations. I am at the synagogue too infrequently for serious study and, during my visits, I read and absorb just a few paragraphs, in awe of those who were taught from the start and know what they are reading while I try to connect the dots.

I suppose my delays are somewhat excusable by numerous plausible circumstances. Still, while I only blame myself, I have never found a guide, a teacher, I could follow — though there really can be no excuses. At the start of each new Hebrew year, I promise to try again, and then I fail to set every other task aside to diligently learn our Bible on my own.

In reality, ordinary people who are able to quote and read Hebrew texts are not there for explanations to the unlearned like myself.

So, again, as I reflect on the year that’s ending and atone for my shortcomings, I realize that I may just enjoy reading the Tanakh as a historical novel with vivid characters to whom I relate or not and whom I want to emulate or not. After all, it’s a book full of stories authored by various deliverers, about our collective past that transcended eras and languages to preserve the very essence of what makes us, one and all, Jews. May we all thrive eternally.

And help us spread the word as we are planning a breakthrough — The Jewish Historical Society of SWFL will join Jewish-Russian Cultural Alliance on Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a historical first: The Day of Jewish Learning in Russian by Rabbi Gitik from Israel (at Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center).

Your generosity helps continue the work of The Jewish Historical Society

indispensable component of Hadassah‘s inspiring work. I am optimistic that, with your generous donations, we can continue on this remarkable path!

Please join us for Collier/Lee Hadassah’s upcoming programs:

Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m. – “Whatever Happened to the Great American Railroad?” This is the last of our Expanding Horizons Plus program. Jeff Margolis will enlighten us during brunch at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

Nov. 15, 11 a.m. – “Keeping Our Faith” will be a Crafty Women’s Artisans’ Showcase at the Audubon Country Club. Cantor Azu joins us in an interview with Diane Schwartz. A delicious luncheon is planned.

I wish you and your families a wonderful L‘Shana Tova and may you and all of your loved ones have a sweet, joyful, healthy and peaceful year ahead.

of SWFL. No amount is too small. Donate online, by mail or contact us at office@jhsswf.org.

Join the organization online at JHSSWF.org or mail us a check. Family membership is $54; individual membership is $36; student membership is $18; and corporate sponsorship is $300. If mailing a check, please send to The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida, 8805 Tamiami Trail North, Suite #255, Naples, FL 34108.

Members receive announcements, reminders and other wonderful information you would not want to miss.

We can be reached at 833-547-7935 (833-JHS-SWFL), www.jhsswf.org or office@jhsswf.org. The Virtual Museum of SWFL Jewish History is located online at http://jewishhistorysouthwest florida.org/.

The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida is a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.


32 October 2023 Federation Star ORGANIZATIONS
COLLIER/LEE CHAPTER OF HADASSAH www.hadassah.org / 518-330-1559
JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SWFL www.jhsswf.org / 239-566-1771
to the bylaws of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, members are those individuals who make an annual gift of $72 or more to the Annual Federation Campaign in our community. For more information, please call the Federation office at 239-263-4205.

Lessons of Sukkot

To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot in the center of the paper. The professor, seeing the expression on everyone’s faces, told them the following:

“I want you to write about what you see there.”

After he finished reading the exams, the professor looked up and addressed the students:

By the time this reaches you, we will be well into the new year of 5784. Thinking about how we want to start that year, allow me to share a story: One day, a professor gave his students a surprise exam, passing out the papers face down. Once he handed them all out, he asked the students to turn over the papers.

The students, confused, got started on the task.

At the end of the class, the professor collected the exams and started reading each one of them out loud in front of all the students. Every answer, without exception, defined the black dot and described its position in the center of the sheet.

L’chaim to our blessings

whose social media posts I’ll be scrolling through today and the memes I’ll give a chuckle to.

“I’m not going to grade you on this. Interestingly, no one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same thing happens in our lives. We insist on focusing only on the black dot — the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member, the disappointment with a friend. The dark spots are very small when compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. Take your eyes away from the black dots in your lives. Enjoy each one of your blessings, each moment that life gives you. Be happy and live a life filled with love!”

When was the last time you asked someone how their day was going and they responded by using adjectives such as “amazing, incredible, unreal or awesome…?”

It’s becoming increasingly rare to hear people describe life this way — at least not without a good amount of L’Chaims.

Being positive is not in vogue. Being cynical and despondent about the present and future seems to be the more popular approach adopted by too many.

Will you join me in disagreeing with this trend?

Not just because it’s a great time to be alive — which it is. So many statistics show that we are living in incredible times compared to almost all of history.

