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Family Rosh Hashanah dinner returns … and more
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
We hope and pray that you are fully rejuvenated after a healthy and happy summer. Here at Chabad, thank G-d, we have had a busy summer with ongoing and regular programs plus an incredible Summer Camp. Then, we took advantage of a week to improve and update our building to begin the New Year with a fresh new look.
Rosh Hashanah dinner
We are so pleased and excited to offer the return of our very special and popular family Rosh Hashanah Dinner. What a great way to usher in the New Year, with the warm friendship and camaraderie of the Naples Chabad family. Reserve your place online or call the office.
High Holiday services
Do you have a GPS — a General Prayer Structure — to assure that your family won’t be caught without a warm, welcoming place to participate in the High Holiday celebrations? Before you know it, Rosh Hashanah will be here. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the services with Rabbi Fishel’s enlightening commentaries. We are so happy to have Cantor Choni Teitelbaum back by popular demand to enrich the services.
Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
We’re gearing up for ‘The Chabad Naples’ 19th annual High Holiday experience. Inspiring, family-friendly, soul stirring, super friendly, uplifting and insightful — those are some previous participant descriptions.
The service will include a special children’s program, so bring your children or grandchildren along for this fun event, which will also include entertainment. For more information and to reserve your space, visit www.chabad naples.com, call 239-262-4474 or email office@chabadnaples.com.
We will offer delicious Kiddush luncheons both days of Rosh Hashanah. If you would like to sponsor, please call the office.
Partners’ project
This is the time of year when we can renew our commitment to Chabad by contributing an amount at our comfort level. This allows Chabad to continue its most important endeavors throughout the community during the year.
Hebrew School 2022-2023
Chabad Hebrew School is currently enrolling students for the 2022- 2023 Hebrew School year. For more information or to enroll your child, please call 239-262-2620 or visit www.chabadnaples.com.
The big build has begun!
Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts has launched a capital campaign to extend the campus, increasing our facilities to enable much-needed additional preschool and Hebrew School classrooms, expanded summer camp and new spaces for community events.
“The Big Build,” is a $6 million community-inspired and communityfunded effort. Jay and Patty Baker lead the way with a $2 million challenge grant. We need your help to unlock it by raising $2 million from caring members like you. Help us make this a reality! Please visit www.NaplesBigBuild.com for more information or reach out.
Shabbat & Kiddush
Shabbat services at Chabad Naples are very popular. One highlight has always been the Kiddush luncheon, sponsored every week by a family wishing to honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a simcha or sponsor the happiness of being with family and friends. The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the rabbi’s contemporary, meaningful and relevant insights during the Torah reading.
The flying challah and meals from the heart
Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message in the form of tasty fresh challah. Nominate a recipient by sending us an email.
If you know someone who would appreciate a kosher meal, please let us know. We will be happy to arrange to have one sent to those who are without means to obtain help.
Chabad Naples Community Care
Chabad of Naples has a special committee of professionals and lay volunteers who are available and trained to visit anyone in need. If you know someone who would appreciate a visit, especially before the High Holidays, please call 239-261-0772.
If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are here to help make a minyan during the week. We are grateful to those who help us with this service. It is amazing to see the community come together for each other.
Weekly email
If you would like to be added to the weekly updates and mailing list, call 239-262-4474 or email office@ chabadnaples.com.