3 minute read
Adult education classes
Charles Flum, President
Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC), the small temple with the big heart, is expanding its in-person activities. First are the services for Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur. We invite the Jewish community to join us for worship. If you have never been to our High Holiday services, we invite you to come for free. If you have been to these services with us before, the cost is $100 per person, which will be applied to your dues when you join NJC.
We are working on the details for our Chanukah party as well as our community seder. Flamingle will kick off with get-togethers, such as picnics, where congregants engage in activities, presenting opportunities to all have fun while learning more about each other.
Of course, services will be held throughout the year on Friday nights, with once-amonth Saturday services, at the Unitarian Universalist church (UU) on Napa Woods Way in Naples.
We are very proud to have a very erudite rabbi, Rabbi Herman, who has put together a fascinating series of adult ed courses. His six topics are: “Jewish Music Thru the Ages as a Spiritual Tool,” “You Be the Judge – What Should a Jew Do?,” “Lessons Learned Thru the Hassidic Tales,” “Inspired Messengers: A Spotlight on Biblical Prophets,” “Dear Rabbi: I have a question” and “Jewish Miracles.”
The first adult ed class about Jewish music will take place at 5:00 p.m. Oct. 21 at the UU, followed by a light supper ($5) and services. The talk will be about the debate Jewish Music has seemingly been as an integral part of Jewish life for millennia. Since before the Temple was built, music played a role in the spirituality of Jewish life. This course will delve into the whys and wherefores about Jewish music; what Jewish music is supposed to do and not do; why some people love it and some people hate it; the genre of Jewish music that is not attached to prayer; what is traditional Jewish music and what is not; and, if we have time, we will explore where Jewish music is going in the 21st century and beyond. We will also spend some time in this course looking at the role of “hazan” or “cantor” through history and today.
If you are interested in attending any of our functions, or want to learn more about NJC, please contact me at either 239-316- 8611 or cflum1@comcast.net.
We warmly welcome you to the little temple with a big heart.