The reason we need to disagree with being despondent is because it sucks the marrow out of life. Life is too precious to waste on negativity and ingratitude, while missing out on incredible blessings. Yes, we all have blessings in our lives.

Each morning when we wake up, we traditionally say the words of the Modeh Ani prayer, in which we thank the Creator for restoring our lives to us: "I thank you, living and enduring King, for You have graciously returned my soul within me. So great is Your faithfulness."

Thanks for what?

For so much!

For example, for waking up. Unfortunately, some people didn’t wake up this morning. I woke up. Thank you.

For sitting up in bed. So many people cannot sit up. Thank you, my Creator.

For opening my eyes. For moving my limbs. For the gift of touch, smell, hearing, taste. There are many people who don’t have those specific blessings. Every living being has so much to be thankful for.

Thank you, G-d for the phone I am about to check, the friends and family

For fresh air. For electricity. For a universe bigger and greater than I can imagine. For my heart. For my brain. For knowledge. For relationships. For the kindnesses I will do, and the kindnesses I will receive.

In Judaism, we take the value of gratitude — Hakarat Hatov — very seriously. In one of the first stories in the Torah, we witness the dysfunction of ingratitude. It’s a famous tale. G-d tells Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge.

Adam and Eve took a bite. G-d shows up and demands an explanation. Adam blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent. Let's zoom in on Adam’s words, “The woman you gave me is the one who convinced me to eat the fruit.”

How ungrateful. Without Eve, Adam was the loneliest human being ever. Now, he has a wife, a companion, a friend, another human to share his life with. Say thank you, Adam!

Not only does he blame his wife. He even blames his G-d. “Hey, you gave me her. Your problem. What do you want from me?”

Friends, that is what ingratitude looks like. What a miserable and immoral way to live.

We all have the choice to adopt a lifestyle of gratitude, where we notice every blessing in our lives and say thank you.

Yes, there are huge challenges in this physical world we inhabit — it’s messy, complicated, tragic and intense, but it is also full of so much beauty, grace, love, awe and goodness. It’s all around you. Get off Facebook, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter), and look in the eyes of almost every person you see on the street. You will see so much goodness.

This world is stunning. It’s Sukkot season. Get out into the Sukkah with your loved ones. Chill. Breathe. Take in the magic of being alive.

Don’t you agree?

While many of us think of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as the most significant days at this time of year, we should not neglect the upcoming festival of Sukkot. This holiday, which biblically focused on the harvest, is sometimes overlooked in our more modern and tech-centered world. Yet, it continues to carry meaning and significance, which is valuable to us in our lives.

At its core, Sukkot is a Jewish festival of thanksgiving that teaches us to focus on the white spaces in our lives. We are called to construct and gather during this


time in sukkot booths. These structures echo the dwellings built by our ancestors during the fall harvest. The Israelites would gather all they could by day and sleep in the sukkah at night. Conscious that the sukkah was temporary, and that their harvest could not last forever, it would have been easy for our ancestors to dwell on the dark dots, living season to season, worrying about the future, unable to predict or prepare. Instead, they celebrated their harvest, gathering in Jerusalem for a major festival, focusing on the blessings they had, instead of the challenges ahead.

Though we do not rely upon the harvest as our livelihood and source of sustenance, the lessons of Sukkot remain just as relevant. We, too, need to focus more on what we have, finding the bright spaces, instead of letting the black dots dominate our focus. This means putting more energy into being grateful for our blessings and less into worrying about what we lack. If we can live this way, then we will soon come to realize that the world is a much brighter, lighter and more joyful place than we ever realized.

May the year ahead be one of blessing, light and joy for us all.

Shana Tova U’vracha, Rabbi Adam Miller serves at Temple Shalom.

Can ‘Jewish Peoplehood’ Save the Jewish People?

Everyone is invited to attend this Israel and Overseas Committee presentation:

Monday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m.

Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

With presenter Scott Lasensky

In an age of polarization, disruption and fractures erupting across the Jewish world, can the idea and practice of Jewish Peoplehood, a uniquely Jewish American ideology, meet the challenges World Jewry faces today?

Former diplomat, writer and University of Maryland educator Scott Lasensky will share the latest developments and debates about a big idea seeking to reshape Jewish belonging, crosscommunal relations and Israel-Diaspora ties. Lasensky is the Senior Advisor to ENTER: the Jewish Peoplehood Alliance, an initiative co-founded by philanthropist Charles Bronfman, which is devoted to ensuring the Jewish people remain a global community that is united, secure and inclusive (www.EnterPeoplehood.org).

