3 minute read
A promising New Year ahead
Steven Chizzik, President
Rosh Hashanah, being the Jewish New Year, is always a time for reflection. How did we do this past year and what can we do to be a better person in the upcoming New Year? That premise not only holds true for each of us, it is also a time for our Synagogue to be introspective.
This past year, Beth Tikvah worked very hard to bring our congregants together and have services and programs in person. Through each wave of the COVID-19 virus, our task force has had to make diffi cult decisions on how to maintain in-person activities while also keeping congregants and friends healthy. I’m proud to say this has been done, always remembering “Pikuach Nefesh,” preserving life is foremost.
In order to bring back Kiddushim, Beth Tikvah had a privacy fence installed, surrounding our garden, then we added beautiful outdoor tables, chairs and colorful umbrellas. In synagogue, we’ve continued to wear masks and be properly vaccinated. We all hope that one day soon masking will not be necessary.
Our programming this past year was outstanding, and the new year promises to be even better! The Naples Jewish Film Festival was a huge success last year and we are excited to announce that it will resume this coming season at Sugden Theatre, where we can celebrate its Diamond Anniversary in person!
This past High Holiday season, Rabbi Chorny was joined by Cantor Norman Brody to bring us beautiful and inspirational services to rave reviews. We are thrilled that this dynamic duo will inspire us again this Holiday season.
Beth Tikvah is very proud of all we accomplished this past year, and we are always looking to improve. Many people work very hard to make Beth Tikvah a very special place; it is truly a team effort, and we always have room for more people to participate. If you have energy and a few available hours, please let me know. We could always use more great ideas and assistance.
I would also like to remind everyone that Beth Tikvah is continuing to offer new members their first year’s dues free of charge. We all are ambassadors for Beth Tikvah. If you know a friend or a Jewish resident in your development who might want to experience the warmth and community found at Beth Tikvah, please invite them to come experience our special congregation.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our High Holiday services.
L’shana tovah u’metulah; a sweet and healthy New Year to all!
High Holy Days Services:
Sunday: Sept 25th 6:15 pm. Erev Rosh Hashana
Monday: Sept 26th 9:00 am. Rosh Hashana
Tuesday: Sept 27th 9:00 am. Rosh Hashana
Tuesday: Oct 4-6th 6:15 pm. Kol Nidre
Wednesday: Oct 5th 9:00 am. Yom Kipper
Sunday: Oct 9th 6:15 pm. Erev Succot
Monday: Oct 10th 9:30 am. Succot
Saturday: Oct 15th 6:15 pm. Simchat Torah
Sunday: Oct 16th 9:00 am. Yizkor