You must register for this FREE event at www.jewishnaples.org

33 October 2023 Federation Star COMMENTARY
Rabbi Adam F. Miller
Enjoyeachoneofyour blessings,eachmoment
happyandlivealife filled with
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
The reason we need todisagreewith beingdespondent is because it sucks the marrow out of life.

The Cardozo Society is formed as a way to network the many existing and new Jewish attorneys in our legal community. The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples continues to reach out to raise awareness through this association of Jewish attorneys promoting professionalism, cooperation, and identification with our Jewish community.

For more information contact Joshua Bialek at jbialek@porterwright.com

A Celebration of Jewish Life sneak peek

Kabbalah course

Have you ever wondered “What is Kabbalah?” and “Why does it generate so much interest?”

Coming this season, November through March 2024, Chabad Naples will offer 'Celebration of Jewish Life,’ a unique series that celebrates every aspect of diverse Jewish culture from music and theater to cooking and matchmaking — and did we mention sports and comedy?

Let us whet your appetite. Some notable presenters will include author Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, comedian Joel Chasnoff, the Six13 a cappella group,renowned cook and author Chanie Apfelbaum, award-winning photojournalist B.A. Van Sise, children’s author Micah Siva, Netflix’s “Jewish Matchmaking’s” Aleeza Ben Shalom, playwright Tom Dugan and Naples’ own sports authority Ted Epstein. If these names aren't familiar to you now, they certainly will be after you have attended their presentations.

Beginning with bronze level sponsorship, which offers general admission to all events for only $180 (a saving of $100 compared to purchasing tickets individually), there will be different patron levels to cover the events.

You can find details on these opportunities plus full event descriptions, patron benefits, tickets and more at the official website, CJLnaples.com.


Come and join our celebration of Sukkot! Beginning with two lunches under the traditional Sukkah on Shabbat, Sept. 30 at 12:15 p.m. (following the 10:30 a.m. services), and then on Oct. 1. If, at any time during that week, you wish to shake the lulav and hold the etrog, just call the office and come by. Thanks to Seth Mizrachi for creating a beautiful sukkah for the community.

Simchat Torah

A grand Simchat celebration for all ages is scheduled Saturday night live at 7:45 p.m. Men, women and children of all ages, there's always a tremendous, joyous celebration with a party and dancing at Chabad that no one should miss! Come and rejoice with the Torah! Buffet dinner and L'chaim will be served. Celebrate with people who really know how!

Or perhaps you’ve wondered “How does Jewish spirituality work?” and “Can it help me navigate the challenges of everyday life?”

Our new course, The World of Kabbalah, will help you find the answers to those questions.

You will get a comprehensive overview of Kabbalah’s core teachings and see how these ideas offer powerful insights into everyday life, self-understanding and personal growth.

We’d love to have you join us. Our informative course runs for six weeks, Oct. 30; Nov. 7, 13, 20 and 27; and concludes Dec. 4. Call the office for further information.

Shabbat and Kiddush luncheon

Join us weekly for uplifting Shabbat services with meaning, melody and humor. All are welcome. Hebrew/English prayer books. One of the weekly highlights has always been the Kiddush luncheon at 12:15 p.m.!

The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the Rabbi’s insights during the Torah reading, which always have a contemporary, meaningful and relevant message.

Hebrew school 2023-2024

Chabad Naples Hebrew School is currently enrolling students for its 2023-2024 Hebrew School year. Our curriculum includes Hebrew reading, Jewish history, mitzvot and Jewish practice, and tefillah (prayer). Lessons are engaging and exciting with lots of projects, activities and discussions that provide meaningful insight into contemporary Jewish life. Hebrew School is held on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The Big Build

Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts have launched a capital campaign to extend the campus, thus increasing our facilities to enable much-needed additional preschool and Hebrew school classrooms, expanded summer camp and new spaces for community events.

"The Big Build" is a communityinspired and community-funded effort. Help us make this a reality. Please visit www.NaplesBigBuild.com for more information or reach out!

34 October 2023 Federation Star SYNAGOGUE NEWS OF GREATER NAPLES
Does you family have PJ Library books that need to be rehomed? Bring them, swap them & find something new to you! “Can U Dig It” Playground 1500 Livingston Rd Snacks, crafts & friends included Kids
Book Swap Playdate RSVP: Alicia Feldman PH: 239-263-4205 programs@jewishnaples.org FB: @PJLibraryNaplesFL 3:30-4:30pm Sunday 10/22 CHABAD JEWISH CENTER OF NAPLES www.chabadnaples.com / 239-262-4474
PJ Library
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
For a continuously updated community calendar, visit www.jewishnaples.org

Our core values

Last month, I told you our mission statement: “Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC) is an inclusive, vibrant Reform congregation serving Southwest Florida. We embrace diversity, spirituality, friendship, learning and social justice.” It is within this framework that we have enunciated our core values as follows.

vitality of the Jewish people as well as to a secure and just state of Israel as a home for all Jews and its inhabitants. We affirm our special connection with the Jewish people everywhere. We have no consensus on political solutions or their philosophical underpinnings.


Tefillah v’Milraei Kodesh


Kehillat chesed – we are a caring community

We provide a warm and welcoming environment where everyone is equally valued in our Temple family. We embrace the dignity of all people. Our community’s greatest strength and most precious resource is its members. We honor the range and variety of talents and experiences our members bring to the community and appreciate and rely on the support they give the congregation through participation and financial contributions.


Tikun Olam

We are responsible for actively and consciously repairing the world. We follow our faith that calls us to righteousness and moral engagement within our world. We seek opportunities for our congregants, clergy and staff to become intimately involved in activities that sustain our moral values. We support social justice projects because we believe in fulfilling our biblical mandate to repair the world.

We worship together affirming personal autonomy in our worship and observance. We encourage our members to worship frequently. Not only on Shabbat and the festivals but also at times of personal stress and joy. We seek to reach the highest and noblest in the human spirit through our worship. We affirm personal autonomy in our ritual observance. We seek to educate our members about our rich traditions so that they may choose meaningful paths for themselves.

6. Kavod

We value the respect that must exist among our members and the spiritual and lay leaders of our congregation. We honor the principle of “freedom of the pulpit.” We value the education and experience of our staff. We have an open governance structure that maximizes the effectiveness of our lay leadership.

Prayer in its many forms is central to our life as a community. We pray using language that speaks of God’s existence while recognizing that each of us, as individuals, understands God differently or not at all.


Talmud Torah –we are committed to Jewish learning

We engage all communities in the study of the Torah. Through education and creative programming, we integrate Jewish practice into home and family life. We believe that lifelong learning begins early and never ends. We honor Torah, wrestle with Jewish traditions and beliefs including God, and engage directly with difficult questions of our age. We hold ourselves accountable to change as we learn and grow.

4. Ahavat Yisrael – we are committed to a secure and just state of Israel

We are committed to the safety and

We are an American Jewish congregation, and we value America’s freedoms that have benefited Jews and Judaism while upholding Jewish values that spur us to protest policies and actions we see as wrong.

We encourage our members to increase their knowledge of Judaism, strengthen their Jewish identity and continually grow as Jewish individuals. We believe that sustaining an active and vibrant learning community strengthens our connection with each other and ensures our future as a people. L’dor V’dor from generation to generation.

If these principals align with your values, see our website at naplesjewish congregation.org and come worship with us.

There’s Lots to Do in October and November

October 11 - Fall Golf Outing

October 24 - Tour of the Bonita Springs Water Reclamation Facility

November 3 - Soulful Shabbat and Potluck Dinner

November 7 - Brazina Documentary Film Series

November 7 - Lifestyle/Health Discussion Group

November 9: The Future of Healthcare – Paul Hiltz, CEO, Naples Community Hospital Healthcare

November 9 - Book Discussion Group

November 10 - Financial Health Discussion Group

November 13 - Israel Discussion Group

November 14 - Science Discussion Group

November 15 - Fiddler on the Roof Sing Along

November 16 - Current Events Discussion Group

November 30 - Speaker Series - Higher Education in America

For additional information, go to: mcanaples.org or scan the QR code

NAPLES JEWISH CONGREGATION www.naplesjewishcongregation.org / 239-431-3858
lighting times
October 6: 6:50 p.m. October 13: 6:43 p.m. October 20: 6:36 p.m. October 27: 6:30 p.m.

The JDC & Global CrisesA Jewish Response



Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6 p.m. refreshments, 6:30 p.m. presentation

At the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Free event for the community, but please register at www.jewishnaples.org so we can plan accordingly.

About the presenter

Avital Sandler Loeff is the executive director, JDC’s Global Response, International Development (GRID), which works globally to provide short/long-term disaster relief and carries out international development initiatives focused on agriculture, women's economic empowerment and health innovations. These lifechanging efforts bolster both the local and global Jewish community, while strengthening Israel's economy.

Loeff mobilized the GRID Team in the early days of the Ukraine crisis, providing a comprehensive medical aid response for refugees at the region's borders. She spearheaded operations in partnership with key local and international players, building upon Israeli-based telemedicine technology and local capacity for sustainable solutions during unstable times.

Previously, Loeff served as Director of JDC- Israel Unlimited, which develops community-based support systems for people with disabilities. She was also a member of the JDC-Israel Senior Management Team. She also worked as a researcher at MyersJDC Israel, and taught program evaluation at Tel Aviv University.

Throughout her 20-year tenure with JDC, Loeff has worked to coalesce the resources of government agencies, municipalities, NGOs, foundations, and academia. Her talents have created partnerships that in turn transform concepts into realities.

Loeff lives with her family in Bait Zayit, a charming moshav overlooking the greater Jerusalem area in Israel.

About JDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee)

What started with a cablegram in 1914 requesting the American Jewish community’s support in aiding starving Jews in Ottoman-era Palestine continues to serve as a beacon of hope for Jews and others in 70 countries today. JDC is the leading global Jewish humanitarian organization.


JFGN Mission to Israel, Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Tour begins Nov. 1, 2024, at 9 a.m. in Tel Aviv

Tour includes 10 days in Israel and 4 days in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

For more information, contact Jeffrey Feld at the Federation – 239-263-4205 or jfeld@jewishnaples.org.

36 October 2023 Federation Star OF GREATER NAPLES

Updates with BBYO Naples and Fort Myers

Asuccessful kickoff event provided the Naples BBYO teens a strong start to the 2023-2024 school year. Our newly elected Naples BBYO chapter board planned and hosted the “Maccabiah Games” held at Lowdermilk Park on Sunday, Aug. 27, where Naples BBYO welcomed returning members, new members and prospects to the games. Nineteen teens attended and four teams competed in volleyball, spike ball and cornhole games. The teens learned about the significance of Judah Maccabee and the Maccabi games, and how we can tie their teachings into our daily lives. The events ended with pizza, snacks and BBYO trivia.

Our region, the North Florida Region, hosted a regional kickoff on Sunday, Sept. 10 at Andretti Indoor Karting and Games in Orlando, Florida. Southwest Florida teens traveled, along with the Sarasota and Tampa teens, to this event. They were excited to reunite with their old BBYO friends and make some new ones.

September has been busy with Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and the High Holy Days. BBYO wishes everyone a happy, healthy and sweet new year 5784 — L’Shana Tova!

While Naples BBYO had a quiet September, our teens are planning a strong return with numerous events in October:

• On Sunday, Oct. 1, they will have an event to celebrate Sukkot.

• On Sunday, Oct. 15, the teens are throwing their first ‘Wow’ Event: Naples BBYO Mockmitzvah. This event will be open to all Jewish teens attending eighth through twelfth grades in Southwest Florida. Numerous BBYO chapters within the North Florida Region are hosting different ‘Wow’ events to provide BBYO members and prospects throughout the region an opportunity to attend a spectacular event.

• Ending the month of October, our teens will have a haunted corn maze bonding activity.

Please keep an eye out for more details regarding these events.

What is BBYO?

BBYO is a diverse and inclusive Jewish youth group with the purpose to encourage Jewish teens to become more immersed and interested in meaningful Jewish activities and programs. This organization accepts Jewish teens attending eighth through twelfth grades of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, genders, races, denominational affiliations and socioeconomic status. BBYO currently reaches more than 70,000 teens worldwide, with participants in over 60 countries and hundreds of chapters across the United States.

Supporting our teenage Jewish community

It is crucial to engage teens post-B’nai Mitzvah age in Jewish activities. Having teens get involved in BBYO and be eager to create and confidently continue their own Jewish community within their greater Jewish communities is critical to our future.

The BBYO chapter of Naples has entered its 11th year of partnership with Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Temple Shalom, Chabad of Naples and Beth Tikvah. Each organization provides financial support, volunteers and community involvement opportunities for the BBYO teens. We thank each and every one of our BBYO alum, friends and other supporters for making this a safe and positive environment for the teens of BBYO Naples and Fort Myers.

If you know of someone with a teen who might like to join BBYO Naples or Fort Myers or know of someone who may

want to be an advisor to our chapters, please email me at cschreier@bbyo.org. You can also follow us on Instagram at Mishpacha_BBG and Negevaza.

Scholarships to attend BBYO conventions and summer programs are available through both Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and Temple Shalom Men’s Club. Please contact me for more information on scholarships as well.

azabbg.bbyo.org/on-demand/home Jewish Young Professionals

Jewish 20-40 year olds! The Jewish Young Professionals of Greater Naples invite you to come socialize! Please email or call Renee’ to be added to the roster. rbialek@jewishnaples.org 239-263-4205 Activities include: • Happy Hour • Game Night • Movie Night • Shabbat Services • Volunteering • Holiday Parties • Zoom Meet & Greets • and more!

We want to hear yourandsuggestions ideas for upcoming events!

37 October 2023 Federation Star FOCUS ON YOUTH
If you are a BBYO alum and would like to be included in our Friends and Alumni of BBYO mailing list, please email us at mjs0821@aol.com. BBYO OF GREATER NAPLES

The school year begins with a buzz

The joy and excitement present at the beginning of a school new year is a thrill unlike any other. The sweet smiles and eagerness on the children’s faces as they begin to explore their new classrooms and make new friends never fail to tug at our heartstrings. As we started our 13th year of Preschool of the Arts, the classrooms were buzzing with activity, art, music and play. It is a joy to watch the children play together and listen as their happy voices mingle with words of encouragement and singing.

The early childhood years are the most important time in the life of a family and the most influential time for children as they start on the road to learning. Children of this age are naturally curious and interested in the world around them. This magical time of extraordinary cognitive, emotional and physical growth, combined with an excellent early childhood program, sets the foundation for later learning and social relationships.

At the Jay and Patty Baker Preschool of the Arts, we pride ourselves on our ability to give the children who walk through our doors every opportunity for success in learning and in life. Our goal is to not only introduce our students to the wonders of the world around them but to also open their eyes to infinite possibilities.

One of the ways we do that is by a strong home-school connection. This school year started on a high note with a grand Back to School

Breakfast for our parents to meet their peers and get to know the administration. The warmth and camaraderie displayed between our dear preschool families, veterans and newbies alike, was heartwarming to see, and the energy throughout the fun morning event was palpable.

Preschool of the Arts parents enjoyed a delightful get-to-know-you Bingo game and

activity stations, heard from a fellow POTA parent and spent the morning socializing and eating delicious food. The event with our parents really solidified my belief that POTA is more than simply a community of like-minded parents — we are a family.

This time of year, we also enjoy celebrating the Jewish holiday season with our students, marking special days and learning about our beautiful traditions. In keeping with the Rosh Hashanah theme, our school welcomed a local beekeeper

who brought in thousands of buzzing bees for an incredible hands-on experience that taught the children about bees’ habitats and honey-making ability. The children had a great time helping extract the honey from the beekeeper’s cylinder and collecting it in their very own jar of honey they brought home for Rosh Hashana. It was wonderful to see how the experience ramped up the children’s enthusiasm for the upcoming holiday.

As the High Holidays commenced, we were honored to welcome our families for engaging adult services and offer a unique holiday program specifically geared to children. On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, we were delighted to welcome so many of our families at our “Shofar on the Beach” event at Lowdermilk Park. Families heard the Shofar and enjoyed holiday treats and surprises, followed by an inspiring Tashlich service. The event drew some of our youngest and oldest community members for an intergenerational holiday experience that everyone enjoyed.

Spending Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with our extended Preschool of the Arts families was a very meaningful experience that set the tone for an inspired and educational year ahead.

Federation Star Publication Policy

The Federation Star is a subsidized arm of JFGN. Its purpose and function is to publicize the activities and programs of Federation as well as ongoing activities of recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples.

The goal of JFGN is to reach out and unite all Jews of the Greater Naples area. While differing opinions and points of view exist on many issues of importance to Jews, the Federation Star will confine itself to publishing only items that report the facts of actual events of concern to Jews and offer commentary that clearly intends to unite all Jews in a common purpose.

Critical or derogatory comments directed at individuals or organizations will not be published.

To avoid misunderstandings, controversies and destructive divisions among our people, the Officers and Board of Trustees of Federation have adopted the following publication policy: Advertisements: All advertisements, regardless of their sponsor, shall be paid for in full, at the established rates, prior to publication. The contents of all advertisements shall be subject to review and approval of the Federation board or its designee. Commercial advertisers may make credit arrangements with the advertising

manager, subject to the approval of the Federation board.

Regular Columns: Regular columns shall be accepted only from leaders (Rabbis, Presidents, Chairs) of established and recognized Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and the designated chairs of the regular committees of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.

Special Announcements: Special announcements shall be accepted from established Jewish organizations in Greater Naples and may, at the discretion of the Federation board, be subject to the conditions applicable to paid advertisements, as set forth above.

News Items: Only those news items pertaining to matters of general interest to the broadest cross section of the Jewish community will be accepted for publication.

Note: Items of controversial opinions and points of view about political issues will not be accepted for publication without prior approval of a majority of the Federation Officers and Trustees.

All persons and organizations objecting to the actions and rulings of the Editor or Publications Committee Chair shall have the right to appeal those rulings to the Officers and Board of Trustees of JFGN.

38 October 2023 Federation Star FOCUS ON YOUTH
PRESCHOOL OF THE ARTS www.chabadnaples.com / 239-262-4474
Growing together through Shabbat celebrations, challah baking, gardening, art, science and parent back-to-school breakfasts at The Jay and Patty Baker Preschool of the Arts – where our young Naples community thrives!


4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34119

Phone: 455.3030  Fax: 455.4361

Email: info@naplestemple.org


Rabbi Adam Miller, MAHL

Cantor Donna Azu, MSM

Rabbi Ariel Boxman, MAHL, MARE, Director of Lifelong Learning

Rabbi James H. Perman, D.D.,

Rabbi Emeritus

Deborah Rosen Fidel, J.D., MAJPS, Executive Director

Len Teitelbaum, President

Jim Cochran, Music Director

Shabbat Services:

Shabbat Eve - Friday 7:30 p.m.

Shabbat - Saturday 10 a.m.


Men’s Club

Adult Education


Youth Groups

Religious School

Judaic Library

Hebrew School


Adult Choir

Social Action

Naples’ only Judaica Shop


serving Naples and Marco Island

1789 Mandarin Road, Naples, FL 34102 Phone: 262.4474

Email: info@chabadnaples.com

Website: www.chabadnaples.com

Rabbi Fishel & Ettie Zaklos Co-directors

Dr. Arthur Seigel, President Shabbat Services

Shabbat - Saturday 10 a.m.

Camp Gan Israel

Hebrew School

Preschool of the Arts

Jewish Women’s Circle

Adult Education

Bat Mitzvah Club

Friendship Circle

Smile on Seniors

Flying Challah

Kosher food delivery


24611 Production Circle

Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Phone: 239-949-6900

Email: chabad@jewishbonita.com

Website: www.JewishBonita.com

Rabbi Mendy & Luba Greenberg



Sunday 9 a.m.

Monday through Friday 8 a.m.

Shabbat 10 a.m.

Adult Education

Challah of Love

Community Events

Daily Minyan Services

Hebrew School

Kosher Grocery

Kosher Meals on Wheels

Smile on Seniors


991 Winterberry Drive

Marco Island, FL 34145

Phone: 642.0800  Fax: 642.1031

Email: tboxma@marcojcmi.com

Website: www.marcojcmi.com

Rabbi Mark Gross

Hari Jacobsen, Cantorial Soloist

Stan Alliker, President Shabbat Services

Friday 7:30 p.m.

Seasonal: Saturday Talmud-Torah at 9:30 a.m. and Shachrit at 10:30 a.m.

Rabbi’s Lifelong Learning Series

Sidney R. Hoffman Jewish Film Festival


Services are held at:

The Unitarian Congregation

6340 Napa Woods Way

Rabbi Howard Herman 431.3858

Email: rabbi@naplesjewishcongregation.org


Charles Flum, President

Jane Galler, Cantorial Soloist

Shabbat Services

Friday evenings 7 p.m.

May - August: services once a month

Sisterhood • Men’s Club

Adult Education • Adult Choir



1459 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109 (just west of Mission Square Plaza) Phone: 434.1818

Email: office@bethtikvah.us

Website: www.bethtikvahnaples.org

Rabbi Ammos Chorny

Joseph Henson, President

Roberta Miller, Secretary

Shabbat Services

Friday evenings 6:15 p.m.

Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m.

Youth Education

Adult Education Community Events

Jewish Organizations to Serve You in Greater Naples

(All area codes are 239 unless otherwise noted.)

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

Phone: 263.4205

Website: www.jewishnaples.org

Email: info@jewishnaples.org

• Federation Board Chair: Nathaniel Ritter

• Federation President/CEO: Jeffrey Feld

American Jewish Committee

Regional Dir: Brian Lipton, 941.365.4955

American Technion Society Chapter Dir: Kelley Whiter, 561.395.7206

Baker Senior Center Naples Phone: 325.4444

Chairperson: Prentiss Higgins

President/CEO: Dr. Jaclynn Faffer

Friends of the IDF

Exec. Dir.: Dina Ben Ari, 305.354.8233

GenShoah SWFL


Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah

President: Joyce Toub, 518.330.1559

Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Chairperson: Stuart Price

President/CEO: Susan Suarez, 263.9200

Israel Bonds

Monica DiGiovanni, 727.282.1124

Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida

President: Marina Berkovich, 566.1771

Jewish National Fund

Joshua Mellits, 941.462.1330 x865

Jewish War Veterans Post 202

The Federation Star is published monthly, September through July, by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples 4720 Pine Ridge Road • Naples,

Commander, Harvey Sturm, 261.3270

Men’s Cultural Alliance

President: Michael Sobol, 508.733.9427

Naples BBYO Cayla Schreier, 845.405.1991

Naples Friends of American Magen David Adom (MDA)

SE Reg Dir: Joel Silberman, 954.457.9766

PJ Library

Coordinator: Alicia Feldman www.jewishnaples.org/pj-library

Women’s Cultural Alliance

President: Patti Boochever, 518.852.3440

Zionist Organization of America

President: Jerry Sobel, 914.329.1024

39 October 2023 Federation Star
FL 34119 Phone: 239.263.4205 E-mail: info@jewishnaples.org • Website: www.jewishnaples.org Volume 33, No. 2 • October 2023 • 40 pages USPS Permit No. 521 Publisher: Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Editor: Sharon Hood • 239.591.2709 • sharon@marketcrank.com Design: MarketCrank, Inc. Advertising: Joy Walker • 941.284.0520 November 2023 Issue Deadlines: Editorial: October 2 • Advertising: October 10 Send news stories to: sharon@marketcrank.com COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Get started today! Contact us. Ellen Weiss, Executive Director phone: 813.769.4785 ellen@topjewishfoundation.org Elyse Hyman, Dir. of Philanthropy phone: 813.769.4769 elyse@topjewishfoundation.org Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) Legacy Gifts Life Insurance Gifts Charitable Gift Annuities IRA Charitable Rollovers Immediate Gifts of Appreciated Assets Consider TOP as your community foundation and let us help you with charitable giving. Together, we are ensuring a Jewish future. Here are some of the ways you can give back to the community with TOP: topjewishfoundation.org

to our 2023-24 Jewish Book Festival Look Who’s Coming OPENING EVENT!

World-renowned author of “Tuesdays with Morrie” and celebrated sports journalist Mitch Albom will kick off our 2023-24 Jewish Book Festival with thoughts on his newest book, “The Little Liar.”

Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m.

Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

Mitch Albom is the author of numerous fiction and non-fiction books, which have collectively sold more than 40 million copies in 48 languages worldwide. He has written eight No. 1 New York Times bestsellers, including “Tuesdays with Morrie,” the bestselling memoir of all time, which topped the list for four straight years.

An outstanding line-up of noted authors from the Jewish Book Council continues throughout the Jewish Book Festival season.

Find more details about all the Jewish Book Festival authors and their books on pages 20-21 in this issue of the Federation Star. Visit jewishbookfestival.org to become a patron or purchase tickets.

Registration for individual events is available; however, the best way to ensure you have a seat for the authors you want to see is to become a Patron. Platinum Patrons will be invited to a private book-signing reception prior to the program.

40 October 2023 Federation Star OF GREATER NAPLES

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Articles inside

The school year begins with a buzz

page 38

Updates with BBYO Naples and Fort Myers

page 37

Our core values

page 35

A Celebration of Jewish Life sneak peek

page 34

L’chaim to our blessings

page 33

Lessons of Sukkot

page 33

May you be inscribed in the Book of Life

page 32

Hadassah miracles

page 32

Israeli Minister of Defense prioritizes the ties between the U.S. and Israel

page 31

Why we need a Christian-Jewish partnership

page 31

The Revolt at Sobibór

page 30

Old dogs and new tricks

page 29

The World of Judaic folk art

page 28

Memories of childhood Sukkot

page 26

Four very different new movies, Wallace interviews

page 25

Don’t miss the return of human rights films and Zoom panelists

page 24

“Celebration of Jewish Life” to feature music, theater and comedy

page 23

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 22

Naples Jewish Congregation events open to the community

page 22

Christian-Jewish partnership to protect our future

page 22

Family … can we talk?

page 18

Dispatch from a recent Holocaust conference, and more

page 17

At the Museum this fall

page 16

2023-2024 GenShoah SWFL programs

page 14

'Live and In Person’ with MCA

page 13

The Speaker Series: A signature WCA program

page 12

Jewish Book Festival fever

page 11

Great opportunity for fun and giving with Beading for Betterment

pages 10-11

My experience with the Israeli intelligence community this summer

page 10

The other

page 8

Farewell but not goodbye

page 8

Have a ball at A Night at the Jerusalem Light Festival

page 8

Joshua Jay will amaze, surprise and intrigue at upcoming magic show

page 7

Sarah Logan

page 6

Welcome guests to our new center with a brick paver

page 4

It’s a new year and we have new programs!

page 4

The 92nd Street Y, New York is coming to our Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

page 3

Community's resilience

page 2

Security features at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center

pages 1-2